Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (March 12th):
Bills Introduced:
S2268 Turner,S St. prop.-end tax exemp. status REF SCU
S2269 Turner,S Parking placard-estab penal unlawful use REF STR
S2270 Turner,S Restraining orders-condition of release REF SJU
S2271 Turner,S Green Jobs Training Partnership Prog. REF SLA
S2272 Turner,S Powdered caffeine-proh. sale REF SLP
S2273 Turner,S Nannies-crim. background checks REF SLP
S2274 Turner,S Gov. records-make available on internet REF SSG
S2275 Turner,S Parole viol., cert.-decrease penal. REF SLP
S2276 Turner,S Sr. prop. tax deduct.-incr. income limit REF SCU
S2277 Turner,S Homestead prop. reimb-revise application REF SCU
S2278 Turner,S Svc viol reporting-req cert notification REF SLA
S2279 Turner,S Sr., disab. prop. tax deduct.-incr. REF SCU
S2280 Turner,S Monetary bail-concerns release REF SJU
S2281 Turner,S Lifeline Cred/Tenants Asst-expands REF SEG
S2282 Cruz-Perez,N Plenary retail distrib. lic limit-remove REF SLP
S2283 Smith,B District energy collaborative-concerns REF SEN
S2284 Smith,B Office of Clean Energy-creates REF SEN
S2285 Smith,B Street lights-concerns REF SEN
S2286 Smith,B Traffic, during peak-hrs.-concerns REF STR
S2287 Turner,S Pine Barrens Treefrog-desig St Amphibian REF SSG
S2288 Smith,B Neonicotinoid pesticides-restrict use REF SEN
S2289 Smith,B Barnegat Bay-adopt total max daily loads REF SEN
S2290 Smith,B Radon, child care ctrs.-devel. plan req. REF SED
S2291 Smith,B Expands One-Call Damage Prev. Sys. REF SEN
S2292 Smith,B St House Complex-env sustainability plan REF SEN
SCR109 Turner,S Min. wage-constit. amendment to raise REF SLA
SCR110 Gopal,V Vet. prop. tax deduction-extend elig. REF SCU
SCR111 Smith,B Societal benf. charge-dedicate revenue REF SEN
SR67 Turner,S Backpacks, heavy-take proactive measures REF SED
SR68 Turner,S Merchants, out-of-St.-concerns sales tax REF SBA
SR69 Gopal,V Assault weapons ban-Presid. reauth. REF SLP
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A2184 Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+2 Sickle cell trait diagnoses-registry REP
S61 Singleton,T Community Health Worker Prog.-estab. REP
S489 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Rice,R+3 Work First NJ-incr. benf. amount REP/SCA
S490 Vitale,J/Rice,R+2 Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap REP
S497 Vitale,J/Madden,F Child abuse-cert statements allowed REP
S630 Sca (1R) Gordon,R/Weinberg,L+1 NJT-oversight, accountability reforms REP/SCA
S876 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. REP
S1004 Vitale,J Suppl Nutrition Asst-req. cert. exemp. REP
S1109 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M End-of-life care-physician assist. sign REP/SCA
S1335 Pennacchio,J Emerg med tech cert card-MVC accept Id REP
S1338 Gordon,R MVC database-mark deceased individuals REP
S1484 Singleton,T Antwan's Law-concern reduced speed limit REP
S1567 Weinberg,L Transp. fringe benf, pre-tax-emp. prov. REP
S1735 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Lactation room availbilty-cert. pub. fac REP
S1883 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L Haz materials trans by rail-cleanup plan REP/SCA
S2086 Madden,F Sickle cell trait diagnoses-registry REP
Bills Transferred:
SJR63 Gopal,V Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr. FROM SHH TO SBA
The Senate adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 (SESSION/JOINT SESSION/Budget Message).
Bills Introduced:
A3552 Dancer,R Sch. purpose tax collection-pymt. dates REF ASL
A3553 Dancer,R Sewerage auth. memb.-impose resid. req. REF ASL
A3554 Caputo,R/Holley,J Alarm business signs/decals-proh. sale REF ACO
A3555 Vainieri Huttle,V Childhood lead poisoning prev.-concerns REF AWC
A3556 Vainieri Huttle,V Sober living homes-DHS lic. and reg. REF AHU
A3557 Gusciora,R Minors workers' comp. claim-concerns REF ALA
A3558 Vainieri Huttle,V Animal-assisted therapy pilot prog-estab REF AHU
A3559 Vainieri Huttle,V Domestic viol. shelters-tax deduction REF AWC
A3561 Vainieri Huttle,V Mental Health Advocacy Div-transfer, DHS REF AHU
A3562 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T Human trafficking-expand Commission duty REF AWC
A3563 Vainieri Huttle,V Cyberbullying-restrict internet access REF AWC
A3564 Vainieri Huttle,V Disab.-proh. snowplow block access REF AHU
A3565 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T Massage, unauth therapies-crime REF ARP
A3566 Vainieri Huttle,V Nonprofit Social Svc. Org. Task Force REF AHU
A3567 Vainieri Huttle,V Children's Health Promo. Fd.-estab. REF AWC
A3568 Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid elig. inmates-indentify REF ALP
A3569 Vainieri Huttle,V Vaccines containing mercury-elim. use REF AHE
A3570 Vainieri Huttle,V Hepatitis B-consider priority REF AHE
A3571 Vainieri Huttle,V Opioid meds to student athletes-concerns REF AHE
A3572 Vainieri Huttle,V Finan. literacy course-Higher ed. course REF AHI
A3573 Vainieri Huttle,V Special ed. prog.-concerns provision REF AED
A3574 Murphy,C/Armato,J Domestic viol victim-concerns cell phone REF AWC
A3575 Murphy,C Emp discrimination-proh use, cred report REF ALA
A3576 Murphy,C Antwan's Law-concern reduced speed limit REF ATR
A3577 Murphy,C Veterinary lic. law viol.-upgrade penal. REF ARP
A3578 Wirths,H Regulatory Flex Act-expands scope REF AOF
A3579 Murphy,C Emp. discrim based on credit score-proh. REF ALA
A3580 Wirths,H Pub. officers/emp-elim St. residency req REF ASL
A3581 Gusciora,R Adult Recreational Use Marijuana Law REF AOF
A3582 Wirths,H Sch dist-min. geographic cost adjustment REF AED
A3583 Wirths,H Agric. devel. co./mun.-allows REF AAN
A3584 Wirths,H Vet.-estab. special lic. plate REF ATR
A3586 Wirths,H Sch, env issues-concerns St notification REF AED
A3587 Schaer,G Health care industry rep.-concerns REF AHE
A3588 Space,P Sch. dist. total general fd rev-concerns REF AED
A3589 Schaer,G Labor market info.-share with sch. dist. REF ALA
A3590 Space,P Civil svc open lists-concerns placement REF AMV
A3591 Space,P Armed forces bonus-excludes income tax REF AMV
A3592 Space,P/Andrzejczak,B Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise REF AAN
A3593 Space,P Sr prop tax bill-converts freeze to cred REF ASL
A3594 Space,P/Wirths,H Franklinite-designates as St. mineral REF ASL
A3595 Space,P Motorcycles-create verticle lic. plates REF ATR
A3596 Space,P/Wirths,H Lake Mohawk German Christmas Market REF ASL
A3597 Space,P Apprenticeship promotions-prov. funding REF ALA
A3598 Space,P+1 Oral recitation in pub. sch.-daily;$10K REF AED
A3599 Space,P/Wirths,H Death penalty-reinstates certain REF AJU
A3600 Space,P Co. voc. sch dist-concerns tuition rates REF AED
A3601 Space,P Wage pymt.-concerns alt. methods REF ALA
A3602 Space,P Incarcerated indiv.-proh temp disab benf REF ALA
A3603 Space,P Smarter Lunchroom Act REF AED
A3604 Space,P Emerg. mgt. dept.-expands auth. REF AHS
A3605 Space,P+1 Idling MV on resid. prop.-permits REF AEN
A3606 Mazzeo,V/Caputo,R Lottery game, new-notify Leg. REF ATG
A3607 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Recovery resid-concerns vol. cert. REF AHU
A3608 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Sexual assault claims-concerns St. off. REF ASL
A3609 Mukherji,R Alco bev-concern full-yr consumption lic REF AOF
A3610 Mukherji,R Pub emp-proh unilateral term changes REF ALA
A3611 Calabrese,C Retir. PFRS PERS memb.-vol. concerns REF ASL
A3612 Downey,J/Freiman,R+1 Vet suicide pub svc announcement-concern REF AMV
A3613 Eustace,T/Gusciora,R Blockchain Initiative Task Force-estab. REF AST
A3614 Burzichelli,J Discrim., unlawful-income tax excl. REF AJU
A3615 Burzichelli,J Hosp., cert.-concerns charitable assets REF AAP
A3616 Burzichelli,J Lottery winner-remain anonymous option REF ATG
A3617 DiMaso,S Movers and warehousemen-revise penal. REF ARP
A3618 Handlin,A Regional sch. dist.-concerns REF AED
A3619 Wimberly,B Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred REF ACE
A3620 Quijano,A/Barclay,A Expungement Coordinator Prog.-estab. REF AJU
A3621 Quijano,A/Wimberly,B Bus., cultivate marijuana-tax cred. REF ACE
A3622 Quijano,A/Johnson,G Law Enforcement Handler-Canine Training REF AHS
A3623 Conaway,H/Murphy,C Job training courses-concerns REF ALA
A3624 Conaway,H Lead hazard inspections-rental prop. REF AHO
A3625 Lampitt,P/Schaer,G Higher ed. tuition-improve transparency REF AHI
A3626 Munoz,N Hwy. Accident Prop. Tax Relief Act REF AHS
A3627 Munoz,N Homestead prop. tax reimb.-concerns REF AHO
A3628 Greenwald,L+1 Civic Info. Consortium-estab. REF AHI
A3629 Space,P Sch dist budget-restrict ED auth, reject REF AED
A3630 Downey,J Personal care svc., Medicaid-reimb REF AHE
A3631 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Pensions-proh St, investing in firearms REF ABU
A3632 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Twp. of So. Orange Village-change name REF ASL
A3633 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Mun dedicated charitable fd-concerns REF ASL
A3634 Jasey,M Assoc. and baccalaureate degree-concerns REF AHI
A3635 Jasey,M Workers' comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns REF ALA
A3636 Jasey,M/Schaer,G Dual enrollment prog-share tuition costs REF AHI
A3637 Giblin,T St. Investment Council-adjusts memb. REF ASL
A3638 Andrzejczak,B Sr Farmers' Market Nutrition Prog. REF AAN
A3639 Andrzejczak,B Farm to Sch prog-concerns recipe posting REF AAN
A3640 Andrzejczak,B/Armato,J+1 Farm Fresh School prog.-concerns REF AAN
A3641 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R Animal cruelty offenses-min. crim. penal REF AAN
A3642 Andrzejczak,B/Freiman,R Winery salesrooms-makes changes REF AAN
A3643 Andrzejczak,B/Freiman,R Viticulture Trail Sign Prog.-creates REF AAN
A3644 Andrzejczak,B/Freiman,R Agric-related events on farmland-permits REF AAN
A3645 Quijano,A Suicide Prev Advis Council-DOH estab REF AHU
A3646 Quijano,A Consumer reviews-make public REF ACO
A3647 Quijano,A SNAP renames-Training Prov. Demo. Proj. REF AHU
A3648 Quijano,A Sexual abuse-remove limitations statute REF AJU
A3649 Quijano,A Notary public, renewal-concerns pymt. REF ASL
A3650 Quijano,A Streptomyces Griseus-desig State Microbe REF AST
A3651 Quijano,A MV accident reports-restricts time REF AJU
A3652 Zwicker,A/Coughlin,C Sci., Innovation & Tech. Comm.-re-estab. REF AST
A3653 Speight,S Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities REF AWC
ACR157 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T Human trfficking-SCI examine activity REF AWC
ACR158 Murphy,C/Eustace,T #StandUpHumanRights-70th anniv. REF AHU
ACR159 Space,P Delaware Riv Basin flooding-address risk REF AEN
ACR160 Space,P Mun. court judges, cert.-remove REF AJU
AJR95 Vainieri Huttle,V Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day-desig. REF AHE
AJR96 Vainieri Huttle,V Bone Marrow Donation Awareness Mo.-May REF AWC
AJR97 Vainieri Huttle,V Day of the Girl-desig. October 11 REF AWC
AJR98 Murphy,C/Eustace,T Give Kids a Smile Day-first Friday, Feb. REF AHE
AJR99 Murphy,C/Eustace,T Alexandra 'Alex' Scott Day-desig. Jan 18 REF AHE
AJR100 Lopez,Y/McKnight,A+3 Gun Viol. Awareness Day-desig. June 2 REF AHS
AJR101 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V American Legion-honors on 100th anniv. REF AMV
AJR102 Freiman,R/Downey,J Disab. vets.-concerns commissaries REF AMV
AJR103 Rooney,K/DePhillips,C NUT Carcinoma Awareness Mo.-desig. Jan. REF AHE
AJR104 Downey,J/Coughlin,C+1 SNAP-condemns FY19 proposed changes REF AHU
AJR105 Downey,J/Murphy,C Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr. REF AHU
AJR106 Andrzejczak,B Organic Farming Month-desig REF AAN
AJR107 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+1 Jersey Fresh Season-desig. mo. REF AAN
AR140 Space,P Motorcycle scenic routes-create map REF ATG
AR141 Rooney,K/Chiaravalloti,N Voice over Internet Protocol phone svc. REF AST
AR142 Space,P Federal trade policy-Presid. reform REF ALA
AR143 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Natl. banking policies-enact legislation REF AFI
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A665 Jasey,M/Wolfe,D+3 Sch. bldg.-concerns temperature control REP
A1114 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll REP
A1229 McKeon,J/Quijano,A+1 Whistleblower claim-bars cert settlement REP
A1389 Aca (1R) Bucco,A.M./Webber,J Name change-MVC accept death cert. REP/ACA
A1504 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Eustace,T+8 Aid in Dying-Terminally Ill Act. REP/ACA
A1726 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T Death certificates-incl. gender id REP/ACA
A1727 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T+2 Transgender Equality Task Force-estab. REP
A1862 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+1 Maternal Mortality Review Comm. REP/ACA
A2090 Lagana,J/Mukherji,R Autocabs, cert.-permits digital meters REP
A2131 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/Zwicker,A+1 Internet svc. prov.-concerns REP/ACA
A2132 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/Zwicker,A+2 Pub. contracts, Internet prov.-elig. REP/ACA
A2139 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/Zwicker,A+2 Cable tv svc.-concerns REP/ACA
A2164 Acs (ACS) Wimberly,B Healthy Small Food Retailer Act REP/ACS
A2366 Vainieri Huttle,V/Mukherji,R Hosp Maternity Care-devel. report card REP
A2787 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B Wineries, spec occasion-extend prog REP/ACA
A3208 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+1 Nutrition prog.-transfer to Dep of Agric REP
A3409 Armato,J/Murphy,C Restricted mun. parking spaces-estab. REP
A3499 McKeon,J/Jasey,M+5 Charitable fds.-mun., co, sch dist estab REP
A3502 Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+2 Sch. lunch, student denied-report req. REP
A3503 Lampitt,P/Jones,P+1 Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report REP
A3504 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+1 Summer meal prog.-expands REP/ACA
A3653 Speight,S Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities REP
AJR82 Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P Preeclampsia Awareness Mo.-desig. May REP
AJR104 Downey,J/Coughlin,C+1 SNAP-condemns FY19 proposed changes REP
AJR105 Downey,J/Murphy,C Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr. REP
AR113 Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G Maternal Health Accountability Act 2017 REP
S493 Sa (1R) Vitale,J/Gill,N+2 Death certificates-incl. gender id REP
S705 Ruiz,M/Vitale,J+1 Transgender Equality Task Force-estab. REP
S844 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+2 TDI-estab. partial return to work prog. REP
S1893 Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+1 St prop taxes-concerns income tax deduct REP
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A764 Aca (1R) Caputo,R/Tucker,C+14 Sch bldg-equip w/emerg light panic alarm REP/ACA REF AAP
A1445 Aca (1R) Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+3 Veh. charging stations-toll rd. install REP/ACA REF AAP
A1526 Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+1 Freelance workers-concerns pymt. REP REF AAP
A1718 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Gusciora,R+4 Sex change-revise birth cert. procedure REP/ACA REF AAP
A1827 Acs (ACS) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+8 Sick leave, earned-concerns REP/ACS REF AAP
A1980 Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+3 TDI-estab. partial return to work prog. REP REF AAP
A2067 Howarth,J/Benson,D Fallen Police/Firefighters-lic. plate REP REF AAP
A2568 DeAngelo,W/Benson,D Ancient Order of Hibernians-lic. plate REP REF AAP
A3506 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Sumter,S+2 Breakfast after the bell prog.-req. REP/ACA REF AAP
A3652 Zwicker,A/Coughlin,C Sci., Innovation & Tech. Comm.-re-estab. REP REF AAP
S478 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+5 Gender change-revise birth cert. proc. REP REF AAP
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A167 Space,P/Dancer,R+3 Dog, tracking-auth use, recover deer FROM AAN
A776 Caputo,R/Jasey,M+9 St. Tuition Aid Grant Prog.-concerns FROM AHI
A777 Caputo,R/Chaparro,A+16 Env. Infra. Trust-expend addl sums, loan FROM AEN
A1476 Chaparro,A/Mukherji,R+5 High sch driv ed course-req cert info FROM ATR
A1479 Chaparro,A/Chiaravalloti,N+4 Domestic viol victim-cert. svc contracts FROM AWC
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:
*Effective March 6, 2018
Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission:
Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro (33)
Assemblyman Timothy Eustace (38)
Assemblywoman Britnee N. Timberlake (34)
Education Commission of the States:
Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese (36)
New Jersey Advisory Council on End-of-Life Care:
Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli (3)
New Jersey Alzheimer’s Disease Study Commission:
Assemblywoman Angelica M. Jimenez (32)
New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force:
Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (16)
New Jersey Intergovernmental Relations Commission:
Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese (36)
Assemblyman Bob Andrzejczak (1)
Assemblyman John F. McKeon (27)
New Jersey Military Skills Council:
Assemblyman Bob Andrzejczak (1)
Pretrial Services Program Review Commission:
Assemblyman Joseph A. Lagana (38)
Prisoner Reentry Commission:
Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight (31)
State Beach Erosion Commission:
Assemblyman John F. McKeon (27)
Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (16)
Statewide Public Safety Communications Commission:
Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (29)
Task Force on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
Assemblyman Herb Conaway, Jr. (7)
*Effective March 6, 2018
Joint Committee on Housing Affordability:
Assemblyman Jerry Green (22)
Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt (6)
Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey (27)
Joint Committee on the Public Schools:
Assemblyman Ralph R. Caputo (28)
Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey (27)
Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly (35)
Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (15)
*Effective March 12, 2018
New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force:
Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer (36)
Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission:
James Nolan, of Woodbridge.
Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission:
Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin (18)
State Leasing and Space Utilization Commission:
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (33)
The Assembly adjourned at 6:04 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 (JOINT SESSION/Budget Message).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (3/8/2018):