Healey: 'Ian Smith Unfit and Unelectable'


The Bob Healey for Congress campaign released the following statement today in response to Ian Smith’s entry into the NJ-3 congressional race:

“Republicans have a historic opportunity to stop Joe Biden’s and Nancy Pelosi’s radical agenda and win back control of the House this November, but that won’t happen if we nominate unfit and unelectable candidates like Ian Smith,” said Healey Campaign Manager Theresa Velardi.

“The people of Burlington, Monmouth and Mercer Counties will never elect someone who was convicted of killing an innocent teenager while driving drunk and in possession of marijuana and hypodermic needles. Nor are they going to elect someone who openly embraces fringe conspiracy theories about the 9/11 terrorist attacks being perpetrated by our own government,” added Velardi, who was six-years old when her own father was killed in the attacks.

“I served alongside real American heroes who sacrificed everything to avenge the 9/11 terrorist attacks

[caption id="attachment_67834" align="alignright" width="300"]Assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-8). Former Assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-8).[/caption]

on our country,” said former State Assemblyman and Navy SEAL Commander Ryan Peters. “So, when I see Twitter tough guys like Ian Smith attack the character of fellow SEALs and Purple Heart recipients like Dan Crenshaw, while spewing anti-American garbage like 9/11 conspiracy theories, I can’t stay silent.

"Smith's unpatriotic and unhinged conspiracy theories seem to know no bounds. He has gone as far as to attack President Trump over Operation Warp Speed. In a now deleted tweet, Smith wrote 'FDT' after Trump touted the success of Operation Warp Speed – short for F*ck Donald Trump."

Giancarlo Ghione, of legal counsel to Smith, offered the following statement:

"Ian was never charged with possession of hypodermic needles (Which can be confirmed through a search of charges in the NJ database accessible to the public), and the evidence sheet related to his arrest shows that no needles were recovered.  The origin of this claim was a NJ101.5 article saying he was charged with possession of hypodermic needles, which is false.  Ian did contact the journalist who published this asking for a retraction but it never happened."


Previous comments for: Healey: 'Ian Smith Unfit and Unelectable'

  1. Michae says:

    Doesn't matter who the Republiscum Cult puts up. They won't beat Andy Kim. FDT

  2. Mike Kujawski says:

    Ian Smith is not electable?????? Oh really?????? He had the balz to stand up to Phil Murphy and his draconian lockdown measures that are now coming to light as absolutely useless??? I'll take the spine of Ian Smith ANY DAY over other weak kneed Republican politicians. I just sent him $30 and I live in Massachusetts. Ian Smith ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!

  3. RR Piper says:

    Ian Smith had the guts and other body parts to stand up to Dictator Murphy when all other NJ pols did nothing. Support Ian!!

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