Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (October 24th):
Anthony M. Bucco resigned as a member of the General Assembly for the 25th Legislative District.
Anthony M. Bucco was sworn in as a member of the Senate for the 25th Legislative District. SENATE ACTION (SESSION)
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Joseph Adam Levin, of Margate.
Honorable Lisa James-Beavers, A.L.J., of Burlington Township.
Avion Monique Natasha Benjamin, of Avenel.
Dr. Balpreet Grewal-Virk, of Upper Saddle River.
Janine G. Bauer, of South Orange.
Sarah Surgent, of Millstone Township.
Bills Introduced:
S4117 Singleton,T Election infrastructure vendor-disclose financial ties for vendor approval REF SSG
S4118 Singleton,T Uniform Partition of Heirs Prop Act-provide alt process, prop w/multiple owners REF SJU
S4119 Singleton,T Theft offenses-increases monetary threshold REF SJU
S4120 Thompson,S Voter registration, automatic-process at agency/office providing hunting license REF SSG
S4121 Corrado,K Responsible School Violence Prevention, Preparation and Protection Pilot Program REF SLP
S4122 Corrado,K/Kean,T Absences, excused-school district incl illness based on mental/behavioral health REF SED
S4123 Turner,S Child care centers, licensed-requires 45 day notice for tuition rate changes REF SHH
S4124 Weinberg,L Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies REF SLP
S4125 Oroho,S/Sarlo,P Government Efficiency and Regulatory Review Commission-establish REF SSG
S4126 Andrzejczak,B County Vocational school district-resident enrollment regardless of county resid REF SED
S4127 Andrzejczak,B 9-1-1 first responder dispatcher-redesignates 9-1-1 operators or dispatchers REF SLP
S4128 Cryan,J Police officers, campus-grants certain employment protections REF SLP
S4129 Cryan,J Labor organization employees-requires unpaid and paid leave REF SSG
S4130 Cryan,J/Madden,F Throwing water at law enforcement officer-criminalizes REF SLP
S4131 Cryan,J School evacuation plans-school districts required to file plan with DOE REF SED
S4132 Madden,F Disability law and etiquette-requires training for State employees REF SHH
S4133 Corrado,K Dogs and cats euthanized at shelters/pounds-DOH establish reduction REF SEN
S4134 Kean,T Sch district tax levy cap-provides adjustment, expenditures associated w/new fac REF SED
S4135 Kean,T/Weinberg,L Emma's Law-sch bus transporting students w/special needs equip w/safety features REF STR
S4136 Kean,T Sch dist close sch-estab flexible instruct day prog; continue instruct at home REF SED
S4137 Greenstein,L Public transportation services for special ed. students-availability information REF SED
S4138 Greenstein,L Charter sch bd of trustees-proh serving on bd of org that donates to charter sch REF SED
S4139 Greenstein,L Rutgers-New Brunswick for School of Dental Medicine;$250K REF SHI
S4140 Pennacchio,J/Kean,T Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report REF SSG
S4141 Beach,J/Bateman,C Paul's Law-auth parent request individualized health plan for seizure disorder REF SED
S4142 Kean,T/Cunningham,S Veterans, late registration-higher education instit refund course tuition/fees REF SHI
S4143 Thompson,S/Greenstein,L School districts-provide lunch period not less than 20 seated minutes REF SED
S4144 Ruiz,M DOE arbitrators-training include issues related to cultural diversity and bias REF SED
S4145 Smith,B/Corrado,K DOT-develop asphalt pavement fine aggregate mixture specifications REF STR
S4146 Codey,R/Cryan,J Child absent-parent call; unexcused absence-notify parent or guardian REF SHH
S4147 Pennacchio,J Conflict Resolution in Schools Commission-establishes REF SED
S4148 Vitale,J Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing REF SLP
S4149 Beach,J Substance use disorder treatment center-not within 500 feet of school REF SHH
S4150 Stack,B/Corrado,K Animal cruelty offenses-establishes mandatory imprisonment REF SEN
S4151 Singleton,T Sewerage service providers-required to jointly bill customers REF SCU
S4152 Gill,N Immigrant Tenant Protection Act REF SCU
S4153 Diegnan,P Coordinated Substance Use Control Policy and Planning Act REF SHH
S4155 Cunningham,S Drug offenders, convicted-revises eligibility to receive assistance benefits REF SHH
SJR153 Madden,F Caregivers Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF SHH
SR158 Cryan,J Governors of NJ, Delaware, NY & PA-collaborate on tax incentive agreement REF SEG
SR159 Cryan,J 32BJ Service Employees Internat Union members-support a new contract REF SLA
SR160 Greenstein,L Motor vehicle exhaust system-ad. and remind excessive, unusual sound is illegal REF STR
SR161 Cardinale,G/Singer,R+12 Racist and discriminatory comments directed at elected officials-condemns REF SJU
SR162 Greenstein,L Greenwood Lake water quality-urges NY to join NJ in efforts to improve REF SEN
Co-Sponsors Added:
S273 (Andrzejczak,B) Child custody-establishes presumption of joint legal and physical custody
S854 (Cunningham,S) Light frame residential construction-prohibit in densely populated census tracts
S1642 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Black box warnings-physicians required to obtain consent med prescribed to minor
S1865 Scs (SCS) (Cunningham,S) Prescr. drug coverage-health insurers prov plans that limit patient cost-sharing
S2466 (Gopal,V) Firearm purchaser id-incr from 18 to 21
S2470 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V) Medicaid reimb., nursing homes-review
S2562 (Bateman,C) Pensions, retire. income-raises elig.
S2668 (Scutari,N) Library Aid;$10.5M
S2886 (Beach,J) Sch. meals-concerns
S3188 (O'Scanlon,D) Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year
S3229 (Cunningham,S) Driver's licenses & ID cards-creates 2 categories; MVC increase certain fees
S3305 (Diegnan,P) School student w/severe allergies-require devel. of individualized care plan
S3555 (Greenstein,L) First time home buyers & seniors-provides temporary income tax credit
S3685 (Greenstein,L) Sci & engineering workforce-estab prog to incr participation of underrep student
S3832 (Turner,S) Climate change-bd of education incl instruction & adopt instructional materials
S3879 (Gopal,V) Firearms & ammunition-establishes cert criminal penalties to disqualified person
S3898 (Gopal,V) Handgun ammunition-regulate sale & develop system for electronic firearm info.
S3954 (Kean,T; Pennacchio,J) Labor Law Enforcement-establishes office
S3975 (Ruiz,M) Gubernatorial transition-State employee serve as EEO/Affirmative Action officer
S3976 (Ruiz,M) Gubernatorial transition positions-payment req, background investigation expense
S3977 (Ruiz,M) Criminal investigations-disclosure required by applicants for State employment
S3979 (Ruiz,M) Civil Service Comm-estab standardize recordkeeping w/regards to unclassified emp
S3980 (Ruiz,M) Discrimination or harassment complaints-clarify provisions concerning disclosure
S3981 (Ruiz,M) Discrimination & harassment-Civil Service Commission estab/maintain hotline
S3982 (Ruiz,M) Discrimination complaint in the workplace-State agency review
S3983 (Ruiz,M) Discrimination or harassment complaints-employees receive add training to manage
S3988 (Greenstein,L) Drinking water test every 3 years-req resid owners, schools & child care centers
S3990 (Greenstein,L) Lead plumbing-requires property condition disclosure statement indicate presence
S3992 (Greenstein,L) Water, public system-prov customers & loc officials w/elevated lead level notice
S3994 (Greenstein,L) Lead service lines, replacement-allow municipalities to establish loan programs
S3998 (Andrzejczak,B) Veteran, indigent & veteran status-defines for interment purposes
S4093 (Andrzejczak,B) Small business loan program-incl. broadband telecommunications service providers
S4114 (Andrzejczak,B; Turner,S) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education
S4154 (Turner,S) Clean slate-revises expungement eligibility and procedures; render inaccessible
SCR178 (Andrzejczak,B) Internet & telephone services-BPU investigate and bring svc to rural communities
SCR180 (Singleton,T) Keegan Landfill-Urge NJ Sports & Exposition Auth & DEP immediate action to close
SR30 (Turner,S) Highway maintenance, infrastructure improvements-urges additional federal funds
Prime Sponsors Added:
S75 (Bucco,A) Alzheimer's-health insurer cover positron emission tomography to diagnose
S76 (Bucco,A) Burglary, residence-upgrade to second degree crime; if armed, first degree crime
S78 (Bucco,A) Property tax bills, permits, receipts-auth. municipality to deliver via e-mail
S79 (Bucco,A) Child care subsidy recipient-move to new county, proh treating as new applicant
S80 (Bucco,A) Cancer Research from Workforce Development Partnership Fd-prov dedicated funding
S81 (Bucco,A) Retail food establishments-donate surplus unused baked goods to local charities
S82 (Bucco,A) Lake Hopatcong Commission-changes memb & req DEP develop water level mgmt plan
S84 (Bucco,A) Student attendance rates-adjusts State school aid calculations
S85 (Bucco,A) Substance abuse prevention program-establish for eighth grade students
S86 (Bucco,A) Child custody determination/relocation-prov presumption, joint physical custody
S87 (Bucco,A) Emergency responder-killing, life imprisonment without parole
S88 (Bucco,A) Elected official & appointed officers, elig for dual health coverage-choose one
S90 (Bucco,A) Law enforcement officer, off-duty-permitted to carry firearms on State property
S93 (Bucco,A) Military active duty-auth. to fish in freshwater w/out license or trout stamp
S94 (Bucco,A) Blue painted between yellow lines-authorize Commissioner of Transportation allow
S95 (Bucco,A) Class 3 special law enforcement officer-revises appointment qualifications
S96 (Bucco,A) Inmates, CDS-increases penalties for providing
S97 (Bucco,A) Manufacturing businesses-enhances base tax credit & max limit, new/retained jobs
S145 (Bucco,A) Property assessment appeal refunds-fire & sch dist & county govt share burden
S1015 (Bucco,A) State Auditor-revises and expands duties and responsibilities of audits/reviews
S1016 (Bucco,A) Community rehabilitation program-prov CBT & income tax credit, employers who emp
S1017 (Bucco,A) Carbon monoxide detector, any device to warn/abate-exempt from sales and use tax
S1019 (Bucco,A) Property taxes, delinquent-allows income tax refunds be credited against
S1020 (Bucco,A) State tax debt forgiveness, taxpayer experiencing undue economic hardship-permit
S1021 (Bucco,A) Step-grandchildren-eliminate transfer inheritance tax
S1022 (Bucco,A) Computer software delivered electronically, prewritten-sales and use tax exemp.
S1023 (Bucco,A) High efficiency home heating equipment sales-provides sales & use tax exemption
S1024 (Bucco,A) Bedbug, home infestation remediation-provide income tax credit for certain costs
S1026 (Bucco,A) Helmets, safety recreational-exempts sale from sales and use tax
S1027 (Bucco,A) Security and investigation services-removes from imposition of sales and use tax
S1118 (Bucco,A) Post-Viability Protection Act-protecting unborn children from abortions
S1119 (Bucco,A) Highlands Water Protections and Planning Act-revises certain exemptions
S1120 (Bucco,A) Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act-allow for certain variances/waivers
S1121 (Bucco,A) Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital-req sale, remaining unused St-owned portion
S1124 (Bucco,A) Parental Rights and Property Tax Reduction Act
S1125 (Bucco,A) Ovarian cancer screening-insurers & SHBP provide coverage for expenses incurred
S1127 (Bucco,A) Medicaid, NJ FamilyCare, SHBP & SEHBP-offer equal terms
S1131 (Bucco,A) Brain Injury-provide assistance through advocacy, ed, information and resources
S1132 (Bucco,A) Pregnant women and marriage license applicants-requires HIV testing
S1133 (Bucco,A) Hepatitis C testing-narcotic and drug abuse treatment centers to offer
S1134 (Bucco,A) Managed care plan-covered health care svc. referral as satisfying req prior auth
S1284 (Bucco,A) Anti-bullying specialist & district anti-bullying coordinator-serve as full-time
S1285 (Bucco,A) Sewerage and utilities authority charge-limits non-debt portion fee increases
S1287 (Bucco,A) Resisting arrest w/other criminal convictions merger-upgrades penalties
S1288 (Bucco,A) Assault involving domestic violence-provides a mandatory term of imprisonment
S1290 (Bucco,A) Graduates-public & private higher ed institutions collect/report employment data
S1291 (Bucco,A) Smoke detector program-establish in DCA
S1292 (Bucco,A) Terrorism related property-provides for attachment
S1293 (Bucco,A) Labor laws, State-revises test for employment or independent contractor status
S1294 (Bucco,A) Anticancer oral medication-limit upfront cost under certain health benefits plan
S1295 (Bucco,A) Bedbug infestation, cert. residential prop-estab prevention/eradicate procedures
S1296 (Bucco,A) Higher ed. instit.-security guards immediately report crimes on campus to police
S1297 (Bucco,A) Fire codes-municipalities receive transitional aid, certify all mun bldgs adhere
S1299 (Bucco,A) State mandates on municipalities-minimize adverse economic impact
S1300 (Bucco,A) Armed Forces & National Guard memb.-creates housing purchase matching grant prog
S1301 (Bucco,A) Local govt. officers, elected or appointed-ethics training required
S1409 (Bucco,A) Diagnostic radiologic svc.-health insurance carriers reimburse network providers
S1410 (Bucco,A) Business, small-clarifies consultants are subject to consumer fraud act
S1548 (Bucco,A) Hearing Aids Assistance for the Aged & Disabled Prog.-increase allowance to $500
S1549 (Bucco,A) Hearing aids-requires health insurance to provide coverage
S1550 (Bucco,A) School property-req criminal offenses be reported to law enforcement authorities
S1551 (Bucco,A) Drug court post-graduation records expungement-ineligible if convicted of crime
S1552 (Bucco,A) Prevention of Domestic Violence Act-expands types of abusive acts
S1553 (Bucco,A) Juvenile arrested but not charged-create destruction of records procedure
S1554 (Bucco,A) Vehicles, municipal-require replacement of door and ignition locks prior to sale
S1555 (Bucco,A) Publicly-funded education savings accounts for use at educational instit.-estab.
S1556 (Bucco,A) Voluntary Employment for Taxpayers Act-resid. perform svcs. for prop tax credits
S1557 (Bucco,A) Records custodians-not subject to penalties if due diligence is exercised
S1558 (Bucco,A) Charter school facilities-establishes a State aid program
S1559 (Bucco,A) Local Government Ethics Law-increases maximum penalty
S1560 (Bucco,A) Affordable housing developments, municipally owned-waive certain inspection fees
S1561 (Bucco,A) Blood sample for chemical testing-required for drug-impaired driving
S1562 (Bucco,A) William's Law-pertaining to pool safety
S1563 (Bucco,A) Photographs or videos captured by public entities-prohibits improper release
S1564 (Bucco,A) School bus passengers in emerg.-directs Education Commissioner to study safety
S1565 (Bucco,A) Candidate's name, drawing for position on ballot-concerns date
S1745 (Bucco,A) Baby-changing station-installation required in public restrooms
S1746 (Bucco,A) Bone marrow donation-minors status, not disqualify them if criteria req. are met
S1747 (Bucco,A) Lyme disease reporting requirements-codifies
S1787 (Bucco,A) Maritime Industry Fund in Office of Maritime Resources in DOT;$2.2M
S1788 (Bucco,A) Transportation proj-pur-priv partnership required 10% be set aside for small bus
S1991 (Bucco,A) Public-private alternative fueling station pilot program-establish
S1992 (Bucco,A) Ice arenas-certification req-estab; carbon monoxide/nitrogen dioxide air quality
S1993 (Bucco,A) School buses, compressed natural gas-DOE develop and implement pilot program
S1994 (Bucco,A) Electric vehicle charging systems-exempt from real property taxation
S1995 (Bucco,A) Antique firearm-revises definition to include handguns
S1996 (Bucco,A) Sex offense in foreign countries-comply with Megan's Law
S1997 (Bucco,A) Firearm display-clarifies licensed dealers provide at fund raising events
S1998 (Bucco,A) Law enforcement officer, threatening to kill-establishes second degree crime
S1999 (Bucco,A) Police officers, retired-estab. 80 as max. age for special handgun carry permits
S2000 (Bucco,A) Aggressive driving pattern-creates new motor vehicle offense
S2001 (Bucco,A) Bias intimidation-expands crime to include law enforcement officers
S2002 (Bucco,A) EMTs' personal information-prohibits State agencies from posting on websites
S2003 (Bucco,A) Sch. crossing guard or student pedestrian-increases penalties for injuring
S2004 (Bucco,A) Plenary retail consumption inactive licenses-municipalities to acquire and sell
S2005 (Bucco,A) Juveniles-admitted to drug court programs under certain circumstances
S2006 (Bucco,A) Forest firefighters-establishes death benefit
S2007 (Bucco,A) Veterans with 20 or more years of service-allows to carry handgun
S2008 (Bucco,A) Ambulance dispatchers, 9-1-1-establish mutual aid assistance request protocols
S2009 (Bucco,A) Firefighters, newly-appointed entry-level-mandates basic training
S2010 (Bucco,A) Handgun ammunition-may be sold to retired law enforcement officer w/certain ID
S2011 (Bucco,A) Obscene material displayed on motor vehicle-clarifies as fourth degree crime
S2012 (Bucco,A) Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission-abolishes; transfers to NJDOT
S2013 (Bucco,A) Elected county official, certain-obtain special license plate
S2014 (Bucco,A) Paratransit vehicles, special-creates motor vehicle offenses
S2015 (Bucco,A) POWs-exempt from certain MVC fees
S2016 (Bucco,A) Paratransit veh, special-display flashing warning lights, discharging passengers
S2021 (Bucco,A) License plates-permits transfer to special to immediate family
S2022 (Bucco,A) Highlands Property Tax Stabilization Fund-provides direct property tax relief
S2023 (Bucco,A) Deer hunting with firearm-authorizes on Sunday on private property
S2024 (Bucco,A) Megan's Law offense-prohibits plea bargain, not be required to register
S2025 (Bucco,A) Police Training Commission-expands memb. incl. rep from Chief of Co. Detectives
S2026 (Bucco,A) WTC attacks-authorizes special license plates; proceeds to victims
S2027 (Bucco,A) Drug defendants, certain-authorizes courts to assess costs of prosecution
S2028 (Bucco,A) Vol ambulance squads & fire company-impact statement req for proposed regulation
S2064 (Bucco,A) Death penalty for certain murders-restores
S2065 (Bucco,A) Solar panel installation, maintenance and education-establish regulations
S2066 ScaSca (2R) (Bucco,A) Water and sewer bill payments-30-day grace period prior to interest accrual req.
S2067 (Bucco,A) DNA samples-required from certain arrestees
S2068 (Bucco,A) Small bus consultants-provides for licensure and regulation
S2069 (Bucco,A) Univ & pub colleges-use design-build method as means to contract for constr bldg
S2070 (Bucco,A) Loan redemption program-provides tax credits to companies contributing
S2071 (Bucco,A) NJ STARS Program-include students who receive equivalent instruction elsewhere
S2072 (Bucco,A) Grandparents-provides income tax credit for certain child care expenses
S2101 (Bucco,A) Bear spray-allows possession under certain conditions
S2102 (Bucco,A) Sinkholes, collapsed mine shaft remediation-co and mun use open space trust fund
S2103 (Bucco,A) DEP fees-obtain legislative approval/authorization before an increase or new fee
S2104 (Bucco,A) Storm water permits and inspections-prohibits mun from charging annual fee
S2105 (Bucco,A) Highlands Water Prot, Planning Act-repeals planning & env permitting provisions
S2106 (Bucco,A) Federal service academy-Adjutant General of DMVA issue flag to resident enrolled
S2107 (Bucco,A) Abuse hotline bumper sticker-display on all State vehicles
S2108 (Bucco,A) Business-use personal property-provide sales tax exemption for sales of services
S2109 (Bucco,A) Civil svc.-permits instit. of layoffs, requires exam be offered continual basis
S2110 (Bucco,A) State Auditor-authorizes cost-benefit analyses of certain programs & initiatives
S2111 (Bucco,A) Thrift Saving Fund, federal employee-excludes contributions from income tax
S2180 (Bucco,A) Endangering welfare of a child-unlawful use/distrib of CDS in child's presence
S2181 (Bucco,A) Servicemember-upgrades aggravated assault, expands bias intimidation crime
S2182 (Bucco,A) Terrorism-immunity from civil liab to persons reporting info concerning crimes
S2183 (Bucco,A) Crime victim-clarify the right to make an impact statement directly to defendant
S2184 (Bucco,A) Child support-estab. lien against life insur.; insurers perform judgment search
S2185 (Bucco,A) Arson offenses, certain-increase to third degree crime
S2186 (Bucco,A) Death penalty-restores for person who commit certain murders
S2190 (Bucco,A) Marriage Penalty Elimination Act-revises rates for joint and similar filers
S2191 (Bucco,A) NJBEST contributions-provides income tax deductions
S2192 (Bucco,A) Realty transfer fees-eliminates general purpose, supplemental and mansion
S2193 (Bucco,A) Home repair and functional improvements-allows income tax deduction
S2194 (Bucco,A) Pension plans, qualified, deferred comp-exclude certain income tax contributions
S2195 (Bucco,A) Volunteer fire dept & first aid squad memb-provide personal income tax exemption S2196 (Bucco,A) Child and dependent care expenses-provides income tax deduction
S2198 (Bucco,A) Class C beneficiaries-exempt transfers of property from transfer inheritance tax
S2199 (Bucco,A) Military monument desecration-crime of third degree
S2200 (Bucco,A) Bail-court required to consider gang affiliation when making determinations
S2201 (Bucco,A) Weapon, unlawful control of any law enforcement officer-estab criminal penalties
S2202 (Bucco,A) Informants, anonymous-requires safeguards for anonymity & confidentiality
S2203 (Bucco,A) Domestic Security Preparedness Planning Group-add firefighting rep. memb.
S2204 (Bucco,A) Bounty hunters, licensed-upgrades penalties for assaulting
S2334 (Bucco,A) Payroll-reduces taxable wage base applied to certain tax contributions
S2335 (Bucco,A) ABP, county college employees-authorize incentives
S2336 (Bucco,A) Bingo games-permits vol fire companies lic to use public building for operation
S2337 (Bucco,A) Public contracts, in-state pref-clarifies law authorizing reciprocal limitations
S2338 (Bucco,A) Record management functions-transfers from State Department to Treasury Dept
S2340 (Bucco,A) Terrorism, country sponsor-proh investing public funds in companies doing bus in
S2343 (Bucco,A) English-official language of the State
S2344 (Bucco,A) Overcrowding-authorize additional fines having violated occupancy requirements
S2346 (Bucco,A) Property tax, from urban renewal entity-distribute portion to regional sch dist
S2347 (Bucco,A) Small businesss, first-time paperwork violations-suspends fines
S2348 (Bucco,A) Motor vehicle repair dealers, certain-exempts from consumer fraud law/regulation
S2349 (Bucco,A) Fire safety issues-enhances consideration during development applications review
S2350 (Bucco,A) US flag-prohibits any entity receiving public funds from banning
S2351 (Bucco,A) Electronic Plan Review System-establishes; applications electronic submission
S2352 (Bucco,A) Professional & occupational licensing boards-AG provide active supervision
S2353 (Bucco,A) Minor employment certificate-revises application and issuance procedures
S2354 Sca (1R) (Bucco,A) Workers' compensation insurance requirement-concerns corporations & partnerships
S2355 (Bucco,A) ATM facilities-requires to be equipped w/access to emergency telephone service
S2356 (Bucco,A) Employers, end operation in NJ-Labor & Workforce Comm evaluate survey responses
S2357 (Bucco,A) Veteran's property tax deduction-maintain eligibility when prop. placed in trust
S2358 (Bucco,A) Affordable Housing Trust Fund-DCA provide accounting of money remitted
S2359 (Bucco,A) Affordable housing development fees-extends time period to commit to expend
S2360 (Bucco,A) Bedbug eradication svcs-health care fac & transient dwelling maintain agreement
S2361 (Bucco,A) Private passenger auto insurance-clarifies for home health care agency employees
S2362 (Bucco,A) Municipal devel trust fund & pymts-in-lieu fee-permit return, originating county
S2363 (Bucco,A) State aid-require municipality comply with State audit prior to receiving
S2364 (Bucco,A) Residential development fees-prohibits fees on construction after disasters
S2365 (Bucco,A) Bleacher Safety Act-require stricter safety standards
S2366 (Bucco,A) Emergency service fees-prohibits
S2367 (Bucco,A) Property tax-allows mun. to lower rate on improvements; eliminates UEZ program
S2384 (Bucco,A) Farm worker housing-provides credit towards mun. fair share housing obligation
S2414 (Bucco,A) Regional superintendents of schools-estab. 3; elim. executive co. superintendent
S2467 (Bucco,A) Suicide prev. training-concerns
S2565 (Bucco,A) Crime stopper-concerns funding
S2569 (Bucco,A) Predatory alienation-estab tool to ID exploitation/trauma experienced by victims
S2570 (Bucco,A) Coll.-auth cert. officers, prov security
S2651 (Bucco,A) Vol ff., cert.-allow income tax deduct.
S2652 (Bucco,A) Steel for manufacturing-allow tax cred.
S2717 (Bucco,A) Law enforcement-liab. rescuing animals
S2796 (Bucco,A) Mil. Priority Regis. Act
S2797 (Bucco,A) Vet. owned, estab. bus-waives cert. fees
S2800 (Bucco,A) Veterans, disab-qual. for toll rate & motor vehicle registration fee exemptions
S2849 (Bucco,A) Seeing Eye® dog-desig. as St. dog
S2870 (Bucco,A) Law enforcement off-concerns Class Three
S2919 (Bucco,A) Washington Assoc. of NJ-incr. memb.
S2931 (Bucco,A) Sch. bus-proh traveling in the left lane
S3019 (Bucco,A) POW-MIA Chair of Honor in State Capital building-St Capital Jt Mgmt Comm display
S3027 (Bucco,A) Fire companies, volunteer-exempts from paying annual charitable registration fee
S3028 (Bucco,A) CDS misuse-create a registry of individuals who req medical assistance as result
S3035 (Bucco,A) Pet grooming services-regulates performance
S3038 (Bucco,A) Physicians/Physician asst.-tax cred., vol prov treatment at opioid treatment fac
S3102 (Bucco,A) Developer's agreement expiration-requires municipalities to notify developers
S3103 (Bucco,A) Bids, digitally submitted-rejection for pub contracts if no ownership statement
S3104 (Bucco,A) Hunting licenses-reduces residency requirement from 6 months to 60 days
S3139 Sca (1R) (Bucco,A) American Legion Auxiliary-authorizes creation of license plate
S3140 (Bucco,A) Sons of the American Legion-authorizes creation of license plates
S3152 (Bucco,A) Levi's Law-DOH provide spina bifida information to parents/families of newborns
S3177 (Bucco,A) Veteran occupied transitional housing-auth bonus cred toward fair share housing
S3178 (Bucco,A) Vet. occupied housing units-auth bonus cred toward fair share housing obligation
S3359 (Bucco,A) Adopted children-maintain religious upbringing when placed in family home
S3421 (Bucco,A) Name change-MVC required to accept death certificate as proof
S3513 (Bucco,A) Subsurface sewage disposal system-proh. DEP req installers possess certification
S3603 (Bucco,A) Health insurance coverage, cert.-req continued offering under cert circumstances
S3814 (Bucco,A) SNAP participation-certain students exempt from 20 hour weekly work requirement
S3836 (Bucco,A) Security breach-creates affirmative defense
S3837 (Bucco,A) Retirement plans, qualified-gross income tax exclusion for minimum req. distrib.
S3838 (Bucco,A) Transportation fringe benefits, pre-tax-exempts non-profit entities from req.
S3903 (Bucco,A) Corporation, registered agent-establishes penalties for naming w/out consent
S3962 (Bucco,A) Contracts, State-provides preference for in-State businesses
S4053 (Bucco,A) School contracted service providers, sch. bldg access-criminal hist record check
S4067 (Bucco,A) Attorneys, assault-upgrades to aggravated assault
SCR77 (Bucco,A) Senior/disabled property tax deduction-increase $500 & eligibility income limits
SCR107 (Bucco,A) Motor vehicle fee & surcharge revenues-dedicate to State transportation system
SCR108 (Bucco,A) Veteran property tax deduction-constitutional amendment to increase to $500
SCR113 (Bucco,A) Property tax-allow lower property tax rate on improvements than on land
SCR125 (Bucco,A) Sports wagering revenue-used to support homestead rebate program
SCR141 (Bucco,A) Law enforcement officers, permanent disability-give $500 property tax deduction
SCR153 (Bucco,A) Disabled veterans-may have served at any time in order to receive benefits
SCR174 (Bucco,A) Fire insurance policy-require tax imposed on premiums paid to St Firemen's Assoc
SJR11 (Bucco,A) Growing Stage Children's Theatre of NJ-designates as NJ State children's theatre
SJR49 (Bucco,A) Hypophosphatasia Awareness Week-designates last full week in October each year
SJR50 (Bucco,A) Osteopetrosis Awareness Week/Day-desig. last full week of May, last Sat. of May
SJR66 (Bucco,A) Lake Hopatcong Racing Association-designate as Governor's Cup Hydrofest Series
SJR100 (Bucco,A) Hunting and Fishing Day-designates fourth Saturday of September each year
SJR139 (Bucco,A) Remembering Victims of Communism Day-designates November 7 of each year
SJR143 (Bucco,A) Stroke Awareness Month-designates May of each year
SJR148 (Bucco,A) Ostomy Awareness Day-designates October 1 of each year
SR39 (Bucco,A) Organ harvesting from political prisoners-denounces People's Republic of China
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S1949 (Gopal,V) Smoking devices, electronic-req. licensure for manufacturers and retail dealers
S3188 (Thompson,S) Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year
S3700 (Kean,T) Out-of-School Time Advisory Commission-review certain programs
S3815 (Stack,B) Child support arrears-collection by any St. or loc. welfare/social svc bd/agency
S3929 (Turner,S) Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS
S3949 Sca (1R) (Addiego,D) Farm building-prohibits mun. from imposing stricter local fire safety standards
S3950 Sca (1R) (Addiego,D) Fire code enforcement activities-requires DCA to establish training course
S3951 Sca (1R) (Addiego,D) Farm buildings, certain-requires promulgation of separate code criteria
S4041 (Greenstein,L) Alternative fuel vehicles-permits counties and municipalities to bond for
S4102 (Ruiz,M) Charter school payment-authorize estab. reserve accounts in school districts
S4108 (Weinberg,L) Ferry service commuting passes-provides temporary income tax credit
S4115 (Greenstein,L) Lead level test results-DOE post link on homepage of its website
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
S3947 (Cunningham,S) Municipal parking taxes-fund mass transit pedestrian access projects
The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective October 24, 2019
Labor Committee:
Senator Anthony M. Bucco (25), to replace Anthony R. Bucco (25).
Health, Human Services & Senior Citizens Committee:
Senator Anthony M. Bucco (25), to replace Senator Anthony R. Bucco (25).
Law & Public Safety Committee:
Senator Anthony M. Bucco (25), to replace Senator Chris A. Brown (2).
The Senate Minority Leader has made the following appointment:
*Effective September 17, 2019
New Jersey Blockchain Initiative Task Force:
Valerie G. Pennacchio, of Glen Rock.
The Senate adjourned at 5:45 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, November 7, 2019 (QUORUM). ASSEMBLY ACTION
The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Thursday, November 7, 2019 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker). Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (09/12/2019): P.L.2019, c.266. A5463 Mukherji,R/Burzichelli,J 9/13/2019 Sporting event-owner 10% or more wager when their team is not participating P.L.2019, JR-22. AJR150 Johnson,G/Conaway,H+2 10/8/2019 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day-designates October 8 of each year