Grossman Goes off on Coca Cola

1. Last February, Coca-Cola employees disclosed that they were forced to complete online "diversity" training telling them to "try to be less white".
2. On June 3 last year, during the height of the "Black Lives Matter" riots, looting, and burning, James Quincey, chief executive officer of Coca-Cola held a special video "town hall" for all Coke employees. He told them, "Companies like ours must speak up as allies to the Black Lives Matter movement". In his speech, Quincy repeated every "woke" Democrat lie about race and law enforcement. He praised violent criminals like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Ahmaud Arbery as innocent victims. He also announced that the Coca-Cola foundation would give $2.5 million in grants to a variety of organizations promoting the "social justice" agendas of radical "woke" Democrats. 3. Last March, Coca-Cola CEO James Quincy publicly denounced as "unacceptable", new voting laws in Georgia that make it easier to vote, but harder to cheat. |
"Like all their propaganda, it is used to divide and weaken America. It falsely claims people are 'woke' if they blame whites in America for every problem and injustice in the world. Why do white Democrat elites use the wrong adjective 'woke' instead of the correct 'awake'? Do they falsely assume most blacks in America speak that way? Do they have such little respect for black Americans that they feel a need to use poor grammar to relate to them?
"By falsely blaming whites for every problem in black communities, 'woke' Democrats make it almost impossible for honest black leaders to openly discuss and fix real problems in their neighborhoods. 'Institutional racism' by whites did NOT cause the death of Mehmood Ansari, the owner of a Boardwalk store in Atlantic City two weeks ago. It did NOT cause the young 26 year old to be shot to death in broad daylight in Pleasantville with two teenagers wounded. "Yet anyone who openly speaks this obvious truth at Stockton University or at almost any public school or library in New Jersey is denied employment or ruins his or her career. Any black American who openly says this is attacked and ridiculed as an 'Uncle Tom'. "We have 5,000 of these cards.... Simply take them from the waterproof plastic bin in the parking lot by the basement door and air conditioning unit." |
I picture Grossman approaching the cashier at a Chicken-fil-A location in New Jersey and placing his business card on the counter. Saying, “It’s come to my attention that the cola drink you serve is Coca-Cola. I have something to say about businesses commenting on political issues. I am disgusted with their corporate social activism. Let your manager know that I am no longer buying Coke products.” The cashier, who has spent way too many hours on Twitter, responding, “Sir, this is a Wendy’s.” Grossman looking startled, then before leaving pointedly correcting him.