Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (March 16th):
Nominations Notice of Intention:
Honorable Samuel J. Ragonese, J.S.C., of Glassboro.
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
William S. Kibler, of Califon, to replace Michael Tfank.
Dr. Daniel J. Van Abs, of Princeton, to replace Tracy Carluccio.
Wynnie-Fred Victor-Hinds, of Newark, to replace Richard Vohden.
Behnaz Baker, of Hoboken, to replace Deborah Berry-Toon.
Lucienne Beard, of Mount Laurel.
Deborah Collins, Esq., of Glen Ridge, to replace Jennifer Giattino.
Dorothy Dawood, of Ringoes, to replace Arlene Quinones Perez.
Janet L. Denlinger, Ph.D., of Edgewater, to replace Daphne E. Jones
Nadia Hussain, of Bloomingdale, to replace Louvenia Major.
Sarah E. Jones, Esq., of Orange, to replace Edithe Fulton.
Ana Duarte McCarthy, of Basking Ridge, to replace Catherine E. Rendfrey.
Milady Mendez, of Newark, to replace Aline M. Holmes.
Patricia Teffenhart, of Holmdel, to replace Mayor Susan Cohen.
Diane J. Johnson, of Newark, to replace William Linder.
Brigitte F. Nzali, of Lindenwold.
Charlene Powell, of Union, to replace Corby Pascucci.
Shirley Smith, of Paterson.
Jennifer M. Coffey, of Hamilton, to replace The Honorable Gary Quinn.
Robert Jackson, of Villas, to replace D'Arcy Rohan Green.
Theresa I. Lettman, of Manchester, to replace Candace McKee Ashmun.
Edward Lloyd, Esq., of South Orange.
Jessica Rittler Sanchez, Ph.D., of Tabernacle, to replace Robert Barr.
Francis P. Linnus, of Belle Mead, to replace Michael J. Pappas.
Robert Balicki, of Millville.
Thomas P. Haaf, of Pilesgrove.
James B. Jefferson, of Woodbury.
Clarence Taylor, of Voorhees.
Kemi Alli, M.D., of Franklin Park.
Elizabeth Baran Wagner, of Princeton Junction.
Brian T. Maloney, of Flemington.
Lydia Stockman, of Pennington, to replace Marilyn Pearson.
Michael Toscani, Ph.D., of Lawrenceville.
Johnnie Whittington, of East Windsor, to replace Richard Arndt.
Paul R. Rodriguez, of Maplewood, to replace Steve C. Lee.
Nomination Corrected Copy:
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S2273 Sweeney,S/Cryan,J SEHBP-provide plans for public education employees and certain retirees
S2275 Cryan,J Food banks, grants;$15M
S2276 Cryan,J Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency
Bills Introduced:
S2026 Cryan,J/Cunningham,S Employment data of grads-req higher edu instit & private career schools prov REF SHI
S2028 Oroho,S Disabled person-concerns access to public accommodations REF SCU
S2029 Oroho,S Franklinite-designates as State official mineral REF SSG
S2030 Oroho,S Worker compensation & temporary disability benefits-concern notice of exhaustion REF SLA
S2031 Oroho,S Cemetery companies-estab minimum dollar amount required in Maintenance/Preserv REF SCM
S2032 Oroho,S Lake Hopatcong-DEP evaluate sewer svc; tax deduction, septic system maintenance REF SEN
S2033 Singleton,T/Cryan,J Uncompensated Pending Medicaid Beneficiary Payment Relief Act REF SHH
S2034 Singleton,T Mortgage Assistance Pilot Program-establishes REF SCU
S2035 Singleton,T Pharmaceutical manufacture-disclose financial & investment interest and benefits REF SHH
S2036 Singleton,T Phi Beta Sigma-authorizes creation of special license plates REF STR
S2037 Singleton,T Human capital investment-prov. credits against CBT & income taxes for employers REF SBA
S2038 Singleton,T Kappa Alpha Psi-authorizes the issuance of license plates REF STR
S2039 Gill,N Price discrimination-prohibits gender-based REF SCM
S2040 Gill,N Reader Privacy Act-enacts REF SCM
S2041 Weinberg,L President-candidate req to disclose fed. income tax return to appear on ballot REF SSG
S2042 Weinberg,L Lawyers and law firms-prohibits lobbying public entity from dual employment REF SSG
S2043 Beach,J Voting sys w/paper record-use half of future fds, Help America Vote Act, update REF SSG
S2044 Beach,J Mail-in ballots-available at polling places on election day for future elections REF SSG
S2045 Beach,J Elections Security Act-establishes REF SSG
S2046 Beach,J Veterans' civil service preference-expands elig and creates additional benefits REF SSG
S2047 Beach,J Epinephrine, medically necessary-insurance cover for persons aged 18 or younger REF SCM
S2048 Beach,J Recalls on used motor vehicles-dealership notify buyer REF SCM
S2049 Beach,J Consumer contracts-invalidates, waiver required of right to file a complaint REF SCM
S2050 Turner,S Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax REF SMV
S2051 Weinberg,L/Smith,B Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols REF SCU
S2052 Bucco,A Religious services-establish security plan; select 1 person to carry handgun REF SJU
S2053 Pou,N Health care providers-process to bar from receiving reimbursement under PIP REF SCM
S2054 Beach,J Pension fd-proh invest funds in entities that avoid Superfund obligations to St. REF SSG
S2055 Beach,J Cold War medal-creates REF SMV
S2056 Beach,J Brewery tours-Division of Travel and Tourism required to advertise and promote REF SSG
S2057 Beach,J Veteran-DMVA notify certain organizations, name of deceased and killed in action REF SMV
S2058 Beach,J State House grounds-create gallery space for display of certain art works REF SSG
S2059 Beach,J Veteran-allows to withdraw honorable discharge papers from county clerk REF SMV
S2060 Beach,J Selective Service part of driv. license application, males under age 26-register REF SMV
S2061 Beach,J Service or guide dog in training-amends Law Against Discrim to access public fac REF SHH
S2062 Beach,J State innovation economy-Secretary of State develop national marketing campaign REF SSG
S2063 Beach,J Casino gambling, underage-6 month driver license suspension optional penalty REF SSG
S2064 Beach,J Wineries and retail salesrooms, licensed-clarifies certain responsibilities REF SCM
S2065 Beach,J Wineries-operate salesroom in certain municipalitites w/sales restrictions REF SLP
S2066 Beach,J Sex offenders-municipality enact ordinance regulating where to reside REF SLP
S2067 Beach,J Alcoholic beverage price list-revises certain licensee filing requirements REF SLP
S2068 Beach,J Winery, farm-authorizes temporary waiver from requirement to use NJ grown fruit REF SEG
S2069 Beach,J 9-1-1 calls-exempts cert. health information from definition of goverment record REF SSG
S2070 Beach,J Disabled person-proh snowplow operators from depositing snow at access points REF STR
S2071 Beach,J Base realignment and closure-requires annual General Fund appropriation REF SMV
S2072 Beach,J Therapy dog-estab pilot program to use in public elementary school wellness prog REF SED
S2073 Bateman,C/O'Scanlon,D Sick leave, certain used-prohibit payment to public employees at retirement REF SSG
S2074 Bucco,A Transportation fringe benefits, pre-tax-exempts non-profit entities from req. REF STR
S2075 Bucco,A Safe Haven for Protection of Domestic Companion Animals Act REF SEN
S2076 Bucco,A Urgent care & retail health clinics-defibrillator on site & emp. trained to use REF SHH
S2077 Oroho,S Driver's licenses and non-driver ID card applicants-conduct wanted person check REF STR
S2079 Diegnan,P Coordinated Substance Use Control Policy and Planning Act REF SHH
S2080 Diegnan,P Residential access streets, certain-provides for lower speed limits REF STR
S2081 Codey,R/Vitale,J Laboratory services-establishes cap on amount that hospital can charge patients REF SHH
S2082 Codey,R Public member on St. Ethics Comm-prohibits emp w/bus entity w/St agency contract REF SSG
S2083 Stack,B Pupil funding for nonpublic security aid-increase from $150 to $250 REF SED
S2084 Stack,B Mass transit and green space need at Bergen Arches;$100K REF SCU
S2085 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Electronic Construction Procurement Act-concerns public contracts REF SCU
S2086 Cryan,J Medicaid demonstration project-cover room/board services, terminally ill patient REF SHH
S2087 Cryan,J Co-payment or deductible-permits payment of only one, follow-up after surgery REF SCM
S2088 Cryan,J Medicaid-eligible individuals-certain facilities required to set aside beds REF SHH
S2089 Cryan,J Paper bills and notices-prohibits insurers, SHBP and SEHBP from charging fee REF SCM
S2090 Testa,M/Corrado,K Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax REF SMV
S2091 Brown,C/Gopal,V+1 Charles Richard Ingram III and the Fallen Veterans of Suicide Memorial Mile REF STR
S2092 Doherty,M Motor vehicle dealers-concerns certain business requirements REF SCM
S2093 Singleton,T/Kean,T Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing REF SJU
S2094 Singleton,T Dumping dredge spoils-prohibits around islands without municipal approval REF SEN
S2095 Holzapfel,J Barnegat Bay Protection Act-estab. Barnegat Bay Protection Fund, auth. lic plate REF SEN
S2096 Holzapfel,J Polysomnography license fees-revises REF SCM
S2097 Holzapfel,J Sch district-spending below adequacy will not be subject to St sch aid reduction REF SED
S2098 Holzapfel,J Phosphorus, household cleaning prod.-labeling of ingredients req and restricts REF SEN
S2099 Holzapfel,J Lawn removal near Barnegat Bay-provided State income tax credit REF SEN
S2100 Holzapfel,J Minors-permits to work until 11 pm between Memorial Day and October 1 of each yr REF SLA
S2101 Rice,R Marijuana-decriminalizes possession of 10 grams or less and personal use amount REF SJU
S2102 Holzapfel,J Dwelling units during foreclosure-lender maintain vacant, age-restricted units REF SCM
S2103 Corrado,K County police academies-award college credits to police officers for courses REF SHI
S2104 Corrado,K Higher education institutions-grant at lease 6 academic credits to certain vets. REF SHI
S2105 Vitale,J Alcoholic beverage licensees charged w/viol.-mun. recover certain costs and fees REF SLP
S2106 Vitale,J Mobile home park-defines as multiple dwelling for inspection purposes REF SCU
S2107 Cruz-Perez,N Alien/illegal alien-replace reference w/foreign & undocumented foreign nationals REF SSG
S2108 Vitale,J Liquor license, inactive-provide for transfer and sale, qualify smart growth mun REF SLP
S2109 Vitale,J Liquor license, inactive-mun hold lic reserved for smart growth devel, addl 5 yr REF SLP
S2110 Vitale,J Motor vehicles-establishes electronic lien and titling system REF STR
S2111 Vitale,J Megan's law-conforms to req. of federal Sex Offender Regis. Notification Act REF SLP
S2112 Corrado,K Metrics-higher education institutions compile and report performance success REF SHI
S2113 Corrado,K Administration efficiency-higher ed instit conduct multiple studies to assess REF SHI
S2114 Corrado,K Numbering system-establish common course for public instit of higher education REF SHI
S2115 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L Veteran pension benf.-change definition & elim req of svc during specific dates REF SMV
S2116 Doherty,M Volunteer firefighters, certain-authorizes reimbursement for EMT training REF SLP
S2117 Doherty,M Black box warnings-physicians required to obtain consent med prescribed to minor REF SHH
S2118 Doherty,M Motor vehicles, not required to be inspected-MVC issue exempt certificate REF SLP
S2119 Doherty,M Firearm ID cards and handgun purchase permits-auth chiefs to issue REF SLP
S2120 Doherty,M Military sash-allow graduating student to wear while participating in ceremony REF SED
S2121 Doherty,M Dogs-allowed in sampling and tasting areas of breweries REF SLP
S2122 Ruiz,M Unemployment insurance benefit claims, certain-concerns REF SLA
S2123 Doherty,M Lydia Peikon-Cotz Act-requires secure location in courthouse to take deposition REF SJU
S2124 Doherty,M Right to Work Act-establish, prohibit payroll deduction of union dues from wages REF SLA
S2125 Gopal,V/Oroho,S Cosmetology and hairstyling or ancillary services-permits chair or booth rental REF SCM
S2126 Gopal,V School districts-close schools on religious holidays REF SED
S2127 Madden,F Sex offenders-required annual review to determine if they registered and tiered REF SLP
S2128 Madden,F S. Jersey Vietnam Vets' Assc-auth lic plate; proceeds, vet, emerg mgmt operation REF STR
S2129 Gill,N Motor vehicles, self-driv-clarify owner comply w/existing insurance requirements REF SCM
S2130 Gill,N Community Wealth Preservation Prog-expand access, purch prop from sheriff's sale REF SCU
S2131 Gill,N Health benefit plans-prohibits offering, that do not meet certain standards REF SCM
S2132 Gill,N Severance pay agreements-proh. barring certain employee claims against employer REF SLA
S2133 Gill,N Employers-prohibits obtaining or discriminating on the basis of credit reports REF SLA
S2134 Gill,N Public adjuster, licensed-establishes compensation limits REF SCM
S2135 Gill,N School district tax levy cap-prov adjustment, incr in special ed per pupil costs REF SED
S2136 Gill,N Student participation, certain assessments-post on their websites REF SED
S2137 Gill,N Professional Service Corporation Act-revises REF SCM
S2138 Gill,N Administrative Law & Workers Comp Judges-increase mandatory retirement age to 75 REF SJU
S2139 Gill,N Senior citizen housing-minimum temperature be maintained at 70 degrees REF SCU
S2140 Bateman,C Unclaimed water utility deposits-dedicate to Statewide nonprofit util. asst. org REF SEG
S2141 Ruiz,M Employee payroll taxes, certain-revises for the unemployment compensation REF SLA
S2142 Smith,B/Bateman,C Vehicle charging infrastructure, public-encourages in redevelopment projects REF SCU
S2143 Vitale,J Physician profiling programs, used by managed care networks-regulates REF SCM
S2144 Vitale,J Advertisements by health care professionals-certain disclosures required REF SCM
S2145 Vitale,J HMO-include charity care assessments for purpose of meeting cert. loss ratio req REF SCM
S2146 Vitale,J Health Care Billing Data Study Center-establishes REF SCM
S2147 Vitale,J Money transmitters-prov training material, elder adults finan abuse/exploitation REF SCM
S2148 Vitale,J Health care costs-requires certain disclosures to consumers REF SCM
S2149 Vitale,J Residential contaminated property, certain-DEP offer to purchase and demolish REF SEN
S2150 Vitale,J Health info, sensitive svcs-health insur carriers adhere to practices to protect REF SCM
S2151 Vitale,J Health benefits plans-establishes certain standards with tiered networks REF SCM
S2152 Vitale,J Lactation Consultants Licensing Act REF SCM
S2153 Vitale,J Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers REF SCM
S2154 Vitale,J Health Care Patient Ombudsperson-oversight of coverage under health benf plans REF SCM
S2155 Vitale,J Bus loan, low-interest-bus info tech sys-prot customer personal info disclosure REF SEG
S2156 Vitale,J Water and Sewerage Service Sub-Metering and Water Conservation Act REF SEG
S2157 Vitale,J Nursing programs-estab process for county colleges to offer baccalaureate degree REF SHI
S2158 Vitale,J Workforce Shortage Loan Redemption Program-establishes REF SED
S2159 Vitale,J SNAP-public higher ed. instit. post information and provide student counseling REF SHI
S2160 Sweeney,S Special education unit-create within Office of Admin. Law; require annual report REF SHH
S2161 Turner,S/Singleton,T Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website REF SHH
S2162 Kean,T/Ruiz,M Title IX-provide students w/information on rights; provide coordinator's number REF SED
S2163 Kean,T/Ruiz,M Mil personnel killed in act of duty-prov free tuition, surviving spouse/children REF SHI
S2164 Oroho,S School districts in all counties-requires miminum geographic cost adjustment REF SED
S2165 Oroho,S Bd of Ed of limited purpose regional sch dist memb vacancy-fill by majority vote REF SED
S2166 Oroho,S Sch. dist. bd of education-1 nonvoting advisory representative, sending sch dist REF SED
S2167 Oroho,S Regional school dist, limited purpose-permit to pay tuition to attend other sch. REF SED
S2168 Weinberg,L Family leave benefits, certain-allows sharing between covered individuals REF SLA
S2169 Weinberg,L Firearm purchase ID card-valid for 4 yrs; training req prior to issuance of card REF SLP
S2170 Diegnan,P Alco. & Drug Use Disorder Policy-estab off, oversee fd & data tracking treatment REF SHH
S2171 Vitale,J Child-clarify best interests action undertaken by St govt entity & courts of law REF SHH
S2172 Vitale,J Domestic viol. shelters-allows income tax deduction for 50% of contrib. of $100 REF SHH
S2173 Vitale,J Tongue tie-newborn infant screening required REF SHH
S2174 Vitale,J Surveys, State agencies-voluntary, self-disclosed info. about sexual orientation REF SHH
S2175 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Depression, young adults-licensed health care professionals screen REF SHH
S2176 Vitale,J/Singleton,T Early Intervention Support Services program-expansion of program to all counties REF SHH
S2177 Vitale,J Developmental disabled person-provides for oversight of DHS contracts w/provider REF SHH
S2178 Vitale,J/Rice,R Work First NJ program-repeals family cap REF SHH
S2179 Vitale,J Shyanne's Law-mental health evaluation required for all animal cruelty offenders REF SHH
S2180 Vitale,J Wind energy facilities, certain portfield sites-tax credits for devel. of qualif REF SEN
S2181 Vitale,J Devel. disabled person-rebalance State resources and provide community services REF SHH
S2182 Vitale,J State agencies, certain-sell Internet ads on agencies' websites as pilot program REF SSG
S2183 Vitale,J Driver's license renewal-permits incarcerated person, use existing picture w/MVC REF STR
S2184 Vitale,J Mail-in ballot application-clarifies deadline to request REF SSG
S2185 Vitale,J/Cunningham,S Sexual Offender Victim Counseling Fund-establishes; fund counseling for victims REF SLP
S2186 Vitale,J/Cryan,J School election-changes termination date of moratorium moving to 3rd Tues, April REF SED
S2187 Vitale,J Health Transformation Office-coordinate strategic planning for health care plans REF SHH
S2188 Vitale,J Sober living home-clarify auth. to regulate resid, substance abuse aftercare fac REF SHH
S2189 Vitale,J/Madden,F Nutrition assistance programs-transfers authority from DOH to DHS REF SHH
S2190 Vitale,J Medicaid Transportation Brokerage Program Oversight and Accountability Act REF SHH
S2191 Weinberg,L Nursing services-establishes min. Medicaid reimbursement rates for private duty REF SHH
S2192 Weinberg,L Traffic signs-DOT inspect, establish awareness campaign concerning maintenance REF STR
S2193 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Traffic Management Act-employers plan & implement traffic reduction prog for emp REF STR
S2194 Ruiz,M Earned income tax credit program-expands eligibility, Individ ID Numbers qualify REF SBA
S2195 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S Pension & retirement income exclusion-raises eligibility threshold to $250K REF SBA
S2196 Oroho,S Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands REF SEN
S2197 Bucco,A Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program;$10M REF SBA
S2198 Smith,B/Gopal,V Franchise Practices Act-revises REF SCM
S2199 Rice,R Assisted living facilities-qualifies for certain EDA incentives REF SCU
S2200 Bateman,C Sex offender registration information-publish on internet registry REF SLP
S2201 Bateman,C School security expenditures-excludes certain increases from tax levy cap REF SED
S2202 Bateman,C Secondhand jewelry & precious metal recordkeeping-increase violation penalties REF SCM
S2203 Bateman,C Motor vehicle fines-revise, driver/operator, failure to have req. documentation REF STR
S2204 Greenstein,L/Oroho,S FIRST Robotics Programs-establishes pilot program in DOE in school districts REF SED
S2205 Greenstein,L State school aid-provides additional districts experiencing enrollment increases REF SED
S2206 Sarlo,P Special ed. aid, extraordinary-students w/costs over $55K, State reimb county REF SED
S2207 Sarlo,P Sewerage systems, municipal-authorize alternative procedure for sale to pub util REF SCU
S2208 Diegnan,P Motor vehicles overtaking bicycles-impose requirements; estab fine for collision REF SLP
S2209 Diegnan,P Minors-allowed to serve as election workers on election days between REF SLA
S2210 O'Scanlon,D/Oroho,S Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Aid program-revises REF SCU
S2211 Gopal,V Pretrial intervention prog.-presumption against admission, theft from nonprofit REF SLP
S2212 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L Prescription Drug Consumer Transparency Act REF SCM
S2213 Gopal,V Pet adoption fees-waived for certain military personnel and veterans REF SEN
S2214 Cruz-Perez,N Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website REF SSG
S2215 Cruz-Perez,N Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities Task Force-establishes REF SED
S2216 Cruz-Perez,N Plenary winery licenses-revises acreage requirements REF SLP
S2217 Cruz-Perez,N Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term REF SCU
S2218 Cruz-Perez,N Relocation assistance amounts-provides increase based on increase of CPI REF SCU
S2219 Gopal,V Marriage and civil union licenses-provides for immediate issuance REF SJU
S2220 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L Unfunded State and federal mandates-compile and update list REF SCU
S2221 Gopal,V Work Ready NJ Scholarship Program-establishes REF SHI
S2222 Gopal,V Employment opportunities-public school discuss w/grades 9 thru 12 students REF SED
S2223 Gopal,V Pet dealers-prohibits selling dogs or cats otained from certain breeders/brokers REF SEN
S2224 Gopal,V Military service members-provides civil service preference for expedition medal REF SMV
S2225 Gopal,V Reserves, US-increases paid leave of absence days for public employees who serve REF SMV
S2226 Gopal,V PFRS member-who retires, continues w/former employer has bona fide severance REF SSG
S2227 Gopal,V Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates REF SMV
S2228 Singleton,T/Gopal,V First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program-establishes REF SHH
S2229 Singer,R Leaving scene of accident resulting in serious bodily injury-mand. imprisonment REF SLP
S2230 Diegnan,P/Sacco,N Handicapped parking-allows primary caregiver of handicapped person to apply REF SHH
S2231 Diegnan,P Drivers-req to watch video on rights and responsibilities when stopped by police REF STR
S2232 Rice,R Senior Citizen Home Repair and Modification Program-establishes;$10M REF SCU
S2233 Lagana,J/Vitale,J+1 Cornavirus disease 2019-requires Medicaid coverage for testing and treatment REF SHH
S2234 Lagana,J/Gopal,V Coronavirus disease 2019-requires insurance coverage for testing and treatment REF SCM
S2235 Beach,J Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events REF SEG
S2236 Beach,J Restaurants, w/out liquor license-advertise they are BYOB or a winery salesroom REF SLP
S2237 Beach,J AC Urban Enterprise Zone and Property Tax Relief Act-creates for 10 years REF SEG
S2238 Beach,J Officials at athletic events sanctioned by association-criminal background check REF SED
S2239 Beach,J School district noncertificated employee-provides same mil. svc. credit for comp REF SED
S2240 Beach,J Adult education programs for residents-creates pilot program to fund REF SED
S2241 Beach,J MVC database-check Social Security Admin. records and mark deceased persons REF STR
S2242 Holzapfel,J Natural High Drug Prevention Program-encourage implementation in school district REF SED
S2243 Rice,R Health insurance consultants and carriers-provide certain information REF SCM
S2244 Holzapfel,J Beach replenishment/dune construction-concerns valuation of property condemned REF SEN
S2245 Holzapfel,J Jury duty-exempts police REF SLP
S2246 Holzapfel,J Credit card scanners-establish new offenses concerning unlawful possession/use REF SJU
S2247 Holzapfel,J St aid reduction-concerns accumulated absences paid to employees upon retirement REF SED
S2248 Holzapfel,J Real estate devel., new-requires installation of emergency power to common areas REF SCU
S2249 Rice,R Juvenile Offender Community Conservation and Improvement Services Program REF SLP
S2250 Rice,R Class Two special law enforcement officers-establishes certain benefits REF SLP
S2251 Rice,R Gunfire-sch-based mentoring in pub schools located w/in 1K feet, 3 yr pilot prog REF SED
S2252 Rice,R County college board of trustees-estab requirements for candidate search process REF SHI
S2253 Rice,R Residential mortgage foreclosure-provides stay of proceedings for cert borrowers REF SCM
S2254 Codey,R Medical and dental lic. boards, outside of NJ-action against med. or dental lic. REF SCM
S2255 Codey,R Hand-held device-increases penalties for talking/texting on while driving REF SLP
S2256 Addiego,D Motor vehicle subscription services-concerns REF STR
S2257 Gopal,V/Sarlo,P Sports wagering-allows deduction of promotional gaming credit from gross revenue REF SSG
S2258 Singleton,T Innovation Inspiration School Grant Pilot Program-establish 4 year REF SED
S2259 Singleton,T Students w/depression-public schools required to administer written screenings REF SED
S2260 Singleton,T Affordable housing projects, certain-provides tax credits to developers REF SCU
S2261 Singleton,T Common interest communities-revise law relating to REF SCU
S2262 Cryan,J Law Enforcement Handler-Canine Training-establishes REF SLP
S2263 Cryan,J Towed motor vehicles-requires MVC to establish registry REF STR
S2264 Cryan,J Mental Health Court Pilot Program-establishes in several vicinages REF SJU
S2265 Cryan,J Domestic viol offenders, convicted-court authority to order electric monitoring REF SHH
S2266 Cryan,J Economic development subsidies-recapture for failure to meet min. job retention REF SCM
S2267 Cryan,J Free Means Free Act-prohibits misleading advertising of free products REF SCM
S2268 Cryan,J Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics REF SLP
S2269 Greenstein,L Solar Equipment Purchase and Installation Assistance Program-establish in EDA REF SEN
SCR98 Oroho,S Property tax relief and reform-special session of Legislature to consider REF SCU
SCR99 Singleton,T Community Reinvestment Act-urges Congress to oppose federal regulatory changes REF SCU
SCR100 Oroho,S Fishing, hunting-constitutional amendment to preserve rights REF SEN
SCR102 Doherty,M Angioplasty, elective-permit additional facilities to perform procedures REF SHH
SCR103 Rice,R Debt settlement companies-urges efforts to protect minority communities REF SCU
SCR104 Rice,R Cannabis equity programs-urges states to support REF SJU
SCR105 Doherty,M Delaware River Basin flooding-1954 US Supreme Court Decree to address risk REF SEN
SCR106 Vitale,J/Gopal,V Children, adverse experiences-urges Governor to develop strategies to reduce REF SHH
SCR107 Vitale,J Substance treatment-ease patient limits applicable to buprenorphine REF SHH
SJR63 Beach,J Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Day-permanently designates March 28th REF SHH
SJR64 Kean,T Eating Disorders Awareness Week-permanently designates last week in February REF SHH
SJR65 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Equal Pay Day-designates second Tuesday in April REF SLA
SJR66 Oroho,S/Gopal,V Fishing and Boating Week-designates first full week of June each year REF SEN
SJR67 Codey,R President Grover Cleveland Week-designates week of March 18th of each year REF SSG
SJR68 Diegnan,P Rule of Evidence amendments-cancels; concerns scope of cross-examination REF SJU
SJR69 Vitale,J Emma's Day-designates July 20; raise awareness of lysosomal storage disorders REF SHH
SJR70 Vitale,J Black Balloon Day-designates March 6 of each year REF SHH
SJR71 Vitale,J Alexandra 'Alex' Scott Day-permanently designates January 18th REF SHH
SJR72 Vitale,J Deep-Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month-declares March of each year REF SHH
SJR73 Vitale,J Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month-designates March REF SHH
SJR74 Vitale,J Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Month-designates November REF SHH
SJR75 Smith,B Personal Carbon Footprint Awareness Day-designate April 22 of each year REF SEN
SR57 Weinberg,L Climate change damages-Gov/AG pursue legal action against fossil fuel companies REF SEN
SR58 Diegnan,P Veterans, dental care-urges legislation requiring Veterans Affairs to provide REF SMV
SR59 Codey,R Statue of Liberty-urges US Coast Guard prohibit anchorage in surrounding area REF SSG
SR60 Vitale,J Maternal Health Accountability Act 2017-urges federal enactment REF SHH
SR61 Vitale,J Women's Lung Health Week-designates week of May 11 through May 17, 2018 REF SHH
Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A3095 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V+14 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election
A3813 Aa (1R) Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+18 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
A3839 Carter,L/Bramnick,J+13 School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M
A3840 Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+9 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure
A3841 Pintor Marin,E/Bramnick,J+10 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date
A3842 Greenwald,L/Taliaferro,A+12 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes
A3843 McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+17 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing
A3845 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+18 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor
A3846 Sumter,S/Chaparro,A+6 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019
A3847 Tully,P/DeCroce,B+13 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert
A3848 Lopez,Y/Munoz,N+12 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns
A3849 Johnson,G/Moen,W+8 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline
A3850 Murphy,C/DeCroce,B+18 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means
A3851 Schaer,G/Scharfenberger,G+4 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances
A3852 Coughlin,C/Bramnick,J+2 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency
A3854 Conaway,H/Munoz,N+11 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test
A3855 Mosquera,G/Stanfield,J+13 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites
A3856 Downey,J/Wimberly,B+8 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M
A3857 Coughlin,C/Quijano,A+13 Food banks, grants;$15M
A3858 Mukherji,R/Spearman,W+8 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances
A3859 McKnight,A/Schepisi,H+16 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency
A3860 Pinkin,N/DeCroce,B+12 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19
A3861 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications
A3862 Giblin,T/Armato,J+1 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg
A3863 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Candidates-extends petition filing deadline by 2 weeks, waives signature req
A3864 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely
A3865 Chaparro,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Food, retail stores-limits return of items
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19
Co-Sponsors Added:
S521 (Turner,S) Children's meals-restaurants provide healthy beverages
S762 (Turner,S) Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State
S885 (Turner,S) Medicaid recipient's estate-limit authority of DHS to impose liens/seek recovery
S990 (Corrado,K) Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE
S1388 (Turner,S) Child sexual abuse-directs school districts to establish policies and training
S1819 (Turner,S) Electric school bus pilot program-directs BPU develop and implement
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S1711 (Turner,S) Public services privatization contracts-establish procedures and standards
S1970 (Turner,S) Climate change-bd of education incl instruction & adopt instructional materials
S2025 (Kean,T) Developmental Disab Division-make comprehensive program list available to public
The Senate President has made the following reappointment:
*Effective March 12, 2020
Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission:
Christine Buteas, of South Plainfield.
The Senate did not adjourn. The Senate will meet on Thursday, March 19, 2020 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A3813 Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+18 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
A3842 Greenwald,L/Taliaferro,A+12 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes
A3845 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+18 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor
A3854 Conaway,H/Munoz,N+11 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test
A3856 Downey,J/Wimberly,B+8 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M
A3857 Coughlin,C/Quijano,A+13 Food banks, grants;$15M
A3858 Mukherji,R/Spearman,W+8 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances
A3860 Pinkin,N/DeCroce,B+12 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19
A3861 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications
A3862 Giblin,T/Armato,J+1 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg
A3863 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Candidates-extends petition filing deadline by 2 weeks, waives signature req
A3864 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely
A3865 Chaparro,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Food, retail stores-limits return of items
Bills Introduced:
A3629 Caputo,R School district employees-provide automatic rating to protect tenure REF AED
A3630 Caputo,R/Vainieri Huttle,V 9-1-1 instruction-use for public school students grades preschool thru grade two REF AED
A3631 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+1 Lead service lines-require DEP establish and maintain searchable database REF AEN
A3632 Karabinchak,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Animal shelters and kennels-establish requirements for operation and oversight REF AAN
A3633 Mosquera,G/Swain,L+1 Postpartum information-establishes requirements and develop care plans REF AHE
A3634 Peterson,E Director in admin of Divisions Pensions & benefits-gives subpoena power REF ASL
A3635 Peterson,E Trauma scene waste management service providers-establish registry REF AHE
A3636 Peterson,E Contributions-prohibits from administrator of Type II school district REF ASL
A3637 Peterson,E Student living along hazardous routes-school districts provide transportation REF AED
A3638 Peterson,E Newspaper, publishing official ads-req to post ad on newpapers Internet website REF ASL
A3639 Peterson,E Fair Foreclosure Act-creates private right of action for violation REF AFI
A3640 Peterson,E Complimentary tickets to candidates-clarify & strengthen disclosure requirements REF ASL
A3641 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Murphy,C+3 Law enforcement officers-mandatory cultural diversity & implicity bias training REF ALP
A3642 Zwicker,A Innovation Evergreen Act-sale of tax credits to fd. investments, high-growth bus REF AST
A3643 Murphy,C/Dancer,R+1 Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember REF ARP
A3644 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Mental health screening-req. assessments prior to laboratory/diagnostic testing REF AHU
A3645 Murphy,C/Johnson,G+1 Absences, excused-school district incl illness based on mental/behavioral health REF AED
A3646 Murphy,C Child care service, located in public school facility-clarify licensure req. REF AWC
A3647 Murphy,C/Dancer,R Lisa's Law-4 yr. pilot prog for electronic monitoring of domestic viol offenders REF AJU
A3648 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Predatory Alienation Prevention and Consensual Response Act REF AHU
A3649 Timberlake,B/Zwicker,A Statewide wireless network-establish thru public-private partnership agreement REF AST
A3650 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Law enforcement-codifies AG directive concerning criminal investigations REF ALP
A3651 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 Motor fuel-prohibits charging credit card customer 4% above cash paying customer REF AFI
A3652 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A Sexual harassment training-restaurant employees required to receive REF ALA
A3653 Jasey,M/Johnson,G Drinking water-higher education institutions test for lead and disclose results REF AEN
A3654 Jasey,M/Vainieri Huttle,V Small game, fur-bearing-prohibits taking at family entertainment events/org. REF AAN
A3655 Vainieri Huttle,V Life insurance policies-prohibits unfair discrimination in issuing or rating REF AFI
A3656 Vainieri Huttle,V Transgender Equality Commission-establishes REF AHE
A3657 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G 9-1-1 System & Emergency Response Trust Fund Account-10% for point tech upgrades REF AHS
A3658 Vainieri Huttle,V Homeless emergency shelters-admit certain persons unless they pose a danger REF AHO
A3659 Vainieri Huttle,V Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion REF AHO
A3660 Vainieri Huttle,V Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas REF AHO
A3661 Vainieri Huttle,V American Dream Act-down payment for low & moderate income first time homebuyers REF AHO
A3662 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Senior and disabled citizens-increases annual property tax deduction REF AHO
A3663 Vainieri Huttle,V Senior & disabled citizens' property tax deduction-incr annual income limitation REF ACE
A3664 Vainieri Huttle,V Abandoned homes for homeless veterans-authorizes grants to purchase/rehab REF AAP
A3665 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Art in Storefronts-establish initiative within the Main Street NJ program REF ACE
A3666 Vainieri Huttle,V Affordable Housing Trust Fund-establishes additional county recording fees REF AHO
A3667 Vainieri Huttle,V High school student-board of education establish community service credit prog. REF AED
A3668 Vainieri Huttle,V Student w/disability-school district notify DOE, number placed out-of-State sch. REF AED
A3669 Vainieri Huttle,V Tuition & fee incr, higher ed instit-submit to Secretary of Higher Ed for review REF AHI
A3670 Vainieri Huttle,V Home-schooled children-medical exam and submission of student work portfolios REF AED
A3671 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C School security measures-incorporate new school construction & existing sch bldg REF AED
A3672 Vainieri Huttle,V Steroid use among students-establishes measures to deter REF AED
A3673 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Suicide prevention instruction-provide in grades K thru 12, incl cert elements REF AED
A3674 Vainieri Huttle,V Inmate reentry-notify of outstanding motor vehicle fines or penalties REF ALP
A3675 Vainieri Huttle,V September 11-school districts incl information, events as part of Social Studies REF AED
A3676 Vainieri Huttle,V Parking garages-have on-site emergency veh capable to access low-clearance areas REF AHE
A3677 Vainieri Huttle,V Teaching cert.-pass test on foundations of reading/diagnosing reading difficulty REF AED
A3678 Vainieri Huttle,V Mental illness/substance use disorder-clarify resid w/special needs, add to list REF AHU
A3679 Vainieri Huttle,V Person w/mental illness-concerns diversion from criminal prosecution REF ALP
A3680 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act-submit evidence to lab w/in 10 bus. days REF ALP
A3681 Vainieri Huttle,V Heroin antidote-auth. State and local law enforcement entities contract for bulk REF ALP
A3682 Lopez,Y School breakfast and lunch nutrition standards-public schools comply REF AED
A3683 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Victim of sexual assault-establish right to notify developments in criminal case REF ALP
A3684 Vainieri Huttle,V Cybersecurity practices-requires State employees to receive REF AHS
A3685 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop REF AHU
A3686 Vainieri Huttle,V Firearm owner become resident-obtain purchaser ID card; firearm out-of-State reg REF ALP
A3687 Vainieri Huttle,V Firearm, seized-notify domestic violence victim when weapon is returned REF ALP
A3688 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Driver's license holders' personal information-prohibits State from disclosing REF ALP
A3689 Vainieri Huttle,V Juvenile-clarifies rights to attorney representation; 12 month review hearing REF ALP
A3690 Vainieri Huttle,V Epilepsy-removes reference from law requiring physicians to report to MVC REF ATR
A3691 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Women's Services Division-establish in DOC REF ALP
A3692 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Inmates-DOC & county correctional fac to provide w/medication-assisted treatment REF ALP
A3693 Benson,D Equine therapy or rehabilitation-health insurers provide coverage REF AFI
A3694 Benson,D Electric buses-$3M; $3M for private carrier capital improvements & other funds REF ATR
A3695 Dancer,R Firefighters, volunteer-undergo criminal history record background checks REF ALP
A3696 Dancer,R Spaying & neutering prog-expands elig. for reduced cost to any disab State resid REF AAN
A3697 Dancer,R/Murphy,C+1 Farm-to-Table Restaurant awards program-establishes REF AAN
A3698 Dancer,R Automated sales suppression devices-criminalizes use to falsify records REF AJU
A3699 Dancer,R Dog, potentially dangerous-establish procedure for registering from out of State REF AAN
A3700 Dancer,R Tree Experts Board-transfers from DEP to Department of Agriculture REF AAN
A3701 Dancer,R Pollinator habitat, native, on undeveloped property-prov CBT credit to taxpayers REF AAN
A3702 Dancer,R Farmland preserv-allow relocation of approved residual dwelling site opportunity REF AAN
A3703 Dancer,R Housing, agricultural labor-permit construction on preserved farms, board horses REF AAN
A3704 Dancer,R Forest Nursery, NJ State-prohibits selling forestation below market prices REF AAN
A3705 Dancer,R Farmland, preserved-establish limited transfer of development rights program REF AAN
A3706 Dancer,R Environmental project, supplemental-replace portion of monetary penalty for viol REF AEN
A3707 Dancer,R Camping risks-provides limited liability protection to private campgrounds REF AJU
A3708 Dancer,R Farmland, preserved-allow relocation of cert. exceptions from deed restrictions REF AAN
A3709 Dancer,R Pollinator habitat, qualified native-CBT credit to public utilities that develop REF AAN
A3710 Dancer,R Bee nesting habitat, native-DEP designate areas of State parks and forests REF AAN
A3711 Dancer,R Pollinator habitat on farms-provides CBT and income tax credits to farmers REF AAN
A3712 Dancer,R Solar panel installation-establish exemption in cert. wetland areas on farmland REF AAN
A3713 Dancer,R Sexually violent predators-lower comp. rate, same level as inmates, instit. work REF ALP
A3714 Dancer,R Eco-Ag Tourism Council-estab, examine, devel eco and agric tourism opportunities REF AAN
A3715 Dancer,R Law enforcement officer, threatening to kill-establishes second degree crime REF ALP
A3716 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Sex offender-prohibits residing w/in 1,000 feet of victim's home or workplace REF ALP
A3717 Dancer,R Vehicle theft device-establish fourth degree crime of manufacturing or selling REF ALP
A3718 Dancer,R Theft of law enforcement or emergency vehicles-upgrade penalties REF ALP
A3719 Dancer,R Drivers, underage, who have consumed alcohol-increases penalties REF ALP
A3720 Dancer,R Limited brewery licensees-changes certain requirements REF ALP
A3721 McKnight,A Physicians-requires implicit bias training REF AHE
A3722 Dancer,R Veteran, volunteer emergency worker-fee for mobile sportfishing vehicle permit REF AEN
A3723 Dancer,R NJWELL program-requires State Health Benefits Comm. advertise & annually review REF ASL
A3724 Dancer,R Water allocation, exceeding-nonprofit org. not be assessed a civil admin penalty REF AEN
A3725 Dancer,R Dismemberment Abortion Ban Act-prohibits REF AHE
A3726 Dancer,R Alco beverage licensees-permits to sell their products at seasonal farm markets REF AAN
A3727 Dancer,R Security officer registration-requires drug testing REF ALP
A3728 Dancer,R Motor vehicle window tint-revises and clarifies law REF ALP
A3729 Dancer,R Santiago/Ramos/Liu Police Prot. Act-law enforcement vehicles have tinted windows REF ALP
A3730 Dancer,R Combat Action Ribbon-authorizes special license plate REF AMV
A3731 Dancer,R Sex offenders in emergency shelters-require welfare agencies determine & notify REF ALP
A3732 Dancer,R Ryan's Law-requires propeller guards on instructional vessels REF ALP
A3733 Dancer,R Sex offenders-required to report internet identifiers and name changes REF AJU
A3734 Dancer,R Youth-serving athletic organizations, non-profit-establishes requirements REF AWC
A3735 Dancer,R Bias intimidation-expands crime to include law enforcement officers & emerg svcs REF ALP
A3736 Dancer,R Farms, preserved-authorizes subdivision into smaller preserved farms REF AAN
A3737 Dancer,R Farmland, preserved-clarifies deed of easement, allows soil disturbance REF AAN
A3738 Dancer,R Security officer registration-clarifies that background check req for renewal REF ALP
A3739 Dancer,R Local Food Council-establish and requires development of Local Food Plan REF AAN
A3740 Dancer,R Farm to Public Institution of Higher Education Program-establish REF AAN
A3741 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Human trafficking crime-eliminates statute of limitations for prosecution REF AJU
A3742 Dancer,R Child exploitation-establishes new crimes concerning commercial REF AJU
A3743 Dancer,R Judges-county sheriff provide security at civil commitment proceedings REF AJU
A3744 Dancer,R Abused child-provides parental right termination and expands definition REF AHU
A3745 Dancer,R Crowdfunding theft-upgrades; imposes mandatory restitution and fines REF AJU
A3746 Dancer,R Oaths, administrative & solemnity-removes reference to kissing Bible in court REF AJU
A3747 Dancer,R Court cost-eliminate in certain medical events-related to motor vehicle accident REF AJU
A3748 Dancer,R Alarm, false-law enforcement's forcible entry into any place, upgrade crime REF AJU
A3749 Dancer,R/Johnson,G Gravesite desecration-establish possible bias intimidation offense REF AJU
A3750 Dancer,R Alarm, false-impacts school operations; adds response cost; increases crime REF AJU
A3751 Dancer,R Child unattended and unsupervised in motor vehicle-impose criminal penalties REF AJU
A3752 Dancer,R Knockout game-clarifies assault as third degree aggravated assault; imprisonment REF AJU
A3753 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Elder abuse in domestic settings-addresses REF AWC
A3754 DePhillips,C/DiMaio,J+1 CBT rate-grdually reduces REF AAP
A3755 Dancer,R Bail, crimes committed by persons released-directs collection of data REF AJU
A3756 DePhillips,C/Zwicker,A+1 Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.-supports activities REF ALA
A3757 Dancer,R Child support wage garnishments-requires certain accuracy standards REF AJU
A3758 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Notary public commission-establish 180 days, deadline for taking oath of office REF AJU
A3759 Dancer,R Sex offender-bars judicially sanctioned name change to person req. to register REF AJU
A3760 Dancer,R Rioting-estab. pecuniary loss; crime of third degree; reimb. prop. owner damages REF AJU
A3761 Dancer,R Probation-collect recidivism data for adults sentenced REF ALP
A3762 Dancer,R Dialysis centers-permits registered nurse in admin capacity prov health care REF AHE
A3763 Dancer,R Data collected by courts, recidivism research-shall contain no personal ID info. REF ALP
A3764 Dancer,R Retired Racehorse Fund-provides for voluntary contribution on income tax return REF ATG
A3765 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Victims and witnesses testify-permits via close circuit television REF AJU
A3766 Dancer,R Religious Freedom Restoration Act-establishes REF AJU
A3767 Dancer,R Marriage by proxy for deployed members of the military-broadens statute REF AJU
A3768 Dancer,R Judicial duty-impartiality by prohibiting cert. communications, loc govt officer REF AJU
A3769 Dancer,R Judges, mun court-disclose gov body cert decisions by Judicial Conduct Committee REF AJU
A3770 Dancer,R Foreign laws-prohibits enforcement if law violates constitutional rights REF AOF
A3771 Dancer,R Guardian, court-appointed-estab. centralized Statewide registry/auditing system REF AHU
A3772 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Notaries public-authorized to take oath of office REF AJU
A3773 Dancer,R Custody or visitation rights-proh. awarding, person convicted of minor sex crime REF AWC
A3774 Dancer,R Pub defender application fee-lowers evidence standard needed to waive REF AJU
A3775 Dancer,R Driver's license-authorizes court to issuance of restricted use as alternate REF ALP
A3776 Dancer,R Pledge of Allegiance-authorizes recitation at public meetings REF ASL
A3777 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Mental health facilities-establishes security standards for judicial hearings REF AHU
A3778 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Human trafficking-expands crime to include individuals who benefit financially REF AJU
A3779 Dancer,R Human trafficking or prostitution-authorizes wiretapping to investigate crimes REF AJU
A3780 Dancer,R Advance directive-expand will registry; provides for public information campaign REF AJU
A3781 Dancer,R Income tax refund-modernizes the distribution by making direct deposit default REF AAP
A3782 Dancer,R Civil unions/same sex-marriage-prov religious exemption for clergy/religious org REF AJU
A3783 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Victim Info. & Notification Everyday System-notify domestic viol victims through REF AWC
A3784 Carter,L/McKnight,A Deed recordings-enhances protections against fraudulent REF AHO
A3786 Moen,W Littering-increases fines; requires DOT to develop program for litter reporting REF ATR
A3787 Moen,W Drew's Law-establish 15 mph speed limit near parks; incr penal viol speed limit REF ATR
A3788 Speight,S Emergency assistance and establish hotline-requies VCCO provide REF ALP
A3789 Moen,W Financial aid-reduce only upon receipt of private scholarship REF AHI
A3790 Speight,S VCCO audit-State Auditor to conduct performance review REF ALP
A3791 Moen,W Local trans. projects-DOT compensate for contractual delay damages from shutdown REF ATR
A3792 Speight,S VCCO-issue annual report to Governor and Legislature REF ALP
A3793 Speight,S Crime victims's compensation-expand locations include courtrooms/emergency rooms REF ALP
A3794 Karabinchak,R Athletic Training Licensure Act-revises REF ARP
A3795 Speight,S/McKnight,A SNAP-requires standard certification perior of 12, 24 months REF AHU
A3796 Johnson,G/Karabinchak,R Sexual assault, aggravated-transp network driver commit act using coercion REF AJU
A3797 Burzichelli,J Bias Crime Offender Registry-establishes REF ALP
A3798 Burzichelli,J Rutgers University Camden-Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs;$150K REF AHI
A3799 DeCroce,B+1 Polystyrene food containers-prohibits sale by public schools/higher ed. instit. REF AEN
A3800 DeCroce,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+3 Pediatric cancer research-provide voluntary contributions on income tax returns REF AHE
A3802 McKeon,J/Verrelli,A Urban Farming Pilot Program-directs Department of Agriculture to establish;$100K REF AAN
A3803 Armato,J/Zwicker,A Pre-apprenticeship programs-enhances and allocates funds REF ALA
A3804 Armato,J 9-1-1 first responder dispatcher-redesignates 9-1-1 operators or dispatchers REF ALP
A3805 Armato,J/Zwicker,A+1 Troops to College Grant Programs-establishes REF AHI
A3806 Timberlake,B/Wimberly,B+2 Pest infestation-requires inspection prior to certain demolition REF ACD
A3807 Pinkin,N/DeAngelo,W Students w/military obligations-establish higher ed. instit. late registration REF AHI
A3808 Pinkin,N Food service contracts-compliance required with federal food service guidelines REF ASL
A3809 Pinkin,N Medical malpractice judgment-prohibits homestead attachment REF AFI
A3810 Pinkin,N DOBI employee, certain-provides 2 year post employment restriction REF AFI
A3811 Pinkin,N/Vainieri Huttle,V Firearms & related items-prohibits use as raffle prizes REF ATG
A3812 Pinkin,N Pawnbrokers and secondhand good dealers-revises law REF ARP
A3814 Schaer,G Behavioral Health Services Task Force-establishes REF AHU
A3815 Schaer,G HMO-include charity care assessments, purpose of meeting cert loss ration req REF AFI
A3816 Schaer,G Cemetery company-eliminates 15% fee to transfer graves, crypts and niches REF ARP
A3817 Schaer,G Out-of-network provider-concerns written notice to covered person's referral REF AFI
A3818 Schaer,G+2 Homeowners insurance policies-offer certain coverage for heating oil tanks REF AFI
A3819 Schaer,G Pharmacies-regulates audits REF ARP
A3820 Schaer,G Credit card purchases-prohibits retail mercantile from imposing surcharge REF ACO
A3821 Benson,D/Giblin,T Transit ADA Task Force-establishes REF ATR
A3822 Freiman,R Pesticide applied to rental property-owner or operator of property notify tenant REF AEN
A3823 Benson,D NJT, work for or under contract with-requires sensitivity training REF ATR
A3824 Benson,D Access Link service-NJT establish program to provide free rides REF ATR
A3825 Freiman,R Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant Program-establish 4 years REF AED
A3826 Benson,D Rail Passenger Bill of Rights with certain protections-establish REF ATR
A3827 Benson,D Council on Access and Mobility-authorizes creation REF ATR
A3828 Taliaferro,A Firefighters, corrections & police officers-provides for enhanced benefits REF ASL
A3829 Munoz,N Nurse-prohibits use of title by an unlicensed person REF ARP
A3830 Munoz,N Human trafficking, St and Fed crimes-AG establish educational & public info prog REF AJU
A3831 Rooney,K/Vainieri Huttle,V Alzheimre's Disease Master Plan Study Commission-establish REF AHE
A3832 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J E-ZPass-provides income tax deduction for certain tolls paid REF ATR
A3833 Peterson,E Drones-prohibits use by law enforcement entities REF AHS
A3834 Peterson,E Contractors, debarment-conviction of certain computer-related crimes REF ASL
A3835 Scharfenberger,G Fireman certificates & membership-raises maximum eligibility age REF ALP
A3836 Dunn,A Business Advisory Council-establishes in Business Action Center REF ACE
A3837 Conaway,H/McKnight,A Price increae, excessive-prohibit during period of abnormal market disruption REF AHE
A3839 Carter,L/Bramnick,J+13 School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M REF AHS
A3840 Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+9 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure REF AHS
A3841 Pintor Marin,E/Bramnick,J+10 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date REF AHS
A3843 McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+17 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing REF AHS
A3844 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+11 Business interruption insurance-concerns coronavirus 2019 state of emergency REF AHS
A3846 Sumter,S/Chaparro,A+6 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 REF AHS
A3847 Tully,P/DeCroce,B+13 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert REF AHS
A3848 Lopez,Y/Munoz,N+12 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns REF AHS
A3849 Johnson,G/Moen,W+8 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline REF AHS
A3850 Murphy,C/DeCroce,B+18 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means REF AHS
A3851 Schaer,G/Scharfenberger,G+4 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances REF AHS
A3852 Coughlin,C/Bramnick,J+2 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency REF AHS
A3855 Mosquera,G/Stanfield,J+13 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites REF AHS
A3859 McKnight,A/Schepisi,H+16 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency REF AHS
ACR156 Peterson,E Attorney General election-constitutional amendment, provides REF AJU
ACR157 Vainieri Huttle,V Equal Right Amendments-urges Congress to adopt into U.S. Constitution REF ASL
ACR158 Vainieri Huttle,V Senior & disabled property tax deduction-increase income limitation eligibility REF ACE
ACR159 Lopez,Y Games of chance-allow certain organizations use proceeds to benefit organization REF ATG
ACR160 Dancer,R Student Agriculture Protection Act of 2019-urges Congress to pass REF AAN
ACR161 Dancer,R Jay Austin & Laurent Geoghegan-condemns terrorist attack by Islamic State REF AHS
ACR162 Dancer,R Death penalty-restore under certain circumstances REF AJU
ACR163 Dancer,R Veterans' property tax-incr. deduction to $1K; future deductions based on CPI REF ACE
ACR164 Moen,W Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2019-urges US Senate to pass REF ALA
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits REF AHU
AJR148 Murphy,C Social-Emotional Learning Day-designates last Friday in March of every year REF AED
AJR150 Murphy,C Heroes Day-designates September 11 of each year REF ASL
AJR151 Murphy,C Military and Law Enforcement Working Dogs Month-designates March REF ALP
AJR152 Vainieri Huttle,V Emergency Preparedness Month-designates month of September of each year REF AHS
AJR153 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Cyber Security Awareness Month-designates October of each year REF AHS
AJR154 Dancer,R Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Week-designates week containing May 15th REF ALP
AJR155 Munoz,N Pharmacogenomics Commission-establishes REF AHE
AJR156 Scharfenberger,G Revolutionary War Remembrance Day-designates July 8 of each year REF ATG
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 REF ATU
AR137 Peterson,E Architects-encourages municipalities accept electronically submitted documents REF ASL
AR138 Vainieri Huttle,V Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act of 2019-urges Congress to pass REF AJU
AR139 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Hate and bias crime-condemns REF AHS
AR140 Dancer,R Steel channel markers, Intracoastal Waterway-Cong. appropriate funds to replace REF AEN
AR141 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Joanne Chesimard-urges Cuba to extradite REF ALP
AR142 Dancer,R Gypsy moth suppression efforts-memorializes to provide funding REF AAN
AR143 Dancer,R Child support cases-probation system records review prior to enforcement tools REF AJU
AR144 Schaer,G Women veterans-require VA hospitals provide all routine screenings on-site REF AMV
Bills On Emergency Resolution:
A3095 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V+14 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3813 Aa (1R) Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+18 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3839 Carter,L/Bramnick,J+13 School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3840 Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+9 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3841 Pintor Marin,E/Bramnick,J+10 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3842 Greenwald,L/Taliaferro,A+12 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3843 McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+17 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3844 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+11 Business interruption insurance-concerns coronavirus 2019 state of emergency (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3845 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+18 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3846 Sumter,S/Chaparro,A+6 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3847 Tully,P/DeCroce,B+13 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3848 Lopez,Y/Munoz,N+12 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3849 Johnson,G/Moen,W+8 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3850 Murphy,C/DeCroce,B+18 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3851 Schaer,G/Scharfenberger,G+4 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3852 Coughlin,C/Bramnick,J+2 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3854 Conaway,H/Munoz,N+11 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3855 Mosquera,G/Stanfield,J+13 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3856 Downey,J/Wimberly,B+8 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3857 Coughlin,C/Quijano,A+13 Food banks, grants;$15M (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3858 Mukherji,R/Spearman,W+8 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3859 McKnight,A/Schepisi,H+16 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3860 Pinkin,N/DeCroce,B+12 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19 (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3861 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3862 Giblin,T/Armato,J+1 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3863 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Candidates-extends petition filing deadline by 2 weeks, waives signature req (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3864 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
A3865 Chaparro,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Food, retail stores-limits return of items (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 (63-0-0) (Greenwald)
Bills Passed:
A3095 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V+14 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election (65-0-0)
A3813 Aa (1R) Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+18 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction (56-0-8)
A3839 Carter,L/Bramnick,J+13 School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M (65-0-0)
A3840 Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+9 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure (65-0-0)
A3841 Pintor Marin,E/Bramnick,J+10 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date (65-0-0)
A3842 Greenwald,L/Taliaferro,A+12 Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes (58-4-3)
A3843 McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+17 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing (64-0-1)
A3845 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+18 Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor (65-0-0)
A3846 Sumter,S/Chaparro,A+6 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 (65-0-0)
A3847 Tully,P/DeCroce,B+13 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert (56-4-5)
A3848 Lopez,Y/Munoz,N+12 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns (65-0-0)
A3849 Johnson,G/Moen,W+8 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline (65-0-0)
A3850 Murphy,C/DeCroce,B+18 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means (64-0-0)
A3851 Schaer,G/Scharfenberger,G+4 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances (65-0-0)
A3852 Coughlin,C/Bramnick,J+2 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency (65-0-0)
A3854 Conaway,H/Munoz,N+11 Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test (65-0-0)
A3855 Mosquera,G/Stanfield,J+13 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites (65-0-0)
A3856 Downey,J/Wimberly,B+8 Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M (65-0-0)
A3857 Coughlin,C/Quijano,A+13 Food banks, grants;$15M (65-0-0)
A3858 Mukherji,R/Spearman,W+8 Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances (52-1-12)
A3859 McKnight,A/Schepisi,H+16 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency (60-0-5)
A3860 Pinkin,N/DeCroce,B+12 Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19 (64-0-0)
A3861 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G Corp. hold shareholders' meetings-during state of emerg by remote communications (64-0-0)
A3862 Giblin,T/Armato,J+1 Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg (65-0-0)
A3863 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Candidates-extends petition filing deadline by 2 weeks, waives signature req (65-0-0)
A3864 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely (63-0-2)
A3865 Chaparro,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Food, retail stores-limits return of items (49-4-12)
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits (65-0-0)
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 (63-0-0)
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A3813 Aa (1R) Burzichelli,J/Schepisi,H+18 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction (Voice) (Burzichelli)
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A3095 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V+14 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election REP/ACA
A3839 Carter,L/Bramnick,J+13 School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M REP
A3840 Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+9 School meal provision during epidemic-req school district provide during closure REP
A3841 Pintor Marin,E/Bramnick,J+10 Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date REP
A3843 McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+17 Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing REP
A3844 Freiman,R/Greenwald,L+11 Business interruption insurance-concerns coronavirus 2019 state of emergency REP
A3846 Sumter,S/Chaparro,A+6 Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019 REP
A3847 Tully,P/DeCroce,B+13 Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert REP
A3848 Lopez,Y/Munoz,N+12 Infectious disease, time off work-concerns REP
A3849 Johnson,G/Moen,W+8 Government record availability during emergency-modifies deadline REP
A3850 Murphy,C/DeCroce,B+18 Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means REP
A3851 Schaer,G/Scharfenberger,G+4 County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances REP
A3852 Coughlin,C/Bramnick,J+2 State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency REP
A3855 Mosquera,G/Stanfield,J+13 Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites REP
A3859 McKnight,A/Schepisi,H+16 Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency REP
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits REP
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 REP
Bills Transferred:
A3095 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V+14 Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election FROM ASL TO AHS
ACR165 Mejia,P/Mazzeo,V+8 DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits FROM AHU TO AHS
AJR158 DeAngelo,W/DePhillips,C+11 Broadband access-urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19 FROM ATU TO AHS
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A172 Wirths,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 Low-income housing-allows long term exemption extension FROM ACD
A176 Wirths,H/Mazzeo,V+2 Federal contract barred-prohibits person from contracting for public work FROM ASL
A222 Tucker,C/Holley,J+7 Military veterans or homeless-hospitals and shelters prov info on svcs/resources FROM AHU
A323 Danielsen,J JRS member-permits to defer retirement to serve as county prosecutor FROM AJU
A509 Webber,J/Peterson,E+4 Asset forfeiture reporting and transparency requirements-establishes FROM ALP
A611 DiMaio,J/Caputo,R+2 Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog FROM AHU
A633 Caputo,R/Mukherji,R+1 Artist District-State Council on Arts establish FROM ATG
A1350 Benson,D/McKnight,A+4 Restorative Justice in Education Pilot Program-establish in Education Department FROM AED
A1351 Benson,D/Giblin,T+3 Stroke ready hospitals, acute-desig; estab Stroke Care Advisory Panel & database FROM ASE
A1362 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+4 Public Use Airports Task Force-estab; develop materials concerning capabilities FROM ATR
A1442 DeCroce,B/Johnson,G Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971-makes various changes FROM AJU
A1833 Timberlake,B/Giblin,T+3 Toy guns and imitation firearms-prohibits certain sales FROM ACO
A1838 Timberlake,B/Zwicker,A+3 Education services online-prohibits using and disclosing certain information FROM AST
A2197 McKeon,J/Downey,J+13 Gay/transgender defense-prev. criminal defendant from asserting to reduce charge FROM AJU
A2206 McKeon,J/Space,P+2 Solid and hazardous waste, soil & fill recycling industries-concerns regulation FROM AEN
A2214 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 Health benefits dependent coverage-requires coverage until child turns 26 of age FROM AFI
A2215 McKeon,J/Conaway,H+6 Health benefits coverage-requires for certain preventive services FROM AFI
A2219 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N+2 Qualified offshore wind project-expands definition FROM ATU
A3214 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+10 Prisoners, childbirth-prohibits restraint during and immediately after FROM AWC
A3232 Dancer,R Protection of Fetuses from Dismemberment Abortion Act-designates FROM AHE
A3592 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A Suspensions, multiple-meeting req between student & appropriate school personnel FROM AED
AJR23 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 State Commission on Urban Violence-establishes; study sources of violence in NJ FROM ALP
AJR58 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+8 Women in Public Office Day-designates March 19th FROM AWC
Co-Sponsors Added:
A105 (Dunn,A) Health savings accounts, individual-extends federal income tax advantages
A150 (Catalano,J; McGuckin,G) Safe Haven for Protection of Domestic Companion Animals Act
A152 (Bergen,B) Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-establishes
A158 (Dunn,A) Highlands Property Tax Stabilization Fund-provides direct property tax relief
A169 (Murphy,C; Dunn,A) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights
A278 (Benson,D) Veterans serving in fed. mil campaign who received a medal-extends cert benefits
A376 (Dunn,A) Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage
A478 (Dunn,A) Transparency in Government Act-establish State public finance website
A631 (Conaway,H) Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action
A632 (Swain,L) Elections-requires early voting availability
A652 (Dunn,A) Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A655 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Senior citizens-written notice concerning risks/prevention of fraud and ID theft
A683 (Dunn,A) Mental Health and Addiction Services-establishes Office of Ombudsman
A710 (Johnson,G; McKnight,A) Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M
A711 (McKnight,A) Reparations Task Force-establishes
A745 Aa (1R) (McKeon,J) Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes
A804 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing
A805 (Caputo,R) Contractor work, certain industries-concerns a skilled & trained workforce
A806 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release
A809 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Substance use disorders in correctional facilities-develop peer counseling prog.
A811 (Caputo,R) Persons returning to work after imprisonment-DOLWD post opportunities on website
A812 (Caputo,R) Public defender fees, inability to pay-municipal court provide applicant notice
A895 (Carter,L) Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment
A1055 (Chaparro,A) Community school pilot program-establish 5 year
A1079 Aca (1R) (Armato,J; McKnight,A) Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training
A1087 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing
A1155 (Caputo,R) Access Link paratransit service during state of emergency-NJT operate
A1359 (Dunn,A) Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates
A1519 (Dunn,A) Opioid antidotes-authorizes first responders to administer & dispense w/immunity
A1525 (Dunn,A) DOE candidates for employment-req. to undergo criminal history background check
A1599 (Dunn,A) Student w/concussion-evaluate by lic. health care prof prior to returning to sch
A1626 (Zwicker,A) School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs
A1935 (Dunn,A) School security-districts institute policies to improve emerg. communications
A1940 (Dunn,A) School emergency response-Police Training Commission adopt training course
A1977 (Caputo,R; Danielsen,J) Lead test results-establish online reporting systems for sch and child care ctrs
A1978 (Jimenez,A) Plastic carryout bags, expanded polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use
A1981 (Jimenez,A) Plastic Pollution Task Force-establishes study, ways to reduce & address
A2052 (Holley,J; Dunn,A) Marriage license application-revises form, permit changes in middle and surname
A2057 (Dunn,A) Transition staff members-applies law governing EEO and affirmative action
A2060 (Downey,J; Vainieri Huttle,V) Campaign contrib-allow use for child care expense related to campaign activities
A2131 Aca (1R) (Mukherji,R) Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates
A2271 (Dunn,A) Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog
A2281 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline
A2310 (Lopez,Y; Swain,L; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Carter,L; Jimenez,A) Anti-discrimination & anti-harassment policy-require certain candidates adopt
A2321 (Caputo,R) NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc
A2331 (Dunn,A) Sexual assault treatment training-certain hospitals req. to provide for staff
A2369 (Benson,D) State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
A2455 (Moen,W; Peterson,E; DiMaio,J; Conaway,H) FIRST Robotics Programs-establishes pilot program in DOE in school districts
A2487 (Tucker,C; McKeon,J; Chiaravalloti,N) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf
A2562 (Scharfenberger,G) PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age
A2572 (Danielsen,J; Wirths,H; Space,P) Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment
A2596 (Benson,D) Retir subdiv. & community-install generator, prov. energy, area used as shelter
A2607 (Houghtaling,E; Murphy,C; Mukherji,R; Downey,J) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
A2632 (Benson,D; Moen,W; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Carter,L; DeAngelo,W; Johnson,G; Chiaravalloti,N) Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign- DOH establish
A2638 (Benson,D; McKnight,A) Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding
A2640 (Benson,D) Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization
A2642 (Benson,D) Substance use disorder-hospitals inquire, establish protocols for prov treatment
A2664 (Benson,D) Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact
A2694 (Dunn,A) Officials at athletic events sanctioned by association-criminal background check
A2750 (Dunn,A) Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent
A2839 (Peterson,E) Suicides by minors-requires reporting of certain attempted and completed
A2843 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Vote-employers required to provide paid leave to employees
A2852 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Advanced cyberinfrasture strategic plan-develop
A2863 (Dunn,A) Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels
A2864 (Rooney,K; Dunn,A) Algal blooms-authorize use of CBT revenues for grants for prevention/remediation
A2904 (Wirths,H) Handgun permit-revise procedures for securing
A2957 (Danielsen,J) Youth Sports Task Force-examine issues incl. abusive coaching & bullying players
A3095 Aca (1R) (Danielsen,J; Holley,J; DiMaso,S; Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Lopez,Y; Freiman,R; Jasey,M; Timberlake,B; Chiaravalloti,N; Zwicker,A; Carter,L; Giblin,T) Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election
A3138 (Wirths,H) Honorably discharged veterans-establishes special license plate
A3194 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Ticket Consumer Choice Act
A3254 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Advocate for Private Commuter Bus Service Customers-establish Office
A3257 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Wineries-operate salesroom in certain municipalities w/sales restrictions
A3297 (Murphy,C; Verrelli,A) Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M
A3329 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Commuter Pass Credit Act-designates and provides temporary income tax credit
A3369 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Asian Heritage-establish Commission in DOE
A3373 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Behavioral health care services-minors 13 years of age and older to consent
A3386 (Caputo,R) Police and firefighters-establish a 5 year residency requirement
A3392 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Student representative-be appointed to board of education of school district
A3394 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school
A3395 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Asst housing accommodations, non-public rentals-expand provisions of Discrim Law
A3459 (Wirths,H; Space,P) HOPE Initiative Act-educate citizens on dangers of heroin and opioid addiction
A3514 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Paratransit services-establish 3 year pilot program to expand provision
A3548 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Adolescent depression screenings-requires health benefits coverage
A3550 (Sumter,S; Tucker,C; Murphy,C; Carter,L; Stanfield,J; Danielsen,J) Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE
A3583 (Vainieri Huttle,V; DiMaso,S) Sexual Assault Violence in Education Act-adopt anti-sexual assault theater prog.
A3625 (Benson,D) Biometric information-imposes moratorium on collection by public entities
A3631 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Lead service lines-require DEP establish and maintain searchable database
A3633 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Postpartum information-establishes requirements and develop care plans
A3641 (Verrelli,A) Law enforcement officers-mandatory cultural diversity & implicity bias training
A3643 (Verrelli,A) Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty service member
A3645 (Vainieri Huttle, V) Absences, excused-school district incl illness based on mental/behavioral health
A3651 (Vainieri Huttle, V; Speight,S;) Motor fuel-prohibits charging credit card customer 4% above cash paying customer
A3697 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Farm-to-Table Restaurant awards program-establishes
A3754 (Catalano,J) CBT rate-grdually reduces
A3756 (Kean,T) Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.-supports activities
A3799 (Johnson,G) Polystyrene food containers-prohibits sale by public schools/higher ed. instit.
A3800 (Webber,J; Zwicker,A; Dancer,R) Pediatric cancer research-provide voluntary contributions on income tax returns
A3805 (Murphy,C) Troops to College Grant Programs-establishes
A3813 Aa (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V; Mcknight,A; Danielsen,J; Holley,J; Moen,W; Speight,S; Spearman,W; Reynolds-Jackson,V: Lopez,Y; Chaparro,A; Timberlake,B; Jasey,M; Zwicker,A; Mejia,P; Jimenez,A; Downey,J; Houghtaling,E; Freiman,R) 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
A3818 (Timberlake,B; Giblin,T) Homeowners insurance policies-offer certain coverage for heating oil tanks
A3839 (Spearman,W; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Speight,S; McKnight,A; Wimberly,B; Lopez,Y; Holley,J; Chaparro,A; Zwicker,A; Mejia,P; Jasey,M; Downey,J; Jimenez,A) School facility cleaning & sanitization;$20M
A3840 (Chiaravalloti,N; Jasey,M; Speight,S; Timberlake,B; Spearman,W; Holley,J; Wimberly,B; Carter,L; Zwicker,A) School meal provision during epidemic- req school district provide during closure
A3841 (DiMaso,S; Lopez,Y; Wimberly,B; Freiman,R; Zwicker,A; Carter,L; Timberlake,B; McKnight,A; Space,P; Wirths,H) Income tax or CBT-extends time to file if federal gov extends filing or due date
A3842 (Speight,S; Spearman,W; Jasey,M; Timberlake,B; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Lopez,Y; Giblin,T; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Zwicker,A; Carter,L; Wimberly,B) Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program-establishes
A3843 (DiMaso,S; Conaway,H; Chiaravalloti,N; Jasey,M; Timberlake,B; Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A; Downey,J; Swain,L; Zwicker,A; Benson,D; Quijano,A; Freiman,R; Giblin,T; Carter,L; Mejia,P; Jimenez,A) Coronavirus disease 2019-req. health insurance & Medicaid coverage for testing
A3844 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A; Lopez,Y; Wimberly,B; Mazzeo,V; Chiaravalloti,N; Jasey,M; Mejia,P; Jimenez,A; Swain,L; Zwicker,A) Business interruption insurance-concerns coronavirus 2019 state of emergency
A3845 (DiMaso,S; Spearman,W; Conaway,H; Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A; Lopez,Y; Mazzeo,V; Chaparro,A; Dunn,A; Zwicker,A; Downey,J; Houghtaling,E; Timerlake,B; Giblin,T; Jasey,M; Mejia,P; Jimenez,A; Johnson,G) Grants-authorize EDA to make during periods of emergency declared by Governor
A3846 (Holley,J; Zwicker,A; Carter,L; Wimberly,B; Chiaravalloti,N; Benson,D) Temp Lost Wage Unemployment Prog-allow claim for lost wages, coronavirus 2019
A3847 (Conaway,H; Timberlake,B; Jasey,M; Lopez,Y; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Jimenez,A; Moen,W; Mejia,P; Wimberly,B; Giblin,T; Swain,L; Zwicker,A) Paid leave, local gov employees-provide w/out utilizing accumulated leave, cert
A3848 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; McKnight,A; Wimberly,B; Speight,S; Chaparro,A; Spearman,W; Timberlake,B; Giblin,T; Houghtaling,E; Quijano,A; Mejia,P; Jasey,M) Infectious disease, time off work-concerns
A3849 (Spearman,W; McKnight,A; Lopez,Y; Freiman,R; Chiaravalloti,N; Mejia,P; Jimenez,A; Giblin,T) Government record availability during emergency- modifies deadline
A3850 (DiMaso,S; Chiaravalloti,N; Conaway,H; Jasey,M; Timberlake,B; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Wimberly,B; Dunn,A; Downey,J; Houghtaling,E; Giblin,T; Zwicker,A; Carter,L; Mejia,P; Freiman,R; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Jimenez,A) Public meetings during period of emergency-allows to conduct by electronic means
A3851 (McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Timberlake,B; Giblin,T) County & municipal budgets-extend deadlines for adoption, certain circumstances
A3852 (Dunn,A; DePhillips,C) State government business & session-conduct outside Trenton, period of emergency
A3854 (DiMaso,S; Timberlake,B; Jasey,M; Zwicker,A; Giblin,T; Mejia,P; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Jimenez,A; Downey,J; McKnight,A; Freiman,R) Coronavirus 2019-authorize all licensed health facilities & labs to test
A3855 (DiMaso,S; Chaparro,A; Wimberly,B; Speight,S; Lopez,Y; McKnight,A; Jasey,M; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Mejia,P; Timberlake,B; Giblin,T; Quijano,A; Jimenez,A) Public health emergencies-require food access info be displayed on websites
A3856 (Speight,S; McKnight,A; Holley,J; Lopez,Y; Chaparro,A; Houghtaling,E; Jasey,M; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Healthcare & residential facility sanitation, coronavirus 2019;$10M
A3857 (Chaparro,A; Timberlake,B; Johnson,G; Mejia,P; Armato,J; Jimenez,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; McKnight,A; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Spearman,W; Lopez,Y; Wimberly,B; Holley,J) Food banks, grants;$15M
A3858 (Timberlake,B; Wimberly,B; Lopez,Y; Chaparro,A; Chiaravalloti,N; Giblin,T; Downey,J; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Cash payments to Work First NJ recipients-issue supplemental, cert circumstances
A3859 (Timberlake,B; Moen,W; DiMaso,S; Spearman,W; Holley,J; Lopez,Y; Chaparro,A; Speight,S; Downey,J; Houghtaling,E; Dunn,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; Zwicker,A; Quijano,A; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Jasey,M) Foreclosure & tenant evictions-concerns prohibition during certain emergency
A3860 ( Reynolds-Jackson,V; Lopez,Y; McKnight,A; Chaparro,A; Downey,J; Chiaravalloti,N; Timberlake,B; Giblin,T; Jasey,M; Carter,L; Jimenez,A; Freiman,R) Telemedicine & telehealth-establish requirements to use to respond to COVID-19
A3862 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Prof or occup lic-expedite individuals during state of emerg or pub health emerg
A3863 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Candidates-extends petition filing deadline by 2 weeks, waives signature req
A3864 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Notaries public-authorizes to perform notarial acts remotely
ACR19 (Danielsen,J) Violence Against Women Act-urges Congres
ACR22 (Benson,D) Veteran, civil service hiring-provide preference, received badge, medal, ribbon
ACR80 (Kean,S; Freiman,R) Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights
ACR139 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Health Community initiatives-urges Dept. of Health & Human Svcs & NJ DOH promote
ACR142 (Danielsen,J; Benson,D; Vainieri Huttle,V) Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary
ACR145 (Zwicker,A) Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends Constitution to prohibit
ACR165 (Houghtaling,E; Downey,J; Jasey,M; McKnight,A; Wimberly,B; Speight,S; Chaparro,A; Dunn,A) DHS apply for federal waivers-facilitate/increase access to SNAP benefits
AJR27 (Carter,L) County College Month-designates April
AJR53 (Dunn,A) Bullying Prevention Month-designates October of each year
AJR110 (Danielsen,J) Equal Rights Amendment-urges US Congress to pass
AJR120 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April
AJR126 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opiod Abuse Prevention Month-designates October of each year
AJR144 (Benson,D) Women's National Team-urges US Soccer Federation to provide equitable treatment
AJR158 (DiMaso,S; McKnight,A; Dunn,A; Lopez,Y; Benson,D; Chiaravalloti,N; Jasey,M; Wirth,H; Space,P; Chaparro,A; Zwicker,A) Broadband access- urge FCC to secure for those affected by COVID-19
AR66 (Dunn,A) Law Enforcement Directive No. 2007-1 & School Safety & Security-update regularly
Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A196 (Carter,L) Raritan Valley Line-NJT, feasibility study on restoring one-seat ride, Manhattan
A199 (Carter,L) Employer tax law-concerns joint liability for payment
ACR19 (Carter,L) Violence Against Women Act-urges Congres
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A177 (Dunn,A) Security officer, registered-school district may not proh from carrying firearm
A259 (Mukherji,R) Military service members-provides civil service preference for expedition medal
A812 (Holley,J) Public defender fees, inability to pay-municipal court provide applicant notice
A948 (Mukherji,R) Reserves, US-increases paid leave of absence days for public employees who serve
A1113 (Dunn,A) Mental health first aid training-St. Bd of Ed incl instruct for pub sch teachers
A1194 (Jimenez,A) Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice
A1206 (Benson,D) Independent expenditure committees-reporting requirements, makes various changes
A1976 (Benson,D) Sch dist bldgs-NJ infrastr Bank issue bonds to finan cost-effective improvements
A2183 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Nursing home-permit use of electronic monitoring devices at resident's request
A2268 (Dancer,R) Group insurance benefits for their employees-mun. and bds of ed jointly contract
A2304 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative & Advisory Council on Arthritis-re-estab.
A2454 (Pinkin,N) Electric public utilities-required to file emergency response plan with BPU
A2479 (DeAngelo,W) Veterans, surviving spouse-allows income tax deduction
A2527 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Public humanities programming-provides voluntary contrib. on income tax return
A2549 (Danielsen,J) Health care claims data-requires certain providers, SHBP, SEHBP disclose to DOBI
A2564 (Benson,D) Public water systems-publish financial and employee information on the Internet
A2574 (Benson,D) Energy efficiency or conservation improvements-small bus. qualify for loans
A2576 (Benson,D) Green infrastructure financing program-establish; make accessible and affordable
A2582 (Benson,D) Water and sewer bill payments-30-day grace period prior to interest accrual req.
A2593 (Space,P) School bus fuel-exempts petroleum product gross receipts tax and motor fuel tax
A2601 (Benson,D) U Text U Drive U Pay sticker-motor vehicle inspection sticker notify of penalty
A2607 (Egan,J) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
A2659 (Benson,D) Disab., physical-SHBP/SEHBP prov reasonable accommodation in accessing providers
A2717 (Mukherji,R) Marriage and civil union licenses-provides for immediate issuance
A2726 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Vacant & abandoned prop-mun req reg; use reg fee proceeds to maintain properties
A2765 (Dancer,R) State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ
A2776 (Benson,D) Solar Roof Installation Warranty Program-establish, transfer $2M to fund program
A2787 (Johnson,G) Innocence Study & Review Commission-study & review wrongful convictions
A2792 (Timberlake,B) Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report
A2869 (Peterson,E) Veterinarians-expands prescription monitoring program to include
A2898 (DeAngelo,W) Incarcerated individual-prohibits payment of temporary disability benefits
A3013 (Benson,D) Developmental Disab Division-make comprehensive program list available to public
A3207 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Voter registration-permits at age 16 under certain conditions
A3249 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Sex assault victim-establish circumstances, court may order physical/psych exam
A3250 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Sex assault victim-establish circumstances, court may order physical/psych exam
A3251 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Narcotic, person under influence-trans. to med. fac. by law enforcement officer
A3283 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection
A3284 (Dunn,A) Opioid antidote-pharmacies required to maintain a minimum stock
A3333 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Urgent care & retail health clinics-defibrillator on site & emp. trained to use
A3346 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Polystyrene products-prohibit sale of expanded & food packaged in those products
A3365 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Law Against Discrimination-amends to include crime victims as protected status
A3442 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Handicapped spots-exempt fees
A3459 (Timberlake,B) HOPE Initiative Act-educate citizens on dangers of heroin and opioid addiction
A3545 (Vainieri Huttle,V) School bus inspection-school district transportation supervisor conduct monthly
A3546 (Vainieri Huttle,V) HS graduation requirements-prov. list of various assessments to satisfy test req
A3557 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Firearm on educational institution grounds-upgrades penalty, unlawful possession
A3569 (Murphy,C) State-administered pension plans-Treasurer Director report on status
A3591 (Benson,D) Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness
ACR21 (Benson,D) Collective bargaining-amends Constitution to give public employees the right
ACR97 (Space,P) Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights-proposes
ACR109 (Benson,D) Military disability income-exclude from income limit for property tax deduction
ACR110 (Benson,D) Military retirement pay-urges Congress to exempt from federal income taxation
ACR135 (Timberlake,B) Community Reinvestment Act-urges Congress to oppose federal regulatory changes
ACR142 (Zwicker,A) Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary
AJR117 (McKnight,A) Say Something Week-designates week of February 24 through March 2 of each year
AJR128 (Benson,D) Hospice and Palliative Care Awareness Month-designates November of each year
AR92 (Wirths,H) Community Broadband Act-urges Congress to pass
AR93 (Benson,D) Humane Cosmetics Act of 2019-urges President and Congress to enact
AR110 (Mukherji,R) Veterans, dental care-urges legislation requiring Veterans Affairs to provide
Second Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A2454 (Murphy,C) Electric public utilities-required to file emergency response plan with BPU
A2607 (Verrelli,A) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
A3283 (Johnson,G) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A499 (Dunn,A) Telemarketers making sales calls-required to display their name and phone number
A1619 (Dunn,A) Classroom supplies expenses-provides income tax deduction to eligible educators
A1945 (Dunn,A) Automatic dialing device callers-disclose certain identifying information
A1947 (Dunn,A) Child sexual abuse-directs school districts to establish policies and training
A2257 (Spearman,W) School districts located in historic communities-provide emergency St school aid
A2454 (Murphy,C) Electric public utilities-required to file emergency response plan with BPU
A2479 (Murphy,C) Veterans, surviving spouse-allows income tax deduction
A2593 (Wirths,H) School bus fuel-exempts petroleum product gross receipts tax and motor fuel tax
A2647 (Benson,D) Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance
A2650 (Benson,D) Medicaid transportation services-establishes performance and training standards
A2651 (Benson,D) Human trafficking in health care facilities-DOH provide training course for emp.
A2654 (Benson,D) Epilepsy website-DOH required to update and increase public outreach efforts
A2657 (Benson,D) Mental Health Access Act-incr Medicaid reimb rate for behavioral health services
A2765 (Murphy,C) State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ
A2792 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report
A2839 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suicides by minors-requires reporting of certain attempted and completed
A2857 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Film production facility-provides CBT and income tax credit, cert capital invest
A2898 (Wirths,H) Incarcerated individual-prohibits payment of temporary disability benefits
A2961 (Dunn,A) Suicide prevention training for mental health practitioners-requires annually
A3199 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against
A3206 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Expanded Addiction Initiative-co-occurring mental health/substance use disorder
A3226 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Pet adoption fees-waived for certain military personnel and veterans
A3227 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disabled-revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities
A3297 (Zwicker,A) Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M
A3459 (Vainieri Huttle,V) HOPE Initiative Act-educate citizens on dangers of heroin and opioid addiction
A3487 (Vainieri Huttle,V) MVC database-allows persons w/autism voluntarily enter med. info. on drivers lic
A3499 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Historic preservation-provides voluntary contribution on income tax return
A3504 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Declaration of Independence, 250th anniversary-develop/promote hist. mural prog.
A3587 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Pub work contracts w/minority, women, vet owned bus-post on website St fund use
A3588 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Women's Advancement Off-facilitate equal participation of women in the workplace
A3589 (Timberlake,B) Gender Pay Discrimination Study Commission-establishes
A3625 (Pintor Marin,E) Biometric information-imposes moratorium on collection by public entities
A3631 (Verrelli,A) Lead service lines-require DEP establish and maintain searchable database
A3643 (Zwicker,A) Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty service member
A3644 (Verrelli,A) Mental health screening-req. assessments prior to laboratory/diagnostic testing
A3652 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Sexual harassment training-restaurant employees required to receive
A3688 (Benson,D) Driver's license holders' personal information-prohibits State from disclosing
A3692 (Verrelli,A) Inmates-DOC & county correctional fac to provide w/medication-assisted treatment
A3741 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Human trafficking crime-eliminates statute of limitations for prosecution
A3753 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Elder abuse in domestic settings-addresses
A3756 (Speight,S) Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.-supports activities
A3778 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Human trafficking-expands crime to include individuals who benefit financially
A3800 (Lampitt,P) Pediatric cancer research-provide voluntary contributions on income tax returns
A3805 (Verrelli,A) Troops to College Grant Programs-establishes
A3813 Aa (1R) (Lampitt,P) 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction
ACR97 (Wirths,H) Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights-proposes
ACR135 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Community Reinvestment Act-urges Congress to oppose federal regulatory changes
ACR142 (McKeon,J) Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary
AJR85 (Dunn,A) Cancer Survivor Month-designates June of each year
AJR121 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Food Allergy Awareness Week-designates second week in May of each year
AJR139 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Sexual Assault Survivors Day-designates first Monday in April of each year
AR130 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Tourism industry & shore areas-open for business; encourages visitors to explore
Third Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A3283 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection
A3651 (Speight,S) Motor fuel-prohibits charging credit card customer 4% above cash paying customer
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
A2607 (Verrelli,A) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
A3857 (Jasey,M) Food banks, grants;$15M
The Assembly Speaker has made the following Committee appointments:
*Effective March 9, 2020
Women and Children Committee (AWC)
Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight (31), replacing Assemblywoman Shanique Speight (29)
Health Committee (AHE)
Assemblywoman Shanique Speight (29), replacing Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight (31)
The Assembly adjourned at 5:43 P.M. to meet again on Monday, May 4, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (3/5/2020):