Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (June 24th):
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S4037 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Campaign fds-concerns use
S4039 Smith,B Food waste recycling-concerns
Bills Introduced:
S3988 Lagana,J.A./Ruiz,M Water, drinking-concerns lead testing REF SEN
S3989 Lagana,J.A./Greenstein,L Pub. util. infra. proj.-prov. notice REF SEG
S3990 Lagana,J.A./Singleton,T Lead plumbing-concerns disclosure REF SCU
S3991 Lagana,J.A./Greenstein,L Water, drinking-concerns testing REF SEN
S3992 Lagana,J.A.+1 Water, drinking-concerns info. on lead REF SEN
S3993 Lagana,J.A./Ruiz,M Water, drinking-rental prop, lead levels REF SEN
S3994 Lagana,J.A./Singleton,T Lead svc. lines-mun. estab. loan prog. REF SEN
S3995 Madden,F Pain med-restrict insur, limiting access REF SCM
S3996 Greenstein,L Plastic material in St. waters-proh prog REF SEN
S3997 Greenstein,L Suicide Hopeline-allows follow-up calls REF SHH
S3998 Greenstein,L Indigent vet. interment-concerns REF SMV
S3999 Cryan,J Furniture, tip over risk-prov. notice REF SCM
S4000 Lagana,J.A./Gopal,V Health svc, in-home-prov income tax cred REF SBA
S4001 Singer,R/Sweeney,S Ant-Semitism-proh. sch./higher ed instit REF SED
S4002 Cruz-Perez,N Law enforcement civil svc exams-concerns REF SCU
S4003 Smith,B/Vitale,J NJ One Health Task Force-estab. REF SHH
S4004 Madden,F Patient'sh consent-concerns examination REF SHH
S4005 Madden,F St. Agency, People w/Disab.-promote emp. REF SLA
S4006 Madden,F Disabled&Purple Heart vet-desig parking REF SCU
S4007 Madden,F Buprenorphine-Medicaid prov. coverage REF SHH
S4008 Weinberg,L/Vitale,J Vaccination-estab pub awareness campaign REF SHH
S4009 Weinberg,L/Diegnan,P Traffic signs maintenance-concerns REF STR
S4010 Weinberg,L/Addiego,D Stillbirth Resource Ctr.-estab. REF SHH
S4011 Turner,S St. Francis Med. Ctr.;$4.5M REF SBA
S4012 Singleton,T Higher Ed.-proh. charging admin. fees. REF SHI
S4013 Singleton,T McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst overpass;$2M REF SBA
S4014 Singleton,T Atty General-collect crim. justice data REF SLP
S4015 Addiego,D/O'Scanlon,D Natl. Aviation Research;$450K REF SBA
S4016 Scutari,N/Gopal,V Campaign funds-concerns use REF SSG
S4017 Cardinale,G Sex assault victim-concerns psych. exams REF SLP
S4018 Holzapfel,J Sch. pupil transp. pilot prog.-Ocean Co. REF SED
S4019 Sarlo,P Sexual Harassment, Abuse Survivor Fd. REF SCU
S4020 Andrzejczak,B Del. River Basin Comm.;$200K REF SBA
S4021 Andrzejczak,B Substance treatment fac.-referrals REF SHH
S4022 Andrzejczak,B Subcontract work-notify consumer REF SCM
S4023 Andrzejczak,B Vet., cert.-exempt from cert. MV fees REF STR
S4024 Pou,N William Paterson Univ.;$2M REF SBA
S4025 Pou,N Grants to Urban Parks;$1M REF SBA
S4026 Cryan,J Children's products-concerns chemicals REF SEN
S4027 Cryan,J Abandoned prop.-concerns rehab. by mun. REF SCU
S4028 Lagana,J.A. E-ZPass website-publication info. REF STR
S4029 Lagana,J.A. Electronic toll collection sys-concerns REF STR
S4030 Lagana,J.A. E-ZPass-display amount of tolls paid REF STR
S4031 Lagana,J.A. Toll Payer Prot. Act REF STR
S4032 Lagana,J.A. Tolls, outstanding unpaid-temp. amnesty REF STR
S4033 Singleton,T HS coaches-concerns emp. rights REF SED
S4034 Stack,B Compassion for Community Cats Law REF SEN
S4035 Pou,N Thomas Edison St Coll;$1.7M REF SBA
S4036 Gill,N Tenants-concerns rent pymts. REF SCU
SJR140 Greenstein,L Domestic Violence Awareness Mo-desig Oct REF SJU
SJR141 Greenstein,L Bullying Prevention Month-designate Oct. REF SED
SJR142 Madden,F Persons w/Disab, Sr Cit Transp Svc-estab REF STR
SR147 Pennacchio,J Online Sales Simplicity Small Bus Relief REF SBA
SR148 Lagana,J.A. NJTA, Metropolitan Trans Auth-discount REF STR
SR149 Lagana,J.A. Metropolitan Trans. Auth.-prov discounts REF STR
Co-Sponsors Added:
S3799 (Greenstein,L) Age discrim.-expands scope of law proh.
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S1832 (Sarlo,P) Pub. sch. teachers-loan redemption prog.
S3457 (Andrzejczak,B) Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Prog.
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
S4037 (Scutari,N) Campaign fds-concerns use
The Senate adjourned at 4:50 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, June 27, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A5641 Rooney,K Fusion energy-Class I renewable energy REF AST
A5642 Murphy,C/Dancer,R McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst overpass;$2M REF AMV
A5643 Murphy,C Sex assault victim-concerns psych. exams REF ALP
A5644 Murphy,C Del. River Basin Comm.;$200K REF AEN
A5645 Murphy,C/Mukherji,R Mental health first aid training-St. emp REF AHE
A5646 Murphy,C Sex assault victim-concerns psych. exams REF ALP
A5647 Murphy,C Alice Paul statue-replace Philip Kearney REF AWC
A5648 Swain,L/Freiman,R Health care disclosures-concerns REF AHE
A5649 Tully,P/Swain,L Digital content-permit person to cancel REF ACO
A5650 Swain,L/Tully,P Stillbirth-concerns svcs. REF AHE
A5651 Tully,P/Swain,L Rental companies-conduct study REF AHS
A5652 Swain,L/Tully,P Water, drinking-concerns lead testing REF AEN
A5653 Tully,P/Swain,L Water, drinking-concerns testing REF ATU
A5654 Tully,P/Swain,L Lead plumbing-concerns disclosure REF AHO
A5655 Swain,L/Tully,P Pub. util. infra. proj.-prov. notice REF ATU
A5656 Swain,L/Tully,P Water, drinking-concerns info. on lead REF AEN
A5657 Tully,P/Swain,L Lead svc. lines-mun. estab. loan prog. REF AEN
A5658 Tully,P/Swain,L Water, drinking-rental prop, lead levels REF AEN
A5659 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+6 Vet Memor Homes, trans.;$750K REF AMV
A5660 DiMaso,S Superstorm Sandy recovery-estab. grants REF AHO
A5661 Mukherji,R/Conaway,H Suicides by minors-reporting req. REF AHE
A5662 Milam,M/Land,R Vet., cert.-exempt from cert. MV fees REF ATR
A5663 McKeon,J/Pinkin,N Offshore wind proj.-expands definition REF ATU
A5664 Vainieri Huttle,V/DePhillips,C Substance abuse treatment-concerns REF AHU
A5665 Vainieri Huttle,V/Conaway,H Maintenance of Cert., physicians-concerns REF AHE
A5666 Calabrese,C Beach umbrellas at pub beaches-anchor REF ACO
A5667 Vainieri Huttle,V Charlie's Law-medication disposal REF AHE
A5668 Vainieri Huttle,V Low-income housing tax cred.-concerns REF AHO
A5669 Vainieri Huttle,V Affordable resid rentals-proh conversion REF AHO
A5670 Vainieri Huttle,V Toxic shock syndrome-estab. awareness REF AWC
A5671 Vainieri Huttle,V Sr. tenants-concerns rent control REF AHO
A5672 Vainieri Huttle,V Surveys-req. cert. info. REF AHU
A5673 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Ctrs. for Independent Living;$750k REF AHE
A5674 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+1 Natl Aviation Research, Tech Park;$450K REF AST
A5675 Quijano,A/Schaer,G Law enforcement off, cert-prov. security REF ALP
A5676 Quijano,A Mental Illness Diversion Prog.-creates REF AJU
A5677 Dancer,R Children crisis intervention ctrs.-estab REF AWC
A5678 Dancer,R Casino, St. agency-operate thru shutdown REF ATG
A5679 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Devel. Disab. St. Council-expand memb. REF AHU
A5680 Giblin,T/Timberlake,B+3 Labor harmony agreements-concerns REF ALA
A5681 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Recycling Stream Improvement Task Force REF AEN
A5682 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Recycling Market Devel. Council-estab. REF AEN
A5683 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H Ultrasound screenings-proh. preauth. REF AFI
A5684 Pinkin,N Physician, retired-estab limited med lic REF ARP
A5685 Pinkin,N Physicians lic.-concerns issuing REF ARP
A5686 Pinkin,N/Conaway,H One-room surgical practices-concerns REF AHE
A5687 Pinkin,N/Mukherji,R Paper Polling backup-permits cert voters REF ASL
A5688 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R Sch. bus, new-equip w/global positioning REF ATR
A5689 Howarth,J Leg. menb., absences-forfeit pay REF ASL
A5690 Pinkin,N Sexually viol off-estab training, judges REF AJU
A5691 Murphy,C/Quijano,A Domestic companion-concerns REF AJU
A5692 Wirths,H/Space,P+7 Highlands Region Preserv.-tax reduction REF AEN
A5693 Benson,D Emerg, amber warning lights-concerns use REF ATR
A5694 Benson,D Mold inspections-estab. reg. req. REF AEN
A5695 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S Grants to Urban Parks;$1M REF AEN
A5696 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S William Paterson Univ.;$2M REF AHI
A5697 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A St. Francis Med. Ctr.;$4.5M REF AHE
A5698 Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V Stillbirth Resource Ctr.-estab. REF AHE
A5699 Schepisi,H Tax Court-concerns tax appeals REF ASL
A5700 Lopez,Y PFRS-concerns participation REF ASL
A5701 Kennedy,J/Jasey,M+2 Campaign funds-concerns use REF ASL
A5702 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Thomas Edison St Coll;$1.7M REF AHI
A5703 Jones,P/Benson,D+3 Human trafficking-train pub. trans. emp. REF ATR
ACR240 Bramnick,J Pub. sch.-concerns student's resid. REF AED
ACR241 Pinkin,N/Freiman,R Senior Security Act of 2019-adopt REF AFI
ACR242 Pinkin,N US-Mexico border-oppose mil. fds, constr REF ALP
AR261 Rooney,K Fusion energy research-Presid incr fding REF AST
AR262 Zwicker,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Do Not Track Act-Cong. enact REF AST
AR263 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Adv. Council, Solid Waste Mgt-urges appt REF AEN
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:
A5293 AcaSa (2R) Pinkin,N/Zwicker,A+3 Contaminated sites-changes laws
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A5492 Space,P/Wirths,H Blow dry and style hair-lic. exempt FROM ARP
Co-Sponsors Added:
A269 (Timberlake,B; Jasey,M) Water safety-concerns sch. instruction
A1028 Aca (1R) (DeCroce,B) Police-estab. prog. to prevent suicide
A1833 Aca (1R) (McKnight,A) Juv. depression screenings-benf coverage
A4357 (DeCroce,B) Fire & EMS Crisis Intervention Svcs.
A4819 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Plug-in electric veh. charging sys-estab
A5075 (Murphy,C) Long-term care fac.-estab. cert. rights
A5395 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Murphy,C) Age discrim.-expands scope of law proh.
A5616 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Ambulances-req. to carry epinephrine A5702 (Verrelli,A; Murphy,C) Thomas Edison St Coll;$1.7M
A5703 (Verrelli,A; Mukherji,R; Vainieri Huttle,V) Human trafficking-train pub. trans. emp.
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A3175 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Medication drop-off receptacles-concerns
A3927 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) HIV-prov. info. and offer screening
A4196 (Vainieri Huttle,V) HPV vaccine-permit pharm administer dose
A5513 (Calabrese,C) Meals on Wheels-vol contrib, tax returns
A5636 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Legionnaires's disease-concerns prev.
AR116 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Naloxone-available over the counter
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A3160 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C) Cosmetology sch. clinics-charge svc. fee
A3741 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Hypodermic syringes-req. pharm. to sell
A4756 (DeCroce,B) Pub. sch. suicide prev. instruct.-req.
A5497 (Calabrese,C) Zero-carbon source-req. by yr. 2050 A5645 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mental health first aid training-St. emp A5661 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suicides by minors-reporting req. A5664 (Mukherji,V) Substance abuse treatment-concerns
Seventh Prime Sponsors Added:
A5293 AcaSa (2R) (McKeon,J) Contaminated sites-changes laws
The Assembly adjourned at 5:05 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, June 27, 2019 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (6/20/2019):
P.L.2019, c.132. S362 Sa w/GR (2R) Rice,R/Sumter,S+2 6/24/2019 Affordable housing cert-deed restriction
P.L.2019, c.133. S3375 ScaAa w/GR (3R) Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L+12 6/24/2019 Maternal health care pilot prog.-estab.
P.L.2019, c.134. A5000 AcaAca w/GR (3R) Mosquera,G/Reynolds-Jackson,V+4 6/24/2019 Foreclosure, resid. prop.-concerns
More spending. More regulations. No tax relief. Less freedom. The NJ Legislature demonstrates Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.