Grateful Gov. Murphy: 'I'm Not Going Anywhere'


Prior to launching his budget remarks this afternoon, Governor Phil Murphy thanked New Jerseyans for their support as he faces a personal health crisis, and let them know he plans to make an unyielding stand.

His remarks received a standing ovation in a chamber that has seldom proved friendly for the Goldman Sachs former Ambassador of Germany turned Democratic Governor.

Murphy over the weekend reported the news that he has a tumor on his kidney that will require an operation. Today, after gratefully acknowledging the support he said he received after delivering that news, he defiantly made his case for sticking around.

"I'm not going anywhere," roared the Governor, prior to robustly launching into the beginning of his speech.

On Saturday evening, Murphy tweeted, "Friends – I’ve got a tumor on my left kidney and will undergo a partial nephrectomy in early March to remove it. The prognosis is very good and I’m profoundly grateful to my doctors for detecting the tumor early."

From the report by Brent Johnson:

Murphy, 62, told NJ Advance Media that doctors caught it at an early stage and have “complete confidence” they’ll be able to fully remove the tumor. He said he does not expect he’ll have to undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

According to the report, the Governor said he was lucky to have caught it early.

Murphy said he will undergo surgery in early March, will be hospitalized for two or three days, and then spend a few weeks recovering at home. Murphy’s office did not disclose the hospital where the surgery will take place but said it is in New York City.

[caption id="attachment_78245" align="alignnone" width="717"] Governor Murphy greets former Senator Barbara Buono, the 2013 Democratic nominee for Governor, who was in Trenton today to hear his budget address.[/caption]

Previous comments for: Grateful Gov. Murphy: 'I'm Not Going Anywhere'

  1. Morrison2525 says:

    Apropos of nothing, decided to remove comments from its site beginning tomorrow 2/26/2020. "It was never our intent, but we ultimately gave a small number of people a license to say things they would never say in their workplace or at their dinner table without the cloak of anonymity."

  2. Hancock212 says:

    I guess Jersey hospitals aren't good enough!

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