More Grim COVID-19 News from the War Memorial

The state processed the deaths of 323 more New Jerseyans, bringing the COVID-19 death toll to 3,840, Governor Phil Murphy said today at his daily War Memorial briefing in Trenton.
The state reported 3,250 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the statewide total to 78,467, the governor said.
New Jersey Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli said the state's residents who have been tested show a 44.9% positivity rate.
Murphy insisted on people continuing to exercise social distancing practices, and and abiding by his stay-at-home order.
"I know it has not been easy but it is absolutely essential to our success," the governor said. "We're flattening the curve. We cannot let up."
Persichilli considered the ethnic and racial breakdown of 2,717 investigated COVID-19 cases.
They are:
50.3% white
22.3% African American
16.6% Hispanic
5.4% Asian
5.4% other.
Murphy said he was troubled by the fact that African American COVID-19 deaths are 50% above the representation of the African American community statewide.
Regarding the underlying conditions present in those who have died, the health commissioner said
60.8% had cardiovascular disease
39.1% diabetes
29.6% other chronic condition
20.5% chronic lung condition, such as asthma or emphesema.
15.8% chronic renal disease
15% neurological
13.3% other
11% cancer