Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Tuesday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Tuesday, January 17th:




Nominations Advise and Consent:


      Gurbir Singh Grewal, of Glen Rock.


Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:


      Gurbir Singh Grewal, of Glen Rock.



      Tahesha  Way, of Wayne.


Nominations Reported from Committee:


      Gurbir Singh Grewal, of Glen Rock.


Bills Introduced:

S881    Pou,N    Disab.-prov discount on fishing lic fees   REF SEN

S882    Vitale,J    Wind energy fac. devel.-allow tax credit   REF SEN

S883    Sacco,N/Stack,B    Humane St. lic. plate-auth.   REF STR

S884    Gordon,R    Highlands Water Prot. and Planning Act   REF SEN

S885    Gill,N/Codey,R    St. Bank of NJ Act   REF SCM

S886    Pennacchio,J    Societal benf. charge-concerns   REF SEN

S887    Pennacchio,J    Co util auth fees-incr income elig limit   REF SCU

S888    Pennacchio,J    Highlands Region Preserv Area-reduce tax   REF SEN

S889    Pennacchio,J    Reliability, Storm Response Act of 2012   REF SEG

S890    Pennacchio,J    Ambulatory care fac-gross receipt assess   REF SHH

S891    Pennacchio,J    Ctr for Oral Health-Rutgers Dental Sch   REF SHH

S892    Pennacchio,J    Ambulatory care fac.-deduct medicare   REF SHH

S893    Pennacchio,J    Highlands Region-concerns   REF SEN

S894    Pennacchio,J    Highlands Water Prot./Planning Act-cert   REF SEN

S895    Pennacchio,J    Managed care plans-prov. network req.   REF SHH

S896    Pennacchio,J    Troy Meadows Nat. Area-St. acquire   REF SEN

S897    Connors,C    Wharves, piers repair-auth. maintenance   REF SCU

S898    Connors,C    Surviving vet. spouse, cert.-annual comp   REF SMV

S899    Connors,C    Off-track wagering fac-pub. hearing req.   REF SSG

S900    Connors,C    Disab. vet. real prop, cert.-tax exemp.   REF SCU

S901    Connors,C    Bay scallop harvesting-concerns   REF SEN

S902    Addiego,D    Pub. util customers-rate incr notice req   REF SEG

S903    Holzapfel,J    Beaches, St. owned-proh. smoking   REF SHH

S904    Holzapfel,J    Fishing lic, priv community lake-not req   REF SEN

S905    Holzapfel,J    Lobsters-changes law reg. size limits   REF SEN

S906    Holzapfel,J    Dune constr.-value of condemned prop.   REF SEN

S907    Holzapfel,J    Alco. Ed, Rehab Fd-revise distrib monies   REF SLP

S908    Corrado,K    Commissions maintain meeting minutes-req   REF SSG

S909    Corrado,K    Electric pub. util. operations-concerns   REF SEG

S910    Connors,C    Trapping lic. fee, sr cit resid-discount   REF SEN

S911    Connors,C    Island Beach St. Park prog-dedicate fees   REF SEN

S912    Connors,C    Sexually oriented bus.-revises law   REF SCU

S913    Connors,C    Vet. prop. tax exemp.-extends to co-op.   REF SCU

S914    Cryan,J    Trustee memb., higher ed. bd-limits term   REF SHI

S915    Connors,C    Vet. affordable housing-concerns   REF SCU

S916    Holzapfel,J    Real estate, new-install emerg power sys   REF SCU

S917    Pou,N    Contaminated sites-concerns   REF SEN

S918    Holzapfel,J    Gas detector-install in cert resid prop   REF SCU

S919    Holzapfel,J    Beaches-allow vet. spouse free access   REF SCU

S920    Holzapfel,J    Petroleum products tax-excl. cert. proj.   REF STR

S921    Gordon,R    Streamlined Food Truck Lic. Act   REF SHH

S922    Holzapfel,J    Co. tax board-concerns vacancies   REF SCU

S923    Connors,C    Vulnerable person, exploit finan-offense   REF SJU

S924    Cryan,J    Physician svcs-12 mths, prov termination   REF SCM

S925    Cryan,J    Vender contract-disclose gov. agent   REF SSG

S926    Cryan,J    Entertainment places-proh cert contracts   REF SCM

S927    Cryan,J    Performing arts-incr. co. annual approp.   REF SSG

S928    Cryan,J    Bonds-pub. referendum prior to issuance   REF SCU

S929    Cryan,J    Judges, retired-replace Parole Bd. memb.   REF SLP

S930    Cryan,J    Med history-ck prescrip monitoring info   REF SHH

S931    Cryan,J    PANYNJ-req. retirement benf.  cert.emp.   REF SSG

S932    Cryan,J    Leapfrog Hosp. survey-complete annually   REF SHH

S933    Cryan,J    Undergraduate tuition and fees-concerns   REF SHI

S934    Cryan,J    Comp. Reg. Grease Recycling Act   REF SEN

S935    Cryan,J    Higher ed-tuition and fee schedules   REF SHI

S936    Cryan,J    Higher ed. instit.-concerns debt   REF SHI

S937    Singleton,T    Emp misclassification-estab. commission   REF SLA

S938    Pou,N    Nursing homes-behavioral health training   REF SHH

S939    Pou,N    Devel disab-forms req other than English   REF SHH

S940    Pou,N    Homestead cred.-req. direct pymt.   REF SCU

S941    Gordon,R    Meningitis, higher ed instit-immunize   REF SHI

S942    Gordon,R    Capital gains, emp. securities-tax excl.   REF SBA

S943    Singleton,T    Fishing lic.-free, cert. ret. Natl Guard   REF SEN

S944    Vitale,J    Water Sewer Svc Sub-Metering Conserv Act   REF SEG

S945    Vitale,J    Mental Health/Addiction Svc-transfer DHS   REF SHH

S946    Vitale,J    Sr. tenants-concerns rent control   REF SCU

S947    Vitale,J    Mobile home park-multiple dwelling   REF SCU

S948    Vitale,J    Sober living resid-prov. beneficial uses   REF SHH

S949    Vitale,J    Loc. energy proj.-bond ordinances   REF SCU

S950    Vitale,J    Manufacturing equip.-corp bus tax credit   REF SEG

S951    Vitale,J    Resid. condemnation-req. just comp.   REF SCU

S952    Vitale,J    Organ donation-insurers prov. info.   REF SCM

S953    Vitale,J    Registered prof. nurse-concerns ed. req.   REF SHH

S954    Vitale,J    Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters   REF SHH

S955    Vitale,J    Right to Try Act   REF SHH

S956    Vitale,J    Surgical practices- accreditation req.   REF SHH

S957    Vitale,J    Mental Health Access Act   REF SHH

S958    Vitale,J    Work First New Jersey-concerns elig.   REF SHH

S959    Vitale,J    Caregiver Task Force-establishes   REF SHH

S960    Vitale,J    CATV svc. outage credits-concerns   REF SEG

S961    Vitale,J    Medicaid-pharm. dispense covered meds   REF SHH

S962    Vitale,J    Medication Mgmt Outreach & Support Prog.   REF SHH

S963    Vitale,J    Managed care plan networks-audit   REF SHH

S964    Vitale,J    Behavioral Health Svc Task force-estab   REF SHH

S965    Vitale,J    Insur. broker transparency req-clarifies   REF SHH

S966    Vitale,J    Medicaid trans. svc.-concerns   REF SHH

S967    Vitale,J    Death certificates-defines req. info.   REF SHH

S968    Vitale,J    Mun bldg permit fees-exemp sr homeowners   REF SCU

S969    Vitale,J    Disab. persons-accessing prov.   REF SHH

S970    Vitale,J    SNAP Emp. and Training Prog.-concerns   REF SHH

S971    Vitale,J    Comm Health Insur Network Adequacy-estab   REF SCM

S972    Vitale,J    Physician profiling prog.-reg.   REF SCM

S973    Singleton,T    Talent Network Prog.-estab. in DOLWD   REF SLA

S974    Singleton,T    Spinal muscular atrophy-screen newborns   REF SHH

S975    Singleton,T    Medicaid demo. proj.-concerns drugs   REF SHH

S976    Vitale,J    Revised St. Med. Examiner Act   REF SHH

S977    Singleton,T    Drugs, devel pub funded research-concern   REF SHH

S978    Vitale,J    All-Payer Claims Database Act   REF SCM

S979    Vitale,J    Hosp. asset transformation prog.-concern   REF SHH

S980    Singleton,T    Wage claims against subcontractors-liab.   REF SLA

S981    Singleton,T    Iron and steel products made in US-use   REF SEN

S982    Singleton,T    Safe and Sanitary Rental Housing Act   REF SCU

S983    Vitale,J    Prescrip. Drug Review Comm.-estab.   REF SHH

S984    Vitale,J    Med. records-estab. cert. req.   REF SHH

S985    Vitale,J    Work First NJ prog.-incr. benf.   REF SHH

S986    Vitale,J    Pharm manuf comp-estab cert limitations   REF SHH

S987    Vitale,J    Health insur. coverage-concerns   REF SHH

S988    Vitale,J    Contraceptives-pharmacist prescribe   REF SHH

S989    Vitale,J    Nurse staffing standards-estab.   REF SHH

S990    Vitale,J    Epilepsy drugs-proh. substitution   REF SHH

S991    Vitale,J    Contraceptives-pharmacists prov. cert.   REF SHH

S992    Vitale,J    Tobacco products-proh sale at pharmacies   REF SHH

S993    Vitale,J    Sexually transmitted disease-treatment   REF SHH

S994    Vitale,J    Ambulatory care fac.-concerns lic.   REF SHH

S995    Vitale,J    Stroke ready hosp., acute-desig.   REF SHH

S996    Vitale,J    Medication drop-off receptacles-concerns   REF SHH

S997    Vitale,J    Med. marijuana-equal to prescribed meds   REF SHH

S998    Vitale,J    Business loans-concerns   REF SEG

S999    Vitale,J    Med consultation assist grant prog-estab   REF SHH

S1000    Vitale,J    Juv. depression screenings-benf coverage   REF SCM

S1001    Vitale,J    Health care prov.-referrals   REF SCM

S1002    Vitale,J    Health benf. broker comm.-disclose   REF SCM

S1003    Vitale,J    Health fac.-offer flu vaccine to workers   REF SHH

S1004    Vitale,J    Suppl Nutrition Asst-req. cert. exemp.   REF SHH

S1005    Vitale,J    Bio-analytical laboratories-concerns   REF SHH

S1006    Vitale,J    Personal audio players-contain warning   REF SCM

S1007    Vitale,J    Life insur-proh cert discrimination   REF SCM

S1008    Vitale,J    Health benf plans cert-proh anti-tiering   REF SCM

S1009    Vitale,J    Health care prov, out-of-network-concern   REF SCM

S1010    Vitale,J    Pawnbrokers-record, report cert. info.   REF SCM

S1011    Vitale,J    Health Care Billing Data Study Center   REF SCM

S1012    Vitale,J    Hepatitis C-health insur. prov. coverage   REF SCM

S1013    Vitale,J    HMO-incl. charity care assessments   REF SCM

S1014    Rice,R    St. Emp., Training Comm.-changes comp.   REF SLA

S1036    Sweeney,S    Person's death, police custody-concerns   REF SBA

S1055    Turner,S/Ruiz,M    Sch dist-full-day kindergarten req.   REF SED

SCR45    Connors,C    Pub. off.-proh. convicted person   REF SSG

SCR46    Connors,C    Amer. flag desecration-Cong. proh.   REF SSG

SCR47    Connors,C    Beach easements-concerns acquisition   REF SEN

SCR48    Connors,C    Prop. assessment reduction-amend constit   REF SCU

SCR49    Pou,N    Communication Decency Act, 1996-amend.   REF SJU

SCR51    Vitale,J    Medicare Parts B & D-limit late penal.   REF SHH

SCR52    Vitale,J    Substance treatment-ease cert. limits   REF SHH

SCR53    Vitale,J    Incontinence products-cover by Medicare   REF SHH

SJR16    Bateman,C    Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day-desig.   REF SHH

SJR17    Bateman,C/Beach,J    Socks for the Homeless Day-desig Feb. 14   REF SHH

SJR18    Pou,N    Juv Offender Life Imprisonment Comm.   REF SLP

SJR19    Vitale,J    Sudden, Death in Epilepsy Awareness Day   REF SHH

SJR20    Vitale,J    Diabetes/Cardiovascular Disease Month   REF SHH

SR26    Vitale,J    Naloxone-available over the counter   REF SHH

SR27    Vitale,J    Dept. of Defense svc. forms-auth changes   REF SMV

SR28    Cryan,J    Pharm. drug ad.-Proh. cert.   REF SHH


Bills Transferred:

S509    Kean,T+9    PANYNJ Transparency and Acct Act of 2015   FROM SSG TO STR

S619    Gordon,R/Weinberg,L    PANYNJ Transparency Acct. Act   FROM SSG TO STR



The Senate President has made the following appointment:


*Effective January 10, 2018


State Capitol Joint Management Commission:


Eugene Lepore, of Haddonfield.

Christine Shipley, of Hopewell.


 *Effective January 11, 2018


University Hospital Community Oversight Board:

Deborah Collins, of the City of Newark.


The Senate adjourned at 5:30 PM to meet again on Monday, January 22, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “1” and “2” scheduled).



The Assembly did not meet.  The Assembly will meet on Monday, January 29, 2018 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).


Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:



Bills Pocket Vetoed from the 2016/2017 Legislative Session:


S377 Aca (1R)    Codey,R/Rice,R+24    1/16/2018    Dementia-incl. notation on med. Records

S447 Sca (1R)    Allen,D/Ruiz,M+7    1/16/2018    Absenteeism, chronic-req. sch. combat  

S654 Aca (1R)    Turner,S/Ruiz,M+4    1/16/2018    MV offender-estab. restricted use lic.  

S1390    Gill,N/Prieto,V+1    1/16/2018    Orthotic, prosthetic appliances-cover  

S2107 ScaAa (2R)    Sarlo,P/Kean,T+11    1/16/2018    PERS, PFRS-concerns memb.  

S2276 ScaAa (2R)    Smith,B/Bateman,C+8    1/16/2018    Solar renewable energy standards-modify  

S2397 ScaAca (2R)    Ruiz,M/Diegnan,P.J.+4    1/16/2018    Computer science instr. cert.-auth.  

S2469 ScaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Rice,R+6    1/16/2018    Person's death, police custody-concerns  

S2471 Sca (1R)    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+2    1/16/2018    Svc Dog Pilot Prog.-estab.  

S2508 Aca (1R)    Lesniak,R/Cruz-Perez,N+2    1/16/2018    Nosey's Law-proh cert. animal acts  

S2704    Diegnan,P.J./Ruiz,M+2    1/16/2018    Dual language prog.-estab. grant  

S2853    Sweeney,S/Muoio,E+2    1/16/2018    Emergency assistance-allows cert. addt.  

S2872 ScaSca (2R)    Pou,N/Bell,C+2    1/16/2018    Garden St. Growth Zone-Bus. incentive  

S3012    Lesniak,R/Oroho,S+3    1/16/2018    Charitable food contrib.-tax duduct.  

S3102 ScaSa (2R)    Whelan,J/Mazzeo,V    1/16/2018    Tax cred. to qualif. bus.-concerns  

S3218    Cunningham,S/Pou,N+6    1/16/2018    Coll Loans, Assist St Students Loan Prog  

S3317    Smith,B/Greenstein,L+5    1/16/2018    Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance  

S3395 ScaAa (2R)    Scutari,N/Caputo,R    1/16/2018    Alarm business signs/decals-proh. sale  

S3447 SaSa (2R)    Turner,S/Greenstein,L+1    1/16/2018    Intersch athletics-concern participation  

S3458    Bucco,A.R./Wisniewski,J+1    1/16/2018    Fire safety comm.-incr. memb.  

S3499    Rice,R/Kean,T+2    1/16/2018    Connection fees-auth. loc. gov. util.  

S3534    Cunningham,S/Bateman,C+9    1/16/2018    Co Coll Consortium, Workforce Fd-concern  

S3614 ScaAca (2R)    Sweeney,S/Oroho,S    1/16/2018    SPRS health benf.-St. pay full cost  

S3622 Sca (1R)    Pou,N/Prieto,V    1/16/2018    Econ. Redevel. Grant Prog.-incr tax cred  

A191    Caputo,R/Diegnan,P.J.+16    1/16/2018    Sch bldg-equip w/emerg light panic alarm  

A224 AcsScaSca (ACS/2R)    DeAngelo,W/Giblin,T+2    1/16/2018    Pool and spa svc. contractors-concerns  

A311    Singleton,T/Caputo,R+8    1/16/2018    Breach of security, online acct-disclose  

A389    Benson,D/Mukherji,R+4    1/16/2018    Amino acid-based formula-insur. cover  

A783 AcaAaSca (3R)    Andrzejczak,B/Johnson,G+11    1/16/2018    Music Therapist Lic. Act  

A1130 Sca (1R)    Sumter,S/Wimberly,B+6    1/16/2018    Temp. resid. assist.-DHS adopt reg.  

A1670 Aca (1R)    Schaer,G/Quijano,A+11    1/16/2018    Student Loan Ombuds-estab, reg. loan svc  

A2220 AaAaSa (3R)    Benson,D/Webber,J+5    1/16/2018    Loc. Unit Electronic Procurement Act  

A2374 AcaSca (2R)    McKeon,J/Prieto,V+11    1/16/2018    St wide gun buyback program-estab.  

A2477 Sca (1R)    McKeon,J/Vainieri Huttle,V    Drama Therapists Lic. Act

A2523    DeAngelo,W/Rible,D+5    1/16/2018    Electrical contractor's lic-concerns  

A2991    Conaway,H/Mukherji,R+3    1/16/2018    Identity theft-concerns passports  

A3047    Andrzejczak,B/Taliaferro,A+2    1/16/2018    Viticulture Trail Sign Prog.-creates  

A3105    Caputo,R/Tucker,C+4    1/16/2018    Alco. bev.-concerns sale  

A3295 AcaSaSa (3R)    McKeon,J/Benson,D+5    1/16/2018    Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.  

A3396 Aa (1R)    McKnight,A/Chiaravalloti,N+2    1/16/2018    Finan. literacy instr.-concerns  

A3421 AaSca (2R)    Singleton,T/Lampitt,P+2    1/16/2018    Animal abuser registry-estab.  

A3523    Muoio,E/Gusciora,R+3    1/16/2018    Parole-concerns max sentences  

A3612 AcaAaAaSca (4R)    Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+9    1/16/2018    Playground-co design/construct inclusive  

A3732 AcaSca (2R)    Space,P/Andrzejczak,B+2    1/16/2018    Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise  

A3783 Aca (1R)    Zwicker,A/Benson,D+6    1/16/2018    Internet purch. transactions-safe area  

A3891 Acs (ACS)    Eustace,T/Johnson,G+2    1/16/2018    Bus, owned by cert. persons-assist. prog  

A4439    Eustace,T/McKeon,J+1    1/16/2018    Mercury relays, switches-prohibits cert.  

A4784 AcaScaScaSa (4R)    Gusciora,R/Muoio,E+15    1/16/2018    Superstorm Sandy aid overpymts-recover  

A4814 Aca (1R)    Rooney,K/Johnson,G+6    1/16/2018    Pension fds.-proh. cert. investments  

A4846 Sca (1R)    Houghtaling,E/Taliaferro,A+3    1/16/2018    Agric. lands-revise/expand trespass laws  



Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (01/09/2018):


P.L.2017, c.282.   A5340    Prieto,V/Bramnick,J    1/11/2018    Bus. headquarters in NJ-prov. tax credit  

P.L.2017, c.283.   S278 ScaSaAa (3R)    Vitale,J/Conaway,H    1/16/2018    Ambulatory care fac.-concerns lic.  

P.L.2017, c.284.   S293 Aca (1R)    Vitale,J/Smith,B+5    1/16/2018    Tobacco, smokeless-proh use in pub. sch.  

P.L.2017, c.285.   S294 ScaSaAca (3R)    Vitale,J/Turner,S+7    1/16/2018    Substance abuse treatment-concerns info.  

P.L.2017, c.286.   S677 ScaAca w/GR (3R)    Rice,R/Turner,S+6    1/16/2018    Racial and ethnic impact statement-req.  

P.L.2017, c.287.   S713    Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J+10    1/16/2018    Mil. svc personnel-concerns interference  

P.L.2017, c.288.   S714    Cruz-Perez,N/Greenstein,L+4    1/16/2018    Reserv. memb.-accommodation enjoyment  

P.L.2017, c.289.   S745    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+9    1/16/2018    Gold Star Parent id card-create  

P.L.2017, c.290.   S848    Stack,B/Oroho,S+2    1/16/2018    Sewerage auth. budgets-req. St oversight  

P.L.2017, c.291.   S1163 ScaAca (2R)    Corrado,K/Sweeney,S+2    1/16/2018    Students w/disab.-estab. restraint req.  

P.L.2017, c.292.   S1534/1771 Scs (SCS)    Bucco,A.R./Beach,J+2    1/16/2018    Vet. id card-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.293.   S1651 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+9    1/16/2018    St. correction off.-retitles  

P.L.2017, c.294.   S1710 Ss (SS)    Vitale,J/Singer,R+3    1/16/2018    Health care fac. lic.-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.295.   S2076 Sca (1R)    Bateman,C/Smith,B+7    1/16/2018    Beehives-concerns pesticide applications  

P.L.2017, c.296.   S2078    Bateman,C/Smith,B+4    1/16/2018    Pesticide applicators-req. training  

P.L.2017, c.297.   S2180 ScaAca (2R)    Oroho,S    1/16/2018    Rural Electric Cooperative Act  

P.L.2017, c.298.    S2205 Sca (1R)    Van Drew,J/Diegnan,P.J.+10    1/16/2018    Professional lic-prov. online processing  

P.L.2017, c.299.   S2239    Diegnan,P.J./Pinkin,N    1/16/2018    Corp proxy solicitation material-concern  

P.L.2017, c.300.   S2320 Sca (1R)    Oroho,S/Conaway,H+1    1/16/2018    Death benfs.-concerns claims  

P.L.2017, c.301.   S2389    Bucco,A.R./Oroho,S+4    1/16/2018    Power vessel lic. fees-Lake Hopatcong fd  

P.L.2017, c.302.   S2400    Cruz-Perez,N/Allen,D+3    1/16/2018    Dog, tracking-auth use, recover deer  

P.L.2017, c.303.   S2485 SaSa (2R)    Diegnan,P.J./Turner,S+5    1/16/2018    Computer science-sch. dist. offer course  

P.L.2017, c.304.   S2511    Codey,R/Addiego,D+1    1/16/2018    Physical Therapy Lic. Compact-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.305.   S2793 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+11    1/16/2018    Digital breast screening-insur. cover  

P.L.2017, c.306.   S2836 ScsSa (SCS/1R)    Sweeney,S/Taliaferro,A    1/16/2018    Prop. Assessment practice-revises  

P.L.2017, c.307.   S2839 Sca (1R)    Diegnan,P.J./Oroho,S    1/16/2018    Bulk sale notification req-clarifies  

P.L.2017, c.308.   S2968 Sca (1R)    Vitale,J/Greenstein,L+5    1/16/2018    MV-estab electronic lien, titling system  

P.L.2017, c.309.   S2976 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Ruiz,M    1/16/2018    Breast milk donations-health insur cover  

P.L.2017, c.310.   S2978 Aca (1R)    Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N    1/16/2018    Sch. dist. investment-permit cert.  

P.L.2017, c.311.   S3026 ScaAca (2R)    Smith,B/Thompson,S+7    1/16/2018    Food donations-clarify liab. prot.  

P.L.2017, c.312.   S3233 ScaAcaAca (3R)    Van Drew,J/Oroho,S    1/16/2018    Mun. Land Use Law-modifies performance  

P.L.2017, c.313.   S3305 Scs (SCS)    Sarlo,P/Singleton,T    1/16/2018    Grow NJ Assist. Act-extends deadline  

P.L.2017, c.314.   S3341 Sa (1R)    Ruiz,M/Pintor Marin,E    1/16/2018    Econ. Redevel-extend document submission  

P.L.2017, c.315.   S3370 Sca (1R)    Sarlo,P/Whelan,J+1    1/16/2018    Drones-reg. and proh. cert. operations  

P.L.2017, c.316.   S3377 Aca (1R)    Sarlo,P/Scutari,N    1/16/2018    Powers of appt.-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.317.   S3409 Sca (1R)    Gordon,R/Bucco,A.R.    1/16/2018    Loc. pub. contracts-concerns changes  

P.L.2017, c.318.   S3416 Sca (1R)    Greenstein,L/Diegnan,P.J.+2    1/16/2018    Fire suppression sys.-survey sch. bldgs.  

P.L.2017, c.319.   S3439    Sweeney,S/Lesniak,R+1    1/16/2018    Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall-desig.  

P.L.2017, c.320.   S3449    Bell,C/Van Drew,J+2    1/16/2018    Vet., homeless-prioritize trust fd grant  

P.L.2017, c.321.   S3459    Sarlo,P/Gordon,R    1/16/2018    Towing svcs.-concerning non-consensual  

P.L.2017, c.322.   S3460 Sca (1R)    Pou,N/Wimberly,B    1/16/2018    Prop., Totowa Borough-auth. sell surplus  

P.L.2017, c.323.   S3477 Scs (SCS)    Lesniak,R/Codey,R+18    1/16/2018    Firearm components, cert.-crim. penal.  

P.L.2017, c.324.   S3502    Sweeney,S/Sarlo,P+14    1/16/2018    Waterfront Comm NY Harbor-w/draw compact  

P.L.2017, c.325.   S3521 Sa (1R)    Gordon,R/Oroho,S+4    1/16/2018    Asphalt payment, recycled-expand use  

P.L.2017, c.326.   S3538    Greenstein,L/Codey,R+24    1/16/2018    Env. infra. proj.-amends list   

P.L.2017, c.327.   S3539 ScaAca (2R)    Smith,B/Codey,R+25    1/16/2018    Env. Infra. Trust-expend addl sums, loan  

P.L.2017, c.328.   S3554 Sca (1R)    Sweeney,S/Corrado,K+4    1/16/2018    Background checks, expands-disab. svc.  

P.L.2017, c.329.   S3555    Sweeney,S/Corrado,K+4    1/16/2018    MV regis fee-exemp devel disab transport  

P.L.2017, c.330.   S3556 SaSa (2R)    Sweeney,S/Taliaferro,A    1/16/2018    Rt. 324-dedesignates portions  

P.L.2017, c.331.   S3558 Scs (SCS)    Lesniak,R/Cruz-Perez,N+3    1/16/2018    Animal cruelty law enforcement-revises  

P.L.2017, c.332.   S3565    Bell,C/Van Drew,J+1    1/16/2018    St.-funded positions, cert.-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.333.   S3566    Greenstein,L/Vainieri Huttle,V+1    1/16/2018    Child porn offender-lifetime supervision  

P.L.2017, c.334.   S3568    Codey,R/Turner,S+2    1/16/2018    Farmland preserv. purposes;$19.266M  

P.L.2017, c.335.   S3570    Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+3    1/16/2018    Farmland preserv., nonprofit org.-grants  

P.L.2017, c.336.   S3573    Bell,C/Bateman,C+2    1/16/2018    Farmland preserv.-co planning grants  

P.L.2017, c.337.   S3575    Ruiz,M/Allen,D+20    1/16/2018    Historic preserv. proj.-prov. grants  

P.L.2017, c.338.   S3592 Sca (1R)    Weinberg,L/Conaway,H+3    1/16/2018    Health records sys., electronic-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.339.   S3595    Sweeney,S/Taliaferro,A    1/16/2018    Farmland preserv-mun. incentive grant  

P.L.2017, c.340.   S3603 Sca (1R)    Cruz-Perez,N/Sweeney,S    1/16/2018    Telecommunications co. prop. transaction  

P.L.2017, c.341.   S3604 ScaAa (2R)    Vitale,J/Diegnan,P.J.+2    1/16/2018    Schedule II cds & opioids-concerns reg.  

P.L.2017, c.342.   S3607    Weinberg,L/Gordon,R    1/16/2018    Mike Adler Aphasis Task Force-amends  

P.L.2017, c.343.   S3616    Sarlo,P/Singleton,T    1/16/2018    Natural gas veh.-concerns weight limits  

P.L.2017, c.344.   S3620 Sca (1R)    Cunningham,S/Mukherji,R    1/16/2018    Pub. officials-change PERS memb. elig.  

P.L.2017, c.345.   A155    Tucker,C/Caputo,R+3    1/16/2018    Child unattended in mv-awareness campaig  

P.L.2017, c.346.   A492 AcaSca (2R)    Russo,D/Coughlin,C+2    1/16/2018    Emp. inventions-protect rights  

P.L.2017, c.347.   A597    Lagana,J/Gusciora,R+4    1/16/2018    Sch bus operation w/suspended lic-crime  

P.L.2017, c.348.   A760    Moriarty,P/Diegnan,P.J.+4    1/16/2018    Lic. exam-prof. bds report passage rates  

P.L.2017, c.349.   A1257 AcaAa (2R)    Caride,M/Jimenez,A+4    1/16/2018    Students in wheelchairs-securement sys.  

P.L.2017, c.350.   A1414    Johnson,G/Giblin,T+3    1/16/2018    Marriage, family therapist-estab. lic.  

P.L.2017, c.351.   A1856 Sca (1R)    Wimberly,B/Jones,P+4    1/16/2018    Security Off Reg Act-make cert vets elig  

P.L.2017, c.352.   A1918 AcaSa (2R)    Wisniewski,J/Webber,J+1    1/16/2018    Registration certificates, temp-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.353.   A1954 AcaSca (2R)    Coughlin,C/Benson,D+4    1/16/2018    Haz Site Remediation Fd-change    provision  

P.L.2017, c.354.   A2098 AaSca (2R)    Mukherji,R/Lampitt,P+18    1/16/2018    Vet. Affordable Housing Section 8 Prog.  

P.L.2017, c.355.   A2161    Diegnan,P.J./Pinkin,N+1    1/16/2018    Corp. mergers-may adopt "force the vote"  

P.L.2017, c.356.   A2162    Diegnan,P.J./Schaer,G    1/16/2018    Corp. by-laws-clarifies scope  

P.L.2017, c.357.   A2204 AcaSca (2R)    Eustace,T/Benson,D+3    1/16/2018    Hydropower fac-virtual net metering  

P.L.2017, c.358.   A2439 Aa (1R)    Wisniewski,J/Pinkin,N+4    1/16/2018    Move over law-erect signs  

P.L.2017, c.359.   A2513 AcaSa (2R)    DeAngelo,W/Pinkin,N+10    1/16/2018    Mil, and Defense Econ. Ombuds. Act  

P.L.2017, c.360.   A2565 AcaAa (2R)    Benson,D/DeAngelo,W+14    1/16/2018    NJ STARS, NJ STARS II-concerns elig.  

P.L.2017, c.361.   A2665 Sca (1R)    Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+7    1/16/2018    Newborn infant-extends health benf.  

P.L.2017, c.362.   A2970    Diegnan,P.J./Pinkin,N    1/16/2018    Derivative proceedings-applicability law  

P.L.2017, c.363.   A2971    Diegnan,P.J./Webber,J    1/16/2018    Corp. directors actions-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.364.   A2975    Diegnan,P.J./Pinkin,N+1    1/16/2018    Corp. books and records-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.365.   A2977    Diegnan,P.J./Coughlin,C+1    1/16/2018    Foreign Country Money-Judgment Recog Act  

P.L.2017, c.366.   A3055 Aca (1R)    Space,P/Houghtaling,E+18    1/16/2018    Agric. co. products-auth. labeling  

P.L.2017, c.367.   A3150 Aca (1R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+18    1/16/2018    Disab. vet. prop tax exemp elig-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.368.   A3293 AcaSca (2R)    Wimberly,B/Spencer,L+24    1/16/2018    Self-Service Storage Fac. Act-suppl.  

P.L.2017, c.369.   A3402 AsSca (AS/1R)    Greenwald,L/Oroho,S+2    1/16/2018    Auto. insur claims-electronic submission  

P.L.2017, c.370.   A3466 AcaSca (2R)    Coughlin,C/Downey,J+6    1/16/2018    Prop. tax reimb. prog.-revise deadline  

P.L.2017, c.371.   A4044    Greenwald,L/Bell,C    1/16/2018    Contracts-proh. non-disclosure clauses  

P.L.2017, c.372.   A4062 AcaSca (2R)    Wisniewski,J/McKnight,A+5    1/16/2018    Eileen's Law-veh. homicide  

P.L.2017, c.373.   A4079 Sca (1R)    Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+1    1/16/2018    Forcibly enter mv, rescue child-immunity  

P.L.2017, c.374.   A4165 AcaSca (2R)    Chaparro,A/Mukherji,R+8    1/16/2018    High sch driv ed course-req cert info  

P.L.2017, c.375.   A4171    Downey,J/Houghtaling,E+8    1/16/2018    Comm on Vet Benf-DMVA estab  

P.L.2017, c.376.   A4195 Sca (1R)    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+4    1/16/2018    Service Medals, cert-remove war time req  

P.L.2017, c.377.   A4219 Sca (1R)    O'Scanlon,D/Benson,D+2    1/16/2018    Organ donation-allows 14yr old, auth  

P.L.2017, c.378.   A4280    Chaparro,A/Chiaravalloti,N+7    1/16/2018    Domestic viol victim-cert. svc contracts  

P.L.2017, c.379.   A4365    Mazzeo,V/Moriarty,P+2    1/16/2018    Controlled dangerous substance-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.380.   A4464    Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+2    1/16/2018    Punch-board game-permits  

P.L.2017, c.381.   A4467 AcaSca (2R)    Mazzeo,V/Conaway,H+7    1/16/2018    Overdose Prevention Act-clarifies  

P.L.2017, c.382.   A4573 AcaScaSa (3R)    Coughlin,C/Wisniewski,J+1    1/16/2018    Next-of-Kin Registry in MVC-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.383.   A4676 ScaScaSa (3R)    Coughlin,C/Mukherji,R+1    1/16/2018    Pharmacy benf. managers-regulates  

P.L.2017, c.384.   A4763    Caputo,R/Jasey,M+11    1/16/2018    St. Tuition Aid Grant Prog.-concerns  

P.L.2017, c.385.   A4787 Sca (1R)    Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+1    1/16/2018    Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers  

P.L.2017, c.386.   A4868 Aca (1R)    Moriarty,P/Eustace,T+4    1/16/2018    Zero emission veh.-extends warranty  

P.L.2017, c.387.   A4906 Aca (1R)    Lampitt,P/Holley,J+7    1/16/2018    Summer meal prog, sch fac-notify student  

P.L.2018, JR-25.   SJR23    Vitale,J/Oroho,S+3    1/16/2018    First responder, vol-study stabilization  

P.L.2017, JR-26.   SJR84    Allen,D/Beach,J+8    1/16/2018    Fort Dix, anniversary-recognizes  

P.L.2017, JR-27.   SJR98    Turner,S/Weinberg,L+25    1/16/2018    Fibrodysplasis Ossificans Prog. Day  

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