Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 3rd):
Bills Introduced:
S3828 Gopal,V Wildlife rehabilitator-proh. euthanizing REF SEN
S3829 Gopal,V Wildlife rehabilitation-concerns REF SEN
S3830 Gopal,V US Reserves-paid leaves of absence REF SMV
S3831 Gopal,V Pub. sch. emp.-creates hiring pool REF SED
S3832 Gopal,V Climate change-bd. of ed. incl. instruct REF SED
S3833 Gopal,V Proof of vet. status-estab. standard REF SMV
S3834 Gopal,V Bicycle lanes, street parking-concerns REF STR
S3835 Weinberg,L Vaccination-recog right of minor consent REF SHH
S3836 Bucco,A.R. Security breach-affirmative defense REF SEG
S3837 Bucco,A.R. Retir. qual. plans-income tax excl. REF SBA
S3838 Bucco,A.R. Trans, pre-tax, fringe benf.-exempts REF SLA
S3839 Bucco,A.R. Election ballots-clarify bilingual req. REF SSG
S3840 Greenstein,L Bail agent, unlic.-4th degree crime REF SJU
S3842 Weinberg,L/Sarlo,P+1 Film/digital media-extend 5 yr tax cred. REF SEG
S3843 Stack,B Fire barriers-req., common attic areas REF SCU
S3844 Andrzejczak,B Veh., purch. by St.-concerns REF SEN
S3845 Andrzejczak,B Police, trained, animal cruelty-concerns REF SEN
S3846 Corrado,K Election days-sch. dist. close schools REF SED
S3847 Oroho,S/Andrzejczak,B Vet. org.-mun. auth, charge lowest rates REF SEG
S3848 Oroho,S Bd of ed, regional sch dist-concern memb REF SED
S3849 Oroho,S Emer. Med. Tech. Training Fd.-elig. req. REF SHH
S3850 Cryan,J Off. of the Child Advocate-estab. REF SHH
S3851 Cryan,J Family Care Advantage prog-expands REF SHH
S3852 Cryan,J Health insur-proh deny pymt, preauth svc REF SCM
S3853 Cryan,J Child Relief Fd Comm-immigration status REF SHH
S3854 Cryan,J Govt. records-changes law prov. access REF SSG
S3855 Cryan,J NJT-req. pub. hearing, alt. provisions REF STR
S3856 Cryan,J Pub. venue/worship-submit emerg. plans REF SLP
S3857 Cryan,J Health prof.-preg women/prescrip opioids REF SHH
S3858 Cryan,J Barber svcs out of st/country-licensure REF SCM
S3859 Cunningham,S Ed. emp., unemp. benf.-prov. cert. REF SLA
S3860 Cunningham,S Det Melvin Vincent Santiago's law REF SJU
S3861 Diegnan,P/Vitale,J Alco drug use disorder-concern treatment REF SHH
S3862 Diegnan,P/Vitale,J Opioid use disorders-concerns treatment REF SHH
S3864 Diegnan,P/Sacco,N Sch. fac., nonpub.-examine leasing REF SED
S3865 Diegnan,P/Rice,R Higher ed., cert.-award associate degree REF SHI
S3866 Pou,N Consumer reports-concerns REF SCM
S3867 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Svc. memb-clarify prohibition on discrim REF SLA
S3868 Stack,B Affordable resid rentals-proh conversion REF SCU
S3869 Sarlo,P Alarm company-proh. loc govt impose fine REF SCM
S3870 Sarlo,P Mun. sewerage sys. sale-auth. alt. proc. REF SEG
S3871 Bateman,C/Scutari,N St. Investment Council-add memb. REF SSG
S3872 Andrzejczak,B Farm emp, prov lodging-prov bus tax cred REF SBA
S3873 Andrzejczak,B Small bus. & farm emp.-incr. St min wage REF SBA
S3874 Corrado,K Length of Svc. Award-loc govt unit grant REF SCU
S3875 Andrzejczak,B Small bus.-incr. cert. mand. emp contrib REF SBA
S3876 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Firearm purch id card-valid for four yrs REF SLP
S3879 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Firearms, disqual. person-crim. penal. REF SLP
S3880 Diegnan,P Expedited constr. inspection prog-estab. REF SCU
S3881 Turner,S Sch. elections-shortens bd. memb's term REF SED
S3882 Vitale,J Health info.-concerns sensitive svcs. REF SCM
S3883 Singleton,T Mun. elections, cert.-modifies procedure REF SCU
S3884 Singleton,T+1 Low-income housing tax cred.-concerns REF SCU
S3885 O'Scanlon,D Mobile intensive care prog.-revises req. REF SHH
S3886 O'Scanlon,D Dog, cat-criminalizes impounding REF SEN
S3887 Ruiz,M Pub. util.-concerns termination of svc. REF SEG
S3888 Ruiz,M Econ. Redevel. Grant prog-doc submission REF SEG
S3889 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M Victim compensation-estab. presumption REF SLP
S3890 Cryan,J/Ruiz,M VCCO grant pilot prog.-estab. REF SLP
S3891 Greenstein,L Ultrasound screening-proh. pre-approval REF SCM
S3892 Greenstein,L Merchandise in ads-disclose price REF SCM
S3893 Greenstein,L Uniform Criminal Records Accuracy Act REF SJU
S3894 Greenstein,L St. contracts-concerns award REF SSG
S3895 Greenstein,L/Ruiz,M Police crime victim training-req. REF SLP
S3896 Greenstein,L/Ruiz,M Crime Victim Comp Review Bd-req training REF SLP
S3897 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Weapons, convicted person-crim. purch. REF SLP
S3898 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Handgun ammunition-reg. sale REF SLP
SCR171 Greenstein,L Women the right to vote-100th anniv. REF SHH
SCR172 Andrzejczak,B Rt. 55, extend-Presid prov fed infra fds REF STR
SJR136 Greenstein,L Autism Awareness Mo.-design. April REF SHH
SR145 Singer,R Rep. Tlaib-condemn Holocaust comments REF SSG
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A5369 AcaSca (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req. REP/SCA
S49/3807 Scs (SCS) Pou,N Medicaid, health insur. plan-concerns REP/SCS
S81 Bucco,A.R.+1 Retail food estab.-donate unused goods REP
S562 Scs (SCS) Gill,N/Singleton,T Health insur. benf.-concerns REP/SCS
S626 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P+1 Health insur. policies-concerns REP/SCA
S938 Pou,N Nursing homes-behavioral health training REP
S984 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T Med. records-estab. cert. req. REP/SCA
S993 Sca (1R) Vitale,J Sexually transmitted disease-treatment REP/SCA
S1151 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Rental housing-concerns REP/SCA
S1733 Weinberg,L/Madden,F Nursing svcs, priv. duty-Medicaid reimb. REP
S1961 Sca (1R) Vitale,J+3 Consumer Access to Health Care Act REP/SCA
S2371 Singleton,T/Andrzejczak,B+1 Vol. ff-permits incl. health benf. plan REP
S2389 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Prescrip. drug pricing website-estab. REP/SCA
S2424 Sca (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Van Drew,J Michael Fischer Law-defibrillator REP/SCA
S2425 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Andrzejczak,B+1 Common interest communities-revise law REP/SCA
S2437 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Resid. tenancy security deposit-actions REP
S2934 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Bucco,A.R.+1 Public Use Airports Task Force-estab. REP/SCA
S3124 Sca (1R) Stack,B Tenant pymt. of rent-concerns REP/SCA
S3164 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P Transit Emp. prot., rights-concerns REP/SCA
S3283 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Smith,B+1 First responder affordable housing-estab REP/SCA
S3491 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Codey,R+2 Personal care svcs.-Medicaid reimb. rate REP/SCA
S3520 Andrzejczak,B/Singleton,T Mayors-auth veto actions mun authorities REP
S3574 Scutari,N/Kean,T+1 Raritan Valley Line-study on cert. svcs. REP
S3591 Cryan,J/Cruz-Perez,N Lead-contaminated water lines-loan prog. REP
S3651 Pou,N/Singleton,T Medicare suppl. coverage-revise law REP
S3726 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Tax assessors-conflicts of interest REP/SCA
S3802 Pou,N/Weinberg,L Health insur dependent coverage-concerns REP
S3803 Pou,N/Ruiz,M Prev. svcs., cert.-req health benf cover REP
S3804 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Contraceptives-revise req, insur. cover REP
S3805 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Breastfeeding-req. benf. coverage REP
S3806 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Individ. Health Coverage Prog-enrollment REP
S3808 Singleton,T/Diegnan,P Health benf. plans-repeals statute REP
S3809 Pou,N/Lagana,J.A. Health insur., cert. rate incr.-concerns REP
S3810 Singleton,T/Lagana,J.A. Health benf plan-concerns rating factors REP
S3812 Cryan,J/Diegnan,P Health insur. plans-concerns REP
S3816 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Sweeney,S Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req. REP/SCA
SCR164 Singleton,T/Madden,F+1 Alzheimer's disease-pub. health crisis REP
SCR167 Singleton,T Homeless transgender persons-concerns REP
SR93 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Codey,R+1 Execel Mental Health Addiction Treatment REP/SCA
SR144 Diegnan,P/Kean,T RR track maintenance-extend tax cred. REP
Bills Combined:
S3807 Gill,N/Vitale,J+1 Health insur.-concerns COMB/W S49 (SCS)
Bills Referred/SBA:
S49/3807 Scs (SCS) Pou,N Medicaid, health insur. plan-concerns
S562 Scs (SCS) Gill,N/Singleton,T Health insur. benf.-concerns
S626 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P+1 Health insur. policies-concerns
S993 Sca (1R) Vitale,J Sexually transmitted disease-treatment
S1733 Weinberg,L/Madden,F Nursing svcs, priv. duty-Medicaid reimb.
S2424 Sca (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Van Drew,J Michael Fischer Law-defibrillator
S2934 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Bucco,A.R.+1 Public Use Airports Task Force-estab.
S3491 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Codey,R+2 Personal care svcs.-Medicaid reimb. rate
S3564 Andrzejczak,B+1 Vet, disab-exemp, mun parking meter fees
S3651 Pou,N/Singleton,T Medicare suppl. coverage-revise law
S3802 Pou,N/Weinberg,L Health insur dependent coverage-concerns
S3803 Pou,N/Ruiz,M Prev. svcs., cert.-req health benf cover
S3804 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Contraceptives-revise req, insur. cover
S3805 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Breastfeeding-req. benf. coverage
S3806 Vitale,J/Cryan,J Individ. Health Coverage Prog-enrollment
S3808 Singleton,T/Diegnan,P Health benf. plans-repeals statute
S3809 Pou,N/Lagana,J.A. Health insur., cert. rate incr.-concerns
S3810 Singleton,T/Lagana,J.A. Health benf plan-concerns rating factors
S3812 Cryan,J/Diegnan,P Health insur. plans-concerns
Concurrent Resolutions Placed On Desk:
SCR169 Sweeney,S Health care plans-limit actuarial value
SCR170 Sweeney,S Pensions-specify types, new emp.
Co-Sponsors Added:
S3261 (Greenstein,L) Isolated Confinement Restriction Act
S3564 (Connors,C) Vet, disab-exemp, mun parking meter fees S3842 (Lagana,J) Film/digital media-extend 5 yr tax cred.
S3884 (Rice,R) Low-income housing tax cred.-concerns
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S2342 (Pennacchio,J) Vietnam Vet of Amer. conventions-concern The Senate adjourned at 6:45 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, June 6, 2019 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “3” and “4” scheduled to meet).
The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Thursday, June 6, 2019 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (5/30/2019):
P.L.2019, JR-13. SJR27 Gopal,V/Corrado,K+7 5/31/2019 Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year