Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (August 3rd):


Bills Introduced:

S2760 Cunningham,S Higher education instit-grants immunity from liability, damages from coronavirus REF SHI

S2761 Corrado,K Hospital patient w/devel. disability-auth designated caregiver accompany patient REF SHH

S2762 Bucco,A Municipality reimb.-establish fund for police cost related to MVC crowding;$500K REF SCU

S2763 Corrado,K+1 Electronic monitoring devices, group homes, devel. disablities-require certain REF SHH

S2764 Corrado,K Co. protective svcs. staff-receive training on adults w/Alzheimer's or dementia REF SHH

S2765 Sweeney,S/Rice,R Law enforcement agencies-require Civil Svc Comm increase diversity & inclusivity REF SLP

S2766 Sweeney,S/Rice,R Minority civil svc. law enforce applications-Civil Svc Comm estab mentoring prog REF SLP

S2767 Sweeney,S/Rice,R Law enforcement, civil svc hiring-estab. oversight database; diversity analysis REF SLP

S2768 Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+1 Minority/women-owned bus.-conduct disparity study, utilization in St procurement REF SEG

S2769 Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+1 Minority Business Development Program-establishes in EDA;$50M REF SEG

S2770 Singleton,T/Ruiz,M+1 Minority Depository Institution Coordinator-establishes position in EDA REF SEG

S2771 Singleton,T Rural Business Development Program-establishes in EDA;$35M REF SEG

S2772 Singleton,T+1 Biannual Business Matchmaker Initiative-establishes in Department of State REF SEG

S2773 Ruiz,M DOE & vendors for diagnostic tools-select 3; req sch dist to use; prov fed funds REF SED

S2774 Weinberg,L/Lagana,J+2 Unemployment claims-provide effective date is date individual becomes unemployed REF SLA

S2775 Holzapfel,J Voters, registered-require to present photo ID when voting at polling place REF SSG

S2776 Singleton,T Mail-in voters-requires notice mailed confirming ballot was received & counted REF SSG

S2777 Turner,S Voter registration at polling place on election day-permits REF SSG

S2778 Codey,R Involuntary commitment-petition court for an individual w/substance use disorder REF SHH

S2779 Greenstein,L Death certificates-include drug responsible for overdose, certain circumstances REF SHH

S2780 Greenstein,L Trauma-informed education-teaching staff & sch bd members receive training REF SED

S2781 Codey,R/Smith,B Diversity & inclusion instruction-require school districts to provide REF SED

S2782 Codey,R/Smith,B Communication recorded-unlawful unless all parties previously consented REF SJU

S2783 Testa,M Homestead Benefit 2020 Prog. & Senior & Disab Citizens' Prop Tax Freeze;$125.575 REF SBA

S2792 Cryan,J Law enforcement, firefighters, civil svc. exam application-accept email, text REF SSG

S2793 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Higher ed instit. to improve campus diversity-develop guidance REF SHI

S2794 Pou,N/Scutari,N Plea bargaining-prosecutor may mail/email w/defendants for cert traffic offenses REF SJU

S2795 Vitale,J Nursing homes-require to employ patient advocate REF SHH

S2796 Vitale,J/Codey,R Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Long-Term Planning Commission-establishes in DHS REF SHH

S2797 Cryan,J Judicial officers personal information-prohibits disclosure; establishes crime REF SJU

S2798 Vitale,J/Ruiz,M Long-term care fac-estab uniform req on submission of outbreak response plans REF SHH

SCR125 Pou,N Communication Decency Act of 1996-urges Congress to amend REF SHH

Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:

S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+11 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements

Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

A2131 Aca (1R) Tully,P/DePhillips,C+9 Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates

A3367 Johnson,G/Kennedy,J+4 Electric veh charging stations-require community associations allow installation

Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:

A277 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Karabinchak,R+2 Pharmaceutical manufacture-disclose financial & investment interest and benefits REF SHH

A306 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Mazzeo,V+7 First responders-forcibly enter prop., provide emergency asst., civil immunity REF SJU

A637 Caputo,R/Dancer,R+3 Sports pools operators-revises permit and license REF SSG

A702 Aa (1R) Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+1 State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use REF SSG

A740 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+5 Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items REF SEN

A745 Aa (1R) Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+21 Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes REF SLP

A883 Aca (1R) Giblin,T/Timberlake,B+14 Human trafficking victim-develop and post notice containing information REF SJU

A970 Acs (ACS) Conaway,H/Lampitt,P+15 Students w/depression-public schools required to administer written screenings REF SED

A1254 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Holley,J+1 Geriatric parole-establishes for certain eligible inmates REF SLP

A1653 Aa (1R) Quijano,A/Pinkin,N+12 Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects REF SCU

A1670 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Pinkin,N+4 Voting system, electronic-requires vendor disclose finan. ties prior to approval REF SSG

A2244 Dancer,R/Murphy,C+20 Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal REF SMV

A2311 Aa (1R) Calabrese,C/Jasey,M+5 Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission REF SHI

A2321 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Lopez,Y+9 NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc REF STR

A2370 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Compassionate release program-establish for certain inmates REF SJU

A2374 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Mukherji,R/Pinkin,N Energy, water & storm resiliency proj-establish prog for public or private finan REF SEN

A2429 Benson,D/Murphy,C+4 Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes REF STR

A2462 Benson,D/Moriarty,P+9 Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards REF SCM

A2717 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R+6 Marriage and civil union licenses-provides for immediate issuance REF SJU

A2719 Downey,J+8 Elderly person, institutionalized-increased fines for abuse or exploitation REF SHH

A2765 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R+4 State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ REF SSG

A2773 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E+4 Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year REF SEG

A3510 Lopez,Y/Benson,D+10 Accessible transportation service routes-NJT publish on website REF STR

A3513 Freiman,R/Mukherji,R+2 Business filing statutes-modernizes to incl. entity conversion and domestication REF SCM

A3605 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Murphy,C+3 Paper bills and notices-prohibits insurers, SHBP and SEHBP from charging fee REF SCM

A4138 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Benson,D+8 Public emergency response plan for developmental disabled individuals-develop REF SHH

A4163 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B Lottery tickets-permits validation via Internet, mobile app, or electronic means REF SSG

A4170 AcaAca (2R) Zwicker,A/Benson,D+10 Data privacy-restrict use collected for purposes of contact tracing for COVID-19 REF SHH

A4239 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Dunn,A+9 Community-based residential prog. & group homes-allow cert. in-person visitation REF SHH

A4250 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Mukherji,R Notaries and notarial acts-revises law; authorizes electronic signatures REF SJU

A4252 AcaAca (2R) Conaway,H/Karabinchak,R+2 Coronavirus disease 2019 laboratory testing-requires availability REF SHH

A4253 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+2 Clinincal labs & electronic med record companies-include gender, race, ethnicity REF SHH

A4366 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Sumter,S+6 Police training-contract with crisis intervention training center REF SLP

A4367 AcaAca (2R) Mukherji,R/Sumter,S+3 Plea bargaining-prosecutor may mail/email w/defendants for cert traffic offenses REF SJU

A4368 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+4 Municipal court-expand conditional dismissal program to include drug offenses REF SLP

A4369 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Carter,L+1 Sentencing reform-implements Crim. Sentencing & Disposition Comm recommendations REF SJU

A4370 AcaAca (2R) Carter,L/Jasey,M+1 Parole-permits AOC retroactively rescind/modify mandatory term for cert offenses REF SJU

A4371 Chaparro,A/Johnson,G+2 Corrections Rehab & Crime Prevention Fund-establish; require cost savings study REF SJU

A4372 Aca (1R) Timberlake,B/Quijano,A+3 Inmates, certain-provides for resentencing REF SJU

A4373 Spearman,W/Jimenez,A+2 Sentencing-establishes youthful age of defendant as mitigating factor REF SJU

A4405 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Pinkin,N Piscataway Regional Day School-requires State to sell land and improvements REF SSG

A4412 Freiman,R/Verrelli,A+6 COVID-19 testing-require facilities provide accurate timeframes for test results REF SHH

ACR32 Jimenez,A/Mejia,P Radiologist assistants-encourages regulations to authorize practice REF SHH

ACR190 Caputo,R/Lampitt,P+11 School reopening following COVID-19-petition fed govt for emerg response funding REF SED

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S891 Pou,N Devel disab individual forms-req to be available in languages other than English FROM SHH

Co-Sponsors Added:

S280 (Pou,N) Human trafficking victim-develop and post notice containing information

S1634 (Bucco,A) Fireman certificates & membership-raises maximum eligibility age

S2763 (Holzapfel,J) Electronic monitoring devices, group homes, devel. disablities-require certain

S2768 (Scutari,N) Minority/women-owned bus.-conduct disparity study, utilization in St procurement

S2769 (Scutari,N) Minority Business Development Program-establishes in EDA;$50M

S2770 (Scutari,N) Minority Depository Institution Coordinator-establishes position in EDA

S2772 (Scutari,N) Biannual Business Matchmaker Initiative-establishes in Department of State

S2774 (Kean,T; Pou,N) Unemployment claims-provide effective date is date individual becomes unemployed

Co-Prime Sponsors Added:

S1018 (Gopal,V) Sch discipline practice incl racial disparities/effectiveness task force-examine

S1020 (Gopal,V) School discipline data-report on their websites and to Commissioner of Education

S2586 (Pou,N) Sentencing reform-implements Crim. Sentencing & Disposition Comm recommendations

S2593 (Pou,N) Parole-permits AOC retroactively rescind/modify mandatory term for cert offenses

S2606 (Beach,J) Solar energy sys-allow installation prior to construction permit during COVID-19

S2788 (Pou,N) Long-term care fac-supp pymts to staff providing direct care svc during COVID-19 P

The Senate adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to meet again on Monday, August 10, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Group “1” scheduled to meet).


The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, August 10, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (7/30/2020):

P.L.2020, c.61. A4389 AcaAca (2R) McKeon,J/Conaway,H+2 7/31/2020 Heath benefits plans-requires certain entities authorized, pay annual assessment

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