Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday, December 10th:
Bills Introduced:
S3271 Cryan,J Sexual assault-victim's right to appeal REF SLP
S3272 Cryan,J Blue Alert System-estab. REF SLP
S3273 Kean,T/Cunningham,S Supporting Ed. & Entrepreneurial Devel. REF SHI
S3274 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Organic waste, landfills-reduction REF SEN
S3275 Smith,B/Bateman,C Renewable energy-concerns fees, reg. REF SEN
S3276 Stack,B Doctor, new primary practice-tax credit REF SHH
S3277 Smith,B Env. reg.-prev. backsliding REF SEN
S3278 Ruiz,M Preg. inmates, edu. svc-req REF SLP
S3279 Ruiz,M Inmate, preg. prev. medication-concerns REF SLP
S3280 Ruiz,M DOC Division of Women's Services-estab. REF SLP
S3281 Ruiz,M Female inmate family planning svc.-req. REF SLP
S3283 Smith,B First responder affordable housing-estab REF SCU
S3284 Cunningham,S Workers' Comp Judges-changes eligibility REF SSG
SJR115 Pennacchio,J Pharmacogenomics Comm.-estab. REF SHH
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A1220 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+4 Drama Therapists Lic. Act REP
A4073 Sca (1R) Holley,J/Carter,L+3 Jerry Green Memor. Hwy-desig. Rt.27 REP/SCA
A4299 Aca (1R) Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+1 Francis J McManimon Hwy-portion of Rt195 REP
S675 Bateman,C/Vitale,J+4 Drama Therapists Lic. Act REP
S1214 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 NJ Land Bank Law REP/SCA
S1261 Sca (1R) Stack,B/Turner,S+1 Resid construction, light frame-concerns REP/SCA
S1584 ScaSca (2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+1 Resid. Foreclosure Transformation Act REP/SCA
S1784 Weinberg,L/Gill,N Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage REP
S2557 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S Prevailing wage-allows stop-work orders REP/SCA
S2607 Singleton,T/Corrado,K+3 Abandoned homes-rehab. for homeless vets REP
S2766 Sca (1R) Scutari,N/Cryan,J Jerry Green Memor. Hwy-desig. Rt.27 REP/SCA
S2859 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Turner,S Francis J McManimon Hwy-portion of Rt195 REP/SCA
S2863 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+1 Trans proj-concerns loc aid prog funding REP/SCA
S2898 Madden,F/Sarlo,P+2 Fire & EMS Crisis Intervention Svcs. REP
S2992 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+2 Horse racing purse subsidies-concerns REP/SCA
S3071 Sca (1R) Madden,F/Lagana,J.A. Pub. works contractors-concerns REP/SCA
S3126 Gopal,V RR crossings-concern driv responsibility REP
S3139 Sca (1R) Bucco,A.R.+1 Amer. Legion lic. plates-creates REP/SCA
S3140 Bucco,A.R.+1 Sons Amer. Legion lic. plates-creates REP
S3246 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Singleton,T Pass-through bus. alternative tax-estab. REP/SCA
S3247 Van Drew,J Surplus prop, City of Vineland-sell REP
SJR54 Sca (1R) Singer,R Transit Alt. Rev. Task Force-estab. REP/SCA
Bills Referred/SBA:
S3139 Sca (1R) Bucco,A.R.+1 Amer. Legion lic. plates-creates
S3140 Bucco,A.R.+1 Sons Amer. Legion lic. plates-creates
Bills Recommitted:
S1214 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 NJ Land Bank Law RCM SBA
Bills Transferred:
S3042 Sarlo,P/Oroho,S SHBP, SEHBP-creates trust fds. FROM SSG TO SBA
The Senate adjourned at 6:30 P.M. to meet again on Monday, December 17, 2018 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A4786 DeAngelo,W Parking meter fees-exempts vets REF AMV
A4787 DeAngelo,W Corp bus. tax, emp. reservists-prov cred REF AAP
A4788 Karabinchak,R Expedited constr. inspection prog-estab. REF AHO
A4789 Dancer,R Treatment centers-estab. standards REF AHU
A4790 Murphy,C Voter regis. age 16-concerns REF ASL
A4791 Murphy,C Limited breweries-law changes REF AOF
A4792 Lampitt,P Student loans-estab. tax credit REF AHI
A4793 Zwicker,A Charter sch funding-concerns REF AED
A4794 Zwicker,A Charter sch finan. reporting-concerns REF AED
A4795 Zwicker,A Charter sch. expansion approval REF AED
A4796 Zwicker,A Charter sch. enrollment-concerns REF AED
A4797 Zwicker,A Charter sch. admission list-maintain REF AED
A4798 Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E Sewer fees, upaid-proh. interest REF ATU
A4799 Lopez,Y/Coughlin,C Meds. self-admin.-permits certain REF AED
A4800 Rooney,K Horse, St. animal lic plate-auth REF ATR
A4801 Greenwald,L Viol. Intervention Prog., fd-estab. REF AHE
A4802 Greenwald,L Viol. intervention progs.-trauma ctr. REF AHE
A4803 Greenwald,L Victim. cert crimes-concerns billing REF AHE
A4804 Greenwald,L Viol. counseling svc.-Medicaid REF AHE
A4805 Greenwald,L Victim counseling svc-concern trauma ctr REF AHE
A4806 Greenwald,L Hosp-Based Viol Intervention Prog-estab REF AHE
A4807 Benson,D/Bucco,A.M. Pass-through bus. alternative tax-estab. REF AAP
A4808 McKnight,A Pub. sch., St. aid-income tax contrib. REF AAP
A4809 McKnight,A Coll loans assist., new parent-concerns REF AHI
A4810 Burzichelli,J/Houghtaling,E Horse racing purse subsidies-concerns REF ATG
A4811 Downey,J Intrauterine insemination-health ins req REF AFI
A4812 Downey,J PIP options avail.-revises REF AFI
A4813 Downey,J Workers' comp. suit expenses-concerns REF ALA
A4814 Downey,J Transient accommodation taxes-concerns REF ATG
AJR181 Munoz,N Pharmacogenomics Comm.-estab. REF AHE
AR206 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Green New Deal-enact REF AEN
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A157 Space,P/Wirths,H Firewood sale-concerns REP
A1241 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Benson,D+6 NJT-oversight, accountability reforms REP/ACA
A1400 Acs (ACS) Bucco,A.M./Caputo,R+4 Retired correction off-permits appt cert REP/ACS
A1604 Conaway,H/Murphy,C+1 Recreational Therapists Lic. Act REP
A1852 Lampitt,P/Moriarty,P+6 Wage and hr. law, viol.-incr. penal. REP
A1887 Aca (1R) Muoio,E/Mukherji,R+3 Emergency asst.-allows cert. addt. REP/ACA
A2425 Benson,D/Giblin,T+2 Transp. fringe benf, pre-tax-emp. prov. REP
A2442 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Rooney,K+1 Nurse aides-estab. reciprocity req. REP/ACA
A2558 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Wirths,H+1 Vegetation Mgmt. Response Act REP/ACA
A2614 DeAngelo,W/Mukherji,R Nat. gas, haz. waste-incr. civil penal. REP
A3115 Timberlake,B/Quijano,A+2 Person's death, police custody-concerns REP
A3607 AcaAca (2R) Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Recovery resid-concerns vol. cert. REP/ACA
A3614 Burzichelli,J Discrim., unlawful-income tax excl. REP
A4091 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Lopez,Y Victim-Witness Advocacy Office-concerns REP/ACA
A4134 Aca (1R) Freiman,R/Mukherji,R+10 Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act REP/ACA
A4317 Mazzeo,V+1 Fantasy sports operators-concerns REP
A4392 AcaAca (2R) Burzichelli,J/Giblin,T+7 Aviation fuels-concerns taxation REP/ACA
A4475 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Jasey,M+1 Coll. Loans repymt St. Students-concerns REP
A4578 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Nat. resource restoration proj.;$50M REP
A4579 Lopez,Y/Pinkin,N Dam restoration-approp. bond act monies REP
A4700 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Coughlin,C+2 Food Desert Elim. Act-concerns incentive REP/ACA
A4701 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Chiaravalloti,N+4 Food surplus donation-DHS estab portal REP
A4702 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Jasey,M+5 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog REP/ACA
A4703 AcaAca (2R) Lopez,Y/Holley,J+4 Anti-Hunger Link-food services website REP/ACA
A4704 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Murphy,C+4 Food pilot prog.-DOA REP
A4705 AcaAca (2R) Carter,L/Benson,D+6 NJ Food Waste Task Force-estab. REP/ACA
A4707 Tucker,C/Downey,J+4 Food waste-concerns public awareness REP
A4733 Taliaferro,A/Houghtaling,E+1 Farmland preserv, grants;$15M REP
A4734 Land,R/Taliaferro,A+15 Hist. Trust, hist. site mgt.;$1.190M REP
A4735 Houghtaling,E/Verrelli,A+3 Farmland preserv, nonprofit-$1,591,000 REP
A4736 Armato,J/Freiman,R Farmland preserv. purposes-$8.896M REP
A4748 Pintor Marin,E/Chiaravalloti,N FY2019 env. infra. proj. loans-auth. REP
A4749 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/McKnight,A Fd. environ. infrastructure proj.-FY2019 REP
A4750 Pinkin,N/Burzichelli,J St capital,park devel proj-approp $2.94M REP
A4751 Freiman,R/Tully,P+1 St. acquisition of lands-approp $15.696M REP
A4765 Mazzeo,V St. admin investments-requirements REP
A4782 Johnson,G/Conaway,H Predatory Towing Prev Act-clarification REP
AR195 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+1 Seafood gleaning pilot prog.-supports REP
S392 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hr. law, viol.-incr. penal. REP
S630 ScaScaAca (3R) Gordon,R/Weinberg,L+5 NJT-oversight, accountability reforms REP/ACA
S679 Bateman,C/Smith,B Nat. gas, haz. waste-incr. civil penal. REP
S784 Sa (1R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+2 Atty.'s fees-income tax excl. REP
S1036 Sweeney,S/Turner,S Person's death, police custody-concerns REP
S1567 Weinberg,L Transp. fringe benf, pre-tax-emp. prov. REP
S1965 Sweeney,S+1 Emergency asst.-allows cert. addt. REP
S2533 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+2 Victim-Witness Advocacy Office-concerns REP
S2663 Aca (1R) Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+1 St. admin investments-req rules REP/ACA
S2892 ScaScaAcaAca (4R) Sweeney,S/Ruiz,M Aviation fuel tax exemp.-elim. REP/ACA
S2969 Lagana,J.A./Singleton,T Fantasy sports operators-concerns REP
Bills Recommitted:
A4700 AcaAca (2R) Greenwald,L/Coughlin,C+2 Food Desert Elim. Act-concerns incentive RCM AAP
A4701 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Chiaravalloti,N+4 Food surplus donation-DHS estab portal RCM AAP
A4702 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Jasey,M+5 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog RCM AAP
A4703 AcaAca (2R) Lopez,Y/Holley,J+4 Anti-Hunger Link-food services website RCM AAP
A4704 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Murphy,C+4 Food pilot prog.-DOA RCM AAP
A4705 AcaAca (2R) Carter,L/Benson,D+6 NJ Food Waste Task Force-estab. RCM AAP
A4707 Tucker,C/Downey,J+4 Food waste-concerns public awareness RCM AAP
S784 Sa (1R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+2 Atty.'s fees-income tax excl. RCM AAP
S1965 Sweeney,S+1 Emergency asst.-allows cert. addt. RCM AAP
Bills Transferred:
A1400 Acs (ACS) Bucco,A.M./Caputo,R+4 Retired correction off-permits appt cert FROM ALP TO AAP
A2442 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Rooney,K+1 Nurse aides-estab. reciprocity req. FROM AHE TO AAP
A3115 Timberlake,B/Quijano,A+2 Person's death, police custody-concerns FROM AJU TO AAP
A4317 Mazzeo,V+1 Fantasy sports operators-concerns FROM ATG TO AAP
S1036 Sweeney,S/Turner,S Person's death, police custody-concerns FROM AJU TO AAP
S2663 Aca (1R) Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+1 St. admin investments-req rules FROM ASL TO AAP
S2969 Lagana,J.A./Singleton,T Fantasy sports operators-concerns FROM ATG TO AAP
The Assembly adjourned at 6:23 P.M. to meet again on Monday, December 17, 2018 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (12/6/18):