Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (June 18th):
The Senate did not meet. The Senate will meet on Monday, June 22, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Senate President).
Bills Introduced:
A4277 Reynolds-Jackson,V Early Innovation Inspiration School Grant Pilot Program-establish 4 year REF AED
A4278 Reynolds-Jackson,V CBT & income tax credit-allows bus. providing annual physical/mental screenings REF ACE
A4279 Schaer,G Personal protective equipment manufacturers-concerns immunity REF AJU
A4280 Karabinchak,R Pet groomer-req. licensing & registration, certain other businesses REF ARP
A4281 Benson,D/Murphy,C Vet. disab. compensation-exclude income qualification limit under prop tax reimb REF AMV
A4282 Karabinchak,R/Pinkin,N+1 Nursing homes & personal protection equipment-maintain supply for residents REF ASE
A4283 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Law enforcement disciplinary records-makes accessible as government record REF ACD
A4284 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Strangulation chokehold-establishes crime REF ACD
A4285 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+1 Deadly force-establish that law enforcement officer who chokes another utilizes REF ACD
A4286 Wimberly,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V "No-knock" warrant-prohibit issuance & execution of at residences REF ACD
ACR181 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Emerg. orders, rules, regs effective period-constit amendment, limits to 14 days REF ASL
AR168 Bramnick,J Governor Murphy's violation of executive order-finds deeply concerning REF ASL
A4147 Bergen,B/Dancer,R+16 State of emergency-concerns the issuance of certain orders, rules & regulations Order of the day (Bramnick)
A4147 Bergen,B/Dancer,R+16 State of emergency-concerns the issuance of certain orders, rules & regulations To Table (Greenwald) (Voice)
Bills Passed:
A299 Mazzeo,V/Armato,J+1 Alcoholic beverages-allows consumption outdoors in AC Tourism District (78-0-0)
A744 Aa (1R) Johnson,G/Holley,J+4 Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies (78-0-0)
A1049 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/Quijano,A+16 Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing (73-5-0)
A1076 Speight,S/McKnight,A+5 AG-collect, record, analyze & report cert prosecutorial & criminal justice data (78-0-0)
A1897/4269 Acs (ACS) Wimberly,B/Quijano,A+6 Marijuana-decriminalizes possession of 10 grams or less and personal use amount (63-10-5)
A1906/4230 Acs (ACS) Wimberly,B/Lopez,Y+10 Police, false report-includes as bias intimidation; false 911 call-estab. crime (78-0-0)
A2394 Wimberly,B/Johnson,G+9 Law enforcement agencies-establish minority recruitment and selection programs (70-3-5)
A2456 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Murphy,C+5 Access Link paratransit svc user-elig/enrolled in motor bus discounted fare prog (78-0-0)
A2964 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A+1 Foreclosed property-notify municipality and common interest community (78-0-0)
A3641 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Murphy,C+9 Law enforcement officers-mandatory cultural diversity & implicity bias training (76-0-2)
A4201 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Greenwald,L+1 Ambulatory care facility gross receipts assessment payment-defers 9 months (78-0-0)
A4227 AcaAca (2R) Coughlin,C/Quijano,A+2 School graduation-ensures insurance coverage for certain persons in July 2020 (78-0-0)
A4263 Sumter,S/Holley,J+7 Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in (72-1-5)
A4275 Sumter,S/Timberlake,B+2 Juror source lists-expands category of lists from which list is compiled (76-1-0)
S908 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+2 Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements (76-1-1)
S1055 Stack,B/Mukherji,R+1 Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion (50-27-1)
S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+11 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements (63-6-8)
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Sarlo,P/Ruiz,M+13 Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019 (56-17-5)
S2437 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+5 Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg. (75-1-2)
SCR53 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes (77-0-0)
Bills Substituted:
S908 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Oroho,S+2 Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements SUB FOR A2480 (1R)
S1055 Stack,B/Mukherji,R+1 Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion SUB FOR A3659
S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+11 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements SUB FOR A2607
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Sarlo,P/Ruiz,M+13 Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019 SUB FOR A4142 (ACS)
S2437 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+5 Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg. SUB FOR A3978 (1R)
SCR53 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+12 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes SUB FOR ACR92
A2480 Aca (1R) Murphy,C/Wirths,H+1 Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements SUB BY S908 (1R)
A2607 DeAngelo,W/Egan,J+10 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements SUB BY S1370
A3659 Vainieri Huttle,V/Mukherji,R Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion SUB BY S1055
A3978 Aca (1R) DiMaso,S/Quijano,A+4 Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg. SUB BY S2437 (1R)
A4142 Acs (ACS) Lampitt,P/Jasey,M+7 Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019 SUB BY S2383 (SCS/1R)
ACR92 Pintor Marin,E/Lopez,Y+9 Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes SUB BY SCR53
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A801 Verrelli,A/Houghtaling,E+8 Labor and emp. law viol.-req business seeking to perform St contract to disclose REP
A1670 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Pinkin,N Voting system, electronic-requires vendor disclose finan. ties prior to approval REP/ACA
A3591 Aca (1R) Zwicker,A/Benson,D+4 Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness REP/ACA
A3785 Greenwald,L/Mazzeo,V Electronic Construction Procurement Act-concerns public contracts REP
A4190 Acs (ACS) Schepisi,H/Burzichelli,J+19 Entertainment and retail activity-permits during current public health emergency REP/ACS
S2085 Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+1 Electronic Construction Procurement Act-concerns public contracts REP
S2522 Scs (SCS) Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S+6 Entertainment and retail activity-permits during current public health emergency REP
Co-Sponsors Added:
A268 (Pinkin,N) Sexual assault-bars fund use & nondisclosure agreements settle St officer claims
A299 (Spearman,W) Alcoholic beverages-allows consumption outdoors in AC Tourism District
A744 Aa (1R) (Quijano,A; Pinkin,N; Webber,J; McKnight,A) Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies
A1049 Aca (1R) (Calabrese,C; Verrelli,A; Armato,J; Mazzeo,V) Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act-transfer to affordable housing
A1076 (Quijano,A; Wimberly,B; Johnson,G) AG-collect, record, analyze & report cert prosecutorial & criminal justice data
A1135 (Pinkin,N) Nonprofit hospital w/for-profit medical on-site provider-restore prop tax exemp
A1329 (Timberlake,B) Alien/illegal alien-replace reference w/foreign & undocumented foreign nationals
A1482 (Tully,P; Benson,D) Fair Repair Act-concerns repairs to certain consumer electronics
A1897/4269 Acs (ACS) (Jasey,M; Verrelli,A; Johnson,G) Marijuana-decriminalizes possession of 10 grams or less and personal use amount
A1906/4230 Acs (ACS) (Jasey,M; Quijano,A; Verrelli,A; Conaway,H; Webber,J; Johnson,G) Police, false report-includes as bias intimidation; false 911 call-estab. crime
A2070 (Johnson,G) Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide
A2394 (Verrelli,A; Reynolds-Jackson,V; Quijano,A; Danielsen,J; Jasey,M; Tucker,C) Law enforcement agencies-establish minority recruitment and selection programs
A2456 Aca (1R) (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Quijano,A; Pinkin,N; Freiman,R) Access Link paratransit svc user-elig/enrolled in motor bus discounted fare prog
A2636 Aca (1R) (Speight,S) Affordable housing units-concerns online marketing
A2964 (Calabrese,C) Foreclosed property-notify municipality and common interest community
A3108 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Evictions-enhances use of breach of implied warranty of habitability defense
A3109 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality
A3149 (Pinkin,N) Timothy J. Piazza's Law-expands scope of activities constituting hazing
A3176 (Pinkin,N) Anti-hazing policy-higher education institutions & nonpublic high schools adopt
A3641 (Tucker,C; Quijano,A; McKnight,A; Wimberly,B; Johnson,G) Law enforcement officers-mandatory cultural diversity & implicity bias training
A3978 Aca (1R) (Mazzeo,V; Freiman,R; Jimenez,A) Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
A4044 (Thomson,E) Howell House-designates as Harriet Tubman Museum, Cape May NJ
A4142 Acs (ACS) (Benson,D; Jimenez,A) Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019
A4147 (Bramnick,J) State of emergency-concerns the issuance of certain orders, rules & regulations
A4190 Acs (ACS) (Armato,J; Mazzeo,V) Entertainment and retail activity-permits during current public health emergency
A4201 Aca (1R) (Verrelli,A) Ambulatory care facility gross receipts assessment payment-defers 9 months
A4227 AcaAca (2R) (Mejia,P; Jasey,M) School graduation-ensures insurance coverage for certain persons in July 2020
A4235 (Chaparro,A; Spearman,W; Carter,L) Public health emergency credits-award to certain inmates during pub health emerg
A4260 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Armed Forces reserve and a NJ resident-provides tuition benefits
A4263 (Quijano,A; Zwicker,A; Swain,L; Tully,P; Carter,L; McKnight,A) Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in
A4267 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Govt. buildings & coronavirus 2019-develop social distancing signage to display
A4272 (Tucker,C; Holley,J) Civilian review board-establishes to review complaints against police
A4275 (Conaway,H) Juror source lists-expands category of lists from which list is compiled
A4282 (Murphy,C) Nursing homes & personal protection equipment-maintain supply for residents
A4285 (Murphy,C) Deadly force-establish that law enforcement officer who chokes another utilizes
ACR92 (Verrelli,A; McKnight,A; Jasey,M; Swain,L) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
AJR169 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Girl Scout Leader Appreciation Day-designates April 22
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
A3591 Aca (1R) (Dunn,A) Voting by mail-permits county clerk to remove voters; increase public awareness
A4185 (Timberlake,B) Clean Energy Equity Office-estab; direct programs for overburdened communities
Prime Sponsor Added:
A4034/4226 Acs (ACS) (Timberlake,B) Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A1484 (Murphy,C) Strategic Lawsuit Against Pub Participation-auth application for dismissal
A1670 Aca (1R) (Pinkin,N) Voting system, electronic-requires vendor disclose finan. ties prior to approval
A3108 (Jasey,M) Evictions-enhances use of breach of implied warranty of habitability defense
A3109 (Jasey,M) Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality
A4034/4226 Acs (ACS) (Wimberly,B) Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
A4220 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Rental unit, short-term-clarify residential occupancy regs apply during COVID-19
A4227 AcaAca (2R) (Quijano,A) School graduation-ensures insurance coverage for certain persons in July 2020
A4247 (Vainieri Huttle,V) COVID-19 Frontline Mental Health Claims Program-establishes; makes approp.
A4248 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Pandemic PTSD Task Force, temporary-establishes
A4253 (Pinkin,N) Clinincal labs & electronic med record companies-include gender, race, ethnicity
A4263 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in
A4267 (Conaway,H) Govt. buildings & coronavirus 2019-develop social distancing signage to display
A4268 (Karabinchak,R) Employees, unsafe working conditions-permit to refuse to work during st of emerg
A4275 (Timberlake,B) Juror source lists-expands category of lists from which list is compiled
AR75 (Jasey,M) Fossil fuel companies-urges legal action for harms caused by climate change
Second Prime Sponsors Withdrawn:
A3983 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Name change-require criminal backround check; prohibits persons convicted
A4263 (Holley,J) Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A744 Aa (1R) (Conaway,H) Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies
A850 (Reynolds-Jackson,V) Community Broadband Study Commission-establishes
A2964 (Pinkin,N) Foreclosed property-notify municipality and common interest community
A3108 (Speight,S) Evictions-enhances use of breach of implied warranty of habitability defense
A3109 (Mukherji,R) Landlord-tenant court records-establishes confidentiality
A4034/4226 Acs (ACS) (McKnight,A) Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
A4227 AcaAca (2R) (Wimberly,B) School graduation-ensures insurance coverage for certain persons in July 2020
A4259 (Zwicker,A) Mail-in ballots, voted-allows office of municipal clerk receive by hand delivery
A4263 (Wimberly,B) Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in
A4267 (Karabinchak,R) Govt. buildings & coronavirus 2019-develop social distancing signage to display
A4275 (Wimberly,B) Juror source lists-expands category of lists from which list is compiled
A4282 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Nursing homes & personal protection equipment-maintain supply for residents
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added:
A744 Aa (1R) (Wimberly,B) Law enforce agency-prov internal affair/personnel file of police, other agencies
A4034/4226 Acs (ACS) (Speight,S) Resid prop owner/tenant prot, emerg impact-mortgage forbearance & rent reduction
A4185 (Timberlake,B) Clean Energy Equity Office-estab; direct programs for overburdened communities
A4263 (Holley,J) Deadly force-clarifies law enforce. knowingly chokes another person engages in
Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S908 Aca (1R) (Murphy,C) Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements
S1055 (Mukherji,R) Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion
S1370 (DeAngelo,W) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) (Lampitt,P) Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019
S2437 Sca (1R) (DiMaso,S) Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
SCR53 (Pintor Marin,E) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
Second Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S908 Aca (1R) (Wirths,H) Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements
S1055 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion
S1370 (Egan,J) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) (Jasey,M) Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019
S2437 Sca (1R) (Quijano,A) Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
SCR53 (Lopez,Y) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
Third Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S908 Aca (1R) (Schepisi,H) Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements
S1370 (Giblin,T) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) (Vainieri Huttle,V) Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019
S2437 Sca (1R) (Dunn,A) Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
SCR53 (Quijano,A) Commission on Reentry Services for Women-establishes
Fourth Prime Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S1370 (Verrelli,A) Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
Co-Sponsors Added to Bills Substituted:
S908 Aca (1R) (Space,P) Real estate developments-clarifies association assessment payment requirements
S1370 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Chaparro,A; Taliaferro,A; Houghtaling,E; Murphy,C; Downey,J; Wimberly,B; Sumter,S; Carter,L; Jimenez,A) Public works
projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) (Schepisi,H; Speight,S; Giblin,T; McKeon,J; Spearman,W; Benson,D; Jimenez,A) Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for
students impacted by coronavirus 2019
S2437 Sca (1R) (Mejia,P; Mazzeo,V; Freiman,R; Jimenez,A) Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
SCR53 (Reynolds-Jackson,V; Vainieri Huttle,V; Speight,S; Carter,L; Timberlake,B; Verrelli,A; McKnight,A; Jasey,M; Swain,L) Commission on Reentry
Services for Women-establishes
The Assembly adjourned at 3:31 P.M. to meet again on Monday, June 22, 2020 (QUORUM, Committees at the Call of the Speaker).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
S1055 Stack,B/Mukherji,R+1 Affordable residential rental units-qualified municipalities prohibit conversion
S1370 Sweeney,S/Scutari,N+11 Public works projects-revises definition to permit project labor agreements
S2383 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Sarlo,P/Ruiz,M+13 Bridge Year Pilot Program-establish for students impacted by coronavirus 2019
S2437 Sca (1R) Gopal,V/Cryan,J+5 Food takeout & delivery, third-party-limits service fees during state of emerg.
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (6/15/2020):