Greenwald Pushes Back Against Public Resistance

Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald (D-6) this morning fought back against criticisms of the [bubbleAutoLink text="apportionment commission resolution" id="43616"] he crafted.

"To me this is a nonpartisan issue," he said. "The map is a reflection of the will of the voters.

"You're electing a body that is responding to public policy demand," he added. "People in New Jersey felt impacted by federal tax reform. People came out and voted a certain way because of that. You are now creating maps that... fit the mandates that they are pushing."

Greenwald challenged League of Women Voters and other reps to offer an alternative.

Winn Khuong of Action Together New Jersey pushed back hard, prompting cheers and claps when she said it was unfair for Greenwald to go at them with very technical questions and rushing it through for a Monday vote.


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