Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (March 26th):




Nominations Advise and Consent:


Joel M. Weisblatt, of Skillman, to replace Dr. P. Kelly Hatfield.



Carole  Johnson, of Arlington, Virginia.



Dr. Shereef  Elnahal, of Vienna, Virginia.



Robert  Asaro-Angelo, of Milltown.


Nominations Reported from Committee:


Colonel Mark Anthony Piterski, of River Vale.



Honorable Kevin T. Smith, of Wenonah.

Honorable Thomas C. Miller, of Hillsborough Township.



Dr. Lamont  Repollet, of Somerset.



Elizabeth  Maher Muoio, of Pennington.


Bills Introduced:

S2426    Vitale,J/O’Scanlon,D    Marijuana, med-auth, diagnosed condition   REF SHH


Bills On Emergency Resolution:

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees  (34-2) (Kean)


Bills Passed:

A839 AcaSca (2R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+17    Offshore drilling for oil-concerns   (37-0)

A1114    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll   (28-1)

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   (38-0)

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+9    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   (36-0)

AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.   (36-0)

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   (34-2)

S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act   (35-0)

S122 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Sarlo,P+8    Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act   (29-5)

S250 ScaSca (2R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V    Airports, cert.-prov. tax cred. elig.   (38-0)

S347    Cruz-Perez,N/Cunningham,S+2    Minorities, women-constr. training   (35-0)

S374    Rice,R/Singleton,T+2    Minority, Women owned finan. instit-svcs   (34-0)

S376    Madden,F/Gopal,V+1    Police, FF surviving spouse-tuition benf   (36-0)

S396 Sca (1R)    Pennacchio,J/Corrado,K    St Invest Council memb-forbid cert votes   (37-0)

S430 Sca (1R)    Pou,N/Oroho,S+2    Real estate lic., cert.-concerns   (36-0)

S482 SaSca (2R)    Vitale,J+1    Gestational Carrier Agreement Act   (25-10)

S483    Vitale,J/Madden,F    Hepatitis C testing-hospitals offer   (35-1)

S497    Vitale,J/Madden,F    Child abuse-cert statements allowed   (38-0)

S534    Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1    Litter-generating products-definition   (37-0)

S545    Gill,N/Turner,S+2    Emp discrimination-proh use, cred report   (23-14)

S559 Scs (SCS)    Gill,N/Weinberg,L+6    Worker’s wages-concerns emp. inquires   (28-10)

S606    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1    Electric veh. charging infra.-plan   (30-5)

S699 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1    Student finan assist prog-concerns   (26-10)

S700 ScaSca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S    Higher Ed. Citizenship Equality Act   (36-0)

S868    Sweeney,S/Vitale,J+1    Sch election-concerns candidates/ballots   (27-10)

S880 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Corrado,K    Pol. party committee chair-concerns   (34-0)

S976 ScaSca (2R)    Vitale,J/Bateman,C+1    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   (37-0)

S1036    Sweeney,S/Turner,S    Person’s death, police custody-concerns   (26-11)

S1082 ScaSa (2R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+5    Vineyards, wineries-prov cert. tax cred.   (38-0)

S1146 Sca (1R)    Codey,R/Rice,R+1    Dementia-incl. notation on med. records   (38-0)

S1242 Sca (1R)    Turner,S/Greenstein,L+1    Boil water notice-req. w/in one hour   (38-0)

S1335    Pennacchio,J+1    Emerg med tech cert card-MVC accept Id   (38-0)

S1496    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Mercury relays, switches-prohibits cert.   (38-0)

S1739 ScaSa (2R)    Van Drew,J/Oroho,S    Co. correction officer-rename   (34-0)

S1793 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2    Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.   (34-4)

S1870 Sa (1R)    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+6    Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities   (38-0)

S1894 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.   (36-1)

S1895    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   (38-0)

S1896    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   (38-0)

S1897 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Summer meal prog.-expands   (37-1)

S1974    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N    Candidate elective pub off-email address   (30-8)

S2247    Sweeney,S    Hosp., cert.-concerns charitable assets   (38-0)

SCR29    Pennacchio,J+1    Huntington’s Disease Parity Act-urges   (37-0)

SCR96    Codey,R/Vitale,J+1    Hagedorn Gero-Psych. Hosp.-reopen   (37-0)

SJR34 ScaSa (2R)    Greenstein,L    Drunk & Impaired Driv. Comm.-estab.   (37-0)

SJR56    Beach,J/Kean,T+6    Israel, State 70th anniversary-recognize   (38-0)

SJR57    Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+4    Sikh Day-desig. April 14th   (38-0)

SJR58    Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+3    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   (38-0)

SR47    Turner,S/Ruiz,M+1    Youth Art Month-March   (Voice)

SR66    Sarlo,P    Mortgage escrow pre pymts-urges   (Voice)


Rescind Vote:

SJR58    Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+3    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   (35-0) (Kean)


Bills Substituted:

A839 AcaSca (2R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+17    Offshore drilling for oil-concerns   SUB FOR S258 (1R)

A1114    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll   SUB FOR S1918

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   SUB FOR S1971

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+9    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   SUB FOR SJR58

AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.   SUB FOR SJR63

S258 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Singleton,T+5    Offshore oil exploration-concerns   SUB BY A839 (2R)

S1918    Ruiz,M/Gopal,V    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll   SUB BY A1114

S1971    Sarlo,P    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   SUB BY A3382

SJR58    Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+3    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   SUB BY AJR93

SJR63    Gopal,V/Madden,F+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.   SUB BY AJR105


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   (33-1) (Sweeney)

S619 ScaSa (2R)    Gordon,R/Weinberg,L    PANYNJ Transparency Acct. Act   (30-0) (Gordon)

S1083 ScaSa (2R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Gopal,V+3    Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan prog.   (33-0) (Van Drew)

S1876 Sa (1R)    Ruiz,M/Corrado,K+2    Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat   (38-0) (Ruiz)

S2137 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S    Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act   (28-0) (Sweeney)

S2293 Sa (1R)    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+1    Career and Tech. Ed. Bond Act   (33-0) (Sweeney)


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A268    Kean,S/Egan,J+2    P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate   REP

S362    Rice,R    Affordable housing cert-deed restriction   REP

S368    Rice,R    Promote local hiring-auth. cert. fd.   REP

S402    Pennacchio,J/Van Drew,J    Co comm bd-change to chosen freeholder   REP

S469    Singer,R/Gopal,V    P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate   REP

S481/651 Scs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Gill,N+7    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal   REP/SCS

S549 Sca (1R)    Gill,N+1    Elections, cert.-available to vote early   REP/SCA

S589    Weinberg,L    Online voter regis.-secure website   REP

S619 ScaSa (2R)    Gordon,R/Weinberg,L    PANYNJ Transparency Acct. Act   REP/SCA

S862 Sca (1R)    Cardinale,G    Tommy’s Law-crisis counseling   REP/SCA

S900    Connors,C/Van Drew,J+1    Disab. vet. real prop, cert.-tax exemp.   REP

S1247 Sca (1R)    Rice,R/Kean,T    Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.   REP/SCA

S1492 Sca (1R)    Beach,J/Singleton,T    Asst. to Firefighters’ Families Act   REP/SCA

S1798    Singer,R/Weinberg,L    Equal emp.-settlement agreements req.   REP

S1925    Bateman,C    Bog Turtle-desig. State Reptile   REP

S2145    Scutari,N/Sweeney,S    Worker’s comp. awards-concern atty. fees   REP

S2171 Scs (SCS)    Weinberg,L+1    Sick leave, earned-concerns   REP/SCS

S2287    Turner,S    Pine Barrens Treefrog-desig St Amphibian   REP

S2333 Sca (1R)    Gordon,R    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   REP/SCA

SJR55    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+5    Equal Rights Amendment-Cong. pass   REP

SR17    Pou,N/Vitale,J    Deferred Action, Childhood Arrivals prog   REP


Bills Combined:

S651    Beach,J/Stack,B    Voter regis.-estab. using MVC info   COMB/W S481 (SCS)


Bills Referred/SBA:

A268    Kean,S/Egan,J+2    P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate

S469    Singer,R/Gopal,V    P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate

S481/651 Scs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Gill,N+7    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal

S549 Sca (1R)    Gill,N+1    Elections, cert.-available to vote early

S589    Weinberg,L    Online voter regis.-secure website

S862 Sca (1R)    Cardinale,G    Tommy’s Law-crisis counseling

S900    Connors,C/Van Drew,J+1    Disab. vet. real prop, cert.-tax exemp.

S1247 Sca (1R)    Rice,R/Kean,T    Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.

S1492 Sca (1R)    Beach,J/Singleton,T    Asst. to Firefighters’ Families Act

S1798    Singer,R/Weinberg,L    Equal emp.-settlement agreements req.

S2171 Scs (SCS)    Weinberg,L+1    Sick leave, earned-concerns


Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

A1114    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+9    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April

AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S449    Addiego,D/Diegnan,P+2    Eileen’s Law-vehicular homicide statute     FROM SLP

S450    Addiego,D/Oroho,S    Agric. co. products-auth. labeling   FROM SEG

SCR109    Turner,S    Min. wage-constit. amendment to raise   FROM SLA



The Senate adjourned at 8:50 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, April 5, 2018 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President).




Bills Introduced:

A3725    Gusciora,R    Coastal Commission-creates   REF AEN

A3726    Gusciora,R    Food waste recycling-concerns   REF AST

A3727    Gusciora,R    Green cleaning policy for schs.-adopt   REF AED

A3728    Gusciora,R    Art therapists, cert.-lic. req. exemp.   REF ARP

A3729    Gusciora,R    Dogs, assist.-approved to use in court   REF AJU

A3730    Space,P/Wirths,H+1    Firearms, cert.-concerns transporting   REF AJU

A3731    Lagana,J    Constr. code office-co. estab.   REF AHO

A3732    McKeon,J    Smart meter installation-concerns   REF ATU

A3733    Pinkin,N    Greenhouse Gas Initiative-St participate   REF AEN

A3734    Pinkin,N    Electric. veh. prog.-concerns   REF AEN

A3735    Conaway,H    Polling place location change-notify   REF ASL

ACR164    Gusciora,R    Natural gas pipelines-conform w/NJ reg.   REF AEN

ACR165    Pinkin,N    Huntington’s Disease Parity Act-urges   REF AHE

ACR166    Pinkin,N    Electric veh, clean energy-dedicate rev.   REF AEN

AJR109    Pinkin,N    Diabetes/Cardiovascular Disease Month   REF AHE




A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat   To Aa (Carroll)

A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat   To Table (Greenwald) (49-27-0)

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+17    Sick leave, earned-concerns   To Aa (Auth)

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+17    Sick leave, earned-concerns   To Table (Greenwald) (49-26-0)

A2650 Aca (1R)    Freiman,R/Downey,J+3    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   To Aa (Handlin)

A2650 Aca (1R)    Freiman,R/Downey,J+3    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   To Table (Greenwald) (50-25-0)

A2761 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   To Aa (Rooney)

A2761 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   To Table (Pintor Marin) (49-26-0)

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   To Aa (Thomson)

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   To Table (Sumter) (50-21-0)


Bills Passed:

A109    DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B+3    Water bill, late-interest after 30 days   (75-0-0)

A431    Schaer,G/Johnson,G+11    Wiretap orders for cert. crimes-auth.   (74-0-0)

A448 Aca (1R)    Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+10    Homeless prev. prog-available on website   (73-0-0)

A538 AcsAa (ACS/1R)    Mazzeo,V/Murphy,C+1    Prop. assess.-revise calendar   (76-0-0)

A579    Moriarty,P/Jimenez,A+7    MV, used-dealer notify buyer of recalls   (75-0-0)

A792 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Taliaferro,A+2    Farmland-concerns wildlife control   (75-0-0)

A1024 Aa (1R)    Johnson,G/DeAngelo,W    Cigar bars and lounges-concerns   (68-5-3)

A1033    Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V    Palisades Interst. Park-open space elig.   (76-0-0)

A1039    Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R+11    Travel and tourism div-concerns website   (74-0-0)

A1114    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll   (52-24-0)

A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat   (62-7-7)

A1217 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+7    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   (59-12-5)

A1369    Kennedy,J/DeAngelo,W+9    Svc. contracts, cert-allows cancellation   (76-0-0)

A1389 Aca (1R)    Bucco,A.M./Webber,J    Name change-MVC accept death cert.   (75-0-0)

A1428 Aca (1R)    McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+7    Child Trafficking Awareness Pilot Prog.   (76-0-0)

A1675 Aca (1R)    Dancer,R/Conaway,H+1    Prescribed Burn Act   (75-0-0)

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+17    Sick leave, earned-concerns   (50-24-1)

A2164 Acs (ACS)    Wimberly,B/Schaer,G+2    Healthy Small Food Retailer Act   (59-17-0)

A2193 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Benson,D+1    Computer science instr. cert.-auth.   (76-0-0)

A2650 Aca (1R)    Freiman,R/Downey,J+3    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   (76-0-0)

A2757 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+16    Priv. gun sales-req background check   (62-10-4)

A2758    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+13    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.   (48-26-2)

A2759 AcaAcs (ACS)    Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+14    Armor piercing ammunition-proh.   (75-0-1)

A2761 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   (48-25-3)

A2787 Aca (1R)    Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+3    Wineries, spec occasion-extend prog   (74-0-0)

A3292    Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+11    Opioid med. warning sticker-req.   (74-0-2)

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+9    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April   (76-0-0)

AJR104    Downey,J/Coughlin,C+4    SNAP-condemns FY19 proposed changes   (55-9-11)

AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.   (72-0-0)

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   (67-2-7)

S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act   (74-2-0)

SCR25    Rice,R/Brown,C+1    Econ Justice, Equal Emp Opportunity   (67-7-0)


Bills Substituted:

A1    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+19    Women-concerns equal pay   SUB BY S104 (2R)

A3671    Johnson,G/Dancer,R+1    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   SUB BY S5 (2R)

ACR105    Wimberly,B+1    Econ Justice, Equal Emp Opportunity   SUB BY SCR25

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   SUB FOR A3671

S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act   SUB FOR A1

SCR25    Rice,R/Brown,C+1    Econ Justice, Equal Emp Opportunity   SUB FOR ACR105


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:

A1100 AcaAa (2R)    Downey,J    Common Sense Shared Svcs Pilot Prog Act   (Vainieri Huttle)

A1704 AcaAaAa (3R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Quijano,A+2    Gestational carrier agreement, cert-auth   (Vainieri Huttle)

A2192 Aa (1R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Caputo,R+4    Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat   (Vainieri Huttle)

A3122 AcaAa (2R)    Burzichelli,J/Murphy,C+1    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.   (Vainieri Huttle)

A3131 AcaAa (2R)    Eustace,T/Quijano,A+2    Tenant cash pymt.-landlord prov. receipt   (Vainieri Huttle)

A3353 AcaAa (2R)    DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+2    Pub water sys-req publish certain info   (DeAngelo)

A3549 Aa (1R)    Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R+6    UEZ desig.-extend for addl. 10 yrs.   (Vainieri Huttle)

S846 ScaScsAa (SCS/1R)    Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+4    UEZ desig.-extend for addl. 10 yrs.   (Vainieri Huttle)


Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees

S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A1857    Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+1    Forcibly enter mv, rescue child-immunity   FROM AWC



The Assembly adjourned at 5:33 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, April 5, 2018 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Assembly Speaker).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

A1114    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+9    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April

AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.

S5 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+3    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees

S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (3/22/2018):



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