Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (April 16th):



Bills Introduced:

S2478    Beach,J    MV, used-dealer notify buyer of recalls   REF SCM

S2479    Stack,B/Cunningham,S    Discriminatory housing practices-concern   REF SCU

S2480    Stack,B/Cunningham,S    Nursing home resid.-concerns complaints   REF SHH

S2481    Stack,B/Cunningham,S    MV accident, leave scene-incr crim penal   REF SLP

S2482    Stack,B/Cunningham,S    Voter regis.-estab. online  website   REF SSG

S2483    Cruz-Perez,N    Transit Villages Act   REF SEG

S2484    Cruz-Perez,N    Decedent's safe-deposit box-access   REF SJU

S2485    Cruz-Perez,N    Law Against Discrim-statue, limitation   REF SJU

S2486    Cruz-Perez,N    Home improvement contract-concerns   REF SCM

S2487    Cruz-Perez,N    Money Transmitters Act-revises   REF SCM

S2488    Cruz-Perez,N    Armed Forces reserve-prov. tuition benf.   REF SHI

S2489    Cruz-Perez,N    Child abuse hotline-sch. posting req.   REF SED

S2490    Cruz-Perez,N    Bus. email address-req.   REF SCM

S2491    O'Scanlon,D    Industrial Hemp Pilot Prog.-creates   REF SEG

S2492    Bateman,C+1    Pub. sch.-req. law enforce. off in fac.   REF SLP

S2493    Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L    Vendor emp. vet.-contract preference   REF SMV

S2494    Diegnan,P/Cunningham,S    Sch.-estab. cert. emerg. action plans   REF SED

S2495    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Sch dist bldgs-energy efficiency improv   REF SEN

S2496    O'Scanlon,D+1    Wineries, cert-ship directly to consumer   REF SLP

S2497    Doherty,M    MVC-incr. cert. fees   REF STR

S2498    Gopal,V    Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance   REF SLP

S2499    Gopal,V    Travel and tourism div-concerns website   REF SEG

S2500    Gopal,V    Heroin Mixtures-upgrade penal.   REF SJU

S2501    Gopal,V    Move over law-penal. points for viol.   REF SLP

S2502    Thompson,S    Student Learning Standards-concerns   REF SED

S2503    Brown,C/Van Drew,J    Steven Schminche's Law-sober living   REF SCU

S2504    Brown,C/Van Drew,J    Emerg. med. svc.-proh. billing patients   REF SHH

S2505    Oroho,S/Sarlo,P    Vegetation Mgmt. Response Act   REF SEG

S2506    Oroho,S    Contractors, cert-verify emp. work auth.   REF SLA

S2507    Singleton,T    Health care prov network-proh. cert sale   REF SCM

S2508    Singleton,T    Teachers-expedite cert.   REF SED

S2509    Singleton,T    Higher ed.-concerns training prog.   REF SHI

S2510    Madden,F    Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.   REF SCM

S2511    Madden,F    Conserv off-change to conserv police off   REF SEN

S2512    Cruz-Perez,N    Bond ordinance-elim. 5% down pymt. req.   REF SCU

S2513    Cardinale,G    Mun court off-estab. procedures for appt   REF SJU

S2514    Bateman,C    Bijou's Law-Pet Groomers Lic. Act   REF SCM

S2515    Brown,C/Vitale,J+1    Recovery resid-concerns vol. cert.   REF SHH

S2516    Kean,T    Higher Ed. Funding Formula Comm.   REF SHI

SJR71    Doherty,M    Passenger Rail Sys. Study Comm.-create   REF STR


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat   REP

A1217 AcsAcaSca (ACS/2R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+7    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REP/SCA

A2757 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+16    Priv. gun sales-req background check   REP

A2758    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+13    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.   REP

A2759 AcaAcs (ACS)    Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+14    Armor piercing ammunition-proh.   REP

A2761 AcaSca (2R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   REP/SCA

S102 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Gill,N+2    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   REP/SCA

S160 Sca (1R)    Gopal,V/Cryan,J+2    Mental health prof warning-seize firearm   REP/SCA

S2245 Scs (SCS)    Madden,F/Greenstein,L+1    Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh.   REP/SCS

S2259 Sca (1R)    Codey,R/Weinberg,L+2    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REP/SCA

S2374 Sca (1R)    Greenstein,L+1    Priv. gun sales-req background check   REP/SCA

S2376    Greenstein,L+1    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.   REP

S2465 Sca (1R)    Cryan,J/Scutari,N    Firearms, untraceable-concerns   REP/SCA


Bills Referred/SBA:

A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat

A1217 AcsAcaSca (ACS/2R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+7    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018

A2757 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+16    Priv. gun sales-req background check

A2758    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+13    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.

A2759 AcaAcs (ACS)    Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+14    Armor piercing ammunition-proh.

A2761 AcaSca (2R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds

S102 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Gill,N+2    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds

S160 Sca (1R)    Gopal,V/Cryan,J+2    Mental health prof warning-seize firearm

S2245 Scs (SCS)    Madden,F/Greenstein,L+1    Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh.

S2259 Sca (1R)    Codey,R/Weinberg,L+2    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018

S2374 Sca (1R)    Greenstein,L+1    Priv. gun sales-req background check

S2376    Greenstein,L+1    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.

S2465 Sca (1R)    Cryan,J/Scutari,N    Firearms, untraceable-concerns


The Senate did not adjourn.  The Senate will meet on Thursday, May 10, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled).


The Assembly did not meet.  The Assembly will meet on Monday, May 7, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (4/12/2018):



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