Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (January 30th):


Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Janine G. Bauer, of South Orange.

Dr. Balpreet Grewal-Virk, of Upper Saddle River.


Robert G. Doria, of Bayonne.

Ramiro E. Martinez-Anillo, of Union City, to replace James D'Andrea.


Carlos A. Lejnieks, of Hoboken.

Irene Trowell-Harris, of Arlington, Virginia, to replace Cynthia Maner Campbell.

Luke Visconti, of Palm Beach, Florida, to replace Carlos A. Rendo.


Joseph McCallum, Jr., of Newark.


Edmond P. Brady, of Sparta, to replace John K. Sayers.

Donald M. Tretola, of Columbus.


Larry S. Rosenthal, of Hamilton, to replace Richard Clark.


Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

SR28 Sweeney,S Senate Select Committee on NJ Transit-constitutes special committee


Bills Introduced:

S975 Kean,T Trunk fighting-establish as animal cruelty offense and third degree crime REF SEN

S976 Kean,T Art in Storefronts-establish initiative within the Main Street NJ program REF SEG

S977 Kean,T Craft distilleries-authorizes direct shipping REF SLP

S978 Kean,T Breweries-authorizes restricted to annually sell 1K barrels of beer to retailers REF SLP

S979 Kean,T Annual approp., failure to enact-impose a daily fine of $250 for each leg. REF SSG

S980 Kean,T Dietary Supplements Task Force-establishes; concerning safety and regulation REF SHH

S981 Singleton,T Home mortgages-provides refundable income tax credit for early principal payment REF SBA

S982 Singleton,T Human trafficking offense-civil actions against person profiting from commission REF SJU

S983 Singleton,T Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution REF SCU

S984 Singleton,T Municipalities share cert payments received in lieu of property taxes w/sch dist REF SCU

S985 Singleton,T Financial aid-reduce only upon receipt of private scholarship REF SHI

S986 Singleton,T Surplus Gross Income Tax Rev Acct-estab, level of unanticipated rev is collected REF SBA

S987 Doherty,M Paraffin-excl use in manuf of candles from petroleum products gross receipts tax REF SCM

S988 Doherty,M Transfer inheritance tax-phases out over 2 years REF SBA

S989 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf REF SLA

S990 Weinberg,L Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE REF SED

S991 Weinberg,L Hazardous materials-owner/operator req. to have discharge response cleanup plan REF STR

S992 Greenstein,L Disaster Victims Protection Act-Governor allocate federal/State disaster aid REF SCU

S993 Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action REF SLA

S994 Sweeney,S Goods & services-State agencies required to make good faith effort to purchase REF SSG

S995 Sweeney,S Community rehab programs-DOLWD and DHS required to conduct assessment REF SHH

S996 Singer,R Children's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System-establishes REF SHH

S997 Vitale,J Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act-concerns public community water systems REF SHH

S999 Vitale,J Road salt-establishes strategic road salt reserve and fund within DOT REF STR

S1000 Vitale,J/Greenstein,L CATV credit or rebate-exempt subscriber from notifying a service outage REF SEG

S1001 Vitale,J Family leave and gestational carriers-concerns REF SLA

S1002 Vitale,J Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost REF SMV

S1003 Vitale,J Healthcare education support-provides for voluntary contrib. through income tax REF SHH

S1004 Vitale,J Home elevation expenses-provides gross income tax deduction REF SCU

S1005 Vitale,J Flavored malt beverages-creates new taxable category of alcoholic beverages REF SLP

S1006 Vitale,J Cigarette manufacturer production-concerns roll-your-own tobacco machines REF SHH

S1007 Vitale,J Homestead rebate or credit-provide fair notice to contest or obtain waiver REF SCU

S1008 Vitale,J Tobacco products, wholesale-increases sales tax rates par w/cigarette rate REF SHH

S1009 Vitale,J Housing co-op-clarify conversion, subject to Planned Real Estate Disclosure REF SCU

S1010 Lagana,J Alternative fuel vehicles-permits counties and municipalities to bond for REF SCU

S1011 Lagana,J Child care expenses-allows gross income tax credit for portion REF SHH

S1012 Weinberg,L Marriage license application-revises form, permit changes in middle and surname REF SHH

S1013 Weinberg,L Vaccinations-directs Commissioner of Health to estab pub awareness campaign REF SHH

S1014 Weinberg,L Contraception, emergency-pharmacies stock and dispense REF SHH

S1015 Weinberg,L Swift Access For Emergency Response Actions Preserv. Program; reroute traffic REF SLP

S1016 Smith,B Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide REF SEN

S1017 Gopal,V/Lagana,J PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age REF SSG

S1018 Ruiz,M Sch discipline practice incl racial disparities/effectiveness task force-examine REF SED

S1019 Ruiz,M Early Innovation Inspiration School Grant Pilot Program-establish 4 year REF SED

S1020 Ruiz,M School discipline data-report on their websites and to Commissioner of Education REF SED

S1021 Ruiz,M Graduation proficiency test-revises provisions of law; elim. test in 11th grade REF SED

S1022 Ruiz,M Suspensions, multiple-meeting req between student & appropriate school personnel REF SED

S1023 Ruiz,M Students w/learning disability-concerns State criteria for determination REF SED

S1024 Ruiz,M Interscholastic athletic opportunity report-school district to annually submit REF SED

S1025 Ruiz,M Suicide prevention-require additional sch dist personnel, complete training prog REF SED

S1026 Ruiz,M Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council-prepare prevention instruction report REF SED

S1027 Ruiz,M National School Lunch and breakfast programs-establish online applications REF SED

S1028 Ruiz,M Amistad Comm-allocates but not in DOE; comm elect chairperson appt exec director REF SED

S1029 Ruiz,M Dietitian or registered dietitian nutritionist-school district employ REF SED

S1030 Ruiz,M Student mental health assistance program-establish program to create REF SED

S1031 Ruiz,M School meal info.-prov to pub sch students' parents; dist request families apply REF SED

S1032 Ruiz,M Eye exam completed-young children required, entering pub. sch or Head Start Prog REF SED

S1033 Ruiz,M/Vitale,J+1 School breakfast and lunch nutrition standards-public schools comply REF SED

S1034 Stack,B Compassion for Community Cats Law-spaying/neutering stray/feral cats; estab fund REF SEN

S1035 Gopal,V Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-20 w/disab are eligible REF SHH

S1036 Gopal,V Personal Care Assistance Task Force-establish in Department of Human Services REF SHH

S1037 Gopal,V Electronic lien and title system-requires MVC enter into contract to implement REF STR

S1038 Gopal,V WorkAbility Program-increase hourly limit of reimb. personal care assistant svcs REF SHH

S1039 Gopal,V HIV prophylaxis-authorizes pharmacists to dispense w/out individual prescription REF SHH

S1040 Gopal,V Medicaid benefits-concerns recipients remote participation in meetings REF SHH

S1041 Gopal,V Home health aide-increase service hours to certain individuals w/disabilities REF SHH

S1042 Gopal,V Medicaid-req. managed care organizations to notify beneficiaries of max coverage REF SHH

S1043 Cryan,J VCCO pilot program-make grants available to non-profit org. to perform outreach REF SLP

S1044 Cryan,J Furniture, tip over risk-furniture retailers prov. notice; tip restraint devices REF SCM

S1045 Cryan,J Private Vehicle Rental Modernization Act; concerning rental transactions REF SCM

S1046 Cryan,J Pharmacy benefits managers-regulate certain practices related to specialty drugs REF SCM

S1047 Cryan,J Real estate sale-concerns disclosure of certain information prior to sale REF SCM

S1048 Cryan,J Electronic health info exchange-reentry to civilian life, incarcerated persons REF SHH

S1049 Cryan,J SNAP-establishes standard medical expense deduction for senior citizens REF SHH

S1050 Cryan,J Business assistance program-develop single application form to determine elig. REF SEG

S1051 Cryan,J Bus operators, private-participate in NJT bus lease program receive State funds REF STR

S1052 Cryan,J NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc REF STR

S1053 Singleton,T Waterfront wage standards-establishes REF SLA

S1054 Stack,B Rabies-owner notification of testing protocol & options prior to testing animals REF SEN

S1055 Stack,B Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion REF SCU

S1056 Holzapfel,J Pet adoptions-waives certain fees for veterans REF SEN

S1057 Turner,S Child care centers-requires test and remediation for lead and disclose results REF SEN

S1058 Turner,S School drinking water-test and remediate lead and disclose results REF SEN

S1059 Turner,S Domestic violence Internet registry-establish publicly accessible REF SJU

S1060 Turner,S Child support judgment-Probation Div file a lien when amount equals 1 mth period REF SJU

S1061 Turner,S Grand jury witness-bars disclosure of personal identifying information REF SJU

S1062 Turner,S Executor or administrator-take control of online accounts of deceased person REF SJU

S1063 Turner,S Elderly or disabled victims-upgrades assault REF SJU

S1064 Bateman,C/Scutari,N Judges, length of service-cont. svc. if approved by Senate; elim. mand retir age REF SJU

S1065 Stack,B Therapy dogs in rental housing units-allows; expands protection REF SCU

S1066 Singleton,T/Weinberg,L Prescription Drug Affordability Board-establishes REF SHH

S1067 Singleton,T/Weinberg,L Pharmaceuticals-requirements, State entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements REF SHH

S1068 Corrado,K OPRA-prohibits use for mailers and advertisements REF SSG

S1069 Holzapfel,J/Singer,R Accidental disability retirement allowance-PERS member receive; result from 9/11 REF SSG

S1070 Corrado,K College Mental Health Services Act-grant prog., concerns mental health on campus REF SHI

S1071 Kean,T Shore Protection Fund-increases amount annually credited to $50M REF SEN

S1072 Cryan,J Sch, proprietary-limits elig for direct State aid and State student asst program REF SHI

S1073 Cryan,J Opioid antidote-public libraries maintain supply & permit emerg. administration REF SHH

S1074 Cryan,J Nonpublic school nursing service-includes administration of medication REF SED

S1075 Cryan,J Nursing services aid, nonpublic-support;$3M REF SED

S1076 Turner,S Child Support Reform Task Force-establish REF SJU

S1077 Greenstein,L Bisphenol A-prohibits use of receipt paper containing REF SEN

S1078 Greenstein,L SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline REF SHH

S1079 Vitale,J Psych. practice w/out lic.-third degree crime; proh. unlic emp using psych title REF SHH

S1080 Vitale,J Epilepsy drugs-prohibits substitution by pharmacists w/out prior notification REF SHH

S1081 Vitale,J Leapfrog Hospital Survey-requires certain hospitals to complete REF SHH

S1082 Vitale,J Nurses, newly lic. registered prof.-attain baccalaureate degree w/in 10 years REF SHH

S1083 Vitale,J Nurse, registered professional staffing standards-establish in hospitals REF SHH

S1084 Vitale,J Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal-make available over the counter REF SHH

S1085 Vitale,J HIV, areas w/high prevalence-hosp. & clinical labs prov. info & offer screenings REF SHH

S1086 Vitale,J Medication drop-off secured receptacles-pharmacies required to install/maintain REF SHH

S1087 Vitale,J Ambulatory care facilities-requires surgical practices to apply for licensure REF SHH

S1088 Vitale,J Hypodermic syringes and needles-sell to any customer age 18 and over REF SHH

S1089 Vitale,J Medicaid-pharmacies dispense for all covered medications REF SHH

S1090 Vitale,J Medical consultation assistance grant program-establish remote in DOH REF SHH

S1091 Vitale,J Restaurant Meals Program-estab in DHS; use SNAP benefits at approved restaurants REF SHH

S1092 Vitale,J Medicare suppl insurance policies-provides guaranteed issue rights to applicants REF SHH

S1093 Vitale,J Reproductive Donation Safety Act-concerns the regulation of semen banks REF SHH

S1094 Vitale,J Work First NJ General Pub. Asst.-young adult claimed as dependent receive benf. REF SHH

S1095 Vitale,J Managed care plan networks-audits required REF SHH

S1096 Vitale,J Medicaid transportation services-establishes performance and training standards REF SHH

S1097 Vitale,J NJ FamilyCare & individual health coverage/small emp health benf prog-correction REF SHH

S1098 Vitale,J Hospital asset transformation program-concerns REF SHH

S1099 Vitale,J Medicaid Enrollment Encounter Database-establish as part of iPHD project REF SHH

S1100 Vitale,J Medication Management, Outreach and Support Program-establish in DHS;$8M REF SHH

S1101 Vitale,J Behavioral Health Services Task Force-establishes REF SHH

S1102 Vitale,J Nonprofit acute hospitals, certain-preserves property tax exempt status REF SCU

S1103 Vitale,J Senior tenants, certain-clarifies intent of Legislature to protect REF SCU

S1104 Vitale,J Manufacturing equipment and facility renovation-CBT for certain investment REF SBA

S1105 Vitale,J Rape care advocates-concerns victim's right under certain circumstances REF SJU

S1106 Vitale,J Pawnbrokers-required to record and report certain information REF SCM

S1107 Vitale,J Small employers who purchase health benefit plans-premium assistance;$10M REF SCM

S1108 Vitale,J Health benefits plans-managed care-prohibits anti-tiering clauses REF SCM

S1109 Vitale,J Health Insurance Network Adequacy-establishes NJ Commission REF SCM

S1110 Vitale,J Charitable immunity-exempts civil actions, who are nonprofit corp. beneficiaries REF SJU

S1111 Vitale,J Medicaid eligible incarcerated individuals-requires establishment of processes REF SHH

S1112 Vitale,J Drug-dependent person, admitted into court-ordered treatment prog-reduce fines REF SJU

S1113 Vitale,J Motor vehicle safety inspections-prov. CBT/income tax credit for equipment costs REF STR

S1114 Vitale,J Local energy projects-revises Local Bond Law provisions REF SCU

S1115 Vitale,J Residence, single-family-requires just compensation for condemnation REF SCU

S1116 Vitale,J Senior homeowners-exempts from municipal building permit fees REF SCU

S1117 Vitale,J Sober living residences-provides inherently beneficial uses REF SHH

S1118 Vitale,J Medical Malpractice Liab Insur Premium Asst Fund-extends annual surcharges 5 yrs REF SHH

S1119 Vitale,J Pharm. manuf.-limitations on & conditions assoc. w/prescribers' comp. acceptance REF SHH

S1120 Vitale,J Drug Enforcement & Demand Reduction Fund-amend FY 2020 approp. act to increase REF SHH

S1121 Vitale,J Mental Health Access Act-incr. Medicaid reimb. rates for behavioral health svcs. REF SHH

S1122 Vitale,J Preimplantation genetic screening-mandates health benefits coverage REF SCM

S1123 Vitale,J Health insurers to disclose broker commissions to purchasers-requires REF SCM

S1124 Vitale,J Personal audio players-contain warning about volume and hearing loss REF SCM

S1125 Vitale,J Life insurance policies-prohibits unfair discrimination in issuing or rating REF SCM

S1126 Vitale,J Bio-analytical labs-prohibits charging patients more than 115% of Medicare rates REF SHH

S1127 Vitale,J Nursing services, private duty-requires health benefits coverage REF SCM

S1128 Vitale,J Prescription drugs for certain medical conditions-continued coverage required REF SCM

S1129 Vitale,J Medicaid inelig carrier-withdraw from offering NJ individual health benefit prog REF SCM

S1130 Vitale,J Health benefits-revises individual and small employer plans REF SCM

S1131 Vitale,J SNAP Employment & Training Prog-St ensure job training, prevent loss of benefits REF SHH

S1132 Vitale,J Disab., physical-SHBP/SEHBP prov reasonable accommodation in accessing providers REF SHH Page 4. January 30, 2020


Bills Introduced: (cont’d)

S1133 Vitale,J Developmental disabled person-concerns special needs trusts REF SHH

S1134 Vitale,J SNAP-DHS exempt veterans from special work requirements and benefits limitations REF SHH

S1135 Vitale,J SNAP-DHS develop outreach plan to inform students REF SHH

S1136 Vitale,J Law Against Discrimination-expand to health programs and activities REF SHH

S1137 Vitale,J Early Intervention Support Services program-expansion of program to all counties REF SHH

S1138 Vitale,J Black box warnings-DOH required to make list of drugs accessible thru website REF SHH

S1139 Vitale,J Contraceptive, self-administered hormonal-allow pharmacist to prescribe/dispense REF SHH

S1140 Vitale,J Adolescent depression screenings-requires health benefits coverage REF SCM

S1141 Vitale,J Patient data, de-identified-transmit to DOH, health and disease trends analysis REF SHH

S1142 Vitale,J Prescrip. Drug Review Commission-establish-requires production costs be reported REF SHH

S1143 Vitale,J Right to Try Act-permits terminally ill patients to access investigational drugs REF SHH

S1144 Vitale,J Tobacco products and electronic smoking devices-prohibits sale at pharmacies REF SHH

SCR44 Ruiz,M Educational Opportunity Fund Board-modernize regulations, student funding levels REF SHI

SCR45 Lagana,J law enforcement officer, killed in line of duty-provide property tax exemption REF SCU

SCR46 Ruiz,M Palliative Care & Hospice Education & Training Act-pass; fund initiatives REF SHH

SCR47 Bateman,C/Scutari,N Supreme Court justice-consent of Senate continue in office otherwise mand retire REF SJU

SCR48 Testa,M 9-1-1 system-urges Governor and Legislature to fully fund REF SLP

SCR49 Testa,M/Oroho,S 9-1-1 System & Emergency Response Trust Fund Account-dedicate money to 9-1-1 sys REF SLP

SCR50 Vitale,J Medicare Parts B and D-limit duration and amount of late enrollment penalties REF SHH

SCR51 Vitale,J Incontinence products-enact legislation to provide Medicare coverage REF SHH

SJR27 Ruiz,M School nutrition program-Congress pass legislation, regional income eligibility REF SHH

SJR28 Weinberg,L Scleroderma Awareness Month-designates June of each year REF SHH

SJR29 Cryan,J Rules of Evidence-clarifies exception to hearsay rule for mental health services REF SJU

SJR30 Pou,N Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week-designates second week of June of each year REF SCM

SJR31 Vitale,J Sudden, Unexpected Death in Epilepsy Awareness Day-designates October 23 REF SHH

SR24 Ruiz,M School discipline guidance package, 2014-urges federal government to preserve REF SED

SR25 Vitale,J Naloxone-urges FDA to make available over the counter REF SHH

SR26 Vitale,J Transgender veterans-memorialize to authorize changes on certain military forms REF SHH


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S205 Scs (SCS) Connors,C/Beach,J Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification REP/SCS

S238 Scs (SCS) Singleton,T/Sarlo,P+2 Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties REP/SCS

S275 Kean,T+1 Military personnel non-resident dependent children-provide resident tuition rate REP

S278 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+2 Veterans, late registration-higher education instit refund course tuition/fees REP/SCA

S296 Pennacchio,J/Cunningham,S Fusion science field- establish scholarship program REP

S364 Cryan,J Motor vehicle accident-leaving scene, first degree crime if it results in death REP

S561 Madden,F/Greenstein,L+1 Drivers Distractions Task Force-creates; impact road and highway safety REP

S601 O'Scanlon,D/Greenstein,L Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization REP

S701 Ruiz,M/Cryan,J Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention REP

S791 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+1 Students, undergrad-file degree plan; higher ed instit devel pathway sys to grad REP/SCA

S804 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S Academic degree-granting inst.-proh. entering into revenue sharing arrangements REP/SCA

S806 Cunningham,S+2 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REP

S864 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L Plastic carryout bags, polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use REP/SCA

S914 Scs (SCS) Rice,R/Cunningham,S+4 Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge REP/SCS

S917 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction REP/SCA

S960 Sca (1R) Rice,R Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REP/SCA

S961 Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N Troops to College Grant Programs-establishes REP

S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S+1 Teacher loan redemption prog., cert. field-redeem amounts to asst in failing sch REP

S970 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Higher ed instit, governing bd memb-complete a training prog devel by Secretary REP

S971 Lagana,J/Cunningham,S Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REP


Bills Referred/SBA:

S205 Scs (SCS) Connors,C/Beach,J Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification

S278 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+2 Veterans, late registration-higher education instit refund course tuition/fees

S364 Cryan,J Motor vehicle accident-leaving scene, first degree crime if it results in death

S601 O'Scanlon,D/Greenstein,L Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization

S701 Ruiz,M/Cryan,J Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention

S806 Cunningham,S+2 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment

S914 Scs (SCS) Rice,R/Cunningham,S+4 Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge

S917 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction

S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S+1 Teacher loan redemption prog., cert. field-redeem amounts to asst in failing sch

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S236 Singleton,T/Vitale,J+1 Internet websites cert & online svcs-disclose personal ID info, customer opt-out FROM SCM


Co-Sponsors Added:

S275 (Brown,C) Military personnel non-resident dependent children-provide resident tuition rate

S278 Sca (1R) (Brown,C) Veterans, late registration-higher education instit refund course tuition/fees

S290 (Bucco,A) Pension & retirement income exclusion-removes income elig. cap applicable to tax

S526 Sca (1R) (Lagana,J) Insulin purchase-not subject to deductible; health insurers limit copayment

S969 (Brown,C) Teacher loan redemption prog., cert. field-redeem amounts to asst in failing sch S1033 (Turner,S) School breakfast and lunch nutrition standards-public schools comply


Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:

S315 (Pou,N) Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M


Co-Prime Sponsors Added:

S200 (Greenstein,L) Sex offenders-loc government registration notification req, proh living near sch

S601 (Greenstein,L) Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization

S701 (Cryan,J) Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention

S921 (Gill,N) Fair Workweek Act-concerns fair workweek employment standards


Third Prime Sponsors Added:

S315 (Pou,N) Youth Justice Transformation Act-appropriate annually;$100M

S701 (Cunningham,S) Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention


The Senate adjourned at 5:45 P.M. to meet again on Monday, February 3, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President).



The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, February 3, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (1/27/2020):


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