Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton


Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (April 5th):


Senator Robert M. Gordon, of the 38th Legislative District, has resigned.




Nominations Notice of Intention:


Honorable Christine A. Farrington, of Wyckoff.

Honorable Terry P. Bottinelli, of Wyckoff.

Honorable Keith A. Bachmann, of New Milford.


Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Honorable Mary-Anna  Holden, of Madison, to replace Richard S. Mroz, resigned.

Honorable Robert M. Gordon, of Fair Lawn, to replace Mary-Anna Holden.


Nominations Reported from Committee:


Deirdre L. Webster Cobb, Esq., of Westampton.



  1. Sue Fulton, of Asbury Park.



Zakiya W. Smith Ellis, of Greenbelt, Maryland, to replace Rochelle R. Hendricks.


Bills Introduced:

S2334    Bucco,A.R.    Payroll taxes-concerns   REF SLA

S2335    Bucco,A.R.    Retirement benf, co. coll emp-incentives   REF SSG

S2336    Bucco,A.R.    Bingo games-auth. use in pub. bldg.   REF SSG

S2337    Bucco,A.R.    Pub. contracts-reciprocal limitations   REF SSG

S2338    Bucco,A.R.    Record mgmt function-trans Treasury Dept   REF SSG

S2339    Bucco,A.R.    PFRS, cert. memb-extend mand. retir. age   REF SSG

S2340    Bucco,A.R.    Terrorist-sponsoring st-proh cert invest   REF SSG

S2341    Bucco,A.R.    PERS-concerns accidental disab. benf.   REF SSG

S2342    Bucco,A.R.    Vietnam Vet of Amer. conventions-concern   REF SMV

S2343    Bucco,A.R.    English-official St. language   REF SSG

S2344    Bucco,A.R.    Overcrowding-auth. addl. fines   REF SCU

S2345    Bucco,A.R.    Regulatory Flex Act-expands scope   REF SEG

S2346    Bucco,A.R.    Prop. tax, long term exemp.-concerns   REF SCU

S2347    Bucco,A.R.    Small bus.-suspend fines paperwork viol.   REF SCM

S2348    Bucco,A.R.    MV repair dealers, cert.-concerns fraud   REF SCM

S2349    Bucco,A.R.    Fire safety issues-enhance, devel. appl.   REF SCU

S2350    Bucco,A.R.    Publicly-fd. entity-proh banning US flag   REF SSG

S2351    Bucco,A.R.    Electronic Plan Review Sys.-estab.   REF SCU

S2352    Bucco,A.R.    Prof. occup. lic.-req. AG supervision   REF SCM

S2353    Bucco,A.R.    Minor emp. cert.-revise application proc   REF SLA

S2354    Bucco,A.R.    Workers’ comp.-req. for cert. corp.   REF SLA

S2355    Bucco,A.R.    ATMs-req. emerg. phone svc.   REF SCM

S2356    Bucco,A.R.    Emp end operations in St-annual eval req   REF SLA

S2357    Bucco,A.R.    Vet. prop. tax deduct.-maintain elig.   REF SCU

S2358    Bucco,A.R.    Affordable Housing Trust Fd-acct. of fds   REF SCU

S2359    Bucco,A.R.    Affordable housing devel. fees-concerns   REF SCU

S2360    Bucco,A.R.    Bedbug eradication svc-health care fac.   REF SHH

S2361    Bucco,A.R.    Home health care emp-auto insur coverage   REF SCM

S2362    Bucco,A.R.    Mun affordable housing trust fds-concern   REF SCU

S2363    Bucco,A.R.    St. aid-mun. comply with St. audit   REF SCU

S2364    Bucco,A.R.    Resid devel, natural disasters-proh fees   REF SCU

S2365    Bucco,A.R.    Bleacher Safety Act   REF SCU

S2366    Bucco,A.R.    Emer. svc. fees-proh.   REF SCU

S2367    Bucco,A.R.    Urban enterprise zone-concerns prop. tax   REF SCU

S2368    Van Drew,J    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   REF SBA

S2369    Van Drew,J    Dog handler-req police w/opioid antidote   REF SLP

S2370    Van Drew,J    New home warranty prot.-expands   REF SCM

S2371    Van Drew,J    Vol. ff-permits incl. health benf. plan   REF SCU

S2372    Gordon,R    Pub constr-clarify coop purch agreements   REF SCU

S2373    Scutari,N    Marijuana, med-auth, diagnosed condition   REF SHH

S2374    Greenstein,L    Priv. gun sales-req background check   REF SLP

S2375    Greenstein,L/Corrado,K    Civil svc. preference-prov. to vets.   REF SSG

S2376    Greenstein,L    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.   REF SLP

S2377    Singer,R    Bicycles-impose fines on cert. viol.   REF STR

S2378    Weinberg,L    Caregiver’s Assistance Act   REF SHH

S2379    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Class 1 renewable energy-contract   REF SEN

S2380    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    LED tech, cert. street lights-req. mun.   REF SEN

S2381    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Landscape, St proj-req St manage   REF SEN

S2382    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Electric veh. rebate prog.-estab.   REF SEN

S2383    Cardinale,G    Wines, cert-exemp brand registration req   REF SLP

S2384    Bucco,A.R.    Farm worker housing-fair share credit   REF SCU

S2385    Bateman,C/Greenstein,L+1    Sch security-excl. sch. dist expenditure   REF SED

S2386    Cardinale,G    Affordable housing-estab. addl. factors   REF SCU

S2387    Singleton,T    Opioid drug-pharm report dispensing info   REF SHH

S2388    Singleton,T    Labor contractors-concerns   REF SLA

S2389    Singleton,T    Prescrip. drug pricing website-estab.   REF SHH

S2390    Singleton,T/Rice,R    Phi Beta Sigma -auth. lic. plate   REF STR

S2391    Greenstein,L    Util work, cert.-prov customers w/notice   REF SEG

S2392    Weinberg,L    Regional comm, cert-Gov. approve minutes   REF SSG

S2393    Beach,J    Vet.-waive higher ed. application fees   REF SHI

S2394    Beach,J    Library media specialist-concerns   REF SED

S2395    Beach,J/Corrado,K    Sexual assault claims-concerns St. off.   REF SSG

S2396    Beach,J    Vet, deceased name-DMVA notify vet. org.   REF SMV

S2397    Gopal,V    Religious alt arrangement, higher ed-req   REF SHI

S2398    Addiego,D+1    Vet, surviving spouse-income tax deduct.   REF SMV

S2399    Kean,T+1    Med fac, cert-priority power restoration   REF SEG

S2400    Kean,T+1    Illicit fentanyls-add to Schedule I Drug   REF SHH

S2401    Oroho,S    Farming operations-concerns loans   REF SEG

S2402    Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L    Firearms-proh. purch, St w/no permit law   REF SSG

S2403    Turner,S    Tuition Aid Grant prog.-cert. undergrad.   REF SHI

S2404    Turner,S    Expungement-concerns   REF SJU

S2405    Turner,S    Birth control-health insur. cover req.   REF SCM

S2406    Turner,S    Parole-concerns max sentences   REF SLP

S2407    Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+1    Dependent care expenses-allow tax credit   REF SBA

S2408    Ruiz,M    High sch. equivalency test-website post   REF SED

S2409    Ruiz,M    High Sch. exam fees, cert.-St. pay   REF SED

S2410    Ruiz,M    High sch. test ctrs., St.-approved-incr.   REF SED

S2411    Cryan,J    Telephone communication-recording notice   REF SJU

S2412    Cryan,J    Sch. Security Fd.-estab.   REF SED

S2413    Cryan,J    UEZ prog.-UEZ auth. access, issue report   REF SEG

S2414    Bucco,A.R.    Regional superintendents of sch-estab. 3   REF SED

S2415    Vitale,J    Hypodermic syringes-req. pharm. to sell   REF SHH

S2416    Madden,F/Vitale,J    Heatlhcare worker-auth parking privilege   REF STR

S2417    Diegnan,P    Subpoena-changed spelling from subpena   REF SJU

S2418    Singleton,T/Oroho,S    Pub. contracts-prov. prompt pymt.   REF SSG

S2419    Smith,B/Oroho,S    Deer control cert. activities-permits   REF SEN

S2420    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Food date labeling-estab. standards   REF SCM

S2421    Smith,B/Bateman,C    Electric veh.-install charging stations   REF SEN

S2422    Smith,B/Bateman,C    Net metering aggregation-expands   REF SEN

S2423    Smith,B/Bateman,C    Dune excavation, cert.-concerns   REF SEN

S2424    Van Drew,J    Michael Fischer Law-defibrillator   REF SHH

S2425    Van Drew,J    Common interest communities-revise law   REF SCU

S2427    Vitale,J/Gopal,V    Hosp. lic. cert qualif-prov cardiac svcs   REF SHH

S2428    Scutari,N    Massage therapists-prof. liab. insur.   REF SCM

S2429    Scutari,N/Pou,N    Auto insur-disclose policy limit to atty   REF SCM

S2430    Scutari,N/Pou,N    MV insurance-include certain coverage   REF SCM

S2431    Scutari,N    No-fault auto. insur. law-repeals   REF SCM

S2432    Scutari,N/Pou,N    Auto accident-permit recover med expense   REF SCM

S2433    Scutari,N/Pou,N    Limitation on lawsuit option-concerns   REF SCM

S2434    Codey,R    Firearm ed. prog.-req. prior to purchase   REF SLP

S2435    Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L    Sch. security measures-concerns   REF SED

S2436    Diegnan,P    Electric sch. bus pilot prog.-develop   REF SEG

S2437    Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L    Resid. tenancy security deposit-actions   REF SCU

S2438    Diegnan,P    Gag clauses-proh. in contracts   REF SCM

S2439    Diegnan,P    Unemp benf.-concerns disqualif.   REF SLA

S2440    Diegnan,P    Partnership trade name cert.-revises   REF SCM

S2441    Diegnan,P    Alternative dispute resolution-clarifies   REF SJU

S2442    Diegnan,P    Concussion, student-athlete-sch return   REF SED

S2443    Diegnan,P    Student-athletic safety-concerns   REF SED

S2444    Diegnan,P    Vet peer support help line-study   REF SMV

S2445    Diegnan,P    Combat Action Badge-auth. lic. plate   REF SMV

S2446    Diegnan,P    Vet organization-resid pub util rate req   REF SMV

S2447    Diegnan,P    Securing Electronic Records Vet Ease Act   REF SMV

S2448    Diegnan,P    Vets-waives prof. lic. fees   REF SMV

S2449    Diegnan,P    Commercial driv. lic. fee-waive for vets   REF SMV

S2450    Diegnan,P    Police, ff civil svc. lists-concerns   REF SSG

S2451    Diegnan,P    Physician assist, mil training-lic.   REF SMV

S2452    Diegnan,P    Vet, wartime disab-incr., paid allowance   REF SMV

S2453    Stack,B    Mortgage relief prog., temp.-estab.   REF SCU

S2454    Madden,F    Fabrication, cert.-concerns wage req.   REF SLA

S2455    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S    Transfer co coll emp-SEHBP to SHBP   REF SBA

SCR113    Bucco,A.R.    Prop tax-lower than on land   REF SCU

SCR114    Van Drew,J    Fed tax Leg-Urges swift action   REF SBA

SCR115    Singleton,T    Surplus Gross Income Tax Rev Acct-estab   REF SCU

SCR116    Oroho,S/Bucco,A.R.    Hunting, fishing-preserve rights   REF SEN

SCR117    Oroho,S/Bucco,A.R.    St. govt. spending-estab. 2% cap   REF SBA

SCR118    Cryan,J    Natural gas pipelines-conform w/NJ reg.   REF SEN

SCR119    Oroho,S/Van Drew,J    Fish, wildlife conserv.-commen.   REF SEN

SCR120    Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1    Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address   REF SMV

SJR66    Bucco,A.R.    Gov Cup Hydrofest Series-desig.   REF SSG

SJR67    Turner,S    Fourteenth Amendment Constit-150th anniv   REF SSG

SJR68    Ruiz,M/Vitale,J    Hospice/Palliative Care Awareness Mo-Nov   REF SHH

SR70    Singer,R    Shingles vaccine-encourages to get   REF SHH

SR71    Singleton,T    Purebred Dog Day-recog. May 1, 2018   REF SEG

SR72    Greenstein,L/Vitale,J    Sr. cit.-right to own pets   REF SHH

SR73    Cryan,J    Children, cert., LGBTQ parents-US cit.   REF SSG

SR74    Van Drew,J/Connors,C    Medicare-refrain, reducing fed; funding   REF SHH

SR75    Diegnan,P    Vet, deceased-prev taxes on student loan   REF SMV

SR76    Diegnan,P    Women at Vet hosp-prov routine screening   REF SMV


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+17    Sick leave, earned-concerns   REP

A2787 Aca (1R)    Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+3    Wineries, spec occasion-extend prog   REP

S276    Stack,B    Low-income person-reduce sewerage rates   REP

S371    Rice,R    Sch. readiness, workforce devel-concerns   REP

S427    Pou,N/Weinberg,L+13    Marriage-bars persons under 18   REP

S481/651 ScsSca (SCS/1R)    Vitale,J/Beach,J+9    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal   REP/SCA

S485 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+1    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act   REP/SCA  (SCM)

S485 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+1    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act   REP  (SBA)

S719/889/2221 Scs (SCS)    Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N+1    Reliability Prepared Storm Response Act   REP/SCS

S766    Cunningham,S/Singer,R+7    Coll. loan-income-driven repymt. option   REP

S791    Sarlo,P/Cardinale,G+1    Health insur. networks-concerns   REP  (SCM)

S791    Sarlo,P/Cardinale,G+1    Health insur. networks-concerns   REP  (SBA)

S839    Turner,S/Vitale,J+6    Energy assist.-prov. $21 min. annually   REP

S865    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+2    Bldg./hwy. infrastructure proj.-concerns   REP

S871 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S+1    Joint insur. fd.-allows cert.   REP/SCA

S1217 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Smith,B+2    Wind energy proj. offshore-application   REP/SCA

S1229 SaSca (2R)    Sweeney,S/Sarlo,P+1    Judges, Gov. cabinet off.-incr. salary   REP/SCA

S1480    Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+1    Troops to Coll. Grant Prog.-estab.   REP

S1697    Sarlo,P/Oroho,S    Sch. buses-exemp. cert. fuel tax   REP

S1766    Scutari,N/Gill,N    Wrongful death act-expands   REP

S1831 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M    Teacher loan redemption prog.-estab.   REP/SCA

S1875 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N    Farming grant/loan prog.-estab. in NJEDA   REP/SCA

S1877 ScaScaSca (3R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   REP/SCA  (SCM)

S1877 ScaScaSca (3R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   REP  (SBA)

S1878 ScaScaScs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   REP/SCS  (SCM)

S1878 ScaScaScs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   REP  (SBA)

S1914    Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N    Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments   REP

S1958    Gopal,V/Scutari,N    Alco bev-concern full-yr consumption lic   REP

S1968    Pou,N    Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred   REP  (SEG)

S1968    Pou,N    Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred   REP  (SBA)

S2055 Sca (1R)    Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M    Incarcerated person-student finan. aid   REP/SCA

S2127 Sca (1R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Singer,R    Wineries, spec occasion-extend prog   REP/SCA

S2144    Scutari,N/Gopal,V    Insur. Fair Conduct Act   REP

S2171 Scs (SCS)    Weinberg,L+1    Sick leave, earned-concerns   REP

S2313    Sweeney,S/Smith,B    Zero emission cert. prog.-estab.   REP

S2314    Smith,B/Sweeney,S+1    Solar renewable energy standards-modify   REP

S2455    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S    Transfer co coll emp-SEHBP to SHBP   REP


Bills Combined:

S889    Pennacchio,J+2    Reliability, Storm Response Act of 2012   COMB/W S719/2221 (SCS)

S2221    Turner,S+1    Electric pub util-emer response plan req   COMB/W S719/889 (SCS)


Bills Referred/SBA:

S276    Stack,B    Low-income person-reduce sewerage rates

S371    Rice,R    Sch. readiness, workforce devel-concerns

S485 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+1    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act

S766    Cunningham,S/Singer,R+7    Coll. loan-income-driven repymt. option

S791    Sarlo,P/Cardinale,G+1    Health insur. networks-concerns

S1766    Scutari,N/Gill,N    Wrongful death act-expands

S1831 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M    Teacher loan redemption prog.-estab.

S1875 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N    Farming grant/loan prog.-estab. in NJEDA

S1877 ScaScaSca (3R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Market Preservation Act

S1878 ScaScaScs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab

S1968    Pou,N    Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred

S2055 Sca (1R)    Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M    Incarcerated person-student finan. aid


Bills Recommitted:

S1229 SaSca (2R)    Sweeney,S/Sarlo,P+1    Judges, Gov. cabinet off.-incr. salary   RCM SBA

S1877 ScaScaSca (3R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   RCM SCM

S1878 ScaScaScs (SCS)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   RCM SCM


Bills Transferred:

S865    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+2    Bldg./hwy. infrastructure proj.-concerns   FROM SSG TO SBA

S1217 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Smith,B+2    Wind energy proj. offshore-application   FROM SEN TO SBA

S1958    Gopal,V/Scutari,N    Alco bev-concern full-yr consumption lic   FROM SLP TO SBA


Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:

A109    DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B+3    Water bill, late-interest after 30 days   REF SEG

A431    Schaer,G/Johnson,G+11    Wiretap orders for cert. crimes-auth.   REF SJU

A448 Aca (1R)    Schaer,G/Mosquera,G+10    Homeless prev. prog-available on website   REF SCU

A538 AcsAa (ACS/1R)    Mazzeo,V/Murphy,C+1    Prop. assess.-revise calendar   REF SCU

A579    Moriarty,P/Jimenez,A+7    MV, used-dealer notify buyer of recalls   REF SCM

A792 Aca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Taliaferro,A+2    Farmland-concerns wildlife control   REF SEG

A1024 Aa (1R)    Johnson,G/DeAngelo,W    Cigar bars and lounges-concerns   REF SHH

A1033    Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V    Palisades Interst. Park-open space elig.   REF SEN

A1039    Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R+11    Travel and tourism div-concerns website   REF SSG

A1181 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Mosquera,G+9    Firearm seizure-patient poses threat   REF SLP

A1217 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    McKeon,J/Greenwald,L+7    Extreme Risk Prot. Order Act of 2018   REF SLP

A1369    Kennedy,J/DeAngelo,W+9    Svc. contracts, cert-allows cancellation   REF SEG

A1389 Aca (1R)    Bucco,A.M./Webber,J    Name change-MVC accept death cert.   REF STR

A1428 Aca (1R)    McKnight,A/Chaparro,A+7    Child Trafficking Awareness Pilot Prog.   REF SED

A1675 Aca (1R)    Dancer,R/Conaway,H+1    Prescribed Burn Act   REF SEN

A1827 AcsAca (ACS/1R)    Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+17    Sick leave, earned-concerns   REF SBA

A2164 Acs (ACS)    Wimberly,B/Schaer,G+2    Healthy Small Food Retailer Act   REF SCM

A2193 Aca (1R)    Jones,P/Benson,D+1    Computer science instr. cert.-auth.   REF SED

A2650 Aca (1R)    Freiman,R/Downey,J+3    Resid. prop. tax advance pymt.-concerns   REF SBA

A2757 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+16    Priv. gun sales-req background check   REF SLP

A2758    Greenwald,L/Holley,J+13    Handgun, need to carry-codifies reg.   REF SLP

A2759 AcaAcs (ACS)    Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+14    Armor piercing ammunition-proh.   REF SLP

A2761 Aca (1R)    Greenwald,L/Quijano,A+14    Ammunition magazines-reduce to 10 rounds   REF SLP

A2787 Aca (1R)    Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+3    Wineries, spec occasion-extend prog   REF SEG

A3292    Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+11    Opioid med. warning sticker-req.   REF SHH

AJR104    Downey,J/Coughlin,C+4    SNAP-condemns FY19 proposed changes   REF SHH



The Senate adjourned at 7:25 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, April 12, 2018 (SESSION).




Bills Introduced:

A3736    DePhillips,C/Rooney,K    Pub. util. franchise-revises and updates   REF ATU

A3737    Caputo,R/Sumter,S    Elections, cert.-available to vote early   REF ASL

A3738    Webber,J/Peters,R    Firearm training expenses-tax deduct.   REF AAP

A3739    Rooney,K/Mukherji,R    Ticket sales, online-proh. circumventing   REF ACO

A3745    Wirths,H    Fed. contract barred-proh. pub. contract   REF ASL

A3746    Space,P+1    Ammunition possession-incr. penalties   REF AJU

A3747    Kean,S    Property-time period, adverse possession   REF AJU

A3748    Kean,S/Thomson,E+7    WTC attacks-auth special lic. plate   REF ATR

A3749    Kean,S/Thomson,E+7    St. Trooper Marc K. Castellano Mem. Hwy.   REF ATR

A3750    Bucco,A.M./Munoz,N    Grandparents child care-tax cred.   REF AWC

A3751    Mukherji,R/Gusciora,R    Animal piercing-clarifies cruelty   REF AAN

A3752    Mukherji,R/Gusciora,R    Gestating pig-cruel confinement, offense   REF AAN

A3753    Space,P/Pinkin,N    Higher ed. instit.-mv regis. fee exempt   REF AHI

A3754    McKnight,A/Speight,S    Hair braiding estab.-lic. exemp.   REF AWC

A3755    Armato,J/Mazzeo,V    Drug court elig, special probation-estab   REF AJU

A3756    Murphy,C/Conaway,H    Real estate lic.-courses req.   REF ARP

A3757    Murphy,C/Barclay,A    Home mortgages-concerns principal pymts.   REF AHO

A3758    Danielsen,J    Smoking-proh w/in 20 ft of workplaces   REF AHE

A3759    DeAngelo,W    Teaching supplies-prov. income tax cred.   REF AED

A3760    Vainieri Huttle,V    Tackle football-proh. children under 12   REF AWC

A3761    Vainieri Huttle,V    Student-concerns out-of-St. placement   REF AED

A3762    Vainieri Huttle,V/Benson,D    Animal hoarding-mental health counseling   REF AAN

A3763    Benson,D    Nonimmigrant aliens-remove tuition excl   REF AHI

A3764    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Triploid grass carp-permits stocking   REF AAN

A3765    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J    Sch. safety specialist-desig.   REF AED

A3766    Armato,J/Murphy,C+9    Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension   REF ASL

A3767    Zwicker,A    St innovation economy-marketing campaign   REF AST

A3768    Zwicker,A/Eustace,T    Blockchain tech-corp. recordkeeping   REF AST

A3769    Zwicker,A/Freiman,R    Hosp. lic. cert qualif-prov cardiac svcs   REF AHE

A3770    Rooney,K/Pinkin,N+2    Recycling bins-req. in St. bldgs.   REF AEN

A3771    Quijano,A    Restraining orders-condition of release   REF AJU

A3772    Quijano,A    Pool and spa svc. contractors-concerns   REF ARP

A3773    McKeon,J/Jasey,M    NJBEST prog-tax deduct   REF AHI

A3774    Jasey,M/Caputo,R    Mil. recruiters-concerns student info.   REF AED

A3775    Jasey,M/Caputo,R    Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary   REF AED

A3776    Burzichelli,J    Sports official assault-upgrades   REF AJU

A3777    DeCroce,B    Ed costs cert-prov sch dist tax levy cap   REF AED

A3778    Sumter,S/Tucker,C    Early Childhood Dept.-estab.   REF AED

A3779    Wirths,H+1    Security off.-not proh. carrying firearm   REF AED

A3780    McGuckin,G    Electric distrib. substation-prot.   REF ATU

A3781    Carroll,M    Hyperloop proj. permits-grant Statewide   REF ATR

A3782    Eustace,T/Gusciora,R    Prescrip. drug products-proh advertising   REF AHE

A3783    Eustace,T/Pinkin,N    Haz materials trans by rail-cleanup plan   REF ATR

A3784    Eustace,T/Pinkin,N+1    Balloon release, cert.-proh.   REF AEN

A3785    Howarth,J+5    Boat races-auth age 10 & up, participate   REF ATR

A3786    Peters,R/Howarth,J+55    Vet, surviving spouse-income tax deduct.   REF AMV

A3787    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. emerg.-prov. annual training   REF AHS

A3788    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch security-sch dist institute policies   REF AED

A3789    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. safety-maintain hotline for tips   REF AED

A3790    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. emp., students-id cards req.   REF AED

A3791    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Emerg. communication policy-sch dist req   REF AED

A3792    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. security resource clearinghouse   REF AED

A3793    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. emerg response-adopt course   REF AED

A3794    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Sch. safety/security plans-review   REF AED

A3795    Bramnick,J/Bucco,A.M.    Safe sch. resource off-sch. dist. employ   REF AED

A3796    Dancer,R    Student, commits sexual offense-concerns   REF AJU

A3797    Jasey,M    NJ Land Bank Law   REF ACE

A3798    Calabrese,C/Eustace,T    Smoke-Free Air Act-revises   REF AHE

A3799    McGuckin,G    Bribery, official matters-concerns   REF ASL

A3800    Auth,R    Charter sch.-adjust aid calculation   REF AED

A3801    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B    Library Aid;$10.5M   REF AAP

A3802    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    Michael Fischer Law-defibrillator   REF AWC

A3803    Andrzejczak,B/Land,R    New home warranty prot.-expands   REF AHO

A3804    Webber,J    Vessel regis.-donate, Greenwood Lake Fd   REF AEN

A3805    Lampitt,P    Income tax cred.-fd. ed. prog.   REF AED

A3806    Lampitt,P    Approved testing vendors-devel. lists   REF AED

A3807    Lampitt,P    Student ids-contain suicide prev hotline   REF AHI

A3808    Greenwald,L    Pub. contracts-prov. prompt pymt.   REF ASL

A3809    Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+1    Gardens, community-sell excess produce   REF AAN

A3810    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+1    Value-Added Dairy Farming Prog.-estab.   REF AAN

A3811    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+2    Adopt-A-Farm-estab., pub. secondary sch.   REF AAN

A3812    Barclay,A/Dancer,R    Dairy Animal of the Year-creates   REF AAN

A3813    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E    Fish/Wildlife Div-transfer Dept of Agric   REF AAN

A3814    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E    Landscape operator-cert purch, tax exemp   REF AAN

A3815    Freiman,R/Lagana,J    Firearm purchaser id-incr from 18 to 21   REF AJU

A3816    Conaway,H    Angioplasty serv.-lic. qual. hosp.   REF AHE

A3817    Lopez,Y    Digital currency-reg/estab consumer prot   REF AST

A3818    Conaway,H+1    Student immunizations-clarify exemp.   REF AHE

ACR167    Bramnick,J    Homestead real prop.-limit assess.   REF AHO

ACR168    Kean,S/Thomson,E+7    Gold Star family-receive prop tax deduct   REF AMV

AJR110    Rooney,K/DePhillips,C    Stephen Hawking Remembrance Day-Jan. 8   REF AST

AJR111    Quijano,A    Fed census-incarcerated use home address   REF ASL

AJR112    Auth,R    Home-Sch. Mo.-desig. May of each yr.   REF AED

AJR113    Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+1    Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June   REF AAN

AJR114    Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+1    Buy Local Week-desig. last full wk, July   REF AAN

AR148    Quijano,A    Merchants, out-of-St.-concerns sales tax   REF ASL

AR149    Quijano,A    MV office in Elizabeth-MVC reopen   REF ATR

AR150    Benson,D    Sr. cit.-right to own pets   REF AHO

AR151    Vainieri Huttle,V    Complete streets policy-mun. implement   REF ATR

AR152    Timberlake,B/Caputo,R+2    Tax code-excl. student loan, income tax   REF AHI

AR153    Eustace,T/McKeon,J    Superfund site-desig. DuPont site   REF AEN

AR154    DiMaso,S/Munoz,N    Law Enforce. Directive No.2007-1-update   REF AED

AR155    Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+1    Produce, sch meals-enhance fed subsidy   REF AAN

AR156    Taliaferro,A/Dancer,R+1    Dairy product-incr export. other nations   REF AAN


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A764 Aca (1R)    Caputo,R/Tucker,C+16    Alyssa’s Law-emerg. lights in sch. bldgs   REP

A1038 Aca (1R)    Johnson,G/Moriarty,P+2    Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act   REP/ACA

A1709 Aca (1R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lagana,J    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REP

A2014 Acs (ACS)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+11    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal   REP/ACS

A2030    Coughlin,C/Jasey,M+1    Sch election-concerns candidates/ballots   REP

A2039 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+16    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act   REP/ACA

A2371    Vainieri Huttle,V/Holley,J    9-1-1 Emerg Response Trust Fd-upgrades   REP

A2485 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+2    Wind energy proj. offshore-application   REP

A3379 Acs (ACS)    McKeon,J/Lampitt,P+2    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   REP/ACS

A3380 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Murphy,C+3    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   REP/ACA

A3421 Acs (ACS)    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2    Jake Honig’s Law-dispense med. marijuana   REP/ACS

A3461    Zwicker,A/Mukherji,R    Candidate elective pub off-email address   REP

A3499 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Jasey,M+6    Charitable fds.-mun., co, sch dist estab   REP/ACA

A3502 Aca (1R)    Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+6    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   REP/ACA

A3503    Lampitt,P/Jones,P+5    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   REP

A3504 AcaAca (2R)    Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+5    Summer meal prog.-expands   REP/ACA

A3506 AcaAca (2R)    Lampitt,P/Sumter,S+6    Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.   REP/ACA

A3615    Burzichelli,J    Hosp., cert.-concerns charitable assets   REP

A3619    Wimberly,B    Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred   REP

A3632    Jasey,M/McKeon,J    Twp. of So. Orange Village-change name   REP

A3685 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Lagana,J    Judges, Gov. cabinet off.-incr. salary   REP/ACA

A3723    McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W+1    Solar renewable energy standards-modify   REP

A3724    McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J+1    Zero emission cert. prog.-estab.   REP

A3743    Vainieri Huttle,V    Wireless telephone, prepaid-impose fee   REP

A3818    Conaway,H+1    Student immunizations-clarify exemp.   REP

ACR121    Greenwald,L/Lopez,Y    Census Bureau-oppose cert. questions   REP

AJR63 Aca (1R)    Pinkin,N/Schaer,G+29    Israel, State 70th anniversary-recognize   REP/ACA

S122 ScaAca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sarlo,P+8    Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act   REP/ACA

S868    Sweeney,S/Vitale,J+1    Sch election-concerns candidates/ballots   REP

S976 ScaSca (2R)    Vitale,J/Bateman,C+1    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REP

S1893 Aca (1R)    Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+1    St prop taxes-concerns income tax deduct   REP/ACA

S1894 ScaAca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.   REP/ACA

S1895    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   REP

S1896 Aca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   REP/ACA

S1897 ScaAca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Summer meal prog.-expands   REP/ACA

S1974    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N    Candidate elective pub off-email address   REP

S2247    Sweeney,S    Hosp., cert.-concerns charitable assets   REP

SCR55    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+1    Census Bureau-oppose cert. questions   REP

SJR56    Beach,J/Kean,T+6    Israel, State 70th anniversary-recognize   REP


Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A122    DeAngelo,W/Holley,J+1    9-1-1-estab. cert. req.   REP REF AAP

A1521 Aca (1R)    Zwicker,A/Holley,J+10    New Voter Empowerment Act   REP/ACA REF AAP

A1709 Aca (1R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Lagana,J    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REP/ACA REF AAP

A3742    Conaway,H/Benson,D    911 svc fac-equip w/Next Generation sys   REP REF AAP

S976 ScaSca (2R)    Vitale,J/Bateman,C+1    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REP REF AAP


Bills Recommitted:

A2039 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+16    Out-of-network Consumer Prot, Acct. Act   RCM AAP

A2485 Aca (1R)    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+2    Wind energy proj. offshore-application   RCM AAP

A3499 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Jasey,M+6    Charitable fds.-mun., co, sch dist estab   RCM AAP

A3502 Aca (1R)    Lampitt,P/Wimberly,B+6    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   RCM AAP

A3503    Lampitt,P/Jones,P+5    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   RCM AAP

A3504 AcaAca (2R)    Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+5    Summer meal prog.-expands   RCM AAP

A3685 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Lagana,J    Judges, Gov. cabinet off.-incr. salary   RCM AAP

S1893 Aca (1R)    Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+1    St prop taxes-concerns income tax deduct   RCM AAP


Bills Transferred:


A1038 Aca (1R)    Johnson,G/Moriarty,P+2    Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act   FROM ACE TO AAP

A2014 Acs (ACS)    Coughlin,C/Schaer,G+11    Voter regis. updates-driv. lic. renewal   FROM ASL TO AAP

A3421 Acs (ACS)    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+2    Jake Honig’s Law-dispense med. marijuana   FROM AHE TO AAP

A3619    Wimberly,B    Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred   FROM ACE TO AAP

A3723    McKeon,J/DeAngelo,W+1    Solar renewable energy standards-modify   FROM AEN TO AAP

A3724    McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J+1    Zero emission cert. prog.-estab.   FROM AEN TO AAP


Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.


Bills Given First Reading w/Governor’s Recommendation:

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.


Bills Given Second Reading w/Governor’s Recommendation:

A3382 w/GR (1R)    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.


Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:

A839 AcaSca (2R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+18    Offshore drilling for oil-concerns


Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

S482 SaSca (2R)    Vitale,J+1    Gestational Carrier Agreement Act

S606    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+1    Electric veh. charging infra.-plan

S699 Sca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+1    Student finan assist prog-concerns

S1496    Smith,B/Greenstein,L    Mercury relays, switches-prohibits cert.

S1870 Sa (1R)    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+6    Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities

SJR57    Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P+4    Sikh Day-desig. April 14th


Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:

S122 ScaAca (2R)    Weinberg,L/Sarlo,P+8    Garden St. Film & Digital Media Jobs Act   REF AAP

S250 ScaSca (2R)    Van Drew,J/Gopal,V    Airports, cert.-prov. tax cred. elig.   REF ACE

S347    Cruz-Perez,N/Cunningham,S+2    Minorities, women-constr. training   REF ALA

S374    Rice,R/Singleton,T+2    Minority, Women owned finan. instit-svcs   REF AFI

S376    Madden,F/Gopal,V+1    Police, FF surviving spouse-tuition benf   REF AHI

S396 Sca (1R)    Pennacchio,J/Corrado,K    St Invest Council memb-forbid cert votes   REF ASL

S430 Sca (1R)    Pou,N/Oroho,S+2    Real estate lic., cert.-concerns   REF ARP

S483    Vitale,J/Madden,F    Hepatitis C testing-hospitals offer   REF AHE

S497    Vitale,J/Madden,F    Child abuse-cert statements allowed   REF AJU

S534    Oroho,S/Sarlo,P+1    Litter-generating products-definition   REF AEN

S545    Gill,N/Turner,S+2    Emp discrimination-proh use, cred report   REF ALA

S559 Scs (SCS)    Gill,N/Weinberg,L+6    Worker’s wages-concerns emp. inquires   REF ALA

S700 ScaSca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S    Higher Ed. Citizenship Equality Act   REF AHI

S868    Sweeney,S/Vitale,J+1    Sch election-concerns candidates/ballots   REF ASL

S880 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Corrado,K    Pol. party committee chair-concerns   REF ASL

S976 ScaSca (2R)    Vitale,J/Bateman,C+1    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REF AHE

S1036    Sweeney,S/Turner,S    Person’s death, police custody-concerns   REF AJU

S1082 ScaSa (2R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T+5    Vineyards, wineries-prov cert. tax cred.   REF AAN

S1146 Sca (1R)    Codey,R/Rice,R+1    Dementia-incl. notation on med. records   REF AHU

S1242 Sca (1R)    Turner,S/Greenstein,L+1    Boil water notice-req. w/in one hour   REF ATU

S1335    Pennacchio,J+1    Emerg med tech cert card-MVC accept Id   REF ATR

S1739 ScaSa (2R)    Van Drew,J/Oroho,S    Co. correction officer-rename   REF ALP

S1793 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2    Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.   REF AEN

S1894 ScaAca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.   REF AAP

S1895    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   REF AAP

S1896 Aca (1R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   REF AAP

S1897 ScaAca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2    Summer meal prog.-expands   REF AAP

S1974    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N    Candidate elective pub off-email address   REF ASL

S2247    Sweeney,S    Hosp., cert.-concerns charitable assets   REF AAP

SCR29    Pennacchio,J+1    Huntington’s Disease Parity Act-urges   REF AHE

SCR96    Codey,R/Vitale,J+1    Hagedorn Gero-Psych. Hosp.-reopen   REF AHE

SJR34 ScaSa (2R)    Greenstein,L    Drunk & Impaired Driv. Comm.-estab.   REF ALP

SJR56    Beach,J/Kean,T+6    Israel, State 70th anniversary-recognize   REF ASL



The Assembly adjourned at 6:37 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, April 12, 2018 (SESSION).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (3/26/18):

P.L.2018, JR-3.   AJR105    Downey,J/Murphy,C+1    3/29/2018    Prof Social Work Mo-desig March each yr.


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