Guv Candidate Fulop Releases Anti-Corruption Plan

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, a 2025 candidate for governor, this morning released what he calls a "detailed policy plan" to restore public trust in government.  Fulop is responding in part to the indictments against U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and South Jersey Democratic Party Powerbroker George Norcross III.

The mayor has a history of fighting both Menendez and Norcross.

From the release this morning by the Mayor's campaign:

"Most people would agree that faith in our state government has eroded over the last several years, a direct result of legislators and elected officials taking repeated steps to undermine the public trust. Whether it’s rolling back campaign finance laws, making it more difficult for the public to obtain government records, or fighting to hold on to a corrupt “county line” election system, Trenton has repeatedly demonstrated that its priority is pleasing power brokers over the public good.

"That is why we released our plans around meaningful government reform in New Jersey today. You can read the detailed policy plan here.

"Good government leads to more efficiency and ensures that elected officials prioritize their constituents over their own interests. When the government works on behalf of the people, it works for the people, resulting in policies that improve transportation, housing, education, healthcare, economic development, and affordability.

"We will continue to reform this policy together as we have done in the past. And if you haven't already, you can sign up to join the team here as we continue to work together to Fix NJ."

Previous comments for: Guv Candidate Fulop Releases Anti-Corruption Plan

  1. Alan Rhoads says:

    In ~2016, the State of New Jersey took over control of the City of Atlantic City through a law known as the “MSRA.” The state still serves in this authoritative capacity. Any pledge or promise to clean up government corruption from Fulop, Sweeney, Spiller, Jack, or anyone else, should start with a position on Atlantic City. The current mayor of AC is charged with child abuse and still in power. His wife, the superintendent of schools (also CORRUPT- RACKETEERING (among other instances)), is ALSO charged with child abuse, and is also, incredibly, still serving as Superintendent of a $292 Million Dollar annual budget school district. Who else on planet earth would still be allowed to continue serving in these capacities? This is unprecedented corruption. Forgive me, Mr. Fulop, but you have this same mayor serving on your campaign! Your promises, pledges, and platitudes are hollow and empty- they mean nothing- until you call for decisive and corrective action on the state of affairs in Atlantic City, and immediately and unequivocally call for Small’s resignation on your campaign. For the record, before people cry partisanship, Polistina’s idea to have Stockton and AtlantiCare take over AC government is also stupid. Control should be relinquished to the County. Duh! Signed, A true and actual Independent voter who wants what’s best for his state.

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