Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Friday And Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Friday (December 18th) and Monday (December 21st):

Aura K. Dunn was sworn in as a member of the General Assembly for the 25th Legislative District.


Bills Introduced:


S3296 Corrado,K Veterans affordable housing preference-establish; auth. bonus fair share credit REF SCU

S3297 Corrado,K/Oroho,S Voter list maintenance & crosscheck prog-estab; cert regis data in annual report REF SSG

S3298 Singer,R Devel disab persons, 21 yr & older-allow to attend spec ed, adult day & emp prog REF SHH

S3299 Oroho,S Broadband infrastructure expansion to rural areas in State;$50M REF SEG

S3300 Cardinale,G Voting machine/system-proh approval if vendor is foreign company, exports tech REF SSG

S3301 Gopal,V/Madden,F Group homes for devel. disab. individuals-concerns electronic monitoring devices REF SHH

S3302 Cryan,J Alcohol & food industry sellers taxable sales-allows temporary deduction REF SCM


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:


S3295 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy REP/SCA


Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:


A1269 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Giblin,T+2 Class 4A commercial property-eliminates the 1% fee and the 1% tax REF SBA

A1537 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Moen,W+2 Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term REF SBA A5057 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Speight,S+3 Infrastructure Bank-auth. to finance aviation & marine infrastructure projects REF STR


The Senate adjourned at 5:00 P.M. to meet again on Monday, December 21, 2020 (SESSION).




The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, December 21, 2020 (SESSION).




Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Michael Beson, of Ocean Township, to replace Frank Spencer.



Richard Torres, of Roselle, to replace Michael D'Agostino.


Bills Introduced:


S3303 Greenstein,L Youth suicide, causes-requires DOH to study REF SHH

S3304 Greenstein,L Pharmacy Audit Bill of Rights-estab. procedures by which entities conduct audits REF SCM




A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy To Sa (O'Scanlon)

A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy To Table (22-15) (Weinberg)


Bills Passed:


A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy (38-1)


Bills Substituted:


A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy SUB FOR S3295 (1R) S3295 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy SUB BY A4 (1R)


Co-Sponsors Added:


S89 (Pou,N) Horse-authorizes creation of special license plate and commem. as State animal S171 Sca (1R) (Madden,F) Veteran, homeless shelters-establish grant program

S550 (Pou,N) Student ID cards-required to contain phone number for suicide prevention hotline S830 (Pou,N) Drinking water tests-public water systems required to offer tests to customers S994 (Pou,N) Goods & services-State agencies required to make good faith effort to purchase S1149 (Pou,N) Property, vacant and abandoned-requires registration with municipalities

S1764 (Corrado,K) Transportation Consolidation Task Force-establish

S1937 (Pou,N) Promote Employment by State Agencies of People w/Disabilities Task Force-estab.

S1997 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Main Street Economic Growth Prog-estab to encourage bus development in small mun S2315 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against

S2508 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Notaries and notarial acts-revises law; authorizes electronic signatures S2554 (Pou,N) Mental health professionals-concerns demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic S2555 (Singleton,T) Small business assistance-appropriates $100M to EDA from federal funds S2680 (Pou,N) Economic Emerg. Investment Stabilization Act-EDA invest in impacted businesses S2715 (Pou,N) School-based mental health services providers-creates grant program

S2716 (Pou,N) Student Wellness Grant Program-establishes in DOE

S2717 (Pou,N) School Based Youth Services Prog.-require DCF give priority to cert. school dist S2718 (Pou,N) Student Mental Health Task Force-establish, study resources available

S2719 (Pou,N) Pub. school student mental health svcs-permit referral to private prof counselor S2864 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Broadband Access Study Commission-establishes

S2888 (Pou,N) Redevelopment Auth assistance-expand elig criteria, mun wherein projects receive S3031 (Pou,N) Nursing education/professional advancement-req. DOH establish programs

S3037 (O'Scanlon,D) Landlord, certain-establishes assistance program during COVID-19;$50M S3095 (Pou,N) Construction inspection program, expedited-establishes

S3127 (Pou,N) Higher education institutions-prov. students w/access to mental health care prog S3189 (Pou,N) Emergency medical svcs-req issuance of temp certifications, cert circumstances S3229 (Turner,S) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M S3234 (Pou,N) Paycheck protection prog. loan-allow deduction of certain expenses when forgiven S3250 (Pou,N) Voting Improvement Task Force-establishes

S3253 (Pou,N) Teachers, expedite certification, early coll high sch prog-estab alternate route S3260 (Pou,N) School buses, newly-purchased-equip with air conditioning and heating systems

S3295 Sca (1R) (Turner,S; Addiego,D; Madden,F; Greenstein,L; Pou,N) Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy S3297 (Bucco,A) Voter list maintenance & crosscheck prog-estab; cert regis data in annual report

S3298 (Bucco,A) Devel disab persons, 21 yr & older-allow to attend spec ed, adult day & emp prog S3301 (Corrado,K) Group homes for devel. disab. individuals-concerns electronic monitoring devices S3302 (Bucco,A) Alcohol & food industry sellers taxable sales-allows temporary deduction

SJR59 (Pou,N) First Responders Appreciation Month-designates October of each year SJR102 (Pou,N) School Library Month-designates month of April

SR82 (Pou,N) College admission testing requirements-urges to temporarily waive SAT or ACT


Co-Prime Sponsors Added:


S1332 (Pou,N) Neighborhood Scholar Revitalization Pilot Program-establishes S1877 (Pou,N) Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns S3238 (Pou,N) Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program-establishes

S3296 (Bucco,A) Veterans affordable housing preference-establish; auth. bonus fair share credit


Third Prime Sponsors Added:


S3209 (Cryan,J) Leg. memb. & probation officers-proh. disclosure of personal info., estab. crime


Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:


A4 Aca (1R) (Ruiz,M) Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy


Second Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:


A4 Aca (1R) (Sarlo,P) Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy


Co-Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:


A4 Aca (1R) (Turner,S; Addiego,D; Madden,F; Greenstein,L; Pou,N) Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy


The Senate adjourned at 2:45 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (SESSION/JOINT SESSION/Governor's State of the State Address).




Bills Introduced:



A5172 Chaparro,A/Mukherji,R Palisades Cliffs Protection Act-limit height of new construction REF AHO

A5173 Houghtaling,E Small business & farm employers-provide tax credits, State min. wage increase REF ACE

A5174 Tucker,C Veterans' Memorial Homes Oversight Board-creates REF AMV

A5175 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D School security expenditures-excludes certain increases from tax levy cap REF AED

A5176 Taliaferro,A Municipal court pilot program, regional-establishes REF AJU

A5177 Tucker,C Bereavement Counseling Prog for family/caregivers of certain vet-req DMVA create REF AMV

A5178 Tucker,C Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Office-submit annual report to vet fac oversight bd REF AMV

A5179 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Bergen,B Cannabis, med.-revises restriction on ownership of alternative treatment centers REF AHE

A5180 Mukherji,R Student w/disab-DOE develop transition checklist; maintain website resources REF AED

A5181 Mukherji,R Paperless State government-create task force to study feasibility REF ASL

A5182 Houghtaling,E Event-related business, negative impact by COVID-19-approp $5M to EDA to assist REF ACE

A5183 Mukherji,R Veterans' Memorial Home medical transportation costs for residents;$1M REF AMV

A5185 McKnight,A Discriminatory real estate appraisals on basis of race/national origin-concerns REF

ARP A5186 DeAngelo,W Cigar lounges, new-permits opening REF AHE

A5187 Downey,J Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Division-establishes resume bank in DOLWD REF ALA

A5188 Mukherji,R Rental unit owners and business owners-maintain liability insurance policy REF AFI

A5189 Taliaferro,A Farmland preserv. inheritance tax deduction prog. w/in Dept of Agriculture-estab REF AAN

A5190 McKeon,J Renewable energy-prohibits regulating certain solar panels; limits certain fees REF AEN

A5191 McKeon,J Waste in landfills, organic-establish Statewide target to reduce disposal REF AEN

ACR204 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D Disabled veterans, served at any time-receive civil service preference REF AMV

ACR205 DeAngelo,W Water consumption/diversion user fees-dedicate revenue to water quality REF ANR

ACR206 McKeon,J Fossil fuel power plants-amends Constitution to prohibit construction REF AEN

AJR200 DeAngelo,W Wounded Warrior Appreciation Week-designates first week in May of each year REF AMV

AJR201 Chiaravalloti,N Impaired Driving Awareness Month-designates December REF ALP




A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy To Aa (DiMaso) A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy To Table (51-28-0) (Greenwald)


Bills Passed:

A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy (68-11-0)

Co-Sponsors Added:


A4 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V; Downey,J; Speight,S; McKnight,A; Spearman,W) Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy

A5113 (Gove,D) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M


Second Prime Sponsors Added:



A4601 (Space,P) Rock fall mitigation projects-prohibit DOT from taking certain action A4908 (Space,P) Craft distilleries-allow to sell mixed drinks & ingredients for off premise


Third Prime Sponsors Added:



A4908 (Wirths,H) Craft distilleries-allow to sell mixed drinks & ingredients for off premise


The Assembly adjourned at 12:44 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 7, 2021 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


A4 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Coughlin,C+5 Economic Recovery Act of 2020-concerning State economic development policy


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (12/17/2020):

P.L.2020, c.137. A4905 Moen,W/Karabinchak,R+7 12/18/2020 Health care benf plans-allow insurers prov to bds of ed & elig emp, not in SEHBP

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