Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (February 15th):




Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


Colonel Mark Anthony Piterski, of River Vale.



Joel M. Weisblatt, of Skillman, to replace Dr. P. Kelly Hatfield.


Bills Introduced:

S1846    Turner,S    Prof svc contract, cert-concern awarding   REF STR

S1847    Turner,S    Medical marijuana-sales tax exemp.   REF SHH

S1848    Turner,S    FamilyCare-elim. waiting period   REF SHH

S1849    Turner,S    Pol Committees-req. contrib disclosure   REF SSG

S1850    Turner,S    Consumer reporting agency-concerns   REF SCM

S1851    Turner,S    St. mileage reimb.-set at IRS rate   REF SSG

S1852    Turner,S    Snowmobile-penal., illegal operation   REF STR

S1853    Turner,S    Hist. Trenton-auth. lic. plates   REF STR

S1854    Turner,S    Gun free zone-estab., cert. sch. prop.   REF SLP

S1855    Turner,S    Restricted mun. parking spaces-estab.   REF SCU

S1856    Turner,S    Implanted med. device-driv. lic notation   REF STR

S1857    Turner,S    Thomas Alva Edison-desig. St. Inventor   REF SSG

S1858    O'Scanlon,D    Police, fire aribitration proc-changes   REF SLP

S1859    Cruz-Perez,N    Animal cruelty viol-concerns housing   REF SEG

S1860    Cruz-Perez,N    Animal rescued from mv-immunity   REF SEG

S1861    Cruz-Perez,N    Winery lic.-revises acreage req.   REF SLP

S1862    Cruz-Perez,N    Craft distillery lic.-auth. issuance   REF SLP

S1863    Gill,N    Pharmacy benf. mgmt. co.-reg.   REF SCM

S1864    Gill,N    Pedestrian, Bike Safety Advisory Council   REF STR

S1865    Weinberg,L    Prescription drugs-health benf. coverage   REF SCM

S1866    Cryan,J    Advertising camp., higher ed.-concerns   REF SHI

S1867    Cryan,J    Health care entities-concenrs contracts   REF SLA

S1868    Cryan,J    Home restoration contractors-req regis   REF SCM

S1869    Scutari,N    Alarm business signs/decals-proh. sale   REF SCM

S1870    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+5    Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities   REF SHH

S1871    Beach,J    Vet, cert-estab prog, prov travel assist   REF SMV

S1872    Codey,R    Mun dedicated charitable fd-concerns   REF SCU

S1873    Sarlo,P/Kean,T+2    Retir. PFRS PERS memb.-vol. concerns   REF SSG

S1874    Ruiz,M    Breast cancer awareness-estab. lic plate   REF STR

S1875    Ruiz,M    Farming grant/loan prog.-estab. in NJEDA   REF SEG

S1876    Ruiz,M/Corrado,K    Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat   REF SED

S1877    Vitale,J    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   REF SCM

S1878    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   REF SCM

S1879    Diegnan,P    Homestead prop. tax deduct.-expanses   REF SCU

S1880    Diegnan,P    St., co. coll bd of trustees-adds 2 emp.   REF SHI

S1881    Diegnan,P    Energy tax receipts-pay directly to mun.   REF SCU

S1882    Diegnan,P    Energy Tax Receipts Prop. Tax Relief   REF SCU

S1883    Weinberg,L    Haz materials trans by rail-cleanup plan   REF STR

S1884    Singleton,T    Domestic viol victim-concerns cell phone   REF SJU

S1885    Singleton,T    Bundle pymt pilot prog.-estab.   REF SHH

S1886    Singleton,T    Approved testing vendors-devel. lists   REF SED

S1887    Singleton,T    Career, tech ed cert pilot prog-concerns   REF SLA

S1888    Singleton,T    Drinking water supply-facilitate devel.   REF SEN

S1889    Singleton,T/Oroho,S    Prevailing wage requirements-concerns   REF SLA

S1890    Singleton,T    Prepaid accounts-concerns   REF SCM

S1891    Singleton,T    Advanced care planning-Medicaid coverage   REF SHH

S1892    Weinberg,L    Sunshine Litigation Act-estab.   REF SJU

S1893    Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S    Charitable fds-mun., sch. dist. estab.   REF SBA

S1894    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.   REF SED

S1895    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report   REF SED

S1896    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Sch. lunch, student denied-report req.   REF SED

S1897    Ruiz,M/Turner,S    Summer meal prog.-expands   REF SED

S1898    Cruz-Perez,N    Bus. startup prog.-creates EDA devel.   REF SEG

S1899    Beach,J/Ruiz,M    Bus accelerator incubator network-grants   REF SEG

SJR52    Turner,S    Youth Smoking Prev. Awareness-desig. May   REF SHH

SJR53    Ruiz,M    Paraprof Sch Related Personnel Day-desig   REF SED

SR51    Turner,S    Chronic pain-adopt CDC opioid guidelines   REF SHH

SR52    Turner,S    Gun crime-urges expeditious disposition   REF SLP


Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:

S1    Sweeney,S/Gopal,V+2    Local unit sharing of svcs.-encourage   REP

S57 Sca (1R)    Singleton,T/Oroho,S+1    Surplus Gross Income Tax Rev Acct.   REP/SCA

S332    Cruz-Perez,N    All-terrain veh.-concerns crimes   REP

S359 Sca (1R)    Rice,R/Gill,N+2    Clean Energy Tech. Center-estab.   REP/SCA

S430 Sca (1R)    Pou,N    Real estate lic., cert.-concerns   REP/SCA

S431    Pou,N/Codey,R    Dry needling-physical therapists perform   REP

S495 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M    Maternal Mortality Review Comm.   REP/SCA

S596    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Electric power net metering-concerns   REP

S647 ScsSca (SCS/1R)    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N    Mail-in ballots-reg voters, receive auto   REP/SCA

S692    Ruiz,M/Sarlo,P+1    Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary   REP

S781    Sarlo,P+1    Movers and warehousemen-revise penal.   REP

S784    Sarlo,P/Oroho,S+1    Atty.'s fees-income tax excl.   REP

S846 ScaScs (SCS)    Turner,S/Cruz-Perez,N+4    UEZ desig.-extend for addl. 10 yrs.   REP/SCS

S878    Madden,F/Sweeney,S    Income tax agreement reciprocal-concerns   REP

S883 Sca (1R)    Sacco,N/Stack,B    Humane St. lic. plate-auth.   REP/SCA

S976 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REP/SCA

S1206 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Food waste recycling-concerns   REP/SCA

S1208 Sca (1R)    Beach,J/Oroho,S+1    Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments   REP

S1519    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S+2    Transp Trust Fund Auth-$165.9 M   REP

S1692    Greenstein,L    Amino acid-based formula-insur. cover   REP

S1784    Weinberg,L    Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage   REP

S1786    Weinberg,L/Stack,B    Hosp Maternity Care-devel. report card   REP

S1793 Sca (1R)    Smith,B    Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.   REP/SCA

S1870    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M+5    Child Fatality Bd.-racial desparities   REP

S1877 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J    Health Insur Market Preservation Act   REP/SCA

S1878 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab   REP/SCA

S1893    Sarlo,P/Sweeney,S    Charitable fds-mun., sch. dist. estab.   REP

SCR96    Codey,R/Vitale,J    Hagedorn Gero-Psych Hosp.-Urges   REP

SJR23    Bucco,A.R.    Rare Disease Awareness Day-Feb, last day   REP

SJR39    Weinberg,L    Bleeding Disorders Awareness Mo.-March   REP


Bills Referred/SBA:

S359 Sca (1R)    Rice,R/Gill,N+2    Clean Energy Tech. Center-estab.

S430 Sca (1R)    Pou,N    Real estate lic., cert.-concerns

S431    Pou,N/Codey,R    Dry needling-physical therapists perform

S495 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Ruiz,M    Maternal Mortality Review Comm.

S781    Sarlo,P+1    Movers and warehousemen-revise penal.

S976 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act

S1206 Sca (1R)    Smith,B/Bateman,C+1    Food waste recycling-concerns

S1692    Greenstein,L    Amino acid-based formula-insur. cover

S1784    Weinberg,L    Doula care-prov. Medicaid coverage

S1786    Weinberg,L/Stack,B    Hosp Maternity Care-devel. report card

S1877 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J    Health Insur Market Preservation Act

S1878 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Singleton,T    Health Insur Premium Security Act-estab


Bills Transferred:

S1    Sweeney,S/Gopal,V+2    Local unit sharing of svcs.-encourage   FROM SCU TO SBA

S1692    Greenstein,L    Amino acid-based formula-insur. cover   FROM SHH TO SCM


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

S1543    Madden,F    Steel constr. contractors-estab. lic.   FROM SSG

S1681    Van Drew,J    Inmates, cert.-pay incarceration costs  FROM SLP

S1814    Turner,S    Tuition Aid Grant prog.-cert. undergrad.   FROM SHI


The Senate President has made the following re-appointments:


*Effective February 6, 2018


Joint Committee on Housing Affordability:

Senator Ronald L. Rice (28)
Senator Jeff Van Drew (1)
Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez (5)
Senator Samuel D. Thompson (12)
Senator Christopher J. Connors (9)


The Senate Minority Leader has made the following appointment:


*Effective February 15, 2018


Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission:


Donald A. DiGioia, Esq., of Emerson.


The Senate adjourned at 7:30 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, February 22, 2018 (QUORUM/Committee Groups “3” and “4” scheduled to meet).




Bills Introduced/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:

AJR93    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R    Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April

AJR94    Greenwald,L/Mukherji,R    Sikh Day-desig. April 14th


Bills Introduced:

A3383    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Baby-changing station-install, restrooms   REF AWC

A3384    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Women-post prog and svcs internet links   REF AWC

A3385    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Newborn infants-concerns safe placement   REF AWC

A3386    Murphy,C    Sch. breakfast prog.-expands   REF AAN

A3387    DePhillips,C    Svc of process-concern gated communities   REF AJU

A3388    Eustace,T    Moose's Law-proh viol. working w/animals   REF AAN

A3389    Eustace,T/Lagana,J    St Forestry Svcs-transfer, Dept of Agric   REF AAN

A3390    Rumpf,B/Gove,D    MVC database-concerns changes   REF ATR

A3391    DeCroce,B/Johnson,G    Criminal Injuries Comp.-makes changes   REF AJU

A3392    Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B    Bingo games-auth. use in pub. bldg.   REF ATG

A3393    McGuckin,G    Flood insur.-concerns   REF AFI

A3394    McGuckin,G    Anticancer oral med-limits upfront costs   REF AFI

A3395    McGuckin,G    Pub. sch. dist.-subcontract agreements   REF ALA

A3396    McGuckin,G    Dwelling units, foreclosure-maintain   REF AHO

A3397    Bucco,A.M./DeCroce,B+1    Elected off.-proh. dual health coverage   REF ASL

A3399    DeCroce,B    Trenton-evacuation rts., emerg situation   REF AHS

A3400    DeCroce,B    Transp. Heritage Ctr.-estab   REF ATR

A3401    Clifton,R/Dancer,R    Solicitation-incl. consumer fraud viol.   REF ACO

A3402    Munoz,N    Human trafficking-estab ed/pub info prog   REF AWC

A3403    Rumpf,B/Gove,D    Forest firefighters-estab. death benf.   REF ASL

A3404    Rumpf,B/Gove,D    Fuel tax. cert.-income tax. deduct.   REF AAP

A3405    Rumpf,B/Gove,D    Forest firefighter death benf.-estab.   REF ALP

A3406    Wolfe,D    Preg. women-estab. police training   REF AWC

A3407    Wolfe,D    Chosin Few Memor Hwy-desig portion Rt.35   REF AMV

A3408    Armato,J/Lampitt,P+1    Suicide prev-sch personnel training prog   REF AED

A3409    Armato,J    Restricted mun. parking spaces-estab.   REF ASL

A3410    Mazzeo,V/Armato,J    Tipped Wage Worker Prot. Act   REF ALA

A3411    Murphy,C    Manufacturing reinvestment acct. prog.   REF ACE

A3412    Johnson,G    Opioid Prev. & Rehab. Prog. Fd.-estab.   REF AHE

A3413    Johnson,G    Wage info-emp. req. disclose   REF ALA

A3414    Thomson,E    PFRS-transfers mgmt to Bd. of Trustees   REF ASL

A3415    DeAngelo,W    Fishing lic.-free, cert. ret. Natl Guard   REF AAN

A3416    DeAngelo,W    Vol. first aid squad-warning lights use   REF ALP

A3417    DeAngelo,W    Talent Network Prog.-estab.   REF ALA

A3418    DeAngelo,W    Emp misclassification-estab. commission   REF ALA

A3419    Pintor Marin,E    Site remediation-concerns   REF AEN

A3420    Pintor Marin,E    Prevailing wage laws-concerns amounts   REF ASL

A3421    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E    Jake Honig's Law-dispense med. marijuana   REF AHE

A3422    Quijano,A    Driv manual-cert language req on website   REF ATR

A3423    Quijano,A    Amber Alert-AG issue recommendations   REF AJU

A3424    Quijano,A    Mail-in ballot application-polling place   REF AJU

A3425    Quijano,A    Tongue tie-newborn infant screening req.   REF AWC

A3426    Quijano,A    Parkinson's Disease Pub. Awareness Act   REF AHE

A3427    Quijano,A    Jury svc.-clarify excuse for mil.   REF AJU

A3428    Webber,J/DeCroce,B    Prop. rights-concerns time frames   REF AJU

ACR150    Dancer,R    Bonds, annual approp.-voter approval   REF ASL

ACR151    McGuckin,G    Sandy flood insur. claims-investigate   REF AFI

ACR152    McGuckin,G    Sandy flood insur. claims-investigate   REF AFI

ACR153    McGuckin,G    Hurricane Sandy victims-claim losses   REF ABU

AJR82    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Preeclampsia Awareness Mo.-desig. May   REF AWC

AJR83    Mosquera,G    Caregivers Awareness Mo.-desig. November   REF AWC

AJR84    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Pregnancy/Infant Loss Remembrance Mo.   REF AWC

AJR85    Mosquera,G    Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Mo.   REF AHE

AJR86    Quijano,A    Electoral system-urges cert protection   REF ASL

AR122    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Diaper purch. prog.-urges leg.   REF AWC

AR123    Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P    Diaper Need Awareness Week-desig   REF AWC

AR124    Mosquera,G    National Guard, enhance-Cong. pass leg.   REF AMV

AR125    Mosquera,G    Student debt-allows cert. discharge   REF AHI

AR126    Tucker,C    Police equip w/body camera-enact leg.   REF ALP

AR127    Tucker,C    USS Liberty Rememberance Day-June 8   REF AMV

AR128    Tucker,C    Viol.-declares pub. health crisis   REF AHE

AR129    Quijano,A    Gun, st. reg.-Cong. oppose infringing   REF ALP

AR130    Quijano,A    Fiduciary rule-reverse delay   REF AFI



A1212 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Gusciora,R+12    Greenhouse Gas Initiative-clarify intent   To Aa (Carroll)

A1212 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Gusciora,R+12    Greenhouse Gas Initiative-clarify intent   To Table (47-26-0) (Greenwald)

A3114    Benson,D/DeCroce,B+3    Transp Trust Fund Auth-$165.9 M   To Aa (Carroll)

A3114    Benson,D/DeCroce,B+3    Transp Trust Fund Auth-$165.9 M   To Table (46-21-0) (Greenwald)

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   To Aa (Handlin)

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   To Table (41-26-0) (Greenwald)

S120    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36    Family planning svcs;$7.453M   To Aa (Schepisi)

S120    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36    Family planning svcs;$7.453M   To Table (46-26-0) (Greenwald)


Bills Passed:

A268    Kean,S/Egan,J+2    P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate   (71-0-0)

A769 Aca (1R)    Caputo,R/Giblin,T+14    Age-appropriate sexual abuse curriculum   (73-0-0)

A839 Aca (1R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+12    Offshore drilling for oil-concerns   (72-1-0)

A1027    Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+7    False pub. alarms-bias intimidation   (72-0-0)

A1044    Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+4    Homestead prop. tax reimb. prog-concerns   (72-0-0)

A1053    Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+4    Agric. lands-revise/expand trespass laws   (70-0-1)

A1212 Aca (1R)    McKeon,J/Gusciora,R+12    Greenhouse Gas Initiative-clarify intent   (48-24-0)

A1522    Zwicker,A/Benson,D+7    Internet purch. transactions-safe area   (70-1-1)

A1683    Dancer,R/Benson,D+18    Energy slamming practices-incr. penal.   (72-0-0)

A2023    Coughlin,C/Benson,D+3    CATV svc. outage credits-concerns   (69-1-0)

A2041 Aca (1R)    Coughlin,C/Holley,J+4    Econ Redevel Growth Grant Bond Finan Act   (65-6-0)

A2182    DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B+4    Electrical contractor's lic-concerns   (65-7-0)

A2184    Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+1    Sickle cell trait diagnoses-registry   (63-4-4)

A2187    Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+5    Playground-co design/construct inclusive   (71-0-0)

A2189    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+8    Distributing explicit images-concerns   (73-0-0)

A2190    Lampitt,P/Downey,J+5    Consent, physical contact-req instruct   (72-0-0)

A3114    Benson,D/DeCroce,B+3    Transp Trust Fund Auth-$165.9 M   (63-9-0)

A3382    Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5    Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts.   (72-0-0)

ACR144    Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+1    Clean Air Act-concerns   (52-13-8)

ACR145    Freiman,R/Downey,J+3    Fed tax Leg-Urges swift action   (63-5-4)

AJR55    Benson,D/Murphy,C+2    Bleeding Disorders Awareness mo-March   (73-0-0)

AR117    Freiman,R/Downey,J+2    Mortgage escrow pre pymts-urges   (71-0-1)

S105    Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+24    Medicaid coverage, family planning svc.   (52-20-0)

S120    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36    Family planning svcs;$7.453M   (47-20-6)

S414 ScaAca (2R)    Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A.R.+17    Sch. emp.-review emp. history   (73-0-0)

S598    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+7    Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance   (49-23-0)

S1248    Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E    Gov. budget message-change to March 13   (72-0-0)

SCR80    Sweeney,S/Coughlin,C+2    Fed action against Gov.-supports   (72-0-0)

SJR17    Bateman,C/Beach,J+5    Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14   (73-0-0)


Bills Substituted:

A1656    Pintor Marin,E/Lagana,J+18    Medicaid coverage, family planning svc.   SUB BY S105

A1929    Mukherji,R/Zwicker,A+5    Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance   SUB BY S598

A2134    Mazzeo,V/Downey,J+27    Family planning svcs;$7.453M   SUB BY S120

A2378    Pintor Marin,E    Gov. budget message-change to March 13   SUB BY S1248

A3381    Downey,J/Webber,J+15    School emp.-req. emp. hist. review   SUB BY S414 (2R)

ACR149    Coughlin,C+2    Fed action against Gov.-supports   SUB BY SCR80

AJR51    Downey,J/Murphy,C+5    Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14   SUB BY SJR17

S105    Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+24    Medicaid coverage, family planning svc.   SUB FOR A1656

S120    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36    Family planning svcs;$7.453M   SUB FOR A2134

S414 ScaAca (2R)    Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A.R.+17    Sch. emp.-review emp. history   SUB FOR A3381

S598    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+7    Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance   SUB FOR A1929

S1248    Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E    Gov. budget message-change to March 13   SUB FOR A2378

SCR80    Sweeney,S/Coughlin,C+2    Fed action against Gov.-supports   SUB FOR ACR149

SJR17    Bateman,C/Beach,J+5    Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14   SUB FOR AJR51


Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:

A538 AcsAa (ACS/1R)    Mazzeo,V    Prop. assess.-revise calendar   (Johnson)

A809 AcsAa (ACS/1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+1    Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers   (Johnson)

A1024 Aa (1R)    Johnson,G/DeAngelo,W    Cigar bars and lounges-concerns   (Johnson)

A1344 Aa (1R)    Gusciora,R/Muoio,E+8    Class II renewable energy-concerns   (Johnson)

A1704 AcaAa (2R)    Vainieri Huttle,V/Quijano,A+2    Gestational carrier agreement, cert-auth   (Johnson)


Bills Returned Second Reading/Substitute:

A1330 As (AS)    Gusciora,R    Industrial hemp farming-concerns   (Gusciora)


Bills Withdrawn From The Files:

A3234    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B    Inmates, cert.-pay incarceration costs   FROM ALP



The Assembly adjourned at 5:01 P.M. to meet again on Monday, March 5, 2018 (QUORUM/Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:

S105    Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+24    Medicaid coverage, family planning svc.

S120    Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36    Family planning svcs;$7.453M

S598    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+7    Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance

S1248    Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E    Gov. budget message-change to March 13

SJR17    Bateman,C/Beach,J+5    Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14


Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (02/12/18):



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