Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 4th):



Bills Introduced:

S2625    Weinberg,L    Dietitian/Nutritionist Lic. Act   REF SCM

S2626    Weinberg,L    Cigar bars-concerns   REF SLP

S2627    Singleton,T/Gopal,V    Pharm. wholesale distrib.-concerns   REF SHH

S2628    Singleton,T+1    Innovation Sch. Act-concerns devel.   REF SED

S2629    Singleton,T/Gopal,V    Vets and homeless-concerns shelters   REF SHH

S2630    Singleton,T/Gopal,V    Prescr. drugs-concerns   REF SHH

S2631    Turner,S    Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun.   REF SCU

S2632    Turner,S    Suspicious activity-concerns   REF SLP

S2633    Beach,J    Elections Security Act-estab.   REF SSG

S2634    Lagana,J.A.    Internet websites, commercial-concerns   REF SLP

S2635    Lagana,J.A.    Firearm possession-concerns   REF SLP

S2636    Lagana,J.A.    Constr. code office-co. estab.   REF SCU

S2637    Lagana,J.A.    Nepotism policies-adopt by sch. dist.   REF SED

S2638    Lagana,J.A.    John Wagner's Law-opioid antidotes   REF SHH

S2639    Lagana,J.A.    Animal prescrip.-issued in owner's name   REF SHH

S2640    Lagana,J.A.    Vapor retail estab.-electronic smoking   REF SHH

S2641    Lagana,J.A.    Internet prov-subscriber id confidential   REF SEG

S2642    Cryan,J/Vitale,J    Non-profit hosp-reinstate prop tax exemp   REF SHH

S2643    Cryan,J    Classroom supplies-prov. tax. deduct.   REF SED

S2644    Cryan,J    PFRS, PERS-incr. accidental death benf.   REF SSG

S2648    Kean,T    Sch. safety-maintain hotline for tips   REF SLP

S2649    Kean,T    Sch. emerg.-prov. annual training   REF SED

S2650    Bucco,A.R.    Jr. FF Aux.-perform fire support duties   REF SLP

S2651    Bucco,A.R.    Vol ff., cert.-allow income tax deduct.   REF SLP

S2652    Bucco,A.R.    Steel for manufacturing-allow tax cred.   REF SBA

S2653    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S    Child Trafficking Awareness Pilot Prog.   REF SED

S2654    Ruiz,M    Auto insur. underwriting-concerns   REF SCM

S2655    Van Drew,J    Water & sewer svcs-concerns resid. rates   REF SCU

S2656    Pou,N    Puerto Rico Comm.-estab.   REF SSG

S2657    Sarlo,P    Medicaid reimb.-concerns   REF SHH

S2658    Stack,B    Dogs and Cats-proh. sight-unseen sale   REF SEN

S2659    Stack,B    9-1-1 Emerg Response Trust Fd-upgrades   REF SLP

S2660    Gopal,V/Sarlo,P    Teachers, cert.-salary reimb. prog.   REF SED

S2661    Van Drew,J    Swimming pool-concerns   REF SLP

S2662    Sweeney,S    Heating oil tanks-concerns liab.   REF SEN

S2663    Sweeney,S/Singleton,T    St. admin investments-req rules   REF SBA

SCR123    Cryan,J    Vet, non-war time-extend prop tax deduct   REF SMV

SJR82    Pennacchio,J    Eczema Awareness Mo.-desig. October   REF SHH

SR80    Cryan,J/Madden,F    Vet. entitled benf.-auto enrollment   REF SMV

SR81    Kean,T    Law Enforce. Directive No.2007-1-update   REF SED

SR82    Van Drew,J/Singleton,T    Mil. Surviving Spouses Equity Act   REF SMV


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A1217 AcsAcaScaSca (ACS/3R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+7    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REP/SCA

S515    Kean,T/Sarlo,P    Industrial sand casting-exemp cert. tax.   REP

S619 ScaSaSca (3R)    Weinberg,L/Kean,T+3    PANYNJ Transparency Acct. Act   REP/SCA

S630 ScaSca (2R)    Gordon,R/Weinberg,L+3    NJT-oversight, accountability reforms   REP/SCA
S716    Greenstein,L/Bateman,C+1    Thomas P. Canzanella First Resp Prot Act   REP

S866 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Vitale,J+1    Emerg. assist.-extends cert. elig.   REP

S1216    Sweeney,S/Weinberg,L    Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit   REP

S1247 ScaSca (2R)    Rice,R/Kean,T+1    Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.   REP/SCA

S1965    Sweeney,S    Emergency asst.-allows cert. addt.   REP

S2259 ScaScs (SCS)    Codey,R/Weinberg,L+2    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REP/SCS

S2534    Sweeney,S/Gopal,V    Smoke-Free Air Act-revises   REP

S2581 Sca (1R)    Cunningham,S/Stack,B    Emp payroll tax-concerns   REP/SCA

S2602 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Van Drew,J+3    Collegiate sports-allows casino wagering   REP/SCA


Bills Recommitted:

S619 ScaSaSca (3R)    Weinberg,L/Kean,T+3    PANYNJ Transparency Acct. Act   RCM SBA


The Senate Minority Leader has made the following joint appointment:


*Effective June 1, 2018


Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission


Donald A. DiGioia, Esq., of Emerson (Vice Chair)

The Senate adjourned at 6:20 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, June 7, 2018 (SESSION).



Bills Introduced:

A10    Danielsen,J/Pintor Marin,E    Med. marijuana-concerns   REF AHE

A4049    Armato,J/Mazzeo,V    Unclaimed Util Deposit Trust Fd-concern   REF ATU

A4050    Zwicker,A+1    Sch. discipline-concerns guidelines   REF AED

A4051    Zwicker,A+1    Sch. discipline data-post on website   REF AED

A4052    Bucco,A.M./Bramnick,J    Pension, retire. income-remove elig. cap   REF AAP

A4053    Schepisi,H    Affordable housing litigation-moratorium   REF AHO

A4054    Bramnick,J    Mun. admin.-concerns removal   REF ASL

A4055    Rooney,K    Pet grooming svcs.-reg.   REF AAN

A4056    Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B    9-1-1 svc-sch, automatic alerting device   REF ALP

A4057    DeCroce,B    Guaranteed transfer pathways-estab.   REF AHI

A4058    Bucco,A.M./Space,P+1    Workers comp coverage-revises certain   REF ALP

A4059    Calabrese,C    DOBI emp.-crim. history check req.   REF AFI

A4060    Munoz,N    Industrial sand casting-exemp cert. tax.   REF ACE

A4061    Chiaravalloti,N    Transp. svcs., cert.-impose fee   REF ATR

A4062    Lampitt,P    Sch. meal prog.-concerns   REF AED

A4063    Lopez,Y    Jt. Apprenticeship Incentive Grant Prog.   REF ALA

A4064    Lopez,Y    Driv. lic. renewal-vision screening req.   REF ATR

A4065    Lopez,Y    Surplus prop, Woodbridge Twp-St. sell   REF ASL
A4066    Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V    Dog Trainers Lic. Act   REF AAN

A4067    DiMaso,S/Clifton,R    Automatic dialing callers-id. info. req.   REF ACO

A4068    Space,P    Marine Corps Scholarship-auth. lic plate   REF ATR

A4069    Space,P    Bat houses-desig. area in each St. park   REF AAN

A4070    Rumpf,B/Gove,D    Superstorm Sandy aid overpymts-recover   REF ACE

A4071    Jones,P/Lampitt,P    Loc. registar office-concerns   REF ASL

A4072    Jones,P    Elections superintendent-concerns office   REF ASL

A4073    Holley,J/Carter,L    Jerry Green Memor. Hwy-desig. Rt.27   REF ATR

A4074    Mukherji,R/Taliaferro,A    Shift overlap-req. St. correctional fac.   REF ALP

A4075    Mukherji,R/Taliaferro,A    Law enforcement off., injured-concerns   REF ALP

A4076    Jasey,M    Recess, pub. elementary sch.-concerns   REF AED

A4077    Jasey,M    Kindergarten prog.-concerns   REF AED

A4078    Jasey,M/Lampitt,P    Community sch. pilot prog.-estab.   REF AED

A4079    Jasey,M    Higher ed. instit.-concerns   REF AHI

A4080    Murphy,C/Johnson,G    Entrepreneur Learner's Permit Pilot Prog   REF AST

A4081    Mukherji,R/Moriarty,P    Internet ticket sales-concerns   REF ACO

A4082    Mukherji,R/McKnight,A    Svc. Dog Pilot Prog.-estab.   REF ALP

A4083    Thomson,E/Bramnick,J    Training wage-estab.   REF ALA

A4084    Thomson,E/Bramnick,J    Law enforcement off-protect home address   REF ALP

A4085    Vainieri Huttle,V    Students w/learning disab.-concerns   REF AHU

A4086    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y    Correctional police off.-concerns   REF ALP

A4087    Vainieri Huttle,V    Inmate abuse-estab. investigation prog.   REF ALP

A4088    Vainieri Huttle,V    Person w/mental illness-concerns prosec.   REF ALP

A4089    Vainieri Huttle,V    Abandoned homes-rehab. for homeless vets   REF AMV

A4090    Vainieri Huttle,V    Strip searches, cross gender-limits   REF ALP

A4091    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y    Victim-Witness Advocacy Office-concerns   REF ALP

A4092    Dancer,R    Env. proj.-concerns   REF AEN

A4093    Armato,J/Land,R+2    Troops to Coll. Grant Prog.-estab.   REF AMV

A4094    Mazzeo,V+2    Coll.-auth cert. officers, prov security   REF AHI

A4095    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Peddler's lic.-concerns vets.   REF AMV

A4096    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Voters residing overseas-concerns rights   REF ASL

A4097    Downey,J    Med. marijuana-prov. workers' comp reimb   REF ALA

A4098    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Teachers, cert.-salary reimb. prog.   REF AED

A4099    McGuckin,G/Wolfe,D    Animal cruelty law-viol.   REF AAN

A4100    Wolfe,D/McGuckin,G    Spectator-based lawsuits-prov. immunity   REF AJU

A4101    Downey,J/Wimberly,B    SNAP-outreach plan to inform students   REF AHU

A4102    Johnson,G    Cigar bars-concerns   REF ACE

A4103    Johnson,G    Autocycle-concerns insur. coverage   REF AFI

A4104    Jones,P/Benson,D+1    Traffic signs-concerns placement   REF ATR

A4105    Pinkin,N    Polystyrene products-proh. sale   REF ACO

A4106    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    Motorcycle events-allow in St. parks   REF AAN

A4107    Benson,D    RR crossings-concern driv responsibility   REF ATR

A4108    Benson,D    Learner's permit req, special-estab addl   REF ATR

A4109    Benson,D/Jones,P    Toll enforcement-concerns   REF ATR

A4110    Lopez,Y/Benson,D    Sch. buses-req. seat and lap belts   REF AED

A4111   Houghtaling,E/Burzichelli,J+8    Collegiate sports-allows casino wagering   REF ATG

ACR173    Bramnick,J    Taxpayer Advocate-elect   REF ASL

AJR132    Murphy,C    Mil. Hunger Prev. Act-Cong. pass   REF AMV

AJR133    Space,P    Bat Night Out-desig. last weekend in Aug   REF AAN

AJR134    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y    Sexual assault-create study commission   REF ALP

AR164    Danielsen,J    Northeast Supply Enhancement Proj-oppose   REF ATU

AR165    Conaway,H/Murphy,C    Delaware Riv. Basin-impose budget cuts   REF AEN


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A837 Aca (1R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B    Vet organization-resid pub util rate req   REP

A1045 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Horse-boarding bus.-clarify sales tax   REP

A1046 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B    Winery cap. expend.-estab. loan prog.   REP

A1093 Aca (1R)    Downey,J/Pinkin,N    Shore Prot. Master Plan-update   REP

A2169 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+3    Controlled dangerous sustance-crim. cert   REP

A2317    Vainieri Huttle,V    Daisy's Law-vet fac prov dog supervision   REP

A2484    Benson,D/Jimenez,A+2    Ovarian cancer-prov. income tax contrib.   REP

A2544    DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+2    Low-income home energy assist-DCA update   REP

A3251    Taliaferro,A+1    All-terrain veh.-concerns crimes   REP

A3654 Aca (1R)    Lopez,Y/Benson,D+1    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   REP

A3798/1703/4021 Acs (ACS)    Calabrese,C/Eustace,T    Smoke-Free Air Act-revises   REP/ACS

A3888 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+3    Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance   REP

A4111 Aca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Burzichelli,J+8    Collegiate sports-allows casino wagering   REP/ACA

S332    Cruz-Perez,N+1    All-terrain veh.-concerns crimes   REP
S1057 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V+3    Vineyard capital expense-estab loan prog   REP

S2333 Sca (1R)    Gordon,R    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A4111   Houghtaling,E/Burzichelli,J+8    Collegiate sports-allows casino wagering   REP REF AAP  (ATG)


Bills Combined:

A1703    Vainieri Huttle,V/Jimenez,A+4    Smoking, pub. parks and beaches-proh.   COMB/W A3798/4021 (ACS)

A4021    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+1    Smoke-Free Air Act-revises   COMB/W A3798/1703 (ACS)


Bills Recommitted:

S1057 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V+3    Vineyard capital expense-estab loan prog   RCM AAP

S2333 Sca (1R)    Gordon,R    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   RCM AAP


Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:

A3122 AcaAa (2R)    Burzichelli,J/Murphy,C+4    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.


Bills Given First Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:

A3122 AcaAa (2R)    Burzichelli,J/Murphy,C+4    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.


Bills Given Second Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:

A3122 AcaAa w/GR (3R)    Burzichelli,J/Murphy,C+4    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.


Bills Transferred:

A2317    Vainieri Huttle,V    Daisy's Law-vet fac prov dog supervision   FROM AAN TO AAP

A3798/1703/4021 Acs (ACS)    Calabrese,C/Eustace,T    Smoke-Free Air Act-revises   FROM AHE TO ATG

S332    Cruz-Perez,N+1    All-terrain veh.-concerns crimes   FROM ALP TO AAP


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

AR26    Danielsen,J    Fed. Energy Reg. Comm.-strenuous concern   FROM ATU

The Assembly Speaker has made the following committee appointments:


*Effective May 29, 2018


Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee (AHE)


Assemblyman P. Christopher Tully (38)


Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee (ACE)


Assemblyman P. Christopher Tully (38)


Assembly Tourism, Gaming and the Arts Committee (ATG)


Assemblywoman Lisa Swain (38)


Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee (ALP)


Assemblywoman Lisa Swain (38)


Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee (AEN)


Assemblywoman Lisa Swain (38)


Assembly Telecommunication and Utilities Committee (ATU)


Assemblywoman Linda S. Carter (22)


The Assembly Speaker has made the following committee appointments: (cont’d)

Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee (AST)


Assemblywoman Linda S. Carter (22)


Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee (ACO)


Assemblyman Pedro Mejia (32)


Assembly Regulated Professions Committee (ARP)


Assemblyman Pedro Mejia (32)


The Assembly Speaker has made the following committee appointments:


*Effective May 30, 2018


Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee (AHE)


Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin (18) (Vice Chair)

Assemblyman Jamel C. Holley (20)


Assembly Telecommunication and Utilities Committee (ATU)


Assemblyman Raj Mukerji (33) (Vice Chair)


The Assembly Minority Leader has made the following joint appointment:


*Effective June 1, 2018


Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission


Donald A. DiGioia, Esq., of Emerson (Vice Chair)


The Assembly adjourned at 6:14 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, June 7, 2018 (SESSION).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (05/31/2018):

P.L.2018, c.32.   A2039 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+20    6/1/2018    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act

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