Ground Zero WNY: Roque Says Sires Needs to 'Retire in Peace'

West New York Mayor Felix Roque took a break from the action for a few minutes to sip a Cuban coffee.
"This is the eye of the storm, man," Roque said, referring to the Democratic County Committee fight in his hometown where rival U.S. Albio Sires (D-8) backs a slate of 50 candidates and Roque, teamed with state Senator Brian P. Stack (D-33), supports an alternative slate of 56.
"I always knew this was going to happen," the mayor, up for reelection next year, said.
Roque wants Stack to be the next [bubbleAutoLink text="Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO)" id="26483"] chair. Former Mayor Sires stands with District 32 overlord state Senator Nick Sacco, who wants Amy DeGise, daughter of the Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, a lifelong Sacco-Sires chum.
"There's got to be a change," Roque said, reflecting on the DeGise-Sacco-Sires triumvirate. "You call DeGise and two minutes later Joey Muniz calls you. I really believe the whole county has to go in a different direction. Brian is very energetic and wants the best for this county. The mayors have to put in more effort."
Sires is pounding on doors to boost the rival slate and save his own reelection 2020 chances. If Stack wins the chairmanship on June 12th, he's likely gone. If Stack loses, Roque could be local roadkill, a victim of Sacco payback.
"I don't hate Albio, he's my friend and my patient," said Roque, a doctor by trade. "But the reality is Albio lost the connection a long time ago. When you say 'Albio,' they don't know him. He does have a small, withering base. But you know how they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend? By him going against me, he's helped me."
Former Mayor Silverio "Sal" Vega, businessman Larry Weinstein - who's pawing the turf to run against Sacco again next year in North Bergen - and, of course Stack, are all over West New York with bodies and resources.
"Brian is a monster," Roque said. "He brought 400 people in here last week."
When Roque stared down a recall election after beating fraud charges, Sires and others scrambled during his hour of need, the mayor said.
"Albio did me a favor," Roque said. "He should have sat down with me. Endorsing DeGise is going to cost him his congressional seat, but he'll always be my friend. He's a Cuban, so there's that connection there, just as I have with the senator. But Albio - he needs to retire in peace. I heard he's a great golfer."