Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (March 5th):



Nominations Notice of Intention Received 3/3/2020:


David Louis Worthington, of Annandale.

Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Vidya Prasad, of Plainsboro.


John Snyder, of Marmora.


Nathaniel Walker, of Trenton.


Debra S. Behnke, of Pennsville, to replace George Christopher Connor.

Honorable Steven H. Caltabiano, of Woodstown.

Brenda H. Hall, of Woodstown.

Angela S. Voros, of Elmer.


William R. Higgins, of Monroeville.


James Lewis Pfeiffer, of Phillipsburg.

Bills Introduced:

S1983 Singer,R Tunnel-NJT adopt plan to evacuate passengers when rail veh. becomes immobilized REF STR

S1984 Singer,R NJT annual report-changes reporting date and certain date requirements REF STR

S1985 Singer,R EEO settlement agreements-approved by NJT board of directors REF STR

S1986 Pennacchio,J/Oroho,S+1 CBT revenues-allocates $10M for grants for certain lake management activities REF SEN

S1987 Bateman,C Public utilities & pipeline operators-reimburse mun., certain emergency services REF SEG

S1988 Bateman,C Affordable housing obligations-clarifies scope REF SCU

S1989 Holzapfel,J Elderly person, institutionalized-increased fines for abuse or exploitation REF SHH

S1990 Weinberg,L Government office, unsalaried-allows member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve REF STR

S1991 Weinberg,L Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative & Advisory Council on Arthritis-re-estab. REF SHH

S1992 Weinberg,L Firearm law-prohibit State-sponsored travel to states lacking permit to purchase REF SSG

S1993 Gopal,V Furlough, invol.-req. payment to State employees', late enactment of approp act REF SSG

S1994 Gopal,V Motorcycle license endorsement-issue to certain out-of-State military personnel REF SMV

S1995 Gopal,V Aircraft systems, unmanned-clarify crime of trespassing/invasion of privacy incl REF SLP

S1996 Gopal,V State benefit recipient-requires to comply with State and local requirements REF SEG

S1997 Gopal,V Main Street Economic Growth Prog-estab to encourage bus development in small mun REF SEG

S1998 Gopal,V Construction code, State-clarifies proper authority to administer and enforce REF SCU

S1999 Gopal,V Terms & conditions of contract w/federal gov-require contractor comply REF SSG

S2000 Gopal,V Ballot bearer-authorize combination of identification and documents to estab. ID REF SSG

S2001 Smith,B/Bateman,C Forest stewardship program-establishes for State-owned lands REF SEN

S2002 Lagana,J Substance abuse-authorizes appointment of limited guardian to direct treatment REF SHH

S2003 Lagana,J Mental health & substance use disorder patient-transfer to community resid fac REF SHH

S2004 Lagana,J Binary firearm triggers-establishes criminal penalties for sale and possession REF SLP

S2005 Weinberg,L State-sponsored travel-prohibits to certain states w/out discrimination prot. REF SSG

S2006 Cunningham,S Inmates participating in college degree programming-reduce parole eligibility REF SLP

S2007 Lagana,J Flood insurance premiums-adds to property tax levy cap exclusions increase REF SCU

S2008 Lagana,J Religious affiliation info-prohibits disclosure of cert religious by St agencies REF SSG

S2009 Lagana,J Fed. fds for St agencies-St Treasurer submit report to Leg identifying deadlines REF SSG

S2010 Lagana,J Federal funds, receipt-establish State Ombudsman to oversee application REF SSG

S2011 Ruiz,M/Gill,N Food labeling-containing genetically engineered material required REF SHH

S2012 Ruiz,M Civil Leadership Summer Prog.-Rutgers Univ-Camden & Rutgers Univ-Newark-estab/fd REF SHI

S2013 Ruiz,M Teachers & school leaders-estab task force, examine professional development req REF SED

S2014 Ruiz,M Lead in drinking water-health care facilities required to test and remediate REF SHH

S2015 Ruiz,M Teacher certification candidate-requires completion of technology training prog. REF SED

S2016 Kean,T Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year REF SED

S2017 Lagana,J DOC privatization contract-State Auditor required to review REF SLP

S2018 Lagana,J Employees of nonpublic schools-mandatory criminal history record checks REF SED

S2019 Lagana,J Veterans serving in fed. mil campaign who received a medal-extends cert benefits REF SMV

S2020 Gopal,V LGBTQ veterans-concerns benefits, update definition; DMVA develop review process REF SMV

S2023 Beach,J Defibrillator, automatic external-required at places of public assembly REF SHH

S2024 Beach,J Gold Star Family Member-co. clerk or register of deeds/mortgages issue ID card REF SMV

S2025 Beach,J Developmental Disab Division-make comprehensive program list available to public REF SHH

S2027 Cardinale,G/Beach,J 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction REF SED

S2078 Weinberg,L/Addiego,D Stillbirth Resource Center-establishes; expands professionals; approp $2.5M REF SHH

SCR91 Weinberg,L/Kean,T Games of chance-allow certain organizations use proceeds to benefit organization REF SSG

SCR92 Bateman,C Delaware River Basin wastewater-block rule, generated from hydraulic fracturing REF SEN

SCR93 Singer,R Motor vehicle fees & surcharges-dedicate portion of revenue to transit system REF STR

SCR94 Ruiz,M Immigration & Nationality Act-condemns considering credit reports in immigration REF SSG

SCR95 Ruiz,M Early Intervention System-urges to include at-risk infants or toddlers REF SHH

SCR96 Rice,R/Cunningham,S Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends State Constitution to prohibit REF SSG

SCR97 Lagana,J Veteran, civil service hiring-provide preference, received badge, medal, ribbon REF SMV

SCR101 Pou,N/Cruz-Perez,N Puerto Rico-urges Congress and President to permanently exempt from Jones Act REF SSG

SJR60 Weinberg,L Equal Rights Amendment-urge US Senate eliminate deadline for ratification REF SJU

SJR61 Bateman,C Every Kid Healthy Week-designates fourth week in April of each year REF SHH

SJR62 Lagana,J Suicide Prevention Week-designates calendar week that includes September 10th REF SHH

SR56 Pennacchio,J/Kean,T Special education aid-urges to fully fund for students in 2019-2020 fiscal year REF SED


A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste To Sa (Sarlo)

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste To Table Sa (21-18) (Weinberg)

SJR41 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D+3 Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year To Sa (Pennacchio)

SJR41 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D+3 Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year To Table Sa (25-15) (Weinberg)

Bills Passed:

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste (22-17)

S60 Singer,R/Singleton,T+6 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb (38-1)

S61 Singer,R/Singleton,T+5 Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember (40-0)

S108 Gill,N/Turner,S+3 Student freedom of expression-school district adopt a written policy (40-0)

S221 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities (25-12)

S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+3 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs (38-1)

S248 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Turner,S+2 Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas (24-13)

S278 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+6 Students w/military obligations-establish higher ed. instit. late registration (40-0)

S324 Sa (1R) Diegnan,P/Bucco,A+2 Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof (40-0)

S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations (29-10)

S806 Cunningham,S/Pou,N+4 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment (40-0)

S864 ScaSa (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2 Plastic carryout bags, polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use (22-14)

S957 Connors,C+5 Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance (40-0)

S961 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+5 Veteran programs and services-estab grant programs to recognize higher ed instit (40-0)

S964 Sa (1R) Vitale,J+3 Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop (40-0)

S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2 Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools (40-0)

S983 Singleton,T Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution (40-0)

S1016 Scs (SCS) Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide (33-6)

S1028 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+1 Amistad Comm-allocates but not in DOE; comm elect chairperson appt exec director (40-0)

S1194 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+5 Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M (38-0)

S1235 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+3 Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment (40-0)

S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+1 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements (31-6)

SCR53 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+3 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes (39-0)

SJR41 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D+3 Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year (31-0)

SJR55 Rice,R/Pou,N Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission-extends report deadline (40-0)

SR27 Sca (1R) Kean,T+4 Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ (Voice)

Bills Substituted:

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste SUB FOR S865 (1R)

S865 Sa (1R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste SUB BY A2371 (2R)

Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:

S683 Sa (1R) Ruiz,M Multiple dwelling owners w/at least 9 units-provide maintenance svc 24 hrs a day (22-0) (Ruiz)

S766 ScaSa (2R) Gopal,V/Pennacchio,J+1 Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants (29-0) (Gopal)

S775 Sa (1R) Scutari,N Rental unit owners and business owners-maintain liability insurance policy (23-0) (Scutari)

S865 Sa (1R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste (21-2) (Smith)

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S300 Pennacchio,J/Kean,T+1 Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report REP

S593 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Corrado,K Sexual assault-bars fund use & nondisclosure agreements settle St officer claims REP/SCA

S853 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Beach,J Buy American Act-highway & bridge construction contract made w/US steel products REP/SCA

S1017 Gopal,V/Lagana,J PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age REP

S1246 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Turner,S Dates, members of mun./county committees of political party take office-changes REP/SCA

S1367 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T Auth, bd, comm, council-deactivate if entity has not met at least once every yr REP/SCA

S1982 Sca (1R) Beach,J/Turner,S Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election REP/SCA

Bills Referred/SBA:

S1017 Gopal,V/Lagana,J PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age

Bills Transferred:

S486 Sacco,N/O'Scanlon,D License holder's personal information-prohibit State disclosure FROM SLP TO STR

S1147 Ruiz,M/Cruz-Perez,N Lead paint inspection-required prior to home purchase; estab. led hazard ed prog FROM SCU TO SEG

Co-Sponsors Added:

S60 (Addiego,D; Brown,C; Greenstein,L; Gopal,V; Madden,F; O'Scanlon,D) Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb

S61 (Addiego,D; Brown,C; Greenstein,L; Madden,F; O'Scanlon,D) Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember

S108 (Greenstein,L) Student freedom of expression-school district adopt a written policy

S115 (Pou,N; Stack,B) Immigrant Tenant Protection Act

S205 Scs (SCS) (Addiego,D) Megan's law-requires use of electronic mail for community notification

S228 (Addiego,D; Greenstein,L) School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs

S248 Sca (1R) (Pou,N) Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas

S278 Sca (1R) (Addiego,D; Diegnan,P; Greenstein,L; O'Scanlon,D) Students w/military obligations-establish higher ed. instit. late registration

S300 (Turner,S) Women-owned & minority-owned business-Purch & Prop Division issue annual report

S324 Sa (1R) (Gill,N; O'Scanlon,D) Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof

S330 (Turner,S) St. pensions-proh investment, req divestment in pub traded fossil fuel companies

S365 (Rice,R; Testa,M) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education

S462 (Bucco,A) Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act-establishes

S472 (Gill,N) Animal Cruelty Offender Registry-establishes

S566 Sca (1R) (Brown,C; Bucco,A) Homestead property tax reimbursement-revises criteria to establish base year

S598 Sca (1R) (Diegnan,P) Election workers-raise pay to $275 a day

S636 (Gill,N) Animal shelters-establishes additional requirements for operation and oversight

S688 Scs (SCS) (Pou,N) Pre-apprenticeship programs-enhances and allocates funds

S766 ScaSa (2R) (O'Scanlon,D) Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants

S806 (Greenstein,L; Turner,S) Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment

S864 ScaSa (2R) (Gill,N; Lagana,J) Plastic carryout bags, polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use

S874 (Gill,N) Animal adoption-concerns sourcing of animals; repeal Pet Purchase Protection Act

S878 (Gill,N) Rental property-landlord prov. tenant w/notice of conditions, causing damage/haz

S920 (Diegnan,P; Greenstein,L) Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing

S957 (Greenstein,L; Holzapfel,J; Bateman,C; Madden,F; Turner,S) Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance

S961 Sa (1R) (Addiego,D; Madden,F; Pou,N) Veteran programs and services-estab grant programs to recognize higher ed instit

S962 Sca (1R) (O'Scanlon,D) Recovery residence certification program-DCA approve credentialing entity devel.

S964 Sa (1R) (Addiego,D; Diegnan,P; Greenstein,L) Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop

S969 (Pou,N) Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools

S976 (Brown,C) Art in Storefronts-establish initiative within the Main Street NJ program

S989 (Cruz-Perez,N; Sacco,N; Singleton,T) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf

S990 (Turner,S) Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE

S993 (Gill,N; Turner,S) Non-teaching staff-submit to binding arbitration for a disciplinary action

S1016 Scs (SCS) (Turner,S) Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide

S1028 Sca (1R) (Greenstein,L) Amistad Comm-allocates but not in DOE; comm elect chairperson appt exec director

S1071 (Brown,C; O'Scanlon,D) Shore Protection Fund-increases amount annually credited to $50M

S1083 (Turner,S) Nurse, registered professional staffing standards-establish in hospitals

S1182 (Turner,S) Minority & Women-owned businesses-estab. division to promote State contracting

S1191 (Turner,S) Minorities and women in construction industry-concerns outreach and training

S1194 (Madden,F; Greenstein,L; Gopal,V; Pou,N) Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M

S1228 (Corrado,K) High sch graduate-conduct study, extent/cause of outmigration to out-of-St coll

S1230 (Corrado,K) Higher Education Funding Formula Commission-establishes

S1235 (Brown,C; Gill,N; Greenstein,L) Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment

S1370 (Addiego,D) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements

S1500 (Bucco,A) Students w/disab-sch security drills/emerg situations-req documentation of needs

S1517 (Turner,S) Hydraulic fracturing/nat. gas explor.-concerns drill cuttings/other byproducts

S1564 (Brown,C) Veterans Day-school districts required to observe as a school holiday

S1571 (Brown,C) Veterans, disabled-provides credits under CBT and income tax for qualified wages

S1586 (Turner,S) School library media specialist-requires certain ratios to students in pub. sch.

S1631 (Turner,S) Driving in unsafe manner conviction-clarify when penal points are to be assessed

S1639 (Brown,C) Transit Villages Act-mun promote intensive mixed-use devel close to mass transit

S1705 (Brown,C) Controlled Dangerous Substances Act-add illicit fentanyls to Schedule 1

S1726 (Turner,S) Cosmetics products-prohibits sale when tested on animals

S1866 Scs (SCS) (Diegnan,P) St contracts for service-disabled vet-owned business-estab price preference prog

S1891 (Turner,S) Vineyards, wineries-provides tax credits from qualified capital expenses

S1928 (Gill,N) Public school districts-concerns subcontracting agreements

S1957 (Bucco,A; Kean,T; O'Scanlon,D; Singleton,T) Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.-supports activities

S1971 (Gill,N) Gestating pig-establish animal cruelty offense of cruel confinement

S1986 (Sweeney,S) CBT revenues-allocates $10M for grants for certain lake management activities

SCR49 (Turner,S) 9-1-1 System & Emergency Response Trust Fund Account-dedicate money to 9-1-1 sys

SCR53 (Greenstein,L; Pou,N) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes

SCR69 (Brown,C) Law enforcement officer, permanent disability-$250 property tax deduction

SCR77 (Brown,C) Military disability income-exclude from income limit for property tax deduction

SCR85 (Turner,S) Volunteer fire fighter/first aid squad member residence-$200 property tax credit

SJR25 (Bucco,A) Pharmacogenomics Commission-establishes

SJR36 (Singleton,T) Domestic Violence & Legal Access Task Force-establishes; study unmet legal needs

SJR41 Sca (1R) (Gopal,V; Greenstein,L; Pou,N) Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year

SR15 (Oroho,S) Natl Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986-US Health/Human Svcs fulfill obligations

SR27 Sca (1R) (Greenstein,L; Pou,N; Ruiz,M) Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ

Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:

S704 (Beach,J) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears

Co-Prime Sponsors Added:

S221 (Greenstein,L) Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities

S248 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas

S421 (Stack,B) Business personal property, local exchange telephone companies-local taxation

S704 (Beach,J) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears

S755 (Gill,N) Senior freeze reimbursement-converts program into credit program

S766 ScaSa (2R) (Pennacchio,J) Chloe's Pet Access Law-permits dogs in outdoor seating areas of restaurants

S806 (Pou,N) Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment

S895 (Cruz-Perez,N) Tax collectors-concerns certification in collection of property taxes

S897 (Sarlo,P) Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice

S956 (Stack,B) Veteran's property tax exemption-extends to tenant shareholders in co-ops

S1016 Scs (SCS) (Bateman,C) Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide

S1057 (Greenstein,L) Child care centers-requires test and remediation for lead and disclose results

S1091 (Singleton,T) Restaurant Meals Program-estab in DHS; use SNAP benefits at approved restaurants

S1178 (Turner,S) Breakfast after the bell-establish incentive fund

S1196 (Cruz-Perez,N) Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes

S1246 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) Dates, members of mun./county committees of political party take office-changes

S1265 (Turner,S) False public alarms-includes crime as form of bias intimidation

S1310 (Stack,B) Retirement systems, State-administered-reinstate automatic COLA, retirement benf

S1322 (Addiego,D) Police officer eval.-prohibits from considering number of arrests or citations

S1351 (Beach,J) Implanted medical device-voluntarily make notation on drivers license or ID card

S1373 (Greenstein,L) Driver's license fee-requires MVC to prorate for certain individuals

S1448 (Turner,S) Light frame residential construction-establish fire safety and protocols

S1482 (Turner,S) Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies

S1514 (Turner,S) Distillery license-restricted, operate restaurant in Garden St Growth Zone

S1523 (Singleton,T) Municipal liens on residential property-facilitates ID cert seniors/disab person

S1591 (Brown,C) Alcoholic beverages-allows consumption outdoors in AC Tourism District

S1615 (Beach,J) Meal prog-sch dist take action to increase participation in free/reduced priced

S1634 (Cardinale,G) Fireman certificates & membership-raises maximum eligibility age

S1637 (Turner,S) Housing Choice Vouchers Program, federal, pre-application-continuously maintain

S1642 (Turner,S) Homeless shelters, emergency-prohibits from conditioning provision

S1726 (Pou,N) Cosmetics products-prohibits sale when tested on animals

S1840 (Singleton,T) Economic incentive recipient-required to pay penalty for nonperformance

S1860 (Madden,F) Emergency Medical Technician Training Fund-revises eligibility criteria

S1889 (Turner,S) Women-State agencies post Internet links to programs and services

S1891 (Beach,J) Vineyards, wineries-provides tax credits from qualified capital expenses

S1892 (Beach,J) Domestic Violence Tuition Waiver Program-establishes

S1896 (Beach,J) Retrofitted Green Building Tax Credit Act

S1899 (Beach,J) Green Building Tax Credit Act

S1903 (Beach,J) National Guard memb active duty status-elim vet income tax deduction requirement

S1966 (Kean,T) Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases-enters NJ

S1982 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election

SJR24 (Kean,T) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week-designates September 7-13 each year

SJR55 (Pou,N) Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission-extends report deadline

Third Prime Sponsors Added: S1986 (Bucco,A) CBT revenues-allocates $10M for grants for certain lake management activities

S2027 (Kean,T) 180-day school year requirement-permits use of virtual or remote instruction

SCR101 (Ruiz,M) Puerto Rico-urges Congress and President to permanently exempt from Jones Act

Co-Sponsor Added to Bills Substituted: A2371 AcaAca (2R) (Greenstein,L) Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

Prime Sponsor Added to Bills Substituted: A2371 AcaAca (2R) (Smith,B) Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

Second Prime Sponsor Added to Bills Substituted: A2371 AcaAca (2R) (Bateman,C) Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

The Senate President has made the following appointments: *Effective March 3, 2020 Joint Committee on Public Schools:

Senator Michael L. Testa, Jr. (1) 

The Senate President has made the following reappointments:

*Effective February 27, 2020 New Jersey Human Relations Council - Exec Committee: Anthony Cureton, of Englewood.

The Senate Minority Leader has made the following appointment: *Effective March 3, 2020 School District Annual Election Study Commission: Elizabeth Thompson, of Milford.

Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr., of Mountainside.

The Senate adjourned at 6:45 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 16, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled to meet).



Bills Introduced:

A3591 Zwicker,A Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness REF ASL

A3592 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A Suspensions, multiple-meeting req between student & appropriate school personnel REF AED

A3593 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A Rental property-landlord prov. tenant w/notice of conditions, causing damage/haz REF AHO

A3594 Zwicker,A/DeCroce,B Board of chosen freeholders-change title to board of county commissioners REF ASL

A3595 Timberlake,B/McKnight,A National School Lunch and breakfast programs-establish online applications REF AED

A3596 Mosquera,G/Vainieri Huttle,V Human trafficking victim-provides for vacate and expunge REF AJU

A3597 Peters,R/Stanfield,J School Funding Commission-study school funding formula & prepare report REF AED

A3598 Bramnick,J/Vainieri Huttle,V Street gang initiation ritual-establishes crime of participation REF ALP

A3599 Dunn,A Anti-bullying specialist & district anti-bullying coordinator-serve as full-time REF AED

A3600 Dunn,A Sch. crossing guard or student pedestrian-increases penalties for injuring REF AED

A3601 Quijano,A/McKnight,A Amistad Comm-allocate in, not of DOE; elect chairperson appt exec director;$400K REF AED

A3602 Quijano,A Cannbidiol labeling, marketing, & sale-adopt regulations; prohibit sale to minor REF AOF

A3603 Quijano,A Prescription Drug Consumer Transparency Act REF ACO

A3604 Quijano,A Free Means Free Act-prohibits misleading advertising of free products REF ACO

A3605 Quijano,A Paper bills and notices-prohibits insurers, SHBP and SEHBP from charging fee REF AFI

A3606 Quijano,A Law Enforcement Handler-Canine Training-establishes REF ALP

A3607 Quijano,A Amber Alert-codify AG recommendations for issuing when family memb abducts child REF AWC

A3608 Quijano,A Towed motor vehicles-requires MVC to establish registry REF ATR

A3609 Quijano,A Nonpublic school nursing service-includes administration of medication REF AED

A3610 Quijano,A Polling places-directs Secretary of State to study wait times REF ASL

A3611 Quijano,A+1 Menstrual products-requires ingredients be listed on package REF AWC

A3612 Quijano,A+1 Hearing aids-requires health insurance to provide coverage REF AFI

A3613 Quijano,A Human capital investment-prov. credits against CBT & income taxes for employers REF ACE

A3614 Quijano,A Notary public appointment or renewable-accept electronic application fee REF ASL

A3615 Quijano,A Parking within safety zone designated for school bus use-increases penalty REF ALP

A3616 Quijano,A Recording telephone conversations-give notice prior to recording REF AJU

A3617 Quijano,A Residential tenancy security deposit-requires actions to recover REF AHO

A3618 Quijano,A/Mazzeo,V+1 Fire hydrant inspect, maintain and repair-required in planned real estate devel. REF ACD

A3619 Houghtaling,E Farming activity complaints-award farmer, defending against bad faith complaints REF AAN

A3620 Quijano,A+1 Discriminatory housing practices-inclusion of info. in Truth in Renting Guide REF AHO

A3621 Quijano,A Police and private outdoor video surveillance camera company-agreement approval REF ASL

A3622 Quijano,A Campus Sexual Assault Commission-makes changes to membership & responsibilities REF AHI

A3623 Quijano,A Landlords-prohibit accepting housing assistance from other states REF AHO

A3624 Quijano,A Nonprofit Security Grant Pilot Program;$5M REF ACD

A3625 Zwicker,A/Conaway,H+1 Biometric information-imposes moratorium on collection by public entities REF AST

A3626 Dunn,A Corporation, registered agent-establishes penalties for naming w/out consent REF AFI

A3627 Dunn,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Health care providers-req cost disclosure, apply cert restrict. for med supplies REF AFI

A3628 Lopez,Y Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REF AHI

A3785 Greenwald,L/Mazzeo,V Electronic Construction Procurement Act-concerns public contracts REF ASL

A3801 Mukherji,R Alarm system-limits authority of mun. to impose assessments for false alarms REF AJU

ACR155 Quijano,A Drinking water-urges DEP adopt standards for contaminants REF AEN

AJR146 Quijano,A Equal Rights Amendment-urge US Senate eliminate deadline for ratification REF AHU

AJR147 Quijano,A Longshoremen's register-urges to accept applications for new employee inclusion REF ALA

AJR149 Quijano,A Women's National Team-urges US Soccer Federation provide equal pay & conditions REF ALA

AR136 DiMaso,S/Vainieri Huttle,V Mental health report-boards of education urged to adopt recommendations REF AED

Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

A277 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Karabinchak,R Pharmaceutical manufacture-disclose financial & investment interest and benefits REP/ACA

A314 Danielsen,J/Holley,J Payroll check cashing practices-financial institutions required with proper ID REP

A637 Caputo,R/Dancer,R+2 Sports pools operators-revises permit and license REP

A1257 Schaer,G/Timberlake,B+1 Public venues & places of worship-submit emerg plans to law enforcement agencies REP

A1286 Aca (1R) Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R+1 Immigrants obtaining professional & occupational licenses-permits undocumented REP/ACA

A1635 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Downey,J Medical marijuana-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REP/ACA

A2106 Aca (1R) Swain,L/Tully,P+5 Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REP/ACA

A2280 Aca (1R) Armato,J/Murphy,C+1 Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral REP/ACA

A2281 Armato,J/Mazzeo,V+7 SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline REP

A2339 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Benson,D+2 Cable television-incl cert fees/charges for svc in advertised price to consumers REP/ACA

A2340/2489 Acs (ACS) Moriarty,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Mobile service providers, commercial-prohibits disclosing customer's GPS data REP/ACS

A2355 Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers REP

A2462 Benson,D/Moriarty,P+3 Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards REP

A2471 Benson,D/Webber,J Good Samaritan injured at scene of accident-insurance company provide coverage REP

A2480 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Wirths,H+1 Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REP/ACA

A2635 Moriarty,P Consumer loan application-motor vehicle dealer required to provide REP

A2636 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Wimberly,B Affordable housing units-concerns online marketing REP/ACA

A2669 Aca (1R) Mukherji,R Motor vehicle ancillary production products-concerns; expands definition REP/ACA

A2719 Downey,J+2 Elderly person, institutionalized-increased fines for abuse or exploitation REP

A2765 Houghtaling,E State logo, official-changes designation, denote manufacture of product in NJ REP

A3628 Lopez,Y Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REP

ACR32 Jimenez,A Radiologist assistants-encourages regulations to authorize practice REP

AJR22 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month-designates March REP

AJR27 Chiaravalloti,N/Holley,J County College Month-designates April REP

AR86 Quijano,A/Vainieri Huttle,V Eyeglasses, hearing aids, & dentures-memorializes to provide Medicare coverage REP

AR90 Mosquera,G/Murphy,C State of NJ - NJ Business Portal website-raise awareness in business community REP

S619 ScaAca (2R) O'Scanlon,D Medical cannabis-permits authorization thru telemedicine & telehealth REP/ACA

S908 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+1 Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req REP/ACA

S960 Sca (1R) Rice,R Student financial aid-parent prov. information to Higher Ed. Student Asst. Auth. REP

S971 Aca (1R) Lagana,J/Cunningham,S+2 Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image REP/ACA

Bills Reported Referred/AAP:

A655 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Danielsen,J+2 Senior citizens-DHS ensure distribution concerning risks and prevention of fraud REP/ACA REF AAP

A793 Verrelli,A/Mejia,P+4 Juvenile offender-Juvenile Justice Commission estab an arts education pilot prog REP REF AAP

A895 Giblin,T/Timberlake,B Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REP REF AAP

A1079 Aca (1R) Speight,S/Pintor Marin,E+4 Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training REP/ACA REF AAP

A1194 Zwicker,A Chiropractic-provides for temporary travel license to practice REP REF AAP

A1431 DeCroce,B/Zwicker,A+8 Modern manuf bus-provide assistance, St agencies promote devel, concerns careers REP REF AAP

A2396 Aca (1R) Wimberly,B/Timberlake,B Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender REP/ACA REF AAP

A2549 Schaer,G Health care claims data-requires certain providers, SHBP, SEHBP disclose to DOBI REP REF AAP

A2624 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Holley,J+2 Manufacturing reinvestment account program-incentivize workforce training REP/ACA REF AAP

A2858 Schaer,G State pension funds & Cash Management Fund-expand range of investment vehicles REP REF AAP

A3062 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Moen,W+1 Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes REP/ACA REF AAP

Bills Combined:

A2489 Quijano,A+1 Mobile service providers-prohibits from disclosing customer's location data COMB/W A2340 (ACS)

Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:

S60 Singer,R/Singleton,T+6 Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb REF AMV

S61 Singer,R/Singleton,T+5 Prof lic/application fees-concerns spouse/dependent of active duty servicemember REF AMV

S108 Gill,N/Turner,S+3 Student freedom of expression-school district adopt a written policy REF AED

S221 Diegnan,P/Greenstein,L Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities REF ACO

S228 Diegnan,P/Ruiz,M+3 School bus, electric-powered-EDA establish loan program for certain costs REF ATR

S248 Sca (1R) Singleton,T/Turner,S+2 Low-income housing tax credits, fed.-allocate portion to high-opportunity areas REF AHO

S278 Sca (1R) Kean,T/Cunningham,S+6 Students w/military obligations-establish higher ed. instit. late registration REF AMV

S324 Sa (1R) Diegnan,P/Bucco,A+2 Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof REF ATR

S562 Madden,F/Addiego,D+1 Wage and hour law-increases certain penalties for violations REF ALA

S806 Cunningham,S/Pou,N+4 Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment REF AHI

S864 ScaSa (2R) Smith,B/Greenstein,L+2 Plastic carryout bags, polystyrene & single-use straws-prohibits use REF AEN

S957 Connors,C+5 Veterans-municipal development trust funds be spent on affordable assistance REF AMV

S961 Sa (1R) Singleton,T/Cruz-Perez,N+5 Veteran programs and services-estab grant programs to recognize higher ed instit REF AMV

S964 Sa (1R) Vitale,J+3 Disabled person's residence-mun establish reserved parking zone on adjacent prop REF AHU

S969 Ruiz,M/Turner,S+2 Teacher loan redemption prog.-redeem amounts to assist in low performing schools REF AED

S983 Singleton,T Tax abatement agreements-municipalities file copies w/in 10 days of execution REF ASL

S1016 Scs (SCS) Smith,B/Bateman,C+1 Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide REF AAN

S1028 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S+1 Amistad Comm-allocates but not in DOE; comm elect chairperson appt exec director REF AED

S1194 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T+5 Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M REF AHE

S1235 Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+3 Veterans, disabled-exempts from municipal parking meter fee payment REF AMV

S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+1 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements REF ALA

SCR53 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+3 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes REF ALP

SJR41 Sca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Addiego,D+3 Gun Violence Awareness Day-designates June 2 of each year REF AHS

SJR55 Rice,R/Pou,N Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission-extends report deadline REF ASL

Bills Transferred:

A681 Vainieri Huttle,V/McKnight,A+12 Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting FROM ALA TO ASE

Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A2756 Dunn,A Death penalty for persons who commit certain murders-restores FROM AJU

Co-Sponsors Added:

A150 (Webber,J) Safe Haven for Protection of Domestic Companion Animals Act

A169 (McKeon,J) Student journalist at public schools-concerns speech rights

A204 (Scharfenberger,G) Arson investigator's powers, municipal-broadens

A376 (DeCroce,B) Mental health screening, annual-require health insurance coverage

A517 (Dunn,A) Pregnant women-notify if insurance coverage, not subject to 48 hr maternity law

A545 (Tucker,C; Giblin,T) Landlord-crime of renting to illegal occupancy which causes death of a person

A639 (DiMaso,S) Shore Protection Fund-increases amount annually credited to $50M

A681 (Speight,S; Gove,D) Age discrimination-expands scope of law prohibiting

A959 (Verrelli,A) Hepatitis C-hospital labs, bio-analytical or clinical labs offer tests

A1004 (Chiaravalloti,N) WorkAbility Program-increase hourly limit of reimb. personal care assistant svcs

A1049 (Holley,J; Reynolds-Jackson,V) Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing

A1060 (Vainieri Huttle,V) State form-modernize to incorp. new standards for collection of sex/gender info

A1079 Aca (1R) (Holley,J; Timberlake,B; Danielsen,J) Health care professionals-undergo implicit bias training

A1110 (Stanfield,J) Elder abuse in domestic settings-clarifies

A1116 (Zwicker,A) Small wireless facility deployment-provides for uniform regulation

A1137 (Stanfield,J) Health care plans-offered by SEHBP and local boards of education

A1255 (Scharfenberger,G) Religious services-establish security plan; select 1 person to carry handgun

A1421 (Pinkin,N) Strangling victim, domestic violence-concerns pretrial detention

A1459 Aca (1R) (Holley,J; Jimenez,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; Pinkin,N) Children's products-prohibits sale containing lead, mercury or cadmium

A1632 Aa (1R) (Johnson,G) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears

A1741 (Holley,J; Calabrese,C) Children's meals-restaurants provide healthy beverages

A1747 (Holley,J) School dress code or uniform policy-prohibit school dist from denying admittance

A1760 (Murphy,C) Consumer Access to Health Care Act-elim advanced practice nurse to prescribe med

A1960 (Webber,J) Desecrating any public monument, insignia, symbol or structure-incr. penalties

A1961 (Murphy,C) Madalyn's Law-toxic shock syndrome, install age-appropriate signs in ladies room

A2060 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Calabrese,C) Campaign contrib-allow use for child care expense related to campaign activities

A2106 Aca (1R) (Lopez,Y) Fair Play Act-allows collegiate student-athletes earn comp, use of name or image

A2189 (Houghtaling,E) Liberty St. Park Protection Act; estab. Advisory Committee & DEP related actions

A2212 (Zwicker,A) Environmental permits in burdened communities-concerns

A2280 Aca (1R) (Verrelli,A) Substance use disorder treatment fac-proh paying fee or commissions for referral

A2281 (Holley,J; Danielsen,J; Speight,S) SNAP application process for senior citizens-streamline

A2316 (Calabrese,C) Physical therapy-permits dry needling under certain circumstances

A2317 (Tucker,C; Giblin,T) PFRS-enhances the death benefit for surviving spouse, elig. after effective date

A2340/2489 Acs (ACS) (Webber,J) Mobile service providers, commercial-prohibits disclosing customer's GPS data

A2416 (Dunn,A) Home repair and functional improvements-allows income tax deduction

A2462 (Danielsen,J; Holley,J; Timberlake,B) Service contracts w/automatic renewal-establish notification standards

A2487 (McKnight,A; Murphy,C; Verrelli,A) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf

A2488 (DeCroce,B) Generic prescription drugs-prohibits excessive increases in prices charged

A2544 (Swain,L) Civics instruction in middle schools-board of education required to provide

A2562 (Timberlake,B) PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age

A2607 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Chaparro,A; Tucker,C; Taliaferro,A) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements

A2617 (Verrelli,A) Injured worker who has reached maximum medical improvement-concerns employment

A2624 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Chiaravalloti,N) Manufacturing reinvestment account program-incentivize workforce training

A2664 (Danielsen,J; Holley,J) Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact

A2719 (Danielsen,J) Elderly person, institutionalized-increased fines for abuse or exploitation

A2750 (Schepisi,H) Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent

A2763 (Dunn,A) New Voter Empowerment Act-permits cert 17 year olds to vote in primary elections

A2770 (Chiaravalloti,N) Home health aide services-increases hours provided to individual w/disabilities

A2771 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Benson,D) Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible

A2772 (Chiaravalloti,N) Medicaid benefits-concerns recipients remote participation in meetings

A2775 Aca (1R) (Peterson,E) Wineries on preserved farmland-pilot program authorizing special occasion events

A2809 (Webber,J) Parole revocation-requires for assaulting or threatening law enforcement officer

A2843 (Swain,L) Vote-employers required to provide paid leave to employees

A2850 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act-concerns public community water systems

A2852 (Pinkin,N) Advanced cyberinfrasture strategic plan-develop

A2864 (DePhillips,C; Wirths,H) Algal blooms-authorize use of CBT revenues for grants for prevention/remediation

A2867 (DiMaio,J) Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation

A2957 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Youth Sports Task Force-examine issues incl. abusive coaching & bullying players

A3059 (Houghtaling,E) Wine Promotion Account-increases dedication of certain revenues

A3062 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C) Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes

A3064 (Verrelli,A) Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes

A3137 (Vainieri Huttle,V) MVC database-check Social Security Admin. records and mark deceased persons

A3146 (McKeon,J) Disability law and etiquette-requires training for State employees

A3149 (Vainieri Huttle,V; Verrelli,A) Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing

A3152 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Smoking in the automobile when children are present-prohibits

A3193 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Parental rights-clear evidence of assault, child visitation, provide termination

A3194 (Jimenez,A) Ticket Consumer Choice Act

A3259 (Murphy,C) Sonographers-requires licensure

A3265 (Chiaravalloti,N) Personal Care Assistance Task Force-establish in Department of Human Services

A3266 (Chiaravalloti,N) Medicaid-req. managed care organizations to notify beneficiaries of max coverage

A3283 (Benson,D) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection

A3303 (Murphy,C) Independent contractors-concerns comp earned according to work terms agreed upon

A3328 (Murphy,C) Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction

A3363 (Murphy,C) Crime victims-expands rights

A3365 (Murphy,C) Law Against Discrimination-amends to include crime victims as protected status

A3377 (Murphy,C) Senior citizen housing proj-landlord prov written explanation for rent increase

A3387 (Murphy,C) Transit Villages Act-mun promote intensive mixed-use devel close to mass transit

A3389 (Murphy,C) Sharing of services-encourages; makes appropriations

A3392 (Murphy,C) Student representative-be appointed to board of education of school district

A3394 (Timberlake,B) Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school

A3395 (Murphy,C) Asst housing accommodations, non-public rentals-expand provisions of Discrim Law

A3548 (Murphy,C) Adolescent depression screenings-requires health benefits coverage

A3550 (Chaparro,A; Speight,S; Pintor Marin,E; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Jasey,M) Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE

A3561 (Dunn,A) History Property Reinvestment Act-prov. credits against taxes, rehab hist. prop.

A3589 (Murphy,C) Gender Pay Discrimination Study Commission-establishes

A3611 (McKnight,A) Menstrual products-requires ingredients be listed on package

A3612 (McKnight,A) Hearing aids-requires health insurance to provide coverage

A3618 (Armato,J) Fire hydrant inspect, maintain and repair-required in planned real estate devel.

A3620 (McKnight,A) Discriminatory housing practices-inclusion of info. in Truth in Renting Guide

A3625 (Carter,L) Biometric information-imposes moratorium on collection by public entities

ACR55 (Dunn,A) People's Republic of China-condemns abuses against Falun Gong practitioners

ACR66 (Peters,R; Stanfield,J) 9-1-1 System & Emergency Response Trust Fund Account-dedicate money to 9-1-1 sys

ACR80 (Verrelli,A; Tully,P; Clifton,R; Moen,W) Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights

ACR98 (Munoz,N) Article V Convention-limit certain powers of federal govt. & terms of office

ACR145 (Danielsen,J) Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends Constitution to prohibit

AJR17 (Space,P) Home-Schooling Month-designates May of each year

AJR39 (Zwicker,A) Manufacturing Week-designates first week of October of each year

AJR117 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Say Something Week-designates week of February 24 through March 2 of each year

AJR120 (Timberlake,B) Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April

AJR131 (Murphy,C; Timberlake,B) Caregivers Awareness Month-designates November of each year

AJR133 (Timberlake,B) Preeclampsia Awareness Month-permanently designates May

AJR136 (Timberlake,B) Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week-designates second week of June of each year

AJR137 (Timberlake,B) Individualized Education Plan Awareness Month-designates May of each year

AR12 (Dunn,A) Organ harvesting from political prisoners-denounces People's Republic of China

AR111 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Local businesses and organizations-urges residents to shop locally and support


Prime Sponsors Added:

A2867 (Bramnick,J) Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation

Second Prime Sponsors Added:

A331 (Stanfield,J) Set-Aside Act for Disabled Veterans' Businesses-removed principal place bus. req

A610 (Peters,R) Marijuana, medical-exempts from sales and use tax for sales

A655 Aca (1R) (Danielsen,J) Senior citizens-DHS ensure distribution concerning risks and prevention of fraud

A739 (Murphy,C) Police officers, certain-affords civil immunity

A743 (Webber,J) Homicide, crime-imprison for committing more than 1 crime upon place of worship

A1090 (Dancer,R) Disabled veteran, totally/permanently-provide income tax credit for rent

A1095 (Verrelli,A) Disab.-req. accessible public restroom facilities be equipped w/signs reserving

A1106 (Stanfield,J) Jr Firefighter Auxiliary members-promulgate reg pertaining to training/duties

A1109 (Dancer,R) Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb

A1112 (Dancer,R) Interstate Medical Licensure Compact-NJ enters into

A1121 (Dancer,R) Veteran of US or organized militia misrepresentation-upgrades certain crimes

A1257 (Timberlake,B) Public venues & places of worship-submit emerg plans to law enforcement agencies

A1440 (Dunn,A) Highlands Water Prot, Planning Act-repeals planning & env permitting provisions

A2034 (Dunn,A) Pol. party affiliation-decreases from 55 to 21 days to change, prior to primary

A2284 (Armato,J) County ordinances-permits transmittal of certain proposed by electronic mail

A2301 (Zwicker,A) Economic Devel. Authority-augment State's investment in tech start-ups;$25M

A2315 (DeAngelo,W) Cottage food products-permits and establishes requirements for sale

A2418 (Moen,W) Prescription Drug Affordability Board-establishes

A2471 (Webber,J) Good Samaritan injured at scene of accident-insurance company provide coverage

A2616 (Dancer,R) Joint McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst- Rt. 539 overpass project;$2M

A2621 (Stanfield,J) Military, active duty-allows $250 gross income tax deduction

A2624 Aca (1R) (Holley,J) Manufacturing reinvestment account program-incentivize workforce training

A2801 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Utility work-provide notice of certain utility work that could impact traffic

A2819 (Holley,J) Mortgage Assistance Pilot Program-establishes

A2839 (Conaway,H) Suicides by minors-requires reporting of certain attempted and completed

A2852 (Chiaravalloti,N) Advanced cyberinfrasture strategic plan-develop

A2857 (Johnson,G) Film production facility-provides CBT and income tax credit, cert capital invest

A2864 (Jasey,M) Algal blooms-authorize use of CBT revenues for grants for prevention/remediation

A2891 (Zwicker,A) Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act

A2892 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Restaurant Meals Program-estab in DHS; use SNAP benefits at approved restaurants

A2907 (Wirths,H) Plant species, endangered in NJ-concerns

A2940 (Giblin,T) Vessel registration and renewal fees, dedicate $500K annually, Greenwood Lake Fd

A2956 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Firearm possession during pub. demonstration, causing civil disorder-estab crime

A2963 Aa (1R) (Tully,P) Government office, unsalaried-allows member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve

A2993 (Peterson,E) Jersey Canned Goods Program-establish to promote canned goods, food grown in NJ

A2994 (Dancer,R) Jersey Frozen Foods Prog-estab to promote frozen fruit & other goods grown in NJ

A2996 (Dancer,R) Alcoholic beverage price list-revises certain licensee filing requirements

A2997 (Dancer,R) Farm wineries-create alternating proprietorship for production

A2998 (Dancer,R) Plenary winery licensees-exempts filing req imposed, litter-generating products

A2999 (Peterson,E) Student-athlete injury, lost athletic scholarship-institution prov. equivalent

A3059 (Murphy,C) Wine Promotion Account-increases dedication of certain revenues

A3087 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Green Building Tax Credit Act

A3089 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Juror disqualification-prohibits based on gender ID or sexual orientation

A3090 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Baccalaureate degree-higher ed. instit required to offer accelerated 3-year prog

A3093 (Verrelli,A) Elderly relative-$3K income tax deduction for taxpayers providing home care

A3099 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Stalking-creates a civil cause of action

A3103 (Quijano,A) Drones-contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation of fourth degree crime

A3104 (Quijano,A) Drones-retailers required to provide FAA safety guidelines to consumers

A3110 (Verrelli,A) Emergency shelters-establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures

A3112 (Verrelli,A) School buses, newly-purchased-equip with air conditioning and heating systems

A3116 (Verrelli,A) Health care service provider-limits rescheduling, cancellation and no-show fees

A3119 (Verrelli,A) Shopping centers, distressed-allows CBT credit as incentive for redevelopment

A3134 (Verrelli,A) Contractors-concern registration & sets criteria, responsible bidder in pub work

A3136 (Verrelli,A) Housing projects, for-sale-extends prevailing wage requirements

A3145 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Highly acute devel. disab. person-exception rates, programmatic & staffing req.

A3146 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disability law and etiquette-requires training for State employees

A3147 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Five-year housing advisory plan-establishes

A3149 (Greenwald,L) Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing

A3150 (Dancer,R) Military spouse-extend validity of temporary instructional certificate to 1 year

A3151 (Vainieri Huttle,V) State forms & documents-requires replacement for certain terms

A3155 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Discrim, unlawful-denial of svc based on person's disab by domestic viol shelter

A3157 (Vainieri Huttle,V) School breakfast/lunch bill in arrears-provide anti-stigmatization protections

A3158 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Substance use-secondary schools annually conduct written/verbal screening prog.

A3159 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Nurses, advanced practice-tuition reimbursement who provide home health care svc

A3163 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Michael Fischer Law-defibrillators required at youth athletic events

A3166 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Animal, domestic companion-bars provision in decedent's will, req. euthanasia

A3167 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Craft distilleries-authorizes direct shipping

A3173 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Library Network for continuation of services;$750K

A3176 (Karabinchak,R) Anti-hazing policy-higher education institutions & nonpublic high schools adopt

A3177 (Verrelli,A) Residential foreclosed vacant and abandoned property-creditor maintain interior

A3191 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Autistic person-voluntarily make notation on driver's lic, ID card & MV registry

A3192 (Dancer,R) Sex offender registration-expand regis. req., include human trafficking crimes

A3203 (Murphy,C) Veteran, psych fac-excludes benefits from calculation of financial obligations

A3206 (Murphy,C) Expanded Addiction Initiative-co-occurring mental health/substance use disorder

A3217 (Mejia,P) Special needs person-voluntarily make a notation on driver's license/ID card

A3218 (Mejia,P) Caller ID information manipulation-may constitute cyber-harassment and stalking

A3226 (Murphy,C) Pet adoption fees-waived for certain military personnel and veterans

A3227 (Murphy,C) Disabled-revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities

A3229 (Murphy,C) Mental health facilities and legal settlements-updates certain provisions

A3256 (Giblin,T) Historic motor vehicles-permits pleasure driving 1 day per week

A3283 (Johnson,G) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection

A3297 (Benson,D) Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M

A3301 (McKeon,J) Pharmaceuticals-requirements, State entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements

A3303 (Johnson,G) Independent contractors-concerns comp earned according to work terms agreed upon

A3342 (Timberlake,B) Motor vehicle recalls-repair required prior to sale

A3351 (Murphy,C) Drivers Distractions Task Force-creates; impact road and highway safety

A3378 (Murphy,C) Newborn safety devices-newly constructed police stations provide

A3386 (Tucker,C) Police and firefighters-establish a 5 year residency requirement

A3387 (Kennedy,J) Transit Villages Act-mun promote intensive mixed-use devel close to mass transit

A3388 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost

A3457 (Benson,D) Health benf plan-carrier prov new/existing subscriber w/hosp contract expiration

A3471 (Chaparro,A) Tax collectors-concerns certification in collection of property taxes

A3476 (Benson,D) Developmental disab individual-DHS develop/purchase electronic health record sys

A3535 (Murphy,C) Disab person, senior citizen & others w/mobility needs-NJT implement ed svc prog

A3544 (Johnson,G) Mass transit improvements-permits municipalities require developers make contrib

A3547 (Timberlake,B) Student prone to regression-individualized ed program devel prog, consider staff

A3549 (Murphy,C) Marie H Katzenbach Sch For the Deaf Task Force-study issues/make recommendations

A3560 (Murphy,C) Implanted medical device-voluntarily make notation on drivers license or ID card

ACR23 (Stanfield,J) Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief-requires programs be fully funded

ACR132 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Family Violence Prevention and Services Act-urges to reauthorize

ACR134 (Jasey,M) Eviction Crisis Act, 2019/Family Stability & Opportunity Voucher Act, 2019-enact

ACR145 (Timberlake,B) Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends Constitution to prohibit

AJR12 (Stanfield,J) Neon yellow-designates official color to raise awareness of suicide among vets.

AJR22 (Murphy,C) Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month-designates March

AJR27 (Holley,J) County College Month-designates April

AJR102 (Dancer,R) Healthy Pollinators Task Force-establishes; address pollinator health problem

AJR103 (Pinkin,N) Personal Carbon Footprint Awareness Day-designate April 22 of each year

AJR120 (Tucker,C) Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April

AJR123 (Timberlake,B) Elder Abuse Awareness Day-designates June 15 of each year

AJR125 (Timberlake,B) Day of the Girl-designates October 11 of each year

AJR129 (Quijano,A) Rule of Evidence amendments-cancels; concerns scope of cross-examination

AJR132 (Murphy,C) Distracted Walking Awareness Month-designates September of each year

AR90 (Murphy,C) State of NJ - NJ Business Portal website-raise awareness in business community

AR107 (Wirths,H) Vision 2030-oppose certain parts for Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

AR127 (Timberlake,B) Complete streets policy-urges municipalities implement, improve quality of life

Second Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:

A2140 (Wirths,H) Health care service firms-revise requirements for financial information reports

A2867 (DiMaio,J) Prop tax, State-deduct amount paid on principal resid from income tax obligation

Third Prime Sponsors Added:

A655 Aca (1R) (Speight,S) Senior citizens-DHS ensure distribution concerning risks and prevention of fraud

A895 (Jasey,M) Higher ed. instit.-NJBEST, award in any semester of attendance or enrollment

A1090 (Stanfield,J) Disabled veteran, totally/permanently-provide income tax credit for rent

A1109 (Armato,J) Military Pro Bono Program-provide legal representation, active-duty service memb

A1257 (Danielsen,J) Public venues & places of worship-submit emerg plans to law enforcement agencies

A1431 (Holley,J) Modern manuf bus-provide assistance, St agencies promote devel, concerns careers

A2196 (Calabrese,C) St. pensions-proh investment, req divestment in pub traded fossil fuel companies

A2284 (Webber,J) County ordinances-permits transmittal of certain proposed by electronic mail

A2396 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C) Juvenile legal representation-expands Office of Public Defender

A2418 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Prescription Drug Affordability Board-establishes

A2480 Aca (1R) (Schepisi,H) Real estate developments-clarify assessment payment & election participation req

A2562 (Chaparro,A) PFRS members-prov retirement allowance after 20 yrs of service regardless of age

A2607 (Giblin,T) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements

A2617 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Injured worker who has reached maximum medical improvement-concerns employment

A2624 Aca (1R) (Karabinchak,R) Manufacturing reinvestment account program-incentivize workforce training

A2649 (McKnight,A) Nursing homes-provide training to staff in behavioral health issues

A2664 (McKnight,A) Medicaid reimbursement rate change on nursing homes-estab comm to study impact

A2763 (Holley,J) New Voter Empowerment Act-permits cert 17 year olds to vote in primary elections

A2770 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Home health aide services-increases hours provided to individual w/disabilities

A2771 (Chiaravalloti,N) Professional services, direct support-persons between 18-21 w/disab are eligible

A2772 (Benson,D) Medicaid benefits-concerns recipients remote participation in meetings

A2801 (Rooney,K) Utility work-provide notice of certain utility work that could impact traffic

A2843 (McKnight,A) Vote-employers required to provide paid leave to employees

A2861 (Mosquera,G) FamilyCare-elim. req. to be w/out health insur. for 3 months prior to enrolling

A2885 (Webber,J) Count the Kicks-estab. campaign; ed pregnant women, track unborn child movements

A2891 (Danielsen,J) Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act

A2963 Aa (1R) (Swain,L) Government office, unsalaried-allows member of Bd of Public Utilities to serve

A2994 (Peterson,E) Jersey Frozen Foods Prog-estab to promote frozen fruit & other goods grown in NJ

A3059 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Wine Promotion Account-increases dedication of certain revenues

A3062 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Financial Empowerment Pilot Program, three year-establishes

A3064 (Zwicker,A) Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes

A3093 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Elderly relative-$3K income tax deduction for taxpayers providing home care

A3103 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Drones-contain geo-fencing technology; makes violation of fourth degree crime

A3104 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Drones-retailers required to provide FAA safety guidelines to consumers

A3110 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Emergency shelters-establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures

A3116 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Health care service provider-limits rescheduling, cancellation and no-show fees

A3149 (Freiman,R) Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing

A3157 (Kennedy,J) School breakfast/lunch bill in arrears-provide anti-stigmatization protections

A3176 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Anti-hazing policy-higher education institutions & nonpublic high schools adopt

A3191 (Stanfield,J) Autistic person-voluntarily make notation on driver's lic, ID card & MV registry

A3256 (Benson,D) Historic motor vehicles-permits pleasure driving 1 day per week

A3265 (Tucker,C) Personal Care Assistance Task Force-establish in Department of Human Services

A3266 (Speight,S) Medicaid-req. managed care organizations to notify beneficiaries of max coverage

A3283 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection

A3369 (Karabinchak,R) Asian Heritage-establish Commission in DOE

A3386 (Pintor Marin,E) Police and firefighters-establish a 5 year residency requirement

A3388 (Murphy,C) Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost

A3457 (Murphy,C) Health benf plan-carrier prov new/existing subscriber w/hosp contract expiration

A3592 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suspensions, multiple-meeting req between student & appropriate school personnel

A3593 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Rental property-landlord prov. tenant w/notice of conditions, causing damage/haz

A3595 (Vainieri Huttle,V) National School Lunch and breakfast programs-establish online applications

ACR134 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Eviction Crisis Act, 2019/Family Stability & Opportunity Voucher Act, 2019-enact

ACR145 (Speight,S) Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends Constitution to prohibit

AJR27 (Murphy,C) County College Month-designates April

AJR35 (Pinkin,N) Better Hearing and Speech Month-designates May of each year

AJR103 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Personal Carbon Footprint Awareness Day-designate April 22 of each year

AJR120 (Dancer,R) Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April

Notes to the 2/24/20 Digest:

Co-Sponsor Added:

A1443 (Rooney,K) Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners

Third Prime Sponsor Added:

A1443 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners

Third Prime Sponsor Withdrawn:

A1443 (Rooney,K) Suicide prevention training-required for mental health practitioners

The Assembly adjourned at 5:28 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 16, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “C” and “D” scheduled to meet).

Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

A2371 AcaAca (2R) Kennedy,J/Pinkin,N+1 Food waste generators, large-required to separate and recycle waste

Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/25/2020):


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