Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (January 11th):
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
SR106 Rice,R/Addiego,D+17 Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Bills Introduced:
S3323 Sweeney,S DCF & DHS-supp. approp. for increased rates for social svc providers;$180M REF SHH S3324 Smith,B Energy & water efficiency-establish minimum standards for certain products REF SEN S3325 Diegnan,P Information Technology Commission-estab.; concerns State tech. infrastructure REF SSG S3327 Turner,S St agencies-vacate cert prop. in Trenton, EDA offer incentives to pub entities REF SSG
S3328 Turner,S Law enforcement training costs-req. new employer reimburse cert former employers REF SLP S3329 Diegnan,P Motor vehicle safety recalls-require notice upon inspection & registration REF STR
S3330 Diegnan,P MVC timeframe-extends for receiving certain documents issued by MVC REF STR S3331 Cryan,J Discrim, unlawful-denial of svc based on person's disab by domestic viol shelter REF SJU
S3332 Greenstein,L Disab.-req. accessible public restroom facilities be equipped w/signs reserving REF SHH S3333 Sweeney,S Highly acute devel. disab. person-exception rates, programmatic & staffing req. REF SHH S3334 Greenstein,L State agency websites-make accessible to people w/disabilities on mobile devices REF SSG S3335 Ruiz,M Utility service, local & public-conduct study of coronavirus effect on service REF SEG
S3336 Cruz-Perez,N Hospitality business, small-estab winter preparation purchase/reimb program;$50M REF SEG S3337 Cruz-Perez,N Restaurant tents during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic-concerns REF SCM
S3338 Gopal,V Bereavement Counseling Prog for family/caregivers of certain vet-req DMVA create REF SMV S3339 Gopal,V Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Office-submit annual report to vet fac oversight bd REF SMV SR105 Sweeney,S Essential workers w/disabilities or blind-express appreciation & support REF SHH
Bills Passed:
A1226 Schaer,G/Jimenez,A+25 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration (34-0)
A1537 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Moen,W+2 Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term (32-2) A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+25 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes (26-6)
A4461 AcaAcaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+11 COVID-19 related goods, services for purch., sch. dist.-req. St. enter contract (33-0)
A4528 ScaAa (2R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+1 State procurement process-revises cert aspects, permits auction/reverse auction (34-0) A5113 Timberlake,B/Sumter,S+14 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M (34-0)
A5114 DeAngelo,W/Speight,S+10 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M (34-0) S310 Rice,R/Turner,S+1 Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement (34-0) S321 Rice,R/Turner,S+1 Lead service lines-requires certain residential developers to replace (31-1)
S767 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L+1 Infrastructure Bank transportation projects-eliminates 5% down payment required (34-0) S771 Scutari,N Worker's compensation coverage-expands to parking areas provided by employer (22-10)
S775 Sa (1R) Scutari,N/Stack,B Rental unit owners and business owners-maintain liability insurance policy (23-11)
S1271/2588/2660 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Cunningham,S/Gopal,V+1 Branch campus, higher ed. instit-requires Secretary of Higher Education approval (34-0)
S1322 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Addiego,D+1 Police officer eval.-prohibits from considering number of arrests or citations (26-1) S1558 Sa (1R) Scutari,N Auto insurers-disclose policy limits upon attorney request (24-9)
S1877 Turner,S/Pou,N Tuition and fees at higher education institutions-concerns (33-0)
S2419 SaAca w/GR (3R) Scutari,N/Kennedy,J+2 Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns (33-1)
S2441 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Diegnan,P+1 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Council-revises and updates membership (34-0)
S2644 Bateman,C/Beach,J Libraries-allows disposal of certain materials without advertising for bids (34-0) S2725 Sca (1R) Gopal,V+1 Real Property Assessment Demonstration Program-concerns (34-0)
S2727 Pennacchio,J/Pou,N+1 Multigenerational Family Housing Continuity Commission-establishes (34-0) S3197 Scutari,N/Smith,B Judges, certain-clarifies eligibility for deferred retirement in JRS (34-0)
S3208 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Diegnan,P+3 SPRS member, 9/11 WTC-provides death benefits to surviving spouses & children (34-0) S3223 Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Electric vehicle charging infrastructure-provides, inherently beneficial (32-0)
S3230 Greenstein,L/Corrado,K+16 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M (34-0) S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets (34-0) S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets (32-0) SR106 Rice,R/Addiego,D+17 Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal (24-5)
Bills Substituted:
A1226 Schaer,G/Jimenez,A+25 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration SUB FOR S265
A1537 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Moen,W+2 Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term SUB FOR S2217 (1R) A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+25 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes SUB FOR S2743 (2R)
A5113 Timberlake,B/Sumter,S+14 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M SUB FOR S3235 A5114 DeAngelo,W/Speight,S+10 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M SUB FOR S3229 S265 Kean,T/Pou,N+2 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration SUB BY A1226
S2217 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term SUB BY A1537 (1R) S2743 ScaSca (2R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+4 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes SUB BY A4410 (3R)
S3229 Codey,R/Corrado,K+3 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M SUB BY A5114 S3235 Beach,J/Pou,N+4 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M SUB BY A5113
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A850 AcaScaSa (3R) Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+9 Community Broadband Study Commission-establishes (28-0) (Oroho) A3199 AcaScaSa (3R) Murphy,C/Benson,D+9 Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against (23-0) (Beach)
S111 Sa (1R) Gill,N/Ruiz,M+2 Auto insurance underwriting-proh. use of education, occupation and credit score (21-0) (Cruz-Perez) S1018 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M/Gopal,V+1 Sch discipline practice incl racial disparities/effectiveness task force-examine (22-0) (Gopal) S1851 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M State student assistance or other employment/training-concerns eligibility (22-0) (Ruiz)
S2315 ScaSa (2R) Beach,J/Scutari,N+2 Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against (24-0) (Scutari) S2831 SaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Beach,J+3 Teachers-grants reciprocity with certain out-of-state certificates (22-0) (Ruiz)
S2832 ScaSa (2R) Ruiz,M/Beach,J+2 Teachers, substitute-allow student in higher ed instit., 30 semester hr to serve (22-0) (Ruiz) S2864 ScaSa (2R) Oroho,S/Singleton,T+2 Broadband Access Study Commission-establishes (27-0) (Oroho)
S3012 Sa (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P+2 MVC documents issued-provides temporary extension (22-0) (Turner)
S3189 Sa (1R) Codey,R/Corrado,K+5 Emergency medical svcs-req issuance of temp certifications, cert circumstances (23-0) (Codey)
Bills Returned Second Reading/Substitute:
S2874 ScaSs (SS) Singleton,T/Cryan,J+1 Design-Build Constr. Services Procurement Act-estab awarding contract procedures (28-1) (Singleton)
Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:
A4528 ScaAa (2R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+1 State procurement process-revises cert aspects, permits auction/reverse auction S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A5113 Timberlake,B/Sumter,S+14 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M A5114 DeAngelo,W/Speight,S+10 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
Bills Transferred:
S2605 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Bateman,C Utility-scale solar energy development-direct BPU to establish program FROM SBA TO SEN
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
S3262 Weinberg,L Discrimination and harassment, unlawful-concerns FROM SLA
Co-Sponsors Added:
S310 (Pou,N) Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement S321 (Pou,N) Lead service lines-requires certain residential developers to replace
S397 (Pou,N) Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting S539 (Cryan,J) Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality
S767 (Pou,N) Infrastructure Bank transportation projects-eliminates 5% down payment required S990 (Pou,N) Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE S1066 (Gopal,V) Prescription Drug Affordability Board-establishes
S1271/2588/2660 ScsAca (SCS/1R) (Turner,S) Branch campus, higher ed. instit-requires Secretary of Higher Education approval S1332 (Gill,N; Greenstein,L) Neighborhood Scholar Revitalization Pilot Program-establishes
S1789 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Toll violations-authorizes reciprocal agreements for enforcement w/other states S2020 (O'Scanlon,D) LGBTQ veterans-concerns benefits, update definition; DMVA develop review process S2315 ScaSa (2R) (Addiego,D) Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against
S2318 (O'Scanlon,D) Theft $500K or more-upgrades crime to first degree
S2419 SaAca w/GR (3R) (Pou,N) Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns S2682 (Pou,N) Rare Disease Advisory Council-establishes
S2727 (Gill,N) Multigenerational Family Housing Continuity Commission-establishes S2743 ScaSca (2R) (Turner,S) Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes
S2913 (Pou,N) State contracts-completely/partially terminate to serve important public purpose S3020 (Oroho,S) Craft distilleries-allow to sell mixed drinks & ingredients for off premise
S3189 Sa (1R) (Bucco,A; Madden,F; Oroho,S) Emergency medical svcs-req issuance of temp certifications, cert circumstances S3208 Sca (1R) (Greenstein,L; Pou,N) SPRS member, 9/11 WTC-provides death benefits to surviving spouses & children S3223 (Pou,N) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure-provides, inherently beneficial
S3230 (Turner,S) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3317 (Corrado,K) Alcoholic beverage COVID-19 Expansion Permit-require ABC to waive fee
S3340 Aa (1R) (Addiego,D; Bateman,C; Brown,C; Bucco,A; Corrado,K; Doherty,M; Holzapfel,J; Kean,T; Oroho,S; O'Scanlon,D; Pennacchio,J; Scutari,N; Singleton,T; Singer,R; Smith,B; Testa,M; Thompson,S; Turner,S) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
SR106 (Beach,J; Codey,R; Cruz-Perez,N; Cryan,J; Diegnan,P; Gill,N; Gopal,V; Greenstein,L; Lagana,J; Madden,F; Pou,N; Sacco,N; Singleton,T; Smith,B; Stack,B; Shirley,T; Vitale,J) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
S2051 (Turner,S) Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols
S3234 (Singleton,T) Paycheck protection prog. loan-allow deduction of certain expenses when forgiven
Prime Sponsors Added:
S3234 (Singleton,T) Paycheck protection prog. loan-allow deduction of certain expenses when forgiven S3320 (Sweeney,S) Cannabis legalization-updates and clarifies recent legislation
Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
S3234 (Sarlo,P) Paycheck protection prog. loan-allow deduction of certain expenses when forgiven S3320 (Scutari,N) Cannabis legalization-updates and clarifies recent legislation
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S244 (Pou,N) Efficiency & scaling in delivery of local govt services-requires Bloustein study
S310 (Turner,S) Dwellings-municipalities adjust deadline to apply for short-term exemp/abatement S321 (Turner,S) Lead service lines-requires certain residential developers to replace
S767 (Greenstein,L) Infrastructure Bank transportation projects-eliminates 5% down payment required S1352 (Pou,N) Gift card fraud-requires certain retailers to train employees
S2727 (Pou,N) Multigenerational Family Housing Continuity Commission-establishes
S2854 (Weinberg,L) STEM-devel outreach prog, encourage young women/minorities pursue career in STEM S3245 (Pou,N) Homelessness Prevention Program-revises;$300M
S3258 (Pou,N) Water Apprenticeship, Training, & Resources Pilot Program-establish in DOLWD S3317 (Bateman,C) Alcoholic beverage COVID-19 Expansion Permit-require ABC to waive fee SR91 (Pou,N) Higher education stimulus aid, federal-urge Congress address inequities
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
S2051 (Turner,S) Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols
S3340 Aa (1R) (Gopal,V) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets SR106 (Sweeney,S) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
S3340 Aa (1R) (Cruz-Perez,N) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets SR106 (Weinberg,L) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Fifth Prime Sponsors Added:
SR106 (Cunningham,S) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Sixth Prime Sponsors Added:
SR106 (Ruiz,M) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Seventh Prime Sponsors Added:
SR106 (Sarlo,P) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Eighth Prime Sponsors Added:
SR106 (Scutari,N) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
A1226 (Kean,T) Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration
A1537 Aca (1R) (Cruz-Perez,N) Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) (Cunningham,S) Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes
A5113 (Beach,J) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M A5114 (Codey,R) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
Second Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
A1226 (Pou,N) Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) (Ruiz,M) Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes A5113 (Pou,N) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M
A5114 (Corrado,K) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
Co-Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
A1226 (Corrado,K; Greenstein,L) Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration
A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) (Singleton,T; Diegnan,P; Pou,N; Turner,S) Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes A5113 (Singleton,T; Gopal,V; Turner,S; Brown,C) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M A5114 (Bateman,C; Pou,N; Turner,S) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
Notes to the 1/7/2021 Digest:
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S3340 Sarlo,P/Pou,N Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Co-Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
S3320 (Ruiz,M) Cannabis legalization-updates and clarifies recent legislation
The Senate adjourned the January 7, 2021 QUORUM at 6:35 P.M. on Friday, January 8, 2021.
The Senate adjourned at 6:00 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President/Governor's State of the State Address).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
AR213 Greenwald,L/Schaer,G+23 Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Bills Introduced:
A5225 Dunn,A MVC hours for health care workers & first responders-reserves certain REF ATR A5226 Dunn,A School bus video footage-allow mun. use to ticket driver for illegally passing REF ALP
A5227 Munoz,N Annual assessment paid by mutual holding co-req solely fd health care initiative REF AFI A5228 Schepisi,H Affordable housing litigation-imposes moratorium through December 31, 2021 REF AHO
A5229 DiMaso,S+1 Paramedics & vaccines-permit to administer during communicable disease outbreak REF AHU A5230 Dancer,R Horse racing dates-waives minimum number required due to certain emergencies REF ATG
A5231 Lopez,Y/Coughlin,C Alco beverage sale-allow co/mun enter revenue sharing agreement by permit holder REF AOF A5232 Quijano,A Higher ed instit. to improve campus diversity-develop guidance REF AHI
A5233 Vainieri Huttle,V/Conaway,H Public health instruction-req. school dist include as part of Learning Standards REF AED A5234 Vainieri Huttle,V/Conaway,H Student use of Internet-Comm. of Education establish public awareness campaign REF AED A5235 Vainieri Huttle,V Election days, general and primary-requires school districts to close schools REF AED
A5237 Speight,S Telemedicine/telehealth-extend period for expanded use for duration of COVID-19 REF AHE A5238 Speight,S COVID-19-addresses long-term effects REF AHE
A5239 Speight,S Criminal Sentencing & Disposition Comm.-increase size; broaden reporting duties REF AJU A5240 McKeon,J Consumer contract disputes-limits forum REF ACO
A5241 Benson,D/Dancer,R MVC timeframe-extends for receiving certain documents issued by MVC REF ATR
A5242 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Evictions, non-emergency-prohibits during COVID-19 covered period REF AHO A5243 Sumter,S Biannual Small Business Matchmaker Initiative-establishes in Department of State REF ACD
AJR204 Jasey,M/Benson,D Education Opportunity Fund Month-designates April of each year REF AHI AR212 Conaway,H Sharing Network-supports; opposes federal rules on organ procurement orgs. REF AHE
Bills On Emergency Resolution:
S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets (75-0-0) (Freiman)
Bills Passed Concurring w/Amendment by Amendment:
A4528 ScaAa (2R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+1 State procurement process-revises cert aspects, permits auction/reverse auction To Concur by Aa (75-0-0) (DeAngelo)
Bills Passed:
A2280 AcaSca (2R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+10 Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral (75-0-0) A3450 AcaAaAa (3R) Johnson,G/Sumter,S+1 Income access services & related provider contracts-creates certain requirements (75-0-0) A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+25 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes (49-20-6)
A4454 AcaSca (2R) Murphy,C/Reynolds-Jackson,V+15 Diversity & inclusion instruction-require school districts to provide (46-29-0) A4745 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Chaparro,A+7 Exempt fireman certificates-raise from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age (75-0-0)
A5033 Benson,D/Dancer,R+7 Motor vehicle dealers-authorize to sell online & obtain electronic signatures (75-0-0) A5113 Timberlake,B/Sumter,S+14 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M (75-0-0) A5114 DeAngelo,W/Speight,S+10 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M (75-0-0) A5116 Johnson,G/Auth,R Real property, Mahwah Township-authorizes State Treasurer to sell (75-0-0)
A5130 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Reynolds-Jackson,V+6 Foreclosure Prevention Act-establishes; concerns mitigation of loss (60-15-0) AR145 AaAa (2R) Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+4 NJ-Taiwan sister state relationship-commemorates (75-0-0)
AR213 Greenwald,L/Schaer,G+23 Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal (47-8-20)
S2419 SaAca w/GR (3R) Scutari,N/Kennedy,J+2 Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns (69-6-0) S2545 Singleton,T/Gopal,V+13 Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents (69-1-5)
S2708 w/GR (1R) Sweeney,S/Codey,R+16 Mental health, behavioral health & addiction svcs.-req provisions in St contract (75-0-0) S2713 Sarlo,P/Codey,R Sports & entertainment venues-allow for cashless payment (62-9-4)
S3230 Greenstein,L/Corrado,K+16 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M (75-0-0) S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets (75-0-0)
Bills Substituted:
A4288 Vainieri Huttle,V/Chiaravalloti,N+12 Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents SUB BY S2545 A4631 Burzichelli,J Sports & entertainment venues-allow for cashless payment SUB BY S2713
A5115 Moriarty,P/Conaway,H+11 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M SUB BY S3230 A5246 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+9 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets SUB BY S3340
S2545 Singleton,T/Gopal,V+13 Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents SUB FOR A4288 S2713 Sarlo,P/Codey,R Sports & entertainment venues-allow for cashless payment SUB FOR A4631
S3230 Greenstein,L/Corrado,K+16 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M SUB FOR A5115 S3340 Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets SUB FOR A5246
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A1285 AcaAaAcaAa (4R) Greenwald,L/Chiaravalloti,N+1 Design-Build Constr. Services Procurement Act-estab awarding contract procedures (Greenwald)
A3007 AcaAa (2R) Lampitt,P/Dunn,A+1 Higher education institutions-prov. students w/access to mental health care prog (Greenwald) S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets (Freiman)
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Governor's Recommendation/Given Second Reading:
S2419 SaAca w/GR (3R) Scutari,N/Kennedy,J+2 Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:
A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+25 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes
A4461 AcaAcaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+11 COVID-19 related goods, services for purch., sch. dist.-req. St. enter contract
Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S3230 Greenstein,L/Corrado,K+16 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Co-Sponsors Added:
A812 (Murphy,C) Public defender fees, inability to pay-municipal court provide applicant notice
A1098 (Benson,D; Conaway,H) State agency websites-make accessible to people w/disabilities on mobile devices A1221 (Jasey,M) Social svcs. hotline-emerg contact info & access instructions be prov to tenants
A2280 AcaSca (2R) (Jimenez,A; Houghtaling,E) Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral A2304 (McKnight,A) Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative & Advisory Council on Arthritis-re-estab.
A3450 AcaAaAa (3R) (Swain,L) Income access services & related provider contracts-creates certain requirements A3620 (Holley,J; Jasey,M) Discriminatory housing practices-inclusion of info. in Truth in Renting Guide
A4288 (Swain,L; Tully,P; Jimenez,A; Lampitt,P; Timberlake,B; McKeon,J; Downey,J) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents
A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) (Chiaravalloti,N; McKnight,A) Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes A4454 AcaSca (2R) (Jimenez,A) Diversity & inclusion instruction-require school districts to provide
A4526 (Timberlake,B) Deadly force-establishes requirements for use
A4551 (Dancer,R) Business interruption insur-offer rider for global virus transmission & pandemic A4734 (Jasey,M) Affordable housing and assistance applications, certain-consolidates
A4745 Aca (1R) (McKnight,A) Exempt fireman certificates-raise from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age A4783 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Teachers-grants reciprocity with certain out-of-state certificates A4861 (McKnight,A) COVID-19 death in long term fac/vet homes-DOH continuously publish total number
A5033 (Moen,W; Houghtaling,E; Downey,J) Motor vehicle dealers-authorize to sell online & obtain electronic signatures A5113 (Downey,J; Houghtaling,E; McKeon,J) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M A5114 (McKeon,J) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
A5115 (Houghtaling,E; Downey,J; McKeon,J; DiMaso,S) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M A5130 Aca (1R) (McKeon,J) Foreclosure Prevention Act-establishes; concerns mitigation of loss
A5135 (Chiaravalloti,N) Restaurant use of heaters & tents-estab Statewide standards during COVID-19 A5137 (Chiaravalloti,N) Alcholic beverage COVID-19 Expansion Permit-require ABC to waive fee A5160 (Timberlake,B) Energy & water efficiency-establish minimum standards for certain products
A5229 (Chaparro,A) Paramedics & vaccines-permit to administer during communicable disease outbreak
A5246 (Tully,P; Swain,L; Wirths,H; Space,P; DiMaso,S; Vainieri Huttle,V; Chaparro,A; Lopez,Y; Downey,J) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
AR145 AaAa (2R) (Timberlake,B) NJ-Taiwan sister state relationship-commemorates
AR213 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Lampitt,P; Danielsen,J; MurphyC; Moen,W; Jasey,M; Downey,J; Swain,L; Tully,P; Benson,D; Chaparro,A; Freiman,R; Lopez,Y; Verrelli,A; Calabrese,C; McKnight,A; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Jimenez,A; McKeon,J; Houghtaling,E; Coughlin,C; Mazzeo,V; Armato,J) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A3620 (Speight,S) Discriminatory housing practices-inclusion of info. in Truth in Renting Guide
A5133 (Chiaravalloti,N) Restaurants-establish requirements to operate during public health emergency A5142 (Jasey,M) Homeowner in foreclosure-protect from excessively low intervening offer
A5214 (Benson,D) Development of Universal Child Care Task Force-establishes
A5244 (Conaway,H) Efficiency & scaling in delivery of local govt services-requires Bloustein study A5245 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) DOE arbitrators-training include issues related to cultural diversity and bias A5246 (Mazzeo,V) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets ACR126 (McKnight,A) Debt settlement companies-urges efforts to protect minority communities
AJR203 (Benson,D) Renewable Energy Day-designates May 23 of each year
AR211 (Benson,D) Apprenticeship programs, high schools include info. in events/resources-urges
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A3145 (Benson,D) Highly acute devel. disab. person-exception rates, programmatic & staffing req. A3155 (Benson,D) Discrim, unlawful-denial of svc based on person's disab by domestic viol shelter A3347 (Space,P) Human Trafficking/Child Exploitation Prev. Act-blocking cert. Internet devices A3620 (Timberlake,B) Discriminatory housing practices-inclusion of info. in Truth in Renting Guide A5116 (Schepisi,H) Real property, Mahwah Township-authorizes State Treasurer to sell
A5136 (Chiaravalloti,N) Restaurant safety during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic-concerns A5139 (Chiaravalloti,N) Restaurant tents during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic-concerns A5142 (Holley,J) Homeowner in foreclosure-protect from excessively low intervening offer A5246 (Verrelli,A) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
AJR199 (Chiaravalloti,N) Commission to Review Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses-establishes AJR204 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Education Opportunity Fund Month-designates April of each year AR213 (Sumter,S) Trump & extremist protesters, breached US Capitol-condemns; urges office removal
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
A4519 (Mukherji,R) Disabled persons-estab civil action for abuse, neglect, exploitation, bullying A5246 (Houghtaling,E) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S2545 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents S2713 (Burzichelli,J) Sports & entertainment venues-allow for cashless payment
S3230 (Moriarty,P) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) (Freiman,R) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Second Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S2545 (Chiaravalloti,N) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents S3230 (Conaway,H) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) (Mazzeo,V) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Third Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S2545 (Quijano,A) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents
S3230 (Calabrese,C) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) (Verrelli,A) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S3230 (Chiaravalloti,N) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) (Houghtaling,E) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Co-Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S2545 (Verrelli,A; McKnight,A; Armato,J; Johnson,G; Jasey,M; Swain,L; Tully,P; Jimenez,A; Lampitt,P; Timberlake,B; McKeon,J; Downey,J) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents
S3230 (Benson,D; Karabinchak,R; Space,P; Wirths,H; Murphy,C; Freiman,R; Scharfenberger,G; Houghtaling,E; Downey,J; McKeon,J; DiMaso,S) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M
S3340 Aa (1R) (Tully,P; Swain,L; Wirths,H; Space,P; DiMaso,S; Vainieri Huttle,V; Chaparro,A; Lopez,Y; Downey,J) Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Notes to the 1/7/2021 Digest:
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A5246 Freiman,R Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit cert to farms adjust operations
Bills Introduced:
A5245 Sumter,S DOE arbitrators-training include issues related to cultural diversity and bias REF ACD
Co-Sponsors Added:
A2280 AcaSca (2R) (Johnson,G) Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral A2708 (Johnson,G) Therapy dogs in rental housing units-allows; expands protection
A4022 (Space,P; Wirths,H) Reliability Preparedness & Storm Response Act-pub. util. req. to file cert. info A4288 (Johnson,G; Jasey,M) Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents A4454 AcaSca (2R) (Johnson,G; Quijano,A) Diversity & inclusion instruction-require school districts to provide
A4745 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C; Mosquera,G) Exempt fireman certificates-raise from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age A4910 (Freiman,R) Pandemic-establish county-based mitigation plan, allow businesses operate during
A5033 (Freiman,R; Murphy,C; Chiaravalloti,N; Quijano,A) Motor vehicle dealers-authorize to sell online & obtain electronic signatures
A5113 (Chiaravalloti,N; Freiman,R; Scharfenberger,G) CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M
A5114 (Freiman,R; Murphy,C; Chiaravalloti,N; Scharfenberger,G) State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
A5115 (Murphy,C; Freiman,R; Scharfenberger,G) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M
A5130 Aca (1R) (Quijano,A; Tucker,C; Timberlake,B; Mazzeo,V; McKnight,A) Foreclosure Prevention Act-establishes; concerns mitigation of loss
Prime Sponsors Added:
A4369 AcaSca (2R) (Chiaravalloti,N) Sentencing reform-implements Crim. Sentencing & Disposition Comm recommendations
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A3347 (DeCroce,B) Human Trafficking/Child Exploitation Prev. Act-blocking cert. Internet devices
A4369 AcaSca (2R) (Carter,L) Sentencing reform-implements Crim. Sentencing & Disposition Comm recommendations
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A2619 (Mukherji,R) Teachers, expedite certification, early coll high sch prog-estab alternate route A4369 AcaSca (2R) (Speight,S) Sentencing reform-implements Crim. Sentencing & Disposition Comm recommendations
A5130 Aca (1R) (Wimberly,B) Foreclosure Prevention Act-establishes; concerns mitigation of loss AR145 AaAa (2R) (Chiaravalloti,N) NJ-Taiwan sister state relationship-commemorates
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
A5115 (Chiaravalloti,N) Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M
The Assembly adjourned the January 7, 2021 QUORUM at 6:54 P.M. on Friday, January 8, 2021.
The Assembly adjourned at 5:46 P.M. to meet again on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (QUORUM/Governor's State of the State Address).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
A1226 Schaer,G/Jimenez,A+25 Medical facilities-electric public utilities provide priority power restoration
A1537 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Moen,W+2 Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act-extend economic recovery term A2280 AcaSca (2R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+10 Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral A4410 AcaAcaSca (3R) Greenwald,L/Jasey,M+25 Community College Opportunity Grant Program-establishes
A4454 AcaSca (2R) Murphy,C/Reynolds-Jackson,V+15 Diversity & inclusion instruction-require school districts to provide
A4528 ScaAa (2R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+1 State procurement process-revises cert aspects, permits auction/reverse auction A5113 Timberlake,B/Sumter,S+14 CBT rev to Historic Trust-preservation projects & admin expenses;$11.777M
A5114 DeAngelo,W/Speight,S+10 State capital & park development projects-dedicate CBT revenues;$37.16M
S1271/2588/2660 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Cunningham,S/Gopal,V+1 Branch campus, higher ed. instit-requires Secretary of Higher Education approval S2419 SaAca w/GR (3R) Scutari,N/Kennedy,J+2 Perimeter fence intrusion protection systems and other alarm systems-concerns
S2545 Singleton,T/Gopal,V+13 Long-term care facilities-concerns rights of LGBTQI & HIV-positive residents
S2708 w/GR (1R) Sweeney,S/Codey,R+16 Mental health, behavioral health & addiction svcs.-req provisions in St contract S2713 Sarlo,P/Codey,R Sports & entertainment venues-allow for cashless payment
S3230 Greenstein,L/Corrado,K+16 Recreation & conservation purposes, Blue Acres-CBT revenue to DEP;$30.387M S3340 Aa (1R) Sarlo,P/Pou,N+26 Outdoor dining-expands opportunities & permit certain sales at farm markets
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/7/2021):