Grayzel Eyes Sherrill Congressional Seat

MORRIS TOWNSHIP - Politics is thinking ahead.

And that has Jeff Grayzel thinking about Congress. That is, if his local congresswoman, Mikie Sherrill, wins the race for governor.

If so, Grayzel wants to replace her.

"With so much at stake for our community and the country at large with the current federal government, I would seriously consider a run to represent our community in Washington should our congressional seat become vacant. It would be an incredible opportunity to serve my community at the highest level of government,” Grayzel said in a statement.

"But let me be clear: I will not challenge Mikie for her seat in Congress. Should she not win the governorship, I will fully support Mikie for reelection to Congress." That would be in 2026.

Clearly, if Sherrill becomes governor, there will be a congressional vacancy.

One wonders if this will unfold into a county vs. county vs. county type of thing. CD-11 covers parts of Morris, Passaic and Essex counties and you can assume that politicians in all three counties will be interested in going to the House. Sherrill, for the record, is from Essex.

As Grayzel notes, he has had an interesting political career.

Back two decades, his hometown was solidly Republican. But then in 2007, Grayzel won - albeit narrowly - a special election. The Dems now had a voice on the committee.

In time, the Democratic Party grew in the township and it now controls all five seats on the committee.

Grayzel can present a pretty good record of success.

First things first, however.

Grayzel's municipal term is up this year and he also announced plans to seek reelection this fall. Keep in mind that even if Sherrill wins the race for governor, her congressional seat probably would not be open until January, 2026. He said:

"I'm proud of the many accomplishments we have had in Morris Township since I first became mayor, particularly, geƫting the NY/NJ Red Bulls Soccer Club and Restoration Hardware to build their landmark facilities in our community. We have also been focusing on numerous infrastructure improvements, and this year we won a prestigious municipal infrastructure award for the reconstruction of Southgate Parkway into a multi-modal roadway."

Republicans last year didn't field candidates in the township. But now, they are trying to get back in the game.

George Talarico has been already unveiled as the Republican candidate. And you can assume Grayzel's interest in Congress may become an issue in the municipal race - if Sherrill wins the gubernatorial primary.

Meanwhile, Grayzel said he's taking this week's NJ Chamber of Commerce train to Washington D.C. Ah, the big time indeed.





Previous comments for: Grayzel Eyes Sherrill Congressional Seat

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Too many low information voters in CD-11. They are ignorant and stupid of the U.S. Constitution and why America is the best place to live. They're more concerned about "micro-aggressions", DIE, LGBTQMICKEYMOUSE programs, and other Marxist giveaways. Need to Gerrymander the district to get it back to a more sane electorate.

  2. Henry says:

    Don't count on Sherrill winning, her stances too dangerous for her to win!

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