Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (May 7th):

Assemblyman Tim Eustace, of the 38th Legislative District, has resigned.


The Senate did not meet.  The Senate will meet on Thursday, May 10, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled to meet).


Bills Introduced:

A3852    Murphy,C    Megan's law-conform to fed. req.   REF ALP

A3853    Mazzeo,V/Lampitt,P+2    Teacher loan redemption prog.-estab.   REF AHI

A3854    Armato,J+1    Voter Regis. Sys, Statewide-create   REF ASL

A3855    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+1    Animal cruelty-revise provisions   REF AAN

A3856    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    Animal cruelty, abuse-revise offenses   REF AAN

A3857    Munoz,N/DeCroce,B    Nurses, advanced practice-prescrib meds   REF AHE

A3858    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    UEZ prog.-mun. submit econ. growth plans   REF ACE

A3859    DiMaso,S    Prop. assessment-revises law   REF ASL

A3860    McKnight,A    Children's meals-healthy bev. option   REF AWC

A3861    Quijano,A/DeAngelo,W+1    Unemp. comp. and labor disputes-concerns   REF ALA

A3862    Quijano,A/Chaparro,A    Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments   REF AAP

A3863    Quijano,A/Lopez,Y    Motorists overtaking bicycles-concerns   REF ALP

A3864    Mukherji,R/Calabrese,C    Low-income person-reduce sewerage rates   REF ATU

A3865    Eustace,T/Jasey,M    Sch dist-full-day kindergarten req.   REF AED

A3866    Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B    Suicide prev. training-concerns   REF AHU

A3867    DiMaso,S/Clifton,R    Wineries, cert-ship directly to consumer   REF AOF

A3868    Mosquera,G    Feminine hygiene prod in sch-st pay cost   REF AWC

A3869    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding   REF ATG

A3870    Zwicker,A/Pinkin,N    St bldgs-high performance green standard   REF AEN

A3871    Zwicker,A/Vainieri Huttle,V    Unemp benf.-concerns disqualif.   REF ALA

A3872    Lopez,Y    Prof. occup. bd.-req. crim. hist .   REF ARP

A3873    Lopez,Y    Reg. Apprenticeship Prog., St. Agencies   REF ALA

A3874    Lopez,Y/Quijano,A    Gun crimes-Atty. General issue reports   REF AJU

A3875    Zwicker,A    Libraries-dispose cert. material   REF ASL

A3876    Kean,S/Thomson,E    Tourism Research Office-creates   REF ATG

A3877    Kean,S/Thomson,E    Child seat second viol.-incr. fine   REF ALP

A3878    Kean,S/Thomson,E    Litter Law Enforcement Wk.-desig.   REF AEN

A3879    Kean,S/Thomson,E    Veh, recreational-elim sales restriction   REF ACO

A3880    Giblin,T    Latex gloves-DOH devel plan to phase out   REF AHE

A3881    Giblin,T    Voc. training sch, cert.-exemp. prop tax   REF AED

A3882    Dancer,R    Pension loans-addresses repayment   REF ASL

A3883    Dancer,R    Cremains disposal-concerns claiming   REF AMV

A3884    Dancer,R    Sexually viol. predators-lower comp rate   REF ALP

A3885    Dancer,R    Bail agent-ID cards req.   REF AJU

A3886    Sumter,S    Sch. lunch bill, arrears-prot.   REF AED

A3887    Thomson,E/Kean,S    Lock picking tools-concerns   REF ALP

A3888    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance   REF ALP

A3889    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Alco. bev.-estab. restricted retail lic.   REF AOF

A3890    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Move over law-penal. points for viol.   REF ALP

A3891    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1    Affordable Housing Alliance-vol. contrib   REF ATU

A3892    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Tax sale-prior notice to prop. owners   REF ATG

A3893    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Firearm permits and lic.-prov. warnings   REF AJU

A3894    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Special law enforce off.-extend time   REF AED

A3895    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Alco. bev. penal.-forward to mun.   REF AOF

A3896    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Suicide prev. training-firearm dealers   REF AJU

A3897    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Firearm registry-estab.   REF AJU

A3898    Space,P    Pub util registry, cert-lic electricians   REF ATU

A3899    Space,P    Pub. util. registry-retired emp.   REF ATU

A3900    Space,P    Power outages-use social media for info   REF ATU

A3901    Benson,D    Osteopathis Manipulative Med. Pilot Prog   REF AHE

A3902    Benson,D/Burzichelli,J+1    Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act   REF AED

A3903    Caputo,R    Loan Modify/Consolidation Prog.-estab.   REF AHI

A3904    McKeon,J/Jasey,M    Tommy's Law-incidents w/pub. transp.   REF ATR

A3905    Thomson,E/Kean,S    NJ STARS-prov. students w/more info.   REF AED

A3906    Quijano,A    Non-profit Security Grant Pilot Prog   REF AHS

A3907    Quijano,A    Firearms-proh. purch, St w/no permit law   REF AJU

A3908    Quijano,A    High Sch. exam fees, cert.-St. pay   REF AED

A3909    Gusciora,R    Angel Investor Tax Cred. Act-incr. cred.   REF AST

A3910    Quijano,A    Unemp comp-exemp commercial use operator   REF ALA

A3911    Houghtaling,E/Burzichelli,J+1    Casinos-auth. wagering   REF ATG

A3912    Vainieri Huttle,V    Sch. security measures-concerns   REF AED

A3913    Vainieri Huttle,V    Massage-reg. emp. operating   REF ARP

A3914    Vainieri Huttle,V    Life insur-proh cert discrimination   REF AFI

A3915    Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R    Prop. tax exemp.-concerns long term   REF ASL

A3916    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Overdose fatality review bd.-create   REF AHU

A3917    Sumter,S/Murphy,C    Opioid drug-pharm report dispensing info   REF AHE

A3918    Timberlake,B/Caputo,R+2    Student Learning Standards-concerns   REF AED

A3919    Timberlake,B/Tucker,C+1    Pub. safety emp., deceased-survivor benf   REF ALA

A3920    Coughlin,C    St tax amnesty-June 1, to August 1   REF ASL

A3921    Mazzeo,V    Alco. bev.-permits sale, farm markets   REF AAN

A3922    Vainieri Huttle,V    Cybersecurity practices-St. emp. review   REF AHS

ACR169    Gove,D/Rumpf,B    St. govt. operating expenses-concerns   REF ASL

AJR119    McKnight,A    Tioletry Day-desig. April 24, each yr.   REF AHU

AJR120    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Law Enforcement Training Cert Review   REF ALP

AJR121    Jones,P/Benson,D    Gateway Prog.-prov. funding to complete   REF ATR

AR157    Murphy,C    Humane Cosmetics Act-enact   REF AAN

AR158    Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+4    NJ-Taiwan sister st. relationship-commem   REF ACE

AR159    Thomson,E/Kean,S    Law enforcement off.-recognize and honor   REF ALP

AR160    Schaer,G/Bucco,A.M.    Jewish people-historical connection   REF ASL


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A1096    Downey,J/Caride,M    Child's consumer report-security freeze   REP

A1205    Barclay,A/Gusciora,R    Winery lic.-revises acreage req.   REP

A1360 Aca (1R)    Kennedy,J/Rooney,K+1    Breach of security-free credit report   REP/ACA

A1512    Burzichelli,J/Holley,J+2    Wineries-restrict alco. beverages   REP

A1531 Aca (1R)    Zwicker,A/Lopez,Y    Prof. lic.-revises reciprocity law   REP/ACA

A2540    DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E    Energy assist benf-verify not deceased   REP

A2543    DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E    Energy assist. benf.-verify income   REP

A3043    Vainieri Huttle,V/Holley,J    Consumer reporting agency-concerns   REP

A3121 Aca (1R)    Burzichelli,J    Brewing training prog.-concerns   REP/ACA

A3344    Taliaferro,A    Plenary winery lic.-concerns   REP

A3613 Aca (1R)    Eustace,T/Gusciora,R+1    Blockchain Initiative Task Force-estab.   REP/ACA

A3636 Aca (1R)    Jasey,M/Schaer,G    Dual enrollment prog-share tuition costs   REP/ACA

A3643 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Freiman,R    Viticulture Trail Sign Prog.-creates   REP/ACA

A3768    Zwicker,A/DePhillips,C    Blockchain tech-corp. recordkeeping   REP

A3921    Mazzeo,V    Alco. bev.-permits sale, farm markets   REP

AR134    Vainieri Huttle,V/McKnight,A    Finan. literacy-undergrad. req. course   REP

AR158    Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+4    NJ-Taiwan sister st. relationship-commem   REP

S870 Aca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Cunningham,S+3    Dual enrollment prog-share tuition costs   REP/ACA

S1057 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V+3    Vineyard capital expense-estab loan prog   REP


Bills Reported Referred/AOF:

A1054    Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B    Wineries, lic-clarifies responsibilities   REP REF AOF


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A1046 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B    Winery cap. expend.-estab. loan prog.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A2410    Wimberly,B    NJ SHARES-prov. vol. income tax contrib.   REP REF AAP

A2544    DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E    Low-income home energy assist-DCA update   REP REF AAP


A2963 Aca (1R)    Johnson,G/Mukherji,R+1    Fuel cell devices-tax exemp.   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3162 Aca (1R)    Eustace,T/Calabrese,C+3    Bus, owned by cert. persons-assist. prog   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3676 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J    Garden St Growth Zone-creates AC Airport   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3767    Zwicker,A/DeAngelo,W    St innovation economy-marketing campaign   REP REF AAP

A3773 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Jasey,M+2    NJBEST prog-tax deduct   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3891    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1    Affordable Housing Alliance-vol. contrib   REP REF AAP

S77    Bucco,A.R./Cruz-Perez,N+1    NJ SHARES-prov. vol. income tax contrib.   REP REF AAP


Bills Transferred:

A314    Pinkin,N/Sumter,S+15    Isolated Confinement Restriction Act   FROM ALP TO AJU

A1046 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B    Winery cap. expend.-estab. loan prog.   FROM ACE TO AAN

A1054    Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B    Wineries, lic-clarifies responsibilities   FROM AOF TO AAN

A1205    Barclay,A/Gusciora,R    Winery lic.-revises acreage req.   FROM AOF TO AAN

A1530    Zwicker,A    Bog Turtle-desig. State Reptile   FROM AAN TO AEN

A1531 Aca (1R)    Zwicker,A/Lopez,Y    Prof. lic.-revises reciprocity law   FROM ARP TO ACE

A3677    DePhillips,C/DeCroce,B+4    Angel Investor Tax Cred Act-qual invest.   FROM ACE TO AST

S870 Aca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Cunningham,S+3    Dual enrollment prog-share tuition costs   FROM AED TO AHI

S1057 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V+3    Vineyard capital expense-estab loan prog   FROM ACE TO AAN

Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:

S129/1025 Scs (SCS)    Corrado,K/Turner,S+3    Mil., receiving combat pay-tax exemp.   REF AMV

S345    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+1    Constr. industry-notify cert. rights   REF ALA

S368    Rice,R/Turner,S+2    Promote local hiring-auth. cert. fd.   REF ALA

S372    Rice,R/Singleton,T+2    High sch student-apprenticeship training   REF AED

S427    Pou,N/Weinberg,L+13    Marriage-bars persons under 18   REF AJU

S784 Sa (1R)    Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+2    Atty.'s fees-income tax excl.   REF AJU

S1083 ScaSa (2R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Gopal,V+3    Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan prog.   REF AAN

S1109 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M    End-of-life care-physician assist. sign   REF AHE

S1480    Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+3    Troops to Coll. Grant Prog.-estab.   REF AMV

S1484    Singleton,T    Antwan's Law-concern reduced speed limit   REF ATR

S1697    Sarlo,P/Oroho,S    Sch. buses-exemp. cert. fuel tax   REF AED

S1914    Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N    Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments   REF AAP

S1925    Bateman,C    Bog Turtle-desig. State Reptile   REF AED

S2145    Scutari,N/Sweeney,S    Worker's comp. awards-concern atty. fees   REF ALA

S2287    Turner,S    Pine Barrens Treefrog-desig St Amphibian   REF AAN

S2293 SaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+3    Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act   REF AED

S2333 Sca (1R)    Gordon,R    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   REF ATR

S2455    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S    Transfer co coll emp-SEHBP to SHBP   REF ASL

SJR55    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+6    Equal Rights Amendment-Cong. pass   REF AWC



The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:


*Effective April 18, 2018


New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education:


Dr. Markus I. Barth, of Lawrenceville, replacing Philip Kirschner, Esq.


*Effective May 2, 2018


New Jersey Historical Commission:


Assemblyman Craig Coughlin (19)


*Effective May 7, 2018


New Jersey Drinking Water Quality Institute:


Judith Klotz, of Lawrenceville.


The Assembly Speaker has made the following reappointment:


*Effective May 7, 2018


Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission:


Sandi Kelly, of Montville.


The Assembly Speaker has made the committee appointment:


*Effective May 8, 2018


Assembly State and Local Government Committee:


Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight (31)



Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (4/12/2018):


P.L.2018, c.6.   A2014 Acs (ACS)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+24    4/17/2018    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal

P.L.2018, c.7.   A839 AcaSca (2R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+20    4/20/2018    Offshore drilling for oil-concerns

P.L.2018, c.8.   A3382 w/GR (1R)    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    4/20/2018    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.

P.L.2018, c.9.   S104 ScaSca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+31    4/24/2018    Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act

P.L.2018, c.10.   A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+19    5/2/2018    Sick leave, earned-concerns

P.L.2018, c.11.   S1893 Aca (1R)    Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+8    5/4/2018    St prop taxes-concerns income tax deduct


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