Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome yesterday...
Edward H. Thomson was sworn in as a member of the Assembly for the 30th Legislative District.
Bills Introduced:
A5144 Munoz,N/Handlin,A Prescrip. drugs-concerns coverage REF AFI
A5145 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B MVC, casinos-cont operation, st of emerg REF ASL
A5146 Moriarty,P Cash-paying consumers-proh. discrim. REF ACO
A5147 Rooney,K/McKeon,J E-ZPass website-pub. info. req. REF ATR
A5148 Rooney,K/Karabinchak,R Class 1 renewable energy-concerns REF ATU
A5149 McKnight,A/O'Scanlon,D Safe Sanitary Subsidized Rental Housing REF AHO
A5150 Wisniewski,J/Oliver,S+9 Lactation rooms-req. at PANYNJ airports REF ATR
A5151 Handlin,A Teacher annuity retire. plans-disclosure REF ASL
A5152 Caputo,R/Tucker,C Alarm business signs/decals-proh. sale REF ACO
A5153 Quijano,A Toll viol pymts, cashless toll exit-proh REF ATR
A5154 Quijano,A Campus Sexual Assault Commission-estab. REF AHI
A5155 Quijano,A Water safety instruction-pub. sch. req. REF AED
A5156 Pintor Marin,E Disab elderly-endanagering upgrade crime REF AJU
A5157 Barclay,A/Wimberly,B Epinephrine, emerg admin-restaurant req. REF AHE
A5158 Singleton,T Trichloropropane, drinking water-concern REF AEN
A5159 Kean,S/Munoz,N+1 Water safety-concerns sch. instruction REF AED
A5160 Kean,S Sexual assault conviction-bars custody REF AJU
A5161 Kean,S Uninsured driv.-immediate impound of veh REF ALP
A5162 Webber,J/Singleton,T+1 Asset forfeiture reporting req.-estab. REF ALP
A5163 Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V Co Coll Consortium, Workforce Fd-concern REF ALA
A5164 Vainieri Huttle,V Substance use impairment-concerns REF AJU
A5165 Vainieri Huttle,V Behavioral health svcs-study integration REF AHU
A5166 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Dual office holding-concerns REF AJU
A5167 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Essential personnel, st of emerg-concern REF ASL
A5168 Dancer,R Tree Experts-transfer to Dept. of Agric. REF AEN
A5169 Dancer,R Sections, anachronistic sections-repeal REF ASL
A5170 Dancer,R Indigent anachronistic sections-repeal REF ASL
A5171 Dancer,R Farmland, cert-concerns soil disturbance REF AAN
A5172 Kean,S Prescription monitoring info.-concerns REF AJU
A5173 Dancer,R Farmland-concerns assessment REF ASL
A5174 Andrzejczak,B/Dancer,R Farmers-prov. income tax donations REF AAN
A5175 Carroll,M Bus. posting signs-concerns REF ALA
A5176 Space,P/Andrzejczak,B Agric. nat. disaster relief-concerns REF AAN
A5177 Eustace,T Rental housing-itemize rent receipts REF AHO
A5178 Dancer,R Notaries public-concerns REF AJU
A5179 Wisniewski,J/Karabinchak,R+3 Prof. svc. contracts-concerns REF ASL
A5180 Webber,J Prop. rights-concerns time frames REF AJU
A5181 Mazzeo,V/Land,R Lottery drawings-limit REF ATG
A5182 Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E NJ Century Farm Prog.-estab. REF AAN
A5183 Andrzejczak,B/Taliaferro,A Bed & breakfast-allowed on preserv farm REF AAN
A5184 McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W District energy collaborative-concerns REF ATU
AJR170 McKnight,A/Chaparro,A Library Awareness Wk-desig 2nd wk Sept REF AHI
AJR171 Lampitt,P/Watson,B Preeclampsia Awareness Mo.-desig. May REF AWC
AJR172 Clifton,R/Munoz,N Smart card fare collection study comm. REF ATR
AR284 Rooney,K/McKeon,J+1 Metropolitan Transit Auth-prov discounts REF ATR
AR285 Rooney,K/McKeon,J+1 NJTA, Metropolitan Trans Auth-discount REF ATR
AR286 Quijano,A Title IX prot., sexual assault-maintain REF AHI
AR287 Chiaravalloti,N/Eustace,T Civil Rights Act, 1964-not proh discrim REF AJU
AR288 Lampitt,P/Watson,B Maternal Health Accountability Act 2017 REF AWC
AR289 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T Trump-oppose transgender from mil. svc. REF AMV
AR290 Andrzejczak,B/Space,P Farmers-Agric. Dept coordinate donations REF AAN
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:
Legislative Services Commission:
Assemblyman John DiMaio (23), to replace Assemblyman David P. Rible (30), resigned.
State House Commission:
Assemblyman John DiMaio (23), to replace Assemblyman David P. Rible (30), resigned.
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education:
Ira J. Perlmuter, of Clifton, to replace Dr. Markus I. Barth.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Board of Directors:
Joseph M. Muniz, of North Bergen.
Parole Advisory Board:
Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco (25), to replace Assemblyman David P. Rible (30), resigned.
*Effective August 22, 2017
Statewide Public Safety Communications Commission:
Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney (40), to replace Assemblyman David P. Rible (30), resigned.
The Assembly Speaker has made the following reappointment:
*Effective August 22, 2017
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education:
Philip Kirschner, Esq., of Moorestown.
The Assembly adjourned at 5:22 P.M. to meet again at a date and time to be announced.
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (07/31/2017):
P.L.2017, c.180. S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+10 8/1/2017 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp
P.L.2017, c.181. S169 Bateman,C/McKeon,J+1 8/7/2017 Emer. squad vol-hold mun elective office
P.L.2017, c.182. S452 Sca (1R) Sacco,N/Greenstein,L+1 8/7/2017 Emission control equip.-dealer disclose
P.L.2017, c.183. S678 Rice,R/Watson,B 8/7/2017 Loc govt budgets-comply w/fed hiring req
P.L.2017, c.184. S726 Aca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S+8 8/7/2017 Vet.-extends full discrim. law prot.
P.L.2017, c.185. S996 w/GR (1R) Rice,R/Van Drew,J+16 8/7/2017 Lead Haz Control Assist Fd;$10M
P.L.2017, c.186. S1219 ScaAca (2R) Holzapfel,J/Allen,D+19 8/7/2017 Peggy's Law-suspected elderly abuse
P.L.2017, c.187. S1359 Bucco,A.R./Stack,B+4 8/7/2017 Svc dog, ret-access to housing for disab
P.L.2017, c.188. S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 8/7/2017 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag
P.L.2017, c.189. S1640/1642/1013 ScsScaSaAaAa (SCS/4R) Van Drew,J/Holzapfel,J+13 8/7/2017 Domestic companion animals-exposure
P.L.2017, c.190. S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 8/7/2017 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib
P.L.2017, c.191. S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 8/7/2017 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal.
P.L.2017, c.192. S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 8/7/2017 Law enforcement off-sexual training req.
P.L.2017, c.193. S1750 ScaSca (2R) Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 8/7/2017 Vets owning motorcycles-estab. lic plate
P.L.2017, c.194. S1808 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Diegnan,P.J. 8/7/2017 Striped bass-desig. NJ St Saltwater Fish
P.L.2017, c.195. S2153 Gordon,R/Eustace,T 8/7/2017 Rail station constr.-NJTA study
P.L.2017, c.196. S2369 Sca (1R) Whelan,J/Van Drew,J+1 8/7/2017 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule
P.L.2017, c.197. S2457 Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+3 8/7/2017 Jersey Fresh Prog.-income tax contrib.
P.L.2017, c.198. S2578 SaAca (2R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+9 8/7/2017 College Loans Asst St. Students-revises
P.L.2017, c.199. S2884 Aa (1R) Whelan,J/Greenstein,L 8/7/2017 Flood elevation-concerning
P.L.2017, c.200. S2892 SaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Giblin,T 8/7/2017 Real estate brokers-exemp. cert. ed. req
P.L.2017, c.201. S3074 Lesniak,R/Turner,S+2 8/7/2017 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power
P.L.2017, c.202. S3244 Sweeney,S/Allen,D+1 8/7/2017 St. Trooper Sean E. Cullen Memor Hwy.
P.L.2017, c.203. A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 8/7/2017 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib.
P.L.2017, c.204. A1185 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+5 8/7/2017 Audit compliance reviews-report findings
P.L.2017, c.205. A1199 AcaAcaAa (3R) Mosquera,G/Moriarty,P+15 8/7/2017 Domestic viol. cases-concerns testimony
P.L.2017, c.206. A1690 AcsScaSa (ACS/2R) Dancer,R/Singleton,T+6 8/7/2017 Fire dist. election-move to November
P.L.2017, c.207. A1953 Coughlin,C/Lagana,J+14 8/7/2017 Homestead prop tax-allow sr cit install.
P.L.2017, c.208. A1955 ScaSa (2R) Jones,P/Lampitt,P+4 8/7/2017 Estates, personal representative-concern
P.L.2017, c.209. A2176 Taliaferro,A/Eustace,T+2 8/7/2017 Flakka-criminalizes possession or sale
P.L.2017, c.210. A3056 AcaSca (2R) Taliaferro,A/Dancer,R+22 8/7/2017 Food Bank Good Samaritan Act-extends
P.L.2017, c.211. A3058 Aca (1R) Space,P/Taliaferro,A+15 8/7/2017 Farm to Sch. Coordinating Council-estab.
P.L.2017, c.212. A3381 Aa (1R) McKnight,A/Holley,J+2 8/7/2017 Mun. vol. snow removal prog.-estab.
P.L.2017, c.213. A3386 ScaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+11 8/7/2017 Devel. disab. individuals-concerns
P.L.2017, c.214. A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R 8/7/2017 Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan
P.L.2017, c.215. A3896 AcaSaSa (3R) Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+1 8/7/2017 Tires, cert.-concerns sale
P.L.2017, c.216. A3908 Mazzeo,V/DeAngelo,W+7 8/7/2017 911 Memorial Registry-estab.
P.L.2017, c.217. A3911 Wisniewski,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 8/7/2017 Motor veh. reg.-concerning date
P.L.2017, c.218. A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 8/7/2017 Unspent acct balances-req annual report
P.L.2017, c.219. A4206 Karabinchak,R/Prieto,V+1 8/7/2017 Sch bd candidates-cert. affirmation
P.L.2017, c.220. A4230 Conaway,H/O'Scanlon,D+3 8/7/2017 Organ donation-req cert insur coverage
P.L.2017, c.221. A4432 AcaAcs (ACS) Schaer,G/Lampitt,P+2 8/7/2017 Grow NJ Assistance Prog.-allows certain
P.L.2017, c.222. A4542 Aa (1R) Mazzeo,V/Johnson,G+1 8/7/2017 St Trooper Frankie Williams Memor Hwy
P.L.2017, c.223. A4580 Taliaferro,A/Burzichelli,J+8 8/7/2017 Farmland preserv. purposes-approp grants
P.L.2017, c.224. A4581 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B+12 8/7/2017 Farmland preserv. purposes-concerns
P.L.2017, c.225. A4582 Aca (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Mazzeo,V+32 8/7/2017 Co. planning incentive grants-CBT rev.
P.L.2017, c.226. A4584 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Taliaferro,A+11 8/7/2017 Farmland preserv purpose-incentive grant
P.L.2017, c.227. A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 8/7/2017 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges
P.L.2017, c.228. A4673 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+2 8/7/2017 Bldgs., material depreciation-concerns
P.L.2017, c.229. A4713 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Prieto,V+6 8/7/2017 Caren Franzini-desig NJEDA bldg in memor
P.L.2017, c.230. A4895 Egan,J/Sumter,S+1 8/7/2017 Interns, emp. by hosp.-elim. UI exemp.
P.L.2017, c.231. A3532 Acs (ACS) Mazzeo,V/Caputo,R+1 8/24/2017 Fantasy sports activities-reg.