Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (February 21st):


Nominations Advise and Consent:
Honorable Ana C. Viscomi, J.S.C., of Red Bank.
Honorable James R. Swift, J.S.C., of Millville.
Honorable Robert G. Malestein, J.S.C., of Bridgeton.
Honorable J. Christopher Gibson, J.S.C., of Clermont.
Honorable H. Matthew Curry, J.S.C., of Phillipsburg.

Bills Introduced:
S3486 Pou,N Nat. Practitioner Data Bank-concerns REF SCM
S3487 Pou,N Lic. Verif Sys-concerns health care prof REF SCM
S3488 Cryan,J Cybersecurity aware./data prot.-concerns REF SEG
S3489 Cryan,J Medicaid recipient's estate-liens REF SHH
S3490 Cryan,J Medicaid, NJ FamilyCare-concerns elig. REF SHH
S3491 Ruiz,M Personal care svcs.-Medicaid reimb. rate REF SHH
S3492 Corrado,K Min. wage-exemp co/mun/sch dist from req REF SLA
S3493 Weinberg,L Zero emission mv-concerns sale REF SEN
S3494 Cryan,J Nurses-concerns tuition costs REF SHH
S3495 O'Scanlon,D Civil settlement agreements-concerns REF SSG
S3496 Greenstein,L/Cryan,J Thefts-upgrades crime REF SJU
S3497 Greenstein,L GPS-concerns cert. mobile device apps. REF SEG
S3498 Greenstein,L Ed. svc, online-disclose student records REF SED
S3499 Pou,N Debt-adjusters-concerns lic. REF SCM
S3500 Pou,N/Singleton,T Fed. emp., consumer agency report-proh. REF SCM
S3501 Diegnan,P We Support the Arts-auth lic. plate REF STR
SCR156 Singleton,T/Bateman,C+1 Drinking water-DEP adopt standards REF SEN
SCR157 Pou,N Natl. Practitioner Data Bank-available REF SCM
SJR123 Bateman,C/Greenstein,L Renewable Energy Day-desig. May 23 REF SEN

Bills On Emergency Resolution:
A1862 AcaScaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+13 Maternal Mortality Review Committee (35-0) (Vitale)
S119 Weinberg,L/Turner,S+2 Fed income tax return-candidate disclose To Sa (Pennacchio)
S119 Weinberg,L/Turner,S+2 Fed income tax return-candidate disclose To Table (24-11) (Weinberg)

Bills Passed:
A809 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+2 Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers (35-0)
A1683 Dancer,R/Benson,D+20 Energy slamming practices-incr. penal. (35-0)
A1862 AcaScaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+13 Maternal Mortality Review Committee (35-0)
A2810 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+3 Prof. occup. lic. bd.-req. supervision (35-0)
A4134 AcaSca (2R) Freiman,R/Mukherji,R+24 Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act (29-6)
A4285 Sca (1R) Lopez,Y/Quijano,A+11 Firefighters cancer data-req. registry (35-0)
A4416 Sca (1R) Swain,L/Karabinchak,R+7 Asbestos-proh. sale or distrib. (35-0)
A4702 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Jasey,M+14 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog (33-0)
A4703 AcaAcaSca (3R) Lopez,Y/Holley,J+19 Anti-Hunger Link-food services website (34-0)
A4704 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Murphy,C+15 Food pilot prog.-DOA (35-0)
A4705 AcaAcaSca (3R) Carter,L/Benson,D+17 NJ Food Waste Task Force-estab. (35-0)
A4707 Sca (1R) Tucker,C/Downey,J+15 Food waste-concerns public awareness (35-0)
A4708 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B+10 Farm Liaison-estab. (35-0)
A4799 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Coughlin,C+1 Meds. self-admin.-permits certain (35-0)
ACR204 Sca (1R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/DeAngelo,W+9 Food grower community svc. prog.-urges (35-0)
AJR60 DeAngelo,W/Lopez,Y+12 Food Pantry Donation Mo.-desig. November (35-0)
AJR113 Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+5 Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June (35-0)
AJR172 Downey,J/Johnson,G+18 Food Waste Prev. Day-desig. (35-0)
AJR174 AcaSca (2R) Mejia,P/Benson,D+17 Reduce food waste-urges food retailers (35-0)
AJR175 AcaSca (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/Spearman,W+14 NJOneApp include anti-hunger prog-urges (34-0)
S119 Weinberg,L/Turner,S+2 Fed income tax return-candidate disclose (23-11)
S371 Rice,R/Brown,C+2 Sch. readiness, workforce devel-concerns (31-1)
S393/973 Scs w/GR (SCS/1R) Madden,F/Singleton,T+2 Talent Network Prog.-estab. (33-0)
S661 Bateman,C/Scutari,N+1 Driv. unsafe-clarify point assessment (31-0)
S703 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Teaching Pilot Prog.-estab. (33-0)
S758 Cunningham,S/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Redist-incarcerated person resid address (24-10)
S876 SaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Oroho,S Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin. (34-0)
S954/1699 ScsSca (SCS/1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T+6 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters (35-0)
S1211 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M+1 Social svcs. hotline-emerg. contact info (35-0)
S1403 ScaSca (2R) Diegnan,P/Singleton,T+3 St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit (35-0)
S1500 ScaScaSa (3R) Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+5 Campaign finan. disclosures-concerns (31-0)
S1589 ScaSca (2R) Singleton,T/Gill,N+1 Prof. occup. bd.-req. crim. hist . (35-0)
S1803 Sca (1R) Turner,S+1 Sunscreen used in sch.-concerns (32-0)
S2262 ScaSsSaSa (SS/2R) Singleton,T Small bus. loans-cert. disclosures req. (35-0)
S2475 ScaSa (2R) Sweeney,S/Pou,N Insur. producers-proh. cert. standards (32-0)
S2585 Weinberg,L Arthritis Qual. of Life-re-estab. (35-0)
S2607 Singleton,T/Corrado,K+6 Abandoned homes-rehab. for homeless vets (35-0)
S2690/2727 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Ruiz,M/Cryan,J+4 Pharmacy benf. managers-concerns (35-0)
S2826 ScaSa (2R) Bucco,A.R./Greenstein,L+1 Dog, used in higher ed research-adoption (34-0)
S2968 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Corrado,K+3 Mil., active duty-waive insur. co-pymts (35-0)
S2998 Ruiz,M MV insur., lender-placed-concerns (34-0)
S3039 Singleton,T/Kean,T+3 Hazing conviction-inelig. St. finan. aid (32-0)
S3064 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+2 Apprenticeships-estab. task force (33-1)
S3068 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Apprenticeship mentoring prog cert-estab (35-0)
S3075 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M Embryo storage fac.-concerns reg and lic (33-0)
S3129 Vitale,J/Singleton,T+1 Pub. work proj.-concerns labor org. (34-1)
S3212 Ruiz,M/Rice,R Suppl. zoning bd. of adjustment-estab. (31-0)
S3355 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Kean,T NJT bd-clarifies role, non-voting memb. (35-0)
S3381 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M High sch. graduation-concerns St. req. (22-7)
S3393 Sarlo,P/Addiego,D+3 Farmland, preserv.-allow special events (35-0)
S3406 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Vitale,J+2 Perinatal Risk Assess. form-concerns (35-0)
S3465 Pou,N/Kean,T Mortuary science-revise req. for exam (35-0)
SJR37 Weinberg,L+4 Equal Pay Day-desig. second Tues., April (34-0)
SJR65 Weinberg,L/Addiego,D+4 Women in Pub Office Day-desig March 19th (35-0)
SJR101 Gopal,V+1 Peter Francisco Day, NJ-Desig March 15 (35-0)
SR86 Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L+1 Sch. security drill-parents observe (Voice)
SR116 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+2 Gleaning, community svc.-urges higher ed (Voice)
SR119 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+3 Promote gleaning-urges Dept Agriculture (Voice)

Bills Substituted:
A809 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+2 Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers SUB FOR S255 (1R)
A1683 Dancer,R/Benson,D+20 Energy slamming practices-incr. penal. SUB FOR S1990
A1862 AcaScaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+13 Maternal Mortality Review Committee SUB FOR S495 (2R)
A2810 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+3 Prof. occup. lic. bd.-req. supervision SUB FOR S2963
A4134 AcaSca (2R) Freiman,R/Mukherji,R+24 Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act SUB FOR S2891 (2R)
A4285 Sca (1R) Lopez,Y/Quijano,A+11 Firefighters cancer data-req. registry SUB FOR S3313 (1R)
A4416 Sca (1R) Swain,L/Karabinchak,R+7 Asbestos-proh. sale or distrib. SUB FOR S3262 (1R)
A4702 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Jasey,M+14 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog SUB FOR S3239 (1R)
A4703 AcaAcaSca (3R) Lopez,Y/Holley,J+19 Anti-Hunger Link-food services website SUB FOR S3234 (1R)
A4704 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Murphy,C+15 Food pilot prog.-DOA SUB FOR S3237 (1R)
A4705 AcaAcaSca (3R) Carter,L/Benson,D+17 NJ Food Waste Task Force-estab. SUB FOR S3232 (1R)
A4707 Sca (1R) Tucker,C/Downey,J+15 Food waste-concerns public awareness SUB FOR S3231 (1R)
A4708 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B+10 Farm Liaison-estab. SUB FOR S3235 (1R)
A4799 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Coughlin,C+1 Meds. self-admin.-permits certain SUB FOR S3315 (1R)
ACR204 Sca (1R) Reynolds-Jackson,V/DeAngelo,W+9 Food grower community svc. prog.-urges SUB FOR SCR151 (1R)
AJR60 DeAngelo,W/Lopez,Y+12 Food Pantry Donation Mo.-desig. November SUB FOR SJR109
AJR113 Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+5 Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June SUB FOR SJR116
AJR172 Downey,J/Johnson,G+18 Food Waste Prev. Day-desig. SUB FOR SJR108
AJR174 AcaSca (2R) Mejia,P/Benson,D+17 Reduce food waste-urges food retailers SUB FOR SJR107 (1R)
AJR175 AcaSca (2R) Chiaravalloti,N/Spearman,W+14 NJOneApp include anti-hunger prog-urges SUB FOR SJR110 (1R)
S255 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N Agric. Devel Committee memb-auth farmers SUB BY A809 (ACS/1R)
S495 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+4 Maternal Mortality Review Committee SUB BY A1862 (3R)
S1990 Pou,N/Greenstein,L+2 Energy slamming practices-incr. penal. SUB BY A1683
S2891 ScaSca (2R) Lagana,J.A./Singleton,T+9 Secure Choice Savings Prog. Act SUB BY A4134 (2R)
S2963 Pou,N+2 Prof. occup. lic. bd.-req. supervision SUB BY A2810 (1R)
S3231 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Singleton,T+6 Food waste-concerns public awareness SUB BY A4707 (1R)
S3232 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Codey,R+6 NJ Food Waste Task Force-estab. SUB BY A4705 (3R)
S3234 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 Anti-Hunger Link-food services website SUB BY A4703 (3R)
S3235 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Kean,T+4 Farm Liaison-estab. SUB BY A4708 (1R)
S3237 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+6 Food pilot prog.-DOA SUB BY A4704 (1R)
S3239 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+3 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog SUB BY A4702 (1R)
S3262 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Greenstein,L+2 Asbestos-proh. sale or distrib. SUB BY A4416 (1R)
S3313 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Singleton,T+1 Firefighters cancer data-req. registry SUB BY A4285 (1R)
S3315 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+1 Meds. self-admin.-permits certain SUB BY A4799 (1R)
SCR151 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M Food grower community svc. prog.-urges SUB BY ACR204 (1R)
SJR107 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Greenstein,L+5 Reduce food waste-urges food retailers SUB BY AJR174 (2R)
SJR108 Gopal,V+5 Food Waste Prev. Day-desig. SUB BY AJR172
SJR109 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+3 Food Pantry Donation Mo.-desig. November SUB BY AJR60
SJR110 Sca (1R) Diegnan,P/Singleton,T+5 NJOneApp include anti-hunger prog-urges SUB BY AJR175 (2R)
SJR116 Andrzejczak,B Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June SUB BY AJR113

Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A1862 AcaScaSa (3R) Lampitt,P/Mukherji,R+13 Maternal Mortality Review Committee (34-0) (Vitale)
A3937 Sa (1R) DeAngelo,W/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun. (28-0) (Turner)
A3989 AcaSa (2R) Sumter,S/Mazzeo,V+2 St info tech contracts-req software use (27-0) (Sarlo)
S1960 Sa (1R) Diegnan,P/Beach,J Sch. bus driv.-admin. epinephrine (30-0) (Diegnan)
S2631 Sa (1R) Turner,S Water sys. emp.-reside in same mun. (28-0) (Turner)
S3042 ScaSa (2R) Sarlo,P/Oroho,S SHBP, SEHBP-creates subaccounts (26-0) (Sarlo)
S3207 Sa (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes (26-0) (Smith)
S3330 ScaSa (2R) Addiego,D/Singleton,T Child care svc.-permit sch. prop. use (25-0) (Addiego)
S3411 Sa (1R) Oroho,S/Singleton,T Resid. mortgage foreclosure-concerns (29-0) (Oroho)
S3413 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S Fair Foreclosure Act (28-0) (Singleton)
S3414 ScaSa (2R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S Liens filed-concerns unpaid assess. (28-0) (Singleton)
S3415 ScaSa (2R) Oroho,S/Singleton,T Resid. mortgage foreclosures-concerns (29-0) (Oroho)

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A2162 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+10 Police, ff civil svc. lists-concerns REP
A3766 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Armato,J/Houghtaling,E+17 Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension REP
S2267 Sweeney,S/Corrado,K+2 Lottery winners-anonymous indefinitely REP
S2450 Diegnan,P/Rice,R+2 Police, ff civil svc. lists-concerns REP
S2595 Sca (1R) Corrado,K+2 Pub. off., cert. offense-forfeit pension REP/SCA
S2915 Greenstein,L/Weinberg,L+19 Accidential disab. benf.-concerns elig. REP
S3119 Ruiz,M/Greenstein,L Juv. youth at risk, delinquency-art prog REP
S3193 Sca (1R) Beach,J Trail signage prog., alco. manuf.-estab. REP/SCA
SJR99 Lagana,J.A.+2 Heroes Day-desig. September 11th each yr REP

Bills Referred/SBA:
S2915 Greenstein,L/Weinberg,L+19 Accidental disab. benf.-concerns elig.

Bills Transferred:
S3446 Beach,J Recovery resid-concerns vol. cert. FROM SCU TO SHH
Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:
S2707 SaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Madden,F+16 Children-prev. sexual abuse task force
S2709 SaAca (2R) Ruiz,M/Madden,F+14 Students-concerns sexual assault

The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective February 14, 2019
New Jersey Hearing Impaired Task Force:
Samuel J. Podietz, of Lumberton.
New Jersey World Trade Center Scholarship Fund:
Tracy A. Buckley, of Tinton Falls.
Pension and Health Benefits Review Commission:
Debbie L. Parks, of Trenton.

The Senate President has made the following re-appointments:
*Effective February 14, 2019
Garden State Preservation Trust:
Benjamin L. Spinelli, of Chester.
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education:
Rabbi Micah Peltz, of Cherry Hill. Elyse H. Wolff, of Martinsville.
New Jersey Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council:
Frank L. Greenagel, Jr., of Piscataway.
Pension and Health Benefits Review Commission: Thomas Hastie, of Robbinsville.
State Council for Adult Literacy:
Joanne Hala, of Princeton. Mary L. Chute, of Bordentown.

The Senate adjourned at 8:30 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 4, 2019 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled to meet).

The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, February 25, 2019 (SESSION).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

A809 AcsAa (ACS/1R) Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+2 Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers
A1683 Dancer,R/Benson,D+20 Energy slamming practices-incr. penal.
A2810 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Murphy,C+3 Prof. occup. lic. bd.-req. supervision
A4702 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Jasey,M+14 Hunger-Free Campus Act-grant prog
A4704 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Murphy,C+15 Food pilot prog.-DOA
A4708 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B+10 Farm Liaison-estab.
A4799 Aca (1R) Lopez,Y/Coughlin,C+1 Meds. self-admin.-permits certain
AJR60 DeAngelo,W/Lopez,Y+12 Food Pantry Donation Mo.-desig. November
AJR113 Dancer,R/Andrzejczak,B+5 Dairy Week-desig. last full week of June
AJR172 Downey,J/Johnson,G+18 Food Waste Prev. Day-desig.

Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/14/2019):
P.L.2019, c.37. A3975 AcaAaSa (3R) Quijano,A/Giblin,T+13 2/19/2019 Family leave, temp. disab.-revise law

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