Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday
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Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 8th):
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Honorable Kevin T. Smith, of Wenonah.
Honorable Thomas C. Miller, of Hillsborough Township.
Nominations Reported from Committee:
Joel M. Weisblatt, of Skillman, to replace Dr. P. Kelly Hatfield.
Carole Johnson, of Arlington, Virginia.
Dr. Shereef Elnahal, of Vienna, Virginia.
Robert Asaro-Angelo, of Milltown.
Bills Introduced:
S2176 Singer,R/Gopal,V Emp and contact info-NJT post on website REF STR
S2177 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Mental health record-concern expungement REF SLP
S2178 Rice,R Assisted living fac-qualif EDA incentive REF SEG
S2179 Kean,T Charitable org.-income tax deduct. REF SBA
S2180 Bucco,A.R.+1 Endangering welfare of a child-concerns REF SJU
S2181 Bucco,A.R.+1 Svc. memb.-concerns offenses against REF SJU
S2182 Bucco,A.R. Terrorism related crime-report, immunity REF SJU
S2183 Bucco,A.R. Crime victim-clarify impact statement REF SJU
S2184 Bucco,A.R. Child support-estab. life insur. liens REF SJU
S2185 Bucco,A.R. Arson, cert.-third degree crime REF SJU
S2186 Bucco,A.R. Death penal., cert. murders-restore REF SJU
S2187 Bucco,A.R. Bus. filing statutes-modernizes REF SCM
S2188 Bucco,A.R. Wage claims-notify emp. procedures REF SLA
S2189 Bucco,A.R. Patent infringement-bad faith assertion REF SCM
S2190 Bucco,A.R. Marriage Penalty Elim. Act. REF SBA
S2191 Bucco,A.R. NJBEST contrib.-concerns tax deduct. REF SHI
S2192 Bucco,A.R. Realty transfer fees, cert.-elim. REF SCU
S2193 Bucco,A.R. Home repair-tax deduct for cert expenses REF SCU
S2194 Bucco,A.R. Pension plans, qualif-excl. tax contrib. REF SBA
S2195 Bucco,A.R. Vol Fire depts-personal income tax exemp REF SLP
S2196 Bucco,A.R. Child/dependent care expenses-tax deduct REF SHH
S2197 Bucco,A.R. Vet. tenant, disab-estab income tax cred REF SMV
S2198 Bucco,A.R. Transfer inheritance tax-exemp cert prop REF SBA
S2199 Bucco,A.R.+1 Mil. monument desecration-crime REF SJU
S2200 Bucco,A.R. Bail-consider gang affiliation REF SJU
S2201 Bucco,A.R. Weapons, unlawful control-estab. penal. REF SLP
S2202 Bucco,A.R. Informants-concerns anonymous REF SLP
S2203 Bucco,A.R. Domestic Security Planning Group-memb. REF SLP
S2204 Bucco,A.R. Bounty hunters, assault-upgrades penal. REF SJU
S2205 Turner,S Class II renewable energy-concerns REF SEN
S2206 Turner,S Electric pub. utility-notify owner cert. REF SEG
S2207 Turner,S Alco. bev.-possession, underaged persons REF SLP
S2208 Turner,S Energy-conserv. prog., cert.-estab. REF SEN
S2209 Turner,S Full-time tuition costs-estab tax credit REF SHI
S2210 Turner,S Victim of crim. insane-notify of release REF SJU
S2211 Turner,S Invasion of privacy-upgrades crime REF SJU
S2212 Turner,S Proprietary instit.-phase out grants REF SHI
S2213 Turner,S Stalking victim, under 18-upgrades crime REF SJU
S2214 Turner,S Central mun. drug. court-co. estab. REF SJU
S2215 Turner,S Resid. prop. rental-criminalize cert. REF SCU
S2216 Turner,S Resid deeds-timely recording REF SCU
S2217 Turner,S Smoking in multiple dwellings-reg. REF SCU
S2218 Turner,S Dyslexia-prov. assistive tech. prog. REF SED
S2219 Turner,S Tavern, historic-issue retail liquor lic REF SCU
S2220 Turner,S Teaching certificates-pass written test REF SED
S2221 Turner,S Electric pub util-emer response plan req REF SEG
S2222 Turner,S Housing code viol.-enhance penal. REF SCU
S2223 Turner,S NJBEST contrib.-income tax deduct. REF SHI
S2224 Turner,S Real estate rental scam-pub. info. camp. REF SCM
S2225 Turner,S Managed care plans-concerns network REF SCM
S2226 Rice,R Theft offenses-incr monetary thresholds REF SJU
S2227 Rice,R Land Use Court-creates REF SJU
S2228 Rice,R Loc. unit emp. health insur.-concerns REF SCM
S2229 Rice,R Water supply/sewerage charges-tax deduct REF SBA
S2230 Rice,R Firearms, cert use-req cert ID REF SLP
S2231 Rice,R Ethics training, memb of Leg-consolidate REF SSG
S2232 Rice,R Election off fraud conviction-estab term REF SSG
S2233 Rice,R Labor market info.-share with sch. dist. REF SLA
S2234 Cruz-Perez,N Distressed shopping ctr.-bus. tax cred. REF SEG
S2235 Cruz-Perez,N Sr., disab. prop tax deduct elig-concern REF SHH
S2236 Cruz-Perez,N Carjacking convictions-not expunged REF SJU
S2237 Oroho,S/Smith,B Automatic standby generators-concerns REF SCU
S2238 Gopal,V Firearms-concerns seizure court order REF SLP
S2239 Gopal,V Firearm possess.-proh., cert convictions REF SLP
S2240 Gopal,V Firearms-safe storage req. REF SLP
S2241 Gopal,V New Jersey-Made-dev. desig. REF SCM
S2242 Gopal,V Animal hoarding-mental health counseling REF SEG
S2243 Cruz-Perez,N Grab bars-req. install in pub. restrooms REF SHH
S2244 Gopal,V Opioid med. warning sticker-req. REF SHH
S2245 Madden,F Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh. REF SLP
S2246 Cruz-Perez,N Green Building Tax Credit Act REF SEN
S2248 Cruz-Perez,N Lymphedema-prov diagnosis coverage REF SCM
S2249 Cruz-Perez,N Retrofitted Green Bldg. Tax Cred. Act REF SEN
S2250 Cruz-Perez,N Mental illness-concern invol. commitment REF SHH
S2251 Cruz-Perez,N New Jobs for NJ Act REF SLA
S2253 Cruz-Perez,N Natural gas veh.-bus., income tax cred. REF SEN
S2254 Cruz-Perez,N Green bldg. loan-qualifications REF SEG
S2255 Cruz-Perez,N Veh. charging stations-prov bus tax cred REF SEN
S2256 Cruz-Perez,N Main St. Assist. Prog-estab. bus. devel. REF SEG
S2257 Cruz-Perez,N Prop. assess.-revise calendar REF SCU
S2258 Cruz-Perez,N Community benf agreements-concerns REF SEG
S2259 Codey,R/Weinberg,L Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018 REF SLP
S2260 Singleton,T Benefit corp.-clarifies purpose REF SCM
S2261 Singleton,T Reg. Apprenticeship Prog., St. Agencies REF SLA
S2262 Singleton,T Small bus. loans-cert. disclosures req. REF SCM
S2263 Cruz-Perez,N Basic Skills Training Prog-reporting req REF SLA
S2264 Sarlo,P Civil actions, cert.-brought w/in 2 yrs. REF SJU
S2265 Sarlo,P Small bus stock-concerns capital gains REF SBA
S2266 Beach,J Student loan refinan. prog.-concerns REF SHI
S2267 Sweeney,S Lottery winners-anonymous indefinitely REF SSG
SCR107 Bucco,A.R. DMV fees-St. transp. sys. funding REF STR
SCR108 Bucco,A.R.+1 Vet. prop. tax deduction-incr. to $500 REF SMV
SJR62 Thompson,S Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness REF SHH
SJR63 Gopal,V Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr. REF SHH
SJR64 Singer,R Morgue Capacity Eval Task Force-estab. REF SHH
Bills Referred/SBA:
S482 Sa (1R) Vitale,J+1 Gestational Carrier Agreement Act
Bills Transferred:
A3382 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5 Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts. FROM SCU TO SBA
S122 Weinberg,L+2 Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act FROM SEG TO SBA
S1918 Ruiz,M/Gopal,V Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll FROM SED TO SBA
S1971 Sarlo,P Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts. FROM SCU TO SBA
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
S981 Singleton,T Iron and steel products made in US-use FROM SEN
The Senate adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 12, 2018 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President).
The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, March 12, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (03/05/2018):
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