Guy Names Transition Committee Co-Chairs

A diverse, experienced group of fifteen distinguished leaders that includes a mix of current County of Hudson top managers and outside governmental experts has been tapped by County Executive-elect Craig Guy to lead his transition team. With a varied set of backgrounds and experiences, the co-chairs will direct six different committees that will each examine areas of county government and produce a set of broad policy goals. A majority of the co-chairs are women, further meeting County Executive-elect Guy’s mandate to elevate more women into governmental leadership roles, and the group includes African American, Hispanic, Asian American Pacific Islander and LGTBQ representation.
“As we undertake this critical transition project that will influence the policy agenda that my administration will pursue, I’m so proud to welcome this diverse group of experienced, passionate public servants to our team,” said County Executive-elect Guy. “It was very important to me that we assemble a group that not only has significant experience in government, but that represents the diversity that makes Hudson County such a dynamic place. I’m thankful to each of these transition committee co-chairs for devoting their time and expertise to this project and I look forward to collaborating with them.”
Transition Executive Director Jenny Davis will coordinate with the committee co-chairs and additional members who will be announced in the coming days. The Guy transition team co-chairs are:
Cheryl Fuller, Hudson County Director of Finance and Administration
Nick Fargo, Hudson County Schools of Technology Business Administrator
Rosemarie Martinez, Bayonne Tax Collector
Norman Guerra, Hudson County Improvement Authority Chief Executive Officer
Gio Ahmad, North Hudson Community Action Corporation Board Chairman
Dominick Pandolfo, Hudson County Schools of Technology Assistant Business Administrator
Darice Toon, Hudson County Director of Health and Human Services
Janet Castro, North Bergen Township Administrator
Culture and Diversity
Gina Hulings, Hudson County Director of Cultural & Heritage Affairs/Tourism Development
Elizabeth Schedl, Hudson Pride Center Executive Director
Oscar Aviles, Hudson County Deputy County Administrator
Francesca Giarratana, Hudson County Department of Planning & Business Opportunity
Barkha Patel, Jersey City Director of Infrastructure
Quality of Life
Keri Sullivan, Hudson County One-Stop Operator Program Manager
Alex Velazquez, Union City Board of Education Trustee