Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (May 20th):
Bills Introduced:
S3771 Andrzejczak,B St. veh.-reduce number REF SSG
S3772 Andrzejczak,B Disabled-pub restroom fac, equip w/signs REF SHH
S3773 Andrzejczak,B Low-income home energy assist-DCA update REF SEG
S3774 Andrzejczak,B Pub util rate incr-approvals via website REF SEG
S3775 Diegnan,P Stenographic record transcript-page rate REF SJU
S3776 Diegnan,P Brain injury screening, ed prog.-estab. REF SHH
S3777 Diegnan,P Mitigation tech-svc. prov. req. to prov. REF SEG
S3778 Codey,R/Greenstein,L Sea turtle recovery-create lic. plate REF STR
S3779 Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S Recycling bins-req. in St. bldgs. REF SEN
S3780 Turner,S Law enforcement officer-concern training REF SLP
S3781 Turner,S Daylight saving time-estab. permanent REF SSG
S3782 Gopal,V Work Ready NJ Scholarship Prog-estab REF SHI
S3783 Gopal,V Income-excludes discounts, svcs rendered REF SBA
S3784 Gopal,V Homestead prop. tax reimb.-concerns REF SBA
S3785 Gopal,V Pensions-incr. gross income tax REF SBA
S3786 Gopal,V Lic plates-permits MVC to issue courtesy REF STR
S3787 Gopal,V Medicaid prescr. drug svc-concerns REF SHH
S3788 Gopal,V Student id cards-concerns cert. info. REF SED
S3789 Gopal,V Servicemember in-St. tuition-provides REF SHI
S3790 Gopal,V Sch. dist.-concerns consolidation REF SED
S3791 Andrzejczak,B Motorcycle helmet law-exempts cert. REF SLP
S3792 Smith,B/Corrado,K Drinking water-id/test for microplastics REF SEN
S3793 Singleton,T/Turner,S Domestic viol. victims-concerns REF SJU
S3794 Smith,B/Oroho,S Soil and fill materials-regulate REF SEN
S3795 O'Scanlon,D Med. cannabis-revise req, auth. & access REF SHH
S3796 Andrzejczak,B Menhaden purse seine fishery-concerns REF SEN
S3797 Sweeney,S Devel. disab., higly acute-staff req. REF SHH
S3798 Diegnan,P Transp agencies-estab awarding contracts REF SSG
S3799 Weinberg,L Age discrim.-expands scope of law proh. REF SLA
S3800 Andrzejczak,B+2 Urban forests-concerns Green Acres Prog. REF SEN
S3801 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Marijuana-prov crim/civil justice reform REF SJU
SR143 Andrzejczak,B Natl. banking policies-enact legislation REF SCM
Bills Recommitted:
S10/2426 ScsSaSaSaScaSca (SCS/5R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+3 Med. marijuana-concerns RCM SHH
S3205 ScaSca (2R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+1 Expungement proc.-revises RCM SHH
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
S10/2426 ScsSaSaSaScaSca (SCS/5R) Vitale,J/Scutari,N+3 Med. marijuana-concerns REP/SCA
S3205 ScaSca (2R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+1 Expungement proc.-revises REP/SCA
Co-Sponsors Added:
S1212 (Turner,S) Lead paint inspect.-prior to home purch
S2797 (Gopal,V) Vet. owned, estab. bus-waives cert. fees
The Senate President has made the following appointment:
*Effective May 16, 2019
New Jersey Military Skills Council:
Senator Vin Gopal (11), to replace Senator Patrick Diegnan (18), resigned.
Notes to the 05/16/2019 Digest: Nominations Received and Referred to SJU: TO BE A MEMBER OF THE NEW JERSEY ADVISORY COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN:
Behnaz Baker, of Hoboken, to replace Deborah Berry-Toon.
Lucienne Beard, of Mount Laurel, to replace Molly Slingerland.
Deborah Collins, Esq., of Glen Ridge, to replace Jennifer Giattino.
Dorothy Dawood, of Ringoes, to replace Arlene Quinones Perez.
Janet L. Denlinger, Ph.D., of Edgewater, to replace Daphne E. Jones.
Ana Duarte McCarthy, of Basking Ridge, to replace Catherine E. Rendfrey.
Justine Giovanetti, of Newton, to replace Mary Wells.
Smita Nadia Hussain, of Bloomingdale, to replace Louvenia Major.
Sarah Elizabeth Jones, Esq., of Orange, to replace Edithe A. Fulton.
Milady Mendez, of Newark, to replace Aline Holmes.
Patricia Teffenhart, of Holmdel, to replace Mayor Susan Cohen.
Kenneth Anderson, of Laurel Springs, to replace Deana Lykins.
Stephen T. Doyle, of Manahawkin.
Deborah Dickens-Hunter, of Flanders, to replace Kevin Curry.
William G. Rader, of Bordentown, to replace Richard Hubschman.
Mary Bernadette Corrigan, of North Plainfield.
Honorable Joseph L. Fiordaliso, of Livingston.
Edward Lloyd, of South Orange.
Jessica Rittler Sanchez, Ph.D., of Tabernacle, to replace Robert Barr.
Jennifer Marie Coffey, of Hamilton, to replace the Honorable Gary Quinn.
Jennifer M. Carrillo-Perez, Esq., of Glen Ridge, to replace Patrick Toscano.
Melvin M. Warren, of Washington, to replace Albert John Alvarez.
Dr. Jason R. Baynes, of Paramus *NOT* Teaneck, to replace Mariel O’Brien.
Samir M. Elbassiouny, of Belvidere *NOT* Washington.
Honorable Louis J. Stellato, Jr., of Lyndhurst, to replace Mike Ferguson *NOT* Robert B. Yudin.
The Senate adjourned at 5:15 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, May 30, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A5393 Moriarty,P Subcontract work-notify consumer REF ACO
A5394 Moriarty,P Law Against Discrim.-reaffirms/clarifies REF AJU
A5395 Vainieri Huttle,V Age discrim.-expands scope of law proh. REF ALA
A5396 Vainieri Huttle,V Civil union-adoption judgment process REF AHU
A5397 Vainieri Huttle,V Internet student use-estab pub awareness REF AED
A5398 Vainieri Huttle,V Hotel video recordings-proh cert. REF ACO
A5399 Vainieri Huttle,V Vaccination-recog right of minor consent REF AHE
A5400 Vainieri Huttle,V Telephone calling-proh. automated REF ACO
A5401 Vainieri Huttle,V Leg. website-mobile-friendly access REF ABU
A5402 Vainieri Huttle,V Vaccination-estab pub awareness campaign REF AHE
A5403 Vainieri Huttle,V/Benson,D+1 Rider safety awareness campaign-concerns REF ATR
A5404 Murphy,C/Conaway,H Mun. elections, cert.-modifies procedure REF ASL
A5405 Murphy,C Animal death-civil action damages/injury REF AJU
A5406 Murphy,C Interstate Medical Lic Compact-enter NJ REF AHE
A5407 Murphy,C Uniform Criminal Records Accuracy Act REF ALP
A5408 Murphy,C Teacher-mental health first aid training REF AED
A5409 Jones,P/Spearman,W Tanning beds-proh. under age 18 to use REF ACO
A5410 Lopez,Y Expungement-concerns REF AJU
A5411 Speight,S Preeclampsia testing req-pregnant women REF AWC
A5412 Karabinchak,R Mitigation tech-svc. prov. req. to prov. REF ACO
A5413 Vainieri Huttle,V Firearms returned-concerns REF AJU
A5414 Vainieri Huttle,V Bias intimidation law-makes changes REF ALP
A5415 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Alco bev-concerns AC Tourism Dist REF AOF
A5416 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Atlantic City Airport emp benf-preserv. REF ATR
A5417 Timberlake,B Lead/asbestos haz. abatement-tax deduct. REF AHE
A5418 Rooney,K Transp. network companies-concerns REF ATR
A5419 Peters,R Bd of ed, regional sch dist-concern memb REF AED
A5420 Peters,R Hunters-auth. to ride in bed of trucks REF AAN
A5421 Spearman,W NJ Works Act REF ALA
A5422 Timberlake,B Homeless Bill of Rights REF AHU
A5423 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Sumter,S+1 Auto insur. practices-concerns REF AFI
A5424 Milam,M/Land,R Motorcycle helmet law-exempts cert. REF ALP
A5425 Armato,J Health care fac.-concerns referrals REF AHE
A5426 Greenwald,L Sch. elections-shortens bd. memb's term REF AED
A5427 DePhillips,C St. Investment Council-add memb. REF ASL
A5428 Lampitt,P Teacher-examine prof. devel. req. REF AED
A5429 Lampitt,P Stenographic record transcript-page rate REF AJU
A5430 Zwicker,A/Conaway,H Algorithmic Accountability Act REF AST
A5431 Murphy,C 5G Network and Devel Task Force-estab. REF ATU
A5432 Milam,M/Land,R Menhaden purse seine fishery-concerns REF AAN
A5433 Conaway,H Solar-powered resid hydrogen refueling REF AEN
A5434 Conaway,H 9-1-1 sys regionalization costs-concerns REF ALP
A5435 Conaway,H Judges, non-tenured-req AOC issue report REF AJU
A5436 Howarth,J St invest-proh entities doing bus w/Cuba REF ASL
A5437 Howarth,J Service dogs-concerns REF AHE
A5438 Milam,M/Kennedy,J+2 Fatal overdose-drug id req. REF AHE
ACR231 DeCroce,B Electoral votes-use Cong Dist. Method REF ASL
ACR232 Bucco,A.M. Fire insur. policy premium tax-allocate REF AHS
AJR203 Vainieri Huttle,V Girl Scouts Week-desig. March 12 each yr REF AWC
AJR204 Timberlake,B Autism Awareness Mo.-design. April REF AHE
AJR205 Timberlake,B Minority Health Mo.-desig. April REF AHE
AJR206 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A Facial recognition sys.-estab task force REF ALP
AJR207 Howarth,J Kate Smith Day-desig. October 11th REF ASL
AJR208 Timberlake,B Child Abuse Prev. and Awareness Mo-April REF AWC
AJR209 Timberlake,B Child Advocate Mo.-desig. April each yr. REF AWC
AR247 Vainieri Huttle,V Robocalls to customers-block REF ATU
AR248 Karabinchak,R Building Safety Mo.-desig. May, 2019 REF AHO
Bills Recommitted:
A10/3740/3437 AcsAaAaAcsAca (ACS/1R) Downey,J/Danielsen,J+4 Med. marijuana-concerns RCM AAP
A3395 AcaAca (2R) McGuckin,G/Dancer,R+41 Pub. sch. dist.-subcontract agreements RCM AAP
A3797 AaAca (2R) Jasey,M/Chaparro,A+4 NJ Land Bank Law RCM AAP
A3810/2535 AcaAcs (ACS) Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+4 Value-Added Dairy Farming Prog.-estab. RCM AAP
A4498 AcaAca (2R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+4 Expungement proc.-revises RCM AAP
S1214 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+2 NJ Land Bank Law RCM AAP
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A10/3740/3437 AcsAaAaAcsAca (ACS/1R) Downey,J/Danielsen,J+4 Med. marijuana-concerns REP/ACA
A259 Kean,S/McKnight,A+51 Accidential disab. benf.-concerns elig. REP
A312 AcaAca (2R) Pinkin,N/Conaway,H+32 Palliative care svcs.-prov. info. REP/ACA
A314 Pinkin,N/Sumter,S+18 Isolated Confinement Restriction Act REP
A546 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V Co-based real prop assessment-concerns REP
A605 AcsAcs (ACS) Danielsen,J/DeCroce,B Dental prov. networks-proh. lease sale REP/ACS
A1056 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Workers, locked out-health insur. benf. REP
A1597 AcaAca (2R) Conaway,H/Moriarty,P+10 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters REP/ACA
A1651/1861 Acs (ACS) Pintor Marin,E/Lampitt,P+6 Address Confidentiality Prog.-expand REP
A1663 Pintor Marin,E/Mosquera,G+1 Lactation room availability-cert. pub. fac REP
A2370 Vainieri Huttle,V/Pinkin,N+6 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit REP
A2607 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Bucco,A.M. Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. REP/ACA
A3395 AcaAca (2R) McGuckin,G/Dancer,R+41 Pub. sch. dist.-subcontract agreements REP/ACA
A3612 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Freiman,R+5 Vet suicide pub svc announcement-concern REP/ACA
A3717 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Downey,J+3 Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns REP
A3726 Aca (1R) Gusciora,R/Kennedy,J+1 Food waste recycling-concerns REP
A3755 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Drug court elig, special probation-estab REP/ACA
A3769 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Freiman,R+5 Hosp. lic. cert qualif-prov cardiac svcs REP/ACA
A3773 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Jasey,M+3 NJBEST prog.-allows tax deductions REP
A3797 AaAca (2R) Jasey,M/Chaparro,A+4 NJ Land Bank Law REP/ACA
A3810/2535 AcaAcs (ACS) Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+4 Value-Added Dairy Farming Prog.-estab. REP/ACS
A4164 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Wirths,H+2 Career, tech ed cert pilot prog-concerns REP/ACA
A4282 Calabrese,C/Jasey,M Nursing home resid.-concerns complaints REP
A4310 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/McKnight,A+19 Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch REP
A4498 AcaAca (2R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+4 Expungement proc.-revises REP/ACA
A4529 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+2 Superstorm Sandy-concerns contr. fraud REP/ACA
A4564 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A Voting Precinct Transparency Act-estab. REP
A4605 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+2 Embryo storage fac.-concerns reg and lic REP/ACA
A4677 Lopez,Y Child porn arrests-concerns DNA sample REP
A4744 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Armato,J+6 Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req REP/ACA
A4772 AcaAca (2R) Schaer,G/Mukherji,R+4 Lead Ed, Accountability & Disclosure Act REP/ACA
A4788 Aca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Freiman,R+1 Expedited constr. inspection prog-estab. REP
A4814/4520 Acs (ACS) Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Transient accommodation taxes-concerns REP/ACS
A4821 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Pinkin,N+3 Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes REP/ACA
A4882 Aca (1R) Kennedy,J/Holley,J+7 Accidental disab retir allowance-concern REP
A4970 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/Sumter,S Asset forfeiture procedures-concerns REP
A5198 Johnson,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V Law enforcement civil svc exams-concerns REP
A5210 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+1 Trenton Capital City Aid Prog.;$10M REP
A5312 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Freiman,R SNAP-concerns sr. cit. participation REP/ACA
A5315 Mazzeo,V/Land,R+1 Mun. liens-concerns id REP
A5316 Aca (1R) Milam,M/Zwicker,A+1 Tax lien sales-concerns REP/ACA
A5322 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Milam,M+2 Hemp, cultivation, handling-estab prog REP/ACA
A5325 Quijano,A/Holley,J Marijuana-prov crim/civil justice reform REP
A5369 Aca (1R) Chiaravalloti,N/Vainieri Huttle,V Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req. REP/ACA
A5371 Downey,J/Bramnick,J Auto accident-permit recover med expense REP
A5385 Burzichelli,J/Pintor Marin,E Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax REP
A5392 Quijano,A/Murphy,C Pub emp, sexual abuse lawsuits-liability REP
AR246 DeAngelo,W/Conaway,H Age-friendly communities-urges REP
S876 SaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. REP
S954/1699 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T+6 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters REP
S1214 ScaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N+2 NJ Land Bank Law REP/ACA
S1216 Sweeney,S/Weinberg,L+1 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit REP
S1735 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Lactation room availability-cert. pub. fac REP
S1761 Aca (1R) Weinberg,L/Singleton,T+3 Address Confidentiality Prog-expands REP
S1887 AcaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+3 Career, tech ed cert pilot prog-concerns REP/ACA
S2401 ScaAcs (ACS) Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J Farming operations-concerns loans REP/ACS
S2432 Sa (1R) Scutari,N/Pou,N Auto accident-permit recover med expense REP
S2507 ScsSaSsAca (SS/1R) Singleton,T/Pou,N Dental prov. networks, cert.-concerns REP/ACA
S2804 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+3 Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch REP
S3075 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Embryo storage fac.-concerns reg and lic REP
S3078 Greenstein,L/Sacco,N+1 Child porn arrests-concerns DNA sample REP
S3207 SaSa (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1 Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes REP
S3587 Turner,S Trenton Capital City Aid Prog.;$10M REP
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A4658 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+1 Homestead prop. tax reimb.-concerns REP/ACA REF AAP
A5311 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Zwicker,A SNAP-concerns income elig. REP/ACA REF AAP
A5313 Aca (1R) Land,R/Armato,J SNAP-concerns verification process REP/ACA REF AAP
A5314 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Milam,M+3 Social isolation-DHS study REP/ACA REF AAP
Bills Combined:
A2535 Wirths,H/Andrzejczak,B+1 Farming operations-concerns loans COMB/W A3810 (ACS)
A4520 McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W+17 Shore co.-concerns St. and loc. taxes COMB/W A4814 (ACS)
Bills Transferred:
A2535 Wirths,H/Andrzejczak,B+1 Farming operations-concerns loans FROM AAN TO AAP
A2607 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Bucco,A.M. Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. FROM ATR TO AAP
A4520 McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W+17 Shore co.-concerns St. and loc. taxes FROM ATG TO AAP
A4814/4520 Acs (ACS) Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Transient accommodation taxes-concerns FROM ATG TO AAP
A5210 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+1 Trenton Capital City Aid Prog.;$10M FROM ASL TO AAP
A5325 Quijano,A/Holley,J Marijuana-prov crim/civil justice reform FROM AJU TO AAP
S876 SaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. FROM ATR TO AAP
S2401 ScaAcs (ACS) Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J Farming operations-concerns loans FROM AAN TO AAP
S3587 Turner,S Trenton Capital City Aid Prog.;$10M FROM ASL TO AAP
Co-Sponsors Added:
A314 (Karabinchak,R) Isolated Confinement Restriction Act
A657 (Timberlake,B; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Sch dist under St. intervention-concerns
A662 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Out-of-Sch. Time Advisory Comm.-estab.
A1380 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V) NJ Safe Haven Infant Prot. Act-concerns
A1597 AcaAca (2R) (Benson,D) Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters
A1651/1861 Acs (ACS) (Benson,D; Calabrese,C) Address Confidentiality Prog.-expand
A1700 Aca (1R) (Benson,D) Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
A2370 (Benson,D) Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit
A2592 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Human trafficking-concerns cert. lic.
A3468 (Tucker,C) Marijuana-decrim. possession 10g or less
A3548 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Homeless shelter-estab St-wide database
A3726 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Food waste recycling-concerns
A3824 (Holley,J) Portable benf. for cert workers-concerns
A4058 (Calabrese,C) Workers comp coverage-revises certain
A4074 (Land,R; Milam,M) Shift overlap-req. St. correctional fac.
A4075 (Milam,M) Law enforcement off., injured-concerns
A4463 (Danielsen,J) Electronic Permit Processing Review Sys.
A4535 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Energy Infrastr Pub-Priv Partnership Act
A4710 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Strengthening Gifted and Talented Ed Act
A4781 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) Fuel Cell Task Force-estab.
A5144 (Giblin,T) Higher ed. instit.-temp. suspend tuition
A5314 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Vainieri Huttle,V; Conaway,H) Social isolation-DHS study
A5321 Acs (ACS) (Karabinchak,R; Mukherji,R) Transp. network companies-display ID
A5322 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Hemp, cultivation, handling-estab prog
A5345 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Engineering, science careers-access
A5387 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Victim compensation-estab. presumption
A5403 (DePhillips,C) Rider safety awareness campaign-concerns A5438 (Karabinchak,R) Fatal overdose-drug id req.
ACR131 (Conaway,H) Drinking water-DEP adopt standards
ACR214 (Carter,L) Lead haz. remediation-dedicate tax rev.
ACR221 (Pinkin,N) Mil. retir pay-exemp from fed income tax
AJR36 (Calabrese,C) Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week
AJR61 (Benson,D) Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year
AR202 (Timberlake,B) Hydrogen fuel usage; prov. incentives
AR244 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Breast milk, Airline limitation-urges
AR245 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Breast milk, airline policy-urges change
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
A1700 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C) Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A5143 (Swain,L) Menstrual products-list ingredients
A5240 (McKeon,J) Digital pymt. platform-St review/approve
A5344 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Proof of vet. status-estab. standard
A5369 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req.
A5392 (Murphy,C) Pub emp, sexual abuse lawsuits-liability
AJR202 (Benson,D) Battleship USS NJ Day-desig May 23
AR243 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Special Olympics contrib.-recognizes
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A1700 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C) Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
A1749 (Timberlake,B) Tenants rent pymt.-concerns
A3863 (Pinkin,N) Motorists overtaking bicycles-concerns
A5144 (Swain,L) Higher ed. instit.-temp. suspend tuition
A5205 (Chiaravalloti,N) Gov., Leg. elections-voting procedures
A5248 (McKeon,J) Health insur. benf.-concerns
A5334 (Mukherji,R) Electric-powered sch bus-estab loan prog
A5340 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Elder abuse, domestic settings-clarifies
A5361 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Child Relief Fd Comm-immigration status
A5369 Aca (1R) (Pinkin,N) Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req.
A5382 (Vainieri Huttle,V) School Security Task Force-estab.
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
A838 (Pinkin,N) Mike Trout Hwy.-desig. Rt.49
A5322 Aca (1R) (Taliaferro,A) Hemp, cultivation, handling-estab prog
AR238 (DePhillips,C) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Fifth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Tully,P) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Sixth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Lopez,Y) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Seventh Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Thomson,E) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Eighth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (DiMaso,S) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Ninth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Verrelli,A) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Tenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Timberlake,B) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Eleventh Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Calabrese,C) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Twelfth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Carter,L) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Thirteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Armato,J) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Fourteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Fifteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Wirths,H) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Sixteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Speight,S) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Seventeenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Spearman,W) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Eighteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Swain,L) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Nineteenth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Mejia,P) Cong.-work together, find common ground
Twentieth Prime Sponsors Added:
AR238 (Milam,M) Cong.-work together, find common ground
The Assembly adjourned at 6:04 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, May 23, 2019 (SESSION). Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (5/16/2019):
Not one damn thing to reduce our tax and regulatory burdens! Just more spending, more restrictions and a bunch of nonsense to make themselves feel good. We need mandatory term limits and age limits to get these self-serving elitists out of there!