Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Monday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Monday (February 5th):




Bills Introduced:

S1508    Turner,S    MV surcharges-elim. cert.   REF STR

S1509    Turner,S    St. pension, annuity fds.-investment   REF SSG

S1510    Turner,S    Corp., outside US-proh investing pension   REF SSG

S1511    Turner,S    MV penalty points-incr. from 6 to 10   REF SLP

S1512    Turner,S    Govt. records-pub. access thru website   REF SSG

S1513    Turner,S    Vet, wartime svc. disab.-incr. allowance   REF SMV

S1514    Turner,S    St. contracts-proh. cert. domestic corp.   REF SSG

S1515    Turner,S    Earned Income Tax Cred.-incr.   REF SBA

S1516    Turner,S    Income exceeding $1M-incr. tax rate   REF SBA

S1517    Turner,S    Priv contract-notice req., cert. St. emp   REF SSG

S1518    Turner,S    St. dept. contracts-req. cost analysis   REF SSG

S1520    Turner,S    St-admin retire. sys-reinstate auto COLA   REF SSG

S1521    Turner,S    Artist Bank-prov. interest free loans   REF SSG

S1522    Turner,S    St. contract-req. job equality standards   REF SSG

S1523    Turner,S    Cong. vacancies-estab. new procedure   REF SSG

S1524    Turner,S    Breach of security-revise disclosure req   REF SCM

S1525    Turner,S    Family temp disab benf-req determination   REF SLA

S1526    Gill,N    Severance pay-proh. cert. agreements   REF SLA

S1527    Gill,N    Lic pub adjuster, cert-estab comp limits   REF SCM

S1528    Gill,N    Real Estate Installment Contract Act   REF SCM

S1529    Gill,N    Auto. insur. underwriting rules-concerns   REF SCM

S1530    Gill,N    Self-driving mv-clarifies insur. req.   REF SCM

S1531    Gill,N    Corp. Disinvestment Prop. Tax Relief Act   REF SCU

S1532    Bateman,C    Continuing care communities-concerns   REF SCU

S1533    Pennacchio,J    Law enforcement emp. hiring-concerns   REF SLP

S1534    Pennacchio,J    Sex offenders-satellite-based monitoring   REF SLP

S1535    Cruz-Perez,N/Corrado,K    Disab., hiring-emp. tax incentives   REF SCM

S1536    Pennacchio,J    Income tax rates-reduce   REF SBA

S1537    Pennacchio,J    Pension, retire. income-remove elig. cap   REF SBA

S1538    Pennacchio,J    Pediatric cancer research-vol. contrib.   REF SHH

S1539    Pennacchio,J    Cancer Research-tax return vol. contrib.   REF SHH

S1540    Pennacchio,J    Fed. Thrift Savings Fd. contrib.-concern   REF SSG

S1541    Pennacchio,J    Sales tax-decrease from 7% to 6%   REF SBA

S1542    Madden,F    Sch. athlete physical exam-insur cover   REF SCM

S1543    Madden,F    Steel constr. contractors-estab. lic.   REF SSG

S1544    Turner,S    Govt contracts-bars cert. people   REF SSG

S1545    Turner,S    St., co., mun., sch. contracts-concerns   REF SSG

S1546    Turner,S    Firearms ammunition purch.-concerns   REF SLP

S1547    Turner,S    Expungement of crim. records-amend elig.   REF SJU

S1548    Bucco,A.R.    Hearing Aid Asst.-incr. annual allowance   REF SHH

S1549    Bucco,A.R.    Hearing  aids-health insur prov coverage   REF SCM

S1550    Bucco,A.R.    Sch. prop.-report crim. activities   REF SJU

S1551    Bucco,A.R.    Expungement elig.-concerns   REF SJU

S1552    Bucco,A.R.+1    Prev. of Domestic Viol. Act of 1991   REF SJU

S1553    Bucco,A.R.    Juv records-create destruction procedure   REF SJU

S1554    Bucco,A.R.    Co, mun. veh-replace locks prior to sale   REF SEG

S1555    Bucco,A.R.    Ed. savings acct.-estab.   REF SED

S1556    Bucco,A.R.    Vol. Emp. for Taxpayers Act   REF SCU

S1557    Bucco,A.R.    Records custodian-not subject to penal.   REF SSG

S1558    Bucco,A.R.    Charter sch. fac.-estab. St. aid prog.   REF SED

S1559    Bucco,A.R.    Loc. Government Ethics Law   REF SCU

S1560    Bucco,A.R.    Affordable housing devel-waive cert fees   REF SCU

S1561    Bucco,A.R.    Chemical testing-concerns   REF SHH

S1562    Bucco,A.R.    William's Law-concerns pool safety   REF SCU

S1563    Bucco,A.R.    Photographs/videos-proh improper release   REF SLP

S1564    Bucco,A.R.    Sch. bus passenger safety-concerns study   REF SED

S1565    Bucco,A.R.+1    Candidate's name, drawing-concerns date   REF SSG

S1567    Weinberg,L    Transp. fringe benf, pre-tax-emp. prov.   REF STR

S1568    Weinberg,L    Bus., cert.-proh. making camp. contrib.   REF SSG

S1569    Weinberg,L    Pub. sch-concerns instructional material   REF SED

S1570    Weinberg,L    Bus, owned by cert. persons-assist. prog   REF SHH

S1571    Weinberg,L    Capture, Control & Conserve Prog.-estab.   REF SEN

S1572    Cruz-Perez,N    Controlled dangerous substance-concerns   REF SLP

S1573    Cruz-Perez,N    St wide gun buyback program-estab.   REF SLP

S1574    Cruz-Perez,N/Greenstein,L    Min. & Women-owned bus.-St. contracting   REF SSG

S1575    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T    Individual devel acct.-expand use of fds   REF SCU

S1576    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T    Econ. devel. subsidies, cert.-concerning   REF SEG

S1577    Cruz-Perez,N/Diegnan,P    Net Neutrality Act-estab.   REF SEG

S1578    Cruz-Perez,N    Women-post prog and svcs internet links   REF SCM

S1579    Cruz-Perez,N/Corrado,K    Affordable housing proj.-prov. tax cred.   REF SCU

S1580    Cruz-Perez,N    Home-Based Jobs Creation Act   REF SCU

S1581    Cruz-Perez,N    Homeless shelters, emerg.-concerns   REF SHH

S1582    Cruz-Perez,N    Garden St. Manuf. Jobs Act   REF SLA

S1583    Cruz-Perez,N/Cunningham,S    Areas in need of redevel.-concerns   REF SCU

S1584    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T    Resid. Foreclosure Transformation Act   REF SEG

S1585    Scutari,N/Cardinale,G    Foreign travel. leg-concerns   REF SSG

S1586    Gopal,V/Singleton,T    Common Sense Shared Svcs Pilot Prog Act   REF SCU

S1587    Singer,R    NJT-publish cert. safety viol.   REF STR

S1588    Singleton,T/Kean,T+1    Transparency in Govt. Act-estab. website   REF SSG

S1589    Singleton,T/Gill,N    Prof. occup. bd.-req. crim. hist .   REF SCM

S1590    Singleton,T/Corrado,K    Generic drug-proh excessive price incr.   REF SHH

S1591    Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+1    St. debt affordability analysis-concerns   REF SBA

S1592    Addiego,D/Rice,R    Finan. literacy instr.-concerns   REF SED

S1593    Beach,J    Svc Dog Pilot Prog.-estab.   REF SLP

S1594    Scutari,N    Aloc. bev.-proh. manuf., sales   REF SLP

S1595    Oroho,S/Madden,F+2    Sexual extortion-estab. crime   REF SJU

S1596    Oroho,S/Addiego,D    Right to Farm Act-recover atty. fees   REF SEG

S1597    Oroho,S/Cryan,J    Workers comp coverage-revises certain   REF SLA

S1598    Oroho,S/Bucco,A.R.+1    Bow hunting, fed. mil installations-auth   REF SEN

S1599    Beach,J/Oroho,S+1    Loc. Unit Electronic Procurement Act   REF SCU

S1600    Oroho,S/Cruz-Perez,N+1    Charitable food contrib.-tax duduct.   REF SBA

S1601    Oroho,S/O'Scanlon,D+1    Health Benf. Comm.-study finan. impact   REF SCM

S1602    Oroho,S    Alco. Ed., Rehab. and Enforcement Fd.   REF SHH

S1603    Pou,N    Parole, probation-voter regis assistance   REF SSG

S1604    Pou,N    NJBEST prog-tax deduct   REF SHI

S1605    Addiego,D    Epinepheine-req. cert monitoring   REF SED

S1606    Greenstein,L/Singleton,T    Energy efficiency-small bus qual, loans   REF SEN

S1607    Greenstein,L/Singleton,T    Green infrastructure finan. prog.-estab.   REF SEN

S1608    Holzapfel,J    Preg. women-estab. police training   REF SLP

S1609    Holzapfel,J    Commercial veh.-concerns markings   REF STR

S1610    Holzapfel,J    Theft, st. of emerg.-mandatory penal.   REF SLP

S1611    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Renewable energy efficiency-estab. prog.   REF SEN

S1612    Stack,B    Nursing home-estab aide-to-resid ratio   REF SHH

S1613    Van Drew,J    Vets, mil.-free admission to St. parks   REF SEN

S1614    Van Drew,J    Shore Prot. Fd-incr amount annually cred   REF SEN

S1615    Van Drew,J    Jersey Fresh prog.:$1.6M   REF SEG

S1616    Van Drew,J    Striped bass-creates lic. plate   REF STR

S1617    Van Drew,J    Voters, mil. overseas-estab. pilot proj.   REF SSG

S1618    Van Drew,J    Mil svc-award student appropriate credit   REF SHI

S1619    Van Drew,J    Sch bus-proh stopping at cert. locations   REF SED

S1620    Van Drew,J    Higher ed.-tuition benf. vet. dependents   REF SHI

S1621    Van Drew,J    Higher Ed. Manufacturing Grant Prog.   REF SHI

S1622    Van Drew,J    Advanced Manufacturing Council-creates   REF SEG

S1623    Van Drew,J    First responders-prov family leave insur   REF SLA

S1624    Van Drew,J    Common Interest Community Ombudsman   REF SCU

S1625    Van Drew,J    Eviction of tenant-permits cert   REF SCU

S1626    Vitale,J    Liquor lic, inactive-transfer, qual. mun   REF SLP

S1627    Diegnan,P    Co. career academics-renamed   REF SED

S1628    Diegnan,P    Rutgers Univ bd of gov.-adds two reps.   REF SHI

S1629    Diegnan,P    Nonpub. sch. transp. svcs.-concerns   REF SED

S1630    Diegnan,P    Dual language prog.-estab. grant   REF SED

S1631    Diegnan,P    Engineering Curriculum, Instruct.-estab.   REF SED

S1632    Vitale,J/Sacco,N    Ice skates, roller skates-helmet req.   REF SLP

S1633    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M    Lactation Consultants Lic. Act   REF SCM

S1634    Vitale,J/Sacco,N    Road salt-estab. strategic reserve fd.   REF STR

S1635    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Early Intervention Support Svc-concerns   REF SHH

S1636    Vitale,J    Shyanne's Law-mental health eval.   REF SHH

S1637    Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N    S. Jersey Vietnam Vet.-auth. lic. plate   REF STR

S1638    Stack,B    Fair Repair Act   REF SCM

S1639    Stack,B    Stethoscope cover-require   REF SHH

S1640    Diegnan,P    Peacetime vets.-civil svc. preference   REF SMV

S1641    Diegnan,P    Health insur.-concerns benf. explanation   REF SCM

S1642    Diegnan,P    Prescribing cert meds to minors-concerns   REF SHH

S1643    Diegnan,P    Handicapped caregiver-concerns parking   REF STR

S1644    Stack,B    Co Tenant legal Asst Prog-Allows estab   REF SJU

S1645    Diegnan,P    Children-estab. invol. civil commitment   REF SHH

S1646    Diegnan,P    Infant formula, cert.-insur coverage req   REF SHH

S1647    Diegnan,P    Tobacco-proh. use of coupons   REF SHH

S1648    Diegnan,P    Liquor lic.-permits cert. theaters   REF SLP

S1649    Doherty,M    MV dealer-req. cert. bus.req.   REF SCM

S1650    Doherty,M    Right to Work Act-estab.   REF SLA

S1651    Doherty,M    Noise Cannons-Proh use   REF SEG

S1652    Doherty,M    Co. voc. sch. dist.-transp. costs   REF SED

S1653    Doherty,M    Water Supply & Pharmaceutical Prod Study   REF SEN

S1654    Doherty,M    St. Police-revise distrib. of fines   REF STR

S1655    Van Drew,J    POW-MIA flag-purchase in US w/St. fds.   REF SMV

S1656    Van Drew,J    Vet. Asst. Grant Prog.-estab   REF SMV

S1657    Van Drew,J    Cold War vets-extend prop. tax elig.   REF SCU

S1658    Van Drew,J    PTSD-med. marijuana, Auth   REF SBA

S1659    Connors,C    100% Disab. Vet.-auth. lic. plate   REF STR

S1660    Connors,C    Internet Predator Investigation Fd-estab   REF SLP

S1661    Connors,C    Amber Alert sys.-concerns funding   REF SLP

S1662    Van Drew,J    Util. rate incr.-Budget Committees veto   REF SEG

S1663    Van Drew,J    Correctional fac.-concerns St. aid   REF SLP

S1664    Van Drew,J    Skinner's & Michelle's Law-death by MV   REF SLP

S1665    Van Drew,J    Firearms, cert.-concerns transporting   REF SLP

S1666    Diegnan,P    Teachers-salary guide and schedule   REF SED

S1667    Codey,R/Bateman,C+2    Horse racetrack wagering-permits certain   REF SSG

S1668    Cardinale,G    Labor org, certain-Prob camp contrib   REF SSG

S1669    Doherty,M    LED lights-permits emerg. warning lights   REF SLP

S1670    Doherty,M    St. Police svcs-exemp cert mun from pymt   REF SLP

S1671    Doherty,M    Vol fire companies-exemp charitable fees   REF SLP

S1672    Doherty,M    Firearm id cards-concerns purchase   REF SLP

S1673    Doherty,M    Vol FF, EMT training-concerns reimb.   REF SLP

S1674    Doherty,M    Vet.-estab. special lic. plate   REF STR

S1675    Van Drew,J    Crime w/bail restrictions-detained   REF SLP

S1676    Van Drew,J    Gang awareness training-DOC emp.   REF SLP

S1677    Van Drew,J    Special law enforcement training-Class 2   REF SLP

S1678    Van Drew,J    Telemarketing fraud investigation unit   REF SCM

S1679    Van Drew,J    Bronze Star-prov. special lic. plate   REF STR

S1680    Van Drew,J    St. corrections off.-in-svc. training   REF SLP

S1681    Van Drew,J    Inmates, cert.-pay incarceration costs   REF SLP

S1682    Van Drew,J    Graves Act   REF SLP

S1683    Smith,B    Solid & haz. waste-concerns regulation   REF SEN

S1684    Van Drew,J    Consumer Cred. Fairness Act   REF SCM

S1685    Van Drew,J    Fair Debt Collection Practices Act   REF SCM

S1686    Van Drew,J    Svc. stations, self-service-proh.   REF SCM

S1687    Van Drew,J    Music Therapist Lic. Act   REF SCM

S1688    Van Drew,J    Move over law-concerns driv. manual   REF SLP

S1689    Van Drew,J    Josh's & Craig's Law-veh. homicide   REF SLP

S1690    Vitale,J    Specialty lic plate-changes approval sys   REF STR

S1691    Holzapfel,J+1    Autism Ed. Council-estab.   REF SED

S1692    Greenstein,L    Amino acid-based formula-insur. cover   REF SHH

S1693    Van Drew,J    UEZ prog.-mun. submit econ. growth plans   REF SCU

S1694    Van Drew,J    Tipped Wage Worker Prot. Act   REF SLA

S1695    Connors,C    Barnegat Bay Decoy Museum-concerns fds.   REF SSG

S1696    Connors,C    Greenhead flies-reduce population;$50K   REF SCU

S1697    Sarlo,P/Oroho,S    Sch. buses-exemp. cert. fuel tax   REF SBA

S1698    Holzapfel,J    Family restroom-req. in St. parks   REF SEN

S1699    Singleton,T    Nurse Multistate Lic. Compact-enters NJ   REF SHH

S1700    Singleton,T/Weinberg,L    Env. permits, cert. areas-concerns   REF SEN

S1701    Singleton,T/Sweeney,S    Prop. tax exemp.-concerns long term   REF SCU

S1702    Connors,C    Energy asst. grants & loans-prov.   REF SEN

S1703    Connors,C    Vet, disabled-exemp from beach buggy fee   REF SMV

S1704    Oroho,S    Health bds, local-concerns composition   REF SCU

S1705    Oroho,S    Sch. Safety and Security Act   REF SJU

S1706    Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J    Proj. finan by bonds-purch. excess insur   REF SCU

S1707    Oroho,S    Land acquisition open space-concerns   REF SEN

S1708    Beach,J    Veh. title releases-concerns   REF SCM

S1709    Beach,J    Terrorism-expand crime   REF SLP

S1710    Codey,R    September 11-sch. dist. include info.   REF SED

S1711    Codey,R    Talking, hand held device-incr. penal   REF SLP

S1712    Beach,J    Veh. warranty-req. consumer notification   REF SCM

S1713    Codey,R    Sch. dist. joining, cert. vol. assn-proh   REF SED

S1714    Codey,R    Interscholastic sports team-concerns   REF SED

S1715    Codey,R    Steroid use among students-deter   REF SED

S1716    Codey,R    Sch.-proh. wireless fac. w/in 1800 ft.   REF SEG

S1717    Codey,R    Sept 11, period of silence-req pub sch   REF SED

S1718    Codey,R    Home invasion-creates first degree crime   REF SJU

S1719    Codey,R    Solar arrays-install, preserv open space   REF SEN

S1720    Codey,R    Charter sch-submit salary info, cert emp   REF SED

S1721    Beach,J    Candidates-proh. literature to students   REF SED

S1722    Beach,J    Career and Tech. Ed. Comm.-creates   REF SED

S1723    Thompson,S    Wall Twp.-concerns surplus prop transfer   REF SSG

S1724    Gill,N    Immigration detainers-estab. procedures   REF SLP

S1725    Gill,N    Orthotic, prosthetic appliances-cover   REF SCM

S1726    Gill,N    Rental-purch. agreements, cert.-reg.   REF SCM

S1728    Cryan,J    Ticket sales-revise law   REF SCM

S1729    Thompson,S    Streptomyces griseus-desig. St. Microbe   REF SSG

S1730    Weinberg,L    Police-estab. prog. to prevent suicide   REF SLP

S1731    Weinberg,L    Probation emp.-trans. to St. Parole Bd.   REF SLP

S1732    Cryan,J    Insur. Fraud Prev. Act-clarify violation   REF SCM

S1733    Weinberg,L    Nursing svcs, priv. duty-Medicaid reimb.   REF SHH

S1734    Weinberg,L    Transient guest accommodation-req. lic.   REF SCU

S1735    Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M    Lactation room availability-cert. pub. fac   REF SHH

S1736    Van Drew,J    Compounding Pharmacy Qual Assurance Act   REF SHH

S1737    Van Drew,J    Armed Forces, Natl. Guard-returning memb   REF SMV

S1738    Codey,R    Lab. svcs.-concerns hosp. charges   REF SHH

S1739    Van Drew,J    Co. correction officer-rename   REF SLP

S1740    Cryan,J    Hist. Property Reinvestment Act   REF SSG

S1741    Codey,R    Drones-FAA safety guidelines   REF SLP

S1742    Greenstein,L    Water loss audits-req. purveyors conduct   REF SEN

S1743    Weinberg,L    Pub. svc priv contracts-estab procedures   REF SSG

S1744    Weinberg,L    Whistleblower-extends protection   REF SLA

S1745    Bucco,A.R.    Baby-changing station-install, restrooms   REF SHH

S1746    Bucco,A.R.    Bone marrow donation-don't disqual minor   REF SHH

S1747    Bucco,A.R.    Lyme disease-codifies reporting req.   REF SHH

S1748    Beach,J    Telecommunications company-outage refund   REF SEG

S1749    Beach,J    Holocaust Reparation Tax Exemp. Act   REF SBA

S1750    Beach,J    Sales tax holiday, cert. sales-estab.   REF SBA

S1751    Beach,J    Cosmetology sch. clinics-charge svc. fee   REF SCM

S1752    Beach,J    Consumer contract complaints-concerns   REF SCM

S1753    Beach,J    Human remains-concerns disposition   REF SCM

S1754    Codey,R    Internet prov-customer info confidential   REF SEG

S1755    Codey,R    Child luring-mand. imprisonment   REF SLP

S1756    Weinberg,L    Buprenorphine-health benf. cover   REF SCM

S1757    Weinberg,L    Crime victim-concerns location   REF SJU

S1758    Weinberg,L    Donated leave prog. for St. emp-codifies   REF SSG

S1759    Codey,R/Weinberg,L    Perinatal anxiety-pub awareness campaign   REF SHH

S1760    Weinberg,L    Palisades Interst. Park-open space elig.   REF SEN

S1761    Weinberg,L    Address Confidentiality Prog-estab.   REF SHH

S1762    Weinberg,L    Prescrip.-req transmitted electronically   REF SHH

S1763    Weinberg,L    Casual milk sharing-estab. pub awareness   REF SHH

S1764    Weinberg,L    Child, unemancipated-reg. court auth.   REF SJU

S1765    Weinberg,L    Wrongful imprisonment-concerns claims   REF SJU

S1766    Scutari,N    Wrongful death act-expands   REF SJU

S1767    Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P+1    Water Infra Improvement Bond Act   REF SEN

S1768    Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P    Green stormwater infra-req. prioritize   REF SEN

S1769    Diegnan,P    Sch. dist.-concerns tuition   REF SED

S1770    Greenstein,L+1    Water, sewer bill asst.-expands elig.   REF SEG

S1771    Diegnan,P    Assessment in school;allow exclusions   REF SED

S1772    Greenstein,L    Wastewater improvement charge-BPU reg   REF SEG

S1773    Diegnan,P    Sch. bus. driv.-display id info.   REF SLP

S1774    Greenstein,L+1    Statewide Water Supply Plan-min 20 years   REF SEN

S1775    Diegnan,P    Teachers, co. coll.-concerns   REF SHI

S1776    Diegnan,P    Ed. svc. agency-concerns sharing svcs.   REF SED

S1777    Diegnan,P    Contracts cert-award as single contract   REF SSG

S1778    Diegnan,P    Co-op. purch. agreements-concerns   REF SSG

S1779    Diegnan,P    Drug evidence testing-concerns   REF SLP

S1780    Diegnan,P    Call Center Jobs Act   REF SLA

S1781    Diegnan,P    Timeshares, unpaid assess-limits on lien   REF SCM

S1782    Diegnan,P    Restricted use lic-mv offender may apply   REF STR

S1783    Greenstein,L    Lead svc line inventories-req. certain   REF SEN

S1784    Weinberg,L    Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage   REF SHH

S1785    Diegnan,P    Lic. plate reader, automated-concerns   REF SLP

S1786    Weinberg,L/Stack,B    Hosp Maternity Care-devel. report card   REF SHH

S1787    Bucco,A.R.    Maritime Industry Fd.;$2.2M   REF STR

S1788    Bucco,A.R.    Trans. proj.-estab. pub/priv partnership   REF STR

S1789    Weinberg,L    Family leave benf.-allows sharing   REF SLA

S1790    Weinberg,L    Wages, failure to pay-concerns law   REF SLA

S1791    Weinberg,L    Wage info-emp. req. disclose   REF SLA

S1792    Codey,R    Sale of cert. items-proh on Thanksgiving   REF SCM

S1793    Smith,B    Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.   REF SEN

SCR81    Weinberg,L    H.R.4392-urges Cong. to pass   REF SHH

SCR82    Doherty,M    Supreme Court Justice-reducing term   REF SJU

SCR83    Van Drew,J    Beekeeping reg.-leg. intent   REF SEG

SCR84    Singleton,T    Conscience, Religious Freedom-concerns   REF SHH

SCR85    Oroho,S    Court decisions-auth. Leg. to invalidate   REF SJU

SCR86    Oroho,S    Eminent domain-limit exercise   REF SCU

SCR87    Thompson,S    Eating Disorders Awareness week   REF SHH

SCR88    Codey,R    Organ donation-concern organ allocations   REF SHH

SCR89    Van Drew,J    Gas drilling-oppose using seismic airgun   REF SEN

SCR90    Weinberg,L    St. Parole Bd.-transfer functions   REF SJU

SCR91    Turner,S    Pub. emp. pensions-fd. on timely basis   REF SSG

SCR92    Turner,S    Tax loopholes-enact leg. elim. wasteful   REF SBA

SCR93    Turner,S    St. constit. convention-prop. tax reform   REF SSG

SCR94    Turner,S    Awarding Fed contracts-concerns   REF SSG

SCR95    Turner,S    Tax income exceeding $1M-prop tax relief   REF SBA

SJR35    Weinberg,L    Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day-desig.   REF SHH

SJR36    Weinberg,L    Pregnancy/Infant Loss Remembrance Mo.   REF SHH

SJR37    Weinberg,L    Equal Pay Day-desig. second Tues., April   REF SLA

SJR38    Van Drew,J    Dept. of Agric.-recog. 100th anniv.   REF SEG

SJR39    Weinberg,L    Bleeding Disorders Awareness Mo.-March   REF SHH

SJR40    Van Drew,J    Wine Wk.-desig last full wk of September   REF SEG

SJR41    Van Drew,J    Natl. Flood Insur. Prog.-reauth.   REF SCM

SJR42    Van Drew,J    Nursery, Landscape Assoc.-100th anniv.   REF SEG

SJR43    Van Drew,J    Farm Cred. East Prog.-recog 100th anniv.   REF SEG

SJR44    Connors,C    Chiari Malformation-Syringomyelia Mo.   REF SHH

SJR45    Van Drew,J    Civil svc. exams-permit while deployed   REF SSG

SJR46    Weinberg,L    Crossing Guard Appreciation Day-desig.   REF SLP

SJR47    Pou,N    Youth Suicide Prev. Awareness Mo-Sept.   REF SHH

SJR48    Pou,N    Day of the Girl-desig. October 11   REF SHH

SJR49    Bucco,A.R.    Hypophosphatasia Awareness Wk-October   REF SHH

SJR50    Bucco,A.R.    Osteopetrosis Awareness Week-desig. May   REF SHH

SJR51    Rice,R/Turner,S+3    St. Commission on Urban Violence-estab.   REF SLP

SR41    Codey,R    Aerial unmanned veh-expand restrictions   REF SLP

SR42    Diegnan,P    Interstate oil pipeline-conduct review   REF SEN

SR43    Diegnan,P    Navient-deceptive student loan practices   REF SHI

SR44    Pennacchio,J    Embassy, Israel-commends decision   REF SSG

SR45    Gill,N    Health Insur. Exchange Implementation   REF SCM

SR46    Cryan,J    Right to Privacy-affirms right   REF SJU

SR47    Turner,S    Youth Art Month-March   REF SED

SR48    Oroho,S    Firearms, concealed-allow reciprocity   REF SLP


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S5 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Kean,T+2    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   REP

S71 Sca (1R)    Singleton,T    Dredge spoils-proh. cert. dumping   REP/SCA

S478 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+5    Gender change-revise birth cert. proc.   REP

S482    Vitale,J+1    Gestational Carrier Agreement Act   REP

S534    Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1    Litter-generating products-definition   REP

S611/874 Scs (SCS)    Sweeney,S/Smith,B+1    Greenhouse Gas Initiative-St participate   REP

S705    Ruiz,M/Vitale,J+1    Transgender Equality Task Force-estab.   REP

S844    Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+1    TDI-estab. partial return to work prog.   REP

S863    Sarlo,P/Singleton,T    Job training purposes-exemp income tax   REP

S879    Sweeney,S    Haz. waste fac., major-amends definition   REP

S1036    Sweeney,S    Person's death, police custody-concerns   REP

S1057 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V+1    Vineyard capital expense-estab loan prog   REP

S1074 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Public's rights-prot, pub trust doctrine   REP/SCA

S1082 Sca (1R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+2    Vineyards, wineries-prov cert. tax cred.   REP

S1083 Sca (1R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Gopal,V+1    Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan prog.   REP

S1207    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S    SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost   REP

S1229    Sweeney,S/Sarlo,P    Pub. emp., cert.-incr. annual salary   REP

SR29    Sarlo,P/Bateman,C+1    Natural gas drilling-opposes expansion   REP


Bills Referred/SBA:

S534    Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1    Litter-generating products-definition

S1074 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Public's rights-prot, pub trust doctrine


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S328    Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J+4    Mil. svc personnel-concerns interference     FROM SMV

S329    Cruz-Perez,N/Greenstein,L+2    Reserv. memb.-accommodation enjoyment    FROM SMV

S333    Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J+1    Vet. Affordable Housing Section 8 Prog.    FROM SCU

S340    Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J+1    Students in wheelchairs-securement sys.    FROM SED

S341    Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J    St. debt affordability analysis-concerns    FROM SBA

S657    Beach,J    Domestic viol victim-cert. svc contracts    FROM SEG


The Senate Republican Leader has made the following appointments:


*Effective February 5, 2018

Asian American Study Foundation-Board of Trustees:


Senator Gerald Cardinale (39)


Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission:


Senator Chris A. Brown (2)

Senator Declan J. O’Scanlon, Jr. (13)


The Senate Republican Leader has made the following reappointments:


*Effective February 5, 2018

Ellis Island Advisory Commission:


Senator Anthony R. Bucco (25)


New Jersey Military Skills Council:


Senator Michael J. Doherty (23)

The Senate adjourned at 8:07 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 8, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “3” and “4” scheduled).


The Assembly did not meet.  The Assembly will meet on Thursday, February 8, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/1/2018):


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