Guadagno's Sanctuary State Hit on Murphy Gets Whole State Talking

Worse than Willie Horton.
It's fair.
It's politics.
Everyone - or almost everyone in the New Jersey political universe - has an opinion on the attack ad released by the Kim Guadagno Campaign against Phil Murphy on the subject of a sanctuary state.
The ad prompted a response from a spokesman for U.S. Senator (and former Newark Mayor) Cory Booker.
"This ad represents the most disgraceful of campaign tactics, and with it Kim Guadagno is diving headfirst into Donald Trump's fear-mongering." "A 'sanctuary state' will mean a huge influx of people who will need the social services safety net more than average. The Democrat gubernatorial ticket has promised to impose a so-called 'millionaire's tax' that will chase away those who currently fund the state's social safety net. Those who are left... the middle class who can't leave because of a job, or because they can't sell their home for what they paid for it, or because their child wants to finish school -- they will have to make up for the shortfall in higher taxes. That won't be easy, because at 26.1% of income, the cost of living in New Jersey is, according to Bloomberg, by far the most expensive in the nation. Meanwhile, state household income is nearly seven percent lower than it was in 2008 and has only grown by a little more than one percent since then. Those coming to the new 'Sanctuary State' of New Jersey will enter the workforce of the gray economy, where the minimum wage doesn't apply. But for everyone else it does -- which will leave trade union workers, manufacturing, medical care and health workers, service industry workers, and mothers with part-time jobs all at a disadvantage when competing for a job. It will be bad news for people trying to pay their mortgage, their property taxes, those hoping to avoid foreclosure. And just where will all these newcomers to the 'Sanctuary State of New Jersey' reside? Why in subsidized sanctuary housing -- courtesy of COAH and its plan to build tens of thousands of new subsidized no-questions-asked units throughout New Jersey. This will require massive infrastructure investment by taxpayers -- and an increase in property tax collections. To pay for it, the Democrats intend to scrap the 2-percent cap on local government spending. Under the Democrats property taxes rose an average of 6.1 percent a year -- triple the rate of inflation. Since the cap, property taxes have gone up an average of just 2.1 percent a year."
Guadagno in the gutter. Willie Horton redux.
This is not fear mongering. This is fact. Had the police who arrested Jose Carranza the first time checked his immigration status and detained him as an illegal alien, he would not have been put back on our streets to kill these three people. This has nothing to do with immigration or fear of immigrants. This is solely about the state enforcing Federal Law and checking someone's immigration status when there is probably cause they committed a crime.