Here's What Happened Under the Gold Dome on Monday

On Monday the Assembly held it's final session before breaking for summer. Here's the full list of everything that happened under the Gold Dome...
ASSEMBLY (Session)
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
ACR254 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T+3 Addiction Svcs.-oppose transfer to DOH
Bills Introduced:
A5133 Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B Inmates-incr. penal, prov. CDS REF ALP
A5134 Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B Expungement elig.-concerns REF AJU
A5136 Munoz,N End-of-life care-physician assist. sign REF AHE
A5137 Munoz,N Sunscreen used in sch.-concerns REF AED
A5138 Oliver,S Resid. mortgage foreclosure-concerns REF AHO
A5139 Mazzeo,V/DeCroce,B NJ Natl. Guard-elig. for cert. vet. benf REF AMV
A5140 Holley,J/Zwicker,A Voter Privacy Act REF AJU
A5141 Space,P/Bucco,A.M. Liquors, cert.-decrease tax rate REF ARO
A5142 Space,P/DeCroce,B High Point St. Park-desig. Vet. St. Park REF AEN
A5143 Mukherji,R Voter info-proh sharing, fed govt entity REF AJU
AJR169 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Mo-Nov REF AHE
Bills Received from Governor/Absolute Veto:
A31 Prieto,V/Muoio,E+2 Work First NJ prog.-incr. benf.
A33 Muoio,E/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap
A3480/4119 Acs (ACS) Downey,J/Lampitt,P+9 Salary hist.-proh. emp. from releasing
A4587 AcaAca (2R) Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Hotel occupancy fee-impose sales tax
A4870 Prieto,V/Oliver,S+20 Safe Transp. Job and Fair Emp. Rules Act
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
A320 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+24 Personal care svc.-estab. Medicaid reimb
A1139 ScaSaSa (3R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+5 Childrens suppl. mattress, unsafe-proh.
A2297 Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+15 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths
A2503 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+26 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot
A3338 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Lagana,J+23 Cig. tax rev.-anti-smoking initiatives
A4253 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Mukherji,R+7 Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog.
A4453 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll
A4496 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+3 Healthy Small Food Retailer Act
A4927 Acs (ACS) Prieto,V/Oliver,S+7 Family leave-concerns
Bills Given First Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:
A320 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+24 Personal care svc.-estab. Medicaid reimb
A2297 Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+15 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths
A2503 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+26 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot
A3338 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Lagana,J+23 Cig. tax rev.-anti-smoking initiatives
A4253 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Mukherji,R+7 Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog.
Bills Given Second Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:
A320 Aca w/GR (2R) Singleton,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+24 Personal care svc.-estab. Medicaid reimb
A2297 w/GR (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+15 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths
A2503 AcsSca w/GR (ACS/2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+26 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot
A3338 Aca w/GR (2R) Eustace,T/Lagana,J+23 Cig. tax rev.-anti-smoking initiatives
A4253 Aca w/GR (2R) Quijano,A/Mukherji,R+7 Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog.
S3311 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Mazzeo,V+1 Mun.-modify incentive prog. To Aa (Schepisi)
S3311 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Mazzeo,V+1 Mun.-modify incentive prog. To Table (42-24-0) (Greenwald)
Bills Passed:
A320 Aca w/GR (2R) Singleton,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+24 Personal care svc.-estab. Medicaid reimb (68-0-0)
A1661 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Danielsen,J+5 Med. parole for inmates-expands elig. (48-20-0)
A2297 w/GR (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+15 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths (60-2-6)
A2503 AcsSca w/GR (ACS/2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+26 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot (68-0-0)
A2511 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Eustace,T/Turner,S+2 Life insur.-concerns (68-0-0)
A3338 Aca w/GR (2R) Eustace,T/Lagana,J+23 Cig. tax rev.-anti-smoking initiatives (68-0-0)
A3406 Wisniewski,J/Lampitt,P Teen driv. orientation prog.-estab. (47-19-2)
A3407 Wisniewski,J/Lampitt,P Learner's permit req, special-estab addl (50-16-2)
A3433 AcaAaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jones,P+2 Uniform Fiduciary Access Digital Assets (68-0-0)
A4253 Aca w/GR (2R) Quijano,A/Mukherji,R+7 Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Prog. (67-1-0)
A5128 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 St. parks open-failure to enact approp. (67-0-1)
A5132 Wisniewski,J/McKnight,A St resid prop-Gov proh, no annual approp (64-2-2)
ACR254 Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T+3 Addiction Svcs.-oppose transfer to DOH (42-25-0)
AR281 Benson,D/Muoio,E+5 Info. Tech. Office-oppose Gov reorg plan (43-24-0)
S996 w/GR (1R) Rice,R/Van Drew,J+16 Lead Haz Control Assist Fd;$10M (68-0-0)
S2512 ScaSaSaSa (4R) Madden,F/Beach,J+2 Emp. leasing agreements-concerns (68-0-0)
S2563 ScaSa (2R) Weinberg,L/Kean,T+2 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction (66-0-0)
S3311 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Mazzeo,V+1 Mun.-modify incentive prog. (47-19-2)
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+10 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp (68-0-0)
Bills Substituted:
A18 Muoio,E/Giblin,T+8 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp SUB BY S3422
A4163 AcaAaAa (3R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+1 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction SUB BY S2563 (2R)
A4446 AcaAa (2R) Quijano,A Emp. leasing agreements-concerns SUB BY S2512 (4R)
A4840 AcaAa (2R) Mazzeo,V+1 Pub. safety department layoffs-concerns SUB BY S3311 (2R)
S2512 ScaSaSaSa (4R) Madden,F/Beach,J+2 Emp. leasing agreements-concerns SUB FOR A4446 (2R)
S2563 ScaSa (2R) Weinberg,L/Kean,T+2 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction SUB FOR A4163 (3R)
S3311 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Mazzeo,V+1 Mun.-modify incentive prog. SUB FOR A4840 (2R)
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+10 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp SUB FOR A18
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A4163 AcaAaAa (3R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+1 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction (Vainieri Huttle)
The Assembly Minority Leader has announced the following appointments:
*Effective July 18, 2017
Republican Leadership:
Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco (25), Conference Leader
Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz (21), Whip
The Assembly adjourned at 4:49 P.M. to meet again at a date and time to be announced.
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
A1661 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Danielsen,J+5 Med. parole for inmates-expands elig.
A2511 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Eustace,T/Turner,S+2 Life insur.-concerns
A3433 AcaAaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jones,P+2 Uniform Fiduciary Access Digital Assets
S996 w/GR (1R) Rice,R/Van Drew,J+16 Lead Haz Control Assist Fd;$10M
S2512 ScaSaSaSa (4R) Madden,F/Beach,J+2 Emp. leasing agreements-concerns
S2563 ScaSa (2R) Weinberg,L/Kean,T+2 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction
S3311 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Mazzeo,V+1 Mun.-modify incentive prog.
S3422 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+10 FY2018 approp-retro. salary pymt, St emp
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (7/13/17):
P.L.2017, c.116. S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 7/21/2017 Emer. med. svc.-concerns
P.L.2017, c.117. S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 7/21/2017 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs.
P.L.2017, c.118. S359 Codey,R/Vitale,J+3 7/21/2017 Tobacco products-raises min. age
P.L.2017, c.119. S742 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Mosquera,G+2 7/21/2017 Sch. surveillance equip.-concerns access
P.L.2017, c.120. S1295 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Eustace,T 7/21/2017 Respiratory Care Practitioner Act-amends
P.L.2017, c.121. S1315 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Giblin,T+7 7/21/2017 Physical therapy-revise statutes
P.L.2017, c.122. S1659 Van Drew,J/Land,R+3 7/21/2017 Vet. Memorial Hwy. at Delsea Drive-desig
P.L.2017, c.123. S1840 ScaAcaAa (3R) Ruiz,M/Gill,N+3 7/21/2017 Crim justice sys info-proh fee, stop pub
P.L.2017, c.124. S1913 ScaAa (2R) Addiego,D/Greenstein,L+6 7/21/2017 Personal Info. and Privacy Prot. Act
P.L.2017, c.125. S2058 Kean,T/Pou,N+1 7/21/2017 Bd. of Nursing-adds two nurse educators
P.L.2017, c.126. S2331 Aca (1R) Codey,R/Vitale,J+8 7/21/2017 Psych., cert.-estab. tuition reimb. prog
P.L.2017, c.127. S2403 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Turner,S+10 7/21/2017 Women's Voc. Training Pilot Prog.-estab.
P.L.2017, c.128. S2452 Diegnan,P.J./Stack,B+2 7/21/2017 Prop. Taxpayer Bill of Rights-promulgate
P.L.2017, c.129. S2577 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+7 7/21/2017 Higher Ed Student Asst Auth-transparency
P.L.2017, c.130. S2618 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+3 7/21/2017 Reverse transfer agreement-req.
P.L.2017, c.131. S2721 Aa (1R) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+2 7/21/2017 Disab. person-changes terminology
P.L.2017, c.132. S2819 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Ruiz,M+6 7/21/2017 Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund
P.L.2017, c.133. S2834 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+6 7/21/2017 Water Qual. Accountability Act-concerns
P.L.2017, c.134. S2883 Gordon,R/Beach,J+8 7/21/2017 Veteran's prop. tax deduct-extends elig.
P.L.2017, c.135. S2970 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P.J.+2 7/21/2017 Hospice care prog-accept unused prescrip
P.L.2017, c.136. S3027 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+10 7/21/2017 St. food waste reduction-estab.
P.L.2017, c.137. S3067 Ruiz,M/Vitale,J+1 7/21/2017 Transgender students-devel. guidelines
P.L.2017, c.138. S3176 Madden,F/Mukherji,R+1 7/21/2017 TDI-concerns calculation of emp. taxes
P.L.2017, c.139. S3181 ScaAa (2R) Smith,B/Diegnan,P.J.+1 7/21/2017 Solar power generation fac proj-concerns
P.L.2017, c.140. S3191 Sweeney,S/Bateman,C+4 7/21/2017 Voting rights-concerns
P.L.2017, c.141. S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 7/21/2017 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns
P.L.2017, c.142. S3240 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Codey,R+37 7/21/2017 Env. Infra. Trust-auth. loan
P.L.2017, c.143. S3241 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Codey,R+38 7/21/2017 Env. Infra. proj.-approp. funds
P.L.2017, c.144. S3242 Gordon,R/Oroho,S+2 7/21/2017 Env, transp. infra. proj.-clarifies
P.L.2017, c.145. S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P 7/21/2017 Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop.
P.L.2017, c.146. S3352 Ruiz,M/Bateman,C+31 7/21/2017 Park devel. proj.;$71.7M
P.L.2017, c.147. S3353 Greenstein,L/Thompson,S+29 7/21/2017 St. capital, park devel. proj.;$12.3M
P.L.2017, c.148. S3354 Gordon,R/Allen,D+34 7/21/2017 Nonprofit entities-devel. lands;$8.992M
P.L.2017, c.149. A222 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Giblin,T+52 7/21/2017 Library Constr. Bond Act
P.L.2017, c.150. A373 Aca (1R) Auth,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+23 7/21/2017 Joan's Law-murder of a minor, no parole
P.L.2017, c.151. A555 Pinkin,N/Diegnan,P.J. 7/21/2017 Protestant Episcopal Church-incorp.
P.L.2017, c.152. A621 Aca (1R) Lagana,J/Greenwald,L+5 7/21/2017 Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev
P.L.2017, c.153. A1458 ScaSca (2R) Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+8 7/21/2017 Newborn insur. coverage-notify parents
P.L.2017, c.154. A1645 Schaer,G/Webber,J+4 7/21/2017 Open space trust fd., co./mun.-concerns
P.L.2017, c.155. A1662 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 7/21/2017 Resid fac cert-req data dashboard report
P.L.2017, c.156. A1761 Eustace,T/Mukherji,R+2 7/21/2017 Fencing companion animals-creates crime
P.L.2017, c.157. A2060 Gusciora,R/Sumter,S+7 7/21/2017 Short sale buyers-estab. process
P.L.2017, c.158. A2221 Benson,D/Russo,D+7 7/21/2017 Boy Scouts of America Fd.-vol. contrib.
P.L.2017, c.159. A2441 Eustace,T/Gusciora,R+1 7/21/2017 Unclaimed Property Admin-verify gov debt
P.L.2017, c.160. A2926 Greenwald,L/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 7/21/2017 Student loans-repeals law, suspend lic.
P.L.2017, c.161. A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 7/21/2017 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover
P.L.2017, c.162. A3347 AcaSca (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Wolfe,D+5 7/21/2017 Sch. Safety Specialist Academy-estab.
P.L.2017, c.163. A3438 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+3 7/21/2017 Umemp. benf.-determination w/in 3 wks.
P.L.2017, c.164. A3463 Coughlin,C/Vitale,J+1 7/21/2017 DOC-updates references
P.L.2017, c.165. A3686 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Jasey,M+3 7/21/2017 Ralph/David Law-strict liab veh homicide
P.L.2017, c.166. A3749 DeAngelo,W/Land,R+9 7/21/2017 100 Percent Disab. Vet-parking privilege
P.L.2017, c.167. A3944 Mazzeo,V/Lagana,J+5 7/21/2017 Opioids used by students-concerns
P.L.2017, c.168. A4011 Jones,P/Barclay,A+5 7/21/2017 USS New Jersey-desig. as State Ship
P.L.2017, c.169. A4081 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 7/21/2017 Charlie's Law-deny svc. dog access
P.L.2017, c.170. A4088 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Jasey,M+15 7/21/2017 High Sch. to Coll. Readiness Comm-estab.
P.L.2017, c.171. A4175 Aca (1R) Caride,M/McKnight,A+2 7/21/2017 English language learners-req prog devel
P.L.2017, c.172. A4246 Dancer,R/Lesniak,R+2 7/21/2017 Annual thoroughbred race-decr.
P.L.2017, c.173. A4317 Prieto,V/Giblin,T+1 7/21/2017 Occup. lic. law-concerns viol.
P.L.2017, c.174. A4399 AcaAcaSa (3R) Greenwald,L/Johnson,G+19 7/21/2017 Gold Star Family Counseling Prog.-estab.
P.L.2017, c.175. A4401 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Land,R+20 7/21/2017 Military family memb.-auth. cert. benf.
P.L.2017, c.176. A4568 AcaSca (2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Eustace,T+7 7/21/2017 Gender id-proh. health insur. discrim.
P.L.2017, c.177. A4875 Muoio,E/Gusciora,R+1 7/21/2017 Gubernatorial candidate's stmt.-post
P.L.2017, c.178. A4969 Aca (1R) Oliver,S/Giblin,T+10 7/21/2017 Montclair St. Univ.-pub. research univ.
P.L.2017, c.179. A4994 Acs (ACS) McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J+1 7/21/2017 Govt. emp fed tax access info-crim check
P.L.2017, JR-11. SJR105 Diegnan,P.J./Cruz-Perez,N 7/21/2017 Gov James Florio Day-desig Aug. 29, 2017
P.L.2017, JR-12. SJR113 Gordon,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 7/21/2017 PANYNJ-open pub. records, clarify intent
P.L.2017, JR-13. AJR37 Mosquera,G/Chaparro,A+4 7/21/2017 ASK Day-desig. June 21 each yr.
P.L.2017, JR-14. AJR54 Acs (ACS) Benson,D/Mosquera,G+3 7/21/2017 World Autism Awareness Day-desig April 2
P.L.2017, JR-15. AJR72 Sa (1R) Gove,D/Rumpf,B+7 7/21/2017 Constitution Wk.-desig. Sept 17 thru 23
P.L.2017, JR-16. AJR115 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+24 7/21/2017 Concussion Awareness Day-desig.
P.L.2017, JR-17. AJR126 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/DeAngelo,W+6 7/21/2017 St Police. anniversary-commem.
P.L.2017, JR-18. AJR137 Mazzeo,V/Whelan,J+1 7/21/2017 Internet gaming-proh. states from auth.