Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 22nd):




Bills Introduced:

S2302    Gordon,R    Charitable contrib thru income tax-allow   REF SBA

S2304    Rice,R    Pub. sch. textbooks-prov. each student   REF SED

S2305    Rice,R    Lead exposure, low level-address effects   REF SED

S2306    Sweeney,S    Tidal wetlands-concern structure removal   REF SEN

S2307    Sweeney,S/Van Drew,J    Garden St Growth Zone-creates AC Airport   REF SEG

S2308    Smith,B    Solar energy sys expenditures-tax credit   REF SEN

S2309    Smith,B    Site Improv. Advis. Bd.-recommend devel.   REF SCU

S2310    Smith,B    Energy conserv constr-req auth mun   REF SEN

S2311    Smith,B    Solar installation subcode-req DCA   REF SEN

S2312    Smith,B    Combined sewer overflows-concerns   REF SCU

S2313    Sweeney,S/Smith,B    Zero emission cert. prog.-estab.   REF SBA

S2314    Smith,B/Sweeney,S    Solar renewable energy standards-modify   REF SBA

S2315    Smith,B    Drought interconnection sys.-develop   REF SEN

S2316    Weinberg,L    Predatory Towing Prev. Act-clarifies   REF STR

S2317    Weinberg,L    Civic Info. Consortium-estab.   REF SHI

S2318    Cryan,J    Expungement Coordinator Prog.-estab.   REF SJU

S2319    Cryan,J    Mayor, cert. mun-reduces term to two yrs   REF SCU

S2320    Cryan,J    Higher ed. instit & mun-estab study comm   REF SHI

S2321    Cryan,J    Opioid antidote-library maintain supply   REF SHH

S2322    Cryan,J    Notary public, renewal-concerns pymt.   REF SSG

S2323    Rice,R    Temp transfer, firearm-req cert ID   REF SLP

S2324    Rice,R    Resid borrower-forclosure forbearance   REF SCM

S2325    Rice,R    Law enforcement off-estab. cert. benf.   REF SLP

S2326    Smith,B    Svc. contract – automatic renewal   REF SCM

S2327    Smith,B    Elec. generating fac., cert.-concerns   REF SEN

S2328    Beach,J    Energy-efficient lighting fixture-St use   REF SEN

S2329    Sarlo,P/Singer,R    Sci., Innovation & Tech. Comm.-re-estab.   REF SEG

S2330    Brown,C/Van Drew,J+1    Casino emp. regis.-concerns key emp. lic   REF SSG

S2331    Brown,C/Scutari,N+2    Drug intoxication offense-procedures   REF SJU

S2332    Brown,C/Scutari,N+2    Drug court elig, special probation-estab   REF SJU

S2333    Gordon,R    Real estate econ. devel. office-estab.   REF STR

SCR112    Kean,T    Human trfficking-SCI examine activity   REF SJU

SJR65    Weinberg,L    Women in Pub Office Day-desig March 19th   REF SSG



The Senate President has made the following appointment:


 *Effective March 19, 2018


State Capitol Joint Management Commission:


Kevin Drennan, of Hamilton, to replace Eugene Lepore



The Senate adjourned at 5:15 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 26, 2018 (SESSION).




Bills Introduced:

A1    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+14    Women-concerns equal pay   REF ALA

A3697    Murphy,C    Assault weapons ban-strengthens   REF ALP

A3698    McKnight,A/Chaparro,A    Sr. cit. tenants-proh. late penal.   REF AHO

A3699    Quijano,A    Out-of-St. emp.-excludes cert. taxes   REF AHS

A3700    Quijano,A    Charter sch. admin.-salary cap   REF AED

A3701    Quijano,A    Cold War medal-creates   REF AMV

A3702    Quijano,A    Telephone communication-recording notice   REF AJU

A3703    DeAngelo,W    HVACR contractors-clarifies standards   REF ARP

A3704    DeAngelo,W    HVACR contractors-clarify training req.   REF ARP

A3705    Auth,R    Superior Court judges-concerns pub input   REF AJU

A3706    Auth,R+2    Voter, inelig. non-cit.-remove from sys.   REF ASL

A3707    Auth,R/Jones,P+1    Students w/mil obligations-instit assist   REF AHI

A3708    Auth,R    Firearm purch id card-concerns   REF AJU

A3709    Auth,R    Prop. tax bills, mun.-concerns   REF ASL

A3710    Auth,R    Pub. safety off.-estab cert reimb   REF ALP

A3711    Auth,R/Bucco,A.M.    Internet prov-customer info confidential   REF ACO

A3712    Auth,R    NJ STARS-incl. homeschooled students   REF AHI

A3713    Auth,R    Empower the Principal Act   REF AED

A3714    Wirths,H    Constr. workforce recruitment prog-estab   REF ALA

A3715    Wirths,H+1    Firearm display, lic. dealers-clarify   REF AJU

A3716    Space,P    Jt. mun. court judges-prov. appt.   REF AJU

A3717    Mukherji,R/Downey,J    Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns   REF AFI

A3718    Mukherji,R/Quijano,A    Nail Salon Worker Prot. Act.   REF ALA

A3719    Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A    Tidal wetlands-concern structure removal   REF AEN

A3720    Johnson,G    NJCLASS-use cosigners combined income   REF AHI

A3721    Vainieri Huttle,V    Transient guest accommodation-req. lic.   REF AHO

A3722    Sumter,S/Jasey,M    Incarcerated person-student finan. aid   REF AHI

A3723    McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W    Solar renewable energy standards-modify   REF AEN

A3724    McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J    Zero emission cert. prog.-estab.   REF AEN

A3740    Conaway,H/Murphy,C    Marijuana, med-auth, diagnosed condition   REF AHE

A3741    Conaway,H/Murphy,C    Hypodermic syringes-req. pharm. to sell   REF AHE

A3742    Conaway,H/Benson,D    911 svc fac-equip w/Next Generation sys   REF AHS

A3743    Vainieri Huttle,V    Wireless telephone, prepaid-impose fee   REF AHS

ACR162    Auth,R    Sr. cit. primary resid.-prop. tax assess   REF ASL

ACR163    Greenwald,L    H.R.4392-urges Cong. to pass   REF AHE

AR146    Quijano,A/Eustace,T    Children, cert., LGBTQ parents-US cit.   REF AHU

AR147    Auth,R    Amtrak svc. disruption-cost recovery   REF ATR



Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A1    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+14    Women-concerns equal pay   REP

A542 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Lagana,J+6    Opioid antidote-cert sch maintain supply   REP/ACA

A1217 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+2    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REP/ACA

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+11    Sick leave, earned-concerns   REP/ACA

A2192    Vainieri Huttle,V/Caputo,R+2    Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat   REP

A2420 Aca (1R)    Benson,D    Water testing-reimb. resid. customers   REP/ACA

A2485 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+1    Wind energy proj. offshore-application   REP/ACA

A2650 Aca (1R)    Freiman,R/Downey,J+1    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   REP

A2759 AcaAcs (ACS)    Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+7    Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh.   REP/ACS

A2761 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+7    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   REP/ACA

A3010    Mosquera,G/Sumter,S+4    Energy assist.-prov. $21 min. annually   REP

A3352 Aca (1R)    DeAngelo,W/Benson,D    Drinking water notices-req certain   REP/ACA

A3353 Aca (1R)    DeAngelo,W/Benson,D    Pub water sys-req publish certain info   REP/ACA

A3354 Aca (1R)    DeAngelo,W/Benson,D    Water supply operator-take exam   REP/ACA

A3549    Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R+4    UEZ desig.-extend for addl. 10 yrs.   REP

A3551    Pintor Marin,E/Mukherji,R+3    UEZ prog.-UEZ auth. access, issue report   REP

A3671    Johnson,G/Dancer,R    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   REP

A3685    Coughlin,C/Lagana,J    Judges, Gov. cabinet off.-incr. salary   REP

A3686 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C    Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act   REP/ACA

A3741    Conaway,H/Murphy,C    Hypodermic syringes-req. pharm. to sell   REP

ACR105    Wimberly,B    Econ Justice, Equal Emp Opportunity   REP

SCR25    Rice,R/Brown,C    Econ Justice, Equal Emp Opportunity   REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A1    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+14    Women-concerns equal pay   REP REF AAP

A3740/3437 Acs (ACS)    Conaway,H/Murphy,C    Marijuana, med-auth, diagnosed condition   REP/ACS REF AAP


Bills Combined:

A3437    Gusciora,R/Eustace,T    Marijuana, med.-expands qual. conditions   COMB/W A3740 (ACS)


Bills Transferred:

A3671    Johnson,G/Dancer,R    PFRS-transfers mgmt. to Bd. of Trustees   FROM ASL TO AAP


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A1907    Mukherji,R/Lampitt,P+12    Vet. Affordable Housing Section 8 Prog.   FROM AMV



The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:


*Effective March 15, 2018


New Jersey Law Review Commission:


Louis N. Rainone, Esq., of Middletown


*Effective March 20, 2018


Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission:


Assemblyman Edward H. Thomson (30)


The Assembly Republican Leader has made the following appointments:


 *Effective March 15, 2018


Asian American Study Foundation-Board of Trustees:


Assemblyman Robert Auth (39)


Ellis Island Advisory Commission:


Assemblywoman Holly T. Schepisi (39)


New Jersey Military Skills Council:


Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer (12)


The Assembly adjourned at 6:44 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 26, 2018 (SESSION).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (03/13/2018):

P.L.2018, JR-2.   AJR55    Benson,D/Murphy,C+2    3/20/2018    Bleeding Disorders Awareness mo-March

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