Here's What Happened Under The Gold Dome On Tuesday

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Tuesday (February 25th):
The Members of both Houses of the 219th Legislature met in Joint Session to receive the Annual Budget Message from the Honorable Phil Murphy, Governor of the State of New Jersey.
Bills Introduced:
S1914 Pou,N Life insurance, stranger-originated-prohibits act, practice or arrangement REF SCM
S1915 Gill,N Pedestrian and Bike Safety Advisory Council-establishes REF STR
S1916 Gill,N Facial recognition technology use by law enforcement agency-public hearings REF SLP
S1917 Gill,N Facial recognition or biometric surveillance sys-proh on police body-worn camera REF SLP
S1918 Singleton,T Carrier of construction materials-maintain general liability insurance, $1M min. REF SCM
S1919 Singleton,T Asst housing accommodations, non-public rentals-expand provisions of Discrim Law REF SCU
S1920 Singleton,T Pharmaceutical products-include programs in electronic health records systems REF SHH
S1921 Pennacchio,J/Testa,M Children's Vaccination Bill of Rights-provides children with certain protections REF SHH
S1922 Greenstein,L Payday lending-includes as a violation of the consumer fraud act REF SCM
S1923 Greenstein,L Power outages-BPU study microgrid & distributed energy resource deployment REF SEG
S1924 Greenstein,L State building, new-include distributed energy resource, retrofit existing bldgs REF SEN
S1925 Codey,R Affordable unit tenants-proh charging credit and criminal background check fees REF SCU
S1926 Codey,R Long-term care facilities-estab requirements concerning rights of LGBT residents REF SHH
S1927 Bucco,A Algal blooms-authorize use of CBT revenues for grants for prevention/remediation REF SEN
S1928 Bucco,A/Singleton,T Public school districts-concerns subcontracting agreements REF SED
S1929 Holzapfel,J Thefts, unlawful taking-upgrades crime in certain instances REF SJU
S1930 Holzapfel,J Fishing-clarifies license not required at a private community lake REF SEN
S1931 Holzapfel,J Lobsters-changes law regulating size limits REF SEN
S1932 Diegnan,P Veterans' Memorial Home medical transportation costs for residents;$1M REF SMV
S1933 Diegnan,P Children, youth & family services organizations-establish COLA REF SHH
S1934 Sweeney,S Disability benefits provided by transportation network companies-authorize use REF SHH
S1935 Sweeney,S Trans. svcs. prov to DHS clients-DHS employ Trans Planning Coordinator to manage REF SHH
S1936 Sweeney,S Transportation programs/services-DOT Commissioner req to advertise availability REF STR
S1937 Madden,F/Sweeney,S Promote Employment by State Agencies of People w/Disabilities Task Force-estab. REF SLA
S1938 Sweeney,S Tax levy cap adjustment 2020-2021 thru 2024-2025-sch. districts losing State aid REF SED
S1939 Madden,F Research universities-aligns contracting standards for its AC campus REF SHI
S1940 Gill,N Pension & annuity funds-prohibit, companies selling assault firearms REF SSG
S1941 Gill,N Audio or visual media, deceptive-prohibits distribution w/in 60 days of election REF SSG
S1942 Gill,N Housing, residential developers-provide low and moderate income housing REF SCU
S1943 Gill,N Discrimination by automated decision systems-prohibits REF SCM
S1944 Gill,N Health care prov-disclose selection standards in tiered health benf plan network REF SCM
S1945 Gill,N Real Estate Installment Contract Act REF SCM
S1946 Gill,N Health insurance exchange, fed req-estab public awareness campaign REF SCM
S1947 Gill,N Public Option Health Care Act REF SCM
S1948 Gill,N Cell phone or mobile device-upgrade stalking crime, use location monitoring prog REF SJU
S1949 Cryan,J Correctional facilities, law enforcement agencies-adopt maternity policies REF SLP
S1950 Sacco,N/Greenstein,L EMT certification, certain out-of-State-provide reciprocity REF SLP
S1951 Smith,B/Codey,R Electric veh charging stations-require community associations allow installation REF SEN
S1952 Codey,R PANYNJ, Inspector General's Office-grant subpoena power, furtherance of invest. REF STR
S1953 Smith,B/Bateman,C Energy, water & storm resiliency proj-establish prog for public or private finan REF SEN
S1954 Beach,J Trail signage program for alcohol manufacturers-establish REF SEG
S1955 Beach,J Paperless State government-create task force to study feasibility REF SSG
S1956 Sweeney,S/Singleton,T Prevailing wage-public work on properties receiving tax abatement or exemptions REF SLA
S1957 Greenstein,L/Oroho,S Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.-supports activities REF SLA
S1958 Cruz-Perez,N New Jobs for NJ Act-concerns tax credit, employers who hire unemployed workers REF SLA
S1959 Cruz-Perez,N Teen driver orientation program-establish REF STR
S1960 Cruz-Perez,N Lymphedema-health insurers, SHBP/SEHBP provide coverage for diagnosis/treatment REF SCM
S1961 Cruz-Perez,N Basic Skills Training Prog. for Economic Growth-increases reporting requirements REF SLA
S1962 Cruz-Perez,N Podiatric physicians-include coverage of services REF SCM
S1963 Cruz-Perez,N Learner's permit, special-establishes cert additional examination & requirements REF STR
S1964 Cruz-Perez,N PERS-participation in law enforcement category not eligible for PFRS enrollment REF SSG
S1965 Cruz-Perez,N State info tech contracts-req software use to document contractor computer use REF SSG
S1966 Gopal,V Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases-enters NJ REF SHH
S1967 Gopal,V/Greenstein,L Heroin mixtures-estab. new crime, upgrades penalty involving heroin and fentanyl REF SJU
S1968 Gopal,V Recovery Tax Credit Program-establish hiring incentivizes REF SEG
S1969 Gopal,V Substance abuse disorder-incl. in list that qualify student for State special ed REF SED
S1970 Gopal,V Climate change-bd of education incl instruction & adopt instructional materials REF SED
S1971 Gopal,V Gestating pig-establish animal cruelty offense of cruel confinement REF SEN
S1972 Gopal,V Gross income-excludes discounts for services rendered from REF SBA
S1973 Gopal,V/Oroho,S Horse-boarding businesses-clarifies sales tax collection responsibilities REF SBA
S1974 Gopal,V/Oroho,S Account wagering system-allow State residents, outside of NJ, place wagers REF SSG
S1975 Gopal,V+1 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant Program-establish 4 years REF SED
S1977 Greenstein,L Child sexual abuse-establishes rebuttable presumption of pretrial detention REF SJU
S1978 Greenstein,L Veterans home purchase-creates grant program for federal active duty REF SMV
S1979 Greenstein,L Bias intimidation law-makes various changes REF SJU
S1980 Greenstein,L Animal control officers, certified-enforce mun. ordinance; report animal cruelty REF SEN
S1981 Greenstein,L Female patients-prohibits certain medical exams without informed consent REF SHH
S1982 Beach,J Ballots-provides co. clerks with an addl week to mail, for 2020 primary election REF SSG
SCR90 Holzapfel,J Sandy flood insurance claims-investigate use of revised reports to deny claims REF SCM
SJR56 Singer,R Say Something Week-designates week of February 24 through March 2 of each year REF SED
SJR57 Gopal,V/Oroho,S+1 Manufacturing Week-designates first week of October of each year REF SEG
SJR58 Singer,R Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April REF SMV
SJR59 Singleton,T First Responders Appreciation Month-designates October of each year REF SLP
SR53 Gill,N President Trump security-urges federal govt. to reimburse for cost of providing REF SSG
SR54 Testa,M National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986-urges President/Congress repeal REF SHH
SR55 Cryan,J Emergency events-urges social media websites to halt posts discussing ongoing REF SLP
Concurrent Resolution Passed:
An unnumbered Concurrent Resolution providing for the Legislature to hold a Joint Session for the purpose of receiving the Governor's Budget Message was adopted (Voice).
Co-Sponsors Added:
S115 (Ruiz,M) Immigrant Tenant Protection Act
S687 (Turner,S) Hunger-Free Students' Bill of Rights Act-school meal info be provided to parents
S704 (Beach,J) School Meal Fund-sch district establish to assist student w/meal bill in arrears
S1157 Sca (1R) (Turner,S) Emerging Technology Urban Grant Program in EDA-establishes
S1770 (Brown,C) Veterans cremains-revise provisions concerning claiming and proper disposal
S1975 (Singleton,T) Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant Program-establish 4 years
SR27 Sca (1R) (Cruz-Perez,N) Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ
Co-Sponsors Withdrawn:
S309 (Greenstein,L) Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program-establish in DOLWD
Co-Prime Sponsors Added:
S309 (Greenstein,L) Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program-establish in DOLWD
S320 Scs (SCS) (Lagana,J) Disclosure statement-include questions concerning lead plumbing/service lines
S746 (Scutari,N) Firearms-prohibits possession by person convicted of animal cruelty
S1449 (Weinberg,L) Liberty St. Park Protection Act; estab. Advisory Committee & DEP related actions
S1500 (Greenstein,L) Students w/disab-sch security drills/emerg situations-req documentation of needs
S1787 (Singleton,T) Tiny Home Pilot Program-establish in 3 regions of State
S1839 (Corrado,K) Comprehensive State Plan for Economic Development-establishes
The Senate adjourned at 5:00 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, March 5, 2020 (SESSION).
Bills Introduced:
A3194 Johnson,G/Calabrese,C Ticket Consumer Choice Act REF ARP
A3195 Karabinchak,R Economic incentive recipient-required to pay penalty for nonperformance REF ACE
A3196 Karabinchak,R Venture Investment and Employment Program Act-establishes REF ACE
A3197 Murphy,C Privacy invasion-revises civil remedies for victims of unauth. recordings REF AJU
A3198 Murphy,C Juvenile delinquent, adjudged-concerns expungement of certain records REF AJU
A3199 Murphy,C/Benson,D Organ donors, living-prohibits discrimination against REF AFI
A3200 Murphy,C Life insur., State-sponsored-req DMVA partner w/National Guard offer Natl Guard REF AMV
A3201 Murphy,C Harriet Tubman Museum-recognizes Howell House in Cape May REF ATG
A3202 Dancer,R/Benson,D Rare Disease Advisory Council-establish REF AHE
A3203 Dancer,R Veteran, psych fac-excludes benefits from calculation of financial obligations REF AHU
A3204 Murphy,C 911 accidental disabled retiree, surviving dependent-prov. health care benefits REF AHS
A3205 Dancer,R Psych. hosp. cost-proh. State from billing counties when patient is responsible REF AHU
A3206 Dancer,R Expanded Addiction Initiative-co-occurring mental health/substance use disorder REF AHU
A3207 Murphy,C Voter registration-permits at age 16 under certain conditions REF ASL
A3208 Dancer,R Gardens, community-permitted to sell excess produce REF AAN
A3209 Dancer,R Child abuse fatalities-clarifies manner of public disclosure of findings or info REF AWC
A3210 Dancer,R State mileage reimbursement rate-sets at IRS rate for business use of automobile REF ASL
A3211 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Driving privileges and arrest-prohibits suspension for certain crimes & offenses REF ATR
A3212 Dancer,R Psych. screening certificate-psychiatrists complete; concerns invol. commitment REF ARP
A3213 Dancer,R Fetal tissue-increase criminal penalties for selling, req documentation of costs REF AHE
A3214 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V+10 Prisoners, childbirth-prohibits restraint during and immediately after REF AWC
A3215 Dancer,R Cadaveric fetal tissue-criminal penal for physicians, fail to prov donation info REF AHE
A3216 Dancer,R Internet advertisements-allows Department of Agriculture to sell on its website REF AAN
A3217 Jimenez,A Special needs person-voluntarily make a notation on driver's license/ID card REF ATR
A3218 Jimenez,A Caller ID information manipulation-may constitute cyber-harassment and stalking REF AJU
A3219 Jimenez,A Janitors, public school-revises tenure; certified ed fac managers-estab. tenure REF AED
A3221 Dancer,R Historic buildings in State parks, forests & wildlife mgmt areas-auth lease prog REF ATG
A3222 Dancer,R Ecotourism-consideration when evaluating applications, recreational land devel. REF ATG
A3223 Dancer,R Mineral interests, dormant-creates process for termination REF AEN
A3224 Dancer,R Vegetation-establishes certain requirements for a State entity planting REF AAN
A3225 Dancer,R Paddleboards, stand-up-use for fishing on lakes in wildlife management areas REF AAN
A3226 Dancer,R Pet adoption fees-waived for certain military personnel and veterans REF AMV
A3227 Dancer,R Disabled-revises requirements for signage indicating accessible facilities REF AHU
A3228 Dancer,R Streamlined Food Truck Lic Act-Statewide req lic/operation of mobile food vendor REF ARP
A3229 Dancer,R Mental health facilities and legal settlements-updates certain provisions REF AHU
A3230 Dancer,R Fetal death certificate, burial or removal permit-prepared upon parent's request REF AWC
A3231 Dancer,R Trunk fighting-establish as animal cruelty offense and third degree crime REF AAN
A3232 Dancer,R Protection of Fetuses from Dismemberment Abortion Act-designates REF AHE
A3233 Dancer,R Senior program services, certain community-concerns reimbursement levels REF AHE
A3234 Peterson,E Courts, counties-municipal-establish with limited countywide jurisdiction REF AJU
A3235 Peterson,E Courts, county-municipal-provides for limited countywide jurisdiction REF AJU
A3236 Peterson,E Planned Real Estate Full Disclosure Act-builder comply w/disclosure requirements REF AHO
A3237 Peterson,E Labels for recycling bins-DEP develop & solid waste management districts use REF AEN
A3238 Peterson,E Development or zoning variance-conditions affecting application record w/mun. REF ASL
A3239 Peterson,E Home building plans, new-builders provide owner with building plans REF AHO
A3240 Peterson,E Attorney-at-law-authorizes validation of an affidavit, affix seal REF AJU
A3241 Peterson,E Public records, electronic-not all have to be converted to different formats REF ASL
A3242 Peterson,E Planned Real Estate Full Disclosure Act-developer to post bond with DCA REF AHO
A3243 Peterson,E Veterans-requires hiring preference in non-civil service jurisdictions REF AMV
A3244 Peterson,E State Government Electronic Payment Security Standards-State Treasurer establish REF ASL
A3245 Peterson,E Homelessness Prevention Prog.-voluntary contributions through real estate sales REF ACD
A3246 Peterson,E Paraffin-excl use in manuf of candles from petroleum products gross receipts tax REF ACE
A3247 Peterson,E Military, active duty personnel-exempts storage facility space from sales tax REF AMV
A3248 Peterson,E Leg Counsel, Off of Leg Svcs-accept service of process on behalf of the St. Leg REF ASL
A3249 Murphy,C Sex assault victim-establish circumstances, court may order physical/psych exam REF AJU
A3250 Murphy,C Sex assault victim-establish circumstances, court may order physical/psych exam REF AJU
A3251 Murphy,C Narcotic, person under influence-trans. to med. fac. by law enforcement officer REF ALP
A3252 Murphy,C Megan's law-conforms to req. of federal Sex Offender Regis. Notification Act REF ALP
A3253 Chaparro,A Youth football leagues-requires AG to regulate and register REF AWC
A3254 Caputo,R/Benson,D Advocate for Private Commuter Bus Service Customers-establish Office REF ATR
A3255 Burzichelli,J Personally identifiable information-businesses notify customers to opt-in REF AST
A3256 Burzichelli,J Historic motor vehicles-permits pleasure driving 1 day per week REF ATR
A3257 Burzichelli,J Wineries-operate salesroom in certain municipalities w/sales restrictions REF AAN
A3258 Swain,L Ultrasounds on pregnant women-performed by licensed health care professional REF AWC
A3259 Swain,L Sonographers-requires licensure REF AWC
A3260 Murphy,C Multiple dwellings-provide priority status to residents moving to lower floors REF AHO
A3261 Swain,L Pregnancy crisis centers-disclose information concerning licensure status REF AWC
A3262 Verrelli,A/Reynolds-Jackson,V Inmates-county required to provide reentry assistance before release REF ALP
A3263 Chaparro,A Municipal vacant property registration fees-prohibits in certain circumstances REF ASL
A3264 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Mukherji,R+2 Judges and Judicial personnel-directs AOC to establish implicit bias training REF AJU
A3265 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Personal Care Assistance Task Force-establish in Department of Human Services REF AHU
A3266 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Medicaid-req. managed care organizations to notify beneficiaries of max coverage REF AHU
A3267 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Leah's Law-DCPP implement policies and procedures to ensure caseworker safety REF AWC
A3268 DeAngelo,W/Verrelli,A Career & Tech. Education Scholar Awards-estab. annually recognize cert. students REF AED
A3269 Vainieri Huttle,V Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Commission-establishes REF AWC
A3270 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Service or guide dog in training-amends Law Against Discrim to access public fac REF AHU
A3271 DeAngelo,W County Career Technical Ed. Annual Recognition Awards-estab; recognize best prog REF AED
A3272 DeAngelo,W Manufacturing sector-design a manuf. career pathway to provide students w/skills REF AHI
A3273 Vainieri Huttle,V Children's Health Promotion Fund-establishes REF AHE
A3274 DeAngelo,W Veterans in the Schools Program-develop; teach about military experience REF AED
A3275 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Coordination Among Nonprofit Social Service Organizations-establish Task Force REF AHU
A3276 DeAngelo,W Innovation Inspiration School Grant Pilot Program-establish 4 year REF AST
A3277 Vainieri Huttle,V Child absent-parent call; unexcused absence-notify parent or guardian REF AWC
A3278 DeAngelo,W Special education services-enroll in noncustodial parent's sch dist of residence REF AED
A3279 Vainieri Huttle,V Gestational Carrier Agreement Act-revises certain definitions REF AHE
A3280 DeAngelo,W Sch. fac. proj.-explicit auth for Sch Devel Auth to use design procurement model REF AED
A3281 DeAngelo,W Dist w/high academic performance & low per pupil expenditures-finan rewards prog REF AED
A3282 Vainieri Huttle,V Animal-assisted therapy, victim of childhood violence trauma-estab pilot program REF AWC
A3283 Zwicker,A Disclosure and Accountability Transparency Act-estab Office of Data Protection REF AST
A3284 Vainieri Huttle,V Opioid antidote-pharmacies required to maintain a minimum stock REF AHE
A3285 Vainieri Huttle,V Medicaid Services Review Task Force-study national treatment guidelines REF AHU
A3286 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Mental health boards, county-revises membership requirements REF AHU
A3287 Vainieri Huttle,V Medical identification cards containing health info.-counties make available REF AHE
A3288 Vainieri Huttle,V Drug overdose-first responders transport person to hospital emergency department REF AHE
A3289 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Tobacco products and electronic smoking devices-prohibits sale at pharmacies REF AHE
A3290 Vainieri Huttle,V Epilepsy medication-proh. substitution w/out consent notification by physician REF AHE
A3291 Vainieri Huttle,V Partnership for a Drug Free NJ-increase appropriation REF AAP
A3292 Vainieri Huttle,V Work First NJ program-repeals family cap REF AHU
A3293 Vainieri Huttle,V Medical consultation assistance grant program-establish remote in DOH REF AHE
A3294 Vainieri Huttle,V Epilepsy drugs-prohibits substitution by pharmacists w/out prior notification REF AHE
A3295 Vainieri Huttle,V Mental Health Access Act-incr. Medicaid reimb. rates for behavioral health svcs. REF AHE
A3296 Vainieri Huttle,V/Johnson,G Community Mental Health Safety Net Act-prov. cost-based quarterly reimbursement REF AHE
A3297 Vainieri Huttle,V Direct support professional wage increase;$16.5M REF AHE
A3298 Vainieri Huttle,V Resource family parent, relative, preadoptive parent-party to reviews or hearing REF AWC
A3299 Vainieri Huttle,V Prevention of Sexual Violence-establish task force REF AWC
A3300 Vainieri Huttle,V Newborn screening specimens-dispose within 60 days after testing REF AWC
A3301 Vainieri Huttle,V Pharmaceuticals-requirements, State entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements REF ASL
A3302 Vainieri Huttle,V Contraceptive, self-administered hormonal-allow pharmacist to prescribe/dispense REF AHE
A3303 Zwicker,A Independent contractors-concerns comp earned according to work terms agreed upon REF ALA
A3304 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Gas explosive detector-requires installation in certain residential properties REF AHO
A3305 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Vaccines containing mercury-eliminates use REF AHE
A3306 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Petroleum products gross receipts tax revenue-excludes certain rail projects REF ATR
A3307 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Animal Abuser Registry-establishes REF AAN
A3308 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Communications, electronic storage, password prot.-clarify unlawful access crime REF AJU
A3309 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Real estate devel., new-requires installation of emergency power to common areas REF AHO
A3310 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Street paving costs, qualified private communities-mun. required to reimburse REF AHO
A3311 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Driver license, suspended-police notification required REF ALP
A3312 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Class Two special law enforcement training for time deployed-extends REF AMV
A3313 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Police officer-authorize veteran to deduct 2 yrs military service from age req. REF AMV
A3314 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Rescue operation of public entity-authorizes court to impose costs REF AJU
A3315 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Sex offenders-prohibits from working in ice cream trucks and amusement parks REF AJU
A3316 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J State Police detectives-omits from Open Public Records Act REF AJU
A3317 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Developmentally disabled-special parking insignias for vehicle used to transport REF AHU
A3318 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Burglary & theft during a state of emergency-establishes mandatory penalties REF AHS
A3319 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Drivers, never been issued a license-enhance penalties REF ALP
A3320 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Credit card scanners-establish new offenses concerning unlawful possession/use REF ACO
A3321 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Public utility infrastructure upgrades-proh billing customers for costs incurred REF ATU
A3322 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J NJT Corp. employees-wear photo ID and undergo criminal history background checks REF ATR
A3323 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J State's electric distribution system standards-BPU study REF ATU
A3324 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Public utility-required to reimburse business customer for service interruption REF ATU
A3325 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Natural High Drug Prevention Program-encourage implementation in school district REF AED
A3326 Conaway,H/Reynolds-Jackson,V Hospitals-allow to construct housing & wrap-around services for homeless persons REF AHE
A3327 Conaway,H Death certificate-St registrar permit county surrogate to provide certified copy REF AHE
A3328 Peters,R/Stanfield,J Veteran, surviving spouse-provides income tax deduction REF AMV
A3329 Jasey,M/McKeon,J Commuter Pass Credit Act-designates and provides temporary income tax credit REF ATR
A3330 Peters,R/Stanfield,J Pensions & retirement income-raises eligibility threshold for exclusion, $125K REF AFI
A3331 Dunn,A Police trained in animal cruelty-exempts certain additional training courses REF AAN
A3332 DiMaio,J/DePhillips,C Municipalities share cert payments received in lieu of property taxes w/sch dist REF ACD
A3333 Dunn,A Urgent care & retail health clinics-defibrillator on site & emp. trained to use REF AHE Page 5. February 25, 2020
Bills Introduced: (cont’d)
A3334 Bramnick,J/DeCroce,B Aggressive driving pattern-creates new motor vehicle offense REF ALP
A3335 Bramnick,J Phishing or soliciting-prohibits for personal identifying information REF ACO
A3336 Bramnick,J Threats against prosecutors, law enforcement officers-second degree crime REF ALP
A3337 Bramnick,J Firearm theft-increases statute of limitations for prosecution REF AJU
A3338 Pinkin,N Solar energy system expenditures-provide CBT and income tax credits REF ATU
A3339 Bramnick,J Home invasion-creates first degree crime and subject to No Early Release Act REF ALP
A3340 Bramnick,J Volunteer fire companies and fire departments-exempt from OPRA REF ASL
A3341 Pinkin,N LED technology-municipalities, public utilities & State to use in street lights REF AEN
A3342 Munoz,N Motor vehicle recalls-repair required prior to sale REF ACO
A3343 Pinkin,N Sales tax holiday-establishes every third weekend of July, certain retail sales REF AEN
A3344 Munoz,N Child welfare endangerment-clarify permitting to reside w/sexual abuser REF AJU
A3345 Pinkin,N Renewable energy system, commercial-establish uniform alternative assessment REF AEN
A3346 Pinkin,N Polystyrene products-prohibit sale of expanded & food packaged in those products REF ACO
A3347 Munoz,N Human Trafficking/Child Exploitation Prev. Act-blocking cert. Internet devices REF AJU
A3348 Pinkin,N Water Resources Protection Trust Fund Act; estab. user fee on water consumption REF AEN
A3349 Munoz,N Motor vehicle, used-seller required to complete and submit form REF ACO
A3350 Pinkin,N Food packaging-study and regulate perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances REF AEN
A3351 Munoz,N Drivers Distractions Task Force-creates; impact road and highway safety REF ATR
A3352 Pinkin,N Warehouses, newly constructed-be solar-ready buildings REF AEN
A3353 Munoz,N One Strike, You’re Ours-adds Internet as aggravating factor in child sex crimes REF AJU
A3354 Pinkin,N Recycling centers-report information about recycling markets and contamination REF AEN
A3355 Munoz,N Sex offender-increase penalty for harboring or concealing REF ALP
A3356 Pinkin,N Physicians-exempts from CDS registration req. of Division of Consumer Affairs REF AHE
A3357 Munoz,N Health care benefits-eligible for more than 1 only choose coverage from 1 REF ASL
A3358 Pinkin,N Entertainment facilities food & bev-prov calorie info for items offered for sale REF ACO
A3359 Munoz,N State vehicles, certain-establish pilot project to install GPS devices REF ASL
A3360 Pinkin,N First responders-revises requirements and training standards REF AHE
A3361 Munoz,N Public Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Reform Task Force-creates REF ASL
A3362 Johnson,G Assault against public employees-upgrades to aggravated assault REF ALP
A3363 Johnson,G Crime victims-expands rights REF ALP
A3364 Pinkin,N Alcohol, Drug & Tobacco Use Control Policy-establish REF AHE
A3365 Johnson,G Law Against Discrimination-amends to include crime victims as protected status REF ALP
A3366 Johnson,G Non-flushable disposable wipes-labeling required REF ACO
A3367 Johnson,G/Kennedy,J Electric veh charging stations-require community associations allow installation REF AHO
A3368 Peterson,E Manhattan on Raritan Valley Line-NJT required to operate off-peak rail service REF ATR
A3369 Johnson,G/Pinkin,N Asian Heritage-establish Commission in DOE REF AED
A3370 Burzichelli,J Aviation fuel tax exemption-eliminates; provides funding for capital projects REF ATR
A3371 Mukherji,R Children, separated from parents, immigration matters-appoint standby guardians REF AWC
A3372 Mosquera,G Firearm-police officer inquire during mental health check REF ALP
A3373 Mukherji,R/Conaway,H Behavioral health care services-minors 13 years of age and older to consent REF AWC
A3374 Mosquera,G Medical conditions-MVC permit individuals to display decal on license plate REF ATR
A3375 Mosquera,G Sexual assault prev. training prog-devel for high sch athletic directors/coaches REF AWC
A3376 Mukherji,R Judge, administrative law-revise reappointment process; estab tenure upon reappt REF AJU
A3377 Mosquera,G Senior citizen housing proj-landlord prov written explanation for rent increase REF ASE
A3378 Mosquera,G Newborn safety devices-newly constructed police stations provide REF AWC
A3379 Mosquera,G/Lampitt,P Child care centers-establishes corporation business tax and income tax credits REF AWC
A3380 Giblin,T Telecommunications device-prohibit sale unless remotely render device inoperable REF ACO
A3381 Mosquera,G/Lopez,Y Firefighters, certain-permits mun or fire district transfer from PERS to PFRS REF ASL
A3382 McKeon,J Pesticide applications-uniform silver flags required to mark REF AAN
A3383 McKeon,J Gas connections-permits municipalities to prohibit in new construction REF ATU
A3384 McKeon,J Uniform Voidable Transactions Act-renamed Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act REF AFI
A3385 McKeon,J Lawn sprinklers-requires installation of operational automatic rain sensor REF AEN
A3386 McKeon,J Police and firefighters-establish a 5 year residency requirement REF ASL
A3387 McKeon,J Transit Villages Act-mun promote intensive mixed-use devel close to mass transit REF ACE
A3388 Mosquera,G Feminine hygiene products-school districts provide, cert schools; State pay cost REF AWC
A3389 McKeon,J Sharing of services-encourages; makes appropriations REF ACE
A3390 McKeon,J School districts, high performing-monitor by DOE every 3 years not 7 years REF AED
A3391 Mosquera,G Newborn infants-requires informational safe placement alternatives in restrooms REF AWC
A3392 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B Student representative-be appointed to board of education of school district REF AED
A3393 Mosquera,G Women-State agencies post Internet links to programs and services REF AWC
A3394 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Carter,L Laura Wooten's Law-requires civics instruction in middle school REF AED
A3395 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A Asst housing accommodations, non-public rentals-expand provisions of Discrim Law REF AHO
A3396 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Verrelli,A Residential deeds-encourages timely recording REF AHO
A3397 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Timberlake,B+3 Cosmetology & hairstyling licensees-complete domestic violence training REF ARP
A3398 Bramnick,J Legislature-authorizes member to solemnize marriages and civil unions REF AJU
A3399 Schaer,G Charter schools operation-modifies process for renewals and revocations REF AED
A3400 Dunn,A Vet. occupied housing units-auth bonus cred toward fair share housing obligation REF AHO
A3401 Schaer,G Prop damage liability insurance policy-include coverage for faulty workmanship REF AFI
A3402 Dunn,A Veteran occupied transitional housing-auth bonus cred toward fair share housing REF AHO
A3403 Schaer,G Health Care Billing Data Study-establish center REF AFI
A3404 Dunn,A Homestead property tax reimbursement-extends deadline to file REF ASL
A3405 Schaer,G State tax refunds and unemployment insurance benefits-provide payment options REF ALA
A3406 Dunn,A Voluntary Employment for Taxpayers Act-resid. perform svcs. for prop tax credits REF ASL
A3407 Schaer,G Business email address-required to report to Div of Revenue & Enterprise Service REF ACE
A3408 Dunn,A Sons of the American Legion-authorizes creation of license plates REF ATR
A3409 Schaer,G Auto. Insurance Risk Exchange-concerns appointment of board of directors REF AFI
A3410 Dunn,A Subsurface sewage disposal system-proh. DEP req installers possess certification REF AEN
A3411 McKeon,J Person-to-person electronic payment, erroneous-criminalizes failure to return REF AFI
A3412 Dunn,A American Legion Auxiliary-authorizes creation of license plate REF ATR
A3413 Dunn,A State mandates on municipalities-minimize adverse economic impact REF AOF
A3414 Webber,J/Scharfenberger,G Unemployment insurance benefits obtained fraudulently-concerns repayment REF ALA
A3415 Dunn,A Law enforcement officers-AG establish campaign concerning respectful treatment REF ALP
A3416 Webber,J Imaging surveillance device-law enforcement officer req. to obtain court order REF ALP
A3417 Dunn,A Bone marrow donation-minors status, not disqualify them if criteria req. are met REF AWC
A3418 Webber,J Registration certificates-concerns temporary for automobiles REF ATR
A3419 Dunn,A CDS misuse-create a registry of individuals who req medical assistance as result REF AHE
A3420 Webber,J Emergency and warning light permits-local and State government entities to issue REF AHS
A3421 Wirths,H First responders-medical testing required, when exposed to bloodborne pathogens REF AHE
A3422 Webber,J Crossing guards-concerns eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits REF ALA
A3423 Wirths,H Veterans-establishes special license plates REF ATR
A3424 Webber,J Employers-civil liability for certain disclosures regarding emp. and former emp. REF ALA
A3425 Webber,J Summer camp workers-expands exemption to wage and hour requirements REF ALA
A3426 Webber,J+2 Medical malpractice actions-caps noneconomic damages at $250K REF AFI
A3427 Webber,J+2 Consumer Fraud Act-revises individual cause of action REF AJU
A3428 Wirths,H Municipal courts-grants discretion to assess court costs for certain dismissals REF AJU
A3429 Wirths,H Power outages-study whether microgrids & generators will reduce length of outage REF ATU
A3430 Dancer,R Offender, hinder apprehension or prosecution-increases penalty REF ALP
A3431 Dancer,R Military, active duty member-allowed to carry firearm at all times REF ALP
A3432 Wirths,H Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Awareness Month-designated November REF AHE
A3433 Dancer,R Police internal investigation information-prohibits release under State's OPRA REF AJU
A3434 Dancer,R Military personnel-prohibits posting, pub on the Internet or disclose cert info REF AMV
A3435 Wirths,H Overcrowding-authorize additional fines having violated occupancy requirements REF AHO
A3436 Dancer,R Sex offender-prohibits from holding position or participating in youth ministry REF ALP
A3437 Webber,J Health care prof.-prov. care at health facility, no compensation-civil immunity REF AJU
A3438 Dancer,R Incarceration Information-sharing required between government agencies REF ALP
A3439 Webber,J Admin. rules and regulations-State agencies required to review, ensure efficacy REF AOF
A3440 Dancer,R Bail Agent Enforcement Unit-transfers auth to regulate bail agents, DOBI to DLPS REF ALP
A3441 Dancer,R TV voice recognition features-proh from collecting or recording use w/out notice REF ACO
A3442 Dancer,R Handicapped spots-exempt fees REF ATR
A3443 Dancer,R Telecommunications subscriber's personal information-obtain search warrant REF ALP
A3444 Bramnick,J Auto insurers-disclose policy limits upon attorney request REF AFI
A3445 Dancer,R Breweries-operate off-premises retail salesrooms, brewery/winery joint salesroom REF AOF
A3446 Bramnick,J Residential real property between family members-exempts from inheritance tax REF AAP
A3447 Dancer,R Sex crimes-establishes rebuttable presumption detailed prior to trial REF ALP
A3448 Dancer,R Motor vehicles-clarifies use to warn oncoming traffic of road conditions REF ATR
A3449 Dancer,R Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act-establishes REF AHU
A3450 Johnson,G Income access services & related provider contracts-creates certain requirements REF AFI
A3451 Dancer,R MV insurance-driver w/out lic. involved in accident w/pedestrian-enhance penalty REF ALP
A3452 Dancer,R Probation-transfers all functions and employees to Bureau of Probation REF ALP
A3453 Wimberly,B Tuition and fee expenses, higher education-allows a gross income tax deduction REF AHI
A3454 Dancer,R Handgun permit or firearm ID card-prov. law enforcement officer option to obtain REF AJU
A3455 Wimberly,B Resid. prop.-expedite process for foreclosing vacant/abandoned residential prop. REF AHO
A3456 Burzichelli,J Schools, private postsecondary-establishes tuition reimbursement program REF AHI
A3457 Burzichelli,J Health benf plan-carrier prov new/existing subscriber w/hosp contract expiration REF AFI
A3458 Burzichelli,J Real Estate Installment Contract Act REF AFI
A3459 Wimberly,B HOPE Initiative Act-educate citizens on dangers of heroin and opioid addiction REF AHE
A3460 Holley,J Tort Claims Act-St. strictly liable for injuries caused by St.-mandated vaccines REF AHE
A3461 Holley,J Vaccines-revises requirements for administration to patients REF AHE
A3462 Wimberly,B Student accident insurance-school districts required to maintain & pay premiums REF AED
A3463 Wimberly,B St. intervention-elim partial/full under Quality Single Accountability Continuum REF AED
A3464 Wimberly,B Gun Court Pilot Program-establishes in Passaic County REF AJU
A3465 Vainieri Huttle,V PANYNJ bridge-tolls-not exceed cost of maintenance, operation and debt service REF ATR
A3466 Wimberly,B Post-release employment-addresses various concerns REF ALP
A3467 Vainieri Huttle,V Rider safety awareness campaign-req. MVC Chief Admin estab trans network company REF ATR
A3468 Vainieri Huttle,V Telemarketers-requires calls display their names and telephone numbers REF ACO
A3469 Vainieri Huttle,V Societal benefits charge-not allocated, be credited to public utility customers REF ATU
A3470 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Emerg svcs., nonprofit homeless & domestic viol. asst org-util prov bill credits REF ATU
A3471 Sumter,S Tax collectors-concerns certification in collection of property taxes REF ASL
A3472 Vainieri Huttle,V Stalking victim, under 18-upgrades crime REF AJU
A3473 Vainieri Huttle,V Social Networking Safety Act-prov penalties for sexually offensive communication REF AJU
A3474 Vainieri Huttle,V Babs Siperstein Transgender Day of Remembrance-renames REF AHU
A3475 Vainieri Huttle,V Autism spectrum disorder-Commissioner of Health establish public health campaign REF AHE
A3476 Vainieri Huttle,V Developmental disab individual-DHS develop/purchase electronic health record sys REF AHU
A3477 Vainieri Huttle,V Adult day health svc fac-devel specific elig criteria, individuals w/devel disab REF AHU
A3478 Vainieri Huttle,V Developmental disabled person-estab. bill of rights for authorized family memb REF AHU
A3479 Vainieri Huttle,V Developmental disabled person-permits change of case manager REF AHU
A3480 Vainieri Huttle,V Snow removal by NJT-requires removal from certain stops, stations and stands REF ATR
A3481 Dunn,A/Scharfenberger,G Property tax bills, permits, receipts-auth. municipality to deliver via e-mail REF ASL
A3482 Scharfenberger,G Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Aid program-revises REF ASL
A3483 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Public Work Contractor Registration Act-exempt small bus from apprenticeship req REF ALA
A3484 Rumpf,B/Gove,D SJTA-allow emergency service vehicles use without being charged a toll REF ATR
A3485 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Superstorm Sandy aid overpayments-establish process for recovery REF AHO
A3486 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Fuel taxes, paid on motor fuel for motor vehicles personal use-tax deduction REF ATR
A3487 Rumpf,B/Gove,D MVC database-allows persons w/autism voluntarily enter med. info. on drivers lic REF ATR
A3488 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Forest firefighter death benefits-establish REF ALP
A3489 Vainieri Huttle,V Railroad bridge-owner required to submit bridge inspection records to DOT REF ATR
A3490 Vainieri Huttle,V Crude Oil by Rail Safety Task Force-creates REF ATR
A3491 Vainieri Huttle,V Transportation services-report crimes statistics annually to AG REF ATR
A3492 Vainieri Huttle,V Telemarketing harassment intimidation-task force to study technology to reduce REF ACO
A3493 Vainieri Huttle,V Societal benefits charge-elim demand side management programs from recovery cost REF ATU
A3494 Vainieri Huttle,V Disabled person-proh snowplow operators from depositing snow at access points REF AHU
A3495 Kean,S/Thomson,E Benzodiazepine-establishes certain protocols for prescribing and dispensing REF AHE
A3496 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Crime victim comp.-mandate wage garnishment & community svc, court order default REF AJU
A3497 McGuckin,G/Catalano,J Stalking-expand statute authorizing temporary restraining orders for victims REF AWC
A3498 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Veteran's gross income tax exemption-extends to deceased veteran spouses REF AMV
A3499 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Historic preservation-provides voluntary contribution on income tax return REF ATG
A3500 Vainieri Huttle,V/Kennedy,J Telephone calling/text messaging auto-proh; prov call mitigation subscriber tech REF ACO
A3501 Vainieri Huttle,V Development center-requires at least 1 in each region of the State REF AHU
A3502 Mukherji,R/Pintor Marin,E Child-protection window guard law-strengthens provisions REF AHO
A3503 Peterson,E Sex offenders-prohibits from distributing candy to children on Halloween REF ALP
A3504 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Declaration of Independence, 250th anniversary-develop/promote hist. mural prog. REF ATG
A3505 Peterson,E Power vessel-allows person under age 16 to operate with parental supervision REF ALP
A3506 Peterson,E Support Our Veterans-auth. lic. plate w/proceeds supporting homeless vet centers REF AMV
A3507 Peterson,E Law enforcement officers, certain-required to present ID while on-duty REF ALP
A3508 Peterson,E False alarm response-provide reimb. to volunteer emergency svc. org for expenses REF ALP
A3509 Peterson,E Pretrial detention, defendants subject, mand imprisonment-rebuttable presumption REF AJU
A3510 Lopez,Y/Benson,D Accessible transportation service routes-NJT publish on website REF ATR
A3511 Chaparro,A/Benson,D People with developmental disabilities-concerns transportation options REF AHU
A3512 Freiman,R/Lopez,Y Civil & criminal immunity-DHS establish public awareness campaign REF AHE
A3513 Freiman,R Business filing statutes-modernizes to incl. entity conversion and domestication REF AFI
A3514 Moen,W/Kennedy,J Paratransit services-establish 3 year pilot program to expand provision REF AHU
A3515 Freiman,R/Zwicker,A Automatic renewal or continuous service offers-imposes certain requirements REF ACO
A3516 Moen,W Mental health care professionals-grants income tax deduction REF AHE
A3517 Moen,W Bond ordinance-eliminate 5% down payment requirement REF ASL
A3518 Vainieri Huttle,V Healthy Workplace Act-unlawful practice to subject emp. to abusive workplace env REF ALA
A3519 Vainieri Huttle,V Family leave and gestational carriers-concerns REF ALA
A3520 Mukherji,R/Chiaravalloti,N Mass transit and green space need at Bergen Arches;$100K REF ATR
A3521 Vainieri Huttle,V Employers, employing person less than 18 years old-provide tax credit REF ALA
A3522 Mukherji,R/Chaparro,A Sewer fees, unpaid-prohibits sewerage and mun. authorities from charging interest REF ASL
A3523 Vainieri Huttle,V Health insurance carriers-comply with certain network adequacy requirements REF AFI
A3524 Mukherji,R/McKnight,A Billboard revenues-authorizes certain cities to impose tax REF ASL
A3525 Vainieri Huttle,V/Murphy,C Consumer reporting agency-increase protection of consumers' personal information REF ACO
A3526 Mukherji,R Out-of-network Consumer Prot., Transparency, Cost Containment & Acct Act-revises REF AFI
A3527 Vainieri Huttle,V Health benefits plans-managed care-prohibits anti-tiering clauses REF AFI
A3528 Mukherji,R Tenant screening-prohibits landlord from considering certain actions REF AHO
A3529 Vainieri Huttle,V Behavioral Health Insurance Claims Advocacy Program-establish REF AFI
A3530 Mukherji,R/Conaway,H Health insurance carriers communications-concerns confidentiality REF AFI
A3531 Vainieri Huttle,V Health Care Patient Ombudsperson-oversight of coverage under health benf plans REF AFI
A3532 Vainieri Huttle,V Pharmacy benefits management companies-regulates certain practices REF AFI
A3533 Benson,D Motor vehicles-authorizes operators to display electronic registration proof REF ATR
A3534 Vainieri Huttle,V Epinephrine, medically necessary-insurance cover for persons aged 18 or younger REF AFI
A3535 Benson,D Disab person, senior citizen & others w/mobility needs-NJT implement ed svc prog REF ATR
A3536 Vainieri Huttle,V Insulin drugs and epinephrine-limits amount paid by covered persons for purchase REF AFI
A3537 Benson,D Life Sciences Internship Challenge-creates program, tax credit to cert companies REF AST
A3538 Vainieri Huttle,V Public services privatization contracts-establish procedures and standards REF ALA
A3539 Benson,D DOT contracts-authorize for certain services w/o Department of Treasury approval REF ATR
A3540 Vainieri Huttle,V Preimplantation genetic screening-mandates health benefits coverage REF AFI
A3541 Benson,D School bus driver license renewal-required to retake certain knowledge test REF ATR
A3542 Downey,J School bus passengers-$250 medical expense benefits no-fault coverage REF AFI
A3543 Downey,J Minors-eliminate filing fees for settlement proceedings involving REF AJU
A3544 Benson,D Mass transit improvements-permits municipalities require developers make contrib REF AHO
A3545 Benson,D School bus inspection-school district transportation supervisor conduct monthly REF AED
A3546 Benson,D HS graduation requirements-prov. list of various assessments to satisfy test req REF AED
A3547 Benson,D Student prone to regression-individualized ed program devel prog, consider staff REF AED
A3548 Lampitt,P Adolescent depression screenings-requires health benefits coverage REF AFI
A3549 Benson,D Marie H Katzenbach Sch For the Deaf Task Force-study issues/make recommendations REF AED
A3550 Lampitt,P/Zwicker,A Science courses, various aspects of computer-school districts report to DOE REF AED
A3551 Benson,D Rutgers-New Brunswick Sch of Dental Medicine-Special Care Treatment Center;$250K REF AHI
A3552 Lampitt,P Grow Your Own Loan Redemption Program-establishes REF AED
A3553 Benson,D Dog handler used in law enforcement-provided opioid antidote REF ALP
A3554 Lampitt,P post link on homepage of its website REF AED
A3555 Benson,D Statewide Rapid Response Emergency Group-establishes REF AHS
A3556 Lampitt,P School facility, nonpublic-examine leasing for school districts that lack space REF AHI
A3557 Lampitt,P Firearm on educational institution grounds-upgrades penalty, unlawful possession REF ALP
A3558 Benson,D Organ donation, how to register-health insurers develop informational materials REF AHE
A3559 Lampitt,P Newborns-administer vitamin K within 6 hours of birth REF AHE
A3560 Lampitt,P Implanted medical device-voluntarily make notation on drivers license or ID card REF ATR
A3561 Benson,D History Property Reinvestment Act-prov. credits against taxes, rehab hist. prop. REF ACD
A3562 Lampitt,P Sex offenders-municipality enact ordinance regulating where to reside REF ALP
A3563 Lampitt,P Intern Protection Act-provide legal protections and remedies for persons engaged REF ALA
A3564 Benson,D Wind energy facilities, certain portfield sites-tax credits for devel. of qualif REF ATU
A3565 Benson,D Animal abandonment and injuring w/motor vehicle-revises animal cruelty offenses REF AAN
A3566 Benson,D Veteran-DMVA notify certain organizations, name of deceased REF AMV
A3567 Benson,D Black bear-requires annual update of comprehensive policy for managing REF AAN
A3568 Benson,D Autism spectrum disorder-establish certification card for diagnosed individuals REF AHU
A3569 Greenwald,L State-administered pension plans-Treasurer Director report on status REF ABU
A3570 Benson,D Coast Guard-authorize special license plates for members REF ATR
A3571 Schaer,G Trapping license-changes minimum age for issuance from ages 12 to 18 REF AAN
A3572 Houghtaling,E/Downey,J Water safety-requires provision of instruction in public school curriculum REF AED
A3573 Houghtaling,E Garden St. Preserv Trust-restore fiscal yr 2011 reduction, pymt in lieu of taxes REF AAN
A3574 Houghtaling,E Tick research and control;$250K REF AAN
A3575 Pinkin,N Firearms purchaser identification card-incr fee and color photo required on card REF ALP
A3576 Pinkin,N Photovoltaic arrays-new installations comply w/National Electric Code standards REF ATU
A3577 Pinkin,N Solar installation subcode-DCA required to adopt REF ATU
A3578 Pinkin,N Solar energy systems-exempts from building fees REF ATU
A3579 Pinkin,N Tree purchase, planting and removal-concerns expenses to municipalities REF ACO
A3580 Pinkin,N Higher education instit-review employment history, sexual harassment allegations REF AHI
A3581 Pinkin,N Legislative staff-provides 15 credits tuition-free per semester at 4 yr instit. REF AHI
A3582 Pinkin,N College degree plan filed by student-public instit. of higher ed develop pathway REF AHI
A3583 Pinkin,N Sexual Assault Violence in Education Act-adopt anti-sexual assault theater prog. REF AHI
A3584 Pinkin,N Higher education institutions-State Auditor conduct audit of fees REF AHI
A3585 Pinkin,N Higher education public institution-annually prepare report on debt held REF AHI
A3586 Pinkin,N Food date labeling-establish standards, public education program REF ACO
A3587 Pinkin,N/Chaparro,A Pub work contracts w/minority, women, vet owned bus-post on website St fund use REF ALA
A3588 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Women's Advancement Off-facilitate equal participation of women in the workplace REF ALA
A3589 Pinkin,N/Lopez,Y Gender Pay Discrimination Study Commission-establishes REF AWC
A3590 Pinkin,N Breach of security, containing personal info.-revise requirements for disclosure REF ACO
ACR136 Peterson,E Angioplasty, elective-permit additional facilities to perform procedures REF AHE
ACR137 Peterson,E State budget, balanced-accordance with State Revenue Forecasting Integrity Comm. REF ABU
ACR138 Tully,P/Swain,L Living Guru-recognizes importance of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji; promoting peace REF ASL
ACR139 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Sumter,S+4 Health Community initiatives-urges Dept. of Health & Human Svcs & NJ DOH promote REF AHE
ACR140 DeAngelo,W/Verrelli,A Knights of Columbus-recognizes 134th anniversary REF ASL
ACR141 Vainieri Huttle,V Incontinence products-enact legislation to provide Medicare coverage REF AHE
ACR142 Pinkin,N Earth Day-commemorates 50th anniversary REF AEN
ACR143 Mukherji,R Children, adverse experiences-urges Governor to develop strategies to reduce REF AWC
ACR144 Dunn,A Bills and joint resolutions-require to be heard in committee REF ASL
ACR145 McKnight,A Slavery or involuntary servitude-amends Constitution to prohibit REF ASL
ACR146 Vainieri Huttle,V Hagedorn Gero-Psychiatric Hospital-urges Governor to reopen REF ASE
ACR147 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Property assessment reduction-provide senior citizen relatives living quarters REF ASE
ACR148 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Public office, elective-prohibit person convicted of criminal offense REF ASL
ACR149 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Beach easements-establish funding within Shore Protection Fund for acquisition REF AEN
ACR150 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Condemnation power-restricts against non-blighted property REF ACE
ACR151 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Spearman,W+1 Law enforcement misconduct-calls for federal investigation in cert circumstances REF ALP
ACR152 Gove,D/Rumpf,B State funds realized from transfer of assets-restrict use for capital projects REF ASL
ACR153 Reynolds-Jackson,V/Sumter,S+4 Federal opportunity zones-urge Congress req transparency & promote social equity REF ACD
ACR154 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Property tax reform-State constitutional convention, reduce government spending REF ASL
AJR120 Murphy,C Military Child Appreciation Month/Week-designate April & last full week of April REF AMV
AJR121 Timberlake,B/Reynolds-Jackson,V Food Allergy Awareness Week-designates second week in May of each year REF AHE
AJR122 Dancer,R Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week-designates September 7-13 each year REF AHE
AJR123 Vainieri Huttle,V Elder Abuse Awareness Day-designates June 15 of each year REF ASE
AJR124 Vainieri Huttle,V Hydrocephalus Awareness Month-designates September of each year REF AHE
AJR125 Vainieri Huttle,V Day of the Girl-designates October 11 of each year REF AWC
AJR126 Pinkin,N Opiod Abuse Prevention Month-designates October of each year REF AHU
AJR127 Pinkin,N Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Month-designates November REF AHE
AJR128 Pinkin,N Hospice and Palliative Care Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF AHE
AJR129 Mukherji,R Rule of Evidence amendments-cancels; concerns scope of cross-examination REF AJU
AJR130 Mosquera,G Week of the Military Woman-designates second week of May each year REF AMV
AJR131 Mosquera,G Caregivers Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF AWC
AJR132 Mosquera,G Distracted Walking Awareness Month-designates September of each year REF ACO
AJR133 Mosquera,G Preeclampsia Awareness Month-permanently designates May REF AWC
AJR134 Wirths,H Fishing and Boating Week-designates first full week of June each year REF ATG
AJR135 Wimberly,B Disparity in State Procurement Study Commission-extends report deadline REF ASL
AJR136 McKnight,A Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week-designates second week of June of each year REF ACE
AJR137 McKnight,A Individualized Education Plan Awareness Month-designates May of each year REF AED
AJR138 Wimberly,B Persons w/Disabilities & Senior Citizen Transportation Services Task Force-estab REF ATR
AJR139 DiMaso,S/Munoz,N Sexual Assault Survivors Day-designates first Monday in April of each year REF ALP
AJR140 Vainieri Huttle,V Access for All Committees-municipalities establish to assist disabled citizens REF AHU
AJR141 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Chiari Malformation-Syringomyelia Awareness Month-designates September each year REF AHE
AJR142 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Birding Month in NJ-designates May each year REF AAN
AJR143 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Cranberry Harvest Month-designates October of each year REF AAN
AJR144 Vainieri Huttle,V Women's National Team-urges US Soccer Federation to provide equitable treatment REF AWC
AJR145 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Month-designates November of each year REF AHE
AR113 Dancer,R Jersey fresh produce-urges nursing homes and other senior living facilities use REF ASE
AR114 Peterson,E Juror notification system-urges NJ Supreme Court to adopt uniform modification REF AJU
AR115 Caputo,R/Karabinchak,R National Infrastructure Bank-urges President and Congress to create REF AFI
AR116 Pinkin,N National monument-opposes any reduction in size of, or level of protection REF AHS
AR117 Pinkin,N Gasoline, 15% ethanol-condemns Trump's decision to allow sale of during summer REF AEN
AR118 Pinkin,N Hot Cars Act of 2019-urges US Congress support REF AWC
AR119 Pinkin,N Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019-urges enactment REF AHE
AR120 Mosquera,G National Guard-urges Congress to pass legislation to empower and enhance REF AMV
AR121 McKeon,J Pilgrim Pipeline project-opposes REF AEN
AR122 Mosquera,G Diaper Need Awareness Week-week of September 25 through October 1, 2018 REF AWC
AR123 Mosquera,G Diapers-urges legislation creating program to subsidize purchase REF AWC
AR124 Webber,J Bills with at least 32 sponsors-require to be voted on third reading upon notice REF ASL
AR125 Wimberly,B Land-grant institutions of higher education-urge to eliminate funding disparities REF AHI
AR126 Vainieri Huttle,V Port Authority of NY & NJ-urges to implement frequency-base discounted toll plan REF ATR
AR127 Vainieri Huttle,V Complete streets policy-urges municipalities implement, improve quality of life REF ACD
AR128 Vainieri Huttle,V Foreign-based companies-encourages to make direct investment in NJ REF AFI
AR129 Vainieri Huttle,V Robocalls-require telephone service providers implement technology to block REF ATU
AR130 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Tourism industry & shore areas-open for business; encourages visitors to explore REF ATG
AR131 Gove,D/Rumpf,B Declaration of Independence-urge to read July 4 at noon; plan 250th anniversary REF ASL
AR132 Gove,D/Rumpf,B NJ-based art and agricultural products-urges to market and offer at park sites REF ATG
AR133 Rumpf,B/Gove,D Immigration reform-memorializes President and Congress to pass and enforce REF AOF
AR134 Houghtaling,E US Postal Service-urges all appropriate measures to remain an independent agency REF ASL
AR135 Pinkin,N Rutgers-urges to appoint voting student representative to board of governors REF AHI
Concurrent Resolution Passed:
An unnumbered Concurrent Resolution providing for the Legislature to hold a Joint Session for the purpose of receiving the Governor's Budget Message was adopted (Voice).
Co-Sponsors Added:
A1514 Aca (1R) (McGuckin,G) Recycling bins-provide bins in State buildings
A1993 (Freiman,R; McKeon,J; Lopez,Y) Electric veh. charging stations-developers offer option in new home construction
A2369 (Lopez,Y) State House Complex-requires environmental sustainability plan
A2417 (Dunn,A) Payroll-reduces taxable wage base applied to certain tax contributions
A2481 (Thomson,E; Peters,R) Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax
A2487 (Chaparro,A; Vainieri Huttle,V; Timberlake,B) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf
ACR80 (Schepisi,H) Natural resources, public-make State trustee; guarantee environmental rights
Second Prime Sponsors Added:
A335 (Dunn,A) Economic Development Auditor-establishes position in EDA
A2481 (Tucker,C) Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax
A2487 (Benson,D) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf
A2871 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Telepsychiatry-Medicaid cover and reimburse mental health svcs. provided through
A2873 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Psychiatric hospitals-State reimburse counties for maintenance for patients
A2877 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Property, vacant and abandoned-requires registration with municipalities Page 10. February 25, 2020
Second Prime Sponsors Added: (cont’d)
A2913 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Community Emergency Response Team members-perform traffic duties
A2971 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Digital Impersonation Prevention Act-impersonate a person on Internet website
A2977 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Transportation network company-provide live customer service representative
A3005 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act
AJR99 (Peters,R) Remembering Victims of Communism Day-designates November 7 of each year
AR100 (Spearman,W) Prison Gang Violence Task Force-establishes to study security & safety
Third Prime Sponsors Added:
A1435 (Dunn,A) Red Tape Review Commission-estab, assess effect rules/regulation have on economy
A1436 (Dunn,A) NJBEST contributions-provides income tax deductions
A1437 (Dunn,A) Pension plans, qualified, deferred comp-exclude certain income tax contributions
A2481 (DeAngelo,W) Military, serving outside of State, combat zone compensation-exclude income tax
A2487 (Egan,J) Healthy Terminals Act-req. airport/train station workers be paid cert wages/benf
A2690 (Verrelli,A) Drug court elig.-estab special probation persons w/previous criminal convictions
A2871 (Verrelli,A) Telepsychiatry-Medicaid cover and reimburse mental health svcs. provided through A3296 (Murphy,C) Community Mental Health Safety Net Act-prov. cost-based quarterly reimbursement
ACR25 (Dunn,A) Fire insurance policy-require tax imposed on premiums paid to St Firemen's Assoc
AR100 (Vainieri Huttle,V) Prison Gang Violence Task Force-establishes to study security & safety
The Assembly adjourned at 5:28 P.M. to meet again on Thursday, March 5, 2020 (QUORUM, Committee Groups “A” and “B” scheduled to meet).
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session (2/24/2020):