Guadagno Rolls Out Senator Bucco, Clerk Page Endorsements in Morris
By Insider NJ |
March 16, 2017, 5:10 pm | in
The Diner Booth
Kim Guadagno today announced the personal endorsements from key Morris County leaders, including veteran state Senator Tony Bucco (R-25).
“I am personally endorsing Kim because she will focus on reducing taxes and creating jobs as governor,” said Patti Page. “I also like that Kim Guadagno wants to reform the school funding formula and audit Trenton to save taxpayers money. That’s the kind of leadership we need in our next governor to make New Jersey better.”
“These leaders understand that our state’s next governor must be focused on making New Jersey better for everyday working families,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. “Instead of turning the State House into the ‘Palace of Versailles’ by spending $300 million we don’t have, I will audit Trenton, cut taxes and make our state government more accountable to the people.”
To date, Guadagno has earned the personal endorsements from 12 county Republican Party chairs and more state legislators than any other Republican gubernatorial candidate. In addition to earning the Morris County slogan, Guadagno has earned the official Republican Party line on the June 6th primary ballot in seven counties: Camden, Cape May, Hudson, Ocean, Passaic, Salem and Warren.
Patti Page is the Current Morris County Republican Party Chairwoman. According to current voter registration data, Morris County is the third largest Republican county after Ocean and Bergen.
Newly announced endorsements:
Patti Page, Morris County GOP Chairwoman
Senator Anthony Bucco, Sr. (LD25 - Morris/Somerset)
James M. Gannon, Morris County Sheriff
Larry Casha, Morris County GOP State Committeeman
Dave Desai, Riverdale Councilman
Previously announced endorsements:
John Sette, Former Morris County GOP Chairman
Christina Ramirez, Morris County GOP State Committeewoman