Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday (February 22nd):
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Deirdre L. Webster Cobb, Esq., of Westampton.
- Sue Fulton, of Asbury Park.
Zakiya W. Smith Ellis, of Greenbelt, Maryland, to replace Rochelle R. Hendricks.
Bills Introduced:
S1900 Beach,J Disab.-proh. snowplow block access REF SHH
S1901 Beach,J Devel. Disab. Div-req. list of pub. prog REF SHH
S1902 Beach,J Cold War medal-creates REF SMV
S1903 Beach,J 9-1-1 calls-exemp. cert. health info. REF SSG
S1904 Beach,J Base realignment, closure-approp. req. REF SMV
S1905 Beach,J Pub record-incl email, confidential item REF SSG
S1906 Beach,J Vet. honorable discharge papers-concerns REF SMV
S1907 Beach,J Vet. civil svc. preference-expand elig. REF SSG
S1908 Beach,J NJ Natl. Guard-elig. for cert. vet. benf REF SMV
S1909 Beach,J Brewery tours-advertise and promote REF SSG
S1910 Codey,R Twp. of So. Orange Village-change name REF SCU
S1911 Codey,R Mortgage foreclosures-concerns filings REF SCM
S1912 Codey,R St. Ethics Comm.-concerns pub. memb. REF SSG
S1913 Codey,R Personal id info.-exempts disclosure REF SSG
S1914 Ruiz,M Pension, St.-proh. cert. investments REF SBA
S1915 Stack,B/Cunningham,S Autopsies-concerns REF SHH
S1916 Stack,B Tri-weekly visits-allow parents/guardian REF SHH
S1917 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Police, FF-estab. 5 yr. resid. req. REF SCU
S1918 Ruiz,M/Gopal,V Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll REF SED
S1919 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S Port support zone-estab. REF SEG
S1920 Ruiz,M Jury svc.-proh. disqual. based on gender REF SJU
S1921 Singleton,T/Sweeney,S Edison Innovation Sci. and Tech. Fd. REF SEG
S1922 Singleton,T Emp. ed. asst.-cert. income tax deduct REF SHI
S1923 Singleton,T Vicious dog-revise criteria REF SEG
S1924 Singleton,T Constr officials-mun. hire priv. company REF SCU
S1925 Bateman,C Bog Turtle-desig. State Reptile REF SSG
S1926 Rice,R/Singer,R+4 Marijuana-decrim. possession 10g or less REF SJU
S1927 Turner,S Coll Student, Parent Consumer Info Act REF SHI
S1928 Turner,S Proprietary sch graduation rates-concern REF SHI
S1929 Turner,S Dometic viol. offenses-clarify REF SJU
S1930 Turner,S Pub. emp. pension fds.-concerns REF SSG
S1931 Turner,S Domestic viol. Internet registry-estab. REF SJU
S1932 Turner,S Income tax-incr income to be subject REF SBA
S1933 Turner,S Superintendent-req cert responsibilities REF SED
S1934 Turner,S St. monitor/other staff-paid by St. REF SED
S1935 Turner,S Cit. budget oversight committee-estab. REF SED
S1936 Turner,S Sch survey student participation-consent REF SED
S1937 Turner,S Textbooks, higher ed. instit.-concerns REF SHI
S1938 Turner,S Loc. elective off.-finan. disclosure req REF SSG
S1939 Turner,S Affordable housing prog-estab guidelines REF SCU
S1940 Turner,S Online tax sales-enhance transparency REF SCU
S1941 Turner,S Family day care prov-crim history checks REF SHH
S1942 Turner,S Telemarketing sales-maintain recordings REF SEG
S1943 Turner,S CATV Universal Access Fd-delete fd. req. REF SEG
S1944 Turner,S Grand jury disclosure-bars personal info REF SJU
S1945 Turner,S Child support orders-concerns REF SJU
S1946 Turner,S Child Support Reform Task Force-estab. REF SJU
S1947 Vitale,J/Singer,R Menthol cigarettes-proh. sales REF SHH
S1948 Vitale,J/Gordon,R SNAP renames-Training Prov. Demo. Proj. REF SHH
S1949 Vitale,J Electronic smoking device-req. lic. REF SCM
S1950 Kean,T/Singleton,T Admin. rules and reg.-St agencies review REF SSG
S1951 Greenstein,L Water Qual. Acct. Act-revises asset mgmt REF SEN
S1952 Greenstein,L Water, wastewater sys.-study course req. REF SCU
S1953 Oroho,S/Cruz-Perez,N Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise REF SEG
S1954 Vitale,J Alco. bev. lic.-concerns REF SLP
S1955 Gopal,V Jake Honig's Law-dispense med. marijuana REF SHH
S1956 Gopal,V Vet, civil svc preference-concerns REF SSG
S1957 Gopal,V Voter-dist election bd report every 2hrs REF SSG
S1958 Gopal,V Alco bev-concern full-yr consumption lic REF SLP
S1959 Oroho,S Franklinite-designates as St. mineral REF SSG
S1960 Diegnan,P Sch. bus driv.-admin. epinephrine REF SED
S1961 Vitale,J Consumer Access to Health Care Act REF SHH
S1962 Vitale,J Sober living homes-concerns regulation REF SHH
S1963 Diegnan,P/O'Scanlon,D Asset forfeiture reporting-estab. REF SLP
S1964 O'Scanlon,D PFRS-transfers mgmt to Bd. of Trustees REF SSG
S1965 Sweeney,S Emergency asst.-allows cert. addt. REF SHH
S1966 Sweeney,S PFRS, SPRS-incr. death benf, active memb REF SSG
S1967 Sweeney,S Workers' comp. suppl benf, cert-concerns REF SLA
S1968 Pou,N Econ Redevel, Growth-concerns tax cred REF SEG
S1969 Turner,S Neighborhood Scholar Revitalization Prog REF SCU
S1970 Turner,S Prop. foreclosure-cert. notify mun. REF SCU
S1971 Sarlo,P Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts. REF SCU
S1972 Gopal,V/Corrado,K Sexual harassment training-req Leg. REF SSG
S1973 Gopal,V Marriage lic.-prov. immediate issuance REF SJU
S1974 Beach,J Candidate elective pub off-email address REF SSG
S1975 Smith,B/Greenstein,L Electric veh. concerns REF SEN
SCR100 Vitale,J/Gopal,V Children, adverse experiences-Gov reduce REF SHH
SJR54 Singer,R Transit Alt. Rev. Task Force-estab. REF STR
SJR55 Ruiz,M/Cunningham,S+5 Equal Rights Amendment-Cong. pass REF SSG
SJR56 Beach,J Israel, State 70th anniversary-recognize REF SSG
SJR57 Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P Sikh Day-desig. April 14th REF SSG
SJR58 Sweeney,S/Diegnan,P Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Mo-April REF SSG
SR53 Turner,S College football-proh. cert. contact REF SHI
SR54 Codey,R Statue of Liberty-proh. anchorage REF SSG
SR55 Turner,S PennEast Pipeline proj. in NJ-oppose REF SEN
SR56 Turner,S Black History Mo-recog. February REF SSG
Bills Reported from Committee/Given 2nd Reading:
A2041 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/Holley,J+4 Econ Redevel Growth Grant Bond Finan Act REP
S129/1025 Scs (SCS) Corrado,K/Turner,S+8 Mil., receiving combat pay-tax exemp. REP/SCS
S366 Rice,R Manufacturing bus, cert.-concerns assist REP
S372 Rice,R/Singleton,T High sch student-apprenticeship training REP
S410 Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A.R.+1 Baked goods sold at farm markets-concern REP
S877 Scs (SCS) Sweeney,S/Smith,B Nuclear Diversity Cert. Prog.-estab. REP/SCS
S1311 Cruz-Perez,N Econ. Gardening Prog.-creates REP
S1513 Turner,S Vet, wartime svc. disab.-incr. allowance REP
S1655 Van Drew,J/Pennacchio,J POW-MIA flag-purchase in US w/St. fds. REP
S1737 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Pennacchio,J Armed Forces, Natl. Guard-returning memb REP/SCA
S1840 Vitale,J/Gopal,V Econ Redev Growth Grant Bond Fin Act REP
S1876 Ruiz,M/Corrado,K Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat REP
S1894 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Breakfast after the bell prog.-req. REP/SCA
S1895 Ruiz,M/Turner,S Sch Lunch, Breadfast Prog-submit report REP
S1896 Ruiz,M/Turner,S Sch. lunch, student denied-report req. REP
S1897 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Summer meal prog.-expands REP/SCA
S1898/1899 Scs (SCS) Cruz-Perez,N Bus. startup prog.-creates EDA devel. REP/SCS
SR47 Turner,S/Ruiz,M Youth Art Month-March REP
Bills Referred/SBA:
S129/1025 Scs (SCS) Corrado,K/Turner,S+8 Mil., receiving combat pay-tax exemp.
S366 Rice,R Manufacturing bus, cert.-concerns assist
S1311 Cruz-Perez,N Econ. Gardening Prog.-creates
S1513 Turner,S Vet, wartime svc. disab.-incr. allowance
S1655 Van Drew,J/Pennacchio,J POW-MIA flag-purchase in US w/St. fds.
S1737 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Pennacchio,J Armed Forces, Natl. Guard-returning memb
S1876 Ruiz,M/Corrado,K Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat
S1894 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Breakfast after the bell prog.-req.
S1897 Sca (1R) Ruiz,M/Turner,S Summer meal prog.-expands
S1898/1899 Scs (SCS) Cruz-Perez,N Bus. startup prog.-creates EDA devel.
Bills Combined:
S1025 Bucco,A.R./Corrado,K Mil. comp., cert.-exclude, income tax COMB/W S129 (SCS)
S1899 Beach,J/Ruiz,M Bus accelerator incubator network-grants COMB/W S1898 (SCS)
Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:
S414 ScaAca (2R) Pennacchio,J/Bucco,A.R.+17 Sch. emp.-review emp. history
Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:
A268 Kean,S/Egan,J+2 P.I.C.K. Awareness Act-issue lic. plate REF STR
A769 Aca (1R) Caputo,R/Giblin,T+14 Age-appropriate sexual abuse curriculum REF SED
A839 Aca (1R) Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+12 Offshore drilling for oil-concerns REF SEN
A1027 Johnson,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+7 False pub. alarms-bias intimidation REF SJU
A1044 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+4 Homestead prop. tax reimb. prog-concerns REF SCU
A1053 Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+4 Agric. lands-revise/expand trespass laws REF SEG
A1522 Zwicker,A/Benson,D+7 Internet purch. transactions-safe area REF SLP
A1683 Dancer,R/Benson,D+18 Energy slamming practices-incr. penal. REF SEG
A2023 Coughlin,C/Benson,D+3 CATV svc. outage credits-concerns REF SEG
A2041 Aca (1R) Coughlin,C/Holley,J+4 Econ Redevel Growth Grant Bond Finan Act REF SEG
A2182 DeAngelo,W/Wimberly,B+4 Electrical contractor's lic-concerns REF SCM
A2184 Conaway,H/Wimberly,B+1 Sickle cell trait diagnoses-registry REF SHH
A2187 Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+5 Playground-co design/construct inclusive REF SCU
A2189 Lampitt,P/Downey,J+8 Distributing explicit images-concerns REF SED
A2190 Lampitt,P/Downey,J+5 Consent, physical contact-req instruct REF SED
A3382 Freiman,R/Mazzeo,V+5 Prop. taxes, anticipated-make pymts. REF SCU
ACR144 Pinkin,N/McKeon,J+1 Clean Air Act-concerns REF SEN
ACR145 Freiman,R/Downey,J+3 Fed tax Leg-Urges swift action REF SSG
Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A1212 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Gusciora,R+12 Greenhouse Gas Initiative-clarify intent
A3114 Benson,D/DeCroce,B+3 Transp Trust Fund Auth-$165.9 M
AJR55 Benson,D/Murphy,C+2 Bleeding Disorders Awareness mo-March
The Senate President has made the following appointments:
*Effective February 12, 2018
New Jersey Human Relations Council-Exec. Committee:
Senator Dawn Marie Addiego (8)
New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association Executive Committee:
Senator Paul A. Sarlo (36)
*Effective February 15, 2018
Fire Safety Commission:
Senator Samuel D. Thompson (12), to replace Senator Anthony R. Bucco (25), resigned.
Joint Committee on the Public Schools:
Senator Declan J. O’Scanlon, Jr. (13), to replace Senator Robert W. Singer (30), resigned.
*Effective February 22, 2018
New Jersey Israel Commission:
Senator Joseph Cryan (20)
The Senate President has made the following re-appointments:
*Effective February 12, 2018
The Amistad Commission:
Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr. (21)
Thomas L. Puryear, of East Orange.
Ellis Island Advisory Commission:
Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (31)
New Jersey Human Relations Council-Exec. Committee:
Senator Nellie Pou (35)
*Effective February 13, 2018
Prisoner Reentry Commission:
Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (31)
*Effective February 22, 2018
New Jersey Israel Commission:
Senator Robert W. Singer (30)
Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr. (21)
Senator Loretta Weinberg (37)
The Senate adjourned at 5:35 P.M. to meet again on Monday, February 26, 2018 (SESSION).
The Assembly did not meet. The Assembly will meet on Monday, March 5, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (02/15/2018):
P.L.2018, c.1. S105 Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+24 2/21/2018 Medicaid coverage, family planning svc.
P.L.2018, c.2. S120 Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+36 2/21/2018 Family planning svcs;$7.453M
P.L.2018, c.3. S598 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+7 2/21/2018 Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance
P.L.2018, c.4. S1248 Sarlo,P/Pintor Marin,E 2/21/2018 Gov. budget message-change to March 13
P.L.2018, JR-1. SJR17 Bateman,C/Beach,J+5 2/21/2018 Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14