Hamm on the Chauvin Trial: The One Element They Don't Talk About, Steve Fulop, JC, Society and the PD


As part of a lifetime of marching, People's Organization for Progress Founder and Director Larry Hamm marched in the streets for a year since the killing of George Floyd, and tonight awaited a decision by the jurors in the murder trail of former Police Officer Derek Chauvin.

"The one component the pundits have not discussed - they discuss a lot of things - but the one thing they do not talk about is racism," Hamm told InsiderNJ. "I'm not talking about the racism in [Derek] Chauvin or some of the people the defense put on the stand. I'm talking about the invisible racism that may be inculcated into some of the jurors themselves.

"As flimsy and scattershot as the defense argument has been, it wouldn't be the first time that type of defense has been presented and the jurors - or a juror - accepted that argument," Hamm added.

The defense attorney only needs to connect with one juror.

We are living in an America of alternative facts, one in which 74.1 million people voted for Donald Trump, who told 30,000 verifiable lies, said Hamm, who to this day says the election was fraudulent and that he won biggest voter turnout in the history of the country, and almost half of those people sided with Trump.

"There were enough of them to storm the capitol," he noted.

The defense knows one wobbly juror can hang the trial.

The People's Organization for Progress leader who has spent 50 years protesting police brutality, also responded to this past weekend's Jersey City anti-police brutality rally ahead of today's closing arguments.

That rally sparked a Twitter collision between the protesters, who chanted 'F-the police' and Mayor steve Fulop, who objected.

"The average person would say those are some really militant people, but they didn't break any windows. They didn't rough up any civilians. As a matter of fact, people in shops and stores were coming out and filming the rally. The only thing I would say is they were saying, 'off the pigs.' Beyond that they were shouting 'black power.'

"The mayor is walking a tightrope," Hamm said. "Because what' more offensive? Some people saying 'f ' the pigs or a policeman killing a person with his knee on that person's neck...? Jersey City has had its fair share of police brutality. I don't think the majority of black people in Jersey City see the police the way Mayor Fulop does."

Fulup backs police reform, including the creation of a civilian complaint commission.

"But in the midst of multiple murders that have become public, personally I think he's hurting himself," Hamm said. "What does he owe the police? Do you know how many black people have been brutally wronged by the police for crimes they did not commit? The police should thank God the only thing some kids are doing is saying 'F-the police.'"

See the (FULL!) interview with Hamm below:

Previous comments for: Hamm on the Chauvin Trial: The One Element They Don't Talk About, Steve Fulop, JC, Society and the PD

  1. Bruce Todd says:

    What is left out of the discussion completely is the role that the collapse of the physical economy of the United States and Western Europe that has occurred starting in the late 1960's and 1970's, and how that has created the conditions under which George Floyd, Eric Garner and whole sections of the population scrimp by, trying to use counterfeit 20 dollar bills, selling individual cigarettes, or working multiple gig-economy jobs, and still can't meet the standard for poverty level income. The underdeveloped nations fare even worse, with Robert Beasley of the World Food Organization warning that 270 million people could potentially die this year from the most horrible death one can see occurring to oneself, starvation. Government efforts to combat the pandemic have proven one thing undeniably, that is that sovereign governments have the responsibility and more importantly the capability to muster both the financial resources and the physical capabilities to address any and all needs of the people, and overcome any and all limits to getting that accomplished. We must now use that same method to finance the rebuilding of our nation, and the need to do the same on a global scale by the combined efforts of all nations and in the process demonstrate that we as humanity have the moral fitness to survive the present state that we have allowed to occur both in physical economic output, and the dangerous geo-political thinking that has us on the brink of at any time, the potential outbreak of global thermonuclear war.

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