Gubernatorial Election Flashpoint: Driscoll Goes After Oliver as Cop-Unfriendly


RUTHERFORD - Overcrowded with campaign signs, the V in the road here near the post office looks like some celestial portal to another dimension, and to some Republicans gasping in the clock-rundown of Christie world, a statewide win come Election Day may as well be a science fiction-like storyline.

But not to former Bergen County Freeholder John Driscoll, a proud Republican who straddled that split in the road yesterday with a stack of campaign literature under his arm as Phil Murphy and his entourage dungeon crawled the New Jersey-kooky scene on their way to dominating the area for about an hour.

Kim Guadagno would arrive later and prove an equally impressive street presence, with Driscoll in her midst, lending credence to the come-backing Paramus brand name's assessment of general election dynamics despite dismal Guadagno polling.

"This could go anyway this year," Driscoll told InsiderNJ. "Everyone says it's 'Murphy, Murphy, Murphy.'"

But Murphy has given the GOP ample opportunity for contrast, insists Driscoll, who's running for freeholder.

"His first selection - Sheila Oliver - was not the greatest," Driscoll said. "She's a well-respected assemblywoman, but she has her detractors around the state as everyone knows. Law enforcement is not a big fan. Then the tax increases he's [Murphy's] talking about. We have an opening there - and at the county level too we have an opening.  They haven't built a hospital - not one survey. Nothing. They did a selection process, which was a fiasco."

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco campaigned in part on the promise of a new hospital, and didn't deliver, Driscoll charged. But he has a totally compliant Freeholder Board, incumbents Joan Voss and Dave Ganz among them, he said.

"People told us all the time when Kathe Donovan was the county executive, 'You guys are independent. Sometimes you got to say 'no.' This board is a rubber stamp. Look, Jimmy is a good man, with a huge heart. I consider him a good friend. But there's an opening for us."


Previous comments for: Gubernatorial Election Flashpoint: Driscoll Goes After Oliver as Cop-Unfriendly

  1. Jim Granelli says:

    Remember, Oliver went to Cuba on a secret mission and refused to call for the extradition of Cop Killer Joanne Chesimard.

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