Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (March 18th):
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Jaclyn Vanessa Medina, of Paramus.
Peter G. Geiger, of Haworth.
Michael Nicholas Beukas, of River Vale.
Lynn Spadaro, of Westfield, to replace Bruce Meisel.
Richard Maroko, of Montclair.
Raymond Greaves, of Bayonne.
Reverend Janet Gasbarro, of Absecon, to replace Flora Castillo.
Honorable Susan Shin Angulo, of Cherry Hill.
James Adams, of West Orange, to replace James Finkle.
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
SCR162 Singleton,T Loc Govt Week-desig. April 7 - April 13
Bills Introduced:
S3588 Codey,R Mun. electric distrib. sys.-concerns fee REF SEG
S3589 Ruiz,M Diaper changing station-concerns REF SCU
S3590 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M Innovation Dist. Designation Program REF SEG
S3591 Cryan,J/Cruz-Perez,N Lead-contaminated water lines-loan prog. REF SCU
S3592 Cryan,J Transp. network companies-surge pricing REF STR
S3593 Singer,R/Singleton,T Home, community based svcs.-concerns REF SHH
S3594 Singer,R/Singleton,T Natl. Guard memb.-prov. cert. emp. prot. REF SMV
S3595 Greenstein,L Devel. disab.-bill of rights for family REF SHH
S3596 Greenstein,L Hypodermic syringes/needles-concerns REF SHH
S3597 Greenstein,L Electronic smoking device-proh under age REF SLP
S3598 Greenstein,L/Madden,F Emerg. Med. Svc.-concerns lic. REF SHH
S3599 Singleton,T Neighborhood revital. tax cred. prog. REF SCU
S3600 Cruz-Perez,N Security Deposit Asst Pilot Prog-estab REF SCU
S3601 Cruz-Perez,N Zoning off. cert. prog.-establishes REF SCU
S3602 Weinberg,L Stillbirth-concerns svcs. REF SHH
S3603 Bucco,A.R. Health insur. coverage, cert.-concerns REF SCM
S3604 Bateman,C/Smith,B Water util. deposit, unclaimed-concerns REF SEG
S3605 Madden,F Parole revocation-concerns REF SLP
S3606 Gopal,V Health benf. plans-concerns REF SCM
S3607 Gopal,V/Corrado,K Min. wage-suspend scheduled incr. REF SLA
S3608 Gopal,V/Corrado,K Min. wage incr.-study impact task force REF SLA
S3609 Gopal,V/Corrado,K Min. wage incr.-prov emp income tax cred REF SBA
S3610 Corrado,K Chemo-test patient prior to treatment REF SHH
S3611 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L Trapping lic.-change min. age to 18 REF SEN
S3612 Gopal,V/Oroho,S Acct wagering sys-allow out-of-St wagers REF SSG
S3613 Scutari,N Campaign fds.-permits use for child care REF SSG
S3614 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M Proprietary sch.-concerns REF SHI
S3615 Cryan,J Vol. tuition credit prog.-concerns REF SHI
S3616 Cryan,J Domestic viol. shelters-concerns discrim REF SJU
S3617 Pou,N Brokers, cert.-lic. req. REF SCM
S3618 Greenstein,L+1 Animal control officers-concerns duties REF SEN
S3619 Greenstein,L+1 21 Century Integrated Digital Experience REF SSG
S3620 Turner,S St.-admin. fed. rental. assist.-concerns REF SCU
S3621 Rice,R Marijuana, personal use-concerns REF SJU
S3622 Rice,R William H Fauver Youth Correctional Fac. REF SLP
S3623 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Motorbus-electric-powered by 2029 REF STR
SCR160 Oroho,S/Doherty,M Westminster Choir College-oppose sale REF SHI
SCR161 Rice,R Fed. Arbitration Act-Cong. amend REF SSG
SJR129 Ruiz,M Puerto Rico Day-desig 3rd Sunday of Sept REF SSG
SR133 Weinberg,L Suez North America-replace water lines REF SEN
SR134 Greenstein,L+1 Prison Gang Viol. Task Force-estab. REF SLP
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A1130 As (AS) Wimberly,B/Benson,D+8 Transp.-related infrastructure proj. REP
A2031 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Coughlin,C/Vainieri Huttle,V+27 Behavioral health svcs.-expand coverage REP/SCA
A3292 Sca (1R) Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+11 Opioid med. warning sticker-req. REP/SCA
A4578 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+1 Nat. resource restoration proj.;$50M REP
S10/2426 ScsSaSaSaSca (SCS/4R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+1 Med. marijuana-concerns REP/SCA
S355 Scs (SCS) Rice,R Transp.-related infrastructure proj. REP/SCS
S1150 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Stack,B+1 Hotel, multi dwelling inspections-req. REP/SCA
S1339 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Gordon,R/Kean,T+9 Behavioral health parity laws-oversight REP/SCA
S1796 ScaSca (2R) Addiego,D/Sweeney,S+1 Marine Academy Sci & Tech-concerns trans REP/SCA
S1948 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Gordon,R SNAP renames-Training Prov. Demo. Proj. REP/SCA
S2244 Sca (1R) Corrado,K/Gopal,V+2 Opioid med. warning sticker-req. REP/SCA
S2256 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+3 Main St. Assist. Prog-estab. bus. devel. REP/SCA
S2356 Bucco,A.R./Greenstein,L Emp end operations in St-annual eval req REP
S2703 ScaScs (SCS) Scutari,N/Sweeney,S Cannabis Reg., Expungement Aid Act REP/SCS
S2863 ScaSca (2R) Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+2 Trans proj-concerns loc aid prog funding REP/SCA
S2920 ScaSca (2R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 CBT rev.-estab. funding allocations REP/SCA
S3036 ScaSca (2R) Lagana,J.A./Scutari,N Worker's comp charges-proh credit agency REP/SCA
S3110 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Nat. resource restoration proj.;$50M REP
S3159 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Human breast milk-req. Medicaid coverage REP
S3205 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Expungement proc.-revises REP/SCA
S3314 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Cryan,J Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req REP/SCA
S3377 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L Listening to Mothers Survey Act REP/SCA
S3397 Sca (1R) Andrzejczak,B Mike Trout Interchange-portion of Rt.55 REP/SCA
S3412 ScaSca (2R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S Resid. prop. under foreclosure-concerns REP/SCA
S3425 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P RR crossings-remove obstructive veg. REP/SCA
S3449 Sca (1R) Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A.R. Frank J. Druetzler Station-Morris Plains REP/SCA
S3452 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N Consumer reporting agencies-concerns REP/SCA
S3544 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Poll books, electronic-concerns REP/SCA
S3554 Sca (1R) Beach,J Co. bd. of elections-incr. memb. REP/SCA
S3587 Turner,S Trenton Capital City Aid Prog.;$10M REP
SR40 Diegnan,P/Cruz-Perez,N Tax related scams-urges IRS to combat REP
Bills Referred/SBA:
A1130 As (AS) Wimberly,B/Benson,D+8 Transp.-related infrastructure proj.
S355 Scs (SCS) Rice,R Transp.-related infrastructure proj.
Bills Recommitted:
S10/2426 ScsSaSaSaSca (SCS/4R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+1 Med. marijuana-concerns RCM SJU
S2703 ScaScs (SCS) Scutari,N/Sweeney,S Cannabis Reg., Expungement Aid Act RCM SJU
S3205 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Expungement proc.-revises RCM SJU
S3452 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Pou,N Consumer reporting agencies-concerns RCM STR
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
S2129 ScsAca (SCS/1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S+53 Unclaimed Util Deposit Trust Fd-concerns
The Senate President has made the following appointment:
*Effective March 14, 2019 Special Task Force on Volunteer Retention and Recruitment:
Joseph T. Hankins, of Toms River.
The Senate adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 25, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A5188 Calabrese,C Lead-contaminated water lines-loan prog. REF AEN
A5189 Munoz,N Campaign fds.-permits use for child care REF ASL
A5190 Munoz,N Structures, free-standing-concern constr REF AHO
A5191 Kennedy,J/Pintor Marin,E MV offender w/suspended lic.-concerns REF ALP
A5192 Freiman,R/Lopez,Y+4 Drugs, unused-concerns take back prog. REF AHE
A5193 Timberlake,B/Vainieri Huttle,V Emerg. med. svcs. delivery-revise req. REF AHE
A5194 DePhillips,C/Rooney,K Chemo-test patient prior to treatment REF AHE
A5195 Jones,P/Freiman,R+1 Mail-in-ballot-concern ability to obtain REF ASL
A5196 Dancer,R Sex offenders-concerns REF AJU
A5197 Dancer,R Sch. prop.-concerns leasing REF AED
A5198 Johnson,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V Law enforcement civil svc exams-concerns REF ALP
A5199 Benson,D/Murphy,C+1 Animal control officers-concerns duties REF AAN
A5200 Benson,D Dispute resolution hearing-estab process REF AHE
A5201 Conaway,H/Rooney,K Plant species-concerns endangered REF AAN
A5202 Quijano,A+1 Dogs-concerns sale REF AAN
A5205 Zwicker,A Gov., Leg. elections-voting procedures REF ASL
AJR199 Quijano,A Longshoremen's register-NY enact leg. REF ALA
AR238 Freiman,R Cong.-work together, find common ground REF ALP
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A10/3740/3437 AcsAaAaAcs (ACS) Conaway,H/Danielsen,J+2 Med. marijuana-concerns REP/ACS
A392 Aca (1R) Jimenez,A/Prieto,V+7 Physical therapists-concerns REP/ACA
A1524 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Benson,D+5 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns REP/ACA
A1662 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Jimenez,A+9 Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage REP/ACA
A1711 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Munoz,N+3 Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights REP
A2431 Acs (ACS) Benson,D/Jimenez,A+11 Prescription drugs-health benf. coverage REP/ACS
A2903 AcaAca (2R) Quijano,A/Lampitt,P+6 Wages, failure to pay-concerns law REP/ACA
A3141 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Jasey,M Teaching Pilot Prog.-estab. REP
A3976 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Mazzeo,V+2 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit REP/ACA
A3979 Acs (ACS) Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Incarcerated primary caretaker parents REP/ACS
A4221 AcaAca (2R) Pinkin,N/Zwicker,A Pub trust lands-prot pub right of access REP/ACA
A4497 Acs (ACS) Quijano,A/Holley,J Cannabis Reg., Expungement Aid Act REP/ACS
A4498 Aca (1R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+2 Expungement proc.-revises REP/ACA
A4807 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Bucco,A.M. Pass-through bus. alternative tax-estab. REP/ACA
A4845 Mukherji,R/Armato,J Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession REP
A4880 Quijano,A/Wimberly,B Civil actions-req. two yr. limitation REP
A4884/3617 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Giblin,T/DiMaso,S+1 Pub. movers viol.-revise penal. REP/ACA
A4915 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 Drug, alternative-health insur prov list REP/ACA
A4930 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Swain,L+6 Maternity care-estab. training protocols REP/ACA
A4931 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Quijano,A+9 Maternity care eval.-concerns REP/ACA
A4932 Aca (1R) Mosquera,G/Taliaferro,A+5 Medicaid-perinatal episode care prog. REP/ACA
A4933 Aca (1R) Timberlake,B/Lampitt,P+5 Listening to Mothers Survey Act REP/ACA
A4934 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Jones,P+4 Medicaid coverage-concerns elig. REP
A4935 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Mukherji,R+5 Early elective deliveries-proh. coverage REP/ACA
A4936 Aca (1R) Carter,L/Chaparro,A+6 Maternal health care pilot prog.-estab. REP/ACA
A4937 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Johnson,G+5 Maternal mental health-concerns REP/ACA
A4938 Aca (1R) Tucker,C/Pinkin,N+3 My Life, My Plan-estab. prog. REP/ACA
A4939 Lopez,Y/Wimberly,B+4 Interconception care-concerns REP
A4940 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Holley,J+5 Perinatal health training-concerns REP/ACA
A4941 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Spearman,W+6 Maternity care pub health campaign-estab REP/ACA
A4987 Freiman,R/McKeon,J+1 Guaranteed asset prot. waivers-refund REP
A4993 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+2 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns REP/ACA
A4997 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Mazzeo,V Mortgage Servicers Lic. Act REP
A5000 AcaAca (2R) Mosquera,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Foreclosure, resid. prop-interactive map REP/ACA
A5005 AcaAca (2R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+1 Foreclosure sales-concerns REP/ACA
A5018 AcaAca (2R) Jones,P/Spearman,W+1 Sign Fabrication Safety Qual. Assurance REP/ACA
A5019 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Mazzeo,V Foreclosed prop.-revise sale procedures REP/ACA
A5021 Aca (1R) Quijano,A+1 Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid coverage req REP/ACA
A5029 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 African-Amer. women-study REP/ACA
A5031 Aca (1R) Speight,S/McKnight,A+1 Hosp. emerg. departments-concerns REP/ACA
A5034 Pinkin,N St.-owned prop., Stafford Twp.-auth sale REP
A5055 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Holley,J Consumer reporting agencies-concerns REP/ACA
A5072 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+2 Thefts-upgrades crime REP
A5090 Aca (1R) Munoz,N/Webber,J Loc. officials-proh. retro. salary incr. REP/ACA
A5091 McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V Safeguarding Against Finan Exploitation REP
A5096 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Superstorm Sandy relief-foreclosure prot REP/ACA
A5159 Aca (1R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+3 Poll books, electronic-concerns REP/ACA
A5162 Aca (1R) Speight,S Co. bds. of election-incr. memb. REP/ACA
A5203 Mukherji,R+1 Lifetime emerg. assist.-concerns REP
A5204 Aca (1R) Swain,L Homelessness Prev. Off.-estab. REP/ACA
ACR71 McKnight,A/Holley,J+1 Elder adults-paper acct. stmts. req. REP
AJR115 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+1 Domestic Viol., Legal Access Task Force REP/ACA
AJR184 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th REP/ACA
AJR190 Lampitt,P/Speight,S Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Day-desig REP
AR219 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Murphy,C+4 Birth standards-encourage DOH dev. REP/ACA
AR226 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Maternal mortality-CDC collect info. REP/ACA
S703 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Teaching Pilot Prog.-estab. REP
S781 SaAcaAca (3R) Sarlo,P/O'Scanlon,D+1 Movers and warehousemen-revise penal. REP/ACA
S875 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+4 Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights REP
S1074 ScaScaAcaAca (4R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+3 Pub trust lands-prot pub right of access REP/ACA
S1403 ScaScaAcaAca (4R) Diegnan,P/Singleton,T+3 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit REP/ACA
S1500 ScaScaSaAca (4R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+5 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns REP/ACA
S1784 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Gill,N+1 Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage REP/ACA
S2905 Sca (1R) Singleton,T+1 Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession REP
S3072 AcaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Sign Fabrication Safety Qual. Assurance REP/ACA
S3246 Sca (1R) Sarlo,P/Singleton,T+4 Pass-through bus. alternative tax-estab. REP
S3369 Sca (1R) Scutari,N+2 Loc. officials-proh. retro. salary incr. REP
S3406 ScaAca (2R) Kean,T/Vitale,J+2 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns REP/ACA
S3585 Aca (1R) Sweeney,S/Addiego,D+1 Homelessness Prev. Off.-estab. REP/ACA
S3586 Sweeney,S+1 Lifetime emerg. assist.-concerns REP
SJR120 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Kean,T Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th REP
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A1651/1861 Acs (ACS) Pintor Marin,E/Prieto,V+5 Address Confidentiality Prog.-expand REP/ACS REF AAP S1761 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+3 Address Confidentiality Prog-expands REP/ACA REF AAP
Bills Combined:
A1861 Lampitt,P/McKeon,J Address Confidentiality Prog-estab. COMB/W A1651 (ACS)
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
A4904 AcaSa (2R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+20 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp
Bills Given First Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:
A4904 AcaSa (2R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+20 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp A4342 Aca (1R) Tully,P/Swain,L+14 Sch. safety-concerns
Bills Given Second Reading w/Governor's Recommendation:
A4904 AcaSa w/GR (3R) Mukherji,R/Quijano,A+20 Prop. taxes, due-concerns cert. fed. emp A4342 Aca w/GR (2R) Tully,P/Swain,L+14 Sch. safety-concerns
Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:
S463 Singer,R/Greenstein,L+2 Meals on Wheels-vol contrib, tax returns REF AHU
S748 Diegnan,P+1 Dentistry Bd.-adds one dental assist. REF AHE
S1606 Greenstein,L/Singleton,T+2 Energy efficiency-small bus qual, loans REF ACE
S2807 Cryan,J/Cruz-Perez,N+2 Funeral directing-concerns practice REF ARP
S2861/3081 Scs (SCS) Corrado,K/Codey,R+2 Mental health-part of ed. curriculum REF AED
S3040 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+1 Asbestos-proh. use in bldg. construction REF AEN
S3042 ScaSa (2R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+1 SHBP, SEHBP-creates subaccounts REF ASL
S3062 ScaSca (2R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L+1 Apprenticeships-bus. tax cred. REF ALA
S3100 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Addiego,D Hemophilia treatment prog.-concerns REF AHE
S3137 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Electronic Bidding Constr. Act REF ASL
S3172 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Ruiz,M+2 Pub. sch. suicide prev. instruct.-req. REF AED
S3263 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Diegnan,P+1 Deaf and Hard of Hearing-Adv. Council REF AHU
S3288 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Priv sch disab students-concerns expend REF AED
S3327 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Latino, Hispanic Heritage-estab. comm. REF AED
S3330 ScaSa (2R) Addiego,D/Singleton,T+2 Child care svc.-permit sch. prop. use REF AWC
S3369 Sca (1R) Scutari,N+2 Loc. officials-proh. retro. salary incr. REF ASL
S3468 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+3 Max. Emp. for People w/Disab. Task Force REF ALA
S3500 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Singleton,T Fed. emp., consumer agency report-proh. REF AFI
S3585 Aca (1R) Sweeney,S/Addiego,D+1 Homelessness Prev. Off.-estab. REF AAP
S3586 Sweeney,S+1 Lifetime emerg. assist.-concerns REF AAP
SJR115 Sca (1R) Pennacchio,J/Vitale,J+5 Pharmacogenomics Comm.-estab. REF AHE
Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S477 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+15 Sexual abuse-extends limitations statute
S1960 Sa (1R) Diegnan,P/Beach,J+1 Sch. bus driv.-admin. epinephrine
S2720 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Scutari,N Autocycle-concerns insur. coverage
SJR119 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Vitale,J Doula Appreciation Day-desig. March 22
SJR120 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Kean,T Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th
Bills Recommitted:
A10/3740/3437 AcsAaAaAcs (ACS) Conaway,H/Danielsen,J+2 Med. marijuana-concerns RCM AAP
A3976 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Mazzeo,V+2 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit RCM AAP
A4497 Acs (ACS) Quijano,A/Holley,J Cannabis Reg., Expungement Aid Act RCM AAP
A4498 Aca (1R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+2 Expungement proc.-revises RCM AAP
A4937 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Johnson,G+5 Maternal mental health-concerns RCM AAP
A4938 Aca (1R) Tucker,C/Pinkin,N+3 My Life, My Plan-estab. prog. RCM AAP
A4940 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Holley,J+5 Perinatal health training-concerns RCM AAP
A4941 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Spearman,W+6 Maternity care pub health campaign-estab RCM AAP
A5005 AcaAca (2R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+1 Foreclosure sales-concerns RCM AAP
A5019 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Mazzeo,V Foreclosed prop.-revise sale procedures RCM AAP
A5159 Aca (1R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+3 Poll books, electronic-concerns RCM AAP
AR219 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Murphy,C+4 Birth standards-encourage DOH dev. RCM AAP
S781 SaAcaAca (3R) Sarlo,P/O'Scanlon,D+1 Movers and warehousemen-revise penal. RCM AAP
S1403 ScaScaAcaAca (4R) Diegnan,P/Singleton,T+3 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit RCM AAP
SJR120 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Kean,T Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th RCM AAP
Bills Transferred:
A1524 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Benson,D+5 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns FROM ASL TO AAP
A1651/1861 Acs (ACS) Pintor Marin,E/Prieto,V+5 Address Confidentiality Prog.-expand FROM AJU TO AHE
A4845 Mukherji,R/Armato,J Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession FROM AAN TO AAP
A4993 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+2 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns FROM AHU TO AAP
A5021 Aca (1R) Quijano,A+1 Prenatal care svcs-Medicaid coverage req FROM AHU TO AAP
A5029 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 African-Amer. women-study FROM AWC TO AAP
A5031 Aca (1R) Speight,S/McKnight,A+1 Hosp. emerg. departments-concerns FROM AWC TO AAP
A5072 Karabinchak,R/Johnson,G+2 Thefts-upgrades crime FROM ALP TO AAP
A5090 Aca (1R) Munoz,N/Webber,J Loc. officials-proh. retro. salary incr. FROM ASL TO AAP
A5096 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Superstorm Sandy relief-foreclosure prot FROM AHO TO AAP
A5162 Aca (1R) Speight,S Co. bds. of election-incr. memb. FROM ASL TO AAP
AJR184 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Doula Appreciation Wk-March 22nd to 28th FROM AWC TO AAP
AR226 Aca (1R) McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Maternal mortality-CDC collect info. FROM AWC TO AAP
S1500 ScaScaSaAca (4R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+5 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns FROM ASL TO AAP
S2905 Sca (1R) Singleton,T+1 Shark fins-proh, cert sale or possession FROM AAN TO AAP
S3369 Sca (1R) Scutari,N+2 Loc. officials-proh. retro. salary incr. FROM ASL TO AAP
S3406 ScaAca (2R) Kean,T/Vitale,J+2 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns FROM AHU TO AAP
The Assembly Speaker has made the following reappointment:
*Effective March 18, 2019
New Jersey Redevelopment Authority:
Claribel Azcona-Barber, of New Brunswick.
The Assembly adjourned at 2:47 P.M. on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 to meet again on Monday, March 25, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (03/14/2019): P.L.2019, c.39. S121 ScaAca (2R) Weinberg,L/Gill,N+10 3/18/2019 Discrim. claims conceals-bars certain
P.L.2019, c.40. S641 Sa (1R) Beach,J/Bateman,C+3 3/18/2019 Child sexual abuse-report to police
P.L.2019, c.41. S746 Aa (1R) Diegnan,P/Cruz-Perez,N+6 3/18/2019 Hearing aids-cert. audiologists dispense
P.L.2019, c.42. S1073 ScsScaAca (SCS/2R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+7 3/18/2019 Clean Stormwater, Flood Reduction Act
P.L.2019, c.43. S1773 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Gopal,V+14 3/18/2019 Sch. bus. driv.-display id info.
P.L.2019, c.44. S2454 Madden,F/Murphy,C+1 3/18/2019 Fabrication, cert.-concerns wage req.
P.L.2019, c.45. S2712 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M/Madden,F+4 3/18/2019 Child abuse training arbitrator-mandates
P.L.2019, c.46. S2714 Ruiz,M/Madden,F+6 3/18/2019 Sch staff, fail to report abuse-concerns
P.L.2019, c.47. S2715 Madden,F/Ruiz,M+6 3/18/2019 Sch surveillance-devel protocol footage
P.L.2019, c.48. S2773 Pou,N/Greenwald,L+6 3/18/2019 Health care svc. firm-clarify definition
P.L.2019, c.49. S2922 Vitale,J/O'Scanlon,D 3/18/2019 Organ donation/med. examiners-concerns
P.L.2019, c.50. A591 AcaScaSa (3R) Moriarty,P/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 3/18/2019 Cash-paying consumers-proh. discrim.
P.L.2019, c.51. A1400 Acs (ACS) Bucco,A.M./Caputo,R+9 3/18/2019 Class Three spec law enforce off-revise
P.L.2019, c.52. A4073 Sca (1R) Holley,J/Carter,L+10 3/18/2019 Jerry Green Memor. Hwy-desig. Rt.27
P.L.2019, c.53. A4177 Sca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R+15 3/18/2019 Code blue emerg. shelter svcs.-concerns
P.L.2019, c.54. A4701 Aca (1R) Spearman,W/Chiaravalloti,N+14 3/18/2019 Food surplus donation-DHS estab portal
P.L.2019, c.55. A4734 Land,R/Taliaferro,A+26 3/18/2019 Hist. Trust, hist. site mgt.;$1.190M
P.L.2019, JR-1. AJR149 Schepisi,H/Jasey,M+51 3/18/2019 Brain Aneurysm Awareness-desig September
P.L.2019, JR-2. AJR164 AcaSca (2R) Benson,D/Zwicker,A+6 3/18/2019 Advanced Autonomous Veh Task Force-estab