Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursdsay (February 13th):
Nominations Notice of Intention:
Kalimah Ahmad, of Jersey City.
Craig A. Ambrose, of Moorestown.
Avion M. Benjamin, of Avenel.
Bruce D. Buechler, of West Orange.
Sander Friedman, of Medford.
Alvin Ricardo Little, of Maplewood.
Mitchell L. Pascual, of Ridgewood.
Joshua David Sanders, of Maplewood.
Angelo Servidio, of Weehawken.
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Honorable Maritza Berdote Byrne, J.S.C., of Towaco.
Honorable Kathleen A. Sheedy, J.S.C., of Cream Ridge.
Theodore N. Stephens, II, of East Orange.
Nomination Corrected Copy:
John L. Schettino, Esq., of Harrington Park *NOT* Hackensack.
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S1783 Weinberg,L/Lagana,J Board member of Public Utilities-serve as board member of NJ Transit Corporation
Bills Introduced:
S1371 Connors,C/Greenstein,L Forest firefighter death benefits-establish REF SSG
S1372 Connors,C Amber Alert system-requires additional fines for certain crimes against minors REF SLP
S1373 Turner,S Driver's license fee-requires MVC to prorate for certain individuals REF STR
S1374 Connors,C Internet Predator Investigation and Prosecution Fund-establish w/$200 assessment REF SLP
S1375 Turner,S Privatize State services-concerns certain contracts REF SSG
S1376 Connors,C/Greenstein,L Support Our Veterans-auth. lic. plate w/proceeds supporting homeless vet centers REF SMV
S1377 Connors,C Sales receipts-requires account number to be truncated REF SCM
S1378 Turner,S Automobile replacement parts-requires certain insurers disclose information REF SCM
S1379 Connors,C Drunk driving offenses-criminalizes fifth or subsequent REF SLP
S1380 Turner,S Auto. insur territorial rating plan, priv passenger-not place exposure, ZIP code REF SCM
S1381 Turner,S Devel. subsidies-repayment, failure to meet job creation/retention requirements REF SLA
S1382 Connors,C Wharves, piers repair-auth. municipalities to adopt ordinances req. maintenance REF SCU
S1383 Turner,S Development subsidies-establishes employment goals and requirements REF SLA
S1384 Connors,C Trapping license fees-provides discount for resident senior citizens REF SEN
S1385 Pennacchio,J Transparency in Government Act; establish a State public finance website REF SSG
S1386 Pennacchio,J Tick-borne diseases-requires health insurers to provide coverage for treatment REF SCM
S1387 Pennacchio,J Fed emp classified as crim invest-excl income tax contrib, fed Thrift Savings Fd REF SSG
S1388 Pennacchio,J Child sexual abuse-directs school districts to establish policies and training REF SED
S1389 Pennacchio,J Conflict Resolution in Schools Commission-establishes REF SED
S1390 Connors,C Burlington-Ocean Purple Heart Memorial Highway-designates State Highway Route 72 REF STR
S1391 Pennacchio,J Greenwood Lake Fund-dedicates $500K from General Fund REF SEN
S1392 Connors,C SJTA-allow emergency service vehicles use without being charged a toll REF STR
S1393 Connors,C 100% Disabled Veteran-authorizes license plate for qualified veterans REF STR
S1394 Connors,C Energy tax revenue-caps St use portion, ensures balance paid annually as mun aid REF SCU
S1395 Doherty,M Water Supply and Pharmaceutical Product Study Commission-establishes REF SEN
S1396 Pennacchio,J Veteran-submit personal status statement prior to civil service eligibility list REF SSG
S1397 Doherty,M MVC-removes authority to increase fees; sets certain fees by statute REF STR
S1398 Pennacchio,J POW-MIA flag-purchased with State funds, manufactured in US REF SMV
S1399 Doherty,M Court appearances, bus. entity designate rep. w/out necessity of attorney-auth. REF SJU
S1400 Pennacchio,J Armed Forces & National Guard-estab. task force, study issues of returning memb. REF SMV
S1401 Doherty,M Petroleum products, certain-decreases gross receipts tax rate REF SBA
S1402 Doherty,M Volunteer firefighter, rescue & first aid member-claim $500 income tax deduction REF SLP
S1403 Doherty,M Historic buildings in State parks, forests & wildlife mgmt areas-auth lease prog REF SEN
S1404 Doherty,M Prop tax exemp, long term-cost-benf analyses/financial impact findings approval REF SCU
S1405 Corrado,K Active duty military-authorizes creation of license plates REF SMV
S1406 Pennacchio,J Fire safety features-req. bidders on pub works construction projects submit info REF SSG
S1407 Pennacchio,J Societal benefits charge-elim demand side management programs from recovery cost REF SEN
S1408 Pennacchio,J Meadowlands convention center project-conduct feasibility study REF SEG
S1409 Pennacchio,J Cancer Research-provides for voluntary contributions by income tax returns REF SHH
S1410 Bateman,C Deferred compensation-exclude public school/federal tax-exempt org. employee REF SBA
S1411 Bateman,C Lead or asbestos hazard abatement, primary residency-gross income tax deduction REF SEN
S1412 Bateman,C Affordable Housing Internet Portal Study Commission-establishes REF SCU
S1413 Oroho,S Restoring Judicial Discretion in Bail Setting Act-clarifies pretrial detention REF SJU
S1414 Oroho,S Broadband telecommunications service providers-use public utility or CATV poles REF SEG
S1415 Oroho,S Health savings accounts, individual-extends federal income tax advantages REF SCM
S1416 Oroho,S Local board of health-governing body of mun, population of 30K or less serve REF SCU
S1417 Oroho,S DEP lands for fishing, hunting and trapping purposes-provide for no net loss REF SEN
S1418 Oroho,S Bow hunting on federal military installations/William J Hughes Tech Center-auth. REF SEN
S1419 Oroho,S Freshwater fishing/hunting/trapping-Fish/Game Council sole authority to regulate REF SEN
S1420 Oroho,S/Addiego,D Farmers, beginning-CBT credit to person leasing agriculture lands REF SEG
S1421 Singleton,T Human trafficking-commercial driver license applicants complete training course REF SJU
S1422 Singleton,T/Madden,F Public work-concerns enforcement of prevailing wage & contractor regis. laws REF SLA
S1423 Singleton,T/Pou,N Prescription drug savings-carriers required to pass on to consumers REF SCM
S1424 Pennacchio,J State Auditor-expand audit powers; online publication; performance review audits REF SSG
S1425 Pennacchio,J EMT and paramedic certification cards-MVC accept as ID verification program REF STR
S1426 Thompson,S Telemarketers-requires calls display their names and telephone numbers REF SCM
S1427 Thompson,S Individual with medical condition-retail establishment allow access to restroom REF SHH
S1428 Bateman,C Resource family parent, relative, preadoptive parent-party to reviews or hearing REF SHH
S1429 Pennacchio,J Income tax deduction-provides for membership fees paid to lake associations REF SBA
S1430 Pennacchio,J/Kean,T Special education & related svcs.-direct St payment of cost for certain students REF SED
S1431 Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A Pediatric cancer research-provide voluntary contributions on income tax returns REF SHH
S1432 Pennacchio,J Sex offender in satellite-based monitoring program-pay equipment/monitoring cost REF SLP
S1433 Pennacchio,J Law enforcement entity, recently trained-revise method of determining reimb cost REF SLP
S1434 Bateman,C CDS-criminalizes exposing first responder or health care provider REF SJU
S1435 Pennacchio,J Peace Officers Memorial Day-encourages wearing blue to honor law enforcement REF SLP
S1436 Bateman,C Domestic violence-related assault-upgrades under certain circumstances REF SJU
S1437 Holzapfel,J E-Zpass-provides income tax deduction for certain tolls paid REF SBA
S1438 Holzapfel,J Stalking-expand statute authorizing temporary restraining orders for victims REF SJU
S1439 Holzapfel,J Fentanyl unlawful manufacturing, distributing or dispensing-increase penalty REF SLP
S1440 Holzapfel,J Senior, blind & disab cit-exempt transactions of resid prop, general purpose fee REF SCU
S1441 Bateman,C Estate tax refund claim-statute of limitations for filing for certain settlement REF SBA
S1442 Holzapfel,J Realty transfer fee, supplemental-eliminates REF SCU
S1443 Holzapfel,J Military family members, certain-employ, provides CBT and income tax credit REF SMV
S1444 Bateman,C Telecommuting, employers allow-CBT and income tax credits for 3 years REF SEG
S1445 Bateman,C Petroleum products taxes-eliminate automatic adjustments REF STR
S1446 Holzapfel,J Displaced individuals-suspend certificate of occupancy and inspection fees REF SCU
S1447 Bucco,A Small businesses that collect and remit sales tax-establish credit REF SCM
S1448 Stack,B Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols REF SCU
S1449 Stack,B Liberty St. Park Protection Act; estab. Advisory Committee & DEP related actions REF SEN
S1450 Holzapfel,J Age-restricted development sales, cert.-include in table of equalized valuations REF SCU
S1451 Holzapfel,J Gas explosive detector-requires installation in certain residential properties REF SCU
S1452 Stack,B Pub util fac & related street repaving-concerns procedures, respect to repair REF SEG
S1453 Stack,B Ferry service commuting passes-provides temporary income tax credit REF SEG
S1454 Holzapfel,J Beaches-provide spouse and dependent children of veteran reduced cost access REF SMV
S1455 Stack,B Fire barriers, common attic areas-certain residential buildings required to have REF SCU
S1456 Holzapfel,J Grocery stores, newly constructed-generators required REF SCU
S1457 Stack,B Low-income person-permits local units & authorities to reduce water/sewer fees REF SEN
S1458 Oroho,S Small business loan program-incl. broadband telecommunications service providers REF SEG
S1459 Oroho,S/O'Scanlon,D Mandated Health Benefits Advisory Commission-study finan impact of mandated benf REF SCM
S1460 Oroho,S/Cruz-Perez,N Motor vehicles overtaking pedestrians, bicycles, & scooters-imposes requirements REF SLP
S1461 Oroho,S/Madden,F Sexual extortion using explicit sexual images to extort victims-establish crime REF SJU
S1462 Singer,R Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program-school districts that incl. grades K through 6 offer REF SED
S1463 Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S Motorists overtaking pedestrians and certain bicycles-maintain safe distance REF SLP
S1464 O'Scanlon,D/Corrado,K Madalyn's Law-toxic shock syndrome, install age-appropriate signs in ladies room REF SED
S1465 O'Scanlon,D/Rice,R Advocate for Private Commuter Bus Service Customers-establish Office REF STR
S1466 Cruz-Perez,N Plenary retail distribution license-removes limit from certain stores REF SLP
S1467 Cruz-Perez,N Craft distillery lic.-issue to other alcoholic beverage manufacturing licensees REF SLP
S1468 Cruz-Perez,N Charter school-permits limited admission of certain students REF SED
S1469 Cruz-Perez,N Homeless emergency shelters-admit certain persons unless they pose a danger REF SCU
S1470 Cruz-Perez,N Pest infestation-requires inspection prior to certain demolition REF SCU
S1471 Cruz-Perez,N Security Deposit Assistance Pilot Program-establish REF SCU
S1472 Cruz-Perez,N Bond ordinance-eliminate 5% down payment requirement REF SCU
S1473 Cruz-Perez,N Affordable housing project in certain neighborhoods-prov tax credit to developer REF SCU
S1474 Cruz-Perez,N/Cunningham,S College Ready Students Program Act-prov tuition-free dual enrollment opportunity REF SHI
S1475 Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding REF SEG
S1476 Cruz-Perez,N Economic Gardening Program-create, prov customized service to certain businesses REF SEG
S1477 Cruz-Perez,N Tuition Aid Grant-establish program to provide free tuition to certain students REF SHI
S1478 Cruz-Perez,N Brewery licenses, limited-remove requirement of providing tour when selling beer REF SLP
S1479 Cruz-Perez,N Food Desert Elimination Act-provide incentives to supermarkets to eliminate REF SHH
S1480 Cruz-Perez,N Prevailing wage & pay to play laws-apply local pub contract bid threshold amount REF SCU
S1481 Weinberg,L Handgun ammunition-regulate sale & develop system for electronic firearm info. REF SLP
S1482 Weinberg,L Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies REF SLP
S1483 Weinberg,L Crime victims-expands rights REF SLP
S1484 Weinberg,L Law Against Discrimination-amends to include crime victims as protected status REF SLP
S1485 Weinberg,L Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes REF SLP
S1486 Turner,S State mileage reimbursement rate-sets at IRS rate for business use of automobile REF SSG
S1487 Turner,S Volunteer firefighters, certain-municipality establish restricted parking spaces REF SCU
S1488 Turner,S Prisoners, childbirth-prohibits restraint during and immediately after REF SLP
S1489 Turner,S Closed captioning, on televisions in State buildings-display REF SSG
S1490 Turner,S State monitor and other staff-salary and other costs will be paid by State REF SED
S1491 Turner,S School elections-shortens certain school board members' terms REF SED
S1492 Turner,S Surveillance video cameras-req in special ed classrooms, promote student safety REF SED
S1493 Turner,S Higher ed instit undergrad-prohibits from increasing tuition by more than 4% REF SHI
S1494 Turner,S Tuition Aid Grant program-expands to part-time undergraduates REF SHI
S1495 Turner,S Citizen budget oversight committee-monitor dist. or charter sch. finan. position REF SED
S1496 Turner,S Student participate in vol survey-dist send prior written notification to parent REF SED
S1497 Turner,S Military recruiter-prov simplified method, opting out of release of student info REF SED
S1498 Turner,S Teaching cert.-pass test on foundations of reading/diagnosing reading difficulty REF SED
S1499 Turner,S Proprietary institutions-phases out tuition aid grants REF SHI
S1500 Turner,S Students w/disab-sch security drills/emerg situations-req documentation of needs REF SED
S1501 Turner,S Student sun protection-adopt policies on sunscreen use & sun-protective clothing REF SED
S1502 Cruz-Perez,N Home-Based Jobs Creation Act-concerns use of variances REF SCU
S1503 Cruz-Perez,N Veteran, occupy housing unit-COAH credit mun. w/1.5 units, fair share obligation REF SCU
S1504 Cruz-Perez,N Zoning officers & land use board administrators-establish certification program REF SCU
S1505 Cruz-Perez,N Veteran's property tax exemption-extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops REF SCU
S1506 Cruz-Perez,N Non-Profit Hospital Property Tax Exemption Study Commission REF SCU
S1507 Cruz-Perez,N Grab bar installation-required in certain restrooms REF SHH
S1508 Cruz-Perez,N Seniors & disabled persons occupied buildings-req. min temperature of 70 degrees REF SCU
S1509 Cruz-Perez,N Shopping centers, distressed-allows CBT credit as incentive for redevelopment REF SEG
S1510 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Advertisements alluding to CDS or analogs-prohibits sale of certain products REF SCM
S1511 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Health care service provider-limits rescheduling, cancellation and no-show fees REF SHH
S1512 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Textbook vendors-requires DOE to maintain a list that use inclusive material REF SED
S1513 Cruz-Perez,N Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing REF SCU
S1514 Cruz-Perez,N Distillery license-restricted, operate restaurant in Garden St Growth Zone REF SLP
S1515 Cruz-Perez,N Child's consumer report-authorizes parent or guardian to place a security freeze REF SCM
S1516 Addiego,D Sexual assault-higher education institutions post information on website REF SHI
S1517 Bateman,C Hydraulic fracturing/nat. gas explor.-concerns drill cuttings/other byproducts REF SEN
S1518 Greenstein,L New Townhouse Fire Safety Act; requires automatic fire sprinklers system REF SCU
S1519 Greenstein,L Senior Citizens Prop. Tax Deferral Act-allow seniors to defer prop. tax payments REF SCU
S1520 Greenstein,L Diapers-requires insurance coverage of diapers when medically necessary REF SCM
S1521 Greenstein,L False pub alarm-upgrade crime, resulting in police response against cert persons REF SJU
S1522 Greenstein,L Battlefield to Boardroom Act-provide CBT/income tax credit for vets qualif wages REF SMV
S1523 Greenstein,L Municipal liens on residential property-facilitates ID cert seniors/disab person REF SCU
S1524 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Service animal, injury resulting from crime against victim-clarify compensation REF SLP
S1525 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Agriculture Experiment Station at Rutgers University;$300K REF SHI
S1526 Doherty,M Volunteer fire companies-exempts from charitable registration fees REF SLP
S1527 Doherty,M Religious services-establish security program for 1 person to carry a handgun REF SLP
S1528 Turner,S State pension and annuity funds-prohibits investment in hedge funds REF SSG
S1529 Turner,S Boil water notice-requires by certain public water systems via direct contact REF SEN
S1530 Oroho,S Revenue Advisory Board-establish, provide consensus revenue forecasting advice REF SBA
S1531 Beach,J Standard Form Contracts Act-establish procedures for determining enforceability REF SJU
S1532 Beach,J Medical identification cards containing health info.-counties make available REF SHH
S1533 Beach,J Plenary winery licensees-exempts filing req imposed, litter-generating products REF SEN
S1534 Beach,J Opioid & substance use disorders-establish a pilot program to study REF SHH
S1535 Beach,J SNAP-provides for receipts for applications REF SHH
S1537 Beach,J Children under care of DCPP-may not be home-schooled REF SHH
S1538 Beach,J Prescriptions-prohibits pharmacies from charging addl. fees by electronic means REF SHH
S1539 Doherty,M Black flies, along Delaware River-DEP provide for annual suppression REF SEN
S1540 Doherty,M Spaying & neutering prog-expands elig. for reduced cost to any disab State resid REF SEN
S1541 Doherty,M Senior citizens-provide discounted hunting and trapping licenses, permit fees REF SEN
S1542 Doherty,M Wood burning units, outdoor-permits DEP air quality regulation REF SEN
S1543 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D School buses w/crossing control arms-requires video camera installation REF SED
S1544 Cruz-Perez,N Contractors' Registration Act-clarifies insurance and bonding requirement REF SCM
S1545 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Statewide gun buyback program-requires Attorney General establish REF SLP
S1546 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Armed Forces & National Guard-creates housing purchase matching grant program REF SMV
S1547 Sweeney,S County improvement authority-permits appointment of alternate member REF SCU
S1548 Smith,B/Bateman,C Construction, new-permits municipalities to require be solar ready REF SEN
S1549 Oroho,S Sex offender-require local government registration, prohibit living near schools REF SLP
S1550 Codey,R September 11-school districts incl information, events as part of Social Studies REF SED
S1551 Codey,R Intersch sports team-coach prov. athletic director cert. no player was recruited REF SED
S1552 Codey,R School district-prohibits joining associations, Statewide interscholastic sports REF SED
S1553 Codey,R Social Networking Safety Act-prov penalties for sexually offensive communication REF SJU
S1554 Pennacchio,J Flood Prot. & Home Elevation Fd.-dedicate realty transfer fee rev. $5M annually REF SEN
S1555 Scutari,N Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes REF STR
S1556 Oroho,S Death penalty for certain murders-reinstates REF SJU
S1557 Scutari,N Brain injuries, potential-physicians perform exam related to workers' comp award REF SLA
S1558 Scutari,N Auto insurers-disclose policy limits upon attorney request REF SCM
S1559 Scutari,N Insurance Fair Conduct Act-unreasonable prices for business insurance REF SCM
S1560 Scutari,N Court-imposed financial obligation-increase amount of credit for incarceration REF SJU
S1561 Scutari,N Inmate reentry-notify of outstanding motor vehicle fines or penalties REF SLP
S1562 Scutari,N Sheriff's investigators-increases number of officers that may be hired REF SLP
S1563 Scutari,N Access Link paratransit svc user-elig/enrolled in motor bus discounted fare prog REF STR
S1564 Madden,F Veterans Day-school districts required to observe as a school holiday REF SED
S1565 Gill,N Mun Volunteer Prop Tax Reduction Act-prop owner volunteer in return for vouchers REF SCU
S1566 Connors,C Pub. entity or emp, acting w/in scope of employment-punitive damages not awarded REF SJU
S1567 Connors,C Wagering facilities off-track-public hearing req, held where fac will be located REF SSG
S1568 Turner,S Correctional facilities or jails-concerns private entities that own or manage REF SLP
S1569 Connors,C Nuclear power plant, trespassing-third degree crime REF SLP
S1570 Beach,J Telecommunications company-prov prorated refunds, svc outages longer than 24 hrs REF SEG
S1571 Beach,J Veterans, disabled-provides credits under CBT and income tax for qualified wages REF SMV
S1572 Beach,J Tipped Wage Worker Protection Act REF SLA
S1573 Beach,J Works Act-businesses create pre-emp training prog in partnership w/nonprofit org REF SLA
S1574 Beach,J County college-establish income tax credit for attendance REF SBA
S1575 Beach,J Cord blood banking services-extends income tax medical expense deduction REF SHH
S1576 Beach,J Holocaust Reparations Tax Exemptions Act-exempts value of certain payments REF SBA
S1577 Beach,J Municipal consolidation process, optional-increase flexibility, clarity & tools REF SSG
S1578 Beach,J Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty & Notice Act-concerns actions brought under REF SCM
S1579 Beach,J Asst. to Firefighters' Families Act-deceased vol emerg svc prov, doubles pension REF SSG
S1580 Beach,J Pub records-include e-mail addresses as confidential item redacted under OPRA REF SSG
S1581 Beach,J Substance use disorder treatment center-not within 500 feet of school REF SHH
S1582 Beach,J Vet2Vet Hotline program-juror compensation permits donation REF SJU
S1583 Beach,J Students-prohibits certain campaign literature that promotes favors REF SED
S1584 Beach,J Smarter Lunchroom Act-promotes healthy food choices in school cafeterias REF SED
S1585 Beach,J Michael Fischer Law-defibrillators required at youth athletic events REF SHH
S1586 Beach,J School library media specialist-requires certain ratios to students in pub. sch. REF SED
S1587 Beach,J Veterans & military members-waive or reimburse application and transcript fees REF SHI
S1588 Beach,J Vehicle trade-in and title releases-regulates pay-off REF SCM
S1589 Beach,J Private correctional fac.-prohibit detaining persons based on immigration status REF SLP
S1590 Beach,J/Bucco,A 9-1-1 first responder dispatcher-redesignates 9-1-1 operators or dispatchers REF SLP
S1591 Beach,J Alcoholic beverages-allows consumption outdoors in AC Tourism District REF SLP
S1592 Beach,J Farm markets, seasonal-permits sale of certain alcoholic beverages REF SEN
S1593 Beach,J Sex offenders-prohibits sex offenders from holding any job w/contact w/children REF SLP
S1594 Beach,J Sex assault, convicted-subject to No Early Release Act REF SJU
S1595 Beach,J Winery salesrooms-makes various changes to law governing REF SLP
S1596 Beach,J Harrison's Law-Sexual Assault Response Team-incl person, interact w/devel disab REF SLP
S1597 Beach,J Handicapped placard-qualified person w/post-traumatic stress disorder obtain REF STR
S1598 Beach,J Motor vehicles for sale-dealership required to notify buyers of recalls REF SCM
S1599 Codey,R/Pou,N Homeless shelter-establish Statewide database of beds REF SHH
S1600 Codey,R/Pou,N Nursing fac special care-patients w/psych, substance use disorder dual diagnosis REF SHH
S1601 Codey,R Driver's license suspension-required for gross income tax deficiency REF SLP
S1602 Codey,R Distracted driv.-incl in driv lic exam; violation to talk/text when temp stopped REF STR
S1603 Codey,R Cell phones, driver's-allow law enforcement officer to scan; penalty for refusal REF SLP
S1604 Codey,R Mortgage foreclosure actions-be filed by attorneys REF SCM
S1605 Codey,R Thanksgiving-prohibits sale of certain items during certain time REF SCM
S1606 Codey,R First responders-revises requirements and training standards REF SLP
S1607 Codey,R Sea turtle recovery-authorizes creation of special license plates REF STR
S1608 Codey,R Prescription drug and prescription biological products-prohibits coupon use REF SHH
S1609 Codey,R Smart phone & social media used in schools-comm to study effects on adolescents REF SED
S1610 Codey,R Steroid use among students-establishes measures to deter REF SED
S1611 Holzapfel,J Public utility-proh. filing rate increase petition under certain circumstances REF SEG
S1612 Holzapfel,J Public utility-required to reimburse business customer for service interruption REF SEG
S1613 Holzapfel,J Public util infrastructure-proh billing customer for costs incurred for upgrades REF SEG
S1614 Holzapfel,J Electric distrib. lines-requires underground in areas affected by severe weather REF SEG
S1615 Madden,F Meal prog-sch dist take action to increase participation in free/reduced priced REF SED
S1616 Holzapfel,J Urea, used as a ice melt-prohibits sale and distribution REF SEN
S1617 Holzapfel,J Commercial vehicle-increase fines for failure to have required markings REF SLP
S1618 Holzapfel,J Family restroom-requires State parks and forests include an exclusive REF SEN
S1619 Holzapfel,J Communications, electronic storage, password prot.-clarify unlawful access crime REF SJU
S1620 Holzapfel,J Spectator-based lawsuits-provides certain immunities from youth sports events REF SJU
S1621 Holzapfel,J Pregnant women-establishes training for law enforcement officers interaction REF SLP
S1622 Holzapfel,J Burglary & theft during a state of emergency-establishes mandatory penalties REF SLP
S1623 Scutari,N Business incubator facility, cert-authorizes EDA to provide financial assistance REF SEG
S1624 Scutari,N Homeschooling expenses, certain-provides gross income tax credit REF SED
S1625 Cryan,J Red Sand Project-establish Statewide initiative REF SJU
S1626 Cryan,J CBT-establishes net operating loss carryback deduction REF SBA
S1627 Cryan,J Law enforcement officers-qualify for use of firearm once a year REF SLP
S1628 Cryan,J Law enforcement-officers employed by edu. instit. may possess firearms on campus REF SLP
S1629 Bateman,C Driv w/out proof of liab insurance-concerns lic suspension reduction/elimination REF STR
S1630 Bateman,C Victims' right to obtain interview-prohibits being charged costs & fees REF SLP
S1631 Bateman,C Driving in unsafe manner conviction-clarify when penal points are to be assessed REF STR
S1632 Gill,N Military equipment, federal surplus-transfer to law enforcement agencies REF SLP
S1633 Gill,N Corporate Disinvestment Property Tax Relief Act;$13.5M REF SCU
S1634 Doherty,M Fireman certificates & membership-raises maximum eligibility age REF SLP
S1635 Doherty,M Security officers-authorizes to carry large capacity ammunition magazines REF SLP
S1636 Cruz-Perez,N Veteran, occupy housing unit-COAH credit mun. w/1.5 units, fair share obligation REF SCU
S1637 Cruz-Perez,N Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain REF SCU
S1638 Cruz-Perez,N Rental property, residential-expands municipal authority to license and inspect REF SCU
S1639 Cruz-Perez,N Transit Villages Act-mun promote intensive mixed-use devel close to mass transit REF SCU
S1640 Cruz-Perez,N/Singleton,T Community benf agreements-auth pol subdiv req recipients of econ devel incentive REF SCU
S1641 Cruz-Perez,N Veteran, service-connected disability-proportional property tax exemption REF SCU
S1642 Cruz-Perez,N Homeless shelters, emergency-prohibits from conditioning provision REF SCU
S1643 Cruz-Perez,N Property tax reimbursement program-expands eligibility REF SCU
S1644 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Teacher recruitment grant program-establishes in DOE;$6M REF SED
S1645 Lagana,J/Stack,B Steam radiators-requires residential landlords to install protective covers REF SCU
S1646 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Child care, higher education instit.-proh. an amount in excess of voucher amount REF SHI
S1647 Lagana,J School bus safety personnel-boards of education & school bus contractors employ REF SED
S1648 Lagana,J First responders-forcibly enter prop., provide emergency asst., civil immunity REF SJU
S1649 Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S Main Street Assistance Program-encourages business devel in small municipalities REF SEG
S1650 Madden,F Buprenorphine-req health benefits coverage for pain treatment w/out step therapy REF SCM
S1651 Greenstein,L Energy efficiency or conservation improvements-small bus. qualify for loans REF SEN
S1652 Greenstein,L Telecommunications service provider contracts-provides consumer protections REF SCM
S1653 Greenstein,L Autism Education Council-establishes REF SED
S1654 Greenstein,L E-ZPass-opt to receive electronic notification of use at NJTA/SJTA toll plazas REF STR
S1655 Greenstein,L Transportation network companies-share info., sexual misconduct investigation REF STR
S1656 Greenstein,L Libraries, pub.-CATV companies prov free broadband Internet service/assoc equip REF SEG
S1657 Greenstein,L Mobile service providers-prohibits from disclosing customer's location data REF SCM
S1658 Greenstein,L Billing due date-proh. telecommunications/utility companies from charging prior REF SEG
S1659 Greenstein,L Innovate NJ Act-establishes tax-free business incubators at instit. of higher ed REF SEG
S1661 Greenstein,L Prisoner reentry peer support hotline-establishes REF SLP
S1662 Greenstein,L Institutional Discrimination in Health Care-establishes Task Force REF SHH
S1663 Greenstein,L Language needs assessment-requires Commissioners of DOH and DHS perform REF SHH
S1664 Greenstein,L Oxygen delivery, patient residences during public health emergency-requires plan REF SHH
S1665 Greenstein,L Motor vehicle registration-exempts 100% disabled veterans from payment of fees REF STR
S1666 Greenstein,L Identity theft victims-petition for judicial determination of factual innocence REF SJU
S1667 Greenstein,L Domestic violence restraining orders-include pregnant victim's child upon birth REF SJU
S1668 Greenstein,L Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking-prov. rental/lease prot REF SJU
S1669 Greenstein,L Restraining order-issue for situations where domestic viol statutes do not apply REF SJU
S1670 Greenstein,L Office of Sustainability-creates REF SEN
S1671 Greenstein,L Recycled materials-DEP develop guidelines, St & loc government purchase of goods REF SEN
S1672 Greenstein,L Rutgers University Foundation-allow gross income tax deduction certain donations REF SHI
S1673 Greenstein,L Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign-DOH establish REF SHH
S1674 Madden,F Colleges, private and their police officers-affords civil immunity REF SLP
S1675 Madden,F Coast Guard-authorize special license plates for members REF STR
S1676 Smith,B/Vitale,J Hospitals-allow to construct housing & wrap-around services for homeless persons REF SHH
S1677 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Military installations-provides incentives for certain businesses associated REF SEG
S1678 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Unclaimed Util. Deposit Trust Fd.-revenue to Statewide nonprofit energy asst org REF SEG
S1679 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Green building-permits developer to qualify for low-interest loan from NJEDA REF SEG
S1681 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Informants, drug-related offense-reallocates certain forfeited prop as incentive REF SLP
S1682 Vitale,J Drunk driving-increases additional penalty assessment; dedicates revenue to VCCO REF SLP
S1683 Vitale,J/Madden,F Heroin antidote-auth. State and local law enforcement entities contract for bulk REF SLP
S1684 Holzapfel,J Tax board, county-permits board of chosen freeholders appoint interim member REF SCU
S1685 Holzapfel,J Tax exemption, short-term-improvements to dwellings damaged by natural disasters REF SCU
S1686 Holzapfel,J Homestead School Prop Tax Reimbursement Act-St reimb 50% taxes paid by seniors REF SCU
S1687 Connors,C Transfer Inheritance Tax-eliminates and repeals parts of the revised statute REF SBA
S1688 Connors,C Fuel tax paid thru purchase of motor fuel, personal vehicle-income tax deduction REF SBA
S1689 Connors,C Motor vehicle manufacturer rebates-excl. value from sales price under sales tax REF SCM
S1690 Connors,C Veteran's gross income tax exemption-extends to deceased veteran spouses REF SMV
S1691 Connors,C Vulnerable person-creates new offense of theft by financial exploitation REF SJU
S1692 Weinberg,L Discrimination or harassment complaints-clarify provisions concerning disclosure REF SSG
S1693 Connors,C Home improvement contract-civil actions, brought in county where prop is located REF SJU
S1694 Connors,C Terrorism organizations-establishes civil action for damages REF SJU
S1695 Weinberg,L Child, unemancipated-authority to make provision, ed expenses w/child support REF SJU
S1696 Connors,C Crime victims restitution-mandate cert defendants wage garnishment/community svc REF SJU
S1697 Weinberg,L Crime victim, certain-strengthens location confidentiality REF SJU
S1698 Connors,C DUI suspended license-increase prison time for convicted motor vehicle offense REF SLP
S1699 Connors,C MVC database-allows persons w/autism voluntarily enter med. info. on drivers lic REF STR
S1700 Oroho,S School Safety & Security Act-establishes penalties for criminal acts on sch prop REF SJU
S1701 Kean,T Mold inspection and remediation contractors-establishes registration requirement REF SCM
S1702 Kean,T Infectious disease testing-first responder administer opioid antidote REF SHH
S1703 Kean,T Animals-enhance penalty for failure to stop & report hitting with motor vehicle REF SEN
S1704 Kean,T Flood control projects in Cranford Township;$5M REF SEN
S1705 Kean,T Controlled Dangerous Substances Act-add illicit fentanyls to Schedule 1 REF SJU
S1706 Kean,T School safety-St Police maintain 24 hr hotline, anonymous tip regarding threats REF SLP
S1707 Kean,T Sch dist close sch-estab flexible instruct day prog; continue instruct at home REF SED
S1708 Kean,T Supporting Educational & Entrepreneurial Development Program-establish REF SHI
S1709 Smith,B/Corrado,K+1 Urban Farming Pilot Program-directs Department of Agriculture to establish;$100K REF SEN
S1710 Weinberg,L Whistleblower-extends protections to employee disclosure of govt. mismanagement REF SLA
S1711 Weinberg,L Public services privatization contracts-establish procedures and standards REF SLA
S1712 Weinberg,L Alcoholic beverages, residential redevelopment areas-municipality issue permits REF SLP
S1713 Weinberg,L Probation employees-transfers from Judiciary to State Parole Board REF SLP
S1714 Bucco,A Cancer treatments-proh. pre-approval or precertification, tests and procedures REF SCM
S1715 Lagana,J Mercury free-new flooring for schools and child care centers be certified REF SCU
S1716 Lagana,J Pediatric and adult psychiatry reimbursement rates-requires rate review study REF SHH
S1717 Lagana,J Income tax refund-modernizes the distribution by making direct deposit default REF SBA
S1718 Lagana,J Payments from State and local government-modernize the form of disbursement REF SBA
S1719 Lagana,J Bridge bond acts from 1989 and 1999-reappropriate unexpended funds REF STR
S1720 Lagana,J E-ZPass-NJTA and SJTA display amount of tolls paid REF STR
S1721 Lagana,J E-ZPass-exempts customer from certain fees if motor vehicle is stolen REF STR
S1722 Lagana,J E-ZPass website-req publication of certain information related to toll discounts REF STR
S1723 Lagana,J Electronic toll collection sys.-10% discount in event of motor fuel tax increase REF STR
S1724 Lagana,J Tolls, outstanding unpaid-require NJTA & SJTA estab. temporary amnesty program REF STR
S1725 Lagana,J Toll Payer Protection Act-establish requirements concerning certain toll payment REF STR
S1726 Lagana,J Cosmetics products-prohibits sale when tested on animals REF SCM
S1727 Lagana,J Insurance Fraud Prevention Act-includes self-insured entities and plans REF SCM
S1728 Lagana,J Insurance fraud-broadens scope of information sharing and civil immunity REF SCM
S1729 Lagana,J Insulin drugs-place $100 cap on amount paid by covered person for purchase REF SCM
S1730 Lagana,J Health insurance out-of-network arbitration-Banking & Insur Comm produce reports REF SCM
S1731 Lagana,J Medication-assisted treatment-establish initiatives to expand availability REF SHH
S1732 Lagana,J Prescription drugs, Canadian-permits import REF SHH
S1733 Testa,M/Gopal,V Set-Aside Act for Disabled Veterans' Businesses-removed principal place bus. req REF SMV
S1734 Pennacchio,J/Testa,M Vaccines-revises requirements for administration to patients REF SHH
S1735 Beach,J Telemarketers making sales calls-required to display their name and phone number REF SCM
S1736 Beach,J MV driv lic-cooperative arrangements w/foreign countries, reciprocal recognition REF STR
S1737 Singleton,T Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission-establishes REF SCU
S1738 Oroho,S/Addiego,D Right to Farm Act-allow recovery, reasonable of attorney fees against complaints REF SEG
S1739 Oroho,S/Beach,J Electronic Permit Processing Review System-establishes REF SCU
S1740 Oroho,S/Greenstein,L Motor vehicle registration-req. MVC place notation indicating registrant is deaf REF STR
S1741 Oroho,S/Pennacchio,J Full Disclosure Ultrasound Act-option to undergo sonogram 48 hrs. after abortion REF SHH
S1742 Gill,N Contracts claims, certains-shortens statute of limitations REF SJU
S1743 Madden,F County police department and force-provide police services to municipalities REF SCU
S1744 Pennacchio,J/Sweeney,S Group home licenses, certain-concerns Medicaid reimbursement REF SHH
S1745 Singleton,T/Oroho,S 9-1-1 sys. regionalization cost-fd. w/9-1-1 Sys., & Emerg Response Trust Fd Acct REF SLP
S1746 Singleton,T/Corrado,K Abandoned homes for homeless veterans-authorizes grants to purchase/rehab REF SCU
S1747 Cruz-Perez,N Home improv. contract-3 day cancellation provision in case of bona fide emerg. REF SCM
S1748 Cruz-Perez,N Garden State Manufacturing Jobs Act REF SLA
S1749 Cruz-Perez,N Dog Trainers Licensure Act REF SCM
S1750 Cruz-Perez,N/Kean,T+1 Human trafficking victim-provides for vacate and expunge REF SJU
S1751 Turner,S Owners' Rights and Obligations in Shared Ownership Communities Act REF SCU
S1752 Turner,S Birth control methods-requires health insurance coverage and limits cost sharing REF SCM
S1753 Turner,S Managed care plan-DOBI obtain & consider certain info, prov network adequacy req REF SCM
S1754 Turner,S Employer, employment svc. viol.-estab svc for reporting; post cert notifications REF SLA
S1755 Turner,S Automobile insurance practices-concerns REF SCM
S1756 Turner,S Professional services contract-award to bi-state authorities, competitive process REF STR
S1757 Gopal,V Mayor Gerald J Tarantolo Boulevard-designates portion of Route 36 REF STR
S1758 Gopal,V Combat Action Badge-authorizes special license plate REF SMV
S1759 Gopal,V Minimum wage increase-provides gross income tax credits for employers REF SBA
S1760 Gopal,V Animal hoarding-animal cruelty offense; mental health counseling for offender REF SEN
S1761 Gopal,V Horses, retired-establish fund to care for and improve track safety REF SSG
S1762 Gopal,V First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program-establishes REF SCU
S1763 Gopal,V Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral REF SHH
S1764 Gopal,V Transportation Consolidation Task Force-establish REF STR
S1765 Gopal,V Pharmacy benefit manager service in Medicaid prog-req pass-through pricing model REF SHH
S1766 Singer,R Mold Safe Housing Act-creates REF SCU
S1767 Singer,R Property tax appeals, third-party-prohibits REF SCU
S1768 Singer,R Infant fatalities, resulting from vaccinations-provides ID and study REF SHH
S1769 Singer,R/Oroho,S Hemp-related businesses-permit financial institutions provide financial service REF SCM
S1770 Singer,R/Corrado,K Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal REF SMV
S1771 Madden,F Invasive examination of unconscious patient by health care practitioner-prohibit REF SHH
S1772 Madden,F/Singleton,T Rowan University-authorizes issuance of alumni license plates REF STR
S1773 Madden,F Child custody loss-psychological exam required to regain custody REF SJU
S1774 Madden,F Defibrillators, portable-allow CBT credit for full cost of purchasing REF SHH
S1775 Madden,F Buprenorphine-requires Medicaid preferred drug list, coverage for chronic pain REF SHH
S1776 Madden,F Sales tax holiday-establish first weekend of August for certain retail sales REF SED
S1777 Madden,F Inheritance taxes transfer on brother and sister of decedent-eliminates REF SBA
S1778 Singleton,T Federal jobs and investment in the State-creates office to encourage creation REF SEG
S1779 Singleton,T Foreign-sourced income subject to federal income tax treaty under CBT-treatment REF SBA
S1780 Singleton,T Workers' Compensation & Administrative Law Judges-changes elig., DCRP to PERS REF SSG
S1781 Singleton,T/Gopal,V Regulatory Improvement Commission-establishes REF SSG
S1782 Weinberg,L Bright side Manor, Teaneck-fund capital improvement costs;$1.5M REF SBA
S1784 Turner,S Development subsidies and certain employment practices-concerns REF SLA
S1785 Gopal,V LGBTQ-establish task force to study/make recommendations, health care svc. needs REF SHH
S1786 Pennacchio,J Milk-authorizes use of retail coupons for purchase REF SCM
S1787 Stack,B Tiny Home Pilot Program-establish in 3 regions of State REF SCU
S1788 Beach,J Substance use disorder-hospitals inquire, establish protocols for prov treatment REF SHH
S1789 Beach,J Toll violations-authorizes reciprocal agreements for enforcement w/other states REF STR
S1790 Pennacchio,J Mallory's Law-revise provision, sch dist anti-bullying policy; parent civil liab REF SED
S1791 Pennacchio,J/Testa,M Tort Claims Act-St. strictly liable for injuries caused by St.-mandated vaccines REF SHH
S1792 Connors,C PFRS-requires all law enforcement officers to be enrolled in REF SSG
S1793 Beach,J Service or guide dogs-concerns employee training, access to public facilities REF SLA
S1851 Ruiz,M State student assistance or other employment/training-concerns eligibility REF SHI
SCR64 Doherty,M Supreme Court justices-reducing terms; abolish reappointment w/tenure; retention REF SJU
SCR65 Bateman,C/Smith,B Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary REF SEN
SCR66 Turner,S Tax loopholes, wasteful-urges Congress & President enact legislation eliminating REF SBA
SCR67 Turner,S Stop Corporate Inversions Act of 2019-urges Congress enact REF SEG
SCR68 Lagana,J Homestead property tax reimbursement program-raise income limit to be eligible REF SCU
SCR69 Lagana,J/Madden,F Law enforcement officer, permanent disability-$250 property tax deduction REF SCU
SCR70 Oroho,S Internet & telephone services-BPU investigate and bring svc to rural communities REF SEG
SCR71 Lagana,J Armenian Genocide-recognizes REF SSG
SCR72 Scutari,N Gun control measures-memorializes Congress & President to enact legislation REF SLP
SCR73 Holzapfel,J Sandy flood insurance claims-urges DOJ to investigate claims handling practices REF SCM
SCR74 Oroho,S Eminent domain-limit exercise to land acquisition for essential public purposes REF SCU
SCR75 Connors,C Public office, elective-prohibit person convicted of criminal offense REF SSG
SCR76 Connors,C American flag-memorialize Congress to prohibit physical desecration REF SSG
SCR77 Singer,R/Connors,C Military disability income-exclude from income limit for property tax deduction REF SCU
SCR78 Connors,C State govt operating expenses-restrict use of funds realized from asset transfer REF SSG
SCR79 Turner,S Collective bargaining-amends Constitution to give public employees the right REF SLA
SCR80 Turner,S Trade agreement-require legislative consent for any State approval REF SLA
SCR81 Pennacchio,J Local tax levy requirements-change minimum & maximum for public school funding REF SED
SCR82 Pennacchio,J Farmland property-increase taxes owed when not used for agricultural purposes REF SCU
SCR83 Doherty,M Judicial review of arbitration rulings-elim disputes concerning court facilities REF SJU
SCR84 Oroho,S Court decisions-proposes authorizing Legislature to invalidate REF SJU
SCR85 Oroho,S/Bateman,C Volunteer fire fighter/first aid squad member residence-$200 property tax credit REF SCU
SJR40 Weinberg,L Crossing Guard Appreciation Day-designates on International Walk to School Day REF SED
SJR41 Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year REF SLP
SJR42 Vitale,J First responder community-task force, study stabilization & growth of volunteers REF SCU
SJR43 Testa,M/Gopal,V Neon yellow-designates official color to raise awareness of suicide among vets. REF SMV
SJR44 Codey,R World Lymphedema Day-designates March 6th of every year REF SHH
SJR45 Gopal,V Bruce Springsteen Day-designates September 23 REF SSG
SJR46 Turner,S Women's National Team-urges US Soccer Federation to provide equitable treatment REF SLA
SJR47 Pennacchio,J Pedophile orgs.-investigate internet use to encourage offenders to violate law REF SLP
SJR48 Bateman,C Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day-designates June 4 of each year REF SHH
SJR49 Bateman,C Socks for the Homeless Day-designates February 14 of each year REF SHH
SJR50 Connors,C Chiari Malformation-Syringomyelia Awareness Month-designates September each year REF SHH
SJR51 Pennacchio,J Muslim Awareness and Appreciation Month-designates month of Ramadan each year REF SSG
SR38 O'Scanlon,D Mental health report-boards of education urged to adopt recommendations REF SED
SR39 Lagana,J Civil asset forfeiture cases-study the reasonableness of lowering court fees REF SLP
SR40 Lagana,J E-ZPass-urges reciprocity agreement to provide discounts to residents of NY & NJ REF STR
SR41 Lagana,J E-ZPass-urges to provide discounts to residents of NJ REF STR
SR42 Holzapfel,J Highway maintenance, infrastructure improvements-urges additional federal funds REF STR
SR43 Turner,S Commercial & investment banking-urge to enact legislation reinstating separation REF SCM
SR44 Pennacchio,J Walter Patterson & Werner Foerster Justice & Extradition Act-expresses support REF SLP
SR45 Bateman,C Northeast Supply Enhancement Project-express opposition; urges alternative proj. REF SEN
SR46 Pennacchio,J Online Sales Simplicity & Small Business Relief Act of 2018-urges Congress pass REF SBA
SR47 Doherty,M American flag & yellow ribbons-permit display on public housing premises REF SCU
SR48 Pennacchio,J India, United Nations Security Council-urges UN to seat as permanent member REF SSG
SR49 Pennacchio,J Israeli settlements-supports resolutions disapproving of US to abstain from vote REF SSG
SR50 Pennacchio,J Columbus Day-supports preservation as federal and State holiday REF SSG
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
S108 Gill,N/Turner,S+2 Student freedom of expression-school district adopt a written policy REP
S221 Diegnan,P Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities REP
S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+1 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs REP
S248 Sca (1R) Singleton,T+1 Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas REP/SCA
S278 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+2 Students w/military obligations-establish higher ed. instit. late registration REP
S309 Rice,R+2 Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program-establish in DOLWD REP
S311 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Turner,S School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance REP/SCA
S316 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Pou,N+1 Student Dropout Prevention Task Force-establishes REP/SCA
S368 Cryan,J/Weinberg,L Mass transit improvements-permits municipalities require developers make contrib REP
S440 Oroho,S/Singleton,T+2 Labor Law Enforcement-establishes office REP
S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations REP
S566 Sca (1R) Madden,F/O'Scanlon,D+1 Homestead property tax reimbursement-revises criteria to establish base year REP/SCA
S647 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Singleton,T Water Quality Accountability Act-revise asset management & related reporting req REP
S692 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+2 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost REP/SCA
S718 Addiego,D/Singleton,T Employers, employing person less than 18 years old-provide tax credit REP
S750 Gopal,V+1 Group insurance benefits for their employees-mun. and bds of ed jointly contract REP
S775 Scutari,N Rental unit owners and business owners-maintain liability insurance policy REP
S806 Cunningham,S+2 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REP
S825 Sca (1R) Lagana,J/Scutari,N Health club svcs contracts-proh limiting liability, injury caused by negligence REP/SCA
S843 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Ruiz,M Immigrants obtaining professional & occupational licenses-permits undocumented REP/SCA
S854/237 Scs (SCS) Turner,S/Singleton,T+3 Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school REP/SCS
S889 Sca (1R) Cryan,J/Scutari,N+1 Landlords-prohibit accepting housing assistance from other states REP/SCA
S943 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Portable benf-estab sys for worker, prov svc to consumers thru contracting agent REP/SCA
S954 Connors,C/O'Scanlon,D Municipal ordinance violation fines-convert into tax liens REP
S957 Connors,C Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance REP
S962 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Singleton,T Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel. REP/SCA
S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S+1 Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools REP
S983 Singleton,T Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution REP
S984 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Municipalities share cert payments received in lieu of property taxes w/sch dist REP/SCA
S1028 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Amistad Comm-allocates but not in DOE; comm elect chairperson appt exec director REP/SCA
S1194 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M REP
S1196 Pou,N Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes REP
S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements REP
Bills Combined:
S237 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+2 Civics instruction in middle & high sch-district use DOE's curriculum guidelines COMB/W S854 (SCS)
Bills Referred/SBA:
S309 Rice,R+2 Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program-establish in DOLWD
S316 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Pou,N+1 Student Dropout Prevention Task Force-establishes
S440 Oroho,S/Singleton,T+2 Labor Law Enforcement-establishes office
S566 Sca (1R) Madden,F/O'Scanlon,D+1 Homestead property tax reimbursement-revises criteria to establish base year
S692 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+2 Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost
S718 Addiego,D/Singleton,T Employers, employing person less than 18 years old-provide tax credit
S750 Gopal,V+1 Group insurance benefits for their employees-mun. and bds of ed jointly contract
S854/237 Scs (SCS) Turner,S/Singleton,T+3 Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school
S943 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Portable benf-estab sys for worker, prov svc to consumers thru contracting agent
S954 Connors,C/O'Scanlon,D Municipal ordinance violation fines-convert into tax liens
S984 Sca (1R) Singleton,T Municipalities share cert payments received in lieu of property taxes w/sch dist
S1196 Pou,N Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes
Co-Sponsors Added:
S237 (Thompson,S; Doherty,M) Civics instruction in middle & high sch-district use DOE's curriculum guidelines
S316 Sca (1R) (Turner,S; Ruiz,M) Student Dropout Prevention Task Force-establishes
S695 Sca (1R) (Madden,F) Legionnaires's disease-DEP, DOH, DCA & public water systems prevent/control
S854/237 Scs (SCS) (Rice,R) Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school S1750 (Bucco,A) Human trafficking victim-provides for vacate and expunge
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S311 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance
S917 Sca (1R) (Brown,C) Educational assistance programs, employees-allows income tax deduction
S954 (O'Scanlon,D) Municipal ordinance violation fines-convert into tax liens
S1198 (Oroho,S) Motor vehicle ancillary production products-concerns; expands definition
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
S1370 (Greenstein,L) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective February 13, 2020
Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit:
Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman (16) Senator Kristin M. Corrado (40) Senator Joseph Cryan (20) Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (31) Senator Patrick J. Diegnan, Jr. (18) Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr. (21) Senator Stephen M. Sweeney (3) Senator Loretta Weinberg (37)
The Senate Minority Leader has made the following appointment:
*Effective February 13, 2020
Campus Sexual Assault Commission:
Katherine McGee, of Stockholm.
The Senate adjourned at 1:15 P.M. on Friday, February 14, 2020, to meet again on Monday, February 24, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “3” and “4” scheduled to meet).
Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A2963 Johnson,G Board member of Public Utilities-serve as board member of NJ Transit Corporation
ACR127 Pinkin,N/Reynolds-Jackson,V 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote
Bills Introduced:
A2546 Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V Uncompensated Pending Medicaid Beneficiary Payment Relief Act REF AHE
A2547 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Baby-changing station-installation required in public restrooms REF AWC
A2548 Timberlake,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Fair Workweek Act-concerns fair workweek employment standards REF ALA
A2549 Schaer,G Health care claims data-requires certain providers, SHBP, SEHBP disclose to DOBI REF AFI
A2550 Benson,D+2 Elderly or disabled victims-upgrades assault REF ASE
A2551 Benson,D+1 Pretrial risk assessment-expands to include history of domestic violence abuse REF AJU
A2552 Mosquera,G Language needs assessment-requires Commissioners of DOH and DHS perform REF AHE
A2553 Benson,D+1 Mental Health Court Pilot Program-establishes in several vicinages REF AJU
A2554 Benson,D+1 State school aid-provides additional districts experiencing enrollment increases REF AED
A2555 Benson,D Municipal water systems-municipalities provide certain info. to property owners REF ATU
A2556 Benson,D/Murphy,C Toll violations-authorizes reciprocal agreements for enforcement w/other states REF ATR
A2557 Benson,D Tenure at State and county colleges-makes various changes REF AHI
A2558 Benson,D+1 Post-traumatic stress disorder-estab. prog allowing NJ lic driv to self-identify REF ATR
A2559 Benson,D+1 Veterans, war service disabilities-increase in allowance paid REF AMV
A2560 Benson,D Government contracts crimes-debars permanently any person convicted REF ASL
A2561 Benson,D Defibrillators-NJT required to equip trains REF ATR
A2562 DeAngelo,W/Dancer,R PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age REF ABU
A2563 DeAngelo,W+3 Boil water-public water systems required to provide notice & qual. standard viol REF ATU
A2564 DeAngelo,W+1 Public water systems-publish financial and employee information on the Internet REF ATU
A2565 DeAngelo,W Mercer Regional Water Svc. Comm.; oversight over Trenton Water Works operations REF ATU
A2566 DeAngelo,W COAH-adjust municipal fair share to reflect job loss REF AHO
A2567 DeAngelo,W Bldg. used for prop. tax-exempt purpose-real prop. taxation exempt during constr REF ASL
A2568 DeAngelo,W Local unit's official website-contract with private entities to lease ad space REF ASL
A2569 DeAngelo,W Energy assistance-DCA req to verify benefits not awarded to deceased individuals REF ATU
A2570 DeAngelo,W Pub util-BPU conduct biennial rate cases; incr penal, pub util failing to comply REF ATU
A2571 DeAngelo,W Energy assistance benefits-DCA require to verify income of low-income applicants REF ATU
A2572 DeAngelo,W/Moen,W+2 Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment REF AMV
A2573 DeAngelo,W Public contracts involving insurance coverage & consulting svcs.-elim. exception REF ASL
A2574 DeAngelo,W Energy efficiency or conservation improvements-small bus. qualify for loans REF ACE
A2575 DeAngelo,W State Building Auth.-make certain payments in lieu of taxes for pub. safety fac. REF ASL
A2576 DeAngelo,W Green infrastructure financing program-establish; make accessible and affordable REF AST
A2577 DeAngelo,W Military installations-provides incentives for certain businesses associated REF ACE
A2578 DeAngelo,W Solar Equipment Purchase and Installation Assistance Program-establish in EDA REF ACE
A2579 DeAngelo,W Telecommunications service provider contracts-provides consumer protections REF ACO
A2580 DeAngelo,W+1 Public utility employees-immediately place 911 calls to report emergencies REF ATU
A2581 DeAngelo,W Solar panels-concerns installation & maintenance in common interest communities REF ATU
A2582 DeAngelo,W+1 Water and sewer bill payments-30-day grace period prior to interest accrual req. REF ATU
A2583 DeAngelo,W Power outages-BPU study microgrid & distributed energy resource deployment REF ATU
A2584 DeAngelo,W Libraries, pub.-CATV companies-provide w/business customer class Internet access REF ATU
A2585 DeAngelo,W Telemarketing sales calls-BPU req. cert energy businesses to maintain recordings REF ACO
A2586 DeAngelo,W Libraries, pub.-CATV companies prov free broadband Internet service/assoc equip REF ATU
A2587 DeAngelo,W Trees, defective-establishes liability for harm caused by REF AFI
A2588 DeAngelo,W CBT and income tax-provides credits against for employers of certain reservists REF AAP
A2589 DeAngelo,W+1 Senior homeowners-exempts from municipal building permit fees REF ASE
A2590 DeAngelo,W Garbage removal services-revises sales and use tax treatment REF ASL
A2591 DeAngelo,W Mun. Land Use Law-concern notifications REF AHO
A2592 DeAngelo,W Affordable housing obligations-clarifies scope REF AHO
A2593 DeAngelo,W School bus fuel-exempts petroleum product gross receipts tax and motor fuel tax REF AED
A2594 DeAngelo,W Weather damage-mun use 15% of affordable housing trust fd, prov finan assistance REF AHO
A2595 DeAngelo,W Community benf agreements-auth pol subdiv req recipients of econ devel incentive REF ACE
A2596 DeAngelo,W/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Retir subdiv. & community-install generator, prov. energy, area used as shelter REF AHO
A2597 DeAngelo,W Farmland, preserved-permits constr. of electric transmission and distrib. lines REF AAN
A2598 DeAngelo,W Affordable housing-limit job creation estimation for warehousing activities REF AHO
A2599 DeAngelo,W National Guard, retired-authorizes free hunting, fishing and trapping licenses REF AAN
A2600 DeAngelo,W+1 New Townhouse Fire Safety Act; requires automatic fire sprinklers system REF AHO
A2601 DeAngelo,W+1 U Text U Drive U Pay sticker-motor vehicle inspection sticker notify of penalty REF ATR
A2602 DeAngelo,W Solar energy generation fac-allows util lines cross mun-owned preserv open space REF ATU
A2603 DeAngelo,W+1 Behind-the-wheel instruction of minor-parent or guardian to be present REF ATR
A2604 DeAngelo,W School building-requires gradual replacement of incandescent light bulbs REF AEN
A2605 DeAngelo,W Ancient Order of Hibernians-authorizes special license plate REF ATR
A2606 DeAngelo,W Hall of Fame-estab nomination procedures; adjacent to NJ State Museum REF ATG
A2607 DeAngelo,W Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements REF ALA
A2608 DeAngelo,W Cell phone warranties-required to last throughout initial service contract REF ACO
A2609 DeAngelo,W Public utilities work, certain-concerns prevailing wage REF ALA
A2610 DeAngelo,W/Vainieri Huttle,V Advanced Manufacturing Council-creates REF ALA
A2611 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G Red Sand Project-establish Statewide initiative REF AJU
A2612 Murphy,C State debt affordability analysis, annual-include in the State Debt Report REF ACO
A2613 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Animal death or injury, certain-establishes civil action for damages REF AJU
A2614 Murphy,C+1 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act REF AST
A2615 Murphy,C Pet, cremated remains-allows interment in certain cemeteries REF ARP
A2616 Murphy,C Joint McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst- Rt. 539 overpass project;$2M REF ATR
A2617 Murphy,C Injured worker who has reached maximum medical improvement-concerns employment REF ALA
A2618 Murphy,C Battlefield to Boardroom Act-provide CBT/income tax credit for vets qualif wages REF AMV
A2619 Murphy,C Teachers, expedite certification, early coll high sch prog-estab alternate route REF AED
A2620 Murphy,C Lifelong learning acct.-estab cert exclusions & credits under income/CBT contrib REF AHI
A2621 Murphy,C Military, active duty-allows $250 gross income tax deduction REF AMV
A2622 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Movie theaters-provide effective devices for visual/hearing impaired individuals REF AJU
A2623 Murphy,C/Moen,W+2 Developmental disab. person-allow CBT & income tax credit to businesses who emp. REF ALA
A2624 Murphy,C Manufacturing reinvestment account program-incentivize workforce training REF ACE
A2625 Murphy,C Home mortgages-provides refundable income tax credit for early principal payment REF AHO
A2626 Murphy,C+1 Home health aide application backlog-Board of Nursing to process and eliminate REF ARP
A2627 Murphy,C/Moen,W First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Program-establishes REF AHO
A2628 Murphy,C Labor contractors-concerns REF ALA
A2629 Murphy,C Contracts, job order for public work-sets standards REF ALA
A2630 Murphy,C Medicaid inelig carrier-withdraw from offering NJ individual health benefit prog REF AFI
A2631 Murphy,C Water loss audits-requires water purveyors to conduct REF AEN
A2632 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A+1 Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign-DOH establish REF ASE
A2633 Mukherji,R/Pinkin,N Outdoor lighting fixtures-install or replace, at projects receiving State funds REF AEN
A2634 Moriarty,P Used Car Buyers' Bill of Rights-prohibit certain "as is" sales of used motor veh REF ACO
A2635 Moriarty,P Consumer loan application-motor vehicle dealer required to provide REF ACO
A2636 Jasey,M/Wimberly,B Affordable housing units-concerns online marketing REF AHO
A2637 Moriarty,P Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Licensing Act REF ACO
A2638 Moen,W/Murphy,C+2 Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding REF AJU
A2639 Moen,W/Mazzeo,V Rowan University-authorizes issuance of alumni license plates REF ATR
A2640 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C+1 Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization REF ASE
A2641 Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid applications-revises procedures for processing REF AHE
A2642 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S+1 Substance use disorder-hospitals inquire, establish protocols for prov treatment REF AHE
A2643 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Medicaid-eligible individuals-certain facilities required to set aside beds REF AHE
A2644 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Contraception, emergency w/out req. prescription/authorization-Medicaid cover REF AHE
A2645 Vainieri Huttle,V Medical policy review-Medical Assistance and Health Services collaborate REF AHE
A2646 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Medicaid-provide housing-related services to individuals, chronic homelessness REF AHU
A2647 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S+1 Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance REF AHO
A2648 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Medicaid demonstration project-cover room/board services, terminally ill patient REF AHE
A2649 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Nursing homes-provide training to staff in behavioral health issues REF ASE
A2650 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Medicaid transportation services-establishes performance and training standards REF AHE
A2651 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Human trafficking in health care facilities-DOH provide training course for emp. REF AJU
A2652 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Informed consent form-separate from form related to assignment of insurance benf REF AHE
A2653 Vainieri Huttle,V SNAP-DHS ensure expedited benefits are made available to certain households REF AHU
A2654 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Epilepsy website-DOH required to update and increase public outreach efforts REF AHE
A2655 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Prescription Monitoring Program-provides Medicaid and certain insurers access REF AHE
A2656 Vainieri Huttle,V Contraception, emergency-pharmacies stock and dispense REF AHE
A2657 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Mental Health Access Act-incr Medicaid reimb rates for behavioral health services REF AHE
A2658 Vainieri Huttle,V Toxic shock syndrome-Commissioner of Health establish a pub. awareness campaign REF AHE
A2659 Vainieri Huttle,V Disab., physical-SHBP/SEHBP prov reasonable accommodation in accessing providers REF AHE
A2660 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C+1 Maternity care public awareness campaign-Commissioner of Health establish REF AHE
A2661 Vainieri Huttle,V Alzheimer's-health insurer cover positron emission tomography to diagnose REF ASE
A2662 Vainieri Huttle,V Hepatitis B-consider priority under Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative REF AHE
A2663 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Developmental centers-comparable level of services and support required REF AHU
A2664 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact REF ASE
A2665 Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid Managed Care Org. Oversight Program-estab. for availability and access REF ASE
A2666 Vainieri Huttle,V Tonka's Law-changes perimeter bow and arrow hunting around certain buildings REF AAN
A2667 Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid eligible incarcerated individuals-requires establishment of processes REF ALP
A2668 Vainieri Huttle,V Mental Health Advocacy Division-transfers to DHS and retitles director REF AHU
A2669 Mukherji,R Motor vehicle ancillary production products-concerns; expands definition REF ACO
A2670 Vainieri Huttle,V Family leave informational materials-requires distribution REF AHE
A2671 Vainieri Huttle,V Drugs, developed by publicly funded research-prohibits excessive charges REF AHE
A2672 Wimberly,B Co-payment or deductible-permits payment of only one, follow-up after surgery REF AFI
A2673 Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Vaccinations-directs Commissioner of Health to estab pub awareness campaign REF AHE
A2674 Vainieri Huttle,V Domestic viol offenders, convicted-court authority to order electric monitoring REF AWC
A2675 Wimberly,B+1 Auto & homeowners' insurance policies-cancellation notice send by certified mail REF AFI
A2676 Vainieri Huttle,V Unclaimed Child Support Trust Fd.-use to balance unpaid receivables of St agency REF AJU
A2677 Wimberly,B Employees affected by a declared state of emergency-proh cert employment actions REF ALA
A2678 Vainieri Huttle,V Purple Ribbon Schools Program-establishes; schools w/positive climate REF AED
A2679 Wimberly,B Police & firefighter-unable to complete req due to mil svc, subsequent elig list REF AMV
A2680 Wimberly,B Wine, beer sales-expands cities to regulate day and hours when goods may be sold REF AOF
A2681 Vainieri Huttle,V Prescription drugs, Canadian-permits import REF AHE
A2682 Mukherji,R Hospitality franchise agreements-concerning REF AJU
A2683 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J U-4 or Pink, CDS-criminalizes manufacture, sale or possession REF ALP
A2684 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Opioid antidote-public libraries maintain supply & permit emerg. administration REF AHE
A2685 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Property condition disclosure statement-concerns information REF AHO
A2686 Mazzeo,V Election, 2020 primary-changes certain deadlines by 3 weeks REF ASL
A2687 Mazzeo,V/Lampitt,P Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools REF AED
A2688 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Small and farm employers-requires reduced worker's compensation premiums REF ALA
A2689 Mazzeo,V/Schaer,G+2 Holocaust Reparations Tax Exemptions Act-exempts value of certain payments REF ABU
A2690 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V Drug court elig.-estab special probation persons w/previous criminal convictions REF AJU
A2691 Armato,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Apprenticeship course-provides tuition fee waiver REF ALA
A2692 Armato,J/Murphy,C Volunteer firefighters, certain-municipality establish restricted parking spaces REF AHS
A2693 Mazzeo,V+1 Vineyards, wineries new-estab loan program and provide CBT and income tax credit REF AAN
A2694 Mazzeo,V/Burzichelli,J+2 Officials at athletic events sanctioned by association-criminal background check REF AED
A2695 Mazzeo,V+1 Research universities-aligns contracting standards for its AC campus REF AHI
A2696 Armato,J/DeAngelo,W Base realignment and closure-requires annual General Fund appropriation REF AMV
A2697 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+1 Maritime training for veterans and active military-waives boat safety course req REF AMV
A2698 Armato,J+2 Veterans, peacetime-creates civil service preference REF AMV
A2699 Mazzeo,V+1 Class Three special law enforcement officers-prov. security at pub/priv colleges REF AHI
A2700 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Travel & tourism industry recovery-Division of Travel prepare report since Sandy REF ATG
A2702 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Veterans w/service-connected disabilities-increase and annual adjustment REF AMV
A2703 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J Housing for agric. workforce prov by qualified farmers CBT and income tax credit REF AAN
A2704 Mazzeo,V/Murphy,C+1 Spouse, military service member-income tax credit, professional relicensing fees REF AMV
A2705 Mazzeo,V Fish and Game Council-authorizes temporary members to fill certain vacancies REF AAN
A2706 Armato,J Emergency medical service volunteers-establish restricted parking spaces REF AHS
A2707 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Hotel and transient accommodations-prohibits certain video recordings REF ACO
A2708 Vainieri Huttle,V Therapy dogs in rental housing units-allows; expands protection REF AHO
A2709 Vainieri Huttle,V Public questions-revises statutes concerning permissible length of time between REF ASL
A2710 Vainieri Huttle,V Nonprofit hospital w/for-profit medical on-site providers-restore prop tax exemp REF ASL
A2711 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Senior tenants, certain-clarifies intent of Legislature to protect REF ASE
A2712 Vainieri Huttle,V Sober living residences-provides inherently beneficial uses REF AHO
A2713 Vainieri Huttle,V/Speight,S Homeless shelters, emergency-prohibits from conditioning provision REF AHU
A2714 Vainieri Huttle,V Municipal reorganization meetings-hold on alternative dates REF ASL
A2715 Downey,J Forfeiture of public office, mandatory-upon conviction of certain offenses REF ASL
A2716 Downey,J Marissa's Law-mand. min. term of imprisonment, leaving scene of accident, death REF ALP
A2717 Downey,J Marriage and civil union licenses-provides for immediate issuance REF AJU
A2718 Downey,J Educational institutions employees-eligible for unemployment benefits REF ALA
A2719 Downey,J Elderly person, institutionalized-increased fines for abuse or exploitation REF ASE
A2720 Downey,J Comprehensive State Plan for Economic Development-establishes REF ACE
A2721 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Developmental disability service system, State-estab. one-stop website to assist REF AHU
A2722 Downey,J Shift overlap, 30 minutes-required in State correctional facilities REF ALP
A2723 Downey,J Energy efficient appliances & highly fuel efficient vehicles-sales tax exempt REF AST
A2724 Bergen,B Small businesses that collect and remit sales tax-establish credit REF ACE
A2725 Munoz,N/Bramnick,J Public adjusters, licensed-establishes compensation limits during certain emerg REF ARP
A2726 Dancer,R+1 Vacant & abandoned prop-mun req reg; use reg fee proceeds to maintain properties REF AHO
A2727 Munoz,N Home improv. contract-3 day cancellation provision in case of bona fide emerg. REF ARP
A2728 Dancer,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Developmental Disabilities, State Council-expands membership & responsibilities REF AHU
A2729 Munoz,N Medical malpractice liability insurance-prohibits insurers from raising REF AFI
A2730 Munoz,N Payday lending-includes as a violation of the consumer fraud act REF ACO
A2731 Dancer,R Economic Redevelopment & Growth Grant Program-extends submission deadlines REF ACE
A2732 Munoz,N/DeCroce,B+1 Service member-upgrades aggravated assault, expands bias intimidation crime REF ALP
A2733 Dancer,R Municipal budget-miscellaneous revenues list under Fines and Costs line item REF ASL
A2734 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Animal abuse-reporting required by certain child protection agency employees REF AWC
A2735 Munoz,N Opioid drugs, cases of acute pain-increases amount allowed in initial prescr. REF AFI
A2736 McGuckin,G Crimes, committed outside of the State-may be prosecuted in NJ REF AJU
A2737 Bramnick,J Police, mun-make arrests for any disorderly person outside their territorial mun REF ALP
A2738 McGuckin,G Barnegat Bay Protection Act-estab. Barnegat Bay Protection Fund, auth. lic plate REF AEN
A2739 Munoz,N Correctional facilities, law enforcement agencies-adopt maternity policies REF AWC
A2740 McGuckin,G Accidental disability retirement allowance-PERS member receive; result from 9/11 REF ASL
A2741 Bramnick,J+2 Terrorism-immunity from civil liab to persons reporting info concerning crimes REF AJU
A2742 Munoz,N Controlled Dangerous Substances Act-add illicit fentanyls to Schedule 1 REF AJU
A2743 Munoz,N Judy & Nikki's Law-life w/out parole convicted of murder child age 16 or younger REF AJU
A2744 Bramnick,J Public utility employee-disorderly persons offense for misrepresentation REF ALP
A2745 Bramnick,J+1 Bias intimidation-elim provision, victims perception of defendants purpose REF AJU
A2746 Munoz,N Veterans home purchase-creates grant program for federal active duty REF AMV
A2747 Munoz,N Gender-based compensation discrimination-prov income tax exclusion award REF AJU
A2748 Munoz,N/Vainieri Huttle,V Stealthing-criminalizes removing, tampering w/condom, no consent sexual activity REF AJU
A2749 Munoz,N Structures, free-standing-req. compliance w/notice approval process under MLUL REF AHO
A2750 Munoz,N/Pintor Marin,E Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent REF AHE
A2751 Munoz,N Pedestrian accident involving a motor vehicle-breath or blood test required REF ALP
A2752 Dunn,A Burglary, residence-upgrade to second degree crime; if armed, first degree crime REF AJU
A2753 Dunn,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Child abuse record info. check-emp and candidates for pub sch emp or svc undergo REF AED
A2754 Dunn,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Sexual extortion using explicit sexual images to extort victims-establish crime REF AJU
A2755 Dunn,A Physicians/Physician asst.-tax cred., vol prov treatment at opioid treatment fac REF AHE
A2756 Dunn,A Death penalty for persons who commit certain murders-restores REF AJU
A2757 Dunn,A Sales tax-distribute portion of revenue to municipality where sourced REF ASL
A2758 Dunn,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Cancer Research-provides for voluntary contributions by income tax returns REF AHE
A2759 Dunn,A Economic Research Office-establish in the Department of State REF ACE
A2760 Munoz,N/Webber,J Endangering welfare of a child-unlawful use/distrib of CDS in child's presence REF AWC
A2761 Munoz,N/Bramnick,J Motor vehicle accident reports-restricts access under certain circumstances REF ALP
A2762 Bramnick,J/Moriarty,P Motor vehicle tracking device-makes it a fourth degree crime REF ALP
A2763 Zwicker,A+2 New Voter Empowerment Act-permits cert 17 year olds to vote in primary elections REF ASL
A2764 Zwicker,A Veteran income tax exemption-elim. req that taxpayer serve in active duty status REF AMV
A2765 Houghtaling,E State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ REF ATG
A2766 Downey,J Epinephrine-requires health insurers provide coverage for ages 18 and younger REF AFI
A2767 Downey,J Climate change-bd of education incl instruction & adopt instructional materials REF AED
A2768 Houghtaling,E/Murphy,C Equine-related farm employee housing with horses-establishes Right to Farm REF AAN
A2769 Downey,J Transgender communities-req St Employment & Training Comm. specialize in serving REF ALA
A2770 Downey,J Home health aide services-increases hours provided to individual w/disabilities REF AHU
A2771 Downey,J Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible REF AHU
A2772 Downey,J Medicaid benefits-concerns recipients remote participation in meetings REF AHU
A2776 Pinkin,N Solar Roof Installation Warranty Program-establish, transfer $2M to fund program REF ATU
A2777 Pinkin,N LED street lights-electric public utilities provide service at customers cost REF ATU
A2778 Pinkin,N Trees, mature-public util. & cable tv companies notify entities prior to removal REF ATU
A2779 Pinkin,N Electric public utility customers-require BPU establish demand response programs REF ATU
A2780 Pinkin,N Prescriptions-prohibits pharmacies from charging addl. fees by electronic means REF AHE
A2781 Pinkin,N Public officials, convicted of corruption offenses-forfeit office, position REF ASL
A2782 Pinkin,N Landscapes, sustainable-State projects be designed and managed to include REF AEN
A2783 Pinkin,N Recycled materials-DEP develop guidelines, St & loc government purchase of goods REF AEN
A2784 Pinkin,N Env. regulations-auth DEP rulemaking to prevent backsliding, federal law changes REF AEN
A2785 Pinkin,N Mun. master plan-land use plan incl. climate change-related haz vulnerability REF AEN
A2786 Pinkin,N Balloons, with lighter-than air gases-prohibits intentional release REF AEN
A2787 Pinkin,N Innocence Study & Review Commission-study & review wrongful convictions REF AJU
A2788 Pinkin,N Coastal Commission-creates new; reallocates funds from DEP to commission;$20M REF AEN
A2789 Pinkin,N Pharm. manuf.-limitations on & conditions assoc. w/prescribers' comp. acceptance REF AHE
A2790 Pinkin,N/Giblin,T State Board of Dentistry-adds one dental assistant to membership REF ARP
A2791 Pinkin,N Drugs returned, certain-accept and provide a rebate REF AHE
A2792 Pinkin,N Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report REF ASL
A2793 Pinkin,N/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Diversity and Inclusion, Office-codifies establishment in Department of Treasury REF ASL
A2794 Pinkin,N Hybrid electric veh-loc contracting units, bd of ed & county college to purchase REF ASL
A2795 Pinkin,N/Reynolds-Jackson,V+2 Resid rental property-crim action of individuals who do not legally possess prop REF AHO
A2796 Pinkin,N Property tax appeals, third-party-prohibits REF ASL
A2797 Pinkin,N State property-subjects most to local property taxation REF ASL
ACR108 DeAngelo,W/Pinkin,N Increased distribution of municipal aid-proposes constitutional amendment REF ASL
ACR109 DeAngelo,W Military disability income-exclude from income limit for property tax deduction REF AMV
ACR110 Murphy,C Military retirement pay-urges Congress to exempt from federal income taxation REF AMV
ACR111 Murphy,C/Vainieri Huttle,V Civil Rights Act of 1964-enact legislation amending; protect right to unionize REF ALA
ACR112 Mukherji,R/Vainieri Huttle,V Medicare Part D-urges Congress and President to strengthen provisions REF ASE
ACR113 Wimberly,B Joint Committee on Economic Justice & Equal Employment Opportunity-reconstitutes REF ALA
ACR114 Swain,L/Tully,P Federal flood insurance-urges Congress and President to increase subsidies REF AFI
ACR115 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 SNAP eligibility-condemns Trump Administration's proposed rule limiting REF AHU
ACR116 Bramnick,J Taxpayer Advocate, elected-amendment to State Constitution to provide for REF ASL
AJR86 Mosquera,G Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Month-designates March of each year REF AHE
AJR87 Murphy,C Worker Safety Day-designates April 18 of each year REF ALA
AJR88 Swain,L Consignment Day-designates first Monday of October of each year REF AEN
AJR89 Vainieri Huttle,V Rip Current Awareness Week-designates first week in June REF ATG
AJR90 Armato,J+2 529 Opening Paths to Invest in Our Nation's Students Act-urges to enact REF AHI
AJR91 Pinkin,N Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month; Melanoma Monday-designates May REF AHE
AJR92 Pinkin,N Cockayne Syndrome Awareness Month-designates July of each year REF AHE
AJR93 Pinkin,N/Murphy,C+1 Better Hearing Month-designates May of each year REF AHE
AR89 Mosquera,G Student loan debt-urges Congress pass H.R.770 allowing discharge in bankruptcy REF AHI
AR90 Mosquera,G State of NJ - NJ Business Portal website-raise awareness in business community REF ACE
AR91 Benson,D Pretrial risk assessment process-urge to expand, include certain relevant factor REF AJU
AR92 DeAngelo,W Community Broadband Act-urges Congress to pass REF ATU
AR93 Murphy,C Humane Cosmetics Act of 2019-urges President and Congress to enact REF ACO
AR94 Vainieri Huttle,V/Zwicker,A Great Healthy Yard Project-expresses support REF AEN
AR95 Vainieri Huttle,V Title X program-urges Dept. of Health & Human Svcs to revoke recent rule changes REF AHE
AR96 Armato,J/Spearman,W+3 PATH Act-urges Congress pass; expand pre-apprenticeship programs REF ALA
AR97 Mazzeo,V/Freiman,R+1 Election security, voting equipment-urge to appropriate additional federal funds REF ASL
AR98 Downey,J Assault weapon ban-urges President and Congress to reauthorize REF AJU
AR99 Dancer,R/Murphy,C Kindness All Around symbol-urges adoption as National Symbol of Kindness REF AED
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A306 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/Mazzeo,V+5 First responders-forcibly enter prop., provide emergency asst., civil immunity REP/ACA
A377 Aca (1R) Danielsen,J/McKeon,J Cannabis-related businesses-creates certain protections for insurers REP/ACA
A703 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Mukherji,R+2 Probation officers-union officials who represent participate in union activities REP/ACA
A724 Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+6 False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation REP
A1040 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Caputo,R+5 Sch district-satisfy 80% of effectiveness, St. must return area to local control REP/ACA
A1104 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/McKnight,A+4 Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents REP/ACA
A1263 Schaer,G/Johnson,G Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement REP
A1630/1631 Acs (ACS) Lampitt,P/Greenwald,L+8 School meals, bill in arrears-clarifies school dist cannot restrict meal access REP/ACS
A1632 Lampitt,P/Reynolds-Jackson,V+7 School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears REP
A2773 Mazzeo,V/Houghtaling,E Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year REP
A2774 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Dancer,R Executive director of St Agriculture Development Committee-appointed by Governor REP/ACA
A2775 Aca (1R) Houghtaling,E Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events REP/ACA
ACR117 Houghtaling,E/Dancer,R Wineries, special events-concerns legislative review, inconsistent w/leg. intent REP
AJR30 Murphy,C/Mosquera,G+10 Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs REP
Bills Combined:
A653 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+1 Insulin purchase-places a cap of $100 on amount paid by covered persons COMB/W A954/1669 (ACS)
A1631 Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+7 Meal prog-sch dist take action to increase participation in free/reduced priced COMB/W A1630 (ACS)
A1669 Quijano,A/Freiman,R+1 Insulin-health insurers required to limit copayments COMB/W A954/653 (ACS)
Bills Reported Referred/AAP:
A275 Acs (ACS) Armato,J/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Drug-dependent person, admitted into court-ordered treatment prog-reduce fines REP/ACS REF AAP
A717 Johnson,G/Schaer,G+7 Minors-provides for jurisdiction for prosecution of certain crimes against REP REF AAP
A954/653/1669 Acs (ACS) Karabinchak,R/Lampitt,P+2 Insulin drugs-place $100 cap on amount paid by covered person for purchase REP/ACS REF AAP
A1400 Lopez,Y/Mukherji,R+3 Detective Melvin Vincent Santiago's Law-disarming an armed security officer REP REF AAP
A1708 Aca (1R) Burzichelli,J/Conaway,H Marijuana, medical-workers' compensation & PIP coverage required REP/ACA REF AAP
A2222 McKeon,J/Freiman,R+5 Prescription drug savings-carriers required to pass on to consumers REP REF AAP
Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:
S51 Sca (1R) Singer,R/Diegnan,P+2 Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact REF ASE
S238 Scs (SCS) Singleton,T/Sarlo,P+4 Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties REF AHS
S249 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Turner,S+1 Pharmacy benefits manager prov. services w/in Medicaid prog-disclose info to DHS REF AHU
S275 Kean,T/Cruz-Perez,N+3 Military personnel non-resident dependent children-provide resident tuition rate REF AMV
S296 Pennacchio,J/Cunningham,S+1 Fusion science field- establish scholarship program REF AST
S362 Cryan,J Access Link paratransit service during state of emergency-NJT operate REF ATR
S561 Madden,F/Greenstein,L+1 Drivers Distractions Task Force-creates; impact road and highway safety REF ATR
S619 Sca (1R) O'Scanlon,D Medical cannabis-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REF AHE
S698 Ruiz,M/Scutari,N+3 Campaign contrib-allow use for child care expense related to campaign activities REF ASL
S749 Gopal,V/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns REF AWC
S804 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+1 Academic degree-granting inst.-proh. entering into revenue sharing arrangements REF AHI
S845 Pou,N/Singleton,T National Practitioner Data Bank-req. health care prof. licensing boards utilize REF ARP
S848 Sca (1R) Pou,N/Gopal,V Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports REF ACO
S886 Cryan,J/Greenstein,L+2 Health care entities-contracts for sale, honor existing bargaining agreement REF ALA
S908 Singleton,T/Oroho,S+1 Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REF AHO
S922 Singleton,T/Greenstein,L+1 Municipal water authority dissolution-Local Finance Bd. make cert findings prior REF ASL
S960 Sca (1R) Rice,R Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REF AHI
S967 Bucco,A/Singleton,T Workers' compensation insurance requirement-concerns corporations & partnerships REF ALA
S968 Singleton,T/Lagana,J+2 Water, drinking-req. public water systems provide notice of elevated lead levels REF AEN
S970 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Higher ed instit, governing bd memb-complete a training prog devel by Secretary REF AHI
S971 Lagana,J/Cunningham,S+2 Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REF AHI
S972 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Contractor work, certain industries-concerns a skilled & trained workforce REF ALA
S973 Ruiz,M/Singleton,T+4 Apprenticeship mentoring-estab for women, minorities and persons w/disabilities REF ALA
S974 Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M+1 Alice Paul-State Capitol Joint Mgmt Commission display in State Capitol building REF ASL
S1369 Greenstein,L/Cruz-Perez,N Alice Paul statue-Joint Committee on Library of Cong to replace Philip Kearny REF AWC
SCR15 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Brown,C Joint Committee on Economic Justice & Equal Employment Opportunity-reconstitutes REF ALA
SCR36 Pou,N National Practitioner Data Bank-available to health care prof. boards w/out cost REF ARP
SCR39 Greenstein,L/Turner,S+1 19th Amendment-commemorate 100th anniversary of passage of women's right to vote REF AWC
SCR63 Sweeney,S/Weinberg,L Equal Right Amendments-urges Congress to adopt into U.S. Constitution REF AWC
SJR19 Ruiz,M/Pou,N Latino Clergy Day-designates first Saturday of October REF ASL
Bills Withdrawn From The Files:
A2407 Auth,R+1 Protecting Parental Involvement in Curriculum Act FROM AED
Co-Sponsors Added:
A206 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Veterans' benefits-broadens elig. by eliminating req of serving during cert wars
A221 (Stanfield,J; Houghtaling,E) Class Two special law enforcement officers-establishes certain benefits
A275 Acs (ACS) (Chiaravalloti,N) Drug-dependent person, admitted into court-ordered treatment prog-reduce fines
A492 (DiMaio,J) Economic development subsidy-business loan overdue, prohibits awarding
A611 (DePhillips,C; Rooney,K) Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog
A652 (McGuckin,G; Catalano,J) Veterans, certain-exempt from driver's, motorcycle and digitized picture fees
A653 (Benson,D) Insulin purchase-places a cap of $100 on amount paid by covered persons
A744 (Houghtaling,E) Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies
A745 (McGuckin,G; Catalano,J) Transportation network company driver-pretending, fraudulent, criminalizes
A770 (McGuckin,G; Catalano,J) Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notifications
A804 (Johnson,G) Inmates at State & County facilities-offer hepatitis B and hepatitis C testing
A853 (Webber,J; DeCroce,B) Temporary businesses-prohibits municipal licensure of children operating
A860 (Benson,D; Speight,S) Supportive Technology for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Task Force
A954/653/1669 Acs (ACS) (Benson,D) Insulin drugs-place $100 cap on amount paid by covered person for purchase
A975 (Houghtaling,E) Vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell-provides CBT and income tax credits for purchase
A976 (Houghtaling,E) Hydrogen refueling stations-install at service areas on State's toll roads
A1033 (Timberlake,B) Psychiatrists who contract with DCF-provides tuition reimbursement
A1044 (Timberlake,B) School building-adopt policy establishing temperature control standards
A1079 (Murphy,C) Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training
A1104 Aca (1R) (Quijano,A; Benson,D; Mukherji,R) Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
A1153 Aca (1R) (McGuckin,G) E-ZPass-opt to receive electronic notification of use at NJTA/SJTA toll plazas
A1221 (Timberlake,B) Social svcs. hotline-emerg contact info & access instructions be prov to tenants
A1228 (Timberlake,B) Breakfast after the bell-establish incentive fund
A1249 (Timberlake,B) Succeed in NJ-estab student loan reimb prog, resid employed in designated fields
A1255 (DePhillips,C; Stanfield,J) Religious services-establish security plan; select 1 person to carry handgun
A1262 (Benson,D) Lead service line inventories and replacement-public water system develop
A1359 (Timberlake,B) Woman Veteran-authorizes creation of license plates
A1377 (Moen,W; Houghtaling,E) Meal plan funds, unused-donate to emergency meal fund, distrib. to NJ food banks
A1391 (Moen,W) Postage for sending goods to Armed Forces-income tax credit for cost
A1399 (Speight,S) Eye exam completed-young children required, entering pub. sch or Head Start Prog
A1408 (Speight,S) Apprenticeship mentoring-estab for women, minorities and persons w/disabilities
A1421 (McKnight,A; Speight,S) Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention
A1514 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B; Catalano,J) Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings
A1608 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Prescription drugs for certain medical conditions-continued coverage required
A1631 (Timberlake,B) Meal prog-sch dist take action to increase participation in free/reduced priced
A1632 (Timberlake,B) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears
A1637 (Speight,S) Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council-prepare prevention instruction report
A1653 (Benson,D) Vehicle-fueling and charging infrastructure, zero-emission-development projects
A1656 (Danielsen,J) New single or two family homes-fire suppression systems required
A1745 (Chiaravalloti,N) State aid, public schools-provides voluntary contrib by taxpayers on tax returns
A1747 (Chiaravalloti,N) School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance
A1889 (Timberlake,B) Minorities and women in construction industry-concerns outreach and training
A1925 (Timberlake,B) Motor vehicle surcharge-revenue dedicated to Special Needs Housing Trust Fund
A2038 (Speight,S) Human trafficking offense-civil actions against person profiting from commission
A2104 (Benson,D) Children's products-DEP post a list of certain chemicals and reports use
A2131 Aca (1R) (Danielsen,J; Bergen,B) Global War on Terrorism Medal-creates
A2210 (Danielsen,J) Marijuana-related funds-establishes State bank for handling
A2222 (Benson,D) Prescription drug savings-carriers required to pass on to consumers
A2244 (McGuckin,G; Catalano,J) Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal
A2269 (Downey,J; Houghtaling,E) Opioid addiction risk-hospitals include warning in patient discharge papers
A2281 (Houghtaling,E; Downey,J) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline
A2282 (Houghtaling,E) Superstorm Sandy-DEP study St.'s response & preparedness for future storm events
A2289 (Timberlake,B) Handicapped placard-qualified person w/post traumatic stress disorder obtain
A2291 (Timberlake,B) Motor vehicle registration-exempts 100% disabled veterans from payment of fees
A2297 (Timberlake,B) Electronic health info exchange-reentry to civilian life, incarcerated persons
A2298 (Timberlake,B) Medicaid enrollment for inmates-participate in session 60 days prior to release
A2316 (Wimberly,B; DePhillips,C; McKeon,J; Mejia,P) Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances
A2319 (Stanfield,J) Moose's Law-person w/animal cruelty conviction prohibits owning companion animal
A2321 (Vainieri Huttle,V) NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc
A2327 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Institutional Discrimination in Health Care-establishes Task Force
A2339 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) Cable television-incl cert fees/charges for svc in advertised price to consumers
A2355 (Burzichelli,J; Caputo,R; Downey,J) Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers
A2369 (Vainieri Huttle,V) State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
A2376 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access
A2398 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Downey,J) Senior citizens & persons w/disabilities-creates crime of victimization
A2403 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Senior housing, new-creates programs for installing emergency power generators
A2407 (Peterson,E) Protecting Parental Involvement in Curriculum Act
A2422 (Chiaravalloti,N) Vehicle charging stations-directs installation at svc. areas on State toll roads
A2427 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Reliability, Preparedness & Storm Response Act-pub. util file emerg preparedness
A2428 (Lampitt,P; Vainieri Huttle,V) Office of Sustainability-creates
A2429 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes
A2433 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Recovery community centers, 4 new-Div. of Mental Health/Addition Svcs facilitate
A2439 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Nurse, registered professional staffing standards-establish in hospitals
A2459 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Diapers-requires insurance coverage of diapers when medically necessary
A2463 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Cell phone or mobile device-upgrade stalking crime, use location monitoring prog
A2464 (Mukherji,R; Vainieri Huttle,V) Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns
A2470 (Vainieri Huttle,V) School Bus Safety & Child Protection Act-periodic criminal background checks req
A2475 (Caputo,R) Trauma-informed education-teaching staff & sch bd members receive training
A2482 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Timberlake,B) Domestic violence offenders, certain-requires counseling
A2488 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged
A2489 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mobile service providers-prohibits from disclosing customer's location data
A2490 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Finan assistance from EDA-proh businesses from gender gap payment practices
A2496 (Caputo,R; Timberlake,B) Student debt letter-higher ed instit send out; complete loan debt repymt. course
A2498 (Downey,J; Houghtaling,E) TDI, family & family temporary disability leave-design, make available a webinar
A2542 (Jimenez,A; Swain,L; Vainieri Huttle,V; Chiaravalloti,N) Telemarketers-provide name, address and phone number and company name
A2544 (McKeon,J; Vainieri Huttle,V) Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide
A2547 (Speight,S) Baby-changing station-installation required in public restrooms A2548 (Moen,W) Fair Workweek Act-concerns fair workweek employment standards A2550 (Caputo,R; Speight,S) Elderly or disabled victims-upgrades assault A2551 (Speight,S) Pretrial risk assessment-expands to include history of domestic violence abuse A2553 (Speight,S) Mental Health Court Pilot Program-establishes in several vicinages A2554 (Caputo,R) State school aid-provides additional districts experiencing enrollment increases A2558 (Caputo,R) Post-traumatic stress disorder-estab. prog allowing NJ lic driv to self-identify A2559 (Speight,S) Veterans, war service disabilities-increase in allowance paid A2563 (Caputo,R; Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) Boil water-public water systems required to provide notice & qual. standard viol A2564 (Caputo,R) Public water systems-publish financial and employee information on the Internet A2572 (Verrelli,A; Mosquera,G) Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment A2580 (Caputo,R) Public utility employees-immediately place 911 calls to report emergencies A2582 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Water and sewer bill payments-30-day grace period prior to interest accrual req. A2589 (Caputo,R) Senior homeowners-exempts from municipal building permit fees A2596 (Speight,S) Retir subdiv. & community-install generator, prov. energy, area used as shelter A2600 (Caputo,R) New Townhouse Fire Safety Act; requires automatic fire sprinklers system A2601 (Speight,S) U Text U Drive U Pay sticker-motor vehicle inspection sticker notify of penalty A2603 (Speight,S) Behind-the-wheel instruction of minor-parent or guardian to be present A2614 (Vainieri Huttle,V) 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act A2623 (Downey,J; Kennedy,J) Developmental disab. person-allow CBT & income tax credit to businesses who emp. A2626 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Home health aide application backlog-Board of Nursing to process and eliminate A2632 (Caputo,R) Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign-DOH establish A2638 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding A2640 (Speight,S) Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization A2642 (Caputo,R) Substance use disorder-hospitals inquire, establish protocols for prov treatment A2647 (Caputo,R) Emergency assistance recipients-permits temporary rental assistance A2660 (Downey,J) Maternity care public awareness campaign-Commissioner of Health establish A2673 (Caputo,R) Vaccinations-directs Commissioner of Health to estab pub awareness campaign A2675 (Caputo,R) Auto & homeowners' insurance policies-cancellation notice send by certified mail A2684 (Caputo,R) Opioid antidote-public libraries maintain supply & permit emerg. administration A2689 (Murphy,C; Vainieri Huttle,V) Holocaust Reparations Tax Exemptions Act-exempts value of certain payments A2694 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Officials at athletic events sanctioned by association-criminal background check A2698 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) Veterans, peacetime-creates civil service preference A2700 (Caputo,R) Travel & tourism industry recovery-Division of Travel prepare report since Sandy A2702 (Speight,S) Veterans w/service-connected disabilities-increase and annual adjustment A2704 (Caputo,R) Spouse, military servicemember-income tax credit, professional relicensing fees A2726 (Caputo,R) Vacant & abandoned prop-mun req reg; use reg fee proceeds to maintain properties A2732 (Dancer,R) Service member-upgrades aggravated assault, expands bias intimidation crime A2741 (Munoz,N; Schepisi,H) Terrorism-immunity from civil liab to persons reporting info concerning crimes
A2745 (Dancer,R) Bias intimidation-elim provision, victims perception of defendants purpose A2763 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) New Voter Empowerment Act-permits cert 17 year olds to vote in primary elections A2793 (Speight,S) Diversity and Inclusion, Office-codifies establishment in Department of Treasury A2795 (Caputo,R; Speight,S) Resid rental property-crim action of individuals who do not legally possess prop
ACR80 (Swain,L; Mazzeo,V; Armato,J; Mosquera,G) Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights
ACR92 (Speight,S) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
ACR98 (DePhillips,C; Kean,S) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office
ACR107 (Caputo,R) Lead-Free Future Act of 2019-urges President and Congress to enact
ACR115 (Houghtaling,E; Speight,S) SNAP eligibility-condemns Trump Administration's proposed rule limiting AJR30 (McKnight,A; Benson,D; DePhillips,C; Downey,J) Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs
AJR33 (Greenwald,L) Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year
AJR66 (Timberlake,B; Vainieri Huttle,V) Technology Task Force-establish; study potential technology upgrades AJR90 (Murphy,C) 529 Opening Paths to Invest in Our Nation's Students Act-urges to enact AJR93 (Caputo,R) Better Hearing Month-designates May of each year
AR38 (Houghtaling,E) Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle-provide funding & incentives to promote usage
AR78 (Vainieri Huttle,V) 2020 Census Complete Count Committees-urges counties and municipalities create
AR79 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Get Out the Count Week-designates March 12 thru 20; encourage full Census count AR96 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S) PATH Act-urges Congress pass; expand pre-apprenticeship programs AR97 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Election security, voting equipment-urge to appropriate additional federal funds
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
A1365 (Dancer,R) Wildlife-prohibits harassing or taking at competitive events; establish penal.
ACR98 (Peterson,E) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A558 (Timberlake,B) Internet service provider-keep subscriber's personal ID info. confidential
A740 (Conaway,H) Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items
A895 (Timberlake,B) Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment
A1079 (Pintor Marin,E) Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training
A1104 Aca (1R) (McKnight,A) Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
A1263 (Johnson,G) Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement
A1381 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Private Vehicle Rental Modernization Act
A1489 (Mosquera,G) Invasive examination of unconscious patient by health care practitioner-prohibit
A1708 Aca (1R) (Conaway,H) Marijuana, medical-workers' compensation & PIP coverage required
A1752 (Speight,S) VCCO-post signs and distribute pamphlets in emergency rooms
A2196 (Jasey,M) St. pensions-proh investment, req divestment in pub traded fossil fuel companies
A2257 (Clifton,R) School districts located in historic communities-provide emergency St school aid
A2277 (Houghtaling,E) Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Prog. Act-authorizes sharing mun. court admin
A2302 (Benson,D) Creative crosswalks pilot program-establishes
A2312 (Armato,J) Drug court-makes certain changes
A2321 (Lopez,Y) NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc
A2322 (Lopez,Y) Sch. breakfast prog-expands to all sch w/5% or more students elig for free meals
A2326 (Rooney,K) Smoke-Free Air Act-revises; prohibit smoking at certain outdoor public places
A2330 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Buprenorphine-requires Medicaid preferred drug list, coverage for chronic pain
A2339 (Benson,D) Cable television-incl cert fees/charges for svc in advertised price to consumers
A2340 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mobile service providers, commercial-prohibits disclosing customer's GPS data
A2350 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge
A2355 (Houghtaling,E) Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers
A2369 (Swain,L) State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
A2376 (Tucker,C) Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access
A2377 (Downey,J) Homestead benefits-distribution required before October 31
A2383 (Vainieri Huttle,V) School attendance, compulsory-raises age requirement from 16 to 18 years old
A2408 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Cannabis dispensaries, medical-permitted use status in certain zoning districts
A2411 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-determination no later, 21 days application submission
A2412 (Greenwald,L) Educational assistance programs, employees-allow income tax deduction
A2420 (Mukherji,R) Traps, spring loaded device-bans manufacture, sale, possession, trans. or use
A2424 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Safe Playing Fields Act-restricts lawn care pesticides use at child care centers
A2433 (Schaer,G) Recovery community centers, 4 new-Div. of Mental Health/Addition Svcs facilitate
A2435 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Hair pieces for cancer patients-health insurance required coverage
A2441 (Chiaravalloti,N) Trans. svcs. prov to DHS clients-DHS employ Trans Planning Coordinator to manage
A2444 (Carter,L) Quinn Wilson's law-provides a gross income tax credit for stillbirth
A2446 (Mukherji,R) Motor veh dealer & repair fac-prioritize repair on wheel chair accommodation veh
A2447 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Senior Citizens Prop. Tax Deferral Act-allow seniors to defer prop. tax payments
A2449 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Consumer reporting agencies-proh charging fees & provisions in customer contract
A2462 (Moriarty,P) Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards
A2468 (Greenwald,L) Cord blood banking services-extends income tax medical expense deduction
A2469 (Jimenez,A) Drone use-sets certain standards, followed by law enforcement agencies
A2470 (Moen,W) School Bus Safety & Child Protection Act-periodic criminal background checks req
A2474 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Health care services, accessing-deletes prior authorization requirements
A2477 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Dry drowning-municipalities req to provide information at public swimming pools
A2485 (Timberlake,B) Vet2Vet Hotline program-juror compensation permits donation
A2488 (Murphy,C) Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged
A2490 (Murphy,C) Finan assistance from EDA-proh businesses from gender gap payment practices
A2491 (Murphy,C) Military or reserve members-clarifies excuse from jury service
A2516 (Mosquera,G) Domestic violence statutes-expands to encompass minors aged 16 and older
A2520 (Mosquera,G) Jury duty-exempts nursing mothers
A2521 (Timberlake,B) SNAP-provides for receipts for applications
A2526 (Downey,J) Inheritance tax payment-coincides with the due date for St/fed estate taxes
A2538 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Board of education-accept donations for purpose of providing property tax relief
A2773 (Houghtaling,E) Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year
ACR96 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Immigration, mixed status-condemns rule forcing family separation/eviction
ACR103 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opportunity Zone Lead Remediation Impact Act of 2019-urges President to enact
ACR107 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Lead-Free Future Act of 2019-urges President and Congress to enact
AJR67 (Chiaravalloti,N) Deaf Awareness Month/Deaf Awareness Week-desig. Sept. & last full week of Sept.
AJR68 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Black Balloon Day-designates March 6 of each year
AJR70 (Timberlake,B) Equal Pay Day-designates second Tuesday in April
AJR71 (Houghtaling,E) Agriculture Day-designates March 20th of each year
AJR78 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mental health services-clarify hearsay rule exception, med. diagnosis/treatment
AJR80 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opioid Antidote Administration & Aftercare Commission-study & report procedures
AJR81 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Dry Drowning Awareness Month-designates June of every year
AR82 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Gateway Program, Portal North Bridge-urges President approve funding to complete
AR86 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Eyeglasses, hearing aids, & dentures-memorializes to provide Medicare coverage
Second Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A1119 (Lopez,Y) Alice Paul statue-Joint Committee on Library of Cong to replace Philip Kearny
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A611 (Dunn,A) Seeing Eye dog-designates as State Dog
A653 (Downey,J) Insulin purchase-places a cap of $100 on amount paid by covered persons
A740 (DeCroce,B) Fuel cells-req State agencies in awarding contracts to consider when purch items
A954/653/1669 Acs (ACS) (Downey,J) Insulin drugs-place $100 cap on amount paid by covered person for purchase
A1079 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training
A1104 Aca (1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
A1153 Aca (1R) (Timberlake,B) E-ZPass-opt to receive electronic notification of use at NJTA/SJTA toll plazas
A1192 (Murphy,C) Chiara's Law-proh euthanizing animals in shelter except for health/safety reason
A1258 (Benson,D) SHBP, SEHBP-requires pharmacy benefits manager report price and amount charged
A1588 (Benson,D) Veteran property tax deduction & tax exemption elig.-revise veteran definition
A1639 (Murphy,C) Apprenticeships, registered-prov. CBT and income tax credits for bus that employ
A1708 Aca (1R) (Downey,J) Marijuana, medical-workers' compensation & PIP coverage required
A1820 (Timberlake,B) Child abuse-officer of ed sign acknowledgement & undergo training, report duties
A1846 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Birthing options-midwives/physicians required to provide pregnant women w/info.
A2274 (Houghtaling,E) Farm markets, seasonal-permits sale of certain alcoholic beverages
A2277 (Downey,J) Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Prog. Act-authorizes sharing mun. court admin
A2302 (Timberlake,B) Creative crosswalks pilot program-establishes
A2310 (Murphy,C) Anti-discrimination & anti-harassment policy-require certain candidates adopt
A2316 (Johnson,G) Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances
A2319 (Mosquera,G) Moose's Law-person w/animal cruelty conviction prohibits owning companion animal
A2321 (Kennedy,J) NJT-prov pub. hearing for alt. provision, related to substantial curtailment svc
A2322 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Sch. breakfast prog-expands to all sch w/5% or more students elig for free meals
A2326 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Smoke-Free Air Act-revises; prohibit smoking at certain outdoor public places
A2327 (Quijano,A) Institutional Discrimination in Health Care-establishes Task Force
A2339 (Murphy,C) Cable television-incl cert fees/charges for svc in advertised price to consumers
A2348 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Free parking on election day at polling places-requires availability
A2350 (Downey,J) Motor vehicle Surcharge Community Svc. Prog.-community svc. in lieu of surcharge
A2355 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers
A2369 (Danielsen,J) State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
A2376 (Timberlake,B) Veterans, certain-municipality provide free beach access
A2420 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Traps, spring loaded device-bans manufacture, sale, possession, trans. or use
A2426 (Houghtaling,E) Animal control officers, certified-enforce mun. ordinance; report animal cruelty
A2429 (Moen,W) Transportation Services Coordination Task Force-establishes
A2433 (Verrelli,A) Recovery community centers, 4 new-Div. of Mental Health/Addition Svcs facilitate
A2439 (DeAngelo,W) Nurse, registered professional staffing standards-establish in hospitals
A2455 (Vainieri Huttle,V) FIRST Robotics Programs-establishes pilot program in DOE in school districts
A2456 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Access Link paratransit svc user-elig/enrolled in motor bus discounted fare prog
A2457 (Jasey,M) Energy tax receipts, certain-required to be paid directly to municipalities
A2460 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Child care centers-requires test and remediation for lead and disclose results
A2462 (Mukherji,R) Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards
A2464 (Jimenez,A) Ovarian cancer-prov. voluntary contributions by taxpayers on income tax returns
A2465 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Student safe user website/mobile application provisions-instruction required
A2467 (Downey,J) Homestead rebate or credit-provide fair notice to contest or obtain waiver
A2468 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Cord blood banking services-extends income tax medical expense deduction
A2475 (Pintor Marin,E) Trauma-informed education-teaching staff & sch bd members receive training
A2491 (Verrelli,A) Military or reserve members-clarifies excuse from jury service
A2514 (Mosquera,G) Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking-prov. rental/lease prot
A2540 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Safe school resource off/Class Three special law enforcement off-sch dist employ
A2547 (Downey,J) Baby-changing station-installation required in public restrooms A2556 (Moen,W) Toll violations-authorizes reciprocal agreements for enforcement w/other states A2572 (Benson,D) Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment A2611 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Red Sand Project-establish Statewide initiative A2623 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Developmental disab. person-allow CBT & income tax credit to businesses who emp. A2632 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Alzheimer's disease public awareness campaign-DOH establish A2636 (Chaparro,A) Affordable housing units-concerns online marketing A2638 (Mosquera,G) Human trafficking-pub. trans emp complete training course, handling & responding A2640 (Mosquera,G) Senior citizens or disabled persons-creates crime of fiscal victimization A2660 (Speight,S) Maternity care public awareness campaign-Commissioner of Health establish A2683 (Kennedy,J) U-4 or Pink, CDS-criminalizes manufacture, sale or possession A2684 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Opioid antidote-public libraries maintain supply & permit emerg. administration A2687 (Moen,W) Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools A2688 (Freiman,R) Small and farm employers-requires reduced worker's compensation premiums A2689 (Lampitt,P) Holocaust Reparations Tax Exemptions Act-exempts value of certain payments A2691 (DeAngelo,W) Apprenticeship course-provides tuition fee waiver A2696 (Murphy,C) Base realignment and closure-requires annual General Fund appropriation A2702 (DeAngelo,W) Veterans w/service-connected disabilities-increase and annual adjustment A2704 (DeAngelo,W) Spouse, military service member-income tax credit, professional relicensing fees A2761 (Jimenez,A) Motor vehicle accident reports-restricts access under certain circumstances A2762 (Benson,D) Motor vehicle tracking device-makes it a fourth degree crime A2773 (Downey,J) Farms, commercial-allows holding 14 special occasion events per year
A2795 (Verrelli,A) Resid rental property-crim action of individuals who do not legally possess prop ACR98 (Peterson,E) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office
ACR100 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Assisted Living Pilot Program, Veterans w/Traumatic Brain Injury Extension Act
ACR114 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Federal flood insurance-urges Congress and President to increase subsidies ACR115 (Downey,J) SNAP eligibility-condemns Trump Administration's proposed rule limiting AJR67 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Deaf Awareness Month/Deaf Awareness Week-desig. Sept. & last full week of Sept.
AJR71 (Murphy,C) Agriculture Day-designates March 20th of each year
AJR76 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Youth Smoking Prevention and Awareness Month-designates May of each year
AR86 (Timberlake,B) Eyeglasses, hearing aids, & dentures-memorializes to provide Medicare coverage AR94 (McKeon,J) Great Healthy Yard Project-expresses support AR97 (Mukherji,R) Election security, voting equipment-urge to appropriate additional federal funds
The Assembly Speaker has made the following appointments:
*Effective February 4, 2020
New Jersey Investing in You Promise Neighborhood Commission:
Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly (35)
Public Use Airports Task Force:
Assemblyman Daniel R. Benson (14)
Assemblyman John DiMaio (23)
The Assembly adjourned at 5:16 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 20, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/10/2020):