THE HCDO WAR: On the Ground in Battlefield Kearny (with VIDEO)

KEARNY - The town's named after a Civil War hero who died valiantly, some say too valiantly. We're paraphrasing here but the Hudson County town's namesake said something like, "The Southern bullet wasn't made that can kill me," just before he took one that put him down for the count.

In about an hour, the doors will open to the local high school here and allow the stampede of those committee members of the once vaunted [bubbleAutoLink text="Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO)" id="26483"], who will choose a new chair.

State Senator Brian P. Stack and Jersey City School Board Member Amy DeGise will square off for the title in this little, pretty disrespected west Hudson burgh where that lone emblem of history arguably overshadows the factory-fogged streets.

A TV sound truck pulled up next to the high school with pictures of Stack and former Governor Chris Christie emblazoned on its side, obviously a chariot belonging to the DeGise camp.

This much is true: someone will end up playing the role of Kearny, but minus the actual carnage.

It's a political fight, despite all the warlike talk.

And it's also unlikely, when it's all over in a few hours, that he or she will spawn the naming of a town.

Previous comments for: THE HCDO WAR: On the Ground in Battlefield Kearny (with VIDEO)

  1. George Ramirez says:

    It doesn't end here. This is just to see who gets the line.

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