Governor to Sign Dark Money Disclosure Bill, NJ Legislature to Revisit Concerns Later this Month

After the NJ Legislature passed a bill that allows the extension of NJEDA tax incentive programs that have been under investigation by Gov. Phil Murphy's administration, Murphy says he has no choice but to veto the bill.

Governor Phil Murphy and leadership from the NJ Legislature this weekend came to an agreement on the so-called ‘dark money’ disclosure bill, scheduled for a veto override vote today.

The legislature will pass the bill, and the governor will sign it into law.

By the end of the month, the senate and assembly will pass legislation addressing the concerns of advocacy groups.

"Phil folded," an establishment Democrat grunted as the legislature readied for today's voting session with the votes to reverse Murphy's initial override of the legislation.

Not so, a Murphy ally insisted.

His [bubbleAutoLink text="same-party rivals" id="54417"] in the legislature just wanted to bloody the governor with an override vote.

Previous comments for: Governor to Sign Dark Money Disclosure Bill, NJ Legislature to Revisit Concerns Later this Month

  1. William Mead says:

    "Phil folded" is ARROGANT NONSENSE. Compromise and collaboration is what makes democracy work. Sweeney's power play for the OVERRIDE was what folded, in light of "King George's" EDA scandal!

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