Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (February 3rd):
Aura K. Dunn was sworn in as a member of the General Assembly for the 25th Legislative District.
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
John J. Reiser, Jr., of North Brunswick, to replace Mary Allessio Leck.
Kevin P. Egan, of New Brunswick.
Shelia Hobson-Johnson, of Piscataway, to replace Victor DiLeo.
Michael E. Lachs, of East Brunswick.
Richard Lorentzen, of Iselin.
Luis De La Hoz, of Edison.
George Conway, of Highland Lakes.
Richard A. Ecke, of Byram.
John Fierro, of Ogdensburg.
Deana Lykins, Esq., of Newton.
Howard Zatkowsky, of Hamburg, to replace Nancy McCabe.
Colonel Timothy Scott McLaughlin, of Mountainside, to replace Colonel Mark Piterski.
Bills Introduced:
S963 Vitale,J Motor fuel-prohibits charging credit card customer 4% above cash paying customer REF STR
S1146 Ruiz,M Domestic violence orders-requires to be issued in other languages REF SJU
S1147 Ruiz,M Lead paint inspection-required prior to home purchase; estab. led hazard ed prog REF SCU
S1148 Ruiz,M Social svcs. hotline-emerg contact info & access instructions be prov to tenants REF SCU
S1149 Ruiz,M Property, vacant and abandoned-requires registration with municipalities REF SCU
S1150 Ruiz,M Family leave informational materials-requires distribution REF SHH
S1151 Ruiz,M Whole Food pilot program-establish in Agriculture Department;$1M REF SEG
S1152 Ruiz,M Contracts, standard form-establishes protections against unconscionable terms REF SCM
S1153 Ruiz,M Meal plan funds, unused-donate to emergency meal fund, distrib. to NJ food banks REF SHI
S1154 Ruiz,M School discipline-develop guidelines consistent with certain federal guidelines REF SED
S1155 Ruiz,M Child abuse-officer of ed sign acknowledgement & undergo training, report duties REF SED
S1156 Turner,S Invasion of privacy-upgrades crime; eliminates presumption of nonimprisonment REF SJU
S1157 Ruiz,M Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes REF SEG
S1158 Ruiz,M Apprenticeship course-provides tuition fee waiver REF SLA
S1159 Ruiz,M Apprenticeships, registered-prov. CBT and income tax credits for bus that employ REF SLA
S1160 Turner,S Charter school-voter approval required, annual school election prior to estab. REF SED
S1161 Turner,S Inmate video visitation service contracts-impose requirements REF SLP
S1162 Turner,S Businesses employing ex-offenders-allows CBT and gross income tax credits REF SCM
S1163 Turner,S Body camera-law enforcement officer required to wear REF SLP
S1164 Turner,S Inmates-county required to provide reentry assistance before release REF SLP
S1165 Cruz-Perez,N Money Transmitters Act-provides consumer prot; incr reporting/record keeping req REF SCM
S1166 Cruz-Perez,N Domestic Viol Victims Legal Asst Fund-estab; add new civil penal, incr surcharge REF SJU
S1167 Cruz-Perez,N Carjacking and child prostitution-conviction records shall not be expunged REF SJU
S1168 Cruz-Perez,N Fiduciaries-clarifies procedures for resignation, removal and succession REF SJU
S1169 Cruz-Perez,N Decedent's safe-deposit box-revises procedures concerning access REF SJU
S1170 Cruz-Perez,N Driver's license restoration after suspension-clarifies procedures REF SLP
S1171 Cruz-Perez,N Manslaughter-upgrades crime to aggravated manslaughter REF SJU
S1172 Cruz-Perez,N Notaries public-provides for training programs and increases application fees REF SCM
S1173 Cruz-Perez,N Military or reserve members-clarifies excuse from jury service REF SJU
S1174 Cruz-Perez,N Motor vehicle violations, cert municipalities-changes fine allocation collected REF SLP
S1175 Cruz-Perez,N Animal rescued from motor vehicle-immunity from civil and criminal liability REF SEN
S1176 Cruz-Perez,N Wildlife-prohibits harassing or taking at competitive events; establish penal. REF SEN
S1177 Cruz-Perez,N Animal cruelty violations-auth. placement of involved animal w/welfare agency REF SEN
S1178 Cruz-Perez,N Breakfast after the bell-establish incentive fund REF SED
S1179 Cruz-Perez,N Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Awareness Month-designated November REF SHH
S1180 Cruz-Perez,N Net Neutraility Act-establishes REF SEG
S1181 Cruz-Perez,N Succeed in NJ-estab student loan reimb prog, resid employed in designated fields REF SHI
S1182 Cruz-Perez,N Minority & Women-owned businesses-estab. division to promote State contracting REF SSG
S1183 Cruz-Perez,N Domestic violence reports-establish human resource officers response training REF SSG
S1184 Cruz-Perez,N Mental illness or devel disabilty-1 family member required on the board REF SHH
S1185 Cruz-Perez,N Affordable health care plans-create English/Spanish language Internet websites REF SHH
S1186 Cruz-Perez,N Hepatitis C-hospital labs, bio-analytical or clinical labs offer tests REF SHH
S1187 Cruz-Perez,N Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance REF SHH
S1188 Cruz-Perez,N Construction industry employers-notify employees of certain rights REF SLA
S1189 Cruz-Perez,N Mortgage loan discrimination based on familial status-prohibits REF SCM
S1190 Cruz-Perez,N Consumer contract disputes-limits forum REF SCM
S1191 Cruz-Perez,N Minorities and women in construction industry-concerns outreach and training REF SLA
S1192 Cruz-Perez,N Women's Advancement Off-facilitate equal participation of women in the workplace REF SLA
S1193 Cruz-Perez,N Payroll check cashing practices-financial institutions required with proper ID REF SCM
S1194 Sweeney,S Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M REF SBA
S1195 Turner,S School zone-upgrade crim penal for selling, possessing CDS near sch prop & buses REF SJU
S1196 Pou,N Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes REF SCM
S1197 Pou,N Cosmetology & hairstyling licensees-complete domestic violence training REF SCM
S1198 Pou,N Motor vehicle ancillary production products-concerns; expands definition REF SCM
S1199 Cryan,J Statewide greenhouse gas emissions-revises 2050 limit REF SEN
S1200 Cryan,J State department office-prohibit holding over for more than 120 days REF SSG
S1201 Cryan,J Ballots-requires gender neutral elected office titles REF SSG
S1202 Cryan,J Labor organization employees-requires unpaid and paid leave REF SSG
S1203 Cryan,J Children's products-DEP post a list of certain chemicals and reports use REF SEN
S1204 Cryan,J Pretrial risk assessment-expands to include history of domestic violence abuse REF SJU
S1205 Cryan,J Sexual assault-victim's right to appeal prosecutor's decision-establish REF SLP
S1206 Cryan,J Homicide, crime-imprison for committing more than 1 crime upon place of worship REF SJU
S1207 Cryan,J Throwing water at law enforcement officer-criminalizes REF SLP
S1208 Cryan,J Juvenile offenders, first-time-establish station house adjustment policy REF SLP
S1209 Cryan,J VCCO, order payment to crime victim-establishes presumption REF SLP
S1210 Cryan,J/Singleton,T SHBP, SEHBP-requires pharmacy benefits manager report price and amount charged REF SSG
S1211 Corrado,K Automobile or motorcycle registration-require person's telephone number REF STR
S1212 Bucco,A PERS membership, business administrators-makes eligible; provides for transfer REF SSG
S1213 Turner,S Stalking victim, under 18-upgrades crime REF SJU
S1214 Turner,S Domestic violence offenders, certain-requires counseling REF SJU
S1215 Turner,S Domestic viol. offenses-include attempt or conspiracy to commit enumerated acts REF SJU
S1216 Cryan,J/Scutari,N Special One-Time Assistance Program, City of New York-directs AG to investigate REF SCU
S1217 Turner,S Educational institutions, post-secondary-collect & report emp data for cert grad REF SHI
S1219 Turner,S Student representative-be appointed to board of education of school district REF SED
S1220 Turner,S Contraception, emergency w/out req. prescription/authorization-Medicaid cover REF SHH
S1221 Turner,S Lifeline Credit/Tenants' Lifeline Assistance Prog-include water bill assistance REF SHH
S1222 Turner,S Public util rate increase-prohibit until conclusion of hearing/BPU determination REF SEG
S1223 Turner,S Magnetic-stripe data-prohibits retail sales establishment from storing REF SCM
S1224 Turner,S School building-adopt policy establishing temperature control standards REF SED
S1225 Turner,S Breach of security, containing personal info.-revise requirements for disclosure REF SCM
S1226 Turner,S Reverse mortgage loan-estab pre-loan counseling req/borrower right of rescission REF SCM
S1227 Turner,S Literacy Through Tech. Prog.-estab. supplemental reading instruction in K thru 3 REF SED
S1228 Kean,T/Cunningham,S High sch graduate-conduct study, extent/cause of outmigration to out-of-St coll REF SHI
S1229 Kean,T/Cunningham,S Federal financial aid guidance-establish pilot program REF SHI
S1230 Kean,T Higher Education Funding Formula Commission-establishes REF SHI
S1231 Kean,T Transparency website, government-publish certain financial information REF SSG
S1232 Kean,T First-time homebuyers w/most abandoned properties-establish loan program;$5M REF SCU
S1233 Kean,T Comprehensive information security program-cert. persons, bus entities maintain REF SCM
S1234 Kean,T Admin. rules and regulations-State agencies required to review, ensure efficacy REF SSG
S1235 Turner,S Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment REF SMV
S1236 Kean,T/Cunningham,S Higher Education Student Advisory Commission-establish REF SHI
S1237 Codey,R Pub official-bars from elective office & political activity for cert time period REF SSG
S1238 Codey,R Internet service provider-keep subscriber's personal ID info. confidential REF SEG
S1239 Codey,R Electric distribution system, municipal-authorizes imposition of connection fee REF SCU
S1240 Corrado,K Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage REF SCM
S1241 Corrado,K Boat launch fees, State parks & forests-exempts residents 62 and older REF SEN
S1242 Ruiz,M Medicaid enrollment for inmates-participate in session 60 days prior to release REF SJU
S1243 Gopal,V Long-term care fac.-prov. corp business tax credit, pay for nurse aide training REF SHH
S1244 Gopal,V Vet student loan debt-exempts discharge thru fed Total & Permanent Disab process REF SBA
S1245 Gopal,V Equine-related farm employee housing with horses-establishes Right to Farm REF SEG
S1246 Gopal,V Dates, members of mun./county committees of political party take office-changes REF SSG
S1247 Gopal,V Energy efficiency standards-adopt for general service incandescent lamps REF SEN
S1248 Gopal,V Trapping license-changes minimum age for issuance from ages 12 to 18 REF SEN
S1249 Vitale,J Oaths and affidavits-revises statutes concerning REF SJU
S1250 Gopal,V Black bears, baiting for hunting purposes-prohibits REF SEN
S1251 Gopal,V Birth certificate to military veteran-requires issuance of 1 free copy REF SMV
S1252 Gopal,V Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Prog. Act-authorizes sharing mun. court admin REF SCU
S1253 Gopal,V Medicaid prescription drug services-provide via fee-for-service delivery system REF SHH
S1254 Singleton,T State aid-increase distrib. from Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund REF SCU
S1255 Singleton,T Motor vehicle surcharge-revenue dedicated to Special Needs Housing Trust Fund REF SCU
S1256 Singleton,T Volunteer firefighters, emergency responders-include in health benefits plans REF SCU
S1257 Singleton,T Internet websites, consumers, & personal identifiable info-notify, allow opt out REF SCM
S1258 Singleton,T Moose's Law-person w/animal cruelty conviction prohibits owning companion animal REF SEN
S1259 Singleton,T Labor contractors-concerns REF SLA
S1260 Singleton,T Statewide database, certified payroll information for pub works projects-creates REF SLA
S1261 Ruiz,M Economic Redevelopment & Growth Grant Program-extends submission deadlines REF SEG
S1262 Vitale,J Vapor businesses-revises licensure and operational requirements REF SHH
S1263 Beach,J Energy-efficient outdoor lighting fixtures-State required to use REF SEN
S1264 Beach,J Compounding Pharmacy Quality Assurance Act-requires accreditation REF SHH
S1265 Beach,J False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation REF SJU
S1266 Vitale,J Developmental disab individual-DHS develop/purchase electronic health record sys REF SHH
S1267 Vitale,J Insurance broker transparency-clarify req. only applies to sale of health plan REF SHH
S1268 Vitale,J Kidnapping-elim statute of limitations; incr limitations statute for other crime REF SJU
S1269 Vitale,J False Claims Act-clarifies the effective date REF SJU
S1270 Vitale,J Minor-expands the means to obtain a protective order REF SJU
S1368 Sarlo,P Economic & Fiscal Policy Review Commission-establish; provide ongoing review REF SSG
SCR52 Kean,T Human trafficking-SCI examine activity business/employer of massage therapists REF SJU
SCR53 Ruiz,M Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes REF SLP
SCR54 Bucco,A Historic places of worship-allow public funds to be used for preservation REF SSG
SJR32 Ruiz,M Paraprofessional & School-Related Personnel in Our Schools Day-2nd Fri. of Dec. REF SED
SJR33 Ruiz,M Hospice and Palliative Care Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF SHH
SJR34 Singleton,T Immigrant Heritage Month-designates June of each year REF SSG
SJR35 Codey,R Food Allergy Awareness Week-designates second week in May of each year REF SHH
SJR36 Cruz-Perez,N Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs REF SJU
SR27 Kean,T Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ REF SEG
Co-Sponsors Added:
SCR19 (Testa,M) St. budget-limit use of nonrecurring revenue except in crisis; limits growth
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S804 Sca (1R) (Ruiz,M) Academic degree-granting inst.-proh. entering into revenue sharing arrangements
The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective January 30, 2020
Tuition Aid Grant Study Commission: Michael J. Chando, of Woolwich.
Aaron Kotler, of Lakewood.
The Senate President has made the following re-appointment:
*Effective January 3
1, 2020
Council on Local Mandates: Jack Tarditi, of Haddonfield.
The Senate adjourned at 5:35 P.M. to meet again on Monday, February 10, 2020 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A2312 Holley,J Drug court-makes certain changes REF AJU
A2313 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B+3 Barbering license-creates alternative option to earn REF ARP
A2314 Jasey,M+1 TPAF retiree-allows reemployment by school district REF AED
A2315 Jasey,M Cottage food products-permits and establishes requirements for sale REF AAN
A2316 Jimenez,A/Giblin,T Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances REF ARP
A2317 Jimenez,A/Mejia,P PFRS-enhances the death benefit for surviving spouse, elig. after effective date REF ASL
A2318 Murphy,C Electronic lien and title system-requires MVC enter into contract to implement REF ATR
A2319 Murphy,C/Benson,D Moose's Law-person w/animal cruelty conviction prohibits owning companion animal REF AAN
A2320 Murphy,C+1 Horse racing-Racing Commission develop severe weather condition guidelines REF ATG
A2321 Murphy,C NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc REF ATR
A2322 Murphy,C Sch. breakfast prog-expands to all sch w/5% or more students elig for free meals REF AED
A2323 Murphy,C Jersey Fresh sales pilot program-direct Department of Agriculture estab.;$500K REF AAN
A2324 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V CDS and prescription monitoring-codifies certain regulatory provisions REF AHE
A2325 Murphy,C Nutrition programs-transfers administration to Department of Agriculture REF AAN
A2326 Murphy,C Smoke-Free Air Act-revises; prohibit smoking at certain outdoor public places REF AHE
A2327 Murphy,C/Speight,S Institutional Discrimination in Health Care-establishes Task Force REF AHE
A2328 Murphy,C+1 Food delivery drivers-prohibits use, electronic smoking devices/tobacco products REF AHE
A2329 Murphy,C Home & community based services-Div. of Med Asst & Health Svcs satisfy resid req REF AHE
A2330 Murphy,C Buprenorphine-requires Medicaid preferred drug list, coverage for chronic pain REF AHE
A2331 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Sexual assault treatment training-certain hospitals req. to provide for staff REF AHE
A2332 Murphy,C Medical education programs-gives priority to certain applicants REF AHE
A2333 Murphy,C Medicaid demo. proj-estab 3 yrs to pay for drugs according to value-based system REF AHE
A2334 Murphy,C Home health agencies-estab. requirements for incentive-based value payment sys. REF AHE
A2335 Murphy,C Charity Care hospital subsidy program-evidence-based evaluation;$200K REF AHE
A2336 Moriarty,P Weights and measures officers' and employee's duties-repeals restriction REF ACO
A2337 Moriarty,P Consumer affairs directors-conduct admin. hearings/assess civil penalities REF ACO
A2338 Moriarty,P Suspect, positive ID-directs AG to develop guidelines REF ALP
A2339 Moriarty,P Cable television-incl cert fees/charges for svc in advertised price to consumers REF ACO
A2340 Moriarty,P Mobile service providers, commercial-prohibits disclosing customer's GPS data REF ACO
A2341 Thomson,E Duncan Thecker Memorial Highway-designates portion of Rt. 34 in Wall Township REF ATR
A2342 Moriarty,P Hospital board of trustees-adopt written policy governing conflicts of interest REF AHE
A2343 Thomson,E Public school fund-raising activities-prohibits unsupervised door-to-door sales REF AED
A2344 Moriarty,P Motorcycle passenger-required to be 10 years of age or older REF ATR
A2345 Thomson,E Police-grants full status to special agents and authorized to carry firearms REF ALP
A2346 Moriarty,P State-administered retirement system-eliminates certain eligibility REF ASL
A2347 Moriarty,P State pension and annuity funds-prohibits investment in hedge funds REF ABU
A2348 Moen,W/Mazzeo,V+1 Free parking on election day at polling places-requires availability REF ASL
A2349 Moen,W Social Innovation Act-establishes loan pilot program & study commission w/in EDA REF AST
A2350 Verrelli,A Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge REF ALP
A2351 Dancer,R Patients-revises requirements for administration of vaccines REF AHE
A2352 Dancer,R Fire districts-undertake capital projects upon resolution of bd of commissioners REF ASL
A2353 Dancer,R Identity check for suspects, taken into custody on warrants-establish REF ALP
A2354 Dancer,R Brain injuries, potential-physicians perform exam related to workers' comp award REF ALA
A2355 Dancer,R Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers REF ATG
A2356 Dancer,R Student-athletes-exclude from income tax received for use of their name or image REF AED
A2357 Dancer,R Laci and Connor's Law-creates the offense of fetal homicide REF ALP
A2358 Dancer,R Open Public Records Act Study Commission-creates REF ASL
A2359 Dancer,R/Clifton,R State aid to cert school districts-prov addl, supplemental appropriation to DOE REF AED
A2360 Chaparro,A Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging REF ATU
A2361 Dancer,R/Bramnick,J Religious services-establish security program for 1 person to carry a handgun REF ALP
A2362 Dancer,R Deed recording-limited liability company disclose ownership information REF AHO
A2363 Vainieri Huttle,V Mental illness or devel disabilty-1 family member required on the board REF AHU
A2364 Vainieri Huttle,V Massage/bodywork therapists-create reporting standards estab parental permission REF ARP
A2365 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Bright Side Manor in Teaneck-fund capital improvement costs;$1.5M REF ASE
A2367 Johnson,G/Calabrese,C Swift Access For Emergency Response Actions Preserv. Program; reroute traffic REF AHS
A2368 Schaer,G Pupil funding for nonpublic security aid-increase from $150 to $250 REF AED
A2370 Schaer,G+1 Compassionate release program-establish for certain inmates REF ALP
A2372 Schaer,G Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program;$10M REF ABU
A2373 Taliaferro,A Linnette Lebron's Law-modify procedure, terminally ill marriage or civil union REF AJU
A2375 Pinkin,N Rutgers University Foundation-allow gross income tax deduction certain donations REF AHI
A2376 Pinkin,N+2 Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access REF AMV
A2377 Pinkin,N Homestead benefits-distribution required before October 31 REF ASL
A2378 Pinkin,N Drug discontinuation orders-requires pharmacies to effectuate REF AHE
A2379 Pinkin,N Pipeline applications for constr-automatic approval if DEP fails to take action REF ATU
A2380 Pinkin,N Land surveying-pertains to certain review and approval responsibilities REF ARP
A2381 Wimberly,B Michelle Sous' Law-requires a blood sample be obtained in motor vehicle death REF ALP
A2382 Wimberly,B Skateboards, motorized-restricts use REF ACO
A2383 Wimberly,B School attendance, compulsory-raises age requirement from 16 to 18 years old REF AED
A2384 Wimberly,B License plate readers, automated-impose certain requirements on use REF ALP
A2385 Wimberly,B Transportation-related infrastructure proj. & activities-pub on internet website REF ATR
A2386 Wimberly,B State Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights-concern rights, privileges & prot REF ALP
A2387 Wimberly,B Child study team members-may be school dist. employees or a DOE approved agency REF AED
A2388 Wimberly,B Student, homeless-assign finan responsibility of educating to dist of attendance REF AED
A2389 Wimberly,B Inflatable ride safety req., under Carnival-Amusement Ride Safety Act-clarifies REF ACO
A2390 Wimberly,B Reader Privacy Act-enacts; extends book purchases privacy REF ACO
A2391 Wimberly,B CAFRA permit from DEP-changes types of developments requiring REF AEN
A2392 Wimberly,B Alternative fuel, hybrid & electric vehicles-establishes special parking REF AEN
A2393 Wimberly,B Home health care svcs, potential vendors-notify of contracting opportunities REF AHE
A2394 Wimberly,B Law enforcement agencies-establish minority recruitment and selection programs REF ALP
A2395 Wimberly,B Cigarettes-increases fines for selling less than 20 in packs and single REF ALP
A2396 Wimberly,B/Timberlake,B Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender REF ALP
A2397 Wimberly,B Alcoholic bev.-impose surcharge, dedicate to Alco. Ed., Rehab & Enforcement Fund REF AOF
A2398 Wimberly,B/Timberlake,B Senior citizens & persons w/disabilities-creates crime of victimization REF ASE
A2399 Wimberly,B Informants, anonymous-requires safeguards for anonymity & confidentiality REF ALP
A2400 Wimberly,B County Government Criminal Justice Reform Admin Fund-increase fees & assessments REF AJU
A2401 Wimberly,B Responsible Dog Ownership Act-establish leashing and fencing requirements REF AAN
A2402 Wimberly,B Driver's license restoration after suspension-clarifies procedures REF ALP
A2403 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W+1 Senior housing, new-creates programs for installing emergency power generators REF ASE
A2404 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W Exterior-based prop reassessment-permits w/in 8 yrs of last mun-wide revaluation REF ASL
A2405 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W+1 Veterans, rental housing-grants credit against business taxes to developer REF AHO
A2406 Wimberly,B/Calabrese,C+1 Equitable Disclosure Act-modify MLUL provisions, devel. application objections REF AHO
A2407 Auth,R Protecting Parental Involvement in Curriculum Act REF AED
A2408 Johnson,G Cannabis dispensaries, medical-permitted use status in certain zoning districts REF ACE
A2409 Wirths,H/Murphy,C Motor vehicle registration-req. MVC place notation indicating registrant is deaf REF ATR
A2410 Downey,J Professionally managed unit-clarify definition for transient accommodation taxes REF ATG
A2411 Moen,W Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-determiniation no later, 21 days application submission REF AHU
A2412 Moen,W+1 Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction REF AHI
A2413 Space,P/Wirths,H Manufacturing facilities-proh. 10 yrs. applicability of new State & local rules REF ACE
A2414 Space,P+3 Civil svc.-permits instit. of layoffs, requires exam be offered continual basis REF ASL
A2415 Wirths,H/DeCroce,B+10 Marriage Penalty Elimination Act-revises rates for joint and similar filers REF AAP
A2416 DiMaio,J/DeCroce,B+6 Home repair and functional improvements-allows income tax deduction REF AHO
A2417 Wirths,H/DeCroce,B+7 Payroll-reduces taxable wage base applied to certain tax contributions REF ALA
A2418 McKeon,J Prescription Drug Affordability Board-establishes REF AHE
A2419 Benson,D Solar and photovoltaic energy facilities and structures on farmland-provides REF AAN
A2420 Benson,D Traps, spring loaded device-bans manufacture, sale, possession, trans. or use REF AAN
A2421 Benson,D/Pinkin,N+1 Vehicle charging stations-prov. CBT and allows income tax installation deduction REF AEN
A2422 Benson,D/Pinkin,N Vehicle charging stations-directs installation at svc. areas on State toll roads REF ATR
A2423 Benson,D Self-directed services program-authorizes payment for services rendered REF AHU
A2424 Benson,D+1 Safe Playing Fields Act-restricts lawn care pesticides use at child care centers REF AAN
A2425 Benson,D Commercial driver license holders-exempts certain requirements if fingerprinted REF ATR
A2426 Benson,D/Murphy,C Animal control officers, certified-enforce mun. ordinance; report animal cruelty REF AAN
A2427 Benson,D/Pinkin,N Reliability, Preparedness & Storm Response Act-pub. util file emerg preparedness REF AHS
A2428 Benson,D/Pinkin,N Office of Sustainability-creates REF AEN
A2429 Benson,D/Murphy,C+1 Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes REF ATR
A2430 Benson,D Political contributions by co/mun political party committes-proh, increase penal REF ASL
A2431 Benson,D+1 Ovarian cancer screening-insurers & SHBP provide coverage for expenses incurred REF AFI
A2432 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Local Governmental Process Activities Disclosure Act-establishes REF ASL
A2433 Benson,D Recovery community centers, 4 new-Div. of Mental Health/Addition Svcs facilitate REF AHE
A2434 Benson,D/Caputo,R SHBP, SEHBP-health care benf prov by physician terminate contract w/fed Medicare REF ASL
A2435 Benson,D Hair pieces for cancer patients-health insurance required coverage REF AFI
A2436 Benson,D Identity theft victims-petition for judicial determination of factual innocence REF AJU
A2437 Benson,D Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Pilot Program-creates REF AHE
A2438 Benson,D Honorably discharged member, certain-allows income tax deduction REF AMV
A2439 Benson,D/Murphy,C Nurse, registered professional staffing standards-establish in hospitals REF AHE
A2440 Benson,D Pensions, other retirement income-indexes for inflation gross income elig caps REF AAP
A2441 Benson,D Trans. svcs. prov to DHS clients-DHS employ Trans Planning Coordinator to manage REF ATR
A2442 Benson,D High efficiency home heating equipment sales-provides sales & use tax exemption REF AST
A2443 Benson,D Physicians, primary care-allows income tax deductions totaling $300K over 5 yrs. REF AHE
A2444 Benson,D Quinn Wilson's law-provides a gross income tax credit for stillbirth REF AHU
A2445 Benson,D Condominium associations-prohibits assessing insurance deductibles to unit owner REF AHO
A2446 Benson,D Motor veh dealer & repair fac-prioritize repair on wheel chair accommodation veh REF ACO
A2447 Benson,D Senior Citizens Prop. Tax Deferral Act-allow seniors to defer prop. tax payments REF ASE
A2448 Benson,D CATV companies-make available throughout residential areas of municipality REF ATU
A2449 Benson,D Consumer reporting agencies-proh charging fees & provisions in customer contract REF ACO
A2450 Benson,D+1 Transportation programs/services-DOT Commissioner req to advertise availability REF ATR
A2451 Benson,D Veteran tax deduction-concerns eligibility criteria REF AMV
A2452 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Technology and life sciences businesses-EDA establish innovation centers REF AST
A2453 Benson,D Prop assessment appeal refund payment-issue special notes, finan. emerg. approp. REF ASL
A2454 Benson,D/Murphy,C Electric public utilities-required to file emergency response plan with BPU REF AHS
A2455 Benson,D/Pinkin,N FIRST Robotics Programs-establishes pilot program in DOE in school districts REF AST
A2456 Benson,D/Murphy,C Access Link paratransit svc user-elig/enrolled in motor bus discounted fare prog REF ATR
A2457 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Energy tax receipts, certain-required to be paid directly to municipalities REF ATU
A2458 Benson,D State building, new-include distributed energy resource, retrofit existing bldgs REF AEN
A2459 Benson,D/Pinkin,N Diapers-requires insurance coverage of diapers when medically necessary REF AFI
A2460 Benson,D/Reynolds-Jackson,V Child care centers-requires test and remediation for lead and disclose results REF AEN
A2461 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+1 Veterans Day-school districts required to observe as a school holiday REF AMV
A2462 Benson,D Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards REF ACO
A2463 Benson,D/Murphy,C Cell phone or mobile device-upgrade stalking crime, use location monitoring prog REF AJU
A2464 Benson,D/Murphy,C Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns REF AWC
A2465 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Student safe user website/mobile application provisions-instruction required REF AED
A2466 Benson,D Homestead prop. tax reimb.-revises elig. req, claimants relocating w/in same mun REF AHO
A2467 Benson,D/Mosquera,G Homestead rebate or credit-provide fair notice to contest or obtain waiver REF AHO
A2468 Benson,D Cord blood banking services-extends income tax medical expense deduction REF AWC
A2469 Benson,D+1 Drone use-sets certain standards, followed by law enforcement agencies REF AHS
A2470 Benson,D+1 School Bus Safety & Child Protection Act-periodic criminal background checks req REF AED
A2471 Benson,D Good Samaritan injured at scene of accident-insurance company provide coverage REF AFI
A2472 Conaway,H Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment Form Registry-establishes REF AHE
A2474 Conaway,H Health care services, accessing-deletes prior authorization requirements REF AHE
A2475 Speight,S/McKnight,A Trauma-informed education-teaching staff & sch bd members receive training REF AED
A2476 McKnight,A Homeschooling expenses, certain-provides gross income tax credit REF AED
A2477 McKnight,A Dry drowning-municipalities req to provide information at public swimming pools REF ACD
A2478 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Realty transfer fees-eliminates general purpose, supplemental and mansion REF AHO
A2479 Quijano,A Veterans, surviving spouse-allows income tax deduction REF AMV
A2480 Murphy,C/Wirths,H Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REF AHO
A2481 Quijano,A Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax REF AMV
A2482 Quijano,A Domestic violence offenders, certain-requires counseling REF AWC
A2483 McKnight,A/Speight,S Sch discipline practice incl racial disparities/effectiveness task force-examine REF AED
A2484 Quijano,A False pub alarm-upgrade crime, resulting in police response against cert persons REF AJU
A2485 Quijano,A Vet2Vet Hotline program-juror compensation permits donation REF AMV
A2486 Quijano,A Motor vehicle accident reports-restricts access to 80 days after accident REF AJU
A2487 Quijano,A Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf REF ALA
A2488 Quijano,A Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged REF AHE
A2489 Quijano,A Mobile service providers-prohibits from disclosing customer's location data REF ACO
A2490 Quijano,A Finan assistance from EDA-proh businesses from gender gap payment practices REF ALA
A2491 Quijano,A Military or reserve members-clarifies excuse from jury service REF AMV
A2492 Quijano,A Billing due date-proh. telecommunications/utility companies from charging prior REF ACO
A2493 Greenwald,L/Pintor Marin,E Superfund list-report & public hearing required prior to DEP site for inclusion REF AEN
A2494 Greenwald,L/McKeon,J Health benefits-revises individual and small employer plans REF AFI
A2495 Greenwald,L Einstein Scholars Program-establish & annually award to top 25 high sch students REF AED
A2496 Greenwald,L/Chaparro,A Student debt letter-higher ed instit send out; complete loan debt repymt. course REF AHI
A2497 Greenwald,L/Mazzeo,V SJTA employees-prohibits toll-free passage, unless carrying out official duties REF ATR
A2498 Greenwald,L/DeAngelo,W TDI, family & family temporary disability leave-design, make available a webinar REF ALA
A2499 Munoz,N Child care expenditures-corp. bus. and income tax credits for employer-provided REF AWC
A2500 Munoz,N Microphone-Enabled Devices Act-requires user consent before enabling device REF ACO
A2501 Munoz,N Employee's retirement year-concerns payment of leave time REF ALA
A2502 Munoz,N Oxygen delivery, patient residences during public health emergency-requires plan REF AHS
A2503 Munoz,N Innovate NJ Act-establishes tax-free business incubators at instit. of higher ed REF AST
A2504 Munoz,N Assisted living residences & cert fac-equip w/standby emergency power generators REF AHS
A2505 Munoz,N Business incubator facility, cert.-authorizes EDA to provide financial asistance REF AST
A2506 Munoz,N Flood control projects in Cranford Township;$5M REF AEN
A2507 Munoz,N Technology transfer assistance program in EDA-establish REF AST
A2508 Munoz,N Dietary Supplements Task Force-establishes; concerning safety and regulation REF AHE
A2509 Munoz,N Service repair contractors-prohibits from charging hourly rates for travel time REF ARP
A2510 Munoz,N Entrepreneur-in-resid pilot prog-outreach, issues relevant to small bus concerns REF AST
A2511 Munoz,N Hospitals-maintain passive audio alerting staff of non-ambulance veh. w/patients REF AHE
A2512 Munoz,N Newborn infants-screen for genetic mutations assoc w/hereditary hemochromatosis REF AWC
A2513 Munoz,N Homestead property tax reimbursement-proportionate owner collect entire amount REF AHO
A2514 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking-prov. rental/lease prot REF AWC
A2515 Vainieri Huttle,V Trespass offense as result of homlessness-affirmative defense permit expungement REF AJU
A2516 Vainieri Huttle,V Domestic violence statutes-expands to encompass minors aged 16 and older REF AWC
A2517 Vainieri Huttle,V Domestic violence restraining orders-include pregnant victim's child upon birth REF AWC
A2518 Vainieri Huttle,V Minor-expands the means to obtain a protective order REF AWC
A2519 Vainieri Huttle,V Cyberbullying offenders'-upgrade harassment and restricts access to the Internet REF AJU
A2520 Vainieri Huttle,V Jury duty-exempts nursing mothers REF AWC
A2521 Vainieri Huttle,V SNAP-provides for receipts for applications REF AHU
A2522 Vainieri Huttle,V Juror compensation-permits juror donation to Legal Services of NJ through AOC REF AJU
A2523 Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Well testing, private-sets maximum contaminant level, test for PFOS & PFOA REF AEN
A2524 Vainieri Huttle,V Restraining order-issue for situations where domestic viol statutes do not apply REF AWC
A2525 Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Child porn on computers-information tech professionals report to law enforcement REF AJU
A2526 Greenwald,L Inheritance tax payment-coincides with the due date for St/fed estate taxes REF ABU
A2527 Greenwald,L Public humanities programming-provides voluntary contrib. on income tax return REF ATG
A2528 Munoz,N Homeowners association contracts for management/maintenance-24 hr emerg services REF AHO
A2529 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B Highway Accident Property Tax Relief Act-State reimburse mun for emerg svcs cost REF AHS
A2530 Bramnick,J Governor & Legislative memb-expends deadline, filing finan disclosure statement REF ASL
A2531 Bramnick,J SPRS-raises mandatory retirement age from 55 to 60 REF ASL
A2532 Bramnick,J Council of the Arts-grants awarded.scheduling courses when school dist is closed REF ATG
A2533 Bramnick,J Telephone operator-concerns options when calling government entities REF ASL
A2534 Bramnick,J Government Functions and Services Study Commission-establishes REF ASL
A2535 Bramnick,J Gov., Lieutenant Gov., Senate & General Assembly-disclose fed. income tax return REF ASL
A2536 Bramnick,J Municipal administrator salary-withhold if removed immediately for good cause REF ASL
A2537 Bramnick,J Text books/nursing prog.-Education Commissioner responsible for implementation REF AED
A2538 Bramnick,J+1 Board of education-accept donations for purpose of providing property tax relief REF AED
A2539 Bramnick,J Legislative-provides for public comment period at cert session of each house REF ASL
A2540 Bramnick,J/Schepisi,H+2 Safe school resource off/Class Three special law enforcement off-sch dist employ REF AED
A2541 Bramnick,J/Thomson,E Board of Education and school administrator-clarifies law on ethical conduct REF AED
A2542 Bramnick,J/Moriarty,P+6 Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name REF ACO
A2543 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Anti-bullying policy of public schools-extends time for investigation incident REF AED
A2544 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N+4 Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide REF AHI
A2545 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B Anti-bullying policies-mandate additional requirements, expand info DOE guidance REF AED
A2773 Mazzeo,V Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year REF AAN
A2774 Burzichelli,J/Dancer,R Executive director of St Agriculture Development Committee-appointed by Governor REF AAN
A2775 Houghtaling,E Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events REF AAN
ACR93 Pinkin,N National ban of non-therapeutic use of antibiotics on livestock-express support REF AAN
ACR94 Pinkin,N Vehicle emission, fuel efficiency standards-opposes proposed reductions REF AEN
ACR95 Wimberly,B State Auditor-eliminate office; provide for elected State Comptroller REF ASL
ACR96 Wimberly,B Immigration, mixed status-condemns rule forcing family separation/eviction REF AOF
ACR97 Wimberly,B Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights-proposes REF AWC
ACR98 Auth,R/Dancer,R+3 Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office REF ASL
ACR99 Bergen,B General Assembly-limit 12 number of successive years members can serve REF ASL
ACR100 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Assisted Living Pilot Program, Veterans w/Traumatic Brain Injury Extension Act REF AMV
ACR101 Benson,D Homestead property tax reimbursement program-raise income limit to be eligible REF ASL
ACR102 Benson,D/DeAngelo,W Veteran property tax deduction-constitutional amendment to increase to $500 REF AMV
ACR103 Conaway,H+1 Opportunity Zone Lead Remediation Impact Act of 2019-urges President to enact REF AHE
ACR104 Munoz,N law enforcement officer, killed in line of duty-provide property tax exemption REF ALP
ACR105 Bramnick,J/Wirths,H+1 Joint legislative strategic planning committees-establish 4; long-term solutions REF ASL
ACR106 Bramnick,J State issues and policies-require Legislature convene 4 times annually to debate REF ASL
ACR107 Conaway,H Lead-Free Future Act of 2019-urges President and Congress to enact REF AHE
ACR117 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R Wineries, special events-concerns legislative review, inconsistent w/leg. intent REF AAN
AJR66 Murphy,C/Tully,P+1 Technology Task Force-establish; study potential technology upgrades REF AST
AJR67 Murphy,C+1 Deaf Awareness Month/Deaf Awareness Week-desig. Sept. & last full week of Sept. REF AHE
AJR68 Murphy,C Black Balloon Day-designates March 6 of each year REF AHE
AJR69 Dancer,R Honey Month-designates September each year REF AAN
AJR70 Dancer,R Equal Pay Day-designates second Tuesday in April REF AWC
AJR71 Dancer,R Agriculture Day-designates March 20th of each year REF AAN
AJR72 Dancer,R Armistice, World War I-commemorates 100th anniversary REF AMV
AJR73 Peters,R/Bergen,B Gold Star Father's Day-Designates last Sunday in January of each year REF AMV
AJR74 Peters,R/DiMaio,J+1 John Basilone Day-designates September 22 REF AMV
AJR75 Wimberly,B National Obesity Awareness Month-designates the month of September REF AHE
AJR76 Wimberly,B/Murphy,C Youth Smoking Prevention and Awareness Month-designates May of each year REF AHE
AJR77 Wimberly,B/Murphy,C Suicide Prevention Week-designates calendar week that includes September 10th REF AHU
AJR78 Wimberly,B Mental health services-clarify hearsay rule exception, med. diagnosis/treatment REF AJU
AJR79 McKeon,J/Jasey,M President Grover Cleveland Week-designates week of March 18th of each year REF ATG
AJR80 Benson,D Opioid Antidote Administration & Aftercare Commission-study & report procedures REF AHE
AJR81 McKnight,A Dry Drowning Awareness Month-designates June of every year REF ACD
AJR82 Quijano,A Lation Clergy Day-designates first Saturday of October REF ASL
AJR83 Quijano,A Monarch Butterfly Month-designates May of each year REF AAN
AJR84 Munoz,N Visiting Nurse Association Day-designates May 6 of each year REF AHE
AJR85 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B Cancer Survivor Month-designates June of each year REF AHE
AR78 Mosquera,G/Moen,W+3 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create REF AWC
AR79 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+3 Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count REF AWC
AR80 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W+1 Fair Housing Act's disparate impact standard-condemns proposed rule limiting REF AHO
AR81 Wimberly,B/Spearman,W+1 Community Parks Revitalization Act-urges Congress to pass REF ACD
AR82 McKeon,J+1 Gateway Program, Portal North Bridge-urges President approve funding to complete REF ATR
AR83 Benson,D Senior citizens-urges state & local governments guarantee right to own pets REF ASE
AR84 Quijano,A Oil and natural gas drilling-opposes expansion on Outer Continental Shelf REF AEN
AR85 Quijano,A Monarch butterfly-urges US Fish and Wildlife Service list as threatened species REF AAN
AR86 Quijano,A Eyeglasses, hearing aids, & dentures-memorializes to provide Medicare coverage REF ASE
AR87 Bramnick,J/Moriarty,P Health insurance/prescription drug providers-offer option of speaking to a human REF AHE
AR88 Bramnick,J/Munoz,N Jeffrey Mahon, Jeffrey Hoens-name County Route 18 bridge in Monmouth Co in honor REF ATR
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A242 DeAngelo,W/Downey,J+1 Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark REP
A270 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K REP
A740 Johnson,G Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items REP
A741 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+4 Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State REP
A745 Johnson,G/Pinkin,N+5 Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes REP
A860 Chiaravalloti,N/Karabinchak,R+2 Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force REP
A1089 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Conaway,H Dumping dredge spoils-prohibits around islands without municipal approval REP/ACA
A1296 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C+4 Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website REP
A1369 Benson,D/Zwicker,A Patrolman Billie D Ellis Memorial Highway-desig. portion of Rt 27 in Princeton REP
A1443 DeCroce,B/Benson,D+5 Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners REP
A1993 Pinkin,N/Benson,D+1 Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction REP
A2116 Tully,P/Swain,L+6 Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines REP
A2131 Aca (1R) Tully,P/DePhillips,C+1 Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates REP/ACA
A2244 Dancer,R/Murphy,C+14 Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal REP
A2371 Aca (1R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste REP/ACA
AR38 Conaway,H/Zwicker,A+2 Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage REP
AR78 Mosquera,G/Moen,W+3 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create REP
AR79 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+3 Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count REP
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A192 Carter,L/Kennedy,J+3 STEM Scholars Grant Pilot Program-establish in DOE REP REF AAP
A652 Armato,J/Moen,W+4 Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees REP REF AAP
A678 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Quijano,A+1 Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program REP/ACA REF AAP
A1033 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+1 Psychiatrists who contract with DCF-provides tuition reimbursement REP REF AAP
A1126 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/Sumter,S+1 State agencies, certain-sell Internet ads on agencies' websites as pilot program REP/ACA REF AAP
A1153 Aca (1R) Freiman,R/Benson,D+3 E-ZPass-opt in to receive real-time electronic toll notification REP/ACA REF AAP
A1359 Benson,D/Tucker,C+3 Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates REP REF AAP
A1514 Aca (1R) Rooney,K/Pinkin,N+5 Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings REP/ACA REF AAP
A1847 Aca (1R) Timberlake,B/Speight,S Mental Illness Crisis Resource Hotline-establish 24 hour, toll-free hotline REP/ACA REF AAP
A2270 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REP/ACA REF AAP
A2369 Pinkin,N State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan REP REF AAP
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A1486 Moriarty,P Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Licensing Act FROM ACO
A1487 Moriarty,P/Johnson,G Used Car Buyers' Bill of Rights-prohibits as is sales of used motor vehicles FROM ACO
AJR13 Catalano,J+2 Obesity Care Week-designates the second week of October of each year FROM AHE
Co-Sponsors Added:
A206 (Dancer,R) Veterans' benefits-broadens elig. by eliminating req of serving during cert wars
A218 (Caputo,R) Service or guide dogs-concerns employee training, access to public facilities
A242 (Danielsen,J) Legal signature-clarifies person w/disab sign w/finger or other identifying mark
A281 (Dancer,R) Veteran, indigent & veteran status-defines for interment purposes
A285 (Caputo,R) Casinos/racetrack-remove 7 day limit for continued operation, state of emergency
A362 (Stanfield,J) Water safety-prov instruction as Student Learning, Comprehensive Health & Phy Ed
A376 (Murphy,C) Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage
A637 (Armato,J; Mazzeo,V) Sports pools operators-revises permit and license
A639 (Scharfenberger,G) Shore Protection Fund-increases amount annually credited to $50M
A652 (Holley,J; Danielsen,J; DiMaio,J) Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A678 Aca (1R) (Johnson,G) Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program
A710 (Speight,S) Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M
A711 (Speight,S) Reparations Task Force-establishes
A723 (Timberlake,B) Bus. for certification-prohibits disqual. of certain minority and women owned
A741 (Pinkin,N) Fuel Cell Task Force-establishes and increases use of fuel cells in State
A745 (DiMaio,J; Benson,D) Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes
A795 (Benson,D) Cosmetics products-prohibits sale when tested on animals
A810 (Speight,S) Student mental health assistance program-establish program to create
A844 (Johnson,G) Inmate reentry services committee-each county required to establish
A853 (Danielsen,J) Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating
A863 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Bias intimidation offenses-requires AG report to FBI for hate crime statistics
A1075 (Benson,D) Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control
A1115 (Scharfenberger,G) Charitable contributions, State-based-allows gross income tax deduction
A1185 (Speight,S) Spill Compensation and Control Act cap-incr on recovery damages cert dischargers
A1229 (Giblin,T; Timberlake,B) Homeless prevention programs-DCA make information available on its website
A1259 (Danielsen,J; DiMaio,J) Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS
A1282 (Moen,W) Tuition assistance programs and student loan debt-graduation requirements
A1296 (Johnson,G) Complaints, public-State department required to provide a link on its website
A1359 (Danielsen,J; DiMaio,J) Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates
A1365 (Mukherji,R; Zwicker,A; Swain,L; Holley,J) Wildlife-prohibits harassing or taking at competitive events; establish penal.
A1514 Aca (1R) (Danielsen,J) Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings
A1619 (Stanfield,J) Classroom supplies expenses-provides income tax deduction to eligible educators
A1625 (Benson,D) STEM-devel outreach prog, encourage young women/minorities pursue career in STEM
A1626 (Benson,D) School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs
A1993 (Danielsen,J) Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction
A2175 (Zwicker,A) Voter regis. website, online-Secretary of State estab & auth digital signatures
A2244 (Armato,J; Danielsen,J) Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal
A2266 (Murphy,C; Speight,S) Violence prevention counseling services, professional-Medicaid cover
A2269 (Murphy,C; Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) Opioid addiction risk-hospitals include warning in patient discharge papers
A2271 (Timberlake,B; Speight,S) Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog
A2281 (Timberlake,B; Benson,D) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline
A2282 (Timberlake,B) Superstorm Sandy-DEP study St.'s response & preparedness for future storm events
A2285 (Speight,S) SNAP-establishes standard medical expense deduction for senior citizens
A2286 (Speight,S) Student loan repayment programs, income-contingent-provide information
A2291 (Mazzeo,V; Benson,D) Motor vehicle registration-exempts 100% disabled veterans from payment of fees
A2292 (Timberlake,B; Murphy,C; Benson,D) E-ZPass-exempts customer from certain fees if motor vehicle is stolen
A2293 (Timberlake,B; Speight,S) Suicide prevention programs-require institutions of higher education implement
A2306 (Timberlake,B; Speight,S) Affordable and senior citizen housing-establishes centralized directory
A2309 (Timberlake,B) School buses-requires to be equipped with interior and exterior cameras
A2314 (Caputo,R) TPAF retiree-allows reemployment by school district
A2320 (Caputo,R) Horse racing-Racing Commission develop severe weather condition guidelines
A2328 (Caputo,R) Food delivery drivers-prohibits use, electronic smoking devices/tobacco products
A2331 (Caputo,R) Sexual assault treatment training-certain hospitals req. to provide for staff
A2348 (Caputo,R) Free parking on election day at polling places-requires availability
A2370 (Caputo,R) Compassionate release program-establish for certain inmates
A2376 (Caputo,R; Speight,S) Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access
A2412 (Caputo,R) Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction
A2414 (Wirths,H; McGuckin,G; DeCroce,B) Civil svc.-permits instit. of layoffs, requires exam be offered continual basis
A2415 (DePhillips,C; McGuckin,G; DiMaio,J; Space,P; Kean,S; Clifton,R; Bramnick,J; Munoz,N; Peterson,E; DiMaso,S) Marriage Penalty Elimination Act- revises rates for joint and similar filers
A2416 (Kean,S; McGuckin,G; Clifton,R; Bramnick,J; Munoz,N; Peterson,E) Home repair and functional improvements-allows income tax deduction
A2417 (Clifton,R; DiMaio,J; McGuckin,G; Kean,S; Bramnick,J; Munoz,N; Peterson,E) Payroll-reduces taxable wage base applied to certain tax contributions
A2421 (Freiman,R) Vehicle charging stations-prov. CBT and allows income tax installation deduction
A2424 (Caputo,R) Safe Playing Fields Act-restricts lawn care pesticides use at child care centers
A2429 (Caputo,R) Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes
A2431 (Caputo,R) Ovarian cancer screening-insurers & SHBP provide coverage for expenses incurred
A2450 (Caputo,R) Transportation programs/services-DOT Commissioner req to advertise availability
A2461 (Caputo,R) Veterans Day-school districts required to observe as a school holiday
A2469 (Caputo,R) Drone use-sets certain standards, followed by law enforcement agencies
A2470 (Caputo,R) School Bus Safety & Child Protection Act-periodic criminal background checks req
A2523 (Caputo,R) Well testing, private-sets maximum contaminant level, test for PFOS & PFOA
A2525 (Caputo,R) Child porn on computers-information tech professionals report to law enforcement
A2540 (DeCroce,B; Munoz,N) Safe school resource off/Class Three special law enforcement off-sch dist employ
A2542 (Pinkin,N; Murphy,C; Rooney,K; DePhillips,C; Mosquera,G; Zwicker,A) Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name
A2544 (Pinkin,N; Mukherji,R; Benson,D; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide
ACR55 (Holley,J) People's Republic of China-condemns abuses against Falun Gong practitioners
ACR98 (Gove,D; Rumpf,B; Peterson,E) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office
ACR103 (Caputo,R) Opportunity Zone Lead Remediation Impact Act of 2019-urges President to enact
ACR105 (Space,P) Joint legislative strategic planning committees-establish 4; long-term solutions
AJR66 (Moen,W) Technology Task Force-establish; study potential technology upgrades
AJR67 (Caputo,R) Deaf Awareness Month/Deaf Awareness Week-desig. Sept. & last full week of Sept.
AR12 (Holley,J) Organ harvesting from political prisoners-denounces People's Republic of China
AR17 (Wimberly,B; Holley,J) Violence-declares public health crisis
AR38 (Pinkin,N) Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage
AR78 (Greenwald,L; Murphy,C; Reynolds-Jackson,V) 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create
AR79 (Murphy,C; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Moen,W) Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count
AR82 (Caputo,R) Gateway Program, Portal North Bridge-urges President approve funding to complete
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A377 (McKeon,J) Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers
A413 (Catalano,J) Public utility-proh. filing rate increase petition under certain circumstances
A414 (Catalano,J) Motor fuel storage, distrib & dispensing-ensure operation during disasters/emerg
A415 (Catalano,J) Beach replenishment/dune construction-concerns valuation of property condemned
A416 (Catalano,J) Hurricane Sandy recovery-excludes pub works contracts from prevailing wage req
A418 (Catalano,J) Lawn removal near Barnegat Bay-provided State income tax credit
A421 (Catalano,J) Realty transfer fee-terminate fee, 1% assessment on purch of property over $100K
A425 (Catalano,J) Dwellings damaged by natural disasters-short-term exemptions, cert improvements
A426 (Catalano,J) Sick leave, accumulated-restrict use by public employees, yr prior to retirement
A427 (Catalano,J) Sick, vacation leave-limits cert unused be carried forward for pub officers/emp
A428 (Catalano,J) St aid reduction-concerns accumulated absences paid to employees upon retirement
A431 (Catalano,J) Realty transfer fee, supplemental-eliminates
A432 (Catalano,J) Realty transfer fees, certain-exempts senior citizens, blind & disabled people
A433 (Catalano,J) Fire suppression systems-required in all elementary and secondary schools
A434 (Catalano,J) Flood insurance-requires insurers provide policyholders with certain information
A435 (Catalano,J) Anticancer oral medication-limit upfront cost under certain health benefits plan
A436 (Catalano,J) Dwelling units during foreclosure-lender maintain vacant, age-restricted units
A437 (Catalano,J) DWI-requires installation of ignition interlock device
A438 (Catalano,J) Electric distrib substation-pub util submit proposal protect against crim attack
A441 (Catalano,J) 9-1-1 public safety answering points-crime of second degree for interference
A445 (Catalano,J) Minors-permits to work until 11 pm between Memorial Day and October 1 of each yr
A446 (Catalano,J) Internet Criminal Information Registry-establish
A449 (Catalano,J) Polysomnography license fees-revises
A652 (Moen,W) Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A681 (McKnight,A) Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting
A1639 (Peters,R) Apprenticeships, registered-prov. CBT and income tax credits for bus that employ
A1713 (Dancer,R) Deer-authorizes Sunday firearm and bow hunting on certain lands
A2289 (Benson,D) Handicapped placard-qualified person w/post traumatic stress disorder obtain
A2303 (Murphy,C) Office of State Dental Director and NJ Oral Health Commission-establishes
A2305 (Timberlake,B) Transportation services-provide notice to riders concerning video recording
A2307 (Timberlake,B) Eviction of residential tenants-prohibits from December through February
A2310 (Timberlake,B) Anti-discrimination & anti-harassment policy-require certain candidates adopt
A2311 (Jasey,M) Higher ed instit & mun mutually beneficial relationship-exam by study commission
AJR65 (Downey,J) Bruce Springsteen Day-designates September 23
Second Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A739 (Freiman,R) Police officers, certain-affords civil immunity
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A270 (Danielsen,J) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets-air quality studies, support campaign;$50K
A417 (Catalano,J) Fishing-clarifies license not required at a private community lake
A420 (Catalano,J) Fentanyl unlawful manufacturing, distributing or dispensing-increase penalty
A424 (Catalano,J) E-Zpass-provides income tax deduction for certain tolls paid
A430 (Catalano,J) Drug dealing offenses-graded by units rather than weight of CDS
A443 (Catalano,J) Animal cruelty law-prohibits owning, keeping/harbor animals; DHSS estab. website
A444 (Catalano,J) State sch aid reduction-prev dist that experienced decrease in equalized value
A452 (Catalano,J) DOE-release school districts software program used to calculate State school aid
A516 (Timberlake,B) EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity
A652 (Johnson,G) Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A806 (Downey,J) Medicaid-DOC ensure inmates participate in pre-enrollment; card at release
A1081 (Murphy,C) Human Trafficking Commissioner-public awareness, post signs w/24 hour hotline
A1262 (Johnson,G) Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop
A1514 Aca (1R) (Johnson,G) Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings
A1609 (Benson,D) Motor vehicles, self-driv-clarify owner comply w/existing insurance requirements
A1993 (Kennedy,J) Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction
A2269 (Timberlake,B) Opioid addiction risk-hospitals include warning in patient discharge papers
A2270 Aca (1R) (Pinkin,N) Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel.
A2273 (Murphy,C) Disaster Victims Protection Act-Governor allocate federal/State disaster aid
A2285 (Benson,D) SNAP-establishes standard medical expense deduction for senior citizens
A2286 (Timberlake,B) Student loan repayment programs, income-contingent-provide information
A2288 (Timberlake,B) Intergenerational Poverty Reduction Act-estab Commission on Elim & Econ Security
A2291 (Armato,J) Motor vehicle registration-exempts 100% disabled veterans from payment of fees
A2305 (Benson,D) Transportation services-provide notice to riders concerning video recording
A2331 (Speight,S) Sexual assault treatment training-certain hospitals req. to provide for staff
A2398 (Murphy,C) Senior citizens & persons w/disabilities-creates crime of victimization
A2421 (Kennedy,J) Vehicle charging stations-prov. CBT and allows income tax installation deduction
A2422 (DeAngelo,W) Vehicle charging stations-directs installation at svc. areas on State toll roads
A2427 (Murphy,C) Reliability, Preparedness & Storm Response Act-pub. util file emerg preparedness
A2428 (Freiman,R) Office of Sustainability-creates
A2452 (Dancer,R) Technology and life sciences businesses-EDA establish innovation centers
A2459 (Murphy,C) Diapers-requires insurance coverage of diapers when medically necessary
A2496 (Moen,W) Student debt letter-higher ed instit send out; complete loan debt repymt. Course
A2498 (Mukherji,R) TDI, family & family temporary disability leave-design, make available a webinar
A2542 (Benson,D) Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name
A2544 (Jasey,M) Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide
AJR65 (Houghtaling,E) Bruce Springsteen Day-designates September 23
AR88 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Jeffrey Mahon, Jeffrey Hoens-name County Route 18 bridge in Monmouth Co in honor
Third Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A678 Aca (1R) (Benson,D) Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:
*Effective January 30, 2020
Special Task Force on Volunteer Retention and Recruitment: Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (17) Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso (13) George H. Heflich, Sr., of Secaucus. John V. Lane, of Hawthorne. *Effective January 31, 2020
Casino Revenue Fund Advisory Commission:
Assemblyman Vincent Mazzeo (2) Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove (9)
Commission to Review Constructive Sentences of Life Imprisonment on Juvenile Offenders:
Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly (35)
*Effective January 31, 2020
Council on Armed Forces and Veterans’ Affairs:
Assemblyman Wayne P. DeAngelo (14) Assemblyman Brian Bergen (25)
Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission:
Assemblywoman Britnee N. Timberlake (34)
Education Commission of the States:
Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese (36)
Ellis Island Advisory Commission:
Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight (31)
Fire Safety Commission:
Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (17) Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney (40) Governor’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and Related Blood-Borne Pathogens:
Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin (18) Joint Budget Oversight Committee:
Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (29) Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli (3) Assemblyman Hal Wirths (24) Legislative Services Commission:
Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15), to replace Assemblyman Thomas Giblin (34)
Assemblyman Harold “Hal” Wirths (24), to replace Anthony M. Bucco (25)
Martin Luther King Jr. Commission:
Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds Jackson (15) Assemblywoman Cleopatra G. Tucker (28) Assemblyman Robert D. Clifton (12) Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso (13)
New Jersey Advisory Council on End-of-Life Care:
Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli (3)
Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz (21)
*Effective January 31, 2020
New Jersey Commission on Capital Budgeting and Planning:
Assemblywoman Shavonda E. Sumter (35)
Assemblyman Harold “Hal” Wirths (24)
New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation, and Technology:
Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (16)
Assemblyman Christopher P. DePhillips (40)
New Jersey Historical Commission:
Assemblyman Craig J. Coughlin (19)
Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove (9)
New Jersey Intergovernmental Relations Commission:
Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese (36)
Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly (35)
Assemblyman John McKeon (27)
Assemblyman John DiMaio (23)
Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (26)
New Jersey Military Skills Council:
Assemblyman Gordon M. Johnson (37)
New Jersey State Council on the Arts:
Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (37) New Jersey Tourism Policy Council:
Assemblyman Ralph R. Caputo (28) Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer (12) Pretrial Services Program Review Commission:
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (33)
Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (26)
Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources:
Assemblyman Robert J. Karabinchak (18) Chair Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro (33) Vice-Chair Assemblywoman Carol A. Murphy (7) Assemblyman Anthony S. Verrelli (15) Assemblyman Edward H. Thomson (30) Assemblyman Robert D. Clifton (12)
*Effective January 31, 2020
State Council for Adult Literacy Education Services:
Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey (27)
Assemblyman Edward H. Thomson (30)
State House Commission:
Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty (4) Assemblyman John DiMaio (23) Assemblyman Robert J. Karabinchak (18) Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick (21)
State Leasing and Space Utilization Committee:
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (33)
The Assembly Speaker has made the following re-appointments:
*Effective January 31, 2020
Council on Local Mandates:
Robert Landolfi, of North Arlington.
Legislative Services Commission:
Assemblyman Craig J. Coughlin (19)
Assemblyman Louis D. Greenwald (6)
Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli (3)
Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick (21)
Assemblyman John DiMaio (23)
Assemblyman Nancy F. Munoz (21)
The Assembly Speaker has made the following Committee appointments:
*Effective February 3, 2020
Commerce and Economic Development Committee (ACE): Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn (25)
Women and Children (AWC): Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn (25)
Human Services (AHU): Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn (25)
Democratic Leadership:
Assemblyman Craig J. Coughlin (19), Assembly Speaker
Assemblyman Louis D. Greenwald (6), Majority Leader
Assemblyman Gordon M. Johnson (37), Speaker Pro Tempore
Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (20), Majority Conference Leader
Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli (3), Deputy Speaker
Assemblyman Wayne P. DeAngelo (14), Deputy Speaker
Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey (27), Deputy Speaker
Assemblywoman Angelica M. Jimenz (32), Deputy Speaker
Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt (6), Deputy Speaker
Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer (36), Deputy Speaker
Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (37), Deputy Speaker
Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly (35), Deputy Speaker
Assemblyman Joseph V. Egan (17), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin (34), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling (11), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblywoman Carol A. Murphy (7), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (15), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblyman P. Christopher Tully (38), Deputy Majority Leader
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (33), Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore
Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin (18), Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore
Assemblywoman Joann Downey (11), Parliamentarian
Assemblyman Adam J. Taliaferro (3), Deputy Parliamentarian
Assemblyman Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti (31), Majority Whip
Assemblyman Robert J. Karabinchak (18), Deputy Majority Whip
Assemblywoman Linda S. Carter (22), Deputy Whip
Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (17), Deputy Whip
Assemblyman William W. Spearman (5), Deputy Whip
Assemblyman Daniel R. Benson (14), Deputy Conference Leader
Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer (36), Policy Chair
Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (29), Budget Chair
The Assembly adjourned at 5:49 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 13, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/30/2020):