Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (February 24th):



Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Kalimah H. Ahmad, of Jersey City.

Craig A. Ambrose, of Moorestown.

Avion M. Benjamin, of Avenel.

Bruce D. Buechler, of West Orange.

Sander D. Friedman, of Medford.

Alvin Ricardo Little, of Maplewood.

Mitchell L. Pascual, of Ridgewood.

Joshua David Sanders, of Maplewood.

Angelo Servidio, of Weehawken.


Fred Hopke, of Metuchen.

Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

SJR55 Rice,R Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission-extends report deadline

Bills Introduced:

S1794 Ruiz,M Ed st of emerg-dist w/low proficiency rate in language arts, corrective measures REF SED

S1795 Ruiz,M Juvenile-family crisis information-allow law enforcement to provide sch. w/info. REF SED

S1796 Ruiz,M High school equivalency exam fees-State pay for low-income individuals REF SED

S1797 Ruiz,M High sch equivalency test centers, St approved-increase number in less pop areas REF SED

S1798 Ruiz,M Health screening by sch. physician-prov timely notification to parents w/results REF SED

S1799 Ruiz,M County college funding-provide State aid for students in postsecondary & tech ed REF SHI

S1800 Ruiz,M Juror disqualification-prohibits based on gender ID or sexual orientation REF SJU

S1801 Ruiz,M Residential property-disclose cellular telephone transmitters upon sale or lease REF SCU

S1802 Ruiz,M Fruit and vegetable donations-provides CBT and income tax credits for value REF SEG

S1803 Ruiz,M Holiday pay-State reimburse county employees for performing State services REF SCU

S1804 Ruiz,M Shared service agreements-req. mun, co, sch dist, & local auth regularly discuss REF SCU

S1805 Ruiz,M New single or two family homes-fire suppression systems required REF SCU

S1806 Ruiz,M Shipping container storage-authorizes local tax REF SCU

S1807 Ruiz,M Schools, private postsecondary-establishes tuition reimbursement program REF SHI

S1808 Ruiz,M Ultrasounds on pregnant women-performed by licensed health care professional REF SHH

S1809 Ruiz,M Job applicants-prohibits employers from inquiring about gender REF SLA

S1810 Ruiz,M At-risk youths-law enforcement agencies coordinate w/sch dist to ID and assist REF SLP

S1811 Ruiz,M Banks and public funds-establishes certain requirements REF SCM

S1812 Ruiz,M Baby boxes-various St dept prov info linkages & safe sleep education on websites REF SHH

S1813 Ruiz,M Reach Out and Read Program-encourage health care facilities/prof. to develop REF SHH

S1814 Ruiz,M Child care centers, licensed-60 day notice required for tuition rate changes REF SHH

S1815 Ruiz,M Jury duty-exempts nursing mothers REF SJU

S1816 Ruiz,M Working Group on End of Life and Palliative Care-establish in DOH REF SHH

S1817 Ruiz,M Safe Babies Court Team-concerning child welfare REF SHH

S1818 Ruiz,M Listening to Mothers Survey Act-estab. survey, improve maternity care access/svc REF SHH

S1819 Diegnan,P Electric school bus pilot program-directs BPU develop and implement REF SEG

S1820 Greenstein,L/Turner,S Governor, State Legislature-estab. ranked-choice voting procedure for elections REF SSG

S1821 Ruiz,M Charity care to certain hospitals-revises criteria for payment REF SHH

S1822 Greenstein,L Ancient Order of Hibernians-authorizes special license plate REF SLP

S1823 Cunningham,S Student loan repayment programs, income-contingent-provide information REF SHI

S1824 Ruiz,M Adoptions, subsidized-permits payments until child becomes 21 years of age REF SHH

S1825 Madden,F Labor harmony agreements for hospitality projects-concerns REF SLA

S1826 Ruiz,M Fraudulent arbitration agreements, certain-invalid REF SCM

S1827 Lagana,J Charity care services, qual-allows gross income tax deduction prov by physicians REF SHH

S1828 Lagana,J/Corrado,K John Wagner's Law-monitor opioid antidotes under Prescrip. Monitoring Prog. REF SHH

S1829 Lagana,J Mercury in floors of certain facilities-establish task force to study presence REF SHH

S1830 Diegnan,P Athletic Training Licensure Act-revises REF SCM

S1831 Cryan,J Drinking water-higher education institutions test for lead and disclose results REF SEN

S1832 Greenstein,L Mobile service providers, commercial-prohibits disclosing customer's GPS data REF SCM

S1833 Greenstein,L Solar and photovoltaic energy facilities and structures on farmland-provides REF SEN

S1834 Greenstein,L Animal shelters and kennels-establish requirements for operation and oversight REF SEN

S1835 Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S Agritourism activity-provide limited civil liability immunity to farmer hosting REF SEG

S1836 Cruz-Perez,N/Greenstein,L Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings REF SEN

S1837 Cruz-Perez,N Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan program and provide CBT and income tax credit REF SEG

S1838 Greenstein,L State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ REF SSG

S1839 Gopal,V Comprehensive State Plan for Economic Development-establishes REF SEG

S1840 Cryan,J Economic incentive recipient-required to pay penalty for nonperformance REF SEG

S1841 Cryan,J Residential Water Quality Assurance Program-establish in DEP REF SEN

S1842 Cryan,J/Scutari,N Nonprofit Security Grant Program-establishes REF SLP

S1843 Scutari,N Nail products containing dibutyl phthalates or toluene-proh sale & distribution REF SCM

S1844 Scutari,N Opioid addiction risk-hospitals include warning in patient discharge papers REF SHH

S1845 Scutari,N Opioid antidotes-county health department maintain reserve stock REF SHH

S1846 Scutari,N Food delivery drivers-prohibits use, electronic smoking devices/tobacco products REF SHH

S1847 Doherty,M State Police services-exempts certain municipalities from payment REF SLP

S1848 Gopal,V Public school employment-creates hiring pool, previously employed in districts REF SED

S1849 Gopal,V Community College Opportunity Grant program-extend to volunteer emerg responders REF SHI

S1850 Gopal,V Ensuring Transparency in Prior Authorization Act REF SCM

S1852 Ruiz,M Children's products-prohibits sale of unsafe supplemental mattresses REF SCM

S1853 Ruiz,M Halloween, children's costumes-requires reflective material REF SLP

S1854 Ruiz,M Latex gloves-DOH develop phase out plan, in health care fac/food establishments REF SHH

S1855 Ruiz,M Urban farming grant and loan program-NJEDA establish REF SEG

S1856 Ruiz,M Special ed. classification-train teachers & admin & monitor dist on bias/discrim REF SED

S1857 Ruiz,M Community school pilot program-establish 5 year REF SED

S1858 Singleton,T Venture Investment and Employment Program Act-establishes REF SEG

S1859 Bucco,A Payroll-reduces taxable wage base applied to certain tax contributions REF SLA

S1860 Oroho,S Emergency Medical Technician Training Fund-revises eligibility criteria REF SHH

S1861 Gopal,V Health benefit plans/out-of-network svc-DOBI provide info concerning self-funded REF SCM

S1862 Gopal,V Shift overlap, 30 minutes-required in State correctional facilities REF SLP

S1863 Gopal,V Human Trafficking Comm-study human trafficking illicit massage parlor connection REF SJU

S1864 Gopal,V Law enforcement officers, injured-extend 6 to 12 months compensation program REF SLP

S1865 Gopal,V Military leave-concerns paid, certain members of the US Reserves REF SMV

S1866 Gopal,V+3 St. contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned business-estab price preference REF SMV

S1867 Lagana,J Psychiatrists who contract with DCF-provides tuition reimbursement REF SHI

S1868 Lagana,J Student loan payments-establishes gross income and CBT credits REF SHI

S1869 Singleton,T Uniform Partition of Heirs Prop Act-provide alt process, prop w/multiple owners REF SJU

S1870 Gopal,V Health care services arbitration law-revises provisions of out-of-network REF SCM

S1871 Lagana,J Veteran of US or organized militia misrepresentation-upgrades certain crimes REF SMV

S1872 Lagana,J Domestic violence committed in the presence of a child-establish new crime REF SJU

S1873 Singleton,T EDA-modifies provisions of incentive programs; report with review and analysis REF SEG

S1874 Lagana,J Firearms-applicant with permits and ID cards sign document acknowledging risk REF SLP

S1875 Lagana,J Small business start-ups-provides income tax credits to support development REF SEG

S1876 Lagana,J Medications, maintenance-prohibits SHBP, SEHBP or Medicaid from denying coverage REF SHH

S1877 Turner,S Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns REF SHI

S1878 Turner,S Casinos and simulcasting facilities-eliminates smoking ban exception REF SHH

S1879 Turner,S Hotel, emerg. asst.-DHS give priority temp rental assist to Work First recipient REF SHH

S1880 Turner,S State Investment Council-publish reports and make recommendations REF SSG

S1881 Turner,S Historic Trenton-authorizes license plates REF STR

S1882 Turner,S Military personnel-extend drivers lic, ID card & motor veh regis expiration date REF STR

S1883 Doherty,M Emergency warning lights-permits use of LED lights REF SLP

S1884 Beach,J Opiates and other CDS-patients indicate they should not be prescribed REF SHH

S1885 Cruz-Perez,N Postpartum care for women-DOH develop interconception care resources to enhance REF SHH

S1886 Cruz-Perez,N Mental illness-clarify law governing involuntary commitment incl substance abuse REF SHH

S1887 Cruz-Perez,N Behavioral Mental Health Advisory Board-establish REF SHH

S1888 Cruz-Perez,N Mary's Law-concerns specialized, modified motor vehicles REF SHH

S1889 Cruz-Perez,N Women-State agencies post Internet links to programs and services REF SHH

S1890 Cruz-Perez,N Agency prov temp home for child or pregnant woman during crisis-background check REF SHH

S1891 Cruz-Perez,N Vineyards, wineries-provides tax credits from qualified capital expenses REF SEG

S1892 Cruz-Perez,N Domestic Violence Tuition Waiver Program-establishes REF SJU

S1893 Cruz-Perez,N Will registry, established optional-repeals law REF SJU

S1894 Cruz-Perez,N Linnette Lebron's Law-modify procedure, terminally ill marriage or civil union REF SJU

S1895 Cruz-Perez,N Vehicles, compressed natural gas-provides corporation business tax credits REF SEN

S1896 Cruz-Perez,N Retrofitted Green Building Tax Credit Act REF SEN

S1897 Cruz-Perez,N Electric veh charging stations-prov corp bus tax credit, installation/purchase REF SEN

S1898 Cruz-Perez,N Affidavit of merit-plaintiff obtain in malpractice suit against enrolled agent REF SJU

S1899 Cruz-Perez,N Green Building Tax Credit Act REF SEN

S1900 Cruz-Perez,N Env. responsible bus. equip-prov. tax credit under corp. bus. tax for cert costs REF SEN

S1901 Cruz-Perez,N/Corrado,K Disabled persons-provides employers with various tax incentives REF SCM

S1902 Cruz-Perez,N Natl. Guard, active duty-allows corp. bus. tax credit paying salary differential REF SMV

S1903 Cruz-Perez,N National Guard memb active duty status-elim vet income tax deduction requirement REF SMV

S1904 Cruz-Perez,N Sr, disabled citizens-incr annual income limitation elig $250 prop tax deduction REF SHH

S1905 Cruz-Perez,N Workers' cooperative societies-concerns REF SLA

S1906 Cruz-Perez,N Business email address-required to report to Div of Revenue & Enterprise Service REF SCM

S1907 Cruz-Perez,N/Pou,N Office of Women's Research and Policy-creates;$150K REF SHH

S1908 Cruz-Perez,N Business accelerators and incubators-provides assistance REF SEG

S1909 Cruz-Perez,N Local trans. projects-DOT compensate for contractual delay damages from shutdown REF STR

S1910 Cruz-Perez,N Perinatal health curriculum, community health workers-DOH develop standardized REF SHH

S1911 Cruz-Perez,N Maternity care public awareness campaign-Commissioner of Health establish REF SHH

S1912 Cruz-Perez,N Maternity care-establish standards for general hospitals providing care REF SHH

S1913 Stack,B Lead service lines-require DEP establish and maintain searchable database REF SEN

SCR86 Lagana,J Opportunity Zone Lead Remediation Impact Act of 2019-urges President to enact REF SEN

SCR87 Lagana,J Senior & disabled citizen income-increase limitation for property tax deduction REF SCU

SCR88 Turner,S Public employees pensions-require payments by State; provide for enforcement REF SSG

SCR89 Cruz-Perez,N Veterans and surviving spouses-receive enhanced homestead rebate amount REF SMV

SJR52 Bateman,C Renewable Energy Day-designates May 23 of each year REF SEN

SJR53 Cruz-Perez,N Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Month-designates March of each year REF SHH

SJR54 Cruz-Perez,N Preeclampsia Awareness Month-permanently designates May REF SHH

SR51 Gopal,V Assault weapon ban-urges President and Congress to reauthorize REF SLP

SR52 Cryan,J/Diegnan,P Martin McGuinness Principles-supports; delivery of Good Friday Agreements REF SSG

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S60 Singer,R/Singleton,T Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb REP

S61 Singer,R/Singleton,T Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember REP

S170 Corrado,K+1 Veterans Assistance Grant Prog-estab nonprofit organizations, provide cert. svcs REP

S232 Scs (SCS) Singleton,T/Weinberg,L Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns REP/SCS

S331 Smith,B/Codey,R+2 State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan REP

S337 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds to finan cost-effective improvements REP/SCA

S551 Codey,R/Bucco,A Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment REP

S594 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Life Sciences Internship Challenge-creates program, tax credit to cert companies REP

S717 Addiego,D/Singleton,T+1 Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction REP

S766 Sca (1R) Gopal,V Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants REP/SCA

S828 Lagana,J/Greenstein,L Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating REP

S896 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Turner,S Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender REP/SCA

S913 Connors,C+2 Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death REP

S920 Singleton,T/Gopal,V Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing REP

S1002 Vitale,J Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost REP

S1016 Scs (SCS) Smith,B Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide REP/SCS

S1157 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes REP/SCA

S1235 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment REP

S1251 Gopal,V+2 Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy REP

S1661 Greenstein,L Prisoner reentry peer support hotline-establishes REP

S1866 Scs (SCS) Gopal,V+3 St. contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned business-estab price preference REP/SCS

SCR53 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes REP

SJR41 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year REP/SCA

SR27 Sca (1R) Kean,T Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ REP/SCA

Bills Referred/SBA:

S170 Corrado,K+1 Veterans Assistance Grant Prog-estab nonprofit organizations, provide cert. svcs

S232 Scs (SCS) Singleton,T/Weinberg,L Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns

S331 Smith,B/Codey,R+2 State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan

S337 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds to finan cost-effective improvements

S594 Beach,J/Greenstein,L Life Sciences Internship Challenge-creates program, tax credit to cert companies

S717 Addiego,D/Singleton,T+1 Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction

S828 Lagana,J/Greenstein,L Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating

S896 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Turner,S Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender

S913 Connors,C+2 Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death

S920 Singleton,T/Gopal,V Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing

S1002 Vitale,J Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost

S1157 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes

S1251 Gopal,V+2 Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy

S1661 Greenstein,L Prisoner reentry peer support hotline-establishes

S1866 Scs (SCS) Gopal,V+3 St. contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned business-estab price preference

Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:

A270 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+5 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K REF SMV

A377 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/McKeon,J+2 Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers REF SCM

A492 Webber,J/Houghtaling,E+7 Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding REF SEG

A516 Jimenez,A/Rooney,K+5 EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity REF SHH

A543 Aca (1R) Jimenez,A/Giblin,T+3 Psychologist training requirements-revises REF SHH

A703 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+4 Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities REF SLA

A724 Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation REF SJU

A741 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+6 Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State REF SEN

A853 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+30 Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating REF SCU

A860 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+11 Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force REF SHH

A863 Chiaravalloti,N/Johnson,G+5 Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics REF SLP

A1104 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/McKnight,A+13 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents REF SED

A1145 Freiman,R/Egan,J+13 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes REF SCU

A1176 Acs (ACS) Zwicker,A/Freiman,R+4 Cardiac procedures, full service adult-DOH license certain qualifying hospitals REF SHH

A1229 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+16 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website REF SCU

A1263 Schaer,G/Johnson,G+1 Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement REF SCM

A1296 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+5 Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website REF SSG

A1369 Benson,D/Zwicker,A+1 Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton REF STR

A1443 DeCroce,B/Benson,D+9 Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners REF SHH

A1630/1631 Acs (ACS) Lampitt,P/Greenwald,L+13 School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access REF SED

A2116 Tully,P/Swain,L+7 Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines REF SSG

AJR28 Giblin,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February REF SHH

AJR30 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+14 Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs REF SJU

AJR32 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Autoimmune Encephalitis Awareness Day-designates February 22 of each year REF SHH

Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

Co-Sponsors Added:

S120 (O'Scanlon,D) Firearm, loaded-incr criminal penalties w/in access of minors resulting in death

S249 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS

S487 (Bucco,A) PFRS-enhances accidental death pension for surviving spouses, min. $50K annually

S887 (Gopal,V) Prescription drug services, Medicaid-transition managed care to fee-for-service

S913 (Cruz-Perez,N; Pennacchio,J) Surviving spouse, cert blind or disabled vet-annual comp paid from date of death

S1194 (Addiego,D) Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M

S1251 (Cruz-Perez,N; Pennacchio,J) Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy

S1439 (O'Scanlon,D) Fentanyl unlawful manufacturing, distributing or dispensing-increase penalty

S1479 (Kean,T) Food Desert Elimination Act-provide incentives to supermarkets to eliminate

S1866 Scs (SCS) (Cruz-Perez,N; Corrado,K; Singleton,T) St. contracts for service-disabled veteran-owned business-estab price preference

Co-Prime Sponsors Added:

S120 (Bucco,A) Firearm, loaded-incr criminal penalties w/in access of minors resulting in death

S349 (Greenstein,L) Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction

S551 (Bucco,A) Municipal emergency management coordinators, non-resident-permits appointment

S633 (Turner,S) Healthy Workplace Act-unlawful practice to subject emp. to abusive workplace env

S896 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender

S920 (Gopal,V) Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing

S1078 (Turner,S) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline

S1157 Sca (1R) (Cruz-Perez,N) Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes

S1235 (Cruz-Perez,N) Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment

S1415 (Bucco,A) Health savings accounts, individual-extends federal income tax advantages

S1469 (Greenstein,L) Homeless emergency shelters-admit certain persons unless they pose a danger

S1476 (Beach,J) Economic Gardening Program-create, prov customized service to certain businesses

S1479 (Beach,J) Food Desert Elimination Act-provide incentives to supermarkets to eliminate

S1505 (Stack,B) Veteran's property tax exemption-extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops

S1513 (Singleton,T) Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing

The Senate President has made the following appointment: *Effective February 12, 2020 New Jersey Human Relations Council-Exec. Committee: Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman (16), to replace Senator Dawn Marie Addiego (8)

The Senate President has made the following reappointments: *Effective February 14, 2020

New Jersey Corporate and Business Law Study Commission: Senator Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr. (18)

Drinking Water Quality Institute: Leslie Brunell, Ph.D., of Closter.

New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing Board: Kathryn Burns Collins, FACHE, of Interlaken.

Anne M. Sullivan, BSN, of Brick.

State Council for Adult Literacy Education Services: Brigette Satchell, of Cherry Hill.

Julio Sabater, of Union.

Casino Revenue Fund Advisory Commission: James A. Carney, of Egg Harbor.

Aquaculture Advisory Council: Lisa M. Calvo, of Newfield.

The Minority Leader has made the following appointment: *Effective February 20, 2020 Ellis Island Advisory Commission: Senator Anthony M. Bucco (25) 

The Minority Leader has made the following reappointments: *Effective February 20, 2020 New Jersey Military Skills Council: Senator Michael J. Doherty (23)

New Jersey Commission on Higher Education and Business Partnerships: John W. Kennedy, of Madison.

The Senate adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 (SESSION/JOINT SESSION/Budget Message).


Bills Introduced:

A3086 McKeon,J Forest stewardship program-establishes for State-owned lands REF AAN

A3087 McKeon,J Green Building Tax Credit Act REF ACE

A3088 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N Internet pharmacies and electronic prescriptions-regulates REF ARP

A3089 McKeon,J+1 Juror disqualification-prohibits based on gender ID or sexual orientation REF AJU

A3090 McKeon,J Baccalaureate degree-higher ed. instit required to offer accelerated 3-year prog REF AHI

A3091 McKeon,J Juvenile defendants, certain-concerns resentencing and parole REF ALP

A3092 McKeon,J District energy collaborative-BPU prov. incentives and combined heat/power fac. REF ATU

A3093 McKeon,J Elderly relative-$3K income tax deduction for taxpayers providing home care REF ASE

A3094 McKeon,J Punitive damages paid in connection w/legal actions-disallows tax deduction REF AJU

A3095 Mazzeo,V Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election REF ASL

A3096 McKeon,J Tuition prog, federally qualified-income tax deduction for contrib./credit purch REF AHI

A3097 McKeon,J Consumer Litigation Funding Act REF AFI

A3098 McKeon,J Superior, Supreme, Tax Court Judges-increases mandatory retirement age to 72 REF AJU

A3099 McKeon,J Stalking-creates a civil cause of action REF AJU

A3100 McKeon,J Electric distrib. utility poles/towers-BPU study feasibility, installation req. REF ATU

A3101 McKeon,J Solar electric systems-electric pub utilities enter into agreements w/bldg owner REF ATU

A3102 McKeon,J Pension & annuity funds-prohibit, companies selling assault firearms REF AJU

A3103 McKeon,J Drones-contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation of fourth degree crime REF AHS

A3104 McKeon,J+1 Drones-retailers required to provide FAA safety guidelines to consumers REF AHS

A3105 McKeon,J Electric util poles & transmission towers-estab req for newly installed/replaced REF ATU

A3106 McKeon,J Highlands Conservation Trust-preserve land in Highlands Region; estab. lic plate REF AEN

A3107 McKeon,J Buy-out accumulated leave time-issue bonds, reduce future terminal leave expense REF ASL

A3108 McKeon,J Evictions-enhances use of breach of implied warranty of habitability defense REF AHO

A3109 McKeon,J Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality REF AHO

A3110 McKeon,J Emergency shelters-establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures REF AHE

A3111 McKeon,J Pipeline companies, private-restricts use of eminent domain REF ATU

A3112 DeAngelo,W School buses, newly-purchased-equip with air conditioning and heating systems REF ATR

A3113 DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Vol. first aid squad-bill third parties, do not lose right to use warning lights REF ALP

A3114 DeAngelo,W Volunteer first aid, rescue and ambulance squad-revises definition REF ALP

A3115 DeAngelo,W Parole officers-who monitors sex offenders limits caseload to 40 REF ALP

A3116 DeAngelo,W Health care service provider-limits rescheduling, cancellation and no-show fees REF ACO

A3117 DeAngelo,W Alcoholic beverages, fd raising events held by non-profits/charitable org-allow REF AOF

A3118 DeAngelo,W Economic Development Incentive Review Commission-establish REF ACE

A3119 DeAngelo,W Shopping centers, distressed-allows CBT credit as incentive for redevelopment REF ACE

A3120 DeAngelo,W Recall election-change date, initiate after completion of first term in office REF ASL

A3121 DeAngelo,W Recall petition-changes signature requirement REF ASL

A3122 DeAngelo,W Campaign contributions-required to be reported to ELEC REF ASL

A3123 DeAngelo,W Veteran-allows to withdraw honorable discharge papers from county clerk REF AMV

A3124 DeAngelo,W Race tracks & off-track wagering fac.-create cigar night smoking ban exemption REF ATG

A3125 DeAngelo,W Consumer contracts-invalidates, waiver required of right to file a complaint REF ACO

A3126 DeAngelo,W Construction Lien Law-permits constr worker to file lien against property owner REF ALA

A3127 DeAngelo,W Employer reporting requirements-concerns teminated employees REF ALA

A3128 DeAngelo,W Construction contracts-concerns prompt payment REF ALA

A3129 DeAngelo,W/Murphy,C Unfair labor practice claims-provides exclusive jurisdiction to PERC REF ALA

A3130 DeAngelo,W Public works contractors-concerns apprenticeship programs REF ALA

A3131 DeAngelo,W Employment discrimination based on applicant employment status-prohibits REF ALA

A3132 DeAngelo,W UI benefits overpayment-Department of Treasury required to collect REF ALA

A3133 DeAngelo,W Prevailing wage violations-concerns debarment REF ALA

A3134 DeAngelo,W Contractors-concern registration & sets criteria, responsible bidder in pub work REF ALA

A3135 DeAngelo,W Construction Industry Independent Contractor Reform Commission-establishes REF ALA

A3136 DeAngelo,W Housing projects, for-sale-extends prevailing wage requirements REF ALA

A3137 DeAngelo,W MVC database-check Social Security Admin. records and mark deceased persons REF ATR

A3138 DeAngelo,W+1 Honorably discharged veterans-establishes special license plate REF AMV

A3139 DeAngelo,W License probationary-may transport siblings, dependents & 1 additional passenger REF ATR

A3140 DeAngelo,W BPU public meetings held in State-owned building-broadcast live on Internet REF ATU

A3141 DeAngelo,W+1 Combat Action Badge-authorizes special license plate REF AMV

A3142 DeAngelo,W+1 Water supply and wastewater treatment systems-revises licensure req. to operate REF ARP

A3143 Kennedy,J Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns REF ARP

A3144 Murphy,C Regulatory Improvement Commission-establishes REF AOF

A3145 Murphy,C Highly acute devel. disab. person-exception rates, programmatic & staffing req. REF AHU

A3146 Murphy,C Disability law and etiquette-requires training for State employees REF ASL

A3147 Murphy,C Five-year housing advisory plan-establishes REF AHO

A3148 Murphy,C Law Enforcement Addiction Intervention Pilot Program-estab in Burlington County REF ALP

A3149 Murphy,C Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing REF ALP

A3150 Murphy,C Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year REF AMV

A3151 Murphy,C State forms & documents-requires replacement for certain terms REF AWC

A3152 Murphy,C Smoking in the automobile when children are present-prohibits REF AWC

A3153 Murphy,C West Virginia University alumni-authorizes issuance of license plates REF ATR

A3154 Murphy,C School dress codes policy-apply to all schools within school district REF AED

A3155 Murphy,C Discrim, unlawful-denial of svc based on person's disab by domestic viol shelter REF AJU

A3156 Murphy,C Cranberry juice-designates as State beverage REF AAN

A3157 Murphy,C School breakfast/lunch bill in arrears-provide anti-stigmatization protections REF AED

A3158 Murphy,C Substance use-secondary schools annually conduct written/verbal screening prog. REF AED

A3159 Murphy,C Nurses, advanced practice-tuition reimbursement who provide home health care svc REF AHI

A3160 Murphy,C Hazing conviction-student is ineligible for State financial aid REF AHI

A3161 Murphy,C Supporting Educational & Entrepreneurial Development Program-establish REF AHI

A3162 Murphy,C Budget info, user friendly-loc units of govt prov access thru Internet site link REF ASL

A3163 Murphy,C Michael Fischer Law-defibrillators required at youth athletic events REF AWC

A3164 Murphy,C Common Interest Community Task Force-establishes REF ASL

A3165 Murphy,C Wireless communications, collocate equipment-clarifies application REF ATU

A3166 Murphy,C Animal, domestic companion-bars provision in decedent's will, req. euthanasia REF AJU

A3167 Murphy,C Craft distilleries-authorizes direct shipping REF AOF

A3168 Murphy,C School district regionalization, cert.-estab. pilot program to study feasibility REF AED

A3169 Murphy,C Disab. student-approved private schools-incl. in tuition consultants hourly rate REF AED

A3170 Murphy,C Abandoned properties-requires municipal accounting before receiving State aid REF AHO

A3171 Murphy,C Bd. of education-post on website info summarizing payroll & weekly accts payable REF AED

A3172 Murphy,C Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities Task Force-establishes REF AED

A3173 Murphy,C Library Network for continuation of services;$750K REF ASL

A3174 Murphy,C Homeless students trans.-State required to reimburse school districts for costs REF AED

A3175 Murphy,C Partnership for Assessment of Readiness, Coll/Career-proh admin of assess. devel REF AED

A3176 Murphy,C Anti-hazing policy-higher education institutions & nonpublic high schools adopt REF AED

A3177 Murphy,C Residential foreclosed vacant and abandoned property-creditor maintain interior REF AHO

A3178 Burzichelli,J Sch, proprietary-limits elig for direct State aid and State student asst program REF AHI

A3179 Burzichelli,J/Wirths,H Rooming and boarding house-revises definition of landlord to include REF AHO

A3180 Bramnick,J Liability insurance policies-prohibit certain provisions REF AFI

A3181 Bramnick,J School board member, participate in volunteer activities-clarifies circumstances REF AED

A3183 Munoz,N Rabies preventive treatment-prohibits payment of more than 1 copayment REF AFI

A3184 Munoz,N Military nonresidential spouses-concerns licensure and certifications REF ARP

A3185 Munoz,N Medical malpractice judgment-exempts homestead from attachment REF AJU

A3186 Munoz,N/Pinkin,N Student sun protection-adopt policies on sunscreen use & sun-protective clothing REF AED

A3187 Munoz,N Higher Education Student Advisory Commission-establish REF AHI

A3188 Munoz,N Mil personnel killed in act of duty-prov free tuition, surviving spouse/children REF AHI

A3189 Munoz,N Public meetings-requires public bodies to publish detailed agenda REF ASL

A3190 DiMaso,S+1 Community Food Bank of NJ-establish criteria for distribution of FY2020 funding REF AAN

A3191 DiMaso,S Autistic person-voluntarily make notation on driver's lic, ID card & MV registry REF ATR

A3192 DiMaso,S Sex offender registration-expand regis. req., include human trafficking crimes REF AJU

A3193 Murphy,C Parental rights-clear evidence of assault, child visitation, provide termination REF AJU

ACR129 McKeon,J Extra-judicial activities-permit justices and judges to engage, as by court rule REF AJU

ACR130 McKeon,J Judges-increase mandatory retirement age from 70 to 72 REF AJU

ACR131 DeAngelo,W Recall petitions-constitutional amendment to change signature requirement REF ASL

ACR132 Murphy,C Family Violence Prevention and Services Act-urges to reauthorize REF AWC

ACR133 Murphy,C Communication Decency Act of 1996-urges Congress to amend REF AWC

ACR134 Timberlake,B Eviction Crisis Act, 2019/Family Stability & Opportunity Voucher Act, 2019-enact REF ACD

ACR135 Jasey,M Community Reinvestment Act-urges Congress to oppose federal regulatory changes REF ACD

AJR113 DeAngelo,W Ostomy Awareness Day-designates October 1 of each year REF AHE

AJR114 Murphy,C Give Kids a Smile Day-permanently designates first Friday in February REF AHE

AJR115 Murphy,C Alexandra 'Alex' Scott Day-permanently designates January 18th REF AWC

AJR116 Murphy,C Juliette Gordon Low Day-designates October 31st of each year REF AWC

AJR117 Murphy,C Say Something Week-designates week of February 24 through March 2 of each year REF AED

AJR118 Murphy,C Walk to School Month-designates October of each year REF AED

AJR119 DiMaso,S Constitution Day-designates January 1 of each year REF ASL

AR110 DeAngelo,W Veterans, dental care-urges legislation requiring Veterans Affairs to provide REF AMV

AR111 DeAngelo,W Local businesses and organizations-urges residents to shop locally and support REF ACD

AR112 Murphy,C Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule-opposes proposed changes REF AHO


A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste To Aa (Wirths)

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste To Table (50-29-0) (Greenwald)

Bills Passed:

A270 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+5 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K (78-0-0)

A377 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/McKeon,J+2 Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers (65-12-2)

A492 Webber,J/Houghtaling,E+7 Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding (77-0-0)

A516 Jimenez,A/Rooney,K+5 EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity (78-0-0)

A543 Aca (1R) Jimenez,A/Giblin,T+3 Psychologist training requirements-revises (79-0-0)

A703 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+4 Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities (63-2-13)

A724 Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+9 False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation (79-0-0)

A741 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+6 Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State (79-0-0)

A853 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+30 Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating (79-0-0)

A860 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+11 Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force (79-0-0)

A863 Chiaravalloti,N/Johnson,G+5 Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics (79-0-0)

A1104 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/McKnight,A+13 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents (79-0-0)

A1145 Freiman,R/Egan,J+13 Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes (70-9-0)

A1176 Acs (ACS) Zwicker,A/Freiman,R+4 Cardiac procedures, full service adult-DOH license certain qualifying hospitals (70-5-4)

A1229 Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+16 Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website (79-0-0)

A1263 Schaer,G/Johnson,G+1 Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement (78-0-1)

A1296 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+5 Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website (79-0-0)

A1369 Benson,D/Zwicker,A+1 Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton (79-0-0)

A1443 DeCroce,B/Benson,D+9 Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners (79-0-0)

A1630/1631 Acs (ACS) Lampitt,P/Greenwald,L+13 School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access (79-0-0)

A2116 Tully,P/Swain,L+7 Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines (79-0-0)

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste (49-28-1)

AJR28 Giblin,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February (79-0-0)

AJR30 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+14 Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs (79-0-0)

AJR32 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Autoimmune Encephalitis Awareness Day-designates February 22 of each year (79-0-0)

AR17 Tucker,C/McKnight,A+7 Violence-declares public health crisis (74-0-1)

AR38 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A+4 Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage (76-1-1)

AR78 Mosquera,G/Moen,W+8 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create (78-0-0)

AR79 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+8 Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count (78-0-0)

AR109 Coughlin,C Assembly Rule 10:1-updates the Assembly standing reference committees (78-0-0)

SCR39 Greenstein,L/Turner,S+11 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote (79-0-0)

Bills Substituted:

ACR127 Pinkin,N/Reynolds-Jackson,V+10 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote SUB BY SCR39

SCR39 Greenstein,L/Turner,S+11 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote SUB FOR ACR127

Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:

A242 Aa (1R) DeAngelo,W/Downey,J+2 Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark (Johnson)

A702 Aa (1R) Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+1 State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use (Johnson)

A723 Aa (1R) Johnson,G/Wimberly,B+9 Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned (Johnson)

A744 Aa (1R) Johnson,G+1 Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies (Johnson)

A745 Aa (1R) Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+14 Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes (Johnson)

A1632 Aa (1R) Lampitt,P/Reynolds-Jackson,V+11 School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears (Johnson)

A1653 Aa (1R) Quijano,A/Pinkin,N+11 Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects (Johnson)

A2311 Aa (1R) Calabrese,C/Jasey,M Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission (Johnson)

A2963 Aa (1R) Johnson,G Board member of Public Utilities-serve as board member of NJ Transit Corporation (Johnson)

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A1353 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+1 Railroad crossing-driver required to stop when on-track equipment is approaching FROM ATR


Co-Sponsors Added:

A169 (Benson,D; Verrelli,A; Giblin,T; Carter,L) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights

A229 Aca (1R) (Holley,J) Telecommunications company-prov prorated refunds, svc outages longer than 72 hrs

A242 Aa (1R) (Murphy,C) Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark

A270 (Murphy,C; Space,P; Wirths,H; Lopez,Y; Houghtaling,E) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K

A377 Aca (1R) (Houghtaling,E; Quijano,A) Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers

A492 (Space,P; Wirths,H; Scharfenberger,G) Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding

A516 (Murphy,C; Space,P; Wirths,H; Houghtaling,E; Lopez,Y) EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity

A543 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C; Lopez,Y; Greenwald,L) Psychologist training requirements-revises

A578 (Space,P; Wirths,H) Stop Social Media Censorship Act-create for users whose speech has been censored

A703 Aca (1R) (Tucker,C; Lopez,Y) Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities

A711 (Tucker,C) Reparations Task Force-establishes

A723 Aa (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V; Conaway,H; Lopez,Y) Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned

A724 (Lopez,Y; Quijano,A; Lampitt,P) False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation

A741 (Lopez,Y; Calabrese,C) Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State

A745 Aa (1R) (Mejia,P; Mosquera,G; Houghtaling,E; DiMaso,S; Lopez,Y) Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes

A792 (Lopez,Y) Children's products made with formaldehyde-prohibits sale & distribution

A806 (Jasey,M) Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release

A853 (Giblin,T; Downey,J; Carter,L; Dunn,A; Conaway,H; Space,P; Wirths,H; DiMaso,S; McKeon,J; Houghtaling,E; Lopez,Y) Temporary businesses- prohibits municipal licensure of children operating

A860 (Murphy,C; Conaway,H; Quijano,A; Lampitt,P; Lopez,Y) Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force

A863 (McKeon,J; Lampitt,P; Lopez,Y) Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics

A914 (Stanfield,J) Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance

A1075 (Lopez,Y) Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control

A1087 (Armato,J; Mazzeo,V) Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing

A1104 Aca (1R) (Holley,J; Johnson,G; Conaway,H; Mosquera,G; McKeon,J; Jasey,M; Lopez,Y) Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents

A1133 (Danielsen,J) Insurance producers-prohibits application of fiduciary standard

A1137 (Rooney,K) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education

A1145 (Mazzeo,V; Lopez,Y) Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes

A1176 Acs (ACS) (Space,P; Wirths,H) Cardiac procedures, full service adult-DOH license certain qualifying hospitals

A1229 (Speight,S; Conaway,H; Armato,J; Lopez,Y) Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website

A1255 (DiMaio,J) Religious services-establish security plan; select 1 person to carry handgun

A1263 (Murphy,C) Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement

A1292 (Zwicker,A) Handgun ammunition-regulate sale & develop system for electronic firearm info.

A1296 (Lopez,Y) Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website

A1359 (Lopez,Y) Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates

A1369 (Lopez,Y) Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton

A1381 (Giblin,T) Private Vehicle Rental Modernization Act

A1443 (Conaway,H; DiMaso,S; Lopez,Y) Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners

A1455 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Sales tax holiday, annual-establish, sale of computers & certain school supplies

A1482 (McKeon,J) Fair Repair Act-concerns repairs to certain consumer electronics

A1514 Aca (1R) (Lopez,Y) Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings

A1527 (Chaparro,A; Quijano,A) Election workers-raise pay to $300 a day

A1616 (Webber,J) Student ID cards-required to contain phone number for suicide prevention hotline

A1630/1631 Acs (ACS) (Speight,S; Mejia,P; Mosquera,G; Murphy,C; Lopez,Y) School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access

A1632 Aa (1R) (Speight,S; Mosquera,G; Murphy,C; Lopez,Y) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears

A1713 (Wirths,H) Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands

A1725 Aca (1R) (Holley,J) Pub. util. & cable tv svc providers-notify public entities of svc discontinuance

A1760 (Lopez,Y) Consumer Access to Health Care Act-elim advanced practice nurse to prescribe med

A1841 (Zwicker,A) Lead or asbestos hazard abatement, primary residency-gross income tax deduction

A2101 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C) Public utilities infrastructure projects-provide notice prior to initiating

A2116 (Lampitt,P) Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines

A2258 (Stanfield,J) Therapy dog-estab pilot program to use in public elementary school wellness prog

A2310 (Schepisi,H; DiMaso,S) Anti-discrimination & anti-harassment policy-require certain candidates adopt

A2316 (Greenwald,L) Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances

A2371 AcaAca (2R) (Benson,D) Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

A2487 (Holley,J) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf

A2538 (Thomson,E) Board of education-accept donations for purpose of providing property tax relief

A2542 (Thomson,E) Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name

A2544 (Thomson,E) Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide

A2640 (Bramnick,J) Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization

A2750 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent

A2775 Aca (1R) (Wirths,H; Rooney,K; Freiman,R; Mazzeo,V; Armato,J; Space,P) Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events

A2863 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels

A2867 (Wirths,H; Thomson,E) Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation

A2896 (Wirths,H) School Safety & Security Act-establishes penalties for criminal acts on sch prop

A2897 (Wirths,H) Apprenticeships and programs-provides dedicated funding for promotion

A2902 (Wirths,H) Oral recitation from the Declaration of Independence, in schools-requires;$10K

A2903 (Wirths,H) Smarter Lunchroom Act-promotes healthy food choices in school cafeterias

A2944 (Wirths,H) Idling motor vehicles-permitted on residential property

A3073 (Caputo,R) Schools public, private or charter-proh cloud computing svc from disclosing data

A3082 (Caputo,R) Executor or administrator-take control of online accounts of deceased person

A3089 (Murphy,C) Juror disqualification-prohibits based on gender ID or sexual orientation

A3104 (Murphy,C) Drones-retailers required to provide FAA safety guidelines to consumers

A3138 (Murphy,C) Honorably discharged veterans-establishes special license plate

A3141 (Murphy,C) Combat Action Badge-authorizes special license plate

A3142 (Murphy,C) Water supply and wastewater treatment systems-revises licensure req. to operate

A3190 (Murphy,C) Community Food Bank of NJ-establish criteria for distribution of FY2020 funding

ACR98 (Thomson,E) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office

ACR105 (Thomson,E) Joint legislative strategic planning committees-establish 4; long-term solutions

ACR127 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Peterson,E; Giblin,T; Mosquera,G; Quijano,A; Lampitt,P; Houghtaling,E; Downey,J) 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote

AJR28 (Pinkin,N; McKeon,J) Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February

AJR29 (Dunn,A) Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Day-designates January 9 of each year

AJR30 (DiMaso,S; Jasey,M) Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs

AJR73 (Thomson,E) Gold Star Father's Day-Designates last Sunday in January of each year

AJR99 (Space,P) Remembering Victims of Communism Day-designates November 7 of each year

AJR112 (Caputo,R) Sickle Cell Awareness Month-designates September of each year

AR17 (Conaway,H; Jasey,M) Violence-declares public health crisis

AR38 (Benson,D) Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage

AR78 (Jimenez,A; McKeon,J; Jasey,M) 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create

AR79 (Jasey,M; Quijano,A; McKeon,J) Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count

AR87 (Thomson,E) Health insurance/prescription drug providers-offer option of speaking to a human

Second Prime Sponsors Added:

A292 (Dancer,R) Agritourism activity-provide limited civil liability immunity to farmer hosting

A823 (Downey,J) Insurance coverage, complex medical needs-requires for persons 18 or younger

A2202 (Wirths,H) Green stormwater infra.-DOT prioritize design, construction & repair of pub hwys

A2224 (Thomson,E) Federal home loan banks-revises effects of delinquency & insolvency proceedings

A2394 (Johnson,G) Law enforcement agencies-establish minority recruitment and selection programs

A2488 (Armato,J) Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged

A2499 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Child care expenditures-corp. bus. and income tax credits for employer-provided

A2502 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Oxygen delivery, patient residences during public health emergency-requires plan

A2504 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Assisted living residences & cert fac-equip w/standby emergency power generators

A2508 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Dietary Supplements Task Force-establishes; concerning safety and regulation

A2509 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Service repair contractors-prohibits from charging hourly rates for travel time

A2510 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Entrepreneur-in-resid pilot prog-outreach, issues relevant to small bus concerns

A2512 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Newborn infants-screen for genetic mutations assoc w/hereditary hemochromatosis

A2533 (Thomson,E) Telephone operator-concerns options when calling government entities

A2539 (Thomson,E) Legislative-provides for public comment period at cert session of each house

A2583 (Wirths,H) Power outages-BPU study microgrid & distributed energy resource deployment

A2693 (Dancer,R) Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan program and provide CBT and income tax credit

A2739 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Correctional facilities, law enforcement agencies-adopt maternity policies

A2743 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Judy & Nikki's Law-life w/out parole convicted of murder child age 16 or younger

A2747 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Gender-based compensation discrimination-prov income tax exclusion award

A2810 (Mukherji,R) Sexual assault forensic evidence-requires evidence be preserved for 10 years

A2830 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Buprenorphine-req health benefits coverage for pain treatment w/out step therapy

A2832 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Dog Trainers Licensure Act

A2861 (Vainieri Huttle,V) FamilyCare-elim. req. to be w/out health insur. for 3 months prior to enrolling

A2880 (Wirths,H) Hospitals & St. psychiatric hosp-repeals requirement to hold annual pub meetings

A2883 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Matthew's Law Limiting Use of Restraints-establish

A2884 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Shaken baby syndrome & Period of PURPLE Crying program-establish awareness

A2885 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Count the Kicks-estab. campaign; ed pregnant women, track unborn child movements

A2900 (Wirths,H) County vocational school districts-limits annual increase in tuition rates to 2%

A2901 (Wirths,H) School busing-extends limit for nonpublic school to 30 miles

A2908 (Wirths,H) Bus. owners, self-employed-deduct their own pension contrib. from income tax

A2909 (Wirths,H) Electronic benefit cards-restrict use by cash assistance recipients

A2910 (Wirths,H) Abortion-cover full cost of incarcerated woman in county correctional fac.

A2921 (Taliaferro,A) Home-school students-allow participation in school-sponsored activities

A2946 (Wirths,H) Death penalty for certain murders-reinstates

A2949 (Wirths,H) Local unit insurance funds-expands eligibility to join

A2950 (Wirths,H) Affordable housing units-make available, preferential basis to cert elig persons

A2951 (Wirths,H) Civil Service-eliminates seniority for reductions in force

A2953 (Wirths,H) Affordable housing rules-exempts contaminated and industrially-zoned sites

A2961 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suicide prevention training for mental health practitioners-requires annually

A2962 (Vainieri Huttle,V) First responder suicides-requires reporting to DOH

A2969 (Wirths,H) Work First NJ program benefits-provide drug testing of adult recipients

A3002 (Peterson,E) Domestic viol. shelters-allows income tax deduction for 50% of contrib. of $100

A3038 (Mosquera,G) Milk sharing dangers-establish public awareness campaign advising pregnant women

A3039 (Mosquera,G) Child care centers, licensed-establish grant program, construct kitchen fac.;$1M

A3041 (Mosquera,G) Home-schooling children under DCPP care-prohibits

A3045 (Mosquera,G) Council of Women in Higher Education-estab. in St. Dept. to study/promote issues

A3066 (Dancer,R) Farm management disputes-auth award of reasonable costs/attorney fees to farmers

A3068 (Downey,J) Pension and retirement income exclusion-modifies-income eligibility cap

A3077 (Lopez,Y) Coastal Climate Change Commission-create; study issues present to municipalities

ACR106 (Thomson,E) State issues and policies-require Legislature convene 4 times annually to debate

ACR118 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Preexisting conditions-prohibit denial of coverage by certain health insurers

AR106 (Holley,J) Natl Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986-US Health/Human Svcs fulfill obligations

Third Prime Sponsors Added:

A1713 (Space,P) Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands

A1774 (Dunn,A) Inflation taxable income brackets-indexes under gross income tax

A2303 (Mosquera,G) Office of State Dental Director and NJ Oral Health Commission-establishes

A2371 AcaAca (2R) (Zwicker,A) Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

A2526 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Inheritance tax payment-coincides with the due date for St/fed estate taxes

A2750 (Swain,L) Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent

A2760 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Endangering welfare of a child-unlawful use/distrib of CDS in child's presence

A2810 (Peterson,E) Sexual assault forensic evidence-requires evidence be preserved for 10 years

A2867 (DePhillips,C) Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation

A2948 (Wirths,H) Highlands Water Prot. Council-4 of the 7 memb. cannot be of the same pol. Party

A3066 (Downey,J) Farm management disputes-auth award of reasonable costs/attorney fees to farmers

A3068 (Dancer,R) Pension and retirement income exclusion-modifies-income eligibility cap

A3077 (Pinkin,N) Coastal Climate Change Commission-create; study issues present to municipalities

A3179 (Space,P) Rooming and boarding house-revises definition of landlord to include

AR78 (Lopez,Y) 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create

Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:

A1242 (Downey,J) Early Intervention Support Services program-expansion of program to all counties

Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:

SCR39 (Pinkin,N) 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote

Second Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:

SCR39 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote

Third Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:

SCR39 (DiMaso,S) 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote

Co-Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:

SCR39 (Speight,S; Jimenez,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; Peterson,E; Giblin,T; Mosquera,G; Quijano,A; Lampitt,P; Houghtaling,E; Downey,J) 19th Amendment- commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote

The Assembly adjourned at 4:53 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 (SESSION/JOINT SESSION/Budget Message).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/20/2020):


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