Here’s What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday
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Here’s what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (May 17th):
The Senate did not meet. The Senate will meet on Monday, May 21, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled to meet).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
AJR125 Quijano,A World Refugee Day-desig. June 20th
Bills Introduced:
A3953 DiMaso,S/Thomson,E Coll., priv. and police-civil immunity REF AJU
A3954 DiMaso,S Ferry boats-concerns duration contract REF ASL
A3955 Vainieri Huttle,V Patient info.-limits cert. REF AHU
A3956 Vainieri Huttle,V Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act REF ALP
A3957 Wirths,H Mun. court costs-concerns REF AJU
A3958 Wirths,H Children’s psych. fac.-on-site staff req REF AHU
A3959 Wirths,H Intestate estates-concerns REF AJU
A3960 Johnson,G Non-flushable disposable wipes-label REF ACO
A3961 Auth,R Prop. Tax Relief and Ed Empowerment prog REF ASL
A3962 Murphy,C Smoking w/children in auto-proh. REF AWC
A3963 Murphy,C Labor contractors-concerns REF ALA
A3964 Murphy,C Fabrication, cert.-concerns wage req. REF ALA
A3965 Wolfe,D/DeCroce,B MV-concerns regis. fee REF ATR
A3966 Schepisi,H Child, unemancipated-reg. court auth. REF AJU
A3967 Thomson,E State sch. aid-concerns calculation REF AED
A3968 Rooney,K Snowplow svc. contracts-concerns REF ACO
A3969 Thomson,E Prop tax exemp-concerns finan agreements REF ASL
A3970 Rooney,K Cats or dogs-proh. REF AAN
A3971 Quijano,A Med. marijuana-concerns REF AHE
A3972 Quijano,A PFRS, PERS-incr. accidental death benf. REF ASL
A3973 Quijano,A Resid. tenancy security deposit-actions REF AHO
A3974 Quijano,A New home fire safety-concerns REF AHO
A3975 Quijano,A/Giblin,T Family leave, temp. disab.-revise law REF ALA
A3976 Barclay,A St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit REF ASL
A3977 Lopez,Y Nurse lic.-concerns REF ARP
A3978 Lopez,Y Work First NJ-incr. benf. amount REF AHU
A3979 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V Incarcerated primary caretaker parents REF ALP
A3980 Clifton,R/Benson,D MV-concerns St. purch. REF AEN
A3981 McGuckin,G/DeCroce,B Rental veh.-concerns REF ACO
A3982 McGuckin,G 9-1-1 sys-concerns interference REF AHS
A3983 McGuckin,G/DeCroce,B Higher ed cyber security-concerns REF AHI
A3984 Dancer,R Taxation on real prop.-concerns REF ASL
A3985 Dancer,R Lottery-outcome determined by horse race REF ATG
A3986 Dancer,R Children-estab. invol. civil commitment REF AHU
A3987 Murphy,C/Armato,J Generic drug-proh excessive price incr. REF AHE
A3988 Armato,J/Murphy,C Prescrip. meds.-concerns REF AHE
A3989 Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V St. contracts-contractor req. to use REF ASL
A3990 Mukherji,R Tuition rates, cert. students-concerns REF AHI
A3991 Mazzeo,V Elections Security Act-estab. REF ASL
A3992 McKeon,J Investment mgmt. svc.-concerns taxation REF ABU
A3993 McKeon,J Pharmacy benf.-concerns REF AFI
A3994 Zwicker,A Drilling platform-liab, haz sub in water REF AEN
A3995 Benson,D/Murphy,C Pretrial risk assessment-concerns REF AJU
A3996 Pinkin,N Office of Clean Energy-creates REF ATU
A3997 Pinkin,N Energy storage-BPU conduct analysis REF ATU
A3998 Pinkin,N LED tech, cert. street lights-req. mun. REF AEN
A3999 Pinkin,N Solar energy sys expenditures-tax credit REF ATU
A4000 Pinkin,N Street lights-concerns REF ATU
A4001 Pinkin,N Class 1 renewable energy-contract REF ATU
A4002 Pinkin,N Solar energy sys.-building fee exempt REF ATU
A4003 Pinkin,N Landscape, St proj-req St manage REF AEN
A4004 Pinkin,N Solar installation subcode-req DCA REF ATU
A4005 Pinkin,N Zero emission veh charging station-benf. REF ATU
A4006 Pinkin,N Solar Roof Installation Warranty Prog. REF ATU
A4007 Pinkin,N St House Complex-env sustainability plan REF AEN
A4008 Pinkin,N Sch dist bldgs-energy efficiency improv REF AEN
A4009 Pinkin,N Pub. util customers-demand response prog REF ATU
A4010 Pinkin,N Electric power suppliers-concerns lic. REF ATU
A4011 Pinkin,N Solar energy generation fac.-recycle REF AEN
A4012 Pinkin,N Nat. gas suppliers-concerns lic. REF ATU
A4013 Coughlin,C Non-profit hosp-reinstate prop tax exemp REF ASL
A4014 Lopez,Y/Pinkin,N Methylene chloride paint-proh sale REF ACO
AJR122 Chaparro,A Hispanic Journalist Pride Day-Sept 20th REF ASL
AJR124 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B Cancer Survivor Mo.-desig. June ea. yr. REF AHE
AJR126 Munoz,N Visiting Nurse Assoc. Day-desig. May 6 REF AHE
AJR127 Dancer,R Gastroparesis Awareness Mo-design August REF AHU
AJR128 Handlin,A/DeCroce,B Megan’s Law Risk Assess. Review-estab. REF ALP
AJR129 Peters,R+1 Sergeant Domnick Pilla, Jamie Smith Day REF ASL
AJR130 Lopez,Y/Vainieri Huttle,V Endometriosis Awareness Mo-desig. March REF AWC
AJR131 Downey,J Marijuana-reclassify REF AJU
AR161 Kean,S N. Ireland agreement-express support REF ASL
AR162 Benson,D Pretrial risk assess. process-expand REF AJU
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A111 DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+3 Combat Action Badge-auth. lic. plate REP
A317 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+10 Judges-estab. domestic viol training REP
A377 Jimenez,A/Sumter,S+1 Uninsur. patients-hosp. emp. assist REP
A432 Schaer,G/Greenwald,L+1 Auto. Insur. Risk Exchange-concerns appt REP
A605 Acs (ACS) Danielsen,J Health care prov network-proh. cert sale REP/ACS
A781 Aca (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+3 Animal cruelty viol.-recover costs REP/ACA
A1029 Johnson,G+1 Alco bev-sell in resid. redevel areas REP
A1334 Gusciora,R/Eustace,T+1 Animal cruelty-expand to include theft REP
A1526 Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+2 Freelance workers-concerns pymt. REP
A1527 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+4 Internet prov-subscriber id confidential REP
A1718 AcaAca (2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Gusciora,R+5 Birth cert., gender change-revises proc. REP/ACA
A1859 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Barclay,A Self-driving mv-clarifies insur. req. REP/ACA
A1903 Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E+6 Green bldg. proj.-concerns applications REP
A1923 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R/Zwicker,A Nosey’s Law-proh cert. animal acts REP/ACA
A1980 Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+5 TDI-estab. partial return to work prog. REP
A2015 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/Lagana,J.A.+3 Food-limited on brewery premises REP/ACA
A2162 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+5 Police, ff civil svc. lists-concerns REP
A2318 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Animal rescued from mv-immunity REP/ACA
A3086 Greenwald,L SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost REP
A3162 AcaAcs (ACS) Eustace,T/Calabrese,C+4 Bus, owned by cert. persons-assist. prog REP/ACS
A3218 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R Humane societies-concerns mun. contract REP
A3274 Vainieri Huttle,V/Dancer,R Dog, used in higher ed research-adoption REP
A3354 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+3 Water supply operator-take exam REP/ACA
A3652 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Coughlin,C+1 Sci., Innovation & Tech. Comm.-re-estab. REP/ACA
A3862 Quijano,A/Chaparro,A Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments REP
A3923 Zwicker,A/Mukherji,R Internet websites, commercial-concerns REP
A3937 DeAngelo,W Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun. REP
AJR29 Wimberly,B/Conaway,H+2 Youth Smoking Prev. Awareness-desig. May REP
AJR44 Vainieri Huttle,V/Chiaravalloti,N+12 Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day-desig. REP
AR45 Thomson,E Transparent Summer Flounder Quotas Act REP
S478 ScaAca (2R) Vitale,J/Weinberg,L+5 Gender change-revise birth cert. proc. REP/ACA
S844 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+2 TDI-estab. partial return to work prog. REP
S1207 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+1 SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost REP
S1208 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Oroho,S+3 Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments REP
S1914 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments REP
Bills Combined:
A2656 Lampitt,P Tobacco cessation svc.-Medicaid cover COMB/W A2444 (ACS)
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A997 Rooney,K/Johnson,G+1 Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments REP REF AAP
A1093 Aca (1R) Downey,J/Pinkin,N Shore Prot. Master Plan-update REP/ACA REF AAP
A2444/2656 Acs (ACS) Benson,D/Pinkin,N+2 Tobacco cessation benf.-Medicaid cover REP/ACS REF AAP
A3494 Burzichelli,J/Mukherji,R Liquor lic-creates new and addl licenses REP REF AAP
A3888 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance REP/ACA REF AAP
A3927 Aca (1R) Conaway,H HIV-prov. info. and offer screening REP/ACA REF AAP
A3998 Pinkin,N LED tech, cert. street lights-req. mun. REP REF AAP
Bills Recommitted:
A3354 AcaAca (2R) DeAngelo,W/Benson,D+3 Water supply operator-take exam RCM AAP
S844 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+2 TDI-estab. partial return to work prog. RCM AAP
Bills Transferred:
A3086 Greenwald,L SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost FROM ASL TO AAP
A3888 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance FROM ALP TO AOF
A3937 DeAngelo,W Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun. FROM ASL TO AAP
S1207 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+1 SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost FROM ASL TO AAP
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A3523 Lampitt,P Summer meal prog, sch fac-notify student FROM AED
Bills Received from Governor/Conditional Veto:
A3010 Mosquera,G/Sumter,S+13 Energy assist.-prov. $21 min. annually
Bills Given First Reading w/Governor’s Recommendation:
A3010 Mosquera,G/Sumter,S+13 Energy assist.-prov. $21 min. annually
Bills Given Second Reading w/Governor’s Recommendation:
A3010 w/GR (1R) Mosquera,G/Sumter,S+13 Energy assist.-prov. $21 min. annually
The Assembly Speaker has made the following joint appointment:
*Effective May 14, 2018
Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission:
Deborah T. Poritz, of Princeton (Chair)
The Assembly adjourned at 6:31 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, May 24, 2018 (SESSION).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (5/14/18):
P.L.2018, c.13. A1114 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E 5/16/2018 Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll
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