Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (January 28th):



Bills Introduced:
S15 Sweeney,S Min. wage-raises rate $15 REF SBA
S3394 Kean,T Structures, free-standing-concern constr REF SCU
S3395 Andrzejczak,B Library Network svc.-$750K REF SSG
S3396 Andrzejczak,B Land use notices-permits reg. mail REF SCU
S3397 Andrzejczak,B Mike Trout Interchange-portion of Rt.55 REF STR
S3398 Singleton,T Coastal Climate Change Comm.-creates REF SEN
S3399 Singleton,T Driv. lic. cert., suspended-proh. fee REF STR
S3400 Turner,S Police eval-excl arrests/citations quota REF SLP
S3401 Greenstein,L Film production fac.-prov. tax credit REF SEG
S3402 Greenstein,L SHBP, SEHBP health care benf.-req. REF SSG
S3403 Greenstein,L Prop. tax deduct-concerns REF SBA
S3404 Singer,R/Rice,R Maternity care-create manual REF SHH
S3405 Vitale,J/Kean,T+1 Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid coverage req REF SHH
S3406 Kean,T/Vitale,J+1 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns REF SHH
SJR119 Rice,R/Vitale,J Doula Appreciation Day-desig. March 22 REF SHH
SJR120 Rice,R/Kean,T Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th REF SHH
SR126 Rice,R/Singer,R+2 Maternal mortality-CDC collect info. REF SHH

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
S15 Sweeney,S Min. wage-raises rate $15 REP
S1500 ScaSca (2R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+4 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns REP/SCA
S1790 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L Wages, failure to pay-concerns law REP/SCA
S2401 Sca (1R) Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J Farming operations-concerns loans REP/SCA
S2528 ScaSaSca (3R) Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+1 Family leave, temp. disab.-revise law REP/SCA
S3125 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+2 Coll. Loans repymt St. Students-concerns REP
S3149 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+1 Coll Loans, Assist St Students Loan Prog REP/SCA
S3346 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Sweeney,S+2 Pension loans-allows emerg zero interest REP/SCA
S3347 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Sweeney,S+3 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp REP/SCA

The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective January 24, 2019

Joint Committee on Housing Affordability:
Senator Troy Singleton (7), replacing Senator Jeff Van Drew (1)

Joint Committee on the Public Schools:
Senator Bob Andrzejczak (1), replacing Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (29), resigned

New Jersey Tourism Policy Council:
Senator Vin Gopal (11), replacing Senator Jeff Van Drew (1)

The Senate adjourned at 6:00 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 31, 2019 (SESSION).


Bills Introduced:
A4947 Caputo,R Sports wagering viol.-estab. penalties REF ATG
A4948 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Water supply treatment svc.-concerns REF ASL
A4949 Land,R Mike Trout Interchange-portion of Rt.55 REF ATR
A4950 Land,R Catch and Cook prog.-estab. REF AAN
A4951 Land,R Land use notices-permits reg. mail REF ASL
A4952 Peters,R Driv. lic. cert., suspended-proh. fee REF ATR
A4953 Quijano,A Human capital invest.-prov. tax cred. REF ACE
A4954 Quijano,A Emer. svcs personnel-revise support svcs REF AHS
A4955 Quijano,A PERS memb./retirants-incr. death benf. REF ASL
A4956 Lampitt,P Sch. dist. enrollment-concerns REF AED
A4957 Lampitt,P High sch. graduation-concerns St. req. REF AED
A4958 Lopez,Y/Benson,D RR crossings-remove obstructive veg. REF ATR
A4959 Freiman,R/Downey,J+1 Home restoration contractors-req regis REF ARP
A4960 Freiman,R/Downey,J+1 Insourcing bus-corp bus, income tax cred REF ACE
A4961 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Home buyers, first time-income tax cred. REF AHO
A4962 Karabinchak,R Prof. svc. contracts-concerns REF ASL
A4963 Karabinchak,R/Mazzeo,V Mail-in ballot-prepaid postage envelope REF ASL
A4964 Wirths,H First responders-bloodborne pathogens REF AHE
A4965 Quijano,A Massage therapists-prof. liab. insur. REF ARP
A4966 Conaway,H Surgical tech-exemp. cert. training req. REF AHE
A4967 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V Prenatal care clinics-DOH conduct survey REF AHE
A4968 Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V Hormonal contraceptives-concerns access REF AHE
A4969 Swain,L/Chiaravalloti,N Fairness Asset Forfeiture Proceedings REF ALP
A4970 Chiaravalloti,N Asset foreiture procedures-concerns REF ALP
A4971 Freiman,R/Benson,D E-ZPass-electronic toll notification REF ATR
A4972 Moriarty,P Arbitration org-estab cert consumer prot REF ACO
AR220 Land,R USS Frank E Evans-memor officers/sailors REF AMV
AR221 Verrelli,A General Washington crossing Del.-stamp REF AOF
AR222 McKnight,A/Chiaravalloti,N Civil asset forfeiture cases-lower fees REF ALP

Bills Recommitted:
A1242 AcaAca (2R) McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+4 Discrim. claims-concerns RCM AAP
A3869 AaAca (2R) Andrzejczak,B/Land,R Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding RCM AAP
S121 ScaAca (2R) Weinberg,L/Gill,N+1 Discrim. claims conceals-bars certain RCM AAP
S1364 AaAca (2R) Andrzejczak,B+1 Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding RCM AAP
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A15 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Coughlin,C/Tucker,C+2 Min. wage-raises rate $15 REP/ACA
A1242 AcaAca (2R) McKeon,J/Bramnick,J+4 Discrim. claims-concerns REP/ACA
A1733 Vainieri Huttle,V/Chiaravalloti,N+3 Health insur. policies-concerns REP
A2024 Coughlin,C/Benson,D Mortgage payoff balance-concerns REP
A2694 AcsAca (ACS/1R) McKeon,J/Pinkin,N+3 Stormwater util.-auth. mun, co. estab. REP/ACA
A2782 McKeon,J Uniform Voidable Transactions Act REP
A3096/4049 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Wimberly,B/Armato,J+47 Unclaimed Util Deposit Trust Fd-concerns REP/ACA
A3635 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Taliaferro,A Workers’ comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns REP/ACA
A3832 Mukherji,R/McKnight,A+2 Arts & culture-dedicate mun. tax levy REP
A3869 AaAca (2R) Andrzejczak,B/Land,R Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding REP/ACA
A3964 Murphy,C/Houghtaling,E Fabrication, cert.-concerns wage req. REP
A4060 Munoz,N/Johnson,G Industrial sand casting-exemp cert. tax. REP
A4103 Aca (1R) Johnson,G/Quijano,A Autocycle-concerns insur. coverage REP/ACA
A4810 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Houghtaling,E+2 Horse racing purse subsidies-concerns REP/ACA
A4827 McKeon,J Erroneous electronic payment-criminalize REP
A4835 Lopez,Y/McKeon,J+1 Unbanked,Underbanked Consumers Comm. REP
A4842 Burzichelli,J/McKeon,J Real Estate Installment Contract Act REP
A4904 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+5 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp REP/ACA
A4943 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+3 Pension loans-allows emerg zero interest REP/ACA
AR164 Danielsen,J+1 Northeast Supply Enhancement Proj-oppose REP
S121 ScaAca (2R) Weinberg,L/Gill,N+1 Discrim. claims conceals-bars certain REP/ACA
S515 Kean,T/Sarlo,P Industrial sand casting-exemp cert. tax. REP
S1073 ScsScaAca (SCS/2R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+2 Stormwater util.-auth. mun, co. estab. REP/ACA
S1364 AaAca (2R) Andrzejczak,B+1 Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding REP/ACA
S1967 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Madden,F Workers’ comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns REP
S2129 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S Unclaimed Util Deposit Trust Fd-concerns REP/ACA
S2454 Madden,F Fabrication, cert.-concerns wage req. REP
S2992 ScaAca (2R) Gopal,V/Sarlo,P+3 Horse racing purse subsidies-concerns REP/ACA
S3206 Pou,N/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Unbanked,Underbanked Consumers Comm. REP

Bills Transferred:
A3635 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Taliaferro,A Workers’ comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns FROM ALA TO AAP
A3832 Mukherji,R/McKnight,A+2 Arts & culture-dedicate mun. tax levy FROM ATG TO AAP
A4904 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+5 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp FROM ASL TO AAP
A4943 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+3 Pension loans-allows emerg zero interest FROM ASL TO AAP
S1967 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Madden,F Workers’ comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns FROM ALA TO AAP

The Assembly adjourned at 6:10 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, January 31, 2019 (SESSION).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/24/2019):

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