At Gun Rights Rally, Lonegan Lights into Hollywood for Stoking Societal Violence

Addressing New Jersey gun owners today at a Bill of Rights Rally, CD5 Republican candidate – a fierce pro NRA-backer - Steve Lonegan fingered the entertainment industry as a prime mover culprit in the proliferation of gun violence.

The former Bogota Mayor said the entertainment industry has been “purposely marketing violent media content to children” for years, despite knowing the psychological impacts of inundating young people with violent imagery.

The 5th District Congressional Candidate reiterated his calls for beefed up security measures in the state’s schools – specifically, bullet-proof doors for every classroom -- to protect the lives of students, faculty and staff.

Instead of pursuing real solutions like these to address the issue of school security, Lonegan said the Left has been “us[ing] these acts of violence to raise money and to promote their agenda of restricting firearm ownership among law-abiding citizens,” and to “demon[ize] groups like the NRA.”

The Hollywood entertainment industry responded by increasing its campaign contributions by 1,000 percent and spending hundreds of millions on lobbying and soft money to convince Congress to forget every study it had ever read. It also started to pour money into the campaign of a first term Senator named Barack Obama.

If you doubt the power of Hollywood, just look at what happened in Committee last week. A state Assembly Committee pushed through a 10-round limit on magazines -- but not before they gave a special exemption to Hollywood, that allowed the use of large capacity magazines "for motion pictures, television, or video productions."

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